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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the antiquity of Freemasonry against those—some of them honoured brethren—who have adopted the opinion that our present or modern Freemasonry is a new thing , the existence of which dates no further back than the beginning of last century . I have constantly and earnestlyyou will allow me also to say , honestly—opposed what is known as the 1717 theory . I do not believe that our
system of Freemasonry was invented and palmed upon the world by Bros . Drs . Desaguliers , Anderson , and their fellows . I believe they were too good men to attempt anything of the kind , and that in their great labours for the revival and reorganization of Freemasonry they were as sincere as we are this night ; and if this only is admitted , which the
character of the men renders indisputable , the whole question is at an end . But I need not go far for an argument to prove an antiquity of Freemasonry , beyond the date which a few recent critics have assigned to it . I have only to look , Worshipful Master , to the chair in which you sit , which is decorated with symbols such as we use at the present day , but bears
the date 1641 . Thus we are at once thrown back beyond the year 1717 , and the resuscitation of Freemasonry which then took place , and in which Dr . Desaguliers and Dr . Anderson were the chief agents . Again , Worshipful Master , Bro . Warden , and brethren , I have to thank you for the kindness which you have shown to mefor the honour which you have conferred upon me . I will always wear this jewel with fresh remembrance of you ,
and may I be enabled so to conduct myself that you may never be ashamed of me , and that the interests of the Masonic fraternity may be promoted by all that I do . — Bro . Lambert , a Past Master , next proposed "The Health ofthe Worshipful Master , " in a neat and appropriate speech . —The Worshipful Master briefly replied . A number of songs were sung by various brethren , and after every one having thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the brethren parted to meet again on another night .
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , on Tuesday , last week Present : Bros . H . B . Hodges , W . M ; J . D . Medcalf , S . W . ; A . H . Wagner , J . W . ; T . S . Carter , Secretary ; J . R . Cocks , Treasurer ; W . H . Nicholls ,
J . D . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . ; S . Neale , M . C . C . Drummond , P . M . ; and E . A . Simson . Visitors : Bros . E . Salisbury , P . M . 901 ; H . L . Inskip , 449 . Mr . Henry Campkin , of Datchworthbury , near Stevenage , Herts , farmer , was initiated . The whole of the ceremony was worked very creditably .
BIRKENHEAD . —Zetland Lodge , No . 537 . —On Wednesday , iSth January , the annual installation meeting of this lodge took place at thc Masonic Rooms , Hamilton Square , when Bro . Thomas Earl Ilignett was placed iu the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Willoughby , P . P . T . G . W ., assisted by Bros . IT . Bulleyand J . P . Piatt , P . P . f . G . W's ; W . Bulley , P . P . J . G . D . ; Thos .
Platr , P . P . J . G . D . ; Harold , P . P . G . P . ; Stevenson , P . M . ; Lambert , P . M . ; Golborne , P . M ., & c . Amongst the visitors present were : Bros . IT . Holbrook , R . W . D . P . G . M ., a lodge , and of expressing the feelings of the members in stating that the selection had given the whole of the members of the lodge the utmost satisfaction , as also the gratification it afforded him ( Bro . King ) in being allowed to
present so conscientious a Mason , one whom they had ever found prepared to do the work of any office undertaken by him to receive the benefit of installation . The installing master then proceeded with the ceremony in that correct , impressive and kindly manner , which has for years distinguished Bro . G . E . Pocock ' s working in Masonry . Victoria , Vancouver's Island ; J . B . Hignett , P . P . J . G . D . ;
Bullock , P . M . 971 , & c . The newly-installed Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bro . T . Marwood , S . W . ; R . IT . Moore , J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , Treas . ; A . B . Golborne , Sec . ; Hilton , S . D . ; Golborne , J . D ; Biggs , I . G . Bro . Bullock , who had been proposed as a joining member , was then ballotted for and unanimously elected . The usual annual subscriptions were
voted to the various Masonic Institutions . Bro . IT . Bullcy , in an exceedingly appropriate speech , proposed that , in the name of the lodge , a sum of five guineas be given to one of the Masonic charities to constitute the retiring Master , Bro . Lambert , a Life Governor , which was unanimously confirmed . Bro . Lambert suitably
acknowledged thc compliment paid to him . Upwards of 30 of the brethren then adjourned to the Woodside Hotel , where they partook of a most excellent banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the evening was spent in true Masonic harmony and hilarity .
