Article INSTRUCTION ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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'The visitors were Bros . J . S . Plummer , 1 . 55 S ; E . Walker , 72 ; C . Sweet , 159 ; G . Ii . Wells , 1539 ; R . Poore , 0-19 ; J- S . Stacey , 1572 ; C . J . Hill , A . Southam , TL J . Sharpe , iGfig ; J . A . Dairies , 1069 ; F . W . Martin , 17 ( 15 ; j . Sargeant ; A . T . Chambers , 650 ; CM . Branden , 1563 ; G . Hubbard , 1922 ; G . Dixon , P . M . 172 ; and A . Darch , I . P . M . 72 .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Stevens then proceeded to deliver his lecture , and the brethren gave most careful attention ; indeed , all felt that a little discussion upon some points of ritual was likely to do much good , by interesting those who wish to do something more than repeat words as a parrot would , and to
enable all to learn something of beauty of the ancient working . At the completion of the lecture , Bro . Bate was elected W . M . of the next meeting , and the following brethren were elected joining members , Bros . Danks , Martin , Sargeant , R . Poore , Walls , Brander , and Stacey . Bro . H . Lovegrove proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , and touched upon certain points in the lecture .
affecting not only verbiage , but ceremonial , and expressed his pleasure that Hro . Stevens had taken so much trouble in preparing a lecture which ought to be heard in every lodge of instruction and carefully considered by the members . The vote of thankswascarri . il unanimously , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was then closed and the members separated .
STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —At this lodge of instruction , held at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross , on Saturday last , the ceremonies of consecration and installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terry . P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts ., P . M ., Sic , Sic , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Punctually at seven p . m . the lodge was opened by Bro . Terry and the following ollicers : Bros .
J . J . Hutchings , P . M ., S . W . ; Waterman , P . M ., J . VV . ; Styles , P . M ., S . D . ; Emblin , J . D . ; Rev . Sturdce , Chaplain ; Geo . Andrews , P . M ., Preceptor and Treas ., D . C ; Walter Martin , Sec . ; Pordell , Org . ; II . 11 . 'Taylor , I . G . ; and A . B . Church , Tyler , in the presence uf 112 other brethren ' comprising many Present and Past distinguished Prov . Grand Ollicers , Sic , Sic
We have so often had to mention Hro . Terry ' s manner of working that on this occasion it is only necessary to say that he was at his best . The hymns , & c , incidental to the ceremony , had much effect from the care Bros . Powell , Gibson , Eaton , Osborn , Jobson , Stone , Tuck , and Holding had previousl y taken so as to be able to lead the brothers generally . T he lodge board was carefully set out with
silver plate and flowers kindly lent by Bro . Andrews and other brothers of the lodge . Bro . J . J . llutchens , P . M ., S . W .. having been installed into thc chair of K . S . in due form , invested his officers in a manner marked with great ability . Bro . Ncal , P . M ., in proposing a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Terry for attending , expressed on his own behalf
and that of the brethren present the great Masonic treat they had experienced ; for himself , lie had never had a greater one . Bro . Terry , in reply , stated that he wasat all times ready to assist lodges of instruction . lie had consecrated many lodges , but never presided over so many brethren as he had done that evening in a lodge uf instruction , lie thanked Bro . Walter Martin for the admirable mar . net
in which all the arrangements had been carried out , even to the smallest details . Ue had to thank thc brethren uf the choir for the valuable assistance rendered , and if at any future time he could be of assistance he should only be ton pleased to attend , and promote the future welfare of the lodge . The lodge having been closed in due form , theW . M . called upon the brethren tn give three cheers fur the ( JIUTII on her safe deliverance from the hands uf a would-be
assassin , which was ret ponded to in a manner worthy ol Masons . A few of the brethren afterwards entertained Bro . 'Terry at supper , provided by thc genial host , Bro . I hiding , Bro . Geo . Andrews , Preceptor , in the chair , when the vocal abilities of several uf the brethren were again severely taxed , and one uf the most successful and plca .-ant evenings in the annals of tin Star Lodge of Instiuction was brought to a happy and pleasant termination .
GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —This lodge met on 'Thursday , the yth inst ., at Masons' Mall Tavern , as usual , to work , as had been arranged , the ceremony of installation . There was a large muster of the brethren , which numbered , amongst others , Bros . Saul , Preceptor ;
J . Hamer , I . P . M . of the mother luilge ; Henry Wright , J . Rush , VV . Paddle , VV . Baber , Young , J . Baber , S . W . ; VV . Sibley , ] . VV . ; Roberts , and Goodenough , Sec . The impressive ceremony was worked in a most perfect manner by Bro . Saul , W . M ., for the evening , and elicited the warm approval cf the members .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . tO y ^ . —A nieeling of this lodge of instruction was held on Thuisday , the yth inst ., the ollices being filled as follows : Bros . Saunders , W . M . j Money , S . VV . ; line , J . W . j Clarkson , :,. ! ,. ; Morris , J . VV . ; Vialls , LG . ; Ludlow , Preceptor ; Jas , Langton , 'Treas . ; and J . I ) . Langton , Sec . ; also Bros . Buret , Tanqueray , Shaw and Moore . Visitor : Bro . A . IT .
