Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 2 of 2 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , beg you to take the necessary steps for forming a Lodge of Mark Master Masons , to be held in the Masonic Rooms , Armstreet , Rochdale ; and we , the undersigned , hereby promise and undertake to bear the expense incumbent thereto , and to become members thereof . We further beg that you will not lose any time in obtaining the warrant , & c , but that all necessary dispatch may be used by you for carrying out this our wish .
In accordance with the invitation , Bro . Roberts met the promoters , when it was resolved : — ist . —That a petition be presented to the Grand Master of Mark Masonry , setting forth the wish of the brethren , and praying them to grant a warrant for the brethren to hold a Mark Lodge in the above
rooms . 2 nd . —That the lodge be named the " Roberts Lodge , " in compliment to our very highly-beloved and respected brother , Wm . Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . officer for the Craft , Royal Arch , K . T . 's , & c ., of Lancashire and Yorkshire . 3 rd . —That the brethren deposit thc necessary
funds in the hands of Bro . Oakden , as Treas ., pro . tem ., for expenses of warrants , jewels , furniture , & c , which was done and , the necessary pedestals , jewels , & c , ( complete set ) were ordered to be procured at once . A petition having been drafted and signed , was sent to the Grand Secretary , Bro . Binckes , on the 6 th December , 1 S 6 9 , who , with his usual promptness ,
replied by return of post that the Grand Master had graciously been pleased to grant the prayer , the lodge to be called the Roberts Lodge , No . 24 ; meeting on the last Wednesday in January , April , July , and October , with the following brethren as the first officers : Henry Prince , P . M ., W . M . ; James Holroyd , P . M ., S . VV . ; Wm . Ashworth , P . M ., J . W .
The petition having been g- _ uted but not received on the 30 th Decembet , a special meeting was held by authority of the Grand Master for the advancement of candidates , to enable the promoters to fill up the offices at the consecration . Several brethren joined the lodge as members , and were affiliated , so that at the consecration , which took
place on the 25 th January , 1870 , there were about 22 brethren on the books , each having his proper clothing , collar , jewel , & c . The consecration ceremony was performed by Bro . Roberts , as D . G . M . by authority from the Grand Master , Bro . Portal , in a very able and impressive manner , assisted by Bros . Greenwood , Acting Grand S . W ., and Heape ,
Acting Grand J . W . Bros . Prince , Holroyd , and Ashworth , were duly installed as the First Master , and Senior and Junior Wardens . Bro . Wm . Ashworth , P . M ., then resigned his office as J . W ., in favour of Bro . Firth , and was elected , the First Treasurer , and with the rest of the officers , was investeil by the W . M .
The officers for the first year are : Bros . VV . H . Prince , P . M .. W . M . ; John Knight , P . M ., I . P . M ; James Holroyd , P . M ., S . W . ; Jesse Firth , J . W . ; Robert Butterworth , M . O . ; Thoi ,, as Oakden , S . O . ; Jos . C . Gillman , J . O . ; Richard Hankinson , P . M .,
Chaplain ; William Ashworth , P . M ., Treasurer ; WilliamT . Stott , Secretary ; William Roberts , P . M ., Registrar ; John Ashworth . S . D . ; Robert Howard , J . D . ; James Cross , D . C . ; Edward Woodcock , I . G . ; John Mc'Naught , Organist ; Edwin Taylor , Steward ; John Ashworth , sen ., Tyler .
The first Annual Meeting of thc above lodge was held on Wednesday , January 25 th , 1871 . The 'lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Prince , Grand S . B ., Provincial Mark Lodge of Lancashire , assisted by his officers , after which Bros . H . Crossley , of Halifax , and R . IT . Hays , of Southport , were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Masters by the W . M ., assisted by Bro .
Roberts , G . S . D ., Provincial Mark Lodge of Lancashire . The ceremony of advancement having been concluded , the VV . M . vacated the chair , ancl called upon Bro . Roberts to form a Board of Installed Masters , who took the chair accordingly , and requested Bros . Prince ami Ashworth lo assist as S . and J . W . Bro . Holroyd having been duly presented , and given his due qualified absent to the
ancient charges , the brethren below the degree of an Installed Master were requested to retire , when the W . M . elect was O . B ., and afterwards installed by Bro . Roberts in ancient form . Thc brethren having been re-adniilted , saluted the newly-installed W . M ., with the usual honours , after which he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Prince , P . M ., I . P . M . ; Firth , S . W .