BRIGHTON . —Yarborough Lodge , No . 811 . —The members of this , the last established of the Brighton Craft lodges , met on Saturday , January 21 st , in the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Edward Turner , 30 , and he was well supported by the various officers of the lodge . A gentleman was expected for initiation , but he did not present
himself . Several questions , interesting only to members of the lodge , were discussed ; one gentleman was proposed for initiation , and one brother , of Lodge 271 , for joining . All business having been completed the lodge was closed at an early hour , thus permitting the brethren to enjoy the banquet which followed thc close ofthe lodge . This was provided in the adjoining room by Messrs .
Mutton Bros ., ofthe King ' s Road , and in every respect , waiting included , gave satisfaction . Thc tables were decorated with great taste ; fruit and flowers , vases and epergnes , intermingled in artistic array . The cloth having been cleared , thc W . M . in brief , but most appropriate
terms , gave thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . W . R . Wood , P . M . 315 , Si I , 63 , Past Grand Steward , Past Prov . G . W ., Sussex , replied on behalf of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Grand Officers Present and Past . He referred to the present position of Freemasonry in this country , and attributed it
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to the position and the knowledge of the present rulers of Masonry in England . They were in his opinion , as also in the opinion of the various bodies of Masons with whom he mingled , determined to do justice to their position , and to recognise the importance of acknowled ging the right of every Mason to meet together in the circle in which be lived . ( Hear , hear ) . This is fully borne out by the
freedom with which the applications for new lodges had been entertained , and in so many instances during the past year been granted . He trusted that the present rulers of Craft Masonry would continue in this course and live many years to see the beneficial results to the order which he was sure would be the consequence . ( Applause ) . Bro . J . C . Burrows , P . M . Sn , Past Prov . G . W ., Sussex ,
replied on behalf of the Past Masters of the lodge . He said , there is so much that is beautiful and good in the forms and ceremonies of this mystic art , so much that impells us to look with forbearance on the failings of others , and teaches us to pity and assist the distressed as well as to succour the weak , that it must commend itself to all men who desire to do good . He trusted that in some
way or other every one present endeavoured to do something towards aiding their fellow-creatures in the hour of adversity ; indeed , in looking round thc table he recognised the faces of very many who sought , as he hoped he did , to practise Freemasonry as well as to speak it from the lips . The Past Masters ofthe Yarborough Lodge had , he fully believed , done this , as well as attending to their duties at the lodge meetings . " The Visitors " was
responded to by Bro . R . M . Webb , 732 , ( Mayor of Brighton ) , who assured the company present that he felt honoured at being present that evening to enjoy the splendid hospitality of the lodge . This was the first time he had had the pleasure of being with them , he hoped , most heartily , not the last , and he urged upon them to return the visit to his own lodge—the Royal Brunswick ,
732 . Upon very many occasions he had witnessed the beneficial effects of Freemasonry , the true spirit of benevolence that actuated its members , who , in manner most practical , illustrated the teachings , and tbe lessons of the impressive ceremonies which , step by step , introduced every initiate to the full privileges of the Master Mason ' s degree . Benevolence and hospitality were the most
brilliant gems in the Masonic diadem ; long may the time be—indeed may the time never come—when their lustre shall be diminished by the acts of any brother of the Order . ( Hear , hear ) . Several other toasts followed , and the evening was brought to a happy close shortly before twelve o ' clock . There were present : Bros . E . Turner , 30 ° , W . M . ; C . Horsley , S . W . ; S . Tnaner , J . W . ;
Nicholson , S . D . ; J . Wood , J . D . ; T . Lainson , I . G . ; Rev . Tyffe , D . of C . ; Artis , W . S . ; J . C . Burrows , P . M . 811 , P . P . G . W ., Sussex ; Molineaux , P . M . Su ; G . De Paris , Sir ; Gell , Sec . ; W . R . Wood , P . M . 315 , Sir , 63 , P . G . Steward , P . P . G . W ., Sussex , Treasurer 811 ; Rev . Dr . Griffiths , P . M . 811 , Chaplain 271 , Prov . Grand Chaplain , Sussex ; Dr . Taaffc , P . M . 811 , Prov . G . D . of C ., Sussex ; Dr . J . N . Cunningham , P . M . 811 , mo ,
J . W . 315 , P . Prov . G . W ., Sussex ; R . M . Webb , 732 , ( Mayor of Brighton ) ; J . C . Pocock , W . M . 271 ; G . Smith , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . P ., Sussex ; Kuhe , P . M . and Organist 271 , P . P . G . Organist , Sussex ; Devine , Organist 315 , Pro . G . Organist , Sussex ; Yarrow , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of Works , Cheshire ; T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 ; Hurrell ; Adams , 271 ; Whatford , 271 ; Bristowe , German , S . Wing , Hcckslall , Smith , Storr , & c , & c .