Carney . 'The lodge having been opened in the First Uegree the minutes were read and confirmed , after which the lodge-was opened in thc Second Degree and resumed in the First , when Bro . Garland acting as candidate for the Second Degree answered the usual questions , and the lodge being then resumed in the Second Degree , Bro , Garland was passed to the Degree of F . C . After a call off Bro . Duret worked the Fourth Section of thc Second
Lecture , assisted by Bro . Money , and the First Section of the First Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The lodge being closed in the Second Degree , Bro . Money was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting ; and liro . Bud proposed Bro . A . H . Gurney uf tbe Francis B . irdett Lodge , No . ¦ 503 , whom Bro . Saunders seconded , and he was unanimousl y elected a member of this lodge of instruction , after whicii the lodge closed .
Bro . the Hon . C . Kliot , brother of Hro the Knrl of St . Germans , and thc Hon . C . Edgcumbe , brother of Hro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , are likely to be the candidates for the vacant seat for the Eastern Division of Cornwall , caused by the succession of Bro . the Hon . T . Agar-Robartcs to the peerage , on the death of his father , the ate Bro . Lord Robartes .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER ( No . 72 ) . — 'The usual convocation was held on 'Thursday , the yth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter was opened b y Ex . Comp . F . Dunn , M . E . / .. ; J . Nunn , P . / .. and Scribe 10 ., as TL ; and IT . Lovegrove , II ., as J . lOx . Comp . II . Lovett , P . Z ., afterwards arrived , and there were also present Comps . Walker , Lewcock , Read , G . lOdwards , A . O'Donnell , F . 'Thurston , S . N ., and R . Potter , 'T yler . Bro . G . F . Bates was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry . Comp . F . Thurston was elected J .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . ( 1111 ) . —A convoc . ition of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the yth inst ., at the Alasons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Coleman-street . Present : Comps . II . Thompson , M . E . / .. Sharratt , II . ; E . Coste , P . Z . ( pro tern ) , J . ; Green , P . Z ., S . E . ; Seaman , P . / . ; Jacobs , P . Z . ; aiid Wyers , P . Z . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Bond , uf the Acacia Lodge , having been
balloted for , and being in attendance , was duly exalted into Koyal Arch Masonry . The next business was to elect the Audit Committee , when two companions were ajijiointed , in addition to the usual ollicers , to perform that duty . The next matier before the chaptcrwas to elect the Principals for the ensuing year , and the result uf the first ballot was the unanimous election of Comj ) . Sharratt as M . E . Z ., and for that mark of their confidence and favour he returned
his sincere thanks , promising to devote all his energies and by every means in his power to promote the interests and prosperity of the Beadon Chapter . 'The election for the two other Principals then took place , which was equally unanimous in favour of Comp . Dodman , as II ., and Comp . Carrington , as J . Gimp . Dr . Pridiiiore was elected as P . S ., and i . ' oinji . Bond was nominated as A . S . Conqi . A . Avery was re-elected "Treasurer , and
Cump . VV . II . Green as S . IO . Comp . Bavin was re-elected as Janitor , and at thc same time received the congratulations uf the companions on his restoration to health . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that a P . Z . ' s jewel , of the usual value , should be presented to the M . E . / ., Comp . Thompson , at the next convocation , on his retirement from that exalted position . The M . 10 . / .., in a few sincere words , thanked the
companions for that renewed mark of their kindness , which had continued ever since he had the honour of being numbered amongst them ; and remarked that , although he had received other jewels , that one would be specially esteemed by him , reminding him—if indeed he required lo be reminded at all—uf the many happy Injurs he had spent with the companions of the Beadon Chajiter . The chajiter was then closed , and the companions
adjourned to a well-served banquet , at live conclusion of which the M . IO . Z . gave the usual loyal and Koyal Arch toasts , whicii were all drank with great cordiality . Comp . Wyer , I . P . Z ., said it gave him much pleasure to propose thc loa-t of "The Health uf Gimp . I honip-. on , M . E . Z . of the chapter , " and he spoke in high terms uf the manner in whicii lie had discharged his duties during * the jiast year , lie asked the companions to join will ' , him
in drinking the toast he had projmscd , a request that was responded ' to with the utmost cordiality . The M . E . '/; . in responding , expressed his gratitude to Comp . Wyer for tlie very complimentary terms in which he hail proposed his health , and he al-u thanked the companions for the hearty manner in whicii they had accepted that toast , but he scarcely believed that he was deserving uf all the eiiinnium- which had been parsed upon
him , again he thanked them for tiie token uf their ajijii libation which they had voted to him that evening . When he joined the noble band of P . Z . ' s he should still continue to do anything that lie could to promote tlie interests of the chajiter , and maintain the prestige ol it by every means in his [ lower . The next toast was "The P . Z . 's nf tin ; Chajiter , " and the M . IO . Z . said he should feel jiroiid when be joined that
body , who had for years now enjoyed the ; i-teem uf the companions . He asked them to join him in drinking the health nf Comps . Coste , Wyer , Seaman , Jacobs , and Green , P . Z . 's nf the chapter . Cumjis . Wyer , Seaman , Cnste , Green and Jacobs severally returned thanks , the latter alluding with feelings of satisfaction to the time , now upwards nf twenty years agowhen he used to meet the M . IO . Z . in lodges of
instruc-, tion , and expressed the pleasure that he experienced when lie found that he was exalted in the Beadon Chapter . The M . E . Z . then gave "The Health of the M . E . Z . Elect , " and said that he believed a better choice could not have been made , for he knew that Gimp . Sharratt had sincerely the interest of the chapter at heart , and would well acquit himself in the dignified position lo whicii he had been elected .
