Article THE GRAND LODGE OF HUNGARY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE GRAND LODGE OF HUNGARY. Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
the earliest opportunity to lay before you the articles of constitution , the result of the elections , and all the decisions which have been arriveel at . after due consideration , on the part of the constituent assembly . At the same time we shall submit to volt our petition for the recognition
of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , with a legally cerlifieel copy of the act ' of authorisation granted by the government . AVe feel assured that by acting thus strictl y according to vottr instructions wc shall obtain from the Grand Lodge , of France the favourable reception of which you have already kindly g iven us an assurance anel
promise . This constituent assembly , in point ol [ act , took place on the 2-lh of November last , and thus a definite existence and constitution was given to the Grand Lodge of Hungary . The following are the terms in which this New Alasonic Bod y notifies its formation to the Grand Orient de France .
" Pesth , the 28 th day of the 9 th month , A . L . 000871 , ( A . D . 28 th November , 1 S 71 . l . T . N . O . T . G . A . O . T . U . The Graiul Lodge of Hungary , to the Grand Lodge Lodge of France . Greeting : — ^ ery Dear and A enerable Brethren ,
" Acting ftillx' and conscientiously on yotii fraternal and prudent adx ice , lor which wi '"' o you ' - ° accept our warmest and most cordial thanks , ihe Exccu . ixc (' ommirtoc of the Hungarian lodges called a meeting of the constituent assembly of the Grand Lodge ol
Hungary for ihe 2 "jlh of this month . At litis meeting the following lodges were represented :- - The Grand Council of the 33 -. The Council ol the , ; o , Con in Malyas , held at Pesth : The Chapter of the 18 " , Corvin Matvas , held ai Pesth : The Chapter of the iS , ilaladas , held at Kassa : The Lodge Corvin Matvas , helel at Pesth-.
the Lodge Humboldt , held at Pesth : the Lodge Zur Arbeis , held at Pesth : ( he Lodge I laladas , he'ld at Kassa ; the Lodge Jlunvadv , held at Temisxar : ihe Lodge Fratcrnitasjicld at Arad the Lodge Kgalilas , held at Yersci / . : the l . oilgt Cosmos , held at ( ) ra \ ie / . a : the Lodge Concordia held at Ersckiijxar : the Lodge Yilagossag , held at Bereohs / . as / . .
" Having stated that the government hasgixen its conse-nt for ihe creation of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , and that the Grand Lodge of France . by its circular of the 1 st of | nly , 1 S 71 , indtiivd the Hungarian lodge's definitely to constitute the Grand Lodge of Hungary , by establishing a
constitution . amih \ holthngihe rcijinsiteclei'lions the constituent , assembly accepted Tiie constitution of the Grant ! Lodge of France , ol ' June Slh iSrt-, as well as its "Genera ! Laxxs and Regulations . " of the 141 b lime , 1 S 67 , and its interna ' arrangements . of the - , lh of | une , 1 S 6 S , withtiu
cxiepiioii ol some slighi matters , involving changes insignificant in character , uiocssiiatcilbx local circumstances , but willmuianv alteration in princi ple's : after which Brother Georges | oannovics , ' . ' , ' , Secri'iarv of State to ihe . Minisu-r of
Public Worship and Instruction . Member ol Parliament , has been unanimously appointed Grand Master . Afterwards the Executive Council , composed of 21 elected members , alter having bee'ii constiluii'd . M ' ocevt ' i d to ihe election oi its President . N ice-Pvesidem , am ! Secrt larx-.
1 lie Excculnc Council is composed ol the •followinar : —
President : Bro . Count Theodore Csaky , 33 " Alember of Parliaineni : N ' ice-President : Bro Ernest de Simonv , 18 " , A . I ember of Parliament Secretary- Bro . Baron Si gismoud Perenvi , 18 " Alember of Parliament : . Members : Bros . Pete ]
d Acre ! , 3 '" , Prefect : | ohn de BCSM ' , ' / , Presi dent of the financial Department : NV . Bessel . lii'iin . iS , Librarian-. Ldiuoml d'Eder , iS Advocate -. Gc .,- . ; •. ¦ Kiapsk .-. . ;/ , , General , Alc :-. i ber of Parliament Aug-stus Kubinvi , 33 ' . Ms Director of 'J'e- Mii-vum ¦ Alexander Kuklax \ , M . D . Li / . iis ck : laeU-rsi .-. u' ! ' ! . : , C . E . ¦ V .
