Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his ability and rapid progress m Masonry . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the very kind and cordial reception he had always met with amongst them , and asked the Past Masters to extend to him their very valuable advice—from the officers and members of
the lodge , a prompt and regular attendance , and from the Worshipful Alasters and members of the sister lodges in Sunderland , the moral support of frequent visits , and asked them all to look with a lenient eye upon whatever deficiencies and
shortcomings they might notice during his year of office . Bro . P . M . Halfknight proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., "Bro . Liddell , " speaking highly of his services in the various offices he had filled in the lodge . The " Visitors , " -and the
"Alasonic Charities , " having been done ample justice to , the AV . AI . stated that as the worthy host , Bro . Richardson , who had catered for their bodily wants so well from the formation of the lodge , would in a week leave the hotel to retire
into private life , he asked the brethren , before parting , to wish him and his worthy wife many years of health and happiness in their retirement . Bro . Richardson cordially thanked the brethren , and expressed the pleasure it had
always given himself and his wife to provide for the members of the lodge and the visitors . The whole proceedings were marked with the utmost enthusiasm and the greatest harmony . The dinner was excellent , the wines good and everything
went well . Bro . Foster , Org ., presided at the piano , and to that Brother , and to Bros . Barstow , Taylor , Fryer , R . Humphrey , Beatie , and others , the brethren were indebted for a great musical treat .
ESSEX . LEYTONSTONE . —Beacon tree Lodge ( No . | i 228 ) . —The first meeting of this excellent lodge for the Summer season , was held on the 1 st inst ., in the new rooms adjoining the Red Lion ,
Leytonstone . Bro . R . J . Chillingworth , W . M . opened the lodge , and initiated Mr . AN ' . J . Dohbs and Air . Joseph Pige , the ceremony being performed in an impressive manner , and the AV . M . xvas highl y complimented for his admirable working .
The business of the evening having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to a most elegant and recherche banquet , served up in a splendid manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the AV . AI . proposed
the health of Bro . Harford , P . AL , and in an excellent speech thanked him , on behalf of the members , for his kindness in having erected suitable rooms expressly for the lodge . It appeared that through the sale of the house where they have been in
the habit of meeting , they were compelled to seek fresh quarters , and there had been considerable difficulty in finding a habitation , but when all hope seemed to have left them , and they had begun to despair of success , Bro . Barford came
forward and voluntered lo build rooms for them at his own expense , and those rooms were being used for the first time ; he expressed a hope that they might all spend many pleasant hours under the hospitable roof . Bro . Barford suitably
responded , and gave a most humourous account of the wanderings of the committee appointed to look foraccommodation , upon one occasion , being nearly benighted in AVanstead Flats . The brethren having been regaled with choice viands ,
deli ghted with beautiful reading and singing , separated at an early hour . Among those present we noticed , Bros . S . Alcock , SAN ' . ; Chappell , TAV ., ( and AV . AI . of No . 7 ) ; Vile , Treas .
Alunday , S . D . ; Fisher , D . C . ; ( who performed his share of the duties admirably ); Richards , Price , AVilson , iVc . The visitors were so numerous and distinguished that it would be invidious to mention names .
UI-TON " . — Upton Lodge , ( No . 1227 ) . — The members of this lodge held their scconel regular meeting of the season at the " Spotted Dog , " Upton , on Thursday the 9 th inst ., Bro . Richard Bolton , AV . AI ., presided , he was ably assisted in
the performance of his varied duties by Bros . S English , SAY . ; G . Bratten , JAV . ; T . ' Wayland Treasurer ; R . W . Goddard . ' P . AI . Sec ; J . Chid ley , S . D . ; G . Levick , J . D . ; J . Dee , J . G . ; E Lee , AV . S . ; R . Picking , P . AL D . C . ; and Woodstock , Tyler . Thert were also present Bros
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kerby , D . Posener , Holthaiu , Smith , Harlow , sen ., Harlow , jun ., and Shortlander . After the usual preliminaries the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . In due course , Bros . Brown , Farna , Owen , and Alorris , were formally introduced , and after giving satisfactory
proofs of some proficiency in the degrees they had alread y passed , had the honour of receiving the Master ' s degree , The father onerous duties devolving upon the AV . M . were performed with rare , ability , and an evident desire to impress upon the candidates the grand principles , inculcated in
this sublime ceremony . The brethren of this lodge have resolved to hold a summer banquet at the " Royal Crown Hotel , " Sevenoaks , Kent , on Thursday , July 4 th ., which cannot fail to be highly successful , seeing that ladies will be per mitteel to enliven the festival by their graceful presence . After the conclusion of the lodge
business , refreshments were served , to which the brethren applied themselves with considerable vigour , and upon the removal of the cloth , the usual mode of proceedings was observed , undistinguished by any novel feature deserving to be recorded . At an carl ) ' hour the brethren separated with mutual hearty good wishes .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY .- —Royal Lodge if Faith and Friendship ( No . 270 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this old lodge was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Alonday , the 6 th inst . The brethren present were Bros . William Pinnell , AV . AI .