KIRKBY LO . VSDALE . —Uudcrlcy Lodge , A ' o . 1074 . — The annual meeting for thc purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , and celebrating the festival of St . John , was held at the Concert Hall , Kirkby Lonsdale , on Friday , the 27 th ultimo . Bro . Dodd , W . M ., P . G . S . B ., IT . 995 , _ cc , occupied the chair of K . S ., supported by Bro . W . James , S . W ., P . G . S ., and W . M .-elect ; and Bro . Ihe
Rev . Canon Ware , J . W ., P . G . Chap . The following brethren were also present , viz ., Capt . Braithwaite-Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Capt . Mott , P . M ., P . G . S . D . West Lancashire ; Lieut . Gawith , P . P . G . D . C ; IT . Davis , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . James , J . W . 995 ; II . Ranthmell , P . G . D . C ; Dr . Page , S . W . 48 , Edinburgh ; & c . The ballot was taken for Mr . J . N . ITindson as a
candidate to receive thc light , which on proving unanimous , he was introduced and initiated by Bro . Dodd in his usual faultless style . Bros . Dr . Page and R . James were also unanimously elected as joining members . Bro . James , the W . M .-elect , was then duly presented by Bro . Captain Braithwaito and duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Dodd , the retiring W . M ., he being ably
assisted in thc ceremony by that zealous and distinguished brother , Capt . Mott . On the lodge being resumed in the first degree a joining member was proposed , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the Royal Hotel for the banquet , when a thoroughly fraternal evening was enjoyed , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., who was ably supported by the I . P . M ., and Bros .
the Rev . Canon Ware , S . W ., and T . Wearing , J . W . The other officers appointed for the current year are : Bros . Dr . Page , S . D . ; Rev . E . A . Sail , LL . D ., P . G . C . Somerset , Chap . ; W . Smith , Sec . ; IT . Brayshaw , I . G . ; and Thomas Anderson , Tyler . At the previous meeting Bro . Dodd , I . P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge , No . 10 S 5 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on the 1 st inst ., when Bro . L . L . Simpson , S . W ., was installed in the chair of K . S . Thc installing ceremony was performed by Bro . M . IT . Bobart , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . Derbyshire , in his usual correct and impressive manner . Thc following brethren
were appointed as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . J . W . Webster , S . W . ; J . M . Moore , J . W . ; M . II . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . M ., Sec ; P . Prince , jun ., S . D . ; IT . Headland , J . D . ; R . Radcliffe , I . G . ; and W . Stone , Tyler . After thc lodge was closed , thc brethren adjourned to the Midland Hotel , where they partook of an excellent repast , provided by Bro . Plock . Thc usual
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured , and the brethren separated after having spent a very enjoyable evening . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The annual festival and installation of VV . M . was held , pursuant to summons , at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 2 nd instant . Present : Bros . W . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M . ;
Douglas , W . M . ( in the chair ) ; J . Jones Fast , S . W . and W . M .-elect ; & c , & c . The lodge was opened in form at three o ' clock , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Treasurer's report read by the acting Secretary and passed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Fast was presented by Bro . Langley , P . M ., to Bro . Douglas for the benefit of
installation . After he was obligated as W . M ., the lodge was opened in the third degree , and on the withdrawal of the brethren below the chair , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Fast was placed in the chairof ICS . by Bro . Douglas , in the presence of the P . G . M . and Bros . Toller , Langley , Brown , and Markham , and saluted . The brethren were then called in , and Bro .
Fast was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The usual charge having been given to the W . M ., he appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Douglas , I . P . M . ; J . E . Bright , S . W . ; S . Weaver , J . W . ; Rev . C . H . Corydon Baker , Chap . ; F . J . Oldham , Treas . ( elected by the lodge ) ; Thomas Barnard , Sec . ; Capt . Hartopp , S . D . ; William Adcock , J . D . ; F .
