Article WEEKLY SUMMARY. ← Page 2 of 3 Article WEEKLY SUMMARY. Page 2 of 3 Article WEEKLY SUMMARY. Page 2 of 3 →
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Weekly Summary.
week , but owing to the , time we go to press we cannot give a precis of the Budget untilj next week . Dr . Kenealey has been excluded from the Bar Mess on the Oxford Circut , but " en revancha " has edited a new paper called The Englishman
whatfthe Times terms " noble but monotonous , and whichj ^ seems so far to be entirely to the honour and glory of Dr . Kenealey himself . " The Corporation of the City of London propose to invite the Czar Alexander of Russia , to a great festal reception , when here , a guest of Her Majesty the Queen .
Sir John Karslake , in consequence of ill-health , has resigned the office of Attorney-General , and has been succeeded by Sir Richard Baggallay . The office of Solicitor-General has been offered to Mr . Huddleston , Q . C . Abroad the news is not so far important . The German Parliament liave levied 400 , 000 men for seven years , and Prince Bismarck is
recovering . Marshal Serrano has made proposals to Don Carlos , which have been , Baron Reuter says , definitively rejected , and so we shall see then what we shall see .
We regret to say that the Famine in Bengal , is not decreasing , nearly £ 75 , 000 have been already collected by the Mansion House Fund . We have to announce the deaths of the Marquis of Clanricarde , of the Duchess Dowager of
Leeds , of the Baroness Dumfennhne , of the Lady Colridge , of Col Peter Drummond , Bengal army , of Col . George Harold , half pay of the 42 and 92 nd Highlanders and of Sir Henry Oglander .
LONDON AND HOME NEWS . The Earl of Guildford is about to marry Georgiana , sister to Sir George Chetwynd . The Fnternational Exhibition of 18 74 was opened on Easter Monday , but the occasion was marked by no formal ceremony . The number
of visitors during the day , however , reached 14 , 525 . Several departments are as yet incomplete , including the Indian and French Courts ; and it is announced that the exhibition of wines , which will form a most important part of this year ' s programme , cannot commence before the
1 st of May . On Wednesday , the 6 th , there was much festivity at Worcester in honour of the completion of the restoration of the Cathedral , which has been in the hands of the architects and decorators for the last twenty years , the work
costing £ 100 , 000 . Iwo services were held in the sacred building , each attended by about 500 clergy , who filled the choir , while the nave , transepts , and aisles were crowded with the select of the laity admitted by ticket . The Bishop of Worcester preached in the morning , and the
Bishop of Derry in the evening . The Mayor gave a breakfast to the Corporation and the Freemasons of the province , and the Dean and Chapter entertained some distinguished guests at the College Hall . Oxford " Commemoration" will be held on
the 17 th June . The Warwick Castle restoration subscriptions have now amounted to £ 9 , 651 . The work is being rapidly completed , and in a very short time the Castle will be restored to its former grandeur .
The Royal College of F'hysicians of London have addressed to Mr . Disraeli a memorial , in which they say that , in the daily exercise of their profession , they are brought much into contact with the poorer classes of the population , and are deeply interested in everything that concerns
their welfare , not only on account of the poor themselves , but also because the evils engendered among them often affect the whole of society : — Ft is within their knowledge that the wholesale demolition of the houses inhabited by the poor , which had been carried on of late years under various railway and improvement acts , while it
has been serviceable in removing many very bad streets and dwellings , has incidentally caused much distress to the persons displaced , and has almost uniformly driven them to crowd into neighbouring quarters , which were already as full , or fuller , than was consistent with healthiness . They believe that private enterprise is powerless to provide the fresh and improved
Weekly Summary.
house accommodation which is required for those who have been expelled from their former habi-. tations , in addition to that which is called for by the constant increase of the population by reason of the impossibility of securing suitable sites for building . Even so rich and powerful a body as
the trustees of the Peabody Fund has been repeatedly foiled in particular attempts to obtain land to build upon . They believe that the mere enabling powers which are at present entrusted to various authorities have proved , and must prove , insufficient to effect the desired object .