Joseph Bennett , P . M . as S . W . ; John Davies , ' J . W . ¦ Dr . E . Long , as S . D . ; John Gamble , J . D . ; James Oliver , I . G . ; Charles Partridge , Treas . and Sec . ; Octavius Long , I . P . M . ; John Carev , James Alichael , K . Luce , \ c , and James
Aliles , of the : Neyland Lodge , as a visitor . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and unanimousl y confirmed , and the usual proclamations given , the AV . AI . called upon Bro . ( iambic lo fulfil a promise made lo the lodge at
the last meeting , which was lo give a lecture on the tracing board , in the first degree , and which , we are pleased to say , he described at length in a very able and impressive manner . The brethren appreciated Bro . ( iambic ' s description in the
usual Alasonic way . The AVorshi pful Alaster , after exhorting the brethren to put in a good appearani'e at the Provincial Grand Lodge , which is to be held at Berkeley Town I lall , on the 24 th
inst ., to dohonourlo their R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord Sherborne , the lodge was then closed . The brethren adjourned to another room for refreshment , and the evening was spent in harmony and brotherly love .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) - BuADi- ' oKD .- —A («(/ iri" of llti / ie ( No . 302 ) . —On the evening of Friday , the 26 th ult ., the brethren of this large and influential lodge gave , ( on the suggestion of their W . M ., who is thus doing what :
he can for the amusement and instruction of the friends of the lodge ) , an Amateur Concert , under the direction ol their Organist , Bro . F . B . Atkinson , Mas . Bur . Cmiliib . The concert proved a great success , several of the SOIILTS beinti' encored .
the only regret expresseel was that the conceit was not longer , a pretty sure evidence that it was appreciated . The AV . M . at the conclusion , inxilcil ihe brethren and their lady friends to the lodge room—which for the noncehad been transformed into a verx" elesrant refreshment-room-
whilst theinnerman was there being attended to , the chairs , & C . were removed from the concertroom , where an iniprointu carpel dance was enjoyed exceedingly , the more so perhaps from being unexpected , the brethren and theii fair friends keeping lerpsiehorean pleasures until the wee hours in the morning .
AVIOTOX . —bl . John ' s Chapter ( No . 327 ) . — The annual convocation of the companions of the above Chapter was held on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at the Lion and Lamb . The chapter having been opened , and the minutes of previous convocation read and confirmed , the following com-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
panions were duly installed Principal , Officers' , as under : John Lemon , Z . ; James Porter H . ? John Gate , J . ; Henry Bewes , Scribe E . ; George- ' Shannon , M . D ., Scribe N . ; Jno . Hewitson , P . S . ; I [ y . Dand , A . S . ; J . Alartin , Janitor . Brother George Carrick , Solicitor , being a candidate for exaltation , was balloted for anil unanimously
aeceptcd , and was exalted by Comp . 1 . Koutledge , P . Z . ; There being no other business , the chapter was closed , according to antient custom , at 7 . 30 . There was a very numerous gathering of companions and amongst many others were Comps . G . G . Hayward , P . Z . 310 ; F . AV . Hayward P . Z . 310 : T . Richardson , P . Z . ; Johnson , 310 ; Gardiner , & C
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
GRAND TRIBUNAL OF THE 31 " . On Friday , the 10 th inst ., a sublime convocation of S . P ' s . R . S . 32 , was formed , in which Illustrious Bro . C . C . Poole was advantvel to the 3 2 , and a Grand Tribunal of the
Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commanders , ; -i , was held at the new Alasonic Hall , Golden ' square , for the reception of Bro . Charles Huttow Gregory , into that illustrious degree . After * wards a Grand Chapter of Grand Elected
Knights K . H ., 30 , was held , when the following Illustrious Brethren were present ;—Chas . Jno . Yigne , 33 , AI . P . S . G . Commander ; Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° INI . 111 . Lieut . G . Commander ; Col . A . AY . Adair , 33 ° , III . G . Treas . Genl ; Genl . H .
