Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPOIITS or MASON ic MEETI N GS : — Craft Masonry 227 Royal Arch 227 Mark Masonry 227 Red Cross of Constantine 228 Consecration of a New Lodge at Brighton 228 Consecration of a New Lodge at Gainsborough 229
Consecration of Keystone Lodge of Mark Masters 229 Early Grand Encampment of Scotland 231 Provincial Grand Chapter of West Lancashire 231 Masonic Bibliography 23 r Notes and Queries 231 Masonic Tidings 232 The Assembly at York 232
Weekly Summary of News 232 CORRESPONDENCE : — Masons' Marks •... 234 Our Masonic Charities 234 Melrose Lodge 234 The Lost Ten Tribes 234
Early Grand Encampment 235 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 235 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 235 Belfast Masonic Widows Fund 235 Lodge Meetings for next week 236 Advertisements 22 ? 226 232 237 238 239 240
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ltasoitt' 8 .
CROYDON . —East Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 46 . 3 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and prosperous lodge took p lace on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock by Bro . Podmore , W . M ., and the three degrees worked by
the W . M . and his officers in a masterly manner , after which Bro . Henry Wallis Hunt , the S . W ., was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon , by Bro . Woodward , P . M . and Sec . of the lodge , in his usual able and impressive style . The W . M . began his year of office by
announcing himself a Steward for the coming festivel of the Girl ' s School , when £$ 5 s . was voted from t ' ue lodge funds to be placed on his list ( not a large sum for a lodge consisting of some ninety ircmbers ) . The lodge being duly closed , the numbers adjourned to the banqueting room ,
wlere , judging from the printed " menu " placed beftre them , a most sumptuous banquet was ¦ waitng for them . The W . M . gave the usual Maseiic toasts , and the health of the W . M . was receivd with the most enthusiastic conviviality . Amon ; the brethren we noticed , Bros . Price , P . M ., ' \ G . Treas . Surrey ; J . G . Chancellor ,
P . M ., I . P . G . D . ; E . A . Sacre , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Crispe . P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Win . Roebuck , P . M ., P . P . G . SB . ; J . W . Dosell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ;
F . H . Elsworth , P . M . 73 , & c , & c . jERSEr . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 8 ;;) . — The 13 H anniversary meeting of this lodge took ' place at he Masonic Temple with more than ordinary ecat . The suffrages of the brethren had been unaiimously given in favour of Bro . Ellis
Anwyl Over ., a Mason highly esteemed and respected . F . is induction to the chair was attended with pecuFar circumstances of felicitation , both to the members of the lodge , and to his brethren and friends ) f tie other lodges , and awakened a desire amonc then to be present at the gratifying
ceremony . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Brt , Wra . Adams , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , E . A . Owen , Major Woodall , J . Le Cronier , MD ., P . M ., D . P . G . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W ., as I . P . M . ; W . F . M . Turner , S . D . 3 W . J . Ennis , . D . : General T . C . Kelly , C . B .,
I . G . ; F . T . Ctoke , & c , kc . Among the visitors we were pleased to observe Bros . E . L . Bennett , W . M . 244 ; E . Martel , W . M . 491 , P . G . D . C . j Cattain Fawcett , & c , kc . The minutes were read and confirmed , and the lodge opened in the sewmci degree , when Bros . D . J .
Le Cronier and A . bcVmitt were requested by the W . M . to present nro . Kllis Anwyl Owen , the W . M . elect , ^ for receiving tthe benefit of installation . ' JU ., customary enumeration of duties was made ana nci < n () Wledged , the ancient charges were read anc w ji _
Singly assented to , and the Ob . of W . M . eltvr Idministered . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and all who had not passed the chair withdrew . A Board of Installed iVlasters vas then formed , and Bro . Ellis Anwyl Owen was duly p laced in the chair of K . S . according
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to ancient custom . The Board being closed , the several classes of Masons were in turn admitted , and the processions and proclamations were gone through , respecting which it need only be recorded that Bro . Adams conducted the ceremonies with great exactitude and impressiveness .
After the usual address to the W . M ., delivered -frith effect , Bro . Ellis A . Owen briefly remarked that , fully acknowledging the difficulty of the task he had undertaken , he was sensible of the honour conferred upon him . He accepted the responsibility , andtrustedwiththeG . A . of the U . ' s
help , he should not be found wanting in the worthy discharge of it , especially as he had been promised , and could confidently rely upon efficient assistance from the P . M . ' s . He therefore had every reason to hope he should be enabled to make his year of rule advantageous to the lodge
and the Craft in general . The following appointments were made , the W . M . in each case offering the usual and appropriate observations Bros . Fred W . Woodall , S . W . ; W . F . M . Turner , J . W . 5 D . J . Le Cronier , Treas . ; Wm Adams , Sec . ; W . J . Ennis , S . D . ; General T .