Alandello . ; , , M . D . Lnk-ri e ik- ' vhncih J 3 , I Chief . Sccrcta . r '' tc the I- ! : •.- . <¦ . 'try ¦;; ' Conv . nerci- ' and Agriculture ; Michael ; L ' Xi . n-ejy , ; o , I Advor .: i : j •A ' oy .. Cpy . orL-, . ' . '¦ - " , Ah-rchnnt -, i ; ' ; ii' . t' . e 1 ' . ' . 'aid •' . " .: ' , / , ' \ i \\ it' -1 . 1 . Ii !' .-:. Rt'iat-r , 30 ' , A ' . h iicj . te ; Ric ' i . inl Tre . ici . y , j ,, ' , C . i' -. lii .-r of the Danube Steam Boat Company : Charles i Thuina , i ' S Cashier to the Bude-1 ' csih Savin "'
The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
Bank ; Stephan Ttirr , 33 ' , General : J ules Zador , J 8 " , Chief Secretary at the Alinistry of Justice . The Grand I . oelge of Hungary , thus duly and regularly constituted , by the above mentioned Lodges , its regulations arranged , and its elections of officers effected , it only remains , for us to beg you
to nvognise the Grand Lodge of Hungary , and to ad ' ord it an introduction into the Masonic family , obtaining its recognition by the Alasonic authorities , with which you arc in communication . At the same time , we request you to inform ifs for our government , which are those powers : Considering that bv your Circular of
the 1 st of Jul )' , vou have conferred upon us the honour of recognition and authorisation , we request you to receive Bro . Bccourt , member ol your Executive Council , as our representative to your body , anel by a similar nomination , to confer the same favour on General Georges Klapske , 33 " , member of our Executive Council . N ' eiy dear and A ' enerable Brethren , —
It is impossible for us to relinquish our dependence on the Grand Lodge of France , henceforth to occupy the independentposition lo which Hungarian Alasomy is justly entitled , without once more expressing to you , in the name ol" all our brethren , our fraternal and respectful thanks
lor vour eiieclive anil kind proleelion , to which we owe the accomplishment of our longcherisheil hope : that is to sac , the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , the realization of which v . e are most delighted now to be able lo announce to vou . The prompt
recognition o ! the Grand Lodge ol Hungary , far Iron 1 ha \ ing the elieci ol causing a separation between us , will serve only to strengthen the bonds ol fraternal sympathy which exist between the two branches oi' Freemasonrv , its between the two nations to which thev resnce ' . iicly
belong . Beliex ' e , dear brethren , in the assurance ol' 0111 lasting gratitude , as well as in the expression o ol our liaternal and devoti'd sentimenis . Gr . o . I o \ N \ o \ 11 1 , 33 , The : Grand . Master .
Cm \ v 'it 1 : •o 1 w 1 R r Gs \ k \ t or vr 1 11 EoiiiiKi : ( s \ IN v , ; , . President ol the Kxccmix c Council . B \ i ; o \ Sii . isMoxn Pi : RE x v 1 , iS , Secretary of the Lxccutixc Council . The ( hand < / rie-ut of France has receited this communication with the greatest satisfaction
and at its sitting ol 23 rtl December hist , declared that it recognised ihe Grand Lodge of Hungary as a regular and inilepen . le nl power . Bro . Bccourt was admitti'ti as the official KcprcseiHaiix e of this bodv in the Grantl Lodge of France , and Bro . Genl . Klapka was appointed to represent French
Masonry at the ( irand Lodge of Hungary . Lastlx it was decided to i \ commend the new . Alasonic Boilv to all author -s , 1 powers with xvhich llu ( irand Lodge of France r- in coinmunicatiou anil alliance .
. Mi AitiMtus \\\\\ rejoice at this result , which 1 establishes in F . ( trope a new Masonic centre , v- ! gnl .-ir in its ori g in , and composed generally oi ' men who hax'e already gixi-n proofs oi' sincere i attachment to our Instil ution . I Cxi 1 : 1 . T . I
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
bUl i'l ' - 'i ! , H ;! i ! -: KI . \ . AND COU'M . AI .. \ The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire i will be held at the Corn Exchange . Sleai ' onl , I under the auspices of St . Bolol p h ' s ' Lodge . \' o . ! 7 88 , on Thursday . 30 th . inst . !