Clerk , 33 " , III . G . Chancellor ; I . M . P . Montague , 33 ° , III . G . Sec . General ; Rev . E . H . H . Vernon , 5 3 , 111 . G . Chaplain ; Sir M . Costa , 33 , 111 . S . G . I . G . jDr . R . Hamilton , 33 , 111 . S . G . I . G . ; I lytic Pullen , 33 ° , III . S . G . I . G . ; ' H . C . A ' ervoh , 33 , Past AI . ill . Lieut . G . Com . ; Raphael Costa , 0
32 ; S . II . Clark , 32 ° ; S . Rnwson , 32 ° ; Sir P . Ale C . De Colquhoun , 32 ° ; C . Chandos Pole , 32 ° ; Genl . Doheny , 3 Y ; S . AV . Boord , 31 ; C : ! A . Nevx nhan , 3 U ; C . Fetuleloxx " , 31 ° ; If . S . Alpass , 31 ° : Rev . O . R . Davv , 3 i ° ; Lord Limerick , 31 ° ; F . IT . Woodforde , 31 ; Kmra Holmes , 31 ; C . H . Gregory , 31 ; H . Dubosc , 30 ;
Frederick Binckes , 30 ° ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ; G . R . Broe'khank , 30 ; J . L . Line , . 30 ° ; Dr . B . J . Hodge , 30 ; Genl . Alunbee , 30 ; John Fletcher , 30 '; P . H . Newnhan , 30 ; Vivian Webber , 30 ° ; Capt . Asiley Terry , 30 ; G . A . Phayre , ; o ; R . De AI . Lawson , 30 ; ' Willett L . Aelye , 30 ;
Thos . B . Hanham , 3 o ; C . ANlutney Griffiths , 30 ; R . Loveland Loveland , 30 ° ; Geo . Lambert , 30 ; Thos . Wilson , 30 ; | . Arelano Hall , 30 ; John R . Molineux , . ; o ; T . O . xley Oxlantl , ( 32 Portugal , ) 30 '; AN ' . Roebuck , ; o ; Chas . I lorsley , 30 ; Jos . 0
S . Starkey , 30 ° ; and Samuel White 30 ; Ike ., & e . The following brethren were then introduced , and after having been full y instructed b y 111 . Bro , 1 lyde Pullen , 33 , and with the usual ceremonies , which were performed with great solemnity , by 111 . Bro . Genl . Clerk , admitted to the degree of
G . E . K . K . H . 30 ° . Bros . Rev . B . A . Galland , Major G . A . Flemyng , C . J . Burgess , and F . A . Philbrick , of the Aletropolitan Chapter Rose > J «; Bro . E . A . H . Caslleman , of the A \ eymouth Chapter Rose » J «; Bro . Jabez S . Gower , of the Alount Calvary
Chapter Rose » J <; Bros . John Chandler , and George I lomfray , of St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . G . R . Irvine , of the Royal Naval Chapter Rose > J «; Bros . George Kenning , ) . Aloxon Clabon , and | ohn Read , of the Invicta
Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . John Baker , of the Talbot Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . William Hickman , of the A'igne . Chapter Rose > J <; Bros . AV . H . Prince , and Robert Butterworth , of the Htiyshe Chapter Rose t ^< .
An interesting cireimistancemconnection with this meeting was the installation of two distinguished Knights Rosa ; Crucis . who were affiliated to the A . anel A . Rite , on the previous day , and who were now exalted to the 30 .
