Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
alluded to by our able Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., P . G . C . ; and the letter from Bro . Captain Shanks on this subject is much to the point . Respecting the minimum fee being lowered , I cannot quite agree with the suggestion made
by our Bro . " Ad Referendum , " excepting so far as to hint at an amendment , to the effect that sums may be received , which when they amount to one guinea shall enable the subscriber to vote as if he had at once contributed the minimum subscription , provided no single payment be less
than five shillings . As to the " statement of the accounts" of each of the charities being annually sent to all the lodges , chapters , & c , I quite think with " Ad Referendum" the plan would work well , and cause a much greater number to subscribe ,
for at present it is lamentable how few Masons really know of the character , extent , and benefits of our Masonic Institutions , which all along it appears to me have been supported by the few , who have very rarely ( or their " dependants" ) sought any assistance , and the many who have
either been elected as annuitants , or their children , p laced in our institutions have never , whilst in prosperity contributed one farthing to the Masonic charities ! In Chester no child is allowed to be a candidate for election with the admirable Educational Institution of that
province without his or her father had subscribed to its funds . I do not advise such a law for the London Masonic charities , but subscribers can now exercise their own minds on the subject in voting . W . J . HUGIIA N .
The Early Grand Encampment And The P.G. Lodge Of Glasgow.
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Fn answer to the letter of " Fiat Justitia , " Bro . Wheeler , Secretary of St . Mungo ' s K . T . Encampment , who is the undoubted champion of everything legal , Masonically
speaking , in Scotland , at the present moment has fallen upon the E . G . Encampment , and apparently intends to make short work of both it and its members ; like a practical general he has divided his charges into three component parts , so as to give force and brevity to his remarks , his ist , 2 nd , and 3 rd in these three points . Bro .
Wheeler has discovered that your correspondent " Fiat Justitia" has blundered , and as he politely puts it , committed some unintentionial errors . Let us see where these errors are . ist . Who says there is a R . A . Chapter , acting under the superior Chapter General of K . T . ' s of Scotland ? Please Bro . Wheeler quote the passage that says so .
2 nd . Nor any R . A . Chapter , that has recentl y joined that body . Will Bro . Wheeler be good enough to explain himself ? We do not profess to see so clearly as he does , nor do we observe any reference to the Supreme Chapter and the Chapter General in the sense referred to by Bro .
Wheeler . What has the E . G . Encampment got to do with the Girvan and St . Mungo Encampments ? It is well enough known that all this has occurred , without Bro . Wheeler giving us more light upon the matter .
We shall pass over Ero . Barrow , and his position amongst the Sir Knights . Ft is quite enough for our purpose , that he holds the position he does , and that he acted , as has alread y been made public , as stated before . We only hope that the P . G . L . will reconsider their
decision , and allow the Early Grand Encampment to occupy those premises they forced them to leave . The remaining paragraph of Bro . Wheeler ' s letter bespeaks much for his praise . Ff there had been more like him , we should , ere this , have been unanimous .
I would beg to suggest that the encampments acting under the Chapter General , join the Early Grand Encampment , seeing that the Grand Encampment of the E . G . was formed before the Chapter General . Union is certainly strength , and why not then the Chapter General join with the E . G . About us being isolated and un-
The Early Grand Encampment And The P.G. Lodge Of Glasgow.
recognised in any part of the world , is certainly rather much to assert . We can name members who have obtained entry into chapters and
encampments in Scotland , and vice versa ; in fact , some of the most distinguished Scottish Masons of the present day have during their Masonic career , been not ashamed to own connection with the E . G . body , for instance , B .-os . D . M .