Comp . Sharratt thanked thc M . E . Z . for the very kind and complimentary terms in whicii he had spoken nf him , and promised tu do all in his [ lower to carry out in an efficient manner tlie duties whicii would devolve upon him . The M . IO . Z . said tlie next toast he had to propose was "The Health of Comp . Alfred Avery , " ( heir esteemed Treasurer . He expressed the sorrow he frit that he was unable in consequence of illness to be with them , as he
fully intended to he present with them that evening . He had great pleasure on the one hand in proposing this toast , but it was somewhat tinged with melancholy un the other , on account of the cause which had kept him from them . He had had thc pleasure of knowing Bro . Avery for many years , not only as a teacher of Freemasonry , but as one who was always ready lo do anything that lay in his power for the benefit of the Craft . He asked the comjianions tn
join with him in drinking a toast that hc was sure would meet witb their acceptance , which was a speedy restoration to health of Comp . Avery , and to assure him that all the companions deeply sympathised with him in his illness , and wishing him a r . jieedy restoration to health . 'This toast was drunk with the greatest cordiality . The M . IO . Z . said that perhaps their Comp . Green , S . IO ., would convey to Bro . Avery the feelings of the chapter to
him , and he said he should most cheerfully d . ) so , but Comp . Myer said he should see him on the following day , and lie was quite sure that he would be much pleased at the kind feelings whicii the companions had expressed towards him . The M . IO . Z . then gave the remaining toasts , which brought a very happy and harmonious meeting tn a close . Comp . 10 . Coste , P . Z . ( in the absence of the Janitor ) , giving the closing toast .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIGHTON .-Royal Sussex Led ge ( No . 75 ) . — Ihe installation meeting of this lodge look place in the Maionu- Room , Koyal Pavilion , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst Ihe chair was taken by the VV . Hro T | Pulley , P . M ., Grand Senior Deacon , Prov . Grand ' Sec Berks and Oxon , W . M ., while among those present were Bros- . VV . I . Clarke , S . W . ; T . Cable , J . W , ; S . Peters M . O . ; ¦¦ _ ,. . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Paige , S . O . VV G
Bayhss , Sec ; A . Burrows , R . O . M . : 10 . Hridges , J . D . ; I . lolloway , J . S . ; T . I lughes . Tyler ; 11 . 11 . I lughes / Ass * Iylcr ; VV . Hudson , P . M . ; \\* . Koe , II . \\' . (;' . Abell P Chargois , C | . Carter , S . R . Legg , C Golding , | . Newman , W . 1 . hvershcri , VV . Newsome , and the folloivii " visitors : Bros . I ) . M . Dewar , Sec 72 ; T . \ V . Adams " ' , " ,. ' ifiV '' , . bltt ' |) * ** S * * . >' ¦ I '" - 11- Cozens P . G . O . P . M . , 04 ; I . S . Good-ill , J . O . 239 j F . Willard , lreas . , f , ., ; and J . llarnsonP . P . G . M . O . P . M . fi *
, , . 1 he lodge having been formally opened , the rejiort of the General Purjioses Committee and Hie balance-sheet were received and adopted . Bro . S . R . Legg was unanimously elected a joining member from the Keystone Lodge , . No . U . S . 1 he chief business of the afternoon , the in-talk * " - ' tioii 1 of Hro . VV . T . Clarke ( P . G . Steward , P . Prov . G . Sec , S . VV . ) , as W . M ., was inqires-ivcly performed by the retiring VV . M . The m-wl y-eleeted \ V .. \ i . apjiointed and invested his ollicers
for the ensuing year as follows : Bros S . Peters , S . W . ; T . Cable , J . W . ; " R . Paige , M . O . T Paciihain , S . U . ; G . Smith , Treas . ; 10 . Bridges , Sec l . nyhs , J . U . ; | . Braithwaite , I ) , of C ; II . 10 . Cox R . O . M . j R . B . V . Powell , S . D . ; Rose-Johnson , Chap . A . Burrows , J . D . ; T . Holloway , I . G . ; W . Rue , Org . C . J . Carter and R . H . Higham , Stewards ; T . llmriies , I yler ; and II . 11 . I lughes , Asst . Tyler . Business being ended and the lodge closedthe brethren
, adjourned to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of Hro . \\ . I . Clarke , W . M . ' 1 fie postprandial proceedings were of a hearty character . The W . M . gave "The Oueen and Mark Masonry , " a toast which was enthusiasticall y received . lie then submitted ¦¦ II . M . W . G . M . M ., Bro , the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , the R . W . Deji . G .. VI . M . and Grand Officers Present and Past . "
Brn . Dewar , Granil Assistant Secretary , replied . I he toa-t of " The K . W . Prov . G . M . M ., the V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . M . of the Pi ,, vino-of Sussex , and Officers nf Prov . ( .. VI . Lodge Present and Past , " , ivcn from the chair , was acknowledged by Bro . VV . Hudson . Bro . Pulley . I . P . M ., in proposing" The W . M . nf the Koyal Sussex Lodge , " spoke in eulogistic terms uf the manner 111 which Hro . Cknke had devoted himself to Maik
Masonry . U Ink- r-grcUing hi- leaving Brighton , he was plca-cri to Imd that he bad seemed a higher sphere of fall . ill-, and that he would In- jucsciital their lodge meetings . J lieW .. VI . responded , and hstilicri to the pleasure lie felt 111 bung honoured b y elevation tn the chair of the Royal Sussex Lodge . T In * W . M . gave " The Past Masters of the Royal Sussex Lodge , " to whicii Brn-., W . Hudson , ; i . Smith , and j . llarnson responded .