S . Petty , Org . ; W . A . Leadbetter , I . G . ; J . Turvi . le , Tyler ; and J . E . Clarke and Thomas Nixon , Stewards . The remaining charges were given to the Wardens and brethren . Bro . Fast then handed the Past Master ' s jewel , voted at the last meeting , to the P . G . M ., for him to present it to Bro . Douglas , which he did—expressing the pleasure it gave him to do so , and fully endorsing the
words of the proposer and seconder of the resolution authorising the purchase of the jewel . —Bro . Douglas replied , explaining that although he had wished to have the money devoted to charity , out of deference to the feeling of the brethren he had given way and thankfully received the jewel , which would remind him of many happy hours spent in the Rutland Loge . —Bro . Fast
proposed the usual vote of thanks to Bro . Douglas for his services during the past year , which was seconded by the P . G . M ., who congratulated the lodge upon the fact that the outgoing Masters had made a point of installing their successors . Bro . Douglas briefly responded . The brethren present then paid their annual subscriptions .
Bro . Langley proposed that the sum of £$ 5 s . be voted out of the lodge funds towards Bro . Dean's list for the Boys' School Festival . The W . M . seconded the proposition , and as Bro . Dean was present , the Treasurer at once handed him the money . The lodge was closed in harmony with solemn prayer at 4 . 30 p . m ., and the usual banquet followed .
S CARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 12 th of January , in the lodge-room , Grand Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Armitage , presided , supported by Bros . Donner , S . W . ; Fricour , J . W . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Foster , J . D . ; Delamare , I . G . ; Verity , Tyler ; also Woodall , P . S . P . G . W . ; Rooke , P . J . P . G . W . ; W . Peacock ,
Williamson , Martin , and Stewart , P . M . 's ; and a goodly number of members . The lodge was opened at 8 p . m ., and the minutes were read and confirmed . The brethren named for the second and third degrees in the notice paper being absent from illness and unavoidable circumstancesthe business remaining to be disposed of was the
, election ofthe W . M . ami Treasurer for the ensuing j-ear . Bro . W . F . Rooke ( the Worshipful the Mayor of Scarborough ) was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . J . Kitchin was re-elected Treasurer , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and thc brethren spent a fraternal hour at thc refreshment board .
BRIGHOUSE . —Brighouse Lodge , No . 1301 , —The fourth monthly meeting after consecration took place on Wednesday , the iSth January , when the following members and visiting brethren were present : Bros . William Boothroyd , W . M . ; T . W . Ileliewell , S . W . ; T . Burgess , J . W . ; Bro . T . Bottomley , Sec , being absent through a pleasing incident to himself and another , Bro . J . M . Wood
kindly took his post for the evening ; J . Powell , S . D . ; J . Sugden , J . D . ; J . M . Stott , I . G . ; W . W . Widdop , P . M . 275 , P . P . G . W . ; J . Pease , P . M . 275 , P . P . G . W . ; T . Higgins , 521 , P . G . D . S . ; Williamson , W . M . 521 ; E . O . Child , W . M . 652 ; _ •" . Crossley , P . M . 1231 ; Alderson , J . W . 495 ; IT . J . Robinson , S . W . 521 ; & c . Thc lodge was opened in the first degree , and Bro . J .
Craven , P . M . 290 , was balloted for and approved as a joining member . Messrs . C Sunderland and F . Spice were also balloted for , approved , and initiated the same evening . The lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren retired to supper , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in such
a manner that none but Masons can understand . A few remarks made by several of the visiting brethren were listened to by thc members of the lodge with feelings of gratitude for the kind and generous wishes towards the 1 3 , who , if they are careful in having none but fit and proper men for candidates , may be one of the most flourishing young lodges in thc province .
MARKET H ARBOROUGII . — St . Peters Lodge , No . 1330 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans' Hotel , on the evening of Friday , the 3 rd inst ., thc following brethren being present , viz ., Bros . \ V . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., W . M . ; Rev . J . F .
