Article CONSECRATION OF THE MUSGRAVE LODGE, No. 1597. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Musgrave Lodge, No. 1597.
l rge number of lodges under his control that made him rtiutt ; it was also the quality o' the brethren of who n thev-were composed . He did not care about the number much ; Masonry wanted frr more men of high position , ' , 1 jn the Province of Middlesex they had brethren they •' •re pvoud to boast of , and in that respect no other prohire could exceed them . He was glad to see this lodge .- ¦ arted under such favourable auspices . They had in it
| , rtthren who were present then that very few other lodges coul'l boast of , and he must again say he was proud of 1-eing there to n . eet them . Me was gratified not onl y at being appointed to consecrate such a lodge , with the able assistance of Bro . Little , but also lhat they had with them ihc Prov . G . M . of a neighbouring county . This strengthened thcirposition ve ry iini .-h indeed to have a neighbouring
Prov . G . M . like Gen . Hrtwnrigg aiding them , joining them , and ready to sm-port them in every way he could . He helped they would be ready lo support him in return . By ttiis means , by . joining together 1 : 1 friendship , thev would bn able to c-my on the principles of Freemasonry in such a manner as they ought . ( IL-ar , hear . ) B-o . Little , who was called on to replv for "The Prov . G .
Ollieers , last and 1-rescnt , said he was sorry Sir George Elliot was not present . lie ( Bro . Little ) was the first Grand Secretary of the province , ai , d he had much p ' eisure in standing by Col . Burdett , whom he had felt it a great hop :. ur to serve un ler . Col . Buidelt had brought tite province to great p . rfeclion . Every t . ffieer , he was happv . to say , was working ia the same direction , and was
striving to promote the success of lhe province and extend good fellowship among the brethren . The VV . M . proposed "The Consecrating Ollieers , " nnd iiie-lu led among them Bro . Buss , who , in reply , said he had not . expected that any duties would be required of him when he came that afternoon to visit the lodge . He could , however , say it gave him great satisfact i on to be of any service
in the province , particularly as he was the Grand Treasurer , and he hoped be would long have the opportunity of forwarding the interests of the pr .-viuce , in which he would always lie willing to bear a part . ( Cheers ) Cl . Burdett proposed "The VV . M ., " a duty which hi said he performcet with the greatest pleasure anil satisf-iction , espeei . ill-, ' on such an occasion as the consecration of
- . 1 bulge . He tlil not believe there was any brother more worthy to hold lhe position of VV . M . than Bro . Levick . lie had known him for a long time-, a- il h-e had always considered him . 1 . most worthy Mason , and one who had dt . nc his duty with c edit to the Order , They might It- quite sure that the brethren of this lodge would not have recomnu-r . il . d him for his present high
position unless they had con-ili-ivd turn worthy of it . Tnis added to the pleasure lie Lit in coming forward to copsecrate the lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) The VV . M . said he : would do his best in his posHion . II he failed , it would not be from want of will hut from incapacity , lie was unfortunately called upon to go abroad for sonic months , so that for a little time he should be ab
5-nt from among the brethren ; but he hoped by the next meeting of the lodj-e in Julv he would be hack . He was going a long way off—to the Cape—but that was thought no more of nowadays than going to Fi . 'inrc was formerly . "The Visitors" was the next toast , to which Dr . Woodman refilled . The sign of ihc " Angel and Crown " brought back to his recollection a pleasant time when
Bro . Li . tle , and himself , with several other brethren cann down there to see to what house they could remove th-Hard ot Avon Loilge . They then tested ihe capabilities of the liMise , which they found came up to the mark . They had an excellent dinner , and in consequence cf their report th Bard of Avon Lodge was removed there . To a certain extent he was sorry it li id since In en taken away . It was
a very nice lodge , and be was pL-ased to belong 10 it at tlie prcstiit time . This vvas recalled to him by the plea . sanl meeting of lhat d ty . They were planting anothci lodge in Middlesex which promised to be an honour to the Order and second to none in the province . He vvas nut a Middlesex man ; but belonging lo more than one lotlge and chapter in the provincc . and having lhe Stewardship anil
so forth , he was reminded that he was one of the brethren of the province , and he was very proud of the honour conferred upon him of assisting at this consecration . With regard to the hospitality 1 ft : e lodge , he must say that the brethren cf Middlesex had excelled themselves . Thev had given . such a hearty welcome to 'lie visitors as had made III- m for : ; el for the moment that they were visitors .