• I he V i-itois , [ imposed by P . m . (' .. Smith , wa-, acknowledged by Bios . Dewar and Cubitt . A number uf apologies were read , vi /„ , Bros . Fiedcrick Binckes , G . Sec . ; l . cvan-. ' .. ' ' ' . V ., ' . ' - *' - "'' ¦ TVolloj ,,-, Prov . G . M . ; Lord Arthur W . Hill , Deji . Prov . G . M ., G . S . W ., ccc .: Duke , W . M . nn . ; McWhinnie , W . M . m : '; Pidcock , P . M . inn ; Capt . Braithwaite , J . IVai .-on . G . R . I . ockyer , and S . T . Foals , P . M . ' s : Rev . J , Rose-Johi | s ,, ii , pr ,, v . G . Chap ., and others , Brn . J . Hamsun proposed " I lie Installing Master , " to which Bin . Pulley replied .
" 1 he Mail * Benevolent Fund , " introduced by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Hro . Dewar , who gave some interesting particulars of the management of the funds . Ill proposing "The ( lllieeis , " Bro . ( Ink . ; urged upon his colleagues a faithful riischnige of their duties .
liro . Peters responded . 'The 'T yler ' s toast completed llic list . Ill ring the evening songs were rendered by Urns . F . H , Cozen-, P . G . O . j \\ . Roe . Org . ; and C ( . Carter . Bros . Cozens and Koe acting as accompanists . ' Hro . R . Paige gave a recitation .
Obituary .
BRO . LORD ROBARTES . ll is with sincere regret thai we have learned of the death nf Bio . Lord Robartes , which u . euiTcri on the yth inst ., at his house , 1 , Dean-street , Park-lane , at the age nf seventythree . T he deceased nobleman never recovered the shock he received at the death of his wife , just after the fire whicii destroyed his mansion , l . nnliydruek House , last year . His lordship was called to the L ' ppcr House in KSU . I . Previous
tu lhat he represented , as Mr . Agar Robartes , " the Eastern Division nf Cornwall in the House nf Commons , from 1 . S 47 to 1 . S 0 S , in which year he resigned , owing tu defective eyesight , lie was gieatly beloved thrnugh the county , and as a landlord was most popular , lie was a large subscriber to benevolent and philanthropic institutions in his county . Mis son , the Moll . T . Agar-Kobartcs , succeeds to the title and estates , thus causing a vacancy in the division nf lOast
Cornwall , lie laving succeeded his father as ALP . 'The funeral took place on Wednesday at Lanhydruck , near Bodmin . Ihe mayor and corporation uf Budniin attended ullieially , and among the mourners were Ihe present Lord and Lady Robartes , Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , Sir John St . Aubyn , M . P ., Bro . W . C liorlase , M . P ., and others . 1 he body was interred in the vault built last summer for the late Lady Robartes , whose death resulted I rum the shock caused by the burning of the family mansion .