Halford , M . A ., J . W . ; Waite , P . M ., lreas . ; Mams , P . M ., Sec . ; Douglas , J . D . ; Macaulay , I . G . ; Harrison , Martin , Freestone , lleygate , Shovelbottom , Whitehead , Dixon ; and Bembridgc and Clarke , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . Buzzard , W . M . 523 ( who acted as S . W . in the unavoidable absence of Sir H . St . J . Halford , Bart . ) , and Charles Johnston , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., who presided at
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the antiquity of Freemasonry against those—some of them honoured brethren—who have adopted the opinion that our present or modern Freemasonry is a new thing , the existence of which dates no further back than the beginning of last century . I have constantly and earnestlyyou will allow me also to say , honestly—opposed what is known as the 1717 theory . I do not believe that our
system of Freemasonry was invented and palmed upon the world by Bros . Drs . Desaguliers , Anderson , and their fellows . I believe they were too good men to attempt anything of the kind , and that in their great labours for the revival and reorganization of Freemasonry they were as sincere as we are this night ; and if this only is admitted , which the
character of the men renders indisputable , the whole question is at an end . But I need not go far for an argument to prove an antiquity of Freemasonry , beyond the date which a few recent critics have assigned to it . I have only to look , Worshipful Master , to the chair in which you sit , which is decorated with symbols such as we use at the present day , but bears
the date 1641 . Thus we are at once thrown back beyond the year 1717 , and the resuscitation of Freemasonry which then took place , and in which Dr . Desaguliers and Dr . Anderson were the chief agents . Again , Worshipful Master , Bro . Warden , and brethren , I have to thank you for the kindness which you have shown to mefor the honour which you have conferred upon me . I will always wear this jewel with fresh remembrance of you ,
and may I be enabled so to conduct myself that you may never be ashamed of me , and that the interests of the Masonic fraternity may be promoted by all that I do . — Bro . Lambert , a Past Master , next proposed "The Health ofthe Worshipful Master , " in a neat and appropriate speech . —The Worshipful Master briefly replied . A number of songs were sung by various brethren , and after every one having thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the brethren parted to meet again on another night .
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , on Tuesday , last week Present : Bros . H . B . Hodges , W . M ; J . D . Medcalf , S . W . ; A . H . Wagner , J . W . ; T . S . Carter , Secretary ; J . R . Cocks , Treasurer ; W . H . Nicholls ,
J . D . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . ; S . Neale , M . C . C . Drummond , P . M . ; and E . A . Simson . Visitors : Bros . E . Salisbury , P . M . 901 ; H . L . Inskip , 449 . Mr . Henry Campkin , of Datchworthbury , near Stevenage , Herts , farmer , was initiated . The whole of the ceremony was worked very creditably .
BIRKENHEAD . —Zetland Lodge , No . 537 . —On Wednesday , iSth January , the annual installation meeting of this lodge took place at thc Masonic Rooms , Hamilton Square , when Bro . Thomas Earl Ilignett was placed iu the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Willoughby , P . P . T . G . W ., assisted by Bros . IT . Bulleyand J . P . Piatt , P . P . f . G . W's ; W . Bulley , P . P . J . G . D . ; Thos .
Platr , P . P . J . G . D . ; Harold , P . P . G . P . ; Stevenson , P . M . ; Lambert , P . M . ; Golborne , P . M ., & c . Amongst the visitors present were : Bros . IT . Holbrook , R . W . D . P . G . M ., a lodge , and of expressing the feelings of the members in stating that the selection had given the whole of the members of the lodge the utmost satisfaction , as also the gratification it afforded him ( Bro . King ) in being allowed to
present so conscientious a Mason , one whom they had ever found prepared to do the work of any office undertaken by him to receive the benefit of installation . The installing master then proceeded with the ceremony in that correct , impressive and kindly manner , which has for years distinguished Bro . G . E . Pocock ' s working in Masonry . Victoria , Vancouver's Island ; J . B . Hignett , P . P . J . G . D . ;
Bullock , P . M . 971 , & c . The newly-installed Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bro . T . Marwood , S . W . ; R . IT . Moore , J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , Treas . ; A . B . Golborne , Sec . ; Hilton , S . D . ; Golborne , J . D ; Biggs , I . G . Bro . Bullock , who had been proposed as a joining member , was then ballotted for and unanimously elected . The usual annual subscriptions were
voted to the various Masonic Institutions . Bro . IT . Bullcy , in an exceedingly appropriate speech , proposed that , in the name of the lodge , a sum of five guineas be given to one of the Masonic charities to constitute the retiring Master , Bro . Lambert , a Life Governor , which was unanimously confirmed . Bro . Lambert suitably
acknowledged thc compliment paid to him . Upwards of 30 of the brethren then adjourned to the Woodside Hotel , where they partook of a most excellent banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the evening was spent in true Masonic harmony and hilarity .
