Article KING WILLIAM CITED FOR TRIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article KING WILLIAM CITED FOR TRIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Miscellanea. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
King William Cited For Trial.
( To ihe Editor of the Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The cry of protest which is echoing from every honest heart in this land against the horrors of the actual struggle is a solemn condemnation of King William , and cannot
fail being heard in our lodges . To remain silent would give a tacit approval of deeds which excite indignation in moral society .
I annex my protest , in which I trust our worthy brothers will join as a body . I shall feel thankful for its publication in your columns . Ever fraternally yours , E . DELFRAISSE .
Chard , ist February , 1871 . In reading the document of the French Masons , recorded in your number of 28 th Jan ., iSyr , page 61 , the first impression tells your mind of a wild despair , a powerless wrath , an
impossible madness . Then , whirling against time , you leap over long by-gone ages , when blind , intrepid boldness rebels against insuperable forces . But such impression is soon imperilled in the mind which the principles of our
Craft have filled with enlarged views of the true mission of all honest men . The golden heart of a Freemason always thrills at the cry of distress of innocence , hurls vengeance against crime , unless he forsakes his duties . Rank and lineage
are no boundaries to our domain ; our laws cannot stand as dead letters against evil for the sake of the title of the evil-doer . The king who deserts the cause of humanity and justice to secure personal advantages perjures himself in
the eyes of the universal Brotherhood . It is a very comfortable way of getting rid of the difficulty , by pleading politics as being without the pale of our laws . Moral , political society comprise an indivisible trinity ; they form the trine
virtues of humanity , which we are so proud to call the grand principle of Freemasonry . With dint of a sophism , it may be said that war has cruel consequences , which necessity approves , or at least excuses . Well , as long as
such a demoralising system stands as an accepted scourge of our civilised age , we must by force submit . While King William acted on the defensive he had justly deserved applause and praise in his glorious and holy task of
protecting his subjects . But what for the useless , wholesale murders of women , old men , and children in their flight before his cohorts ? What for the villages reduced to ashes ? What for tlie millions of innocents closely clustered in
burning cities , dying by hundreds daily from disease , from mutilation , from cold and starvation ? What for the enslavement of many millions of people by sheer lust of conquest ? Brothers , if such evil-doings constitute the glory of a king ,
for the sake and glory of our Order , never let a king soil the gates of our sacred lodges ! We , pupils of a school of a pure moral , shall we letsuch evil triumph without whispering a few words of remonstrance to the ears of our guilty brother ? When
the sacred voices of justice and mercy faint all round us under the clash of arms—when powerless _ innocence bleeds under the sword , struggles against famine , or dies under torture—we , brothers , we , the sworn satellites of a merciful
Providence , shall we witness the crime and not protest against it ? Will not our courage be equal lo our duty ? Shall we spare King William—the Attila of our age , the scourge from above—the lesson we owe him ? Well , it is
perhaps better to let his heart spell his own condemnation , written with blood upon his imperial crown . Like Belshazzar , he shall call in vain all his wise men to explain how his eyes become blind by blood dropping from his crown ; how
his ears become deaf by childlike screams , by the moans of mutilated corpses heaped round his sleepless pillow ; how every vein , every artery of his body grows turgid , constantly filling with the tears of tortured women , of widows mourning their mutilated husbands or children . Then his
countenance will change ; the joints of his loins will become loosed , until a brother , like Daniel to Belshazzar , shall whisper the word of prayer , saying , "The Great Architect have mercy on
King William Cited For Trial.
you ! You , Brother William , who insulted morality , outraged humanity , and apostatised from your engagements to the Craft , " E . DELFRAISSE .
The Robert Wentworth Little Testimonial.
A meeting of the friends and subscribers to the above testimonial w _ s held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Saturday , the nth inst . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , P . G . M . for Middlesex , in the chair . There were also present : Bros . John Hervey , Grand Secretary ; Weaver , Yeoman , Barrett , Walters , J . T . Moss , John Boyd , Parker , George Kenning , Thiellay , Roebuck , and Levander .
The circular convening the meeting having been read , the Chairman briefly explained the objects of the meeting . Letters were then read from the Rt . Hon . the Earl Bective , the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Jersey , Sir Gilbert Campbell , Sir Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., & c . ; and other brethren , consenting to be on the committee , and promising their support and assistance . A committee was then appointed .