In their opinion a remedy for these evils is urgently required , and they therefore venture to express the hope that Mr . Disraeli will favour them by holding out some prospect that this question of the dwellings of the London poor , upon which the health and morality of the
people so much depend , will be taken up by Government in the present session of Parliament . A stained glass window has just been placed in the parish church , of Folkestone to the memory of Dr . William Harvey , the discoverer of the
circulation of the blood , who was born in the town in 15 7 S . Ft is the gift of the medical profession , more than 3 , 000 of whom have contributed towards the cost . The artist was Mr . C . E . Kempe , of Beaumont-street , London . The window was formally uncovered , when the
" Hallelujah Chorus" was sung by the united choirs of the churches in the town . Fn the chancel of this church there is a brass to the memory of Joan Harvey , mother of Dr . Harvey , which bears the following inscription : — "A . D . 1605 . Nov . 8 th , dyed in ye 50 th yeere of her
age , Joan , wife of Thomas Harvey , mother or 7 sons and 2 daughters , a godly , Harmless Woman ; a chast loveing wife ; a charitable qviet Neighbovr ; a cofortable friendly Matro' ; a provident diligent Hvswyfe ; a carefvll te'der
harted Mother : deere to her Hvsband ; reverensed of her children ; beloved of her Neighbovrs ; elected of God ; whose Sole Rest in Heaven ; her Body in this Grave , to her a Happy Advantage , to Hers an Vnhappy loss . "
Ihe sum of £ 24 8 s . ioJd . was collected at the voluntary service in tire Royal Military Chapel , Wellington Barracks , on Sunday evening , April 5 , after a sermon preached by the Chaplain-General . The amount will be lodged to the credit of Lady Wolseley ' s Fund .
On Saturday the annual return respecting military savings banks , presented to Parliament , was printed , showing that the total amount of the fund for the banks up to the 10 th tilt , was £ 300 , 609 9 s . 5 ld . The interest showed during the year x 173 to depositors in military
savings banks was £ 6 , 823 i 2 S- l \& - > and the interest allowed on army charitable funds £ 1 , 965 19 s . 7 j d . The withdrawals from the banks in the period were £ 13 1 , 254 its . 63 d . The number of accounts open on the 31 st March last year was 14 , 560 .
The following is a statement showing the total number of messages forwarded from postal telegraph stations in the United Kingdom during the week ended the 4 U 1 of April , 1874 , and during the corresponding week of 1873 - . —Week ended April 4 , 1874 , total number of messages ,
314 , 773 ; week ended April 5 , 1873 , total number of messages , 326 , 563 ; decrease in the week of 1874 on that ° f r 8 / 3 , , 790 . A sad calamity has befallen Mr . Hipwell , of To ! worth . About three weeks ago a stray dog got among a flock of sheep and lambs and
worried a score or more to death . Now it is found that the dog must have been mad , for numbers of the poor animals have since shown symptoms of hydrophobia , and have had to be knocked on the head or strangled . Mr . Hipwell has taken every precaution to prevent the spread
of the terrible disease , and the carcases are buried as killed ; but it is greatly feared that a very heavy pecuniary loss will result to him , and further , the full extent of the mischief can hardly be imagined . —Surrey Comet .
On Saturday a Parliamentary paper was printed containing an account of the gross amount received during the year ended the 31 st of December , 1872 , and its application . The amount received by the Post-office from the 1 st of January , 1872 , to the 31 st of December , 1872 ,
Weekly Summary.
in respect of telegraphic messages , private wire rentals , and special wire , & c , was £ 1 , 359 , 652 10 s . 5 | d ., less £ 309 , 569 3 s . 8 | d . paid to submarine telegraph companies , being message receipts collected on their behalf , and amount allowed to postmasters in respect of sums paid
by them for the special delivery of messages , kc , leaving £ 970 , 683 6 s . 9 d . The amount expended by the Post-office in the period for salaries , rent , and maintenance of telegraphs was £ 141 , 107 10 s . 2 jd . It is stated in a note that the expenditure for 1872 was exceptional , as it included
payments proper to the two previous years . A statement is given of the application of the balance of telegraph revenue , amounting to £ 144 , 807 os . a-Jd . The vote proposed to the House of Commons this Session for elementary education in
England and Wales estimates the grants required at 12 s . 5 d . each for 1 , 709 , 808 day scholars in inspected schools , and at 7 s . rid . each for 43 , 376 evening scholars . In the financial year T 872-73 the expenditure from the education grant in England and Wales , comprised 7 ^ 7 860
, on schools connected with the Church of England ; ^ 143 , 512 on schools connected with the British and Foreign School Society ; £ 71 , 959 on Wesleyan schools ; £ 58 , 929 on Roman Catholic schools , and £ 14 , 287 on Board Schools , this last item making its appearance in the account for the first time .