The Supreme Grand Council show great wisdom in recognising the old kni ght Templar degrees in this way , and affiliating the members of the Immemorial Encampments , where the degree of Knight Rosa ; Crucis has been constantl y conferred .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his ability and rapid progress m Masonry . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the very kind and cordial reception he had always met with amongst them , and asked the Past Masters to extend to him their very valuable advice—from the officers and members of
the lodge , a prompt and regular attendance , and from the Worshipful Alasters and members of the sister lodges in Sunderland , the moral support of frequent visits , and asked them all to look with a lenient eye upon whatever deficiencies and
shortcomings they might notice during his year of office . Bro . P . M . Halfknight proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., "Bro . Liddell , " speaking highly of his services in the various offices he had filled in the lodge . The " Visitors , " -and the
"Alasonic Charities , " having been done ample justice to , the AV . AI . stated that as the worthy host , Bro . Richardson , who had catered for their bodily wants so well from the formation of the lodge , would in a week leave the hotel to retire
into private life , he asked the brethren , before parting , to wish him and his worthy wife many years of health and happiness in their retirement . Bro . Richardson cordially thanked the brethren , and expressed the pleasure it had
always given himself and his wife to provide for the members of the lodge and the visitors . The whole proceedings were marked with the utmost enthusiasm and the greatest harmony . The dinner was excellent , the wines good and everything
went well . Bro . Foster , Org ., presided at the piano , and to that Brother , and to Bros . Barstow , Taylor , Fryer , R . Humphrey , Beatie , and others , the brethren were indebted for a great musical treat .
ESSEX . LEYTONSTONE . —Beacon tree Lodge ( No . | i 228 ) . —The first meeting of this excellent lodge for the Summer season , was held on the 1 st inst ., in the new rooms adjoining the Red Lion ,
Leytonstone . Bro . R . J . Chillingworth , W . M . opened the lodge , and initiated Mr . AN ' . J . Dohbs and Air . Joseph Pige , the ceremony being performed in an impressive manner , and the AV . M . xvas highl y complimented for his admirable working .
The business of the evening having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to a most elegant and recherche banquet , served up in a splendid manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the AV . AI . proposed
the health of Bro . Harford , P . AL , and in an excellent speech thanked him , on behalf of the members , for his kindness in having erected suitable rooms expressly for the lodge . It appeared that through the sale of the house where they have been in
the habit of meeting , they were compelled to seek fresh quarters , and there had been considerable difficulty in finding a habitation , but when all hope seemed to have left them , and they had begun to despair of success , Bro . Barford came
forward and voluntered lo build rooms for them at his own expense , and those rooms were being used for the first time ; he expressed a hope that they might all spend many pleasant hours under the hospitable roof . Bro . Barford suitably
responded , and gave a most humourous account of the wanderings of the committee appointed to look foraccommodation , upon one occasion , being nearly benighted in AVanstead Flats . The brethren having been regaled with choice viands ,
deli ghted with beautiful reading and singing , separated at an early hour . Among those present we noticed , Bros . S . Alcock , SAN ' . ; Chappell , TAV ., ( and AV . AI . of No . 7 ) ; Vile , Treas .
Alunday , S . D . ; Fisher , D . C . ; ( who performed his share of the duties admirably ); Richards , Price , AVilson , iVc . The visitors were so numerous and distinguished that it would be invidious to mention names .
UI-TON " . — Upton Lodge , ( No . 1227 ) . — The members of this lodge held their scconel regular meeting of the season at the " Spotted Dog , " Upton , on Thursday the 9 th inst ., Bro . Richard Bolton , AV . AI ., presided , he was ably assisted in
the performance of his varied duties by Bros . S English , SAY . ; G . Bratten , JAV . ; T . ' Wayland Treasurer ; R . W . Goddard . ' P . AI . Sec ; J . Chid ley , S . D . ; G . Levick , J . D . ; J . Dee , J . G . ; E Lee , AV . S . ; R . Picking , P . AL D . C . ; and Woodstock , Tyler . Thert were also present Bros
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kerby , D . Posener , Holthaiu , Smith , Harlow , sen ., Harlow , jun ., and Shortlander . After the usual preliminaries the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . In due course , Bros . Brown , Farna , Owen , and Alorris , were formally introduced , and after giving satisfactory
proofs of some proficiency in the degrees they had alread y passed , had the honour of receiving the Master ' s degree , The father onerous duties devolving upon the AV . M . were performed with rare , ability , and an evident desire to impress upon the candidates the grand principles , inculcated in
this sublime ceremony . The brethren of this lodge have resolved to hold a summer banquet at the " Royal Crown Hotel , " Sevenoaks , Kent , on Thursday , July 4 th ., which cannot fail to be highly successful , seeing that ladies will be per mitteel to enliven the festival by their graceful presence . After the conclusion of the lodge
business , refreshments were served , to which the brethren applied themselves with considerable vigour , and upon the removal of the cloth , the usual mode of proceedings was observed , undistinguished by any novel feature deserving to be recorded . At an carl ) ' hour the brethren separated with mutual hearty good wishes .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY .- —Royal Lodge if Faith and Friendship ( No . 270 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this old lodge was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Alonday , the 6 th inst . The brethren present were Bros . William Pinnell , AV . AI .