Butterworth , J . W . ; Oakden , M . O . ; Gillman , S . O . ; Howard , J . O . ; Ashworth , P . M ., Chaplain ; Heape , P . M ., Treasurer ; Prince , P . M ., Secretary : Roberts , P . M ., Registrar ; J . Ashworth , jun ., S . D . ; Woodcock , J . D . ; Stott , D . C ; Collingwood , O . ; Cross , I . G . ; Heys , Steward ; J . Ashworth , sen ., Tyler . The brethren having been dulyinstalled ami saluted , the W . M ., in closing
the lodge , had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of the representatives of lodges No . 14 , 20 , 46 , 123 , and from the P . G . L ., there being eight Prov . Grand Officers present . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , provided by Bro . Butterworth , of thc Golden Fleece Hotel , in his usual recherche' style . After the cloth had been removed , the
Mark Masonry.
us ual loyal and Masonic toasts were ably given and responded to by the various brethren . This lodge now numbers 42 members , many of whom have gained Prov . rank in the Craft , as well as in the recently-formed Prcv . Grand Mark Lodge , and from the progress made in Mark Masonry in this town , as well as in the country at large , it seems certain that at no distant day Mark Masonry will
become a very powerful institution and an influential auxiliary to Craft Masonry . It is a fact with Lancashire , which cannot be disputed , that those who have joined , and are constantly joining the Mark degree , are really those who have made Craft Masonry flourish , having done the work , and are ever ready to do more for the good of Masonry .
. MANCHESTER . —Union Lodge , No . 46 , E . C . —This lodge held its third meeting , since its resuscitation in October last , on Thursday evening , the 26 th ult ., when a goodly number of the brethren were present . The progress this lodge has made speaks well for the future ofthe Mark Degree in Manchester , and shows clearly the estimation in which the degree is held by the brethren in the
North . About the year 1 S 63 this lodge ceased working from a variety of causes , chief among which was the compulsory absence from the city of several of its best friends and supporters , whose daily occupations were removed considerable distances away , and from other reasons not necessary here to dwell upon . Suffice it to say that under the promised headship of our esteemed
citizen Bro . Callender there were willing hearts and hands found to resuscitate the lodge , the first meeting of which was held in October last , at which time about twenty of the old original members rejoined . Since which there have been eighteen advancements , nine affiliations , and one joining member , and the lodge now numbers about sixty members , besides having already for its next meeting in
March eight candidates for advancement and two for affiliation—showing very clearly the estimation in which the Mark Degree is held in the new province of Lancashire . On this occasion the highly-esteemed W . M . M ., Bro . John M . Wike , was absent through severe indisposition , his place , however , being ably filled by Bro . Thos . Hargreaves , W . M . Blair Lodge , No . 113 , who performed
the ceremony of advancement in his usual good style . The visitors present were the W . M . M . of the old Ashton Lodge , Bro . Whitehead ; Bro . J . Birch ; and Bros . Hanclley and Milnes , M . O . and S . O . of the Callender Lodge , No . 123 , Bury . After - refreshments , the chair was occupied by Bro . J . L . Hine , S . W ., when the usual loyal toasts were duly given and responded to , after
which Bro . Chadwick , the Secretary , proposed " The health of the Visiting Brethren . " In doing so he drew the special attention of the brethren to the fact that they were on that occasion honoured with the company of the W . M . of the Ashton Mark Lodge , which lodge , working without warrant , was neither connected with thc E . C . nor S . C , but ou a basis and foundation of its own , amenable
to none and responsible to none . He ( Bro . Chadwick ) hoped the time was not far distant when the Ashton brethren would flock to their standard , and he was quite sure the M . W . G . M . M . and the P . G . M . M . would receive them with open arms ; but they must have a name and habitation , and conform to the wishes and commands of the G . M . L . by holding no Sunday meetings and by having