BRIGHTON . —Yarborough Lodge , No . 811 . —The members of this , the last established of the Brighton Craft lodges , met on Saturday , January 21 st , in the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Edward Turner , 30 , and he was well supported by the various officers of the lodge . A gentleman was expected for initiation , but he did not present
himself . Several questions , interesting only to members of the lodge , were discussed ; one gentleman was proposed for initiation , and one brother , of Lodge 271 , for joining . All business having been completed the lodge was closed at an early hour , thus permitting the brethren to enjoy the banquet which followed thc close ofthe lodge . This was provided in the adjoining room by Messrs .
Mutton Bros ., ofthe King ' s Road , and in every respect , waiting included , gave satisfaction . Thc tables were decorated with great taste ; fruit and flowers , vases and epergnes , intermingled in artistic array . The cloth having been cleared , thc W . M . in brief , but most appropriate
terms , gave thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . W . R . Wood , P . M . 315 , Si I , 63 , Past Grand Steward , Past Prov . G . W ., Sussex , replied on behalf of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Grand Officers Present and Past . He referred to the present position of Freemasonry in this country , and attributed it
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to the position and the knowledge of the present rulers of Masonry in England . They were in his opinion , as also in the opinion of the various bodies of Masons with whom he mingled , determined to do justice to their position , and to recognise the importance of acknowled ging the right of every Mason to meet together in the circle in which be lived . ( Hear , hear ) . This is fully borne out by the
freedom with which the applications for new lodges had been entertained , and in so many instances during the past year been granted . He trusted that the present rulers of Craft Masonry would continue in this course and live many years to see the beneficial results to the order which he was sure would be the consequence . ( Applause ) . Bro . J . C . Burrows , P . M . Sn , Past Prov . G . W ., Sussex ,
replied on behalf of the Past Masters of the lodge . He said , there is so much that is beautiful and good in the forms and ceremonies of this mystic art , so much that impells us to look with forbearance on the failings of others , and teaches us to pity and assist the distressed as well as to succour the weak , that it must commend itself to all men who desire to do good . He trusted that in some
way or other every one present endeavoured to do something towards aiding their fellow-creatures in the hour of adversity ; indeed , in looking round thc table he recognised the faces of very many who sought , as he hoped he did , to practise Freemasonry as well as to speak it from the lips . The Past Masters ofthe Yarborough Lodge had , he fully believed , done this , as well as attending to their duties at the lodge meetings . " The Visitors " was
responded to by Bro . R . M . Webb , 732 , ( Mayor of Brighton ) , who assured the company present that he felt honoured at being present that evening to enjoy the splendid hospitality of the lodge . This was the first time he had had the pleasure of being with them , he hoped , most heartily , not the last , and he urged upon them to return the visit to his own lodge—the Royal Brunswick ,
732 . Upon very many occasions he had witnessed the beneficial effects of Freemasonry , the true spirit of benevolence that actuated its members , who , in manner most practical , illustrated the teachings , and tbe lessons of the impressive ceremonies which , step by step , introduced every initiate to the full privileges of the Master Mason ' s degree . Benevolence and hospitality were the most
brilliant gems in the Masonic diadem ; long may the time be—indeed may the time never come—when their lustre shall be diminished by the acts of any brother of the Order . ( Hear , hear ) . Several other toasts followed , and the evening was brought to a happy close shortly before twelve o ' clock . There were present : Bros . E . Turner , 30 ° , W . M . ; C . Horsley , S . W . ; S . Tnaner , J . W . ;
Nicholson , S . D . ; J . Wood , J . D . ; T . Lainson , I . G . ; Rev . Tyffe , D . of C . ; Artis , W . S . ; J . C . Burrows , P . M . 811 , P . P . G . W ., Sussex ; Molineaux , P . M . Su ; G . De Paris , Sir ; Gell , Sec . ; W . R . Wood , P . M . 315 , Sir , 63 , P . G . Steward , P . P . G . W ., Sussex , Treasurer 811 ; Rev . Dr . Griffiths , P . M . 811 , Chaplain 271 , Prov . Grand Chaplain , Sussex ; Dr . Taaffc , P . M . 811 , Prov . G . D . of C ., Sussex ; Dr . J . N . Cunningham , P . M . 811 , mo ,
J . W . 315 , P . Prov . G . W ., Sussex ; R . M . Webb , 732 , ( Mayor of Brighton ) ; J . C . Pocock , W . M . 271 ; G . Smith , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . P ., Sussex ; Kuhe , P . M . and Organist 271 , P . P . G . Organist , Sussex ; Devine , Organist 315 , Pro . G . Organist , Sussex ; Yarrow , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of Works , Cheshire ; T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 ; Hurrell ; Adams , 271 ; Whatford , 271 ; Bristowe , German , S . Wing , Hcckslall , Smith , Storr , & c , & c .