It was proposed and carried unanimously" That Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , P . G . M . for Middlesex , be elected as Chairman of the Committee ; and that Bro . John Hervey , the Grand Secretary , be the Treasurer of the Fund . " " That Bros . J . T . Moss and H . C . Levander be requested to act as Hon . Sees , of the Committee . " The following was the first list of subscriptions announced : —
£ s . d . Whittington Lodge , 862 ... ... 5 5 o Rose and Lily Conclave ... ... 5 5 o Bro . W . B . Woodman , AT . D . , P . M . 66 5 5 o ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 550 „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 550 „ Bayles , 297 500 ,, Paton , 393 ... ... ' ... 3 3 o „ Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex 220 ,, Rev . C . f . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... ... ... 2 3 o
,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 ,, Captain J . Bert rand Payne ... 2 2 o ,, Capt . Irwin , Bristol ... ... 220 „ Tanner , P . M . 177 ... ... 1 1 o „ Sillifant , P . M . 217 ... ... 1 I o
„ Hughan , P . M . 137 ... ... 1 I o „ F . Walters , P . M . 73 ... ... 119 ,, Smeed , G . P . Middlesex ... 1 1 o ,, Yeoman ... 1 1 o „ Mann , W . M . 1306 ... ... 1 1 o ,, Rosenthal , P . M . ... ... 1 10 ,, Parker ... ... ... 1 I o
„ Fairhe , 33 ... ... ... I 1 o „ Gumbleton , 10 , P . G . D . ... 1 1 o ,, Weaver , 862 ... ... 1 1 o „ Brett , G P ., 862 ... ... 1 1 o „ Dr . Daniel Moore , Lancaster ... 1 1 o
,, John Dyer , 22 ... ... 1 1 o
„ C . Coote , P . M . 1319 ... ... 1 1 o ,, J . M'Kiernan , 192 ... ... I I o ,, Angelo Lewis , 788 ... ... 1 1 o „ J . W . Barrett , P . M . 16 9 ... 1 1 o ,, H . C . Levander , W . M . 507 ... 1 1 o ,, A . li . Donnithorne ... ... 1 1 o " E . II . Thiellay ... ... 1 1 o ,, Caveac Chapter , 176 ... ... 1 1 o
,, R . M . Bowman , 79 ... ... o 10 6 „ Kev . W . Church , 165 ... o 10 6 ,, Ohren , W . M . 452 ... ... o 10 6 ,, Smith , 76 ... ... ... o 10 6 ,, Dr . Jones , Carlisle ... ... o IO 6 ,, Ilurlstone , S 62 ... ... o ro 6
„ Quilty , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Smith , ,, ... ... o 10 6 0 Garu , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Kaye , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Whitehead , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Jones , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Frickcnhus , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Moll , „ ... ... o 10 6 > , Voigt , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Bergmann , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Oswalt , „ ... ... o 10 6
,, Sissons , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Haley , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Kingston , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Steiner , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Anderson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, R . Robinson , 1002 ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . Pearson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ J . !• * . Taylor , „ ... ... o 10 6 „ W . Taylor , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . D . l . arsen , C . 177 ... ... o JO 6
,, Lord Eliot , 6 ... ... o 10 o ,, Morion , 9 ... ... ... o 10 o A vote of thanks to thc Chairman terminated thc proceedings , and the meeting was adjourned . It is expected that at thc next meeting the list will be very greatly increased .
Reports oi Lodges 197 and 975 , also Mount Calvary Chapter , Rose Croix , and Mount Calvary Encampment K . T ., will appear ia our next .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
—?—THE Triennial General Grand Conclave of the Red Cross Order will be held at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on the 3 rd . March .
WE are informed that Lords Limerick and Eliot have been admitted to the 30 ° , and the Earl of Carnarvon to the 32 , by the Supreme Grand Council 33 for England and Wales .
THE St . George s Conclave Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , will be consecrated at Bolton this day ( Saturday , the 18 th inst . ) by the Illustrious the Intendant-General for North Lancashire .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has named Monday , the 8 th May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Royal Highness has kindly consented to preside .
As a result of the late Masonic ball in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , held at the Town Hall , it will be
satisfactory to the brethren to know that the Secretary ( Bro . R . Wylie ) has been enabled to hand over the handsome sum of ^ 102 14 s . 8 d . to the Treasurer , Bro . R . Wilson .