C . Kelly , J . D . ; F . Le Feuvre , l . G . The retiring W . M . presented to the lodge a splendid Master ' s jewel and collar , for which , on the proposition of the W . M . and the D . P . G . M ., a grateful and hearty vote of thanks was passed , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . After
the ceremonial part of the proceedings had been concluded , the brethren , by the invitation of the W . M ., adjourned to the refreshment room , where a banquet was provided . After the cl oth
was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and enthusiastically received , and the brethren dispersed , expressing themselves highly Jelighted by the truly Masonic , and social manner in which the whole business had been
conducted . ROYAL STANDARD LODGE ( NO . 1291 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at the Marquess Tavern , Canonbury , when there was a goodly muster of brethren to greet the new Master , Bro . Robert Shackell ,
P . M . 30 , P . P . G . P . Hants . The minutes having bein read and corlirmed , the W . M . proceeded in an able manner to pass Bros . Shearman and Hurrell , to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge then received the report of the officers committee respecting the presentation of a
testimonial to Bro . Ballantyne for his valuable services rendered to the lodge during the past year , after which a sum of live guineas was voted from the lodge funds to head the list of subscriptions for that purpose . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , . and the
brethren adjourned for a light repast . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were excellently given by the W . M ., and the evening was enlivened with some good singing by Bro . Watford , and others , and by some capital music by one of the visitors , Bro . Dore , assisted by the Organist of the lodge , Bro . Blackbee .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
FAITH CHAPTER ( NO . 141 ) - —A ' emergency convocation of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C , on Monday the 30 th ult . Comp . Thos . Mortlock , the M . E . Z . presided . He was assisted by Comps . C . C . Taylor , H . j N . Gluckstein , J . ' E . Gottheil , P . Z . ;
M . Bamberger , Treasurer ; Gompertz , S . E . ; Hogard , S . N . 5 John Constable , P . S . : John Ross , 1 st A . ; BloomfieM , D . C . ; Hollands , W . S . Bros . Parkinson , Godhart , and Taylor , were admitted to the exalted degree with the usual ceremony , the working was excellent .
Each officer without exception displayed abilities rarely seen in a Royal Arch Chapter . Those who are acquainted with the degree know the task is onerous , and great credit is certainly due to the companions for the pains they have taken to enable them to attain such perfection . The Faith Chapter may confidentl y look forward
to a prosperous future , if the rest of its members will emulate the example ol v hosc in whose hands its guidance is now pla ' CA ., 1 . After an ordinary bin ample repast , the usual tujstij Werc given . Ii happened to be the whim of - i » companions that each individual should repl y MI his own account , and the result
Royal Arch.
was a succession of brief but humorous speeches . These were interspersed with songs by Comps . Mortlock , Henley , South , Constable and Ross . Thus passed a very pleasant evening , and the companions separated before ten o ' clock
Comps . Henley acid Christian were admitted joining members . The only visitor present was Comp . R . A . Wright , P . Z ., who expressed himself highly delighted with the proceedings , and the remarkable efficiency of the officers of so young a chapter .