KIRKBY LO . VSDALE . —Uudcrlcy Lodge , A ' o . 1074 . — The annual meeting for thc purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , and celebrating the festival of St . John , was held at the Concert Hall , Kirkby Lonsdale , on Friday , the 27 th ultimo . Bro . Dodd , W . M ., P . G . S . B ., IT . 995 , _ cc , occupied the chair of K . S ., supported by Bro . W . James , S . W ., P . G . S ., and W . M .-elect ; and Bro . Ihe
Rev . Canon Ware , J . W ., P . G . Chap . The following brethren were also present , viz ., Capt . Braithwaite-Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Capt . Mott , P . M ., P . G . S . D . West Lancashire ; Lieut . Gawith , P . P . G . D . C ; IT . Davis , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . James , J . W . 995 ; II . Ranthmell , P . G . D . C ; Dr . Page , S . W . 48 , Edinburgh ; & c . The ballot was taken for Mr . J . N . ITindson as a
candidate to receive thc light , which on proving unanimous , he was introduced and initiated by Bro . Dodd in his usual faultless style . Bros . Dr . Page and R . James were also unanimously elected as joining members . Bro . James , the W . M .-elect , was then duly presented by Bro . Captain Braithwaito and duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Dodd , the retiring W . M ., he being ably
assisted in thc ceremony by that zealous and distinguished brother , Capt . Mott . On the lodge being resumed in the first degree a joining member was proposed , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the Royal Hotel for the banquet , when a thoroughly fraternal evening was enjoyed , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., who was ably supported by the I . P . M ., and Bros .
the Rev . Canon Ware , S . W ., and T . Wearing , J . W . The other officers appointed for the current year are : Bros . Dr . Page , S . D . ; Rev . E . A . Sail , LL . D ., P . G . C . Somerset , Chap . ; W . Smith , Sec . ; IT . Brayshaw , I . G . ; and Thomas Anderson , Tyler . At the previous meeting Bro . Dodd , I . P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge , No . 10 S 5 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on the 1 st inst ., when Bro . L . L . Simpson , S . W ., was installed in the chair of K . S . Thc installing ceremony was performed by Bro . M . IT . Bobart , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . Derbyshire , in his usual correct and impressive manner . Thc following brethren
were appointed as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . J . W . Webster , S . W . ; J . M . Moore , J . W . ; M . II . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . M ., Sec ; P . Prince , jun ., S . D . ; IT . Headland , J . D . ; R . Radcliffe , I . G . ; and W . Stone , Tyler . After thc lodge was closed , thc brethren adjourned to the Midland Hotel , where they partook of an excellent repast , provided by Bro . Plock . Thc usual
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured , and the brethren separated after having spent a very enjoyable evening . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The annual festival and installation of VV . M . was held , pursuant to summons , at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 2 nd instant . Present : Bros . W . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M . ;
Douglas , W . M . ( in the chair ) ; J . Jones Fast , S . W . and W . M .-elect ; & c , & c . The lodge was opened in form at three o ' clock , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Treasurer's report read by the acting Secretary and passed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Fast was presented by Bro . Langley , P . M ., to Bro . Douglas for the benefit of
installation . After he was obligated as W . M ., the lodge was opened in the third degree , and on the withdrawal of the brethren below the chair , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Fast was placed in the chairof ICS . by Bro . Douglas , in the presence of the P . G . M . and Bros . Toller , Langley , Brown , and Markham , and saluted . The brethren were then called in , and Bro .
Fast was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The usual charge having been given to the W . M ., he appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Douglas , I . P . M . ; J . E . Bright , S . W . ; S . Weaver , J . W . ; Rev . C . H . Corydon Baker , Chap . ; F . J . Oldham , Treas . ( elected by the lodge ) ; Thomas Barnard , Sec . ; Capt . Hartopp , S . D . ; William Adcock , J . D . ; F .