and he thought lie could 111 , 1 n-. iV the lodge a hi gher compliment than this . " 'I'he Officers" was the next toast , and the S . W ., Hro . Keilv , in reply , said that the officer * would he very mu- b pleased nt all times to do all thev could to promote the interests of this lodge . The officer ' s
wuldr illy round the W . M ., and they would consider any duty required ol them a pleasure . He h' -ped their meetings would be pleasant , and that they would have the pleasure of receiving many initiates and joining members . I he T yler ' s toast concluded the proceedings , whbh were very successful throughout .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
NEWPORT .-St . Woolos Chapter ( No . 68 ?) . — 1 His chapter was belli at Newport , Monmouthshire , on W et nesd-iy , Sth March , when the following were installed M ' "'" •••l » ls for the ensuing year : —Dr . Cheese , as M . E / . ; iv . M . VV Homfray , as IL ; Wr ... Watkins , as . 1 . I he ceremony was ably performed b y Comp . S . Geo . 1 omfray . - . . S . B . of Grand Chapter , and P . G . H . of Monnioutlishbe
. The officers were duly appointee ! , and several brethren proposed for exaltation . Royal Arch Masonry is certainl y on the increa e iu this province . The chapter was closed in harmony . The chapter was attenled b y Capt . A . T . Perkins , H . of Avalon Chapter , Wells , who is also an energetic member of this province , and other companions . HUDDERSFIELD . -ChapterofProsperlty
Royal Arch.
( No . 290 ) . —This chapter held its regular meeting on Wednesday , February 2 , ^ rd , at South Parade . The chapter was opened punctually . at seven o ' clock when Bo . L 13 . Briei'lev vvas balloted for and exalted . Thr- next business vvas the election of officers . The following were elected 10 tne several positions mentioned : Comp , W . Schofield
re-elected / . Comp . Manop , H . ant' Comp . Turner , J ., Comp . Hutchinson re-elected Tre-is . ; E . Comp . Murphy , N .-, and Comp . Wall . P . S . Afterwards the companions sat down to refreshment , and spent a couple of hours in pay ing honour to the toasts . Besides the companions mentioned above there were present Comps . VV . Smith ,
P . Z . ; Aston , P . Z . ; Tyers , P . Z . : Haigh , X . ; Ruddock , P . Z . ; and several others .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PANMURE LOL . GE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ( No . 1 . 19 ) . — Tbis lodge met at the Balham 11-tcl , Balham , on Monday , the 6 th inst ., and vvas opened by the W . V ! ., Bro . Charles Pulman , who vvas supported by Bros . W . Piatt , as S . VV . ; Mark S . I arlham , J . VV . ; Thos . Poore , P . Prov . G . D . C , I . P . M . ; W . Bro . lames Stevens , P . G I . O ., P . M .: George Lilley , P . M . ; VV
Poore , M . O . ; T . J . Austii ., as S . O . ; B . Richardson , I > . C , as J . O . ; J . I . Joseph , R . M . ; C . P . McKay , Sec ; J . T . Gibson , S . D . ; VV . Ackland , J . D . ; VV . McMurray . I . G . ; J . Rawles , Tyler : W . Stcednian , and other brethren . Bros . Kogcr Hannaford , of The Great City Lodge , 1426 , and Walter Arnold , «! the Burgoyne Lodge , i ) Ci , vvere advanced to the honourable degree with perfect ceremonial . The
lodge was draped in mourning , and Masonic mourning vvas worn by the brethren , in token of esteem and respect for the late Deputy Grand Mark Master , Bro . VV . Romaine C-ellende-r . The approved bye-laws of the lotlge were orelereel to bc printed . Propositions for advancement at next meeting were made , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . Refreshment followed labour , and a biict
hour or two were spent in p leasant social intercourse , the usual toasts being duly honoured , and the evening enlivened by lhe excellent singing of several members . This lodge appears to be making excellent progress , and is apparently much nppreciateil by the brethren residing in the immediate locality , as well as by others connected with metropolitan lo . lge-s .