Fjyon , the Masonic historian , received the R . A . under the hands of Bro . Martin , a P . E . C . of the E . G . Body . Various other matters can be enumerated , regarding the Early Grand ,
showing that its authority and legality are unquestionable . F am , dear sir and brother , yours fraternally , W . F .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterl y Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Fnstitution , was held on Saturday last , in the Board Room at Freemasons ' Hall . The chair was occupied by Bro . Major J . Creaton , V . P ., and among the other brethren present there were : Bros . R . Wentworth Little
Secretary ; T . Randall , G . Wyatt , H . Smith , T . Hill , W . Wellsman , G . Singer , R . Jeffries , S . Rawson , Griffiths , Smith , T . F . Peacock , Col . F . Burdett , T . Meggy , G . Bolton , H . Browse , Thomas W . White , E . H . Tinney , H . Massey , S . H . Tattershall , Robt . Blockton , E .
Harris , J . G . Marsh , H . C . Levander , L . Finch , Jas . Brett , Joseph Smith , A . D . Loewenstark , R . Price , Jesse Turner , J . Strachan , W . H . Radley , W . Lane , Edward Spdoner , W . Stephen , Geo . Kenning , Geo . Morris , James Stephens ,
S . Rosenthal , John Coutts , J . R . Stebbing , Benjamin Head , E . S . Snell , John Symonds , H . Empson , James Terry , and H . Muggeridge . The attendance of members was very large . After the advertisement calling the meeting , and the minutes had been read ,
Bro . Thomas W . White announced that one of the inmates of the school , Beatrice Seaton , had died , and he accordingly moved , " That 16 instead of 15 girls be elected that day . " Bro . Jesse Turner seconded the motion , which was thereupon carried .
Col . F . Burdett and Dr . Ramsay were then elected . to the vacancies on the House Committee , caused by Major Creaton ' s acceptance of the office of Trustee of the Fnstitution , and Bro . George Cox ' s death . On the motion of Bro . S . Rawson , seconded
by another brother , Bro . Samuel Tomkins was re-elected Treasurer . Bros . A . Moore , T . F . Peacock , J . G . Marsh , and Jesse Turner , were chosen to fill the four vacancies , on the General Committee . Scrutineers of votes were then selected , and
the election of 16 girls out of a list of 31 , was proceeded with . The names of the successful and unsuccessful candidates will be found in our advertisement columns . Votes of thanks to the scrutineers and chairman closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The usual April Quarterl y Court of the Boys ' School Governors and Subscribers was held on Monday at noon , in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . As customary on election day , which Monday was , there was a large assemblage of the . brethren , and among them we
noticed Bros . Major Creaton , Gumbleton , Raynham W . Stewart , Samuel May , S . Flawson , A . H . Tattershall , H . Massey , George Lambert , R . J . Spiers , Collard , Moutrie , Jesse Turner , James Brett , F . Adlard , Thomas W .
White , and John Coutts . Bro . H . Browse , V . P ., took the chair , and Bro . F . Binckes , ( Sec ) read the minutes of the last quarterly court , and of the various committees which had sat between that and the present time . These having been unanimously confirmed
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Major Creaton , V . P ., proposed , and Bro . Flaynham W . Stewart , V . P ., seconded the re-election of Bro . George Plucknett , as Treasurer of the Institution . The motion having been carried nem . con ., Bros . R . B . Webster and N . Martin were elected to fill vacancies which had occurred on the General Committee , and the scrutineers
of votes were appointed . The election of fifteen boys out of a list of fifty-two candidates was then proceeded with . The names of the successful and unsuccessful candidates will be found in our advertisement columns . Votes of thanks to the scrutineers and chairman concluded the proceedings .
Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund.
The annual meeting of the subscribers of this fund was held on the 31 st ult , at eight o ' clock , in the Masonic Hall . Bro . Sir Charles Lanyon , D . P . G . M ., President , occupied the chair . Amongst those present were , Bros . Tate , Godfrey , Wilson , Doey , Ryans , Freland , Fisher , Scott ,
Hill , Fleming , M'Keown , Hanna , Ledlie , Gelston , and Allen ( Secretary ) . The Chairman , after a few introductory remarks , called on the Secretary , Bro . James Allen , to read the annual report , which was as follows : —
"The committee of the Belfast Masonic Widows' F'i ' und , in presenting their first annual report , desire to express their thanksgiving to the Giver of all Good for the success which has attended the charity in this , the first year of its existence .