S . Petty , Org . ; W . A . Leadbetter , I . G . ; J . Turvi . le , Tyler ; and J . E . Clarke and Thomas Nixon , Stewards . The remaining charges were given to the Wardens and brethren . Bro . Fast then handed the Past Master ' s jewel , voted at the last meeting , to the P . G . M ., for him to present it to Bro . Douglas , which he did—expressing the pleasure it gave him to do so , and fully endorsing the
words of the proposer and seconder of the resolution authorising the purchase of the jewel . —Bro . Douglas replied , explaining that although he had wished to have the money devoted to charity , out of deference to the feeling of the brethren he had given way and thankfully received the jewel , which would remind him of many happy hours spent in the Rutland Loge . —Bro . Fast
proposed the usual vote of thanks to Bro . Douglas for his services during the past year , which was seconded by the P . G . M ., who congratulated the lodge upon the fact that the outgoing Masters had made a point of installing their successors . Bro . Douglas briefly responded . The brethren present then paid their annual subscriptions .
Bro . Langley proposed that the sum of £$ 5 s . be voted out of the lodge funds towards Bro . Dean's list for the Boys' School Festival . The W . M . seconded the proposition , and as Bro . Dean was present , the Treasurer at once handed him the money . The lodge was closed in harmony with solemn prayer at 4 . 30 p . m ., and the usual banquet followed .
S CARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 12 th of January , in the lodge-room , Grand Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Armitage , presided , supported by Bros . Donner , S . W . ; Fricour , J . W . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Foster , J . D . ; Delamare , I . G . ; Verity , Tyler ; also Woodall , P . S . P . G . W . ; Rooke , P . J . P . G . W . ; W . Peacock ,
Williamson , Martin , and Stewart , P . M . 's ; and a goodly number of members . The lodge was opened at 8 p . m ., and the minutes were read and confirmed . The brethren named for the second and third degrees in the notice paper being absent from illness and unavoidable circumstancesthe business remaining to be disposed of was the
, election ofthe W . M . ami Treasurer for the ensuing j-ear . Bro . W . F . Rooke ( the Worshipful the Mayor of Scarborough ) was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . J . Kitchin was re-elected Treasurer , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and thc brethren spent a fraternal hour at thc refreshment board .
BRIGHOUSE . —Brighouse Lodge , No . 1301 , —The fourth monthly meeting after consecration took place on Wednesday , the iSth January , when the following members and visiting brethren were present : Bros . William Boothroyd , W . M . ; T . W . Ileliewell , S . W . ; T . Burgess , J . W . ; Bro . T . Bottomley , Sec , being absent through a pleasing incident to himself and another , Bro . J . M . Wood
kindly took his post for the evening ; J . Powell , S . D . ; J . Sugden , J . D . ; J . M . Stott , I . G . ; W . W . Widdop , P . M . 275 , P . P . G . W . ; J . Pease , P . M . 275 , P . P . G . W . ; T . Higgins , 521 , P . G . D . S . ; Williamson , W . M . 521 ; E . O . Child , W . M . 652 ; _ •" . Crossley , P . M . 1231 ; Alderson , J . W . 495 ; IT . J . Robinson , S . W . 521 ; & c . Thc lodge was opened in the first degree , and Bro . J .
Craven , P . M . 290 , was balloted for and approved as a joining member . Messrs . C Sunderland and F . Spice were also balloted for , approved , and initiated the same evening . The lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren retired to supper , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in such
a manner that none but Masons can understand . A few remarks made by several of the visiting brethren were listened to by thc members of the lodge with feelings of gratitude for the kind and generous wishes towards the 1 3 , who , if they are careful in having none but fit and proper men for candidates , may be one of the most flourishing young lodges in thc province .
MARKET H ARBOROUGII . — St . Peters Lodge , No . 1330 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans' Hotel , on the evening of Friday , the 3 rd inst ., thc following brethren being present , viz ., Bros . \ V . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., W . M . ; Rev . J . F .
Halford , M . A ., J . W . ; Waite , P . M ., lreas . ; Mams , P . M ., Sec . ; Douglas , J . D . ; Macaulay , I . G . ; Harrison , Martin , Freestone , lleygate , Shovelbottom , Whitehead , Dixon ; and Bembridgc and Clarke , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . Buzzard , W . M . 523 ( who acted as S . W . in the unavoidable absence of Sir H . St . J . Halford , Bart . ) , and Charles Johnston , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., who presided at