WE are requested to state that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters is now prepared to grant warrants and certificates for the Ark Mariners' Degree . AU Applications must be
made to the Grand Secretary G . L . M . M ., at the office , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C , no other person being authorised by the Grand Master to issue them .
A NEW conclave of the Red Cross Order—fo be named the " Byzantine , " No . 44—is about to be opened at Leicester , under the distinguished auspices ofthe R . W . Bro . William Kelly Prov .
Grand Master ; and the Rev . W . B . Langley , Rev . N . Haycroft ( D . D . ) , the Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers , and other eminent brethren will hold office in the conclave .
THE Annual Ball of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , was held in the new Grand Hall , Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday last , when a large and brilliant company assembled on the occasion . The excellent arrangements reflect
the highest credit upon the Stewards , nothing being wanted on their part to add to the comfort and success of the evening . Bro . Marriott ' s band attended , and the musical arrangements
were conducted in a most efficient manner by that brother . Supper was served in a recherche style , after which dancing- was kept up till an advanced hour in the morning .
The Sphinx Lodge of Instruction will not hold its usual weekly reunion to-day ( Saturday ) in consequence of the meeting of the mother lodge on this day .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . — Youthful Infirmities . — From causes difficult to discover , producing slight symptoms of deranged action scarcely perceptible at first , the young become pre * maturely enervated and debilitated . They lose alike their looks , energy and confidence The general cause of this melancholy state is a disordered stomach , which Holloway's Pills will regulate . By improving digestion , and purifying the blood , they work wonders . They act so kindly , yet so certainly , upon every organ , that the
nervous system soon recovers , and the wonted good spirits speedily return with strength , vivacity and vigour . Thc most delicate m ; . y safely lake Holloway's Pills . They afflict no violent effect upon the system , aud accomplish their end without much restriction in diet or pleasure . —[ Advt . l GALVANISM . —Pulvermachcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Ptilvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable
Volta-Elcctric Chain-Band , and Pocket Uattcrics , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee —J . L . I'ulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances bcin : ; advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcrmacher ' s Pamphlet ou that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
King William Cited For Trial.
( To ihe Editor of the Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The cry of protest which is echoing from every honest heart in this land against the horrors of the actual struggle is a solemn condemnation of King William , and cannot
fail being heard in our lodges . To remain silent would give a tacit approval of deeds which excite indignation in moral society .
I annex my protest , in which I trust our worthy brothers will join as a body . I shall feel thankful for its publication in your columns . Ever fraternally yours , E . DELFRAISSE .
Chard , ist February , 1871 . In reading the document of the French Masons , recorded in your number of 28 th Jan ., iSyr , page 61 , the first impression tells your mind of a wild despair , a powerless wrath , an
impossible madness . Then , whirling against time , you leap over long by-gone ages , when blind , intrepid boldness rebels against insuperable forces . But such impression is soon imperilled in the mind which the principles of our
Craft have filled with enlarged views of the true mission of all honest men . The golden heart of a Freemason always thrills at the cry of distress of innocence , hurls vengeance against crime , unless he forsakes his duties . Rank and lineage
are no boundaries to our domain ; our laws cannot stand as dead letters against evil for the sake of the title of the evil-doer . The king who deserts the cause of humanity and justice to secure personal advantages perjures himself in
the eyes of the universal Brotherhood . It is a very comfortable way of getting rid of the difficulty , by pleading politics as being without the pale of our laws . Moral , political society comprise an indivisible trinity ; they form the trine
virtues of humanity , which we are so proud to call the grand principle of Freemasonry . With dint of a sophism , it may be said that war has cruel consequences , which necessity approves , or at least excuses . Well , as long as
such a demoralising system stands as an accepted scourge of our civilised age , we must by force submit . While King William acted on the defensive he had justly deserved applause and praise in his glorious and holy task of
protecting his subjects . But what for the useless , wholesale murders of women , old men , and children in their flight before his cohorts ? What for the villages reduced to ashes ? What for tlie millions of innocents closely clustered in
burning cities , dying by hundreds daily from disease , from mutilation , from cold and starvation ? What for the enslavement of many millions of people by sheer lust of conquest ? Brothers , if such evil-doings constitute the glory of a king ,
for the sake and glory of our Order , never let a king soil the gates of our sacred lodges ! We , pupils of a school of a pure moral , shall we letsuch evil triumph without whispering a few words of remonstrance to the ears of our guilty brother ? When
the sacred voices of justice and mercy faint all round us under the clash of arms—when powerless _ innocence bleeds under the sword , struggles against famine , or dies under torture—we , brothers , we , the sworn satellites of a merciful
Providence , shall we witness the crime and not protest against it ? Will not our courage be equal lo our duty ? Shall we spare King William—the Attila of our age , the scourge from above—the lesson we owe him ? Well , it is
perhaps better to let his heart spell his own condemnation , written with blood upon his imperial crown . Like Belshazzar , he shall call in vain all his wise men to explain how his eyes become blind by blood dropping from his crown ; how
his ears become deaf by childlike screams , by the moans of mutilated corpses heaped round his sleepless pillow ; how every vein , every artery of his body grows turgid , constantly filling with the tears of tortured women , of widows mourning their mutilated husbands or children . Then his
countenance will change ; the joints of his loins will become loosed , until a brother , like Daniel to Belshazzar , shall whisper the word of prayer , saying , "The Great Architect have mercy on
King William Cited For Trial.