SOUTH MOLTON . —Foriescue Lodge ( No . 0 ) . —A rct ular meeting of lids lodge was held on Monday the 1 tth inst ., Bro . J . T . Shapland , VV . M . The loilge appeared in mourning for the late much respected P . G . M . Master . Present : Bros . Cole anil Worrell , in Ihe Wardens chair ; Bros . Gallifcrd and VVidgety , M . M . M ., and S . Overseers , aud M-vr-raV ovVicv offic ^ is ami brethren , bro . Matks ,
of Lodge 23 1 , vvas balloted for , and unanimously approved of as a fit and proper brother for advancement , other business was transacted , and the lodge was closed tt 9 o ' clock . LEICESTER . —Fowko Lodge ( Xo . 19 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at Freemasot s' I lall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 7111 inst . The chair vvas occupicn by the
' 'V . M ., Bro . G . Toller , jun ., and amongst those present were . Bros . W . Kellv , Prov . 1 % Master ; Rev . W . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; ( . ' M'Alhster , I . P . M . ; S . S . Partridge and A . M . Duff , P . M . ; Clement Stretton , J . VV ., and VV . M . elect , with most of tit .- officers and several membeis . The object of the meeting vvas to advance Bros , VV . Baifoor 1560 ( Mayor of Leiccs ' ei ) ; C . lt . Stretton , 1560 ; A . H . Burgess , solicitor ( clerk lo the School Boarel ) ; R . S . Toller
1560 ( solicitor to the Corporation ); and Dr . Buck , I . G . i . ifio , who , having been severally approved on the ballot , and beii . g in attendance , were advanced to the Degree ol Mark Mason , and sunscquentlv to that of Mark Master . A candidate having been proposed far advancement , the lodge w . is closed until 2 , 3 rd March , when the installation ot the VV . M . elect , Bio . C . Stretton , takes ; . lace , and the annual communication of the Prov . G . Mark Lodge will also be held .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
LANCASTER . —Philips Chapter Rose Croix . —The installation meetiug of this chapter was he-Id on Wednesday , the 23 rd Feb . The M . W . S ,, Uro . VV . Wearing , presided , and after the usual formal business had been transacted HI . Bro . Dr . Moore , 31 ' , G . J . J . C , took tbe chair , nnd duly installed the M . W . S . elect , Bro . li . Airey ,
ar . tne head of the chapter , and gave the usual addresses 011 lhe occasion . The M . W . S . then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . VV . Wearing , P . S . ; Dr . Moore , H . P . ; W . J . First Gen . II . Longman , Second Gen . and H .: ' apt . C . 1 ) . Garnett , G . Marsh . ; W . Had , Raphael ; A . L . K . Dodson , Capt . of Lines ; It . Taylor , Itqueiry . The rflms were collected , and the chapter closed iu due form .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
KEYNSHAM . —William de Irwin Conclave ( No . 17 ) . —This conclave vvas opened in due form on February 18 th by the M . P . Sov ., E . and P . Sir Knight VV . Hodges , at 6 . 3 p . m . On the muster roll being called , the following Sir Knights answered to their nunc .: —E . and P . Sir Knts . W . [ Heilges , M . P . So .. ; J . F . Ilalla-i , V . E . ; VV . Minim , S . G _ ; J . M . Hunt , J . G . ; G . Tonkin , H . P . ; B . Gay , Hccerdcr ; VV . Ben
nam , ist Lieut . Sir Knts . A . G . Williams . IL Amor . II . VV . Lane , E . Weare , J . M . Shurland . E . E . Henri , late 17 . The minutes of the last mi cling of the conclae were read and confirmed . A baLot vvas then ukcti for bro . R . S . King . W . M . Lodge 610 , as a candidate for installation , which proving favourable , anel * ro . King being in atten d ance , lie was duly installed and prtxilaimed a Kni ght of the Red Cross of Rome and Constintine . It was then annrimced that the Intendant-Gene-
Red Cross Of Constantine.
ral of Bnste 1 , Em . and Illustrious Sir Knt . F . G . Irwin , accompanied by Sir Knt . J . F . TucKey , was desirous of visiting the conclave , when the M . P . Sov . directed the Sir knights present to form an Arch of Steel , an I to r ceive tie illustrious visitors with the honour due to their rank A ballot was then taken for Sir Knt . E . E . Hon y as a j lining member , who was declared duly elected . The
Intendant-General announced that he had bee- asked to take a conclave to visit the Grantl Conclave to be held in London on March Sth , ane ! expressed a wish that the William de Irwin Conclave should be selected . Several of ihe Sir Knights expressed their readiness to attend on the occasion , accompanying the Intendant-General E . and P . Sir Knt . F . J . Irwin on his visit to the Grand Conclave
, London , to be held on March Sth : —E . and P . Sir Knts . G . F . Tuckey , D . I . G . Bristol ; W . Hodges , I . M . P . S . ; J . T . Hallam , M . P . S . ; W . Munro , V . E . ; B . Gay , J . G . Sir Knts . E . G . Honey , Recorder ; H . W . lane , . Prefect ; A . J . Williams , Herald ; H . Amor , ist Lieut . ; E . «' eare , 2 nd Lieut . ; T . Brook ; also E . and P . Sir Knt . VV . A . Scott , J . M . P . S . of the Munbee
Lodge , 101 . The M . P . Sov . elect , E . and P . 'Sir Knt . J . F . Hallam , was then enthroned M . P . Sov . for the ensuing •ear , the ceremony being performed b y E . and P . Sir Knt . I lodges in his usual impressive manner . The M . P . Sov . elect vvas presented by E . and P . Sir Knt . W . A . Scott , P . M . ' - ' . S . Mumbcc Conclave , No . iot . Th « M . P . Sov . then proceeded to appoint anil invest his officers as follows .