The establishmi nl of a . Masonic Lodge , conducted upon Temperance pr i nciples , is couicitiplated . A meeting oi ' brethren fax oi-. rab ' e lo ihe inovi'incnl , nil ) ! , <•field at Shir / .. " , s LlouT , Queen ' I'luarc . J •] eon :-. cer \ . on I " ri- ! . t \ - n .. _ : t . 24 th . inst .
At a congK ; e . u : o . " : hold . n at Cambridge , on la . ' io' . n : n :-t ., : ! ' ..- elc ' ive ol i' -. u h . lor of j-. It :: s ; e v . -: ; -. - conferred or : tiro . l'ldx-. 'lr . J . Cn . x-. ' , AY . M . 2 '; 9 ; Thin ! Priivinal .-. I ' tho Chapter of Fo ; iiu ; , k- ¦ ar . d !'' . P : ' v . i . u : . . \ - •. r :- . - and K'sJ-nl . '
The installalio : ; ol' ihe Oriental j . oi !"' c , at Briudiai , under wanaut from the G . L . of Ital y ,
Masonic Tidings.
took p lace on Fridav , the 4 th Alay , in the Capitular Lodge Alaric , Pagano , at Lecce , by the very A- ' enl . Bro . G . Libertini , 3 , 3 ° , ilelegatc Inspector for the Alasonic Province of Otranto , for the G . L . of Italy , 'f'he following brethren were invested as follows : —Bro . Alfred Hall , J 8 ° " Royal
Gloucester , " j ; o , Southampton , " Zetland " 1137 , Alexandria , under G . L . of England , and "Mario Pagana , " Lecce under Grand Lodge of Italy , AV . AI . ; E . Dionisi , " Guisti / . ia a Kagione , " Brindisi , G . L . I ., S . AV . ; S . G . Cocoto , " Pythagoras , " 417 , Corfu , E . C ., I . AV . : LAI . Kirkman ,
"Lniou Lodge , 38 , Chichester , E . C , Ireas . ; F'dward AVeston , " Alario Pagn-mo , " G . L . I ., Sect . : F . F . Archer , " St . John ' s , " 919 , Alexandria , F ,. C , S . D . ; AN . Harcourt , " St . Georges , " 370 , Cherlsey , and " Truth , " 944 , Bombay , E . C , 1 . 1 ) .: Herbert Evans , " Balmain , " 86 S , Australia ,
E . C , LG . ; II . AN ' . AVhite , 18 , " St . John ' s and St . Paul ' s , " 349 , Afalta , E . C , LG . The Oriental Lodge will commence active work in their new loelge room at Brindisi , early in June , on each Sunday evening , in English . The working will be precisely the same as in lodges under the G . L . of England .
the St . Andrews Lodge ofAIark Aiasters , Alanchcstcr , have received the following reply lo - an address of congratulation presented to H . R .. H . the Prince of AVales . " General Sir AVilliani Ixnollys is elesired bv the Prince of AN ' ales to
acknowledge the receipt of an address from the K i g ' it Worshi p ful Alaster , AN ' aniens , and brethren , of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of A lark . Masters , Manchester , and to return I lis Royal Ili ghness ' s
sincere thanks tor their kind congratulations on hisreeoxerv from his severe illness . To C . Fi TZ ( , : K xi , n AT xi'iEK , Esq ., DeputvProx . G . AI . AL and P . AL " . ' . •nil April , 1 S 7 . ; . '
" The Supreme Council of the 33 elegtve . Grand Orient of Spain , " has summoned a con gress of all ihe Spanish Masonic bodies , to be . held at Madrid , on the dthof | ul \ - next , lo have .
read and il approved to promulgate the new constitutions which are to rule the Spanish Freemasons , under only one authority as agreed beforehand .
The consecration of the " Whitwcll , " Lodge of . Mark Aiasters , \ ' o . 131 , will lake place at Alaryport , on Thursday the 23 , 1-1 ! inst ., at hi gh twelve ' . 'Ihe ceremony of consecration will be performed
¦ b y A AN . Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( irand Secretary , and others . \ N e are glad to see litis degree making such stead y and rapiel progress in tin ' s prox iucc .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
tor Ihe Wo- ! : oa . lmir I ' rulav , \ G \ . •1 , iS ; 2 . "Ce . c Liiiiar will W glad tn haxc initio .- from Sevivlarin ul l . iiilgfs . tti'i C ! ia | . ! rts oi ai : x clianijc in pi . to : ur lime of me'ctiiie .