you ! You , Brother William , who insulted morality , outraged humanity , and apostatised from your engagements to the Craft , " E . DELFRAISSE .
The Robert Wentworth Little Testimonial.
A meeting of the friends and subscribers to the above testimonial w _ s held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Saturday , the nth inst . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , P . G . M . for Middlesex , in the chair . There were also present : Bros . John Hervey , Grand Secretary ; Weaver , Yeoman , Barrett , Walters , J . T . Moss , John Boyd , Parker , George Kenning , Thiellay , Roebuck , and Levander .
The circular convening the meeting having been read , the Chairman briefly explained the objects of the meeting . Letters were then read from the Rt . Hon . the Earl Bective , the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Jersey , Sir Gilbert Campbell , Sir Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., & c . ; and other brethren , consenting to be on the committee , and promising their support and assistance . A committee was then appointed .
It was proposed and carried unanimously" That Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , P . G . M . for Middlesex , be elected as Chairman of the Committee ; and that Bro . John Hervey , the Grand Secretary , be the Treasurer of the Fund . " " That Bros . J . T . Moss and H . C . Levander be requested to act as Hon . Sees , of the Committee . " The following was the first list of subscriptions announced : —
£ s . d . Whittington Lodge , 862 ... ... 5 5 o Rose and Lily Conclave ... ... 5 5 o Bro . W . B . Woodman , AT . D . , P . M . 66 5 5 o ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 550 „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 550 „ Bayles , 297 500 ,, Paton , 393 ... ... ' ... 3 3 o „ Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex 220 ,, Rev . C . f . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... ... ... 2 3 o
,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 ,, Captain J . Bert rand Payne ... 2 2 o ,, Capt . Irwin , Bristol ... ... 220 „ Tanner , P . M . 177 ... ... 1 1 o „ Sillifant , P . M . 217 ... ... 1 I o
„ Hughan , P . M . 137 ... ... 1 I o „ F . Walters , P . M . 73 ... ... 119 ,, Smeed , G . P . Middlesex ... 1 1 o ,, Yeoman ... 1 1 o „ Mann , W . M . 1306 ... ... 1 1 o ,, Rosenthal , P . M . ... ... 1 10 ,, Parker ... ... ... 1 I o
„ Fairhe , 33 ... ... ... I 1 o „ Gumbleton , 10 , P . G . D . ... 1 1 o ,, Weaver , 862 ... ... 1 1 o „ Brett , G P ., 862 ... ... 1 1 o „ Dr . Daniel Moore , Lancaster ... 1 1 o
,, John Dyer , 22 ... ... 1 1 o
„ C . Coote , P . M . 1319 ... ... 1 1 o ,, J . M'Kiernan , 192 ... ... I I o ,, Angelo Lewis , 788 ... ... 1 1 o „ J . W . Barrett , P . M . 16 9 ... 1 1 o ,, H . C . Levander , W . M . 507 ... 1 1 o ,, A . li . Donnithorne ... ... 1 1 o " E . II . Thiellay ... ... 1 1 o ,, Caveac Chapter , 176 ... ... 1 1 o
,, R . M . Bowman , 79 ... ... o 10 6 „ Kev . W . Church , 165 ... o 10 6 ,, Ohren , W . M . 452 ... ... o 10 6 ,, Smith , 76 ... ... ... o 10 6 ,, Dr . Jones , Carlisle ... ... o IO 6 ,, Ilurlstone , S 62 ... ... o ro 6
„ Quilty , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Smith , ,, ... ... o 10 6 0 Garu , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Kaye , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Whitehead , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Jones , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Frickcnhus , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Moll , „ ... ... o 10 6 > , Voigt , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Bergmann , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Oswalt , „ ... ... o 10 6
,, Sissons , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Haley , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Kingston , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Steiner , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Anderson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, R . Robinson , 1002 ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . Pearson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ J . !• * . Taylor , „ ... ... o 10 6 „ W . Taylor , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . D . l . arsen , C . 177 ... ... o JO 6
,, Lord Eliot , 6 ... ... o 10 o ,, Morion , 9 ... ... ... o 10 o A vote of thanks to thc Chairman terminated thc proceedings , and the meeting was adjourned . It is expected that at thc next meeting the list will be very greatly increased .