a fixed abode , not travelling about from town to town in search of a home . Bro . Chadwick concluded by proposing the toast , coupling with it the names of Bro . Whitehead , W . M . Ashton Lodge , and Bro . Hargreaves , VV . M . Blair Lodge , No . 113 E . C . —Bro . Hargreaves briefly responded , and Bro . Whitehead thanked the biethren present for their kindness in receiving him and
drinking the toast proposed by Bro . Chadwick . He , however , wished to say a fewwords respecting the Ashton M . Lodge , and in doing so wished lo disabuse entirely the minds of Bro . Chadwick and others that there was any likelihood of their lodge joining bodily the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Lancashire . He was quite sure there was not—and this conclusion was forced upon him by various
circumstances ; besides , he said , that wc were already getting into the fold all such who , in the first place , could afford to join a Mark lodge , and , in the second , those who were worth our acceptance , lie ( Bro . Whitehead ) thought it would be well to let the Old Ashton Lodge alone , and if the P . G . M . M . thought it desirable to establish a Mark lodge in Ashton , there were plenty of
brethren who would willingly support him in so doing , and he , for one , would gladly join a lodge thus formed . He again begged to thank the brethren of thc Union Lodge for their kind reception of him , and if again invited , he should be glad to come and see them . —The remaining toasts were duly given and responded to , and the brethren retired at an early hour .
HAVANT . —Carnarvon Mark Lodif . ; A o . 62 , and Royal Ark Lodge , A o . 7 . —The usual quarterly meetings of these lodges were held on the 301 I 1 ult . In the Royal Ark Lodge , which was first opened , the chair of N . was taken by Bro . II . Martin Green , P . N ., the W . Commander ( Bro . Purnell ) being unavoidably absent . Bros . Clay ancl Coles , of the Mark Lodge , No . 62 , and Bro Montague
Haynes , of No . 63 , were elevated in due form . Bro . Clay was appointed J . D ., Bro . Coles , G ., ami Bro . Haynes , Steward , and thc lodge was closed ; visitor present : Iiro . Frederick Binckes , P . N . —The Mark Lodge was opened by Bro . Trigg , W . M ., assisted by his ofiicers , and no candidate for advancement being present , Bro . Reynolds , S . W ., was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was faultlessly performed by Bro . Binckes ,
G . Sec , the Installing Master . The f'i'l . i-viiig brethren were appointed officers : Bros . Coles . S . \ V . ; Good , J . W . ; Green M . O . ; Clay , S . O . ; Trigg . [ . P . M ., J . O . ; Hillman , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Culid ; s , I . G . ; Blackmore , Tyler ; and Bro . Hillman was invt :. I as Treas . A vole of thanks to Bro . Binckes , for his kindness in attending from London on thc present occasion , and for his willingness at all times to assist this lodge , was proposed ,
Mark Masonry.
seconded , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed . STOCKTON-ON-TEES . —Percy Lodge of Mark Masters ; No . 122 . —The first meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Stockton-on-Tees , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., under a dispensation from Earl Percy , P . P . G . M ., authorising the lodge to meet previously to its
consecration . I he lodge was duly opened by Bro . Harpley , P . M ., . and the warrant of constitution and dispensation read , after which the minutes of the previous meetings of the ' members of the lodge were read and confirmed . The following brethren were then affiliated : Rev . James Milner , James Bowron , jun ., C . A . Head , T . C . Davison , and Thomas Walton . A set of bye-laws was then submitted
for approval , and was adopted , after which the ballot was taken , and several brethren were duly elected and advanced , after which Bro . II . G . Faber , P . M , P . P . S . G . W . " was installed W . M . by Bro . S . Gourley , M . D ., W . M ., Electric Lodge , 39 , and P . S . G . W ., assisted by Bro . Brunton , P . M ., P . J . G . W ., and Bio . Harpley , P . M . The following officers were then nominated and invested : —
Thomas Whitwell , S . W . ; C . Ianson , P . M ., J . W . ; Thos . Bowron , P . M ., M . O . ; John Trotter , S . O . ; James Bowron , J . O . ; Rev . J . Milner , Chaplain ; G . M . Watson , P . M ., Treas . ; A . C Knowles , P . M ., R . M . ; I . II . Hart , Sec . ; C . A . Head , S . D . ; Thos . Nelson , P . M ., J . D . ; J .
S . Byers , Org . ; Thos . Walton , I . G . ; John Trenholm , Tyler . After the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , and partook of a most sumptuous repast , followed by the usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts , interspersed with vocalism , and the evening was spent in a most enjoyable manner .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . Rose and Lily Conclave , A o . 3 . —An emergency meeting of this Conclave was held at Masons' Hall Tavern , Mason ' s-avenue , Basinghall-street , on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., when Bros . D . Bliss , of Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ; Jas . W . Dawson , of the Sun Lodge , 106 ; and Edward IT . G . Dalton , of the Montefiore Lodge , 1017 , were
installed as Ivmghts of thc Order by Sir Kt . R . Wentworth Little , who officiated as M . P . S . Ballots were taken for the ofiicers for the ensuing year , when Sir Kts . W . Mann , Viceroy , was unanimously elected M . P . S . ; George Kenning , V . ; C A . Cottebrune , P . Sov ., Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , Sent ., by show of hands . The acting Rec , Sir Kt . M . Edwards , announced the resignation of
Sir Kt . Ord , Treas ., and the conclave having voted five guineas to the " Little" Testimonial , was then closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory and partook of a very substantial repast . A most harmonious evening was spent , enlivened by the songs and speeches of Sir Kts . Cottebrune , Mann , Kenning , Brett , and thc newly-installed Kts . Sir Kt . Brett , K . G . C , P . Sov . No . 2 , was the only visitor .
Chigwell Lodge of Instruction . —Thc inauguration of this new lodge of instruction was held on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , Essex . Bro . Joseph Tanner , P . G . S . D . Essex , P . M . and Sec . 101 , S . W . 453 , as the W . M ., opened the lodge . He was supported by Bros . Dr . John Btince , S . W . ; loseph Clarkson , J . W . ; W . N . Trent , Treas . ; G . J . Shepherd ,
Sec . ; W . Lewis , S . D . ; Samuel Lilley , J . D . ; D . Reed , I . G . ; F . D . Catcs , N . Kcpps , W . Skene , Frederick Gordon , Charles llalphouse , J . T . Taylor , W . M . Edmunds , Thomas N . Nicholson , John Egan , and many others , including a long list of visitors . The minutes of several preliminary meetings ws * e read for information . The ccremonv of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
laylor being the candidate . It was rendered in a correct , impressive , and painstaking manner , and was an agreeable treat and pleasure lo listen to . Then , by particular desire Bro . Terry gave , in his usual correct and finished style , the working of the fust , second , fourth , and fifth sections of the first lecture , which was acknowledged by a unanimous vote of thanks being accorded to him and placed on
the minutes of the lodge books , for his great kindness in doing this work for thc lodge . Thc propositions for joining members were then received , and other business followed , . after which the lodge was closed . The beautiful new fur- nilure of this lodge of instruction , so complete in all its details , was supplied by Iiro . G . Kenning , of Link- Britain .
It gave the greatest satisfaction , and was ihe admiration of all present . Refreshment followed . Bro . II . Lock , the much-respected host , gave a liberal supply of all things needful both at banquet and dessert . lie was most attentive tothe wants of all , and his exertions were fully appreciated . The usual toasts having been given , the brethren * separated at an earl ) ' hour .
A ROVAL Ark Lodge of Instruction is held every Monday evening at the Lyceum Tavern , Strand , at 7 o ' clock . Two meetings will be held of a . Mark lodge , one at the Freemasons'Tavern on Monday , the 20 th February , at 6 o ' clock , to advance Master Masons
to the degree of Mark Mailer , and afterwards elevate them as Renal Ark . Mariners , at a fee of two guineas for the two degrees ; anti the second at Bro . (" usden ' s . the . Masons' llall , Masons ' - avenue , liasingiiall-slreet , E . C , on Monday week ,
the 27 th February , at 6 o'clock , with the same design and at thc same cost . Brethren wishing to avail themselves of these opportunities arc requested to communicate with Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , Secretary , Devercux-court , Strand , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , beg you to take the necessary steps for forming a Lodge of Mark Master Masons , to be held in the Masonic Rooms , Armstreet , Rochdale ; and we , the undersigned , hereby promise and undertake to bear the expense incumbent thereto , and to become members thereof . We further beg that you will not lose any time in obtaining the warrant , & c , but that all necessary dispatch may be used by you for carrying out this our wish .