S . xi t'ltnxv , . \ J . \ Y iS . [ .: »! ; .: < ¦ 1 tS ^ , Lewis . \ igl : tiii ; . -, -Mt' 'l '; ne ; n . V . ' ood lirc-. 'ii . Sin l . inl .. . c of lu .-lrtietitm ( 1 ^ 7 . 5 ) , . Marquis of Uranby , New Cnis . s-i-oail , at 7 : IJro . C . S . Jlillcy , I ' rcceptor ¦ ipl ' . iiix l . tiil . i . e of Instruction fi . ; J ( j ) , Stitiing Castle , C ' ainlxrxvell , at 7 . 50 ; Bio : „ Thimias anil VVoithinjjton , f ' ri'ci'ptoi ' -. Moitta sii . ia C !' .: i |; ter of Iiistrue-tiuii , L ' likm Tavern , Air-: riiiet , at S ; C'oni ) i . Brett , Piea-ptor . . \; a :, ei :.-tcr ! . o ; l ; e . ' ol lnsiriietiim , Vorla-iiirc Grey , London Slie-i . f il .-: i-. . - . ; -Sciuaie , at S . tiro A-. li . l ' . Nl ., l ' lei-. p .
iMoND . vY , -MAY 10 . Lod' - j 1 . G .. 'iiid . M . is ' .-r ' s , J ' ucr . ii :: o :: i fla !! . S , ! ii : ' . i-li , Lv-e-. - ' . ia-on . ' ' I : <<\ . ::, Kmnlatinn , .-d ' Ui-n T ^ v ^ rn , .--Iilwi ' c ^ atc-M . ,, s , > , 1 ' elieity , l . t ) ir ! i .-: i 'fV . xun , iiic' -op- ¦ ;' . ' iu -: ¦' .. ,. •; -c , I ' aiiniuie , Uali-am I fotel , B : ilh ; nn . ' ., njy , . \ iai ' i [ iiis of Ualliotisie . l- ' reenitisons' I lall . .. 1 JO 1 . ficlevtic , l- ' reeniason .-. ' I lall . [ t'hap ' . ei 1-, f ' ruileacc , bhio uad Tunk Ltade :: ; : a !! -. t .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
the earliest opportunity to lay before you the articles of constitution , the result of the elections , and all the decisions which have been arriveel at . after due consideration , on the part of the constituent assembly . At the same time we shall submit to volt our petition for the recognition
of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , with a legally cerlifieel copy of the act ' of authorisation granted by the government . AVe feel assured that by acting thus strictl y according to vottr instructions wc shall obtain from the Grand Lodge , of France the favourable reception of which you have already kindly g iven us an assurance anel
promise . This constituent assembly , in point ol [ act , took place on the 2-lh of November last , and thus a definite existence and constitution was given to the Grand Lodge of Hungary . The following are the terms in which this New Alasonic Bod y notifies its formation to the Grand Orient de France .
" Pesth , the 28 th day of the 9 th month , A . L . 000871 , ( A . D . 28 th November , 1 S 71 . l . T . N . O . T . G . A . O . T . U . The Graiul Lodge of Hungary , to the Grand Lodge Lodge of France . Greeting : — ^ ery Dear and A enerable Brethren ,
" Acting ftillx' and conscientiously on yotii fraternal and prudent adx ice , lor which wi '"' o you ' - ° accept our warmest and most cordial thanks , ihe Exccu . ixc (' ommirtoc of the Hungarian lodges called a meeting of the constituent assembly of the Grand Lodge ol
Hungary for ihe 2 "jlh of this month . At litis meeting the following lodges were represented :- - The Grand Council of the 33 -. The Council ol the , ; o , Con in Malyas , held at Pesth : The Chapter of the 18 " , Corvin Matvas , held ai Pesth : The Chapter of the iS , ilaladas , held at Kassa : The Lodge Corvin Matvas , helel at Pesth-.
the Lodge Humboldt , held at Pesth : the Lodge Zur Arbeis , held at Pesth : ( he Lodge I laladas , he'ld at Kassa ; the Lodge Jlunvadv , held at Temisxar : ihe Lodge Fratcrnitasjicld at Arad the Lodge Kgalilas , held at Yersci / . : the l . oilgt Cosmos , held at ( ) ra \ ie / . a : the Lodge Concordia held at Ersckiijxar : the Lodge Yilagossag , held at Bereohs / . as / . .