V . l-., E . and P . Sir Knight VV . Munro ; S . G ., J . M . Hunt ; J . G ., Benj . Gay ; I LP ., W . Benham ; treas .. J . F . Tuckey , D . J G . Bristol ; Prefect , Sir Knt . H . W . Lane ; Standard Bearer , E . and P . Sir Knt . M . Ansaldo ; Recorder , Sir Knt . E . E . Honey ; Herald , A . G . Williams ; ist Lieut ., II . Amor ; 2 nd Lieut ., E : Weare . Sir Knt . Tuckey , P . M . P . S ., proposed Sir Knt .
¦ shore-land as Steward for the ensuing yeai ; this was seconded by Sir Knt . Hodges , P . M . P . S ., and carried unanimnudy . Sir Knt . R . S . King was 1 roposed as 2 nd Stewrd , w-uich was carried unanimously . The Intendant-General proposed that the Immediate P . M P . 5 ., Sir Knt-Hodgcs , be elected to represent the Conclave in Grand Conclave f . T the ensui g year , seconded by the
Intendanter . eral , and cariied unanimously . There being no further business belore the conclave for the consid ration of 'he Sir Knights , it was closed in perfect harmony by the VI . P . Sov at 7 . 45 p . m . The Sir Knights tnen retired to the refectory , where the annual banquet was spread , to which about 20 Sir Knights sat down , when the usual toasts were given and responded to .
Obituary .
BRO . BENJAMIN THORPE . The Province of Kent , and especially the Invicta Lodge , 709 , at Ashford , are mourning the loss ' of Bru . Benjamin Thorpe , who died " like a shock of corn in his season " at lhe residence of his son , Bro . Benjimin Kell y Thorpe , of Cnaring , on Friday night , February 18 th ult ., after a few davs'ilness , at the advanced age of f » 2 ,
one of the oldest members of the Craft ; certainly the oldest in the province . Born in June 179 . 1 , he vvas initiat'd in 1 S 14 , ( 12 years ago , in the Wellington Lodge ( then numocred 6 51 , since 42 ( 1 , now 341 ) , at Rye , Sussex , which lodge was founded that year , the fourth lodge after the Union . He vvas raised December 17 th , 1814 . The next year he resided at Hythe , where , July 24 th , 18 ro , he
joined the Piince Edwin Lodge ( then 205 , since 147 , now 125 ) , of which he became W . M . In 1821 he removed ( o Ashford , where he resided till the last two years , for upwards of 50 years taking a leading part in all the business of tbe town . In 1823 , July 27 th , he was exalted in the Chapter of Harmony—now extnet—attached to the Lodgeof Harmony , Faversham ( then 215 , since 1 ^ e ,
now 1 , } , }) . In 1 S 3 J he was one of the founders of the Invicta Lodge , ( then 1011 , now 709 ) , at Ashford , being the ( irs- S . W . under the late distinguished Bro . Thomas llallowcs , P . M . 147 , 125 . and Past D . P . G . M . of the Province . He became W . Vf , the next year . He was a most constant attendant at his lodge , being father , bror . hc , friend to every member and visitor , who looked up to
him with reverence and love ; antl here vvas presented very often the rare appearance and gratification of three gencrati"tn being present at once , when he and his son , both P . M . 's of the lodge , were accompanied by his son ' s son , now P . M . of 1184 . In 18 59 he vvas appointed Grand Registrar by the late P . G . M ., C . P . Cooper , Esq ., Q . C . In iR ( W he vvas elected Treasurer of the
province , 111 which eluties he has latterly been assisted by his son , Bro . B . K . Thorpe , I ' . P . G . Registrar . In 18 I 17 he founded and vvas first W . M . of Abbey Lodge , 1184 , at Battle , IUSSCX . Lorel Pelham , P . G . M . of that province , was present 011 this occasion , and afterwards ofrercil him the office of P . G . S . W . of Sussex , which however he declined on account of his age . A slight accident
to his leg , which was not thought much of at thr time , prevented his attending lodge in February . Inflammation and e-rysipelas set in , and he sank rapidly . His death , like his ' i ife , was peace . Just and upright in all his deal-•ngs—meek , humble , resigned—faithful to his God , his country , and his laws—rising to eminence by merit , he lived respected , antl died regretted . On Thursday ,
February 24 th , his mortal remains were taken from Charing into the parish church at Ashford , the funeral cortege being joined by th > - members of the Invicta I odgc , headed by Bro . J . S . Eastes ( one of the founders of the lodge , a ni D . P . G . M , of the province ) , and Bro . Lieut . C . G . Rob'nsou , R . N ' ., the VV . M .. and from thence conveyed ,
liter service in church , to the old burial grouiid , and deposited in the family vault . The Vicar of Ashford performed the servie _ e very impressively , and at the close the brethren threw sprigs of myrtle and acacia into the grave no other Masonic ceremonial taking place , as the fuueral was . bv the request of the family , a private one .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Musgrave Lodge, No. 1597.