Joseph Bennett , P . M . as S . W . ; John Davies , ' J . W . ¦ Dr . E . Long , as S . D . ; John Gamble , J . D . ; James Oliver , I . G . ; Charles Partridge , Treas . and Sec . ; Octavius Long , I . P . M . ; John Carev , James Alichael , K . Luce , \ c , and James
Aliles , of the : Neyland Lodge , as a visitor . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and unanimousl y confirmed , and the usual proclamations given , the AV . AI . called upon Bro . ( iambic lo fulfil a promise made lo the lodge at
the last meeting , which was lo give a lecture on the tracing board , in the first degree , and which , we are pleased to say , he described at length in a very able and impressive manner . The brethren appreciated Bro . ( iambic ' s description in the
usual Alasonic way . The AVorshi pful Alaster , after exhorting the brethren to put in a good appearani'e at the Provincial Grand Lodge , which is to be held at Berkeley Town I lall , on the 24 th
inst ., to dohonourlo their R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord Sherborne , the lodge was then closed . The brethren adjourned to another room for refreshment , and the evening was spent in harmony and brotherly love .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) - BuADi- ' oKD .- —A («(/ iri" of llti / ie ( No . 302 ) . —On the evening of Friday , the 26 th ult ., the brethren of this large and influential lodge gave , ( on the suggestion of their W . M ., who is thus doing what :
he can for the amusement and instruction of the friends of the lodge ) , an Amateur Concert , under the direction ol their Organist , Bro . F . B . Atkinson , Mas . Bur . Cmiliib . The concert proved a great success , several of the SOIILTS beinti' encored .
the only regret expresseel was that the conceit was not longer , a pretty sure evidence that it was appreciated . The AV . M . at the conclusion , inxilcil ihe brethren and their lady friends to the lodge room—which for the noncehad been transformed into a verx" elesrant refreshment-room-
whilst theinnerman was there being attended to , the chairs , & C . were removed from the concertroom , where an iniprointu carpel dance was enjoyed exceedingly , the more so perhaps from being unexpected , the brethren and theii fair friends keeping lerpsiehorean pleasures until the wee hours in the morning .
AVIOTOX . —bl . John ' s Chapter ( No . 327 ) . — The annual convocation of the companions of the above Chapter was held on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at the Lion and Lamb . The chapter having been opened , and the minutes of previous convocation read and confirmed , the following com-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
panions were duly installed Principal , Officers' , as under : John Lemon , Z . ; James Porter H . ? John Gate , J . ; Henry Bewes , Scribe E . ; George- ' Shannon , M . D ., Scribe N . ; Jno . Hewitson , P . S . ; I [ y . Dand , A . S . ; J . Alartin , Janitor . Brother George Carrick , Solicitor , being a candidate for exaltation , was balloted for anil unanimously
aeceptcd , and was exalted by Comp . 1 . Koutledge , P . Z . ; There being no other business , the chapter was closed , according to antient custom , at 7 . 30 . There was a very numerous gathering of companions and amongst many others were Comps . G . G . Hayward , P . Z . 310 ; F . AV . Hayward P . Z . 310 : T . Richardson , P . Z . ; Johnson , 310 ; Gardiner , & C
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
GRAND TRIBUNAL OF THE 31 " . On Friday , the 10 th inst ., a sublime convocation of S . P ' s . R . S . 32 , was formed , in which Illustrious Bro . C . C . Poole was advantvel to the 3 2 , and a Grand Tribunal of the
Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commanders , ; -i , was held at the new Alasonic Hall , Golden ' square , for the reception of Bro . Charles Huttow Gregory , into that illustrious degree . After * wards a Grand Chapter of Grand Elected
Knights K . H ., 30 , was held , when the following Illustrious Brethren were present ;—Chas . Jno . Yigne , 33 , AI . P . S . G . Commander ; Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° INI . 111 . Lieut . G . Commander ; Col . A . AY . Adair , 33 ° , III . G . Treas . Genl ; Genl . H .