"At the annual meeting of the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund , held in 1873 , a strong expression of opinion was manifested that a more liberal support was needed for the objects of Masonic charity in Belfast ; and the committee of that fund , considering that there were many widows
of our deceased brethren left in circumstances of great destitution , but who from their former position in society would shrink from making application to the charity fund , felt that it was necessary that a new agency should be formed to meet their case . Accordingly , a F'rovisional
Committee , largely representative of the Masonic body in Belfast , was appointed to establish a Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund , and to bring this most desirable object under the notice of every lodge and every brother in town . On the ist of July , the Provisional Committee having
well performed its work , yielded its place to the present committee , regularly elected from all subscribing lodges , chapters , and preceptories . Among the first work undertaken by this committee was the formation of the constitution and bye-laws of the fund , which
have been published and furnished to all subscribers . The commmittee have great satisfaction in reporting that very many of the Belfast lodges , with a considerable proportion of the chapters and preceptories , have either subscribed or promised subscriptions , and a large number of
the brethren have cheerfull y become donors or annual contributors . Ft will be seen that six brethren have subscribed £ 20 each to the fund , thereby being qualified to be Vice Presidents . The committee have much pleasure in referrring to the services held in St . George ' s Church on
St . John ' s Day , June , 1873 , on which occasion the evening sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . H . D . Sheppard , D . D ., in behalf of this and the local charity fund . The donations and subscriptions amount altogether to £ 249 17 s ., of which ( in accordance with the rules ) the sum of
£ 93 7 - 7 - nas Deen invested in the purchase of £ 200 Ulster Railway debenture stock . The committee have granted £ 20 to very deserving cases , which were brought before them in the course of the year . On the whole your committee feel that the fund has fairly established
itself , and entered upon a career which they trust will be one of great success and usefulness . Very much remains to be done . Many lodges brethren have not yet subscribed , and the committeewould earnestly urge upon them theclaims of this useful charitv , whose objects they think
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
alluded to by our able Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., P . G . C . ; and the letter from Bro . Captain Shanks on this subject is much to the point . Respecting the minimum fee being lowered , I cannot quite agree with the suggestion made
by our Bro . " Ad Referendum , " excepting so far as to hint at an amendment , to the effect that sums may be received , which when they amount to one guinea shall enable the subscriber to vote as if he had at once contributed the minimum subscription , provided no single payment be less
than five shillings . As to the " statement of the accounts" of each of the charities being annually sent to all the lodges , chapters , & c , I quite think with " Ad Referendum" the plan would work well , and cause a much greater number to subscribe ,
for at present it is lamentable how few Masons really know of the character , extent , and benefits of our Masonic Institutions , which all along it appears to me have been supported by the few , who have very rarely ( or their " dependants" ) sought any assistance , and the many who have
either been elected as annuitants , or their children , p laced in our institutions have never , whilst in prosperity contributed one farthing to the Masonic charities ! In Chester no child is allowed to be a candidate for election with the admirable Educational Institution of that
province without his or her father had subscribed to its funds . I do not advise such a law for the London Masonic charities , but subscribers can now exercise their own minds on the subject in voting . W . J . HUGIIA N .
The Early Grand Encampment And The P.G. Lodge Of Glasgow.
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Fn answer to the letter of " Fiat Justitia , " Bro . Wheeler , Secretary of St . Mungo ' s K . T . Encampment , who is the undoubted champion of everything legal , Masonically
speaking , in Scotland , at the present moment has fallen upon the E . G . Encampment , and apparently intends to make short work of both it and its members ; like a practical general he has divided his charges into three component parts , so as to give force and brevity to his remarks , his ist , 2 nd , and 3 rd in these three points . Bro .
Wheeler has discovered that your correspondent " Fiat Justitia" has blundered , and as he politely puts it , committed some unintentionial errors . Let us see where these errors are . ist . Who says there is a R . A . Chapter , acting under the superior Chapter General of K . T . ' s of Scotland ? Please Bro . Wheeler quote the passage that says so .