l rge number of lodges under his control that made him rtiutt ; it was also the quality o' the brethren of who n thev-were composed . He did not care about the number much ; Masonry wanted frr more men of high position , ' , 1 jn the Province of Middlesex they had brethren they •' •re pvoud to boast of , and in that respect no other prohire could exceed them . He was glad to see this lodge .- ¦ arted under such favourable auspices . They had in it
| , rtthren who were present then that very few other lodges coul'l boast of , and he must again say he was proud of 1-eing there to n . eet them . Me was gratified not onl y at being appointed to consecrate such a lodge , with the able assistance of Bro . Little , but also lhat they had with them ihc Prov . G . M . of a neighbouring county . This strengthened thcirposition ve ry iini .-h indeed to have a neighbouring
Prov . G . M . like Gen . Hrtwnrigg aiding them , joining them , and ready to sm-port them in every way he could . He helped they would be ready lo support him in return . By ttiis means , by . joining together 1 : 1 friendship , thev would bn able to c-my on the principles of Freemasonry in such a manner as they ought . ( IL-ar , hear . ) B-o . Little , who was called on to replv for "The Prov . G .
Ollieers , last and 1-rescnt , said he was sorry Sir George Elliot was not present . lie ( Bro . Little ) was the first Grand Secretary of the province , ai , d he had much p ' eisure in standing by Col . Burdett , whom he had felt it a great hop :. ur to serve un ler . Col . Buidelt had brought tite province to great p . rfeclion . Every t . ffieer , he was happv . to say , was working ia the same direction , and was
striving to promote the success of lhe province and extend good fellowship among the brethren . The VV . M . proposed "The Consecrating Ollieers , " nnd iiie-lu led among them Bro . Buss , who , in reply , said he had not . expected that any duties would be required of him when he came that afternoon to visit the lodge . He could , however , say it gave him great satisfact i on to be of any service
in the province , particularly as he was the Grand Treasurer , and he hoped be would long have the opportunity of forwarding the interests of the pr .-viuce , in which he would always lie willing to bear a part . ( Cheers ) Cl . Burdett proposed "The VV . M ., " a duty which hi said he performcet with the greatest pleasure anil satisf-iction , espeei . ill-, ' on such an occasion as the consecration of
- . 1 bulge . He tlil not believe there was any brother more worthy to hold lhe position of VV . M . than Bro . Levick . lie had known him for a long time-, a- il h-e had always considered him . 1 . most worthy Mason , and one who had dt . nc his duty with c edit to the Order , They might It- quite sure that the brethren of this lodge would not have recomnu-r . il . d him for his present high
position unless they had con-ili-ivd turn worthy of it . Tnis added to the pleasure lie Lit in coming forward to copsecrate the lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) The VV . M . said he : would do his best in his posHion . II he failed , it would not be from want of will hut from incapacity , lie was unfortunately called upon to go abroad for sonic months , so that for a little time he should be ab
5-nt from among the brethren ; but he hoped by the next meeting of the lodj-e in Julv he would be hack . He was going a long way off—to the Cape—but that was thought no more of nowadays than going to Fi . 'inrc was formerly . "The Visitors" was the next toast , to which Dr . Woodman refilled . The sign of ihc " Angel and Crown " brought back to his recollection a pleasant time when
Bro . Li . tle , and himself , with several other brethren cann down there to see to what house they could remove th-Hard ot Avon Loilge . They then tested ihe capabilities of the liMise , which they found came up to the mark . They had an excellent dinner , and in consequence cf their report th Bard of Avon Lodge was removed there . To a certain extent he was sorry it li id since In en taken away . It was
a very nice lodge , and be was pL-ased to belong 10 it at tlie prcstiit time . This vvas recalled to him by the plea . sanl meeting of lhat d ty . They were planting anothci lodge in Middlesex which promised to be an honour to the Order and second to none in the province . He vvas nut a Middlesex man ; but belonging lo more than one lotlge and chapter in the provincc . and having lhe Stewardship anil
so forth , he was reminded that he was one of the brethren of the province , and he was very proud of the honour conferred upon him of assisting at this consecration . With regard to the hospitality 1 ft : e lodge , he must say that the brethren cf Middlesex had excelled themselves . Thev had given . such a hearty welcome to 'lie visitors as had made III- m for : ; el for the moment that they were visitors .