HRO . MEADWAY , P . M . 704 . We regret tu announce the death , from typhoid fever and bronchitis , of liro . Meadway , P . M . Camden Lodge , 704 , I le was buried on Wednesday at Al . ney Park Cemetery , and his funeral was attended by many members of the Craft , amongst whom were Bros . | . N . Frost , P . M . 22 S , 701 , and S (> 5 , ami P . Z . 753 ; Rogers , VV . M . 704 ; MorrillPM
, .. 704 ; 10 . W . Young , P . M . and Sec . 704 ; Sheppard , Gleadall , Miller , Bindon , liyard , Gray , P . M ., VVestly , Hehl , Trinder , and lOyevs , all of 704 . ( Jur lamented brother was initiated in November , 1 . S 62 , was elected VV . M . in i . Sfiy , and again served the ollice of Master in 1 S 78 . Hy his untimely decease the Camden Lod ge has lost one of its most respected and able Past Masters .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
'The visitors were Bros . J . S . Plummer , 1 . 55 S ; E . Walker , 72 ; C . Sweet , 159 ; G . Ii . Wells , 1539 ; R . Poore , 0-19 ; J- S . Stacey , 1572 ; C . J . Hill , A . Southam , TL J . Sharpe , iGfig ; J . A . Dairies , 1069 ; F . W . Martin , 17 ( 15 ; j . Sargeant ; A . T . Chambers , 650 ; CM . Branden , 1563 ; G . Hubbard , 1922 ; G . Dixon , P . M . 172 ; and A . Darch , I . P . M . 72 .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Stevens then proceeded to deliver his lecture , and the brethren gave most careful attention ; indeed , all felt that a little discussion upon some points of ritual was likely to do much good , by interesting those who wish to do something more than repeat words as a parrot would , and to
enable all to learn something of beauty of the ancient working . At the completion of the lecture , Bro . Bate was elected W . M . of the next meeting , and the following brethren were elected joining members , Bros . Danks , Martin , Sargeant , R . Poore , Walls , Brander , and Stacey . Bro . H . Lovegrove proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , and touched upon certain points in the lecture .
affecting not only verbiage , but ceremonial , and expressed his pleasure that Hro . Stevens had taken so much trouble in preparing a lecture which ought to be heard in every lodge of instruction and carefully considered by the members . The vote of thankswascarri . il unanimously , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was then closed and the members separated .
STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —At this lodge of instruction , held at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross , on Saturday last , the ceremonies of consecration and installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terry . P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts ., P . M ., Sic , Sic , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Punctually at seven p . m . the lodge was opened by Bro . Terry and the following ollicers : Bros .
J . J . Hutchings , P . M ., S . W . ; Waterman , P . M ., J . VV . ; Styles , P . M ., S . D . ; Emblin , J . D . ; Rev . Sturdce , Chaplain ; Geo . Andrews , P . M ., Preceptor and Treas ., D . C ; Walter Martin , Sec . ; Pordell , Org . ; II . 11 . 'Taylor , I . G . ; and A . B . Church , Tyler , in the presence uf 112 other brethren ' comprising many Present and Past distinguished Prov . Grand Ollicers , Sic , Sic
We have so often had to mention Hro . Terry ' s manner of working that on this occasion it is only necessary to say that he was at his best . The hymns , & c , incidental to the ceremony , had much effect from the care Bros . Powell , Gibson , Eaton , Osborn , Jobson , Stone , Tuck , and Holding had previousl y taken so as to be able to lead the brothers generally . T he lodge board was carefully set out with
silver plate and flowers kindly lent by Bro . Andrews and other brothers of the lodge . Bro . J . J . llutchens , P . M ., S . W .. having been installed into thc chair of K . S . in due form , invested his officers in a manner marked with great ability . Bro . Ncal , P . M ., in proposing a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Terry for attending , expressed on his own behalf
and that of the brethren present the great Masonic treat they had experienced ; for himself , lie had never had a greater one . Bro . Terry , in reply , stated that he wasat all times ready to assist lodges of instruction . lie had consecrated many lodges , but never presided over so many brethren as he had done that evening in a lodge uf instruction , lie thanked Bro . Walter Martin for the admirable mar . net
in which all the arrangements had been carried out , even to the smallest details . Ue had to thank thc brethren uf the choir for the valuable assistance rendered , and if at any future time he could be of assistance he should only be ton pleased to attend , and promote the future welfare of the lodge . The lodge having been closed in due form , theW . M . called upon the brethren tn give three cheers fur the ( JIUTII on her safe deliverance from the hands uf a would-be
assassin , which was ret ponded to in a manner worthy ol Masons . A few of the brethren afterwards entertained Bro . 'Terry at supper , provided by thc genial host , Bro . I hiding , Bro . Geo . Andrews , Preceptor , in the chair , when the vocal abilities of several uf the brethren were again severely taxed , and one uf the most successful and plca .-ant evenings in the annals of tin Star Lodge of Instiuction was brought to a happy and pleasant termination .
GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —This lodge met on 'Thursday , the yth inst ., at Masons' Mall Tavern , as usual , to work , as had been arranged , the ceremony of installation . There was a large muster of the brethren , which numbered , amongst others , Bros . Saul , Preceptor ;
J . Hamer , I . P . M . of the mother luilge ; Henry Wright , J . Rush , VV . Paddle , VV . Baber , Young , J . Baber , S . W . ; VV . Sibley , ] . VV . ; Roberts , and Goodenough , Sec . The impressive ceremony was worked in a most perfect manner by Bro . Saul , W . M ., for the evening , and elicited the warm approval cf the members .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . tO y ^ . —A nieeling of this lodge of instruction was held on Thuisday , the yth inst ., the ollices being filled as follows : Bros . Saunders , W . M . j Money , S . VV . ; line , J . W . j Clarkson , :,. ! ,. ; Morris , J . VV . ; Vialls , LG . ; Ludlow , Preceptor ; Jas , Langton , 'Treas . ; and J . I ) . Langton , Sec . ; also Bros . Buret , Tanqueray , Shaw and Moore . Visitor : Bro . A . IT .