Clerk , 33 " , III . G . Chancellor ; I . M . P . Montague , 33 ° , III . G . Sec . General ; Rev . E . H . H . Vernon , 5 3 , 111 . G . Chaplain ; Sir M . Costa , 33 , 111 . S . G . I . G . jDr . R . Hamilton , 33 , 111 . S . G . I . G . ; I lytic Pullen , 33 ° , III . S . G . I . G . ; ' H . C . A ' ervoh , 33 , Past AI . ill . Lieut . G . Com . ; Raphael Costa , 0
32 ; S . II . Clark , 32 ° ; S . Rnwson , 32 ° ; Sir P . Ale C . De Colquhoun , 32 ° ; C . Chandos Pole , 32 ° ; Genl . Doheny , 3 Y ; S . AV . Boord , 31 ; C : ! A . Nevx nhan , 3 U ; C . Fetuleloxx " , 31 ° ; If . S . Alpass , 31 ° : Rev . O . R . Davv , 3 i ° ; Lord Limerick , 31 ° ; F . IT . Woodforde , 31 ; Kmra Holmes , 31 ; C . H . Gregory , 31 ; H . Dubosc , 30 ;
Frederick Binckes , 30 ° ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ; G . R . Broe'khank , 30 ; J . L . Line , . 30 ° ; Dr . B . J . Hodge , 30 ; Genl . Alunbee , 30 ; John Fletcher , 30 '; P . H . Newnhan , 30 ; Vivian Webber , 30 ° ; Capt . Asiley Terry , 30 ; G . A . Phayre , ; o ; R . De AI . Lawson , 30 ; ' Willett L . Aelye , 30 ;
Thos . B . Hanham , 3 o ; C . ANlutney Griffiths , 30 ; R . Loveland Loveland , 30 ° ; Geo . Lambert , 30 ; Thos . Wilson , 30 ; | . Arelano Hall , 30 ; John R . Molineux , . ; o ; T . O . xley Oxlantl , ( 32 Portugal , ) 30 '; AN ' . Roebuck , ; o ; Chas . I lorsley , 30 ; Jos . 0
S . Starkey , 30 ° ; and Samuel White 30 ; Ike ., & e . The following brethren were then introduced , and after having been full y instructed b y 111 . Bro , 1 lyde Pullen , 33 , and with the usual ceremonies , which were performed with great solemnity , by 111 . Bro . Genl . Clerk , admitted to the degree of
G . E . K . K . H . 30 ° . Bros . Rev . B . A . Galland , Major G . A . Flemyng , C . J . Burgess , and F . A . Philbrick , of the Aletropolitan Chapter Rose > J «; Bro . E . A . H . Caslleman , of the A \ eymouth Chapter Rose » J «; Bro . Jabez S . Gower , of the Alount Calvary
Chapter Rose » J <; Bros . John Chandler , and George I lomfray , of St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . G . R . Irvine , of the Royal Naval Chapter Rose > J «; Bros . George Kenning , ) . Aloxon Clabon , and | ohn Read , of the Invicta
Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . John Baker , of the Talbot Chapter Rose » J <; Bro . William Hickman , of the A'igne . Chapter Rose > J <; Bros . AV . H . Prince , and Robert Butterworth , of the Htiyshe Chapter Rose t ^< .
An interesting cireimistancemconnection with this meeting was the installation of two distinguished Knights Rosa ; Crucis . who were affiliated to the A . anel A . Rite , on the previous day , and who were now exalted to the 30 .
The Supreme Grand Council show great wisdom in recognising the old kni ght Templar degrees in this way , and affiliating the members of the Immemorial Encampments , where the degree of Knight Rosa ; Crucis has been constantl y conferred .