ITEMS OP FOREIGN NEWS . From Paris the sudden death is announced of M . Beule , at the age of forty-ei ght . The deceased was appointed Minister of the Interior in the Cabinet formed by the Due de Broglie after the overthrow of M . Thiers , on the 24 th of May
last year . He left office when the Septennial power was conferred upon Marshal MacMahon . The ex-Emperor Ferdinand , who abdicated in favour of his nephew , the present Emperor of Austria , is reported to be lying dangerously ill at Prague .
According to information forwarded by Professor Palmieri to the local journals , the crater of Mount Vesuvius has lately undergone some rather ominous changes . The explosion of the 26 th of April , 1872 , left , it appears , a wide and deep crater on the summit of the mountain ,
which was divided into two compartmeuts by " a sort of cyclopean wall , " composed of great masses of lava and thick layers of slag . " Within the last few days , " writes the Professor , "the cyclopean wall has disappeared , and the crater has been filled up without the occurrence of
eruptive phenomena . Dr . Viale , the Pope ' s physician , and one of his most intimate friends , has just died at Rome at the age of eighty-five . The question of a tunnel between England and
France appeares to be revived . A special French Committee , composed of railway directors invited the Chairmen of the English Railway Companies inteiested in the question to confer with them in Paris .
The conference , which lasted two days , has served to establish the bases on which the preliminary experiments must be made to prove the possibility of such an undertaking . The President of the Republic has expressed his interest in the object which the conference had
. Ft is thought that , in the meantime , until the question of a tunnel be decided , that of a port on the French coast for improved steamboat service will be considered
The sovereignty of the Fiji Fslands has been formally ceded b y King Cacaban to England , and Mr . Layard , the British Consul , has accepted the cession , subject to tne ratification of the Home Government . The Fiji exchequer is said to be insolvent , the expenditure having
amounted during the last two years to ^ 124 , 000 , while the revenue during the same period was omv £ 4 > ooo . The Fiji Administration has been unable to pay the interest due on the loans it had contracted . An interim
Administration has been formed , pending the decision of the Brirish Government . The death is announced of Peter Andreas Hansen , the well-known astronomer , and director of the Ducal Observatory at Gotha . The deceased attained celebrity b y his researches into
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Weekly Summary.
week , but owing to the , time we go to press we cannot give a precis of the Budget untilj next week . Dr . Kenealey has been excluded from the Bar Mess on the Oxford Circut , but " en revancha " has edited a new paper called The Englishman
whatfthe Times terms " noble but monotonous , and whichj ^ seems so far to be entirely to the honour and glory of Dr . Kenealey himself . " The Corporation of the City of London propose to invite the Czar Alexander of Russia , to a great festal reception , when here , a guest of Her Majesty the Queen .
Sir John Karslake , in consequence of ill-health , has resigned the office of Attorney-General , and has been succeeded by Sir Richard Baggallay . The office of Solicitor-General has been offered to Mr . Huddleston , Q . C . Abroad the news is not so far important . The German Parliament liave levied 400 , 000 men for seven years , and Prince Bismarck is
recovering . Marshal Serrano has made proposals to Don Carlos , which have been , Baron Reuter says , definitively rejected , and so we shall see then what we shall see .
We regret to say that the Famine in Bengal , is not decreasing , nearly £ 75 , 000 have been already collected by the Mansion House Fund . We have to announce the deaths of the Marquis of Clanricarde , of the Duchess Dowager of
Leeds , of the Baroness Dumfennhne , of the Lady Colridge , of Col Peter Drummond , Bengal army , of Col . George Harold , half pay of the 42 and 92 nd Highlanders and of Sir Henry Oglander .
LONDON AND HOME NEWS . The Earl of Guildford is about to marry Georgiana , sister to Sir George Chetwynd . The Fnternational Exhibition of 18 74 was opened on Easter Monday , but the occasion was marked by no formal ceremony . The number
of visitors during the day , however , reached 14 , 525 . Several departments are as yet incomplete , including the Indian and French Courts ; and it is announced that the exhibition of wines , which will form a most important part of this year ' s programme , cannot commence before the
1 st of May . On Wednesday , the 6 th , there was much festivity at Worcester in honour of the completion of the restoration of the Cathedral , which has been in the hands of the architects and decorators for the last twenty years , the work
costing £ 100 , 000 . Iwo services were held in the sacred building , each attended by about 500 clergy , who filled the choir , while the nave , transepts , and aisles were crowded with the select of the laity admitted by ticket . The Bishop of Worcester preached in the morning , and the
Bishop of Derry in the evening . The Mayor gave a breakfast to the Corporation and the Freemasons of the province , and the Dean and Chapter entertained some distinguished guests at the College Hall . Oxford " Commemoration" will be held on
the 17 th June . The Warwick Castle restoration subscriptions have now amounted to £ 9 , 651 . The work is being rapidly completed , and in a very short time the Castle will be restored to its former grandeur .