Carney . 'The lodge having been opened in the First Uegree the minutes were read and confirmed , after which the lodge-was opened in thc Second Degree and resumed in the First , when Bro . Garland acting as candidate for the Second Degree answered the usual questions , and the lodge being then resumed in the Second Degree , Bro , Garland was passed to the Degree of F . C . After a call off Bro . Duret worked the Fourth Section of thc Second
Lecture , assisted by Bro . Money , and the First Section of the First Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The lodge being closed in the Second Degree , Bro . Money was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting ; and liro . Bud proposed Bro . A . H . Gurney uf tbe Francis B . irdett Lodge , No . ¦ 503 , whom Bro . Saunders seconded , and he was unanimousl y elected a member of this lodge of instruction , after whicii the lodge closed .
Bro . the Hon . C . Kliot , brother of Hro the Knrl of St . Germans , and thc Hon . C . Edgcumbe , brother of Hro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , are likely to be the candidates for the vacant seat for the Eastern Division of Cornwall , caused by the succession of Bro . the Hon . T . Agar-Robartcs to the peerage , on the death of his father , the ate Bro . Lord Robartes .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER ( No . 72 ) . — 'The usual convocation was held on 'Thursday , the yth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter was opened b y Ex . Comp . F . Dunn , M . E . / .. ; J . Nunn , P . / .. and Scribe 10 ., as TL ; and IT . Lovegrove , II ., as J . lOx . Comp . II . Lovett , P . Z ., afterwards arrived , and there were also present Comps . Walker , Lewcock , Read , G . lOdwards , A . O'Donnell , F . 'Thurston , S . N ., and R . Potter , 'T yler . Bro . G . F . Bates was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry . Comp . F . Thurston was elected J .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . ( 1111 ) . —A convoc . ition of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the yth inst ., at the Alasons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Coleman-street . Present : Comps . II . Thompson , M . E . / .. Sharratt , II . ; E . Coste , P . Z . ( pro tern ) , J . ; Green , P . Z ., S . E . ; Seaman , P . / . ; Jacobs , P . Z . ; aiid Wyers , P . Z . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Bond , uf the Acacia Lodge , having been
balloted for , and being in attendance , was duly exalted into Koyal Arch Masonry . The next business was to elect the Audit Committee , when two companions were ajijiointed , in addition to the usual ollicers , to perform that duty . The next matier before the chaptcrwas to elect the Principals for the ensuing year , and the result uf the first ballot was the unanimous election of Comj ) . Sharratt as M . E . Z ., and for that mark of their confidence and favour he returned
his sincere thanks , promising to devote all his energies and by every means in his power to promote the interests and prosperity of the Beadon Chapter . 'The election for the two other Principals then took place , which was equally unanimous in favour of Comp . Dodman , as II ., and Comp . Carrington , as J . Gimp . Dr . Pridiiiore was elected as P . S ., and i . ' oinji . Bond was nominated as A . S . Conqi . A . Avery was re-elected "Treasurer , and
Cump . VV . II . Green as S . IO . Comp . Bavin was re-elected as Janitor , and at thc same time received the congratulations uf the companions on his restoration to health . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously that a P . Z . ' s jewel , of the usual value , should be presented to the M . E . / ., Comp . Thompson , at the next convocation , on his retirement from that exalted position . The M . 10 . / .., in a few sincere words , thanked the
companions for that renewed mark of their kindness , which had continued ever since he had the honour of being numbered amongst them ; and remarked that , although he had received other jewels , that one would be specially esteemed by him , reminding him—if indeed he required lo be reminded at all—uf the many happy Injurs he had spent with the companions of the Beadon Chajiter . The chajiter was then closed , and the companions
adjourned to a well-served banquet , at live conclusion of which the M . IO . Z . gave the usual loyal and Koyal Arch toasts , whicii were all drank with great cordiality . Comp . Wyer , I . P . Z ., said it gave him much pleasure to propose thc loa-t of "The Health uf Gimp . I honip-. on , M . E . Z . of the chapter , " and he spoke in high terms uf the manner in whicii lie had discharged his duties during * the jiast year , lie asked the companions to join will ' , him
in drinking the toast he had projmscd , a request that was responded ' to with the utmost cordiality . The M . E . '/; . in responding , expressed his gratitude to Comp . Wyer for tlie very complimentary terms in which he hail proposed his health , and he al-u thanked the companions for the hearty manner in whicii they had accepted that toast , but he scarcely believed that he was deserving uf all the eiiinnium- which had been parsed upon
him , again he thanked them for tiie token uf their ajijii libation which they had voted to him that evening . When he joined the noble band of P . Z . ' s he should still continue to do anything that lie could to promote tlie interests of the chajiter , and maintain the prestige ol it by every means in his [ lower . The next toast was "The P . Z . 's nf tin ; Chajiter , " and the M . IO . Z . said he should feel jiroiid when be joined that
body , who had for years now enjoyed the ; i-teem uf the companions . He asked them to join him in drinking the health nf Comps . Coste , Wyer , Seaman , Jacobs , and Green , P . Z . 's nf the chapter . Cumjis . Wyer , Seaman , Cnste , Green and Jacobs severally returned thanks , the latter alluding with feelings of satisfaction to the time , now upwards nf twenty years agowhen he used to meet the M . IO . Z . in lodges of
instruc-, tion , and expressed the pleasure that he experienced when lie found that he was exalted in the Beadon Chapter . The M . E . Z . then gave "The Health of the M . E . Z . Elect , " and said that he believed a better choice could not have been made , for he knew that Gimp . Sharratt had sincerely the interest of the chapter at heart , and would well acquit himself in the dignified position lo whicii he had been elected .