" Having stated that the government hasgixen its conse-nt for ihe creation of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , and that the Grand Lodge of France . by its circular of the 1 st of | nly , 1 S 71 , indtiivd the Hungarian lodge's definitely to constitute the Grand Lodge of Hungary , by establishing a
constitution . amih \ holthngihe rcijinsiteclei'lions the constituent , assembly accepted Tiie constitution of the Grant ! Lodge of France , ol ' June Slh iSrt-, as well as its "Genera ! Laxxs and Regulations . " of the 141 b lime , 1 S 67 , and its interna ' arrangements . of the - , lh of | une , 1 S 6 S , withtiu
cxiepiioii ol some slighi matters , involving changes insignificant in character , uiocssiiatcilbx local circumstances , but willmuianv alteration in princi ple's : after which Brother Georges | oannovics , ' . ' , ' , Secri'iarv of State to ihe . Minisu-r of
Public Worship and Instruction . Member ol Parliament , has been unanimously appointed Grand Master . Afterwards the Executive Council , composed of 21 elected members , alter having bee'ii constiluii'd . M ' ocevt ' i d to ihe election oi its President . N ice-Pvesidem , am ! Secrt larx-.
1 lie Excculnc Council is composed ol the •followinar : —
President : Bro . Count Theodore Csaky , 33 " Alember of Parliaineni : N ' ice-President : Bro Ernest de Simonv , 18 " , A . I ember of Parliament Secretary- Bro . Baron Si gismoud Perenvi , 18 " Alember of Parliament : . Members : Bros . Pete ]
d Acre ! , 3 '" , Prefect : | ohn de BCSM ' , ' / , Presi dent of the financial Department : NV . Bessel . lii'iin . iS , Librarian-. Ldiuoml d'Eder , iS Advocate -. Gc .,- . ; •. ¦ Kiapsk .-. . ;/ , , General , Alc :-. i ber of Parliament Aug-stus Kubinvi , 33 ' . Ms Director of 'J'e- Mii-vum ¦ Alexander Kuklax \ , M . D . Li / . iis ck : laeU-rsi .-. u' ! ' ! . : , C . E . ¦ V .
Alandello . ; , , M . D . Lnk-ri e ik- ' vhncih J 3 , I Chief . Sccrcta . r '' tc the I- ! : •.- . <¦ . 'try ¦;; ' Conv . nerci- ' and Agriculture ; Michael ; L ' Xi . n-ejy , ; o , I Advor .: i : j •A ' oy .. Cpy . orL-, . ' . '¦ - " , Ah-rchnnt -, i ; ' ; ii' . t' . e 1 ' . ' . 'aid •' . " .: ' , / , ' \ i \\ it' -1 . 1 . Ii !' .-:. Rt'iat-r , 30 ' , A ' . h iicj . te ; Ric ' i . inl Tre . ici . y , j ,, ' , C . i' -. lii .-r of the Danube Steam Boat Company : Charles i Thuina , i ' S Cashier to the Bude-1 ' csih Savin "'
The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
Bank ; Stephan Ttirr , 33 ' , General : J ules Zador , J 8 " , Chief Secretary at the Alinistry of Justice . The Grand I . oelge of Hungary , thus duly and regularly constituted , by the above mentioned Lodges , its regulations arranged , and its elections of officers effected , it only remains , for us to beg you
to nvognise the Grand Lodge of Hungary , and to ad ' ord it an introduction into the Masonic family , obtaining its recognition by the Alasonic authorities , with which you arc in communication . At the same time , we request you to inform ifs for our government , which are those powers : Considering that bv your Circular of
the 1 st of Jul )' , vou have conferred upon us the honour of recognition and authorisation , we request you to receive Bro . Bccourt , member ol your Executive Council , as our representative to your body , anel by a similar nomination , to confer the same favour on General Georges Klapske , 33 " , member of our Executive Council . N ' eiy dear and A ' enerable Brethren , —
It is impossible for us to relinquish our dependence on the Grand Lodge of France , henceforth to occupy the independentposition lo which Hungarian Alasomy is justly entitled , without once more expressing to you , in the name ol" all our brethren , our fraternal and respectful thanks
lor vour eiieclive anil kind proleelion , to which we owe the accomplishment of our longcherisheil hope : that is to sac , the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , the realization of which v . e are most delighted now to be able lo announce to vou . The prompt
recognition o ! the Grand Lodge ol Hungary , far Iron 1 ha \ ing the elieci ol causing a separation between us , will serve only to strengthen the bonds ol fraternal sympathy which exist between the two branches oi' Freemasonrv , its between the two nations to which thev resnce ' . iicly
belong . Beliex ' e , dear brethren , in the assurance ol' 0111 lasting gratitude , as well as in the expression o ol our liaternal and devoti'd sentimenis . Gr . o . I o \ N \ o \ 11 1 , 33 , The : Grand . Master .