and he thought lie could 111 , 1 n-. iV the lodge a hi gher compliment than this . " 'I'he Officers" was the next toast , and the S . W ., Hro . Keilv , in reply , said that the officer * would he very mu- b pleased nt all times to do all thev could to promote the interests of this lodge . The officer ' s
wuldr illy round the W . M ., and they would consider any duty required ol them a pleasure . He h' -ped their meetings would be pleasant , and that they would have the pleasure of receiving many initiates and joining members . I he T yler ' s toast concluded the proceedings , whbh were very successful throughout .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
NEWPORT .-St . Woolos Chapter ( No . 68 ?) . — 1 His chapter was belli at Newport , Monmouthshire , on W et nesd-iy , Sth March , when the following were installed M ' "'" •••l » ls for the ensuing year : —Dr . Cheese , as M . E / . ; iv . M . VV Homfray , as IL ; Wr ... Watkins , as . 1 . I he ceremony was ably performed b y Comp . S . Geo . 1 omfray . - . . S . B . of Grand Chapter , and P . G . H . of Monnioutlishbe
. The officers were duly appointee ! , and several brethren proposed for exaltation . Royal Arch Masonry is certainl y on the increa e iu this province . The chapter was closed in harmony . The chapter was attenled b y Capt . A . T . Perkins , H . of Avalon Chapter , Wells , who is also an energetic member of this province , and other companions . HUDDERSFIELD . -ChapterofProsperlty
Royal Arch.
( No . 290 ) . —This chapter held its regular meeting on Wednesday , February 2 , ^ rd , at South Parade . The chapter was opened punctually . at seven o ' clock when Bo . L 13 . Briei'lev vvas balloted for and exalted . Thr- next business vvas the election of officers . The following were elected 10 tne several positions mentioned : Comp , W . Schofield
re-elected / . Comp . Manop , H . ant' Comp . Turner , J ., Comp . Hutchinson re-elected Tre-is . ; E . Comp . Murphy , N .-, and Comp . Wall . P . S . Afterwards the companions sat down to refreshment , and spent a couple of hours in pay ing honour to the toasts . Besides the companions mentioned above there were present Comps . VV . Smith ,
P . Z . ; Aston , P . Z . ; Tyers , P . Z . : Haigh , X . ; Ruddock , P . Z . ; and several others .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PANMURE LOL . GE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ( No . 1 . 19 ) . — Tbis lodge met at the Balham 11-tcl , Balham , on Monday , the 6 th inst ., and vvas opened by the W . V ! ., Bro . Charles Pulman , who vvas supported by Bros . W . Piatt , as S . VV . ; Mark S . I arlham , J . VV . ; Thos . Poore , P . Prov . G . D . C , I . P . M . ; W . Bro . lames Stevens , P . G I . O ., P . M .: George Lilley , P . M . ; VV
Poore , M . O . ; T . J . Austii ., as S . O . ; B . Richardson , I > . C , as J . O . ; J . I . Joseph , R . M . ; C . P . McKay , Sec ; J . T . Gibson , S . D . ; VV . Ackland , J . D . ; VV . McMurray . I . G . ; J . Rawles , Tyler : W . Stcednian , and other brethren . Bros . Kogcr Hannaford , of The Great City Lodge , 1426 , and Walter Arnold , «! the Burgoyne Lodge , i ) Ci , vvere advanced to the honourable degree with perfect ceremonial . The
lodge was draped in mourning , and Masonic mourning vvas worn by the brethren , in token of esteem and respect for the late Deputy Grand Mark Master , Bro . VV . Romaine C-ellende-r . The approved bye-laws of the lotlge were orelereel to bc printed . Propositions for advancement at next meeting were made , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . Refreshment followed labour , and a biict
hour or two were spent in p leasant social intercourse , the usual toasts being duly honoured , and the evening enlivened by lhe excellent singing of several members . This lodge appears to be making excellent progress , and is apparently much nppreciateil by the brethren residing in the immediate locality , as well as by others connected with metropolitan lo . lge-s .