In accordance with the invitation , Bro . Roberts met the promoters , when it was resolved : — ist . —That a petition be presented to the Grand Master of Mark Masonry , setting forth the wish of the brethren , and praying them to grant a warrant for the brethren to hold a Mark Lodge in the above
rooms . 2 nd . —That the lodge be named the " Roberts Lodge , " in compliment to our very highly-beloved and respected brother , Wm . Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . officer for the Craft , Royal Arch , K . T . 's , & c ., of Lancashire and Yorkshire . 3 rd . —That the brethren deposit thc necessary
funds in the hands of Bro . Oakden , as Treas ., pro . tem ., for expenses of warrants , jewels , furniture , & c , which was done and , the necessary pedestals , jewels , & c , ( complete set ) were ordered to be procured at once . A petition having been drafted and signed , was sent to the Grand Secretary , Bro . Binckes , on the 6 th December , 1 S 6 9 , who , with his usual promptness ,
replied by return of post that the Grand Master had graciously been pleased to grant the prayer , the lodge to be called the Roberts Lodge , No . 24 ; meeting on the last Wednesday in January , April , July , and October , with the following brethren as the first officers : Henry Prince , P . M ., W . M . ; James Holroyd , P . M ., S . VV . ; Wm . Ashworth , P . M ., J . W .
The petition having been g- _ uted but not received on the 30 th Decembet , a special meeting was held by authority of the Grand Master for the advancement of candidates , to enable the promoters to fill up the offices at the consecration . Several brethren joined the lodge as members , and were affiliated , so that at the consecration , which took
place on the 25 th January , 1870 , there were about 22 brethren on the books , each having his proper clothing , collar , jewel , & c . The consecration ceremony was performed by Bro . Roberts , as D . G . M . by authority from the Grand Master , Bro . Portal , in a very able and impressive manner , assisted by Bros . Greenwood , Acting Grand S . W ., and Heape ,
Acting Grand J . W . Bros . Prince , Holroyd , and Ashworth , were duly installed as the First Master , and Senior and Junior Wardens . Bro . Wm . Ashworth , P . M ., then resigned his office as J . W ., in favour of Bro . Firth , and was elected , the First Treasurer , and with the rest of the officers , was investeil by the W . M .
The officers for the first year are : Bros . VV . H . Prince , P . M .. W . M . ; John Knight , P . M ., I . P . M ; James Holroyd , P . M ., S . W . ; Jesse Firth , J . W . ; Robert Butterworth , M . O . ; Thoi ,, as Oakden , S . O . ; Jos . C . Gillman , J . O . ; Richard Hankinson , P . M .,
Chaplain ; William Ashworth , P . M ., Treasurer ; WilliamT . Stott , Secretary ; William Roberts , P . M ., Registrar ; John Ashworth . S . D . ; Robert Howard , J . D . ; James Cross , D . C . ; Edward Woodcock , I . G . ; John Mc'Naught , Organist ; Edwin Taylor , Steward ; John Ashworth , sen ., Tyler .
The first Annual Meeting of thc above lodge was held on Wednesday , January 25 th , 1871 . The 'lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Prince , Grand S . B ., Provincial Mark Lodge of Lancashire , assisted by his officers , after which Bros . H . Crossley , of Halifax , and R . IT . Hays , of Southport , were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Masters by the W . M ., assisted by Bro .
Roberts , G . S . D ., Provincial Mark Lodge of Lancashire . The ceremony of advancement having been concluded , the VV . M . vacated the chair , ancl called upon Bro . Roberts to form a Board of Installed Masters , who took the chair accordingly , and requested Bros . Prince ami Ashworth lo assist as S . and J . W . Bro . Holroyd having been duly presented , and given his due qualified absent to the
ancient charges , the brethren below the degree of an Installed Master were requested to retire , when the W . M . elect was O . B ., and afterwards installed by Bro . Roberts in ancient form . Thc brethren having been re-adniilted , saluted the newly-installed W . M ., with the usual honours , after which he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Prince , P . M ., I . P . M . ; Firth , S . W .
Butterworth , J . W . ; Oakden , M . O . ; Gillman , S . O . ; Howard , J . O . ; Ashworth , P . M ., Chaplain ; Heape , P . M ., Treasurer ; Prince , P . M ., Secretary : Roberts , P . M ., Registrar ; J . Ashworth , jun ., S . D . ; Woodcock , J . D . ; Stott , D . C ; Collingwood , O . ; Cross , I . G . ; Heys , Steward ; J . Ashworth , sen ., Tyler . The brethren having been dulyinstalled ami saluted , the W . M ., in closing
the lodge , had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of the representatives of lodges No . 14 , 20 , 46 , 123 , and from the P . G . L ., there being eight Prov . Grand Officers present . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , provided by Bro . Butterworth , of thc Golden Fleece Hotel , in his usual recherche' style . After the cloth had been removed , the
Mark Masonry.
us ual loyal and Masonic toasts were ably given and responded to by the various brethren . This lodge now numbers 42 members , many of whom have gained Prov . rank in the Craft , as well as in the recently-formed Prcv . Grand Mark Lodge , and from the progress made in Mark Masonry in this town , as well as in the country at large , it seems certain that at no distant day Mark Masonry will
become a very powerful institution and an influential auxiliary to Craft Masonry . It is a fact with Lancashire , which cannot be disputed , that those who have joined , and are constantly joining the Mark degree , are really those who have made Craft Masonry flourish , having done the work , and are ever ready to do more for the good of Masonry .
. MANCHESTER . —Union Lodge , No . 46 , E . C . —This lodge held its third meeting , since its resuscitation in October last , on Thursday evening , the 26 th ult ., when a goodly number of the brethren were present . The progress this lodge has made speaks well for the future ofthe Mark Degree in Manchester , and shows clearly the estimation in which the degree is held by the brethren in the
North . About the year 1 S 63 this lodge ceased working from a variety of causes , chief among which was the compulsory absence from the city of several of its best friends and supporters , whose daily occupations were removed considerable distances away , and from other reasons not necessary here to dwell upon . Suffice it to say that under the promised headship of our esteemed
citizen Bro . Callender there were willing hearts and hands found to resuscitate the lodge , the first meeting of which was held in October last , at which time about twenty of the old original members rejoined . Since which there have been eighteen advancements , nine affiliations , and one joining member , and the lodge now numbers about sixty members , besides having already for its next meeting in
March eight candidates for advancement and two for affiliation—showing very clearly the estimation in which the Mark Degree is held in the new province of Lancashire . On this occasion the highly-esteemed W . M . M ., Bro . John M . Wike , was absent through severe indisposition , his place , however , being ably filled by Bro . Thos . Hargreaves , W . M . Blair Lodge , No . 113 , who performed
the ceremony of advancement in his usual good style . The visitors present were the W . M . M . of the old Ashton Lodge , Bro . Whitehead ; Bro . J . Birch ; and Bros . Hanclley and Milnes , M . O . and S . O . of the Callender Lodge , No . 123 , Bury . After - refreshments , the chair was occupied by Bro . J . L . Hine , S . W ., when the usual loyal toasts were duly given and responded to , after
which Bro . Chadwick , the Secretary , proposed " The health of the Visiting Brethren . " In doing so he drew the special attention of the brethren to the fact that they were on that occasion honoured with the company of the W . M . of the Ashton Mark Lodge , which lodge , working without warrant , was neither connected with thc E . C . nor S . C , but ou a basis and foundation of its own , amenable
to none and responsible to none . He ( Bro . Chadwick ) hoped the time was not far distant when the Ashton brethren would flock to their standard , and he was quite sure the M . W . G . M . M . and the P . G . M . M . would receive them with open arms ; but they must have a name and habitation , and conform to the wishes and commands of the G . M . L . by holding no Sunday meetings and by having
a fixed abode , not travelling about from town to town in search of a home . Bro . Chadwick concluded by proposing the toast , coupling with it the names of Bro . Whitehead , W . M . Ashton Lodge , and Bro . Hargreaves , VV . M . Blair Lodge , No . 113 E . C . —Bro . Hargreaves briefly responded , and Bro . Whitehead thanked the biethren present for their kindness in receiving him and
drinking the toast proposed by Bro . Chadwick . He , however , wished to say a fewwords respecting the Ashton M . Lodge , and in doing so wished lo disabuse entirely the minds of Bro . Chadwick and others that there was any likelihood of their lodge joining bodily the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Lancashire . He was quite sure there was not—and this conclusion was forced upon him by various
circumstances ; besides , he said , that wc were already getting into the fold all such who , in the first place , could afford to join a Mark lodge , and , in the second , those who were worth our acceptance , lie ( Bro . Whitehead ) thought it would be well to let the Old Ashton Lodge alone , and if the P . G . M . M . thought it desirable to establish a Mark lodge in Ashton , there were plenty of
brethren who would willingly support him in so doing , and he , for one , would gladly join a lodge thus formed . He again begged to thank the brethren of thc Union Lodge for their kind reception of him , and if again invited , he should be glad to come and see them . —The remaining toasts were duly given and responded to , and the brethren retired at an early hour .
HAVANT . —Carnarvon Mark Lodif . ; A o . 62 , and Royal Ark Lodge , A o . 7 . —The usual quarterly meetings of these lodges were held on the 301 I 1 ult . In the Royal Ark Lodge , which was first opened , the chair of N . was taken by Bro . II . Martin Green , P . N ., the W . Commander ( Bro . Purnell ) being unavoidably absent . Bros . Clay ancl Coles , of the Mark Lodge , No . 62 , and Bro Montague
Haynes , of No . 63 , were elevated in due form . Bro . Clay was appointed J . D ., Bro . Coles , G ., ami Bro . Haynes , Steward , and thc lodge was closed ; visitor present : Iiro . Frederick Binckes , P . N . —The Mark Lodge was opened by Bro . Trigg , W . M ., assisted by his ofiicers , and no candidate for advancement being present , Bro . Reynolds , S . W ., was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was faultlessly performed by Bro . Binckes ,
G . Sec , the Installing Master . The f'i'l . i-viiig brethren were appointed officers : Bros . Coles . S . \ V . ; Good , J . W . ; Green M . O . ; Clay , S . O . ; Trigg . [ . P . M ., J . O . ; Hillman , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Culid ; s , I . G . ; Blackmore , Tyler ; and Bro . Hillman was invt :. I as Treas . A vole of thanks to Bro . Binckes , for his kindness in attending from London on thc present occasion , and for his willingness at all times to assist this lodge , was proposed ,
Mark Masonry.
seconded , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed . STOCKTON-ON-TEES . —Percy Lodge of Mark Masters ; No . 122 . —The first meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Stockton-on-Tees , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., under a dispensation from Earl Percy , P . P . G . M ., authorising the lodge to meet previously to its
consecration . I he lodge was duly opened by Bro . Harpley , P . M ., . and the warrant of constitution and dispensation read , after which the minutes of the previous meetings of the ' members of the lodge were read and confirmed . The following brethren were then affiliated : Rev . James Milner , James Bowron , jun ., C . A . Head , T . C . Davison , and Thomas Walton . A set of bye-laws was then submitted
for approval , and was adopted , after which the ballot was taken , and several brethren were duly elected and advanced , after which Bro . II . G . Faber , P . M , P . P . S . G . W . " was installed W . M . by Bro . S . Gourley , M . D ., W . M ., Electric Lodge , 39 , and P . S . G . W ., assisted by Bro . Brunton , P . M ., P . J . G . W ., and Bio . Harpley , P . M . The following officers were then nominated and invested : —
Thomas Whitwell , S . W . ; C . Ianson , P . M ., J . W . ; Thos . Bowron , P . M ., M . O . ; John Trotter , S . O . ; James Bowron , J . O . ; Rev . J . Milner , Chaplain ; G . M . Watson , P . M ., Treas . ; A . C Knowles , P . M ., R . M . ; I . II . Hart , Sec . ; C . A . Head , S . D . ; Thos . Nelson , P . M ., J . D . ; J .