Comp . Sharratt thanked thc M . E . Z . for the very kind and complimentary terms in whicii he had spoken nf him , and promised tu do all in his [ lower to carry out in an efficient manner tlie duties whicii would devolve upon him . The M . IO . Z . said tlie next toast he had to propose was "The Health of Comp . Alfred Avery , " ( heir esteemed Treasurer . He expressed the sorrow he frit that he was unable in consequence of illness to be with them , as he
fully intended to he present with them that evening . He had great pleasure on the one hand in proposing this toast , but it was somewhat tinged with melancholy un the other , on account of the cause which had kept him from them . He had had thc pleasure of knowing Bro . Avery for many years , not only as a teacher of Freemasonry , but as one who was always ready lo do anything that lay in his power for the benefit of the Craft . He asked the comjianions tn
join with him in drinking a toast that hc was sure would meet witb their acceptance , which was a speedy restoration to health of Comp . Avery , and to assure him that all the companions deeply sympathised with him in his illness , and wishing him a r . jieedy restoration to health . 'This toast was drunk with the greatest cordiality . The M . IO . Z . said that perhaps their Comp . Green , S . IO ., would convey to Bro . Avery the feelings of the chapter to
him , and he said he should most cheerfully d . ) so , but Comp . Myer said he should see him on the following day , and lie was quite sure that he would be much pleased at the kind feelings whicii the companions had expressed towards him . The M . IO . Z . then gave the remaining toasts , which brought a very happy and harmonious meeting tn a close . Comp . 10 . Coste , P . Z . ( in the absence of the Janitor ) , giving the closing toast .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIGHTON .-Royal Sussex Led ge ( No . 75 ) . — Ihe installation meeting of this lodge look place in the Maionu- Room , Koyal Pavilion , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst Ihe chair was taken by the VV . Hro T | Pulley , P . M ., Grand Senior Deacon , Prov . Grand ' Sec Berks and Oxon , W . M ., while among those present were Bros- . VV . I . Clarke , S . W . ; T . Cable , J . W , ; S . Peters M . O . ; ¦¦ _ ,. . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Paige , S . O . VV G
Bayhss , Sec ; A . Burrows , R . O . M . : 10 . Hridges , J . D . ; I . lolloway , J . S . ; T . I lughes . Tyler ; 11 . 11 . I lughes / Ass * Iylcr ; VV . Hudson , P . M . ; \\* . Koe , II . \\' . (;' . Abell P Chargois , C | . Carter , S . R . Legg , C Golding , | . Newman , W . 1 . hvershcri , VV . Newsome , and the folloivii " visitors : Bros . I ) . M . Dewar , Sec 72 ; T . \ V . Adams " ' , " ,. ' ifiV '' , . bltt ' |) * ** S * * . >' ¦ I '" - 11- Cozens P . G . O . P . M . , 04 ; I . S . Good-ill , J . O . 239 j F . Willard , lreas . , f , ., ; and J . llarnsonP . P . G . M . O . P . M . fi *
, , . 1 he lodge having been formally opened , the rejiort of the General Purjioses Committee and Hie balance-sheet were received and adopted . Bro . S . R . Legg was unanimously elected a joining member from the Keystone Lodge , . No . U . S . 1 he chief business of the afternoon , the in-talk * " - ' tioii 1 of Hro . VV . T . Clarke ( P . G . Steward , P . Prov . G . Sec , S . VV . ) , as W . M ., was inqires-ivcly performed by the retiring VV . M . The m-wl y-eleeted \ V .. \ i . apjiointed and invested his ollicers
for the ensuing year as follows : Bros S . Peters , S . W . ; T . Cable , J . W . ; " R . Paige , M . O . T Paciihain , S . U . ; G . Smith , Treas . ; 10 . Bridges , Sec l . nyhs , J . U . ; | . Braithwaite , I ) , of C ; II . 10 . Cox R . O . M . j R . B . V . Powell , S . D . ; Rose-Johnson , Chap . A . Burrows , J . D . ; T . Holloway , I . G . ; W . Rue , Org . C . J . Carter and R . H . Higham , Stewards ; T . llmriies , I yler ; and II . 11 . I lughes , Asst . Tyler . Business being ended and the lodge closedthe brethren
, adjourned to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of Hro . \\ . I . Clarke , W . M . ' 1 fie postprandial proceedings were of a hearty character . The W . M . gave "The Oueen and Mark Masonry , " a toast which was enthusiasticall y received . lie then submitted ¦¦ II . M . W . G . M . M ., Bro , the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , the R . W . Deji . G .. VI . M . and Grand Officers Present and Past . "
Brn . Dewar , Granil Assistant Secretary , replied . I he toa-t of " The K . W . Prov . G . M . M ., the V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . M . of the Pi ,, vino-of Sussex , and Officers nf Prov . ( .. VI . Lodge Present and Past , " , ivcn from the chair , was acknowledged by Bro . VV . Hudson . Bro . Pulley . I . P . M ., in proposing" The W . M . nf the Koyal Sussex Lodge , " spoke in eulogistic terms uf the manner 111 which Hro . Cknke had devoted himself to Maik
Masonry . U Ink- r-grcUing hi- leaving Brighton , he was plca-cri to Imd that he bad seemed a higher sphere of fall . ill-, and that he would In- jucsciital their lodge meetings . J lieW .. VI . responded , and hstilicri to the pleasure lie felt 111 bung honoured b y elevation tn the chair of the Royal Sussex Lodge . T In * W . M . gave " The Past Masters of the Royal Sussex Lodge , " to whicii Brn-., W . Hudson , ; i . Smith , and j . llarnson responded .