SOUTH MOLTON . —Foriescue Lodge ( No . 0 ) . —A rct ular meeting of lids lodge was held on Monday the 1 tth inst ., Bro . J . T . Shapland , VV . M . The loilge appeared in mourning for the late much respected P . G . M . Master . Present : Bros . Cole anil Worrell , in Ihe Wardens chair ; Bros . Gallifcrd and VVidgety , M . M . M ., and S . Overseers , aud M-vr-raV ovVicv offic ^ is ami brethren , bro . Matks ,
of Lodge 23 1 , vvas balloted for , and unanimously approved of as a fit and proper brother for advancement , other business was transacted , and the lodge was closed tt 9 o ' clock . LEICESTER . —Fowko Lodge ( Xo . 19 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at Freemasot s' I lall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 7111 inst . The chair vvas occupicn by the
' 'V . M ., Bro . G . Toller , jun ., and amongst those present were . Bros . W . Kellv , Prov . 1 % Master ; Rev . W . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; ( . ' M'Alhster , I . P . M . ; S . S . Partridge and A . M . Duff , P . M . ; Clement Stretton , J . VV ., and VV . M . elect , with most of tit .- officers and several membeis . The object of the meeting vvas to advance Bros , VV . Baifoor 1560 ( Mayor of Leiccs ' ei ) ; C . lt . Stretton , 1560 ; A . H . Burgess , solicitor ( clerk lo the School Boarel ) ; R . S . Toller
1560 ( solicitor to the Corporation ); and Dr . Buck , I . G . i . ifio , who , having been severally approved on the ballot , and beii . g in attendance , were advanced to the Degree ol Mark Mason , and sunscquentlv to that of Mark Master . A candidate having been proposed far advancement , the lodge w . is closed until 2 , 3 rd March , when the installation ot the VV . M . elect , Bio . C . Stretton , takes ; . lace , and the annual communication of the Prov . G . Mark Lodge will also be held .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
LANCASTER . —Philips Chapter Rose Croix . —The installation meetiug of this chapter was he-Id on Wednesday , the 23 rd Feb . The M . W . S ,, Uro . VV . Wearing , presided , and after the usual formal business had been transacted HI . Bro . Dr . Moore , 31 ' , G . J . J . C , took tbe chair , nnd duly installed the M . W . S . elect , Bro . li . Airey ,
ar . tne head of the chapter , and gave the usual addresses 011 lhe occasion . The M . W . S . then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . VV . Wearing , P . S . ; Dr . Moore , H . P . ; W . J . First Gen . II . Longman , Second Gen . and H .: ' apt . C . 1 ) . Garnett , G . Marsh . ; W . Had , Raphael ; A . L . K . Dodson , Capt . of Lines ; It . Taylor , Itqueiry . The rflms were collected , and the chapter closed iu due form .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
KEYNSHAM . —William de Irwin Conclave ( No . 17 ) . —This conclave vvas opened in due form on February 18 th by the M . P . Sov ., E . and P . Sir Knight VV . Hodges , at 6 . 3 p . m . On the muster roll being called , the following Sir Knights answered to their nunc .: —E . and P . Sir Knts . W . [ Heilges , M . P . So .. ; J . F . Ilalla-i , V . E . ; VV . Minim , S . G _ ; J . M . Hunt , J . G . ; G . Tonkin , H . P . ; B . Gay , Hccerdcr ; VV . Ben
nam , ist Lieut . Sir Knts . A . G . Williams . IL Amor . II . VV . Lane , E . Weare , J . M . Shurland . E . E . Henri , late 17 . The minutes of the last mi cling of the conclae were read and confirmed . A baLot vvas then ukcti for bro . R . S . King . W . M . Lodge 610 , as a candidate for installation , which proving favourable , anel * ro . King being in atten d ance , lie was duly installed and prtxilaimed a Kni ght of the Red Cross of Rome and Constintine . It was then annrimced that the Intendant-Gene-
Red Cross Of Constantine.
ral of Bnste 1 , Em . and Illustrious Sir Knt . F . G . Irwin , accompanied by Sir Knt . J . F . TucKey , was desirous of visiting the conclave , when the M . P . Sov . directed the Sir knights present to form an Arch of Steel , an I to r ceive tie illustrious visitors with the honour due to their rank A ballot was then taken for Sir Knt . E . E . Hon y as a j lining member , who was declared duly elected . The
Intendant-General announced that he had bee- asked to take a conclave to visit the Grantl Conclave to be held in London on March Sth , ane ! expressed a wish that the William de Irwin Conclave should be selected . Several of ihe Sir Knights expressed their readiness to attend on the occasion , accompanying the Intendant-General E . and P . Sir Knt . F . J . Irwin on his visit to the Grand Conclave
, London , to be held on March Sth : —E . and P . Sir Knts . G . F . Tuckey , D . I . G . Bristol ; W . Hodges , I . M . P . S . ; J . T . Hallam , M . P . S . ; W . Munro , V . E . ; B . Gay , J . G . Sir Knts . E . G . Honey , Recorder ; H . W . lane , . Prefect ; A . J . Williams , Herald ; H . Amor , ist Lieut . ; E . «' eare , 2 nd Lieut . ; T . Brook ; also E . and P . Sir Knt . VV . A . Scott , J . M . P . S . of the Munbee
Lodge , 101 . The M . P . Sov . elect , E . and P . 'Sir Knt . J . F . Hallam , was then enthroned M . P . Sov . for the ensuing •ear , the ceremony being performed b y E . and P . Sir Knt . I lodges in his usual impressive manner . The M . P . Sov . elect vvas presented by E . and P . Sir Knt . W . A . Scott , P . M . ' - ' . S . Mumbcc Conclave , No . iot . Th « M . P . Sov . then proceeded to appoint anil invest his officers as follows .