Cm \ v 'it 1 : •o 1 w 1 R r Gs \ k \ t or vr 1 11 EoiiiiKi : ( s \ IN v , ; , . President ol the Kxccmix c Council . B \ i ; o \ Sii . isMoxn Pi : RE x v 1 , iS , Secretary of the Lxccutixc Council . The ( hand < / rie-ut of France has receited this communication with the greatest satisfaction
and at its sitting ol 23 rtl December hist , declared that it recognised ihe Grand Lodge of Hungary as a regular and inilepen . le nl power . Bro . Bccourt was admitti'ti as the official KcprcseiHaiix e of this bodv in the Grantl Lodge of France , and Bro . Genl . Klapka was appointed to represent French
Masonry at the ( irand Lodge of Hungary . Lastlx it was decided to i \ commend the new . Alasonic Boilv to all author -s , 1 powers with xvhich llu ( irand Lodge of France r- in coinmunicatiou anil alliance .
. Mi AitiMtus \\\\\ rejoice at this result , which 1 establishes in F . ( trope a new Masonic centre , v- ! gnl .-ir in its ori g in , and composed generally oi ' men who hax'e already gixi-n proofs oi' sincere i attachment to our Instil ution . I Cxi 1 : 1 . T . I
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
bUl i'l ' - 'i ! , H ;! i ! -: KI . \ . AND COU'M . AI .. \ The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire i will be held at the Corn Exchange . Sleai ' onl , I under the auspices of St . Bolol p h ' s ' Lodge . \' o . ! 7 88 , on Thursday . 30 th . inst . !
The establishmi nl of a . Masonic Lodge , conducted upon Temperance pr i nciples , is couicitiplated . A meeting oi ' brethren fax oi-. rab ' e lo ihe inovi'incnl , nil ) ! , <•field at Shir / .. " , s LlouT , Queen ' I'luarc . J •] eon :-. cer \ . on I " ri- ! . t \ - n .. _ : t . 24 th . inst .
At a congK ; e . u : o . " : hold . n at Cambridge , on la . ' io' . n : n :-t ., : ! ' ..- elc ' ive ol i' -. u h . lor of j-. It :: s ; e v . -: ; -. - conferred or : tiro . l'ldx-. 'lr . J . Cn . x-. ' , AY . M . 2 '; 9 ; Thin ! Priivinal .-. I ' tho Chapter of Fo ; iiu ; , k- ¦ ar . d !'' . P : ' v . i . u : . . \ - •. r :- . - and K'sJ-nl . '
The installalio : ; ol' ihe Oriental j . oi !"' c , at Briudiai , under wanaut from the G . L . of Ital y ,
Masonic Tidings.
took p lace on Fridav , the 4 th Alay , in the Capitular Lodge Alaric , Pagano , at Lecce , by the very A- ' enl . Bro . G . Libertini , 3 , 3 ° , ilelegatc Inspector for the Alasonic Province of Otranto , for the G . L . of Italy , 'f'he following brethren were invested as follows : —Bro . Alfred Hall , J 8 ° " Royal
Gloucester , " j ; o , Southampton , " Zetland " 1137 , Alexandria , under G . L . of England , and "Mario Pagana , " Lecce under Grand Lodge of Italy , AV . AI . ; E . Dionisi , " Guisti / . ia a Kagione , " Brindisi , G . L . I ., S . AV . ; S . G . Cocoto , " Pythagoras , " 417 , Corfu , E . C ., I . AV . : LAI . Kirkman ,
"Lniou Lodge , 38 , Chichester , E . C , Ireas . ; F'dward AVeston , " Alario Pagn-mo , " G . L . I ., Sect . : F . F . Archer , " St . John ' s , " 919 , Alexandria , F ,. C , S . D . ; AN . Harcourt , " St . Georges , " 370 , Cherlsey , and " Truth , " 944 , Bombay , E . C , 1 . 1 ) .: Herbert Evans , " Balmain , " 86 S , Australia ,
E . C , LG . ; II . AN ' . AVhite , 18 , " St . John ' s and St . Paul ' s , " 349 , Afalta , E . C , LG . The Oriental Lodge will commence active work in their new loelge room at Brindisi , early in June , on each Sunday evening , in English . The working will be precisely the same as in lodges under the G . L . of England .