S . Byers , Org . ; Thos . Walton , I . G . ; John Trenholm , Tyler . After the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , and partook of a most sumptuous repast , followed by the usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts , interspersed with vocalism , and the evening was spent in a most enjoyable manner .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . Rose and Lily Conclave , A o . 3 . —An emergency meeting of this Conclave was held at Masons' Hall Tavern , Mason ' s-avenue , Basinghall-street , on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., when Bros . D . Bliss , of Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ; Jas . W . Dawson , of the Sun Lodge , 106 ; and Edward IT . G . Dalton , of the Montefiore Lodge , 1017 , were
installed as Ivmghts of thc Order by Sir Kt . R . Wentworth Little , who officiated as M . P . S . Ballots were taken for the ofiicers for the ensuing year , when Sir Kts . W . Mann , Viceroy , was unanimously elected M . P . S . ; George Kenning , V . ; C A . Cottebrune , P . Sov ., Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , Sent ., by show of hands . The acting Rec , Sir Kt . M . Edwards , announced the resignation of
Sir Kt . Ord , Treas ., and the conclave having voted five guineas to the " Little" Testimonial , was then closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory and partook of a very substantial repast . A most harmonious evening was spent , enlivened by the songs and speeches of Sir Kts . Cottebrune , Mann , Kenning , Brett , and thc newly-installed Kts . Sir Kt . Brett , K . G . C , P . Sov . No . 2 , was the only visitor .
Chigwell Lodge of Instruction . —Thc inauguration of this new lodge of instruction was held on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , Essex . Bro . Joseph Tanner , P . G . S . D . Essex , P . M . and Sec . 101 , S . W . 453 , as the W . M ., opened the lodge . He was supported by Bros . Dr . John Btince , S . W . ; loseph Clarkson , J . W . ; W . N . Trent , Treas . ; G . J . Shepherd ,
Sec . ; W . Lewis , S . D . ; Samuel Lilley , J . D . ; D . Reed , I . G . ; F . D . Catcs , N . Kcpps , W . Skene , Frederick Gordon , Charles llalphouse , J . T . Taylor , W . M . Edmunds , Thomas N . Nicholson , John Egan , and many others , including a long list of visitors . The minutes of several preliminary meetings ws * e read for information . The ccremonv of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
laylor being the candidate . It was rendered in a correct , impressive , and painstaking manner , and was an agreeable treat and pleasure lo listen to . Then , by particular desire Bro . Terry gave , in his usual correct and finished style , the working of the fust , second , fourth , and fifth sections of the first lecture , which was acknowledged by a unanimous vote of thanks being accorded to him and placed on
the minutes of the lodge books , for his great kindness in doing this work for thc lodge . Thc propositions for joining members were then received , and other business followed , . after which the lodge was closed . The beautiful new fur- nilure of this lodge of instruction , so complete in all its details , was supplied by Iiro . G . Kenning , of Link- Britain .
It gave the greatest satisfaction , and was ihe admiration of all present . Refreshment followed . Bro . II . Lock , the much-respected host , gave a liberal supply of all things needful both at banquet and dessert . lie was most attentive tothe wants of all , and his exertions were fully appreciated . The usual toasts having been given , the brethren * separated at an earl ) ' hour .
A ROVAL Ark Lodge of Instruction is held every Monday evening at the Lyceum Tavern , Strand , at 7 o ' clock . Two meetings will be held of a . Mark lodge , one at the Freemasons'Tavern on Monday , the 20 th February , at 6 o ' clock , to advance Master Masons
to the degree of Mark Mailer , and afterwards elevate them as Renal Ark . Mariners , at a fee of two guineas for the two degrees ; anti the second at Bro . (" usden ' s . the . Masons' llall , Masons ' - avenue , liasingiiall-slreet , E . C , on Monday week ,
the 27 th February , at 6 o'clock , with the same design and at thc same cost . Brethren wishing to avail themselves of these opportunities arc requested to communicate with Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , Secretary , Devercux-court , Strand , W . C .