IPSWICH . —Si . Luke ' s Chapter . —The usual quarterly convocation of the members of this chapter was held at the Coach and Horses Hotel , Ipswich , on Wednesday the 3 5 th March ; present —Comps . J . Turner , H ., as Z . ( the First Principal Comp . Richmond , having died since the
last meeting ) ; Emra Holmes , J . acting FT . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , as J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scrib . E . ; G . Abbott , Scribe N . ; Byford , Prin . Soj . ; Henry Ward , S . Godball , C . Godball , and others . The chapter having been opened , and the usual business
transacted , the accounts were audited , and Comp . Mills delivered up the sum held by him , as the representative of the deceased much respected Treasurer , Comp . j . Franks , whose recent death has been so much felt in Ipswich by the members of the mystic tie . This being the annual
meeting for the election of officers , the following were nominated : —J . Turner , Z . ; Emra Holmes , H . : Byford , J . ; G . Abbott , Prin . Soj . ; S . B . King , Scribe E . ; Jobson , Scribe N . Comp . King took occasion to remark on the great loss the chapter had sustained through the lamented
death of three of its oldest members since the last meeting . Comps . Richmond , First Principal ; J . Franks , P . Z . ; and J . Tracey , P . Z . ; and Comp . Holmes moved that a letter of condolence , couched in suitable terms , should be addressed to the relatives of each of the companions on
behalf of the brethren of this chapter , which was agreed to item . con . Comp . Mills spoke in feeling terms of his fid us achates , Comp . Franks , whose constant friend and companion he had been for thirty years , and the members present expiessed their deep sense of the regret at the melancholy changes which had taken
place . Comp . Holmes moved that at next regular meeting of the chapter , when the Three Principals were to be installed , a banquet should be held , which was agreed to . The companions havingshared the secrets , the chapter was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment . The usual toasts were given , and a pleasant social gathering broke up at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACIIONALII LOIKIK ( No . 104 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday evening , at the head quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick road , Camberwell New-road , when there were present : —Bros . Arthur Wolton , W . M . ; Wm . Worrell , S . W . 5 C . ITammerton , P . M ; Tames Stevens , P . M . ; Thomas Meggy ,
P . M ., Treas . 5 F . Cozens , Organist ; \ V . Wigginton , S . D . ; E . Drewett , J . D . ; N . J . F . Basnett , S . D . ; and W . P . Collins , I . G . ; G . W . Verry , W . Bell , jun ., George Motion , J . K . Pitt ; visitors , H . D . Martin , and H . Massey . No candidates for advancement made their appearance , and the lodge therefore went on with the other business . The first was the election of Bro .
James Stevens , P . M ., as an honorary member , he having 011 the last meeting of the lodge resigned his membership on account of the day of meeting of the Great City Lodge happening to be the same on which the Macdunald Lodge assembled . The brethren of the Macdunald
feeling that the lodcje was much indebted to Bro . Stevens , among others , for its high position in the order as a working lodge , considered that they could not afford to lose such a member , and Bro . Meggy placed a motion on the p . tper to elect Bro . Stevens an honorary member . On
the motion coining on for discussion , of course in the absence of Bro . Stevens from the lodge , the brethren decided unanimously to elect him in accordance with the terms of Bro . Meggy ' s motion , and on liro . Steven ' s admission to the lodge the W . M . announced the result of the brethrens'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPOIITS or MASON ic MEETI N GS : — Craft Masonry 227 Royal Arch 227 Mark Masonry 227 Red Cross of Constantine 228 Consecration of a New Lodge at Brighton 228 Consecration of a New Lodge at Gainsborough 229
Consecration of Keystone Lodge of Mark Masters 229 Early Grand Encampment of Scotland 231 Provincial Grand Chapter of West Lancashire 231 Masonic Bibliography 23 r Notes and Queries 231 Masonic Tidings 232 The Assembly at York 232
Weekly Summary of News 232 CORRESPONDENCE : — Masons' Marks •... 234 Our Masonic Charities 234 Melrose Lodge 234 The Lost Ten Tribes 234
Early Grand Encampment 235 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 235 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 235 Belfast Masonic Widows Fund 235 Lodge Meetings for next week 236 Advertisements 22 ? 226 232 237 238 239 240
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ltasoitt' 8 .
CROYDON . —East Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 46 . 3 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and prosperous lodge took p lace on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock by Bro . Podmore , W . M ., and the three degrees worked by
the W . M . and his officers in a masterly manner , after which Bro . Henry Wallis Hunt , the S . W ., was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon , by Bro . Woodward , P . M . and Sec . of the lodge , in his usual able and impressive style . The W . M . began his year of office by
announcing himself a Steward for the coming festivel of the Girl ' s School , when £$ 5 s . was voted from t ' ue lodge funds to be placed on his list ( not a large sum for a lodge consisting of some ninety ircmbers ) . The lodge being duly closed , the numbers adjourned to the banqueting room ,
wlere , judging from the printed " menu " placed beftre them , a most sumptuous banquet was ¦ waitng for them . The W . M . gave the usual Maseiic toasts , and the health of the W . M . was receivd with the most enthusiastic conviviality . Amon ; the brethren we noticed , Bros . Price , P . M ., ' \ G . Treas . Surrey ; J . G . Chancellor ,
P . M ., I . P . G . D . ; E . A . Sacre , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Crispe . P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Win . Roebuck , P . M ., P . P . G . SB . ; J . W . Dosell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ;
F . H . Elsworth , P . M . 73 , & c , & c . jERSEr . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 8 ;;) . — The 13 H anniversary meeting of this lodge took ' place at he Masonic Temple with more than ordinary ecat . The suffrages of the brethren had been unaiimously given in favour of Bro . Ellis
Anwyl Over ., a Mason highly esteemed and respected . F . is induction to the chair was attended with pecuFar circumstances of felicitation , both to the members of the lodge , and to his brethren and friends ) f tie other lodges , and awakened a desire amonc then to be present at the gratifying
ceremony . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Brt , Wra . Adams , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , E . A . Owen , Major Woodall , J . Le Cronier , MD ., P . M ., D . P . G . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W ., as I . P . M . ; W . F . M . Turner , S . D . 3 W . J . Ennis , . D . : General T . C . Kelly , C . B .,
I . G . ; F . T . Ctoke , & c , kc . Among the visitors we were pleased to observe Bros . E . L . Bennett , W . M . 244 ; E . Martel , W . M . 491 , P . G . D . C . j Cattain Fawcett , & c , kc . The minutes were read and confirmed , and the lodge opened in the sewmci degree , when Bros . D . J .