the St . Andrews Lodge ofAIark Aiasters , Alanchcstcr , have received the following reply lo - an address of congratulation presented to H . R .. H . the Prince of AVales . " General Sir AVilliani Ixnollys is elesired bv the Prince of AN ' ales to
acknowledge the receipt of an address from the K i g ' it Worshi p ful Alaster , AN ' aniens , and brethren , of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of A lark . Masters , Manchester , and to return I lis Royal Ili ghness ' s
sincere thanks tor their kind congratulations on hisreeoxerv from his severe illness . To C . Fi TZ ( , : K xi , n AT xi'iEK , Esq ., DeputvProx . G . AI . AL and P . AL " . ' . •nil April , 1 S 7 . ; . '
" The Supreme Council of the 33 elegtve . Grand Orient of Spain , " has summoned a con gress of all ihe Spanish Masonic bodies , to be . held at Madrid , on the dthof | ul \ - next , lo have .
read and il approved to promulgate the new constitutions which are to rule the Spanish Freemasons , under only one authority as agreed beforehand .
The consecration of the " Whitwcll , " Lodge of . Mark Aiasters , \ ' o . 131 , will lake place at Alaryport , on Thursday the 23 , 1-1 ! inst ., at hi gh twelve ' . 'Ihe ceremony of consecration will be performed
¦ b y A AN . Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( irand Secretary , and others . \ N e are glad to see litis degree making such stead y and rapiel progress in tin ' s prox iucc .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
tor Ihe Wo- ! : oa . lmir I ' rulav , \ G \ . •1 , iS ; 2 . "Ce . c Liiiiar will W glad tn haxc initio .- from Sevivlarin ul l . iiilgfs . tti'i C ! ia | . ! rts oi ai : x clianijc in pi . to : ur lime of me'ctiiie .
S . xi t'ltnxv , . \ J . \ Y iS . [ .: »! ; .: < ¦ 1 tS ^ , Lewis . \ igl : tiii ; . -, -Mt' 'l '; ne ; n . V . ' ood lirc-. 'ii . Sin l . inl .. . c of lu .-lrtietitm ( 1 ^ 7 . 5 ) , . Marquis of Uranby , New Cnis . s-i-oail , at 7 : IJro . C . S . Jlillcy , I ' rcceptor ¦ ipl ' . iiix l . tiil . i . e of Instruction fi . ; J ( j ) , Stitiing Castle , C ' ainlxrxvell , at 7 . 50 ; Bio : „ Thimias anil VVoithinjjton , f ' ri'ci'ptoi ' -. Moitta sii . ia C !' .: i |; ter of Iiistrue-tiuii , L ' likm Tavern , Air-: riiiet , at S ; C'oni ) i . Brett , Piea-ptor . . \; a :, ei :.-tcr ! . o ; l ; e . ' ol lnsiriietiim , Vorla-iiirc Grey , London Slie-i . f il .-: i-. . - . ; -Sciuaie , at S . tiro A-. li . l ' . Nl ., l ' lei-. p .
iMoND . vY , -MAY 10 . Lod' - j 1 . G .. 'iiid . M . is ' .-r ' s , J ' ucr . ii :: o :: i fla !! . S , ! ii : ' . i-li , Lv-e-. - ' . ia-on . ' ' I : <<\ . ::, Kmnlatinn , .-d ' Ui-n T ^ v ^ rn , .--Iilwi ' c ^ atc-M . ,, s , > , 1 ' elieity , l . t ) ir ! i .-: i 'fV . xun , iiic' -op- ¦ ;' . ' iu -: ¦' .. ,. •; -c , I ' aiiniuie , Uali-am I fotel , B : ilh ; nn . ' ., njy , . \ iai ' i [ iiis of Ualliotisie . l- ' reenitisons' I lall . .. 1 JO 1 . ficlevtic , l- ' reeniason .-. ' I lall . [ t'hap ' . ei 1-, f ' ruileacc , bhio uad Tunk Ltade :: ; : a !! -. t .