The Royal College of F'hysicians of London have addressed to Mr . Disraeli a memorial , in which they say that , in the daily exercise of their profession , they are brought much into contact with the poorer classes of the population , and are deeply interested in everything that concerns
their welfare , not only on account of the poor themselves , but also because the evils engendered among them often affect the whole of society : — Ft is within their knowledge that the wholesale demolition of the houses inhabited by the poor , which had been carried on of late years under various railway and improvement acts , while it
has been serviceable in removing many very bad streets and dwellings , has incidentally caused much distress to the persons displaced , and has almost uniformly driven them to crowd into neighbouring quarters , which were already as full , or fuller , than was consistent with healthiness . They believe that private enterprise is powerless to provide the fresh and improved
Weekly Summary.
house accommodation which is required for those who have been expelled from their former habi-. tations , in addition to that which is called for by the constant increase of the population by reason of the impossibility of securing suitable sites for building . Even so rich and powerful a body as
the trustees of the Peabody Fund has been repeatedly foiled in particular attempts to obtain land to build upon . They believe that the mere enabling powers which are at present entrusted to various authorities have proved , and must prove , insufficient to effect the desired object .
In their opinion a remedy for these evils is urgently required , and they therefore venture to express the hope that Mr . Disraeli will favour them by holding out some prospect that this question of the dwellings of the London poor , upon which the health and morality of the
people so much depend , will be taken up by Government in the present session of Parliament . A stained glass window has just been placed in the parish church , of Folkestone to the memory of Dr . William Harvey , the discoverer of the
circulation of the blood , who was born in the town in 15 7 S . Ft is the gift of the medical profession , more than 3 , 000 of whom have contributed towards the cost . The artist was Mr . C . E . Kempe , of Beaumont-street , London . The window was formally uncovered , when the
" Hallelujah Chorus" was sung by the united choirs of the churches in the town . Fn the chancel of this church there is a brass to the memory of Joan Harvey , mother of Dr . Harvey , which bears the following inscription : — "A . D . 1605 . Nov . 8 th , dyed in ye 50 th yeere of her
age , Joan , wife of Thomas Harvey , mother or 7 sons and 2 daughters , a godly , Harmless Woman ; a chast loveing wife ; a charitable qviet Neighbovr ; a cofortable friendly Matro' ; a provident diligent Hvswyfe ; a carefvll te'der
harted Mother : deere to her Hvsband ; reverensed of her children ; beloved of her Neighbovrs ; elected of God ; whose Sole Rest in Heaven ; her Body in this Grave , to her a Happy Advantage , to Hers an Vnhappy loss . "
Ihe sum of £ 24 8 s . ioJd . was collected at the voluntary service in tire Royal Military Chapel , Wellington Barracks , on Sunday evening , April 5 , after a sermon preached by the Chaplain-General . The amount will be lodged to the credit of Lady Wolseley ' s Fund .
On Saturday the annual return respecting military savings banks , presented to Parliament , was printed , showing that the total amount of the fund for the banks up to the 10 th tilt , was £ 300 , 609 9 s . 5 ld . The interest showed during the year x 173 to depositors in military
savings banks was £ 6 , 823 i 2 S- l \& - > and the interest allowed on army charitable funds £ 1 , 965 19 s . 7 j d . The withdrawals from the banks in the period were £ 13 1 , 254 its . 63 d . The number of accounts open on the 31 st March last year was 14 , 560 .