V . l-., E . and P . Sir Knight VV . Munro ; S . G ., J . M . Hunt ; J . G ., Benj . Gay ; I LP ., W . Benham ; treas .. J . F . Tuckey , D . J G . Bristol ; Prefect , Sir Knt . H . W . Lane ; Standard Bearer , E . and P . Sir Knt . M . Ansaldo ; Recorder , Sir Knt . E . E . Honey ; Herald , A . G . Williams ; ist Lieut ., II . Amor ; 2 nd Lieut ., E : Weare . Sir Knt . Tuckey , P . M . P . S ., proposed Sir Knt .
¦ shore-land as Steward for the ensuing yeai ; this was seconded by Sir Knt . Hodges , P . M . P . S ., and carried unanimnudy . Sir Knt . R . S . King was 1 roposed as 2 nd Stewrd , w-uich was carried unanimously . The Intendant-General proposed that the Immediate P . M P . 5 ., Sir Knt-Hodgcs , be elected to represent the Conclave in Grand Conclave f . T the ensui g year , seconded by the
Intendanter . eral , and cariied unanimously . There being no further business belore the conclave for the consid ration of 'he Sir Knights , it was closed in perfect harmony by the VI . P . Sov at 7 . 45 p . m . The Sir Knights tnen retired to the refectory , where the annual banquet was spread , to which about 20 Sir Knights sat down , when the usual toasts were given and responded to .
Obituary .
BRO . BENJAMIN THORPE . The Province of Kent , and especially the Invicta Lodge , 709 , at Ashford , are mourning the loss ' of Bru . Benjamin Thorpe , who died " like a shock of corn in his season " at lhe residence of his son , Bro . Benjimin Kell y Thorpe , of Cnaring , on Friday night , February 18 th ult ., after a few davs'ilness , at the advanced age of f » 2 ,
one of the oldest members of the Craft ; certainly the oldest in the province . Born in June 179 . 1 , he vvas initiat'd in 1 S 14 , ( 12 years ago , in the Wellington Lodge ( then numocred 6 51 , since 42 ( 1 , now 341 ) , at Rye , Sussex , which lodge was founded that year , the fourth lodge after the Union . He vvas raised December 17 th , 1814 . The next year he resided at Hythe , where , July 24 th , 18 ro , he
joined the Piince Edwin Lodge ( then 205 , since 147 , now 125 ) , of which he became W . M . In 1821 he removed ( o Ashford , where he resided till the last two years , for upwards of 50 years taking a leading part in all the business of tbe town . In 1823 , July 27 th , he was exalted in the Chapter of Harmony—now extnet—attached to the Lodgeof Harmony , Faversham ( then 215 , since 1 ^ e ,
now 1 , } , }) . In 1 S 3 J he was one of the founders of the Invicta Lodge , ( then 1011 , now 709 ) , at Ashford , being the ( irs- S . W . under the late distinguished Bro . Thomas llallowcs , P . M . 147 , 125 . and Past D . P . G . M . of the Province . He became W . Vf , the next year . He was a most constant attendant at his lodge , being father , bror . hc , friend to every member and visitor , who looked up to
him with reverence and love ; antl here vvas presented very often the rare appearance and gratification of three gencrati"tn being present at once , when he and his son , both P . M . 's of the lodge , were accompanied by his son ' s son , now P . M . of 1184 . In 18 59 he vvas appointed Grand Registrar by the late P . G . M ., C . P . Cooper , Esq ., Q . C . In iR ( W he vvas elected Treasurer of the
province , 111 which eluties he has latterly been assisted by his son , Bro . B . K . Thorpe , I ' . P . G . Registrar . In 18 I 17 he founded and vvas first W . M . of Abbey Lodge , 1184 , at Battle , IUSSCX . Lorel Pelham , P . G . M . of that province , was present 011 this occasion , and afterwards ofrercil him the office of P . G . S . W . of Sussex , which however he declined on account of his age . A slight accident
to his leg , which was not thought much of at thr time , prevented his attending lodge in February . Inflammation and e-rysipelas set in , and he sank rapidly . His death , like his ' i ife , was peace . Just and upright in all his deal-•ngs—meek , humble , resigned—faithful to his God , his country , and his laws—rising to eminence by merit , he lived respected , antl died regretted . On Thursday ,
February 24 th , his mortal remains were taken from Charing into the parish church at Ashford , the funeral cortege being joined by th > - members of the Invicta I odgc , headed by Bro . J . S . Eastes ( one of the founders of the lodge , a ni D . P . G . M , of the province ) , and Bro . Lieut . C . G . Rob'nsou , R . N ' ., the VV . M .. and from thence conveyed ,
liter service in church , to the old burial grouiid , and deposited in the family vault . The Vicar of Ashford performed the servie _ e very impressively , and at the close the brethren threw sprigs of myrtle and acacia into the grave no other Masonic ceremonial taking place , as the fuueral was . bv the request of the family , a private one .