Le Cronier and A . bcVmitt were requested by the W . M . to present nro . Kllis Anwyl Owen , the W . M . elect , ^ for receiving tthe benefit of installation . ' JU ., customary enumeration of duties was made ana nci < n () Wledged , the ancient charges were read anc w ji _
Singly assented to , and the Ob . of W . M . eltvr Idministered . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and all who had not passed the chair withdrew . A Board of Installed iVlasters vas then formed , and Bro . Ellis Anwyl Owen was duly p laced in the chair of K . S . according
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to ancient custom . The Board being closed , the several classes of Masons were in turn admitted , and the processions and proclamations were gone through , respecting which it need only be recorded that Bro . Adams conducted the ceremonies with great exactitude and impressiveness .
After the usual address to the W . M ., delivered -frith effect , Bro . Ellis A . Owen briefly remarked that , fully acknowledging the difficulty of the task he had undertaken , he was sensible of the honour conferred upon him . He accepted the responsibility , andtrustedwiththeG . A . of the U . ' s
help , he should not be found wanting in the worthy discharge of it , especially as he had been promised , and could confidently rely upon efficient assistance from the P . M . ' s . He therefore had every reason to hope he should be enabled to make his year of rule advantageous to the lodge
and the Craft in general . The following appointments were made , the W . M . in each case offering the usual and appropriate observations Bros . Fred W . Woodall , S . W . ; W . F . M . Turner , J . W . 5 D . J . Le Cronier , Treas . ; Wm Adams , Sec . ; W . J . Ennis , S . D . ; General T .
C . Kelly , J . D . ; F . Le Feuvre , l . G . The retiring W . M . presented to the lodge a splendid Master ' s jewel and collar , for which , on the proposition of the W . M . and the D . P . G . M ., a grateful and hearty vote of thanks was passed , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . After
the ceremonial part of the proceedings had been concluded , the brethren , by the invitation of the W . M ., adjourned to the refreshment room , where a banquet was provided . After the cl oth
was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and enthusiastically received , and the brethren dispersed , expressing themselves highly Jelighted by the truly Masonic , and social manner in which the whole business had been
conducted . ROYAL STANDARD LODGE ( NO . 1291 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at the Marquess Tavern , Canonbury , when there was a goodly muster of brethren to greet the new Master , Bro . Robert Shackell ,
P . M . 30 , P . P . G . P . Hants . The minutes having bein read and corlirmed , the W . M . proceeded in an able manner to pass Bros . Shearman and Hurrell , to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge then received the report of the officers committee respecting the presentation of a
testimonial to Bro . Ballantyne for his valuable services rendered to the lodge during the past year , after which a sum of live guineas was voted from the lodge funds to head the list of subscriptions for that purpose . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , . and the
brethren adjourned for a light repast . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were excellently given by the W . M ., and the evening was enlivened with some good singing by Bro . Watford , and others , and by some capital music by one of the visitors , Bro . Dore , assisted by the Organist of the lodge , Bro . Blackbee .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
FAITH CHAPTER ( NO . 141 ) - —A ' emergency convocation of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C , on Monday the 30 th ult . Comp . Thos . Mortlock , the M . E . Z . presided . He was assisted by Comps . C . C . Taylor , H . j N . Gluckstein , J . ' E . Gottheil , P . Z . ;
M . Bamberger , Treasurer ; Gompertz , S . E . ; Hogard , S . N . 5 John Constable , P . S . : John Ross , 1 st A . ; BloomfieM , D . C . ; Hollands , W . S . Bros . Parkinson , Godhart , and Taylor , were admitted to the exalted degree with the usual ceremony , the working was excellent .