The following is a statement showing the total number of messages forwarded from postal telegraph stations in the United Kingdom during the week ended the 4 U 1 of April , 1874 , and during the corresponding week of 1873 - . —Week ended April 4 , 1874 , total number of messages ,
314 , 773 ; week ended April 5 , 1873 , total number of messages , 326 , 563 ; decrease in the week of 1874 on that ° f r 8 / 3 , , 790 . A sad calamity has befallen Mr . Hipwell , of To ! worth . About three weeks ago a stray dog got among a flock of sheep and lambs and
worried a score or more to death . Now it is found that the dog must have been mad , for numbers of the poor animals have since shown symptoms of hydrophobia , and have had to be knocked on the head or strangled . Mr . Hipwell has taken every precaution to prevent the spread
of the terrible disease , and the carcases are buried as killed ; but it is greatly feared that a very heavy pecuniary loss will result to him , and further , the full extent of the mischief can hardly be imagined . —Surrey Comet .
On Saturday a Parliamentary paper was printed containing an account of the gross amount received during the year ended the 31 st of December , 1872 , and its application . The amount received by the Post-office from the 1 st of January , 1872 , to the 31 st of December , 1872 ,
Weekly Summary.
in respect of telegraphic messages , private wire rentals , and special wire , & c , was £ 1 , 359 , 652 10 s . 5 | d ., less £ 309 , 569 3 s . 8 | d . paid to submarine telegraph companies , being message receipts collected on their behalf , and amount allowed to postmasters in respect of sums paid
by them for the special delivery of messages , kc , leaving £ 970 , 683 6 s . 9 d . The amount expended by the Post-office in the period for salaries , rent , and maintenance of telegraphs was £ 141 , 107 10 s . 2 jd . It is stated in a note that the expenditure for 1872 was exceptional , as it included
payments proper to the two previous years . A statement is given of the application of the balance of telegraph revenue , amounting to £ 144 , 807 os . a-Jd . The vote proposed to the House of Commons this Session for elementary education in
England and Wales estimates the grants required at 12 s . 5 d . each for 1 , 709 , 808 day scholars in inspected schools , and at 7 s . rid . each for 43 , 376 evening scholars . In the financial year T 872-73 the expenditure from the education grant in England and Wales , comprised 7 ^ 7 860
, on schools connected with the Church of England ; ^ 143 , 512 on schools connected with the British and Foreign School Society ; £ 71 , 959 on Wesleyan schools ; £ 58 , 929 on Roman Catholic schools , and £ 14 , 287 on Board Schools , this last item making its appearance in the account for the first time .
ITEMS OP FOREIGN NEWS . From Paris the sudden death is announced of M . Beule , at the age of forty-ei ght . The deceased was appointed Minister of the Interior in the Cabinet formed by the Due de Broglie after the overthrow of M . Thiers , on the 24 th of May
last year . He left office when the Septennial power was conferred upon Marshal MacMahon . The ex-Emperor Ferdinand , who abdicated in favour of his nephew , the present Emperor of Austria , is reported to be lying dangerously ill at Prague .
According to information forwarded by Professor Palmieri to the local journals , the crater of Mount Vesuvius has lately undergone some rather ominous changes . The explosion of the 26 th of April , 1872 , left , it appears , a wide and deep crater on the summit of the mountain ,
which was divided into two compartmeuts by " a sort of cyclopean wall , " composed of great masses of lava and thick layers of slag . " Within the last few days , " writes the Professor , "the cyclopean wall has disappeared , and the crater has been filled up without the occurrence of
eruptive phenomena . Dr . Viale , the Pope ' s physician , and one of his most intimate friends , has just died at Rome at the age of eighty-five . The question of a tunnel between England and
France appeares to be revived . A special French Committee , composed of railway directors invited the Chairmen of the English Railway Companies inteiested in the question to confer with them in Paris .
The conference , which lasted two days , has served to establish the bases on which the preliminary experiments must be made to prove the possibility of such an undertaking . The President of the Republic has expressed his interest in the object which the conference had
. Ft is thought that , in the meantime , until the question of a tunnel be decided , that of a port on the French coast for improved steamboat service will be considered
The sovereignty of the Fiji Fslands has been formally ceded b y King Cacaban to England , and Mr . Layard , the British Consul , has accepted the cession , subject to tne ratification of the Home Government . The Fiji exchequer is said to be insolvent , the expenditure having
amounted during the last two years to ^ 124 , 000 , while the revenue during the same period was omv £ 4 > ooo . The Fiji Administration has been unable to pay the interest due on the loans it had contracted . An interim
Administration has been formed , pending the decision of the Brirish Government . The death is announced of Peter Andreas Hansen , the well-known astronomer , and director of the Ducal Observatory at Gotha . The deceased attained celebrity b y his researches into