2 nd . Nor any R . A . Chapter , that has recentl y joined that body . Will Bro . Wheeler be good enough to explain himself ? We do not profess to see so clearly as he does , nor do we observe any reference to the Supreme Chapter and the Chapter General in the sense referred to by Bro .
Wheeler . What has the E . G . Encampment got to do with the Girvan and St . Mungo Encampments ? It is well enough known that all this has occurred , without Bro . Wheeler giving us more light upon the matter .
We shall pass over Ero . Barrow , and his position amongst the Sir Knights . Ft is quite enough for our purpose , that he holds the position he does , and that he acted , as has alread y been made public , as stated before . We only hope that the P . G . L . will reconsider their
decision , and allow the Early Grand Encampment to occupy those premises they forced them to leave . The remaining paragraph of Bro . Wheeler ' s letter bespeaks much for his praise . Ff there had been more like him , we should , ere this , have been unanimous .
I would beg to suggest that the encampments acting under the Chapter General , join the Early Grand Encampment , seeing that the Grand Encampment of the E . G . was formed before the Chapter General . Union is certainly strength , and why not then the Chapter General join with the E . G . About us being isolated and un-
The Early Grand Encampment And The P.G. Lodge Of Glasgow.
recognised in any part of the world , is certainly rather much to assert . We can name members who have obtained entry into chapters and
encampments in Scotland , and vice versa ; in fact , some of the most distinguished Scottish Masons of the present day have during their Masonic career , been not ashamed to own connection with the E . G . body , for instance , B .-os . D . M .
Fjyon , the Masonic historian , received the R . A . under the hands of Bro . Martin , a P . E . C . of the E . G . Body . Various other matters can be enumerated , regarding the Early Grand ,
showing that its authority and legality are unquestionable . F am , dear sir and brother , yours fraternally , W . F .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterl y Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Fnstitution , was held on Saturday last , in the Board Room at Freemasons ' Hall . The chair was occupied by Bro . Major J . Creaton , V . P ., and among the other brethren present there were : Bros . R . Wentworth Little
Secretary ; T . Randall , G . Wyatt , H . Smith , T . Hill , W . Wellsman , G . Singer , R . Jeffries , S . Rawson , Griffiths , Smith , T . F . Peacock , Col . F . Burdett , T . Meggy , G . Bolton , H . Browse , Thomas W . White , E . H . Tinney , H . Massey , S . H . Tattershall , Robt . Blockton , E .
Harris , J . G . Marsh , H . C . Levander , L . Finch , Jas . Brett , Joseph Smith , A . D . Loewenstark , R . Price , Jesse Turner , J . Strachan , W . H . Radley , W . Lane , Edward Spdoner , W . Stephen , Geo . Kenning , Geo . Morris , James Stephens ,
S . Rosenthal , John Coutts , J . R . Stebbing , Benjamin Head , E . S . Snell , John Symonds , H . Empson , James Terry , and H . Muggeridge . The attendance of members was very large . After the advertisement calling the meeting , and the minutes had been read ,
Bro . Thomas W . White announced that one of the inmates of the school , Beatrice Seaton , had died , and he accordingly moved , " That 16 instead of 15 girls be elected that day . " Bro . Jesse Turner seconded the motion , which was thereupon carried .
Col . F . Burdett and Dr . Ramsay were then elected . to the vacancies on the House Committee , caused by Major Creaton ' s acceptance of the office of Trustee of the Fnstitution , and Bro . George Cox ' s death . On the motion of Bro . S . Rawson , seconded
by another brother , Bro . Samuel Tomkins was re-elected Treasurer . Bros . A . Moore , T . F . Peacock , J . G . Marsh , and Jesse Turner , were chosen to fill the four vacancies , on the General Committee . Scrutineers of votes were then selected , and
the election of 16 girls out of a list of 31 , was proceeded with . The names of the successful and unsuccessful candidates will be found in our advertisement columns . Votes of thanks to the scrutineers and chairman closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The usual April Quarterl y Court of the Boys ' School Governors and Subscribers was held on Monday at noon , in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . As customary on election day , which Monday was , there was a large assemblage of the . brethren , and among them we
noticed Bros . Major Creaton , Gumbleton , Raynham W . Stewart , Samuel May , S . Flawson , A . H . Tattershall , H . Massey , George Lambert , R . J . Spiers , Collard , Moutrie , Jesse Turner , James Brett , F . Adlard , Thomas W .
White , and John Coutts . Bro . H . Browse , V . P ., took the chair , and Bro . F . Binckes , ( Sec ) read the minutes of the last quarterly court , and of the various committees which had sat between that and the present time . These having been unanimously confirmed
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Major Creaton , V . P ., proposed , and Bro . Flaynham W . Stewart , V . P ., seconded the re-election of Bro . George Plucknett , as Treasurer of the Institution . The motion having been carried nem . con ., Bros . R . B . Webster and N . Martin were elected to fill vacancies which had occurred on the General Committee , and the scrutineers
of votes were appointed . The election of fifteen boys out of a list of fifty-two candidates was then proceeded with . The names of the successful and unsuccessful candidates will be found in our advertisement columns . Votes of thanks to the scrutineers and chairman concluded the proceedings .
Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund.
The annual meeting of the subscribers of this fund was held on the 31 st ult , at eight o ' clock , in the Masonic Hall . Bro . Sir Charles Lanyon , D . P . G . M ., President , occupied the chair . Amongst those present were , Bros . Tate , Godfrey , Wilson , Doey , Ryans , Freland , Fisher , Scott ,
Hill , Fleming , M'Keown , Hanna , Ledlie , Gelston , and Allen ( Secretary ) . The Chairman , after a few introductory remarks , called on the Secretary , Bro . James Allen , to read the annual report , which was as follows : —
"The committee of the Belfast Masonic Widows' F'i ' und , in presenting their first annual report , desire to express their thanksgiving to the Giver of all Good for the success which has attended the charity in this , the first year of its existence .
"At the annual meeting of the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund , held in 1873 , a strong expression of opinion was manifested that a more liberal support was needed for the objects of Masonic charity in Belfast ; and the committee of that fund , considering that there were many widows
of our deceased brethren left in circumstances of great destitution , but who from their former position in society would shrink from making application to the charity fund , felt that it was necessary that a new agency should be formed to meet their case . Accordingly , a F'rovisional
Committee , largely representative of the Masonic body in Belfast , was appointed to establish a Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund , and to bring this most desirable object under the notice of every lodge and every brother in town . On the ist of July , the Provisional Committee having
well performed its work , yielded its place to the present committee , regularly elected from all subscribing lodges , chapters , and preceptories . Among the first work undertaken by this committee was the formation of the constitution and bye-laws of the fund , which
have been published and furnished to all subscribers . The commmittee have great satisfaction in reporting that very many of the Belfast lodges , with a considerable proportion of the chapters and preceptories , have either subscribed or promised subscriptions , and a large number of
the brethren have cheerfull y become donors or annual contributors . Ft will be seen that six brethren have subscribed £ 20 each to the fund , thereby being qualified to be Vice Presidents . The committee have much pleasure in referrring to the services held in St . George ' s Church on
St . John ' s Day , June , 1873 , on which occasion the evening sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . H . D . Sheppard , D . D ., in behalf of this and the local charity fund . The donations and subscriptions amount altogether to £ 249 17 s ., of which ( in accordance with the rules ) the sum of
£ 93 7 - 7 - nas Deen invested in the purchase of £ 200 Ulster Railway debenture stock . The committee have granted £ 20 to very deserving cases , which were brought before them in the course of the year . On the whole your committee feel that the fund has fairly established
itself , and entered upon a career which they trust will be one of great success and usefulness . Very much remains to be done . Many lodges brethren have not yet subscribed , and the committeewould earnestly urge upon them theclaims of this useful charitv , whose objects they think