Each officer without exception displayed abilities rarely seen in a Royal Arch Chapter . Those who are acquainted with the degree know the task is onerous , and great credit is certainly due to the companions for the pains they have taken to enable them to attain such perfection . The Faith Chapter may confidentl y look forward
to a prosperous future , if the rest of its members will emulate the example ol v hosc in whose hands its guidance is now pla ' CA ., 1 . After an ordinary bin ample repast , the usual tujstij Werc given . Ii happened to be the whim of - i » companions that each individual should repl y MI his own account , and the result
Royal Arch.
was a succession of brief but humorous speeches . These were interspersed with songs by Comps . Mortlock , Henley , South , Constable and Ross . Thus passed a very pleasant evening , and the companions separated before ten o ' clock
Comps . Henley acid Christian were admitted joining members . The only visitor present was Comp . R . A . Wright , P . Z ., who expressed himself highly delighted with the proceedings , and the remarkable efficiency of the officers of so young a chapter .
IPSWICH . —Si . Luke ' s Chapter . —The usual quarterly convocation of the members of this chapter was held at the Coach and Horses Hotel , Ipswich , on Wednesday the 3 5 th March ; present —Comps . J . Turner , H ., as Z . ( the First Principal Comp . Richmond , having died since the
last meeting ) ; Emra Holmes , J . acting FT . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , as J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scrib . E . ; G . Abbott , Scribe N . ; Byford , Prin . Soj . ; Henry Ward , S . Godball , C . Godball , and others . The chapter having been opened , and the usual business
transacted , the accounts were audited , and Comp . Mills delivered up the sum held by him , as the representative of the deceased much respected Treasurer , Comp . j . Franks , whose recent death has been so much felt in Ipswich by the members of the mystic tie . This being the annual
meeting for the election of officers , the following were nominated : —J . Turner , Z . ; Emra Holmes , H . : Byford , J . ; G . Abbott , Prin . Soj . ; S . B . King , Scribe E . ; Jobson , Scribe N . Comp . King took occasion to remark on the great loss the chapter had sustained through the lamented
death of three of its oldest members since the last meeting . Comps . Richmond , First Principal ; J . Franks , P . Z . ; and J . Tracey , P . Z . ; and Comp . Holmes moved that a letter of condolence , couched in suitable terms , should be addressed to the relatives of each of the companions on
behalf of the brethren of this chapter , which was agreed to item . con . Comp . Mills spoke in feeling terms of his fid us achates , Comp . Franks , whose constant friend and companion he had been for thirty years , and the members present expiessed their deep sense of the regret at the melancholy changes which had taken
place . Comp . Holmes moved that at next regular meeting of the chapter , when the Three Principals were to be installed , a banquet should be held , which was agreed to . The companions havingshared the secrets , the chapter was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment . The usual toasts were given , and a pleasant social gathering broke up at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACIIONALII LOIKIK ( No . 104 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday evening , at the head quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick road , Camberwell New-road , when there were present : —Bros . Arthur Wolton , W . M . ; Wm . Worrell , S . W . 5 C . ITammerton , P . M ; Tames Stevens , P . M . ; Thomas Meggy ,
P . M ., Treas . 5 F . Cozens , Organist ; \ V . Wigginton , S . D . ; E . Drewett , J . D . ; N . J . F . Basnett , S . D . ; and W . P . Collins , I . G . ; G . W . Verry , W . Bell , jun ., George Motion , J . K . Pitt ; visitors , H . D . Martin , and H . Massey . No candidates for advancement made their appearance , and the lodge therefore went on with the other business . The first was the election of Bro .
James Stevens , P . M ., as an honorary member , he having 011 the last meeting of the lodge resigned his membership on account of the day of meeting of the Great City Lodge happening to be the same on which the Macdunald Lodge assembled . The brethren of the Macdunald
feeling that the lodcje was much indebted to Bro . Stevens , among others , for its high position in the order as a working lodge , considered that they could not afford to lose such a member , and Bro . Meggy placed a motion on the p . tper to elect Bro . Stevens an honorary member . On
the motion coining on for discussion , of course in the absence of Bro . Stevens from the lodge , the brethren decided unanimously to elect him in accordance with the terms of Bro . Meggy ' s motion , and on liro . Steven ' s admission to the lodge the W . M . announced the result of the brethrens'