• I he V i-itois , [ imposed by P . m . (' .. Smith , wa-, acknowledged by Bios . Dewar and Cubitt . A number uf apologies were read , vi /„ , Bros . Fiedcrick Binckes , G . Sec . ; l . cvan-. ' .. ' ' ' . V ., ' . ' - *' - "'' ¦ TVolloj ,,-, Prov . G . M . ; Lord Arthur W . Hill , Deji . Prov . G . M ., G . S . W ., ccc .: Duke , W . M . nn . ; McWhinnie , W . M . m : '; Pidcock , P . M . inn ; Capt . Braithwaite , J . IVai .-on . G . R . I . ockyer , and S . T . Foals , P . M . ' s : Rev . J , Rose-Johi | s ,, ii , pr ,, v . G . Chap ., and others , Brn . J . Hamsun proposed " I lie Installing Master , " to which Bin . Pulley replied .
" 1 he Mail * Benevolent Fund , " introduced by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Hro . Dewar , who gave some interesting particulars of the management of the funds . Ill proposing "The ( lllieeis , " Bro . ( Ink . ; urged upon his colleagues a faithful riischnige of their duties .
liro . Peters responded . 'The 'T yler ' s toast completed llic list . Ill ring the evening songs were rendered by Urns . F . H , Cozen-, P . G . O . j \\ . Roe . Org . ; and C ( . Carter . Bros . Cozens and Koe acting as accompanists . ' Hro . R . Paige gave a recitation .
Obituary .
BRO . LORD ROBARTES . ll is with sincere regret thai we have learned of the death nf Bio . Lord Robartes , which u . euiTcri on the yth inst ., at his house , 1 , Dean-street , Park-lane , at the age nf seventythree . T he deceased nobleman never recovered the shock he received at the death of his wife , just after the fire whicii destroyed his mansion , l . nnliydruek House , last year . His lordship was called to the L ' ppcr House in KSU . I . Previous
tu lhat he represented , as Mr . Agar Robartes , " the Eastern Division nf Cornwall in the House nf Commons , from 1 . S 47 to 1 . S 0 S , in which year he resigned , owing tu defective eyesight , lie was gieatly beloved thrnugh the county , and as a landlord was most popular , lie was a large subscriber to benevolent and philanthropic institutions in his county . Mis son , the Moll . T . Agar-Kobartcs , succeeds to the title and estates , thus causing a vacancy in the division nf lOast
Cornwall , lie laving succeeded his father as ALP . 'The funeral took place on Wednesday at Lanhydruck , near Bodmin . Ihe mayor and corporation uf Budniin attended ullieially , and among the mourners were Ihe present Lord and Lady Robartes , Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , Sir John St . Aubyn , M . P ., Bro . W . C liorlase , M . P ., and others . 1 he body was interred in the vault built last summer for the late Lady Robartes , whose death resulted I rum the shock caused by the burning of the family mansion .
HRO . MEADWAY , P . M . 704 . We regret tu announce the death , from typhoid fever and bronchitis , of liro . Meadway , P . M . Camden Lodge , 704 , I le was buried on Wednesday at Al . ney Park Cemetery , and his funeral was attended by many members of the Craft , amongst whom were Bros . | . N . Frost , P . M . 22 S , 701 , and S (> 5 , ami P . Z . 753 ; Rogers , VV . M . 704 ; MorrillPM
, .. 704 ; 10 . W . Young , P . M . and Sec . 704 ; Sheppard , Gleadall , Miller , Bindon , liyard , Gray , P . M ., VVestly , Hehl , Trinder , and lOyevs , all of 704 . ( Jur lamented brother was initiated in November , 1 . S 62 , was elected VV . M . in i . Sfiy , and again served the ollice of Master in 1 S 78 . Hy his untimely decease the Camden Lod ge has lost one of its most respected and able Past Masters .