Reports oi Lodges 197 and 975 , also Mount Calvary Chapter , Rose Croix , and Mount Calvary Encampment K . T ., will appear ia our next .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
—?—THE Triennial General Grand Conclave of the Red Cross Order will be held at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on the 3 rd . March .
WE are informed that Lords Limerick and Eliot have been admitted to the 30 ° , and the Earl of Carnarvon to the 32 , by the Supreme Grand Council 33 for England and Wales .
THE St . George s Conclave Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , will be consecrated at Bolton this day ( Saturday , the 18 th inst . ) by the Illustrious the Intendant-General for North Lancashire .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has named Monday , the 8 th May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Royal Highness has kindly consented to preside .
As a result of the late Masonic ball in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , held at the Town Hall , it will be
satisfactory to the brethren to know that the Secretary ( Bro . R . Wylie ) has been enabled to hand over the handsome sum of ^ 102 14 s . 8 d . to the Treasurer , Bro . R . Wilson .
WE are requested to state that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters is now prepared to grant warrants and certificates for the Ark Mariners' Degree . AU Applications must be
made to the Grand Secretary G . L . M . M ., at the office , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C , no other person being authorised by the Grand Master to issue them .
A NEW conclave of the Red Cross Order—fo be named the " Byzantine , " No . 44—is about to be opened at Leicester , under the distinguished auspices ofthe R . W . Bro . William Kelly Prov .
Grand Master ; and the Rev . W . B . Langley , Rev . N . Haycroft ( D . D . ) , the Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers , and other eminent brethren will hold office in the conclave .
THE Annual Ball of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , was held in the new Grand Hall , Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday last , when a large and brilliant company assembled on the occasion . The excellent arrangements reflect
the highest credit upon the Stewards , nothing being wanted on their part to add to the comfort and success of the evening . Bro . Marriott ' s band attended , and the musical arrangements
were conducted in a most efficient manner by that brother . Supper was served in a recherche style , after which dancing- was kept up till an advanced hour in the morning .
The Sphinx Lodge of Instruction will not hold its usual weekly reunion to-day ( Saturday ) in consequence of the meeting of the mother lodge on this day .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . — Youthful Infirmities . — From causes difficult to discover , producing slight symptoms of deranged action scarcely perceptible at first , the young become pre * maturely enervated and debilitated . They lose alike their looks , energy and confidence The general cause of this melancholy state is a disordered stomach , which Holloway's Pills will regulate . By improving digestion , and purifying the blood , they work wonders . They act so kindly , yet so certainly , upon every organ , that the
nervous system soon recovers , and the wonted good spirits speedily return with strength , vivacity and vigour . Thc most delicate m ; . y safely lake Holloway's Pills . They afflict no violent effect upon the system , aud accomplish their end without much restriction in diet or pleasure . —[ Advt . l GALVANISM . —Pulvermachcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Ptilvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable
Volta-Elcctric Chain-Band , and Pocket Uattcrics , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee —J . L . I'ulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances bcin : ; advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcrmacher ' s Pamphlet ou that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . ]