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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PR0VINCE _0FSURREY. THE R . W . BRO . MAJOR-G ENERAT . BROWNRIGG , C . B ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . Notice is hereby given , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will be held on Saturday , the 25 th inst ., at three o ' clock in the afternoon punctually , at the Griffin Hotel , Kingston , in the County of Surrey ; when the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the other brethren of the Province , are requested to attend . By command ofthe R . W . Prov . G . M ., CHARLES GREENWOOD . Prov . G . Secretary . 61 , Nelson-square , Blackfriars-road , S . E ., July 1 , 1874 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at live o ' clock precisely , tickets for which ( price i . _ s . ) may be had of Bro . Squire , P . M ., 9 Victoria Terrace , Surbiton , or of the Provincial Grand Secretary .
Provincial Grand Lodge 01 ' Dampslj u-c nir & tljc | slc of foftigljt . The Rig ht Worshipful Bro . W . W . SB . BEACH , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . The Grand Lodge of this Province will assemble by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , at Aldershot , on Friday , the 24 th day of July next , at high noon , and be close tiled punctually at One o'clock . The brethren , will meet at the Assembly Rooms , Aldershot . The Banquet will take place at the Assembly Rooms , Aldershot , at half-past Four o ' clock , precisely . The tickets will be Ss . < 5 d . each , including a pint of Wine . In order to insure the comfort of every one who attends , tho Worshipful Masters of Lodges are earnestly requested to send ( addressed to the Provincial Grand Secretaries , Southampton ) , the names of all who propose to join the banquet not later than Friday morning , the 17 th July . By command of the Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master . W . HICKMAN , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C , ENGLAND . J . E . LE FEUVRE , P . M . 130 . Provincial Grand Secretaries . Southampton , 3 rd July , 1874 .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STUEET , LONDON , E . C . TERWS . C s . d Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 ° Annual Subscription ... ... .., .., ... 3 3 0 Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of ( ifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee' 1 1 o The room is well supplied with newsyapcrs , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a I ' ost-ollice , Poste Restar . te Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lava lories , Stc ; also copying machines for the use of Subscribers . Bro . JOHN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ,, P . P . J . G . W . Sec , Manager .
r £ Q BENEVOLENT BRETHREN . —An English brother of long residence abroad , and now in very reduced circumstances , urgently appeals for a small temporary pecuniary assistance whilst seeking employment . He is conversant with five languages , and is a thorough business man , willing to accept any suitable situation . Address E . V ., 06 , Bolsover-strcet , London , W .
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons or THE Dro & ittcc of llampsTjire nub tljc gslc of SQ ' igljt . The Most Worshipful and Reverend Iiro . GEORUF . RAYMOND POUTAL , M . A ., Provincial Grand Master . The Very Worshipful Bro . WILLIAM HICKMAN-, D . Provincial Grand Mark Master . The Grand Lodge of this Province will assemble , by command of the Most Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , at Havant , on Tuesday , the 2 ist day of July , at high noon , and be close tiled punctually at half-past Twelve o ' clock . The brethren will meet at the Town Hall , Havant . The Banquet will take place at the Dolphin Hotel , Havant , at half-past Three o ' clock , precisely . The tickets will be 5 s . each . In order to ensure the comfort of every one who attends , the Worshipful Masters of Lodges are earnestly requested to send ( addressed to the Provincial Grand Secretary , Southampton ) , the names of all who propose to join the Banquet , not later than Tuesday morning the 14 th July . By command of the Most Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . ' J . E . . r . K . Fi-L-vRE . WM * . 63 . Provincial Grand Secretary . Southampton , 3 rd July , 1874 .
gepec of Post CEKCllcnti fopl , Jklcct , an & ^ "pcr = 6 Kcllcnt Utostcr . Meetings , under the Authority of the GRAND COUNCIL OI * ENGLAND AND WALES , to confer the above Degrees , will be held at the new Lodge Rooms , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the second and fourth Wednesday in every month . Fee e £ i as . Ten days' notice of attendance must be sent to the undersigned , from whom all particulars may be obtained . Candidates must be qualified as Royal Arch and Mark Master Masons . FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Recorder . Oflice , — 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C . June 8 , 1874 .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in Photogiaphy , for framing , representing a volume of the Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the tst Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of thc Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICHARDSON , Stationers and Steam Printers , e ; , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields .
AGENCY for VIENNA ( AUSTRIA ) . — I wish to get a representation for a large Nottingham house , or for a London house in Scarfs , Slips , and other Fancy Articles . First class references will be given . —Bro . T . Alarkus , Vienna , 1 , Kohlmessergasse , 3 .
QENERALPOST OFFICE " ( Within a few yards of ) . — To Let an entire house , having a frontage of about igft . ami comprising ground Moor lilted with plat £ glass front , basement , , * i , ld three upper floors , witli or wilhout an extensive range ol four-storey brick-built premises anil large yard , enclosed by double entrance gates ; the whole covering an area of about 5 , 500 ft . Plans and particulars at Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and l anner , So , Cheapside .
HTO LET . —The upper part of a House in J- | cct-street , four Moors . Particulars to be had of Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and Fanner , 80 , Cheapside . JTOKT S ALE— A set of handsome ^ bak CAN-- DLEST 1 CKS , Muted Columns , and Gilt Capilals , of the three Orders , Mantling Tive feet hi gh . Price X' 12 12 s . At Kenning "* J \ l , iM > .. ic Depots , 175 , Aldersgate-strcet , and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Britain , E . C .
BOYS' CLOTHING . ] 7 MOSES and SON beg to call attention ' to their vast Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING , which embraces all the Newest Styles and Materials , and will be found to maintain their reputation for excellence and cheapness . __ Addresses below .
'pHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHINGEnglish Clothing is justly regarded as tl . e best in the world , and E . MOSES and SON'S as the best in England . All thc Newest Styles and Patterns for Summer . Sea-side and Travelling Suits in great variety . Charges based on the Ready-Money system . Every article marked in plain figures . Lists of Prices , Rules for Self-Measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet gratis and post free . "J 7 MOSES and SON'S Establishments are " dosed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o'clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham-Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
jyjr O U R N I N G . E . MOSES aud SON have always on hand a large Stock of Mourning Attire for Adults and Juveniles . An Assortment to select from will be sent at any time on receipt of a letter or telegram , or the articles required can be made to measure at a very short notice . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes , LONDON . Minorics and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
GRATEFU L—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us man } heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopten by Messrs . James Epps ana Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCEOl'ATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly , Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London , Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London .
ARMS , CRESTS AND MOTTOES FOUND , ^ r Sketched in Pen and Ink 4 / 6 ^ * - ^* " ^^ Cj * Or in Heraldic Colours 7 / 0 ^ ^^ ZQ ^ Z ^ * Engraved on Copper 21 / ~*^<* < ^^\^ - ^' ^ Crests on Rings 7 / 0 ea . ^ ^ S ^ S * ^ ^^ _ ....-„ on Spoons ^ ^^ gX \ _*>* - — biiALt ., 5 / o perdoz ^ ^ " - * - * r { v ^* . DIES & PRESSES ^ ^ ^ Z z ^^^ ^^^ OTM TAPER STAMPING ' ^ $ &> ^ ^ Bro _ j AMEs B . SLY , - ^" ^ 9 , RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON , W .
vy * ANTED , Hands for the Gold and Silver * * Embroidery . First class , 20 s . ; second class , r ^ s . ; third class , ios . per week . Hours , 8 . 30 a-m . to fj .-jo p . m . Apprentices taken , term three years . Appl y Geo » Kenning , 1 , 2 , & 3 , Little Britain .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PR0VINCE _0FSURREY. THE R . W . BRO . MAJOR-G ENERAT . BROWNRIGG , C . B ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . Notice is hereby given , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will be held on Saturday , the 25 th inst ., at three o ' clock in the afternoon punctually , at the Griffin Hotel , Kingston , in the County of Surrey ; when the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the other brethren of the Province , are requested to attend . By command ofthe R . W . Prov . G . M ., CHARLES GREENWOOD . Prov . G . Secretary . 61 , Nelson-square , Blackfriars-road , S . E ., July 1 , 1874 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at live o ' clock precisely , tickets for which ( price i . _ s . ) may be had of Bro . Squire , P . M ., 9 Victoria Terrace , Surbiton , or of the Provincial Grand Secretary .
Provincial Grand Lodge 01 ' Dampslj u-c nir & tljc | slc of foftigljt . The Rig ht Worshipful Bro . W . W . SB . BEACH , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . The Grand Lodge of this Province will assemble by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , at Aldershot , on Friday , the 24 th day of July next , at high noon , and be close tiled punctually at One o'clock . The brethren , will meet at the Assembly Rooms , Aldershot . The Banquet will take place at the Assembly Rooms , Aldershot , at half-past Four o ' clock , precisely . The tickets will be Ss . < 5 d . each , including a pint of Wine . In order to insure the comfort of every one who attends , tho Worshipful Masters of Lodges are earnestly requested to send ( addressed to the Provincial Grand Secretaries , Southampton ) , the names of all who propose to join the banquet not later than Friday morning , the 17 th July . By command of the Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master . W . HICKMAN , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C , ENGLAND . J . E . LE FEUVRE , P . M . 130 . Provincial Grand Secretaries . Southampton , 3 rd July , 1874 .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STUEET , LONDON , E . C . TERWS . C s . d Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 ° Annual Subscription ... ... .., .., ... 3 3 0 Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of ( ifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee' 1 1 o The room is well supplied with newsyapcrs , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a I ' ost-ollice , Poste Restar . te Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lava lories , Stc ; also copying machines for the use of Subscribers . Bro . JOHN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ,, P . P . J . G . W . Sec , Manager .
r £ Q BENEVOLENT BRETHREN . —An English brother of long residence abroad , and now in very reduced circumstances , urgently appeals for a small temporary pecuniary assistance whilst seeking employment . He is conversant with five languages , and is a thorough business man , willing to accept any suitable situation . Address E . V ., 06 , Bolsover-strcet , London , W .
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons or THE Dro & ittcc of llampsTjire nub tljc gslc of SQ ' igljt . The Most Worshipful and Reverend Iiro . GEORUF . RAYMOND POUTAL , M . A ., Provincial Grand Master . The Very Worshipful Bro . WILLIAM HICKMAN-, D . Provincial Grand Mark Master . The Grand Lodge of this Province will assemble , by command of the Most Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , at Havant , on Tuesday , the 2 ist day of July , at high noon , and be close tiled punctually at half-past Twelve o ' clock . The brethren will meet at the Town Hall , Havant . The Banquet will take place at the Dolphin Hotel , Havant , at half-past Three o ' clock , precisely . The tickets will be 5 s . each . In order to ensure the comfort of every one who attends , the Worshipful Masters of Lodges are earnestly requested to send ( addressed to the Provincial Grand Secretary , Southampton ) , the names of all who propose to join the Banquet , not later than Tuesday morning the 14 th July . By command of the Most Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . ' J . E . . r . K . Fi-L-vRE . WM * . 63 . Provincial Grand Secretary . Southampton , 3 rd July , 1874 .
gepec of Post CEKCllcnti fopl , Jklcct , an & ^ "pcr = 6 Kcllcnt Utostcr . Meetings , under the Authority of the GRAND COUNCIL OI * ENGLAND AND WALES , to confer the above Degrees , will be held at the new Lodge Rooms , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the second and fourth Wednesday in every month . Fee e £ i as . Ten days' notice of attendance must be sent to the undersigned , from whom all particulars may be obtained . Candidates must be qualified as Royal Arch and Mark Master Masons . FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Recorder . Oflice , — 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C . June 8 , 1874 .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in Photogiaphy , for framing , representing a volume of the Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the tst Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of thc Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICHARDSON , Stationers and Steam Printers , e ; , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields .
AGENCY for VIENNA ( AUSTRIA ) . — I wish to get a representation for a large Nottingham house , or for a London house in Scarfs , Slips , and other Fancy Articles . First class references will be given . —Bro . T . Alarkus , Vienna , 1 , Kohlmessergasse , 3 .
QENERALPOST OFFICE " ( Within a few yards of ) . — To Let an entire house , having a frontage of about igft . ami comprising ground Moor lilted with plat £ glass front , basement , , * i , ld three upper floors , witli or wilhout an extensive range ol four-storey brick-built premises anil large yard , enclosed by double entrance gates ; the whole covering an area of about 5 , 500 ft . Plans and particulars at Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and l anner , So , Cheapside .
HTO LET . —The upper part of a House in J- | cct-street , four Moors . Particulars to be had of Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and Fanner , 80 , Cheapside . JTOKT S ALE— A set of handsome ^ bak CAN-- DLEST 1 CKS , Muted Columns , and Gilt Capilals , of the three Orders , Mantling Tive feet hi gh . Price X' 12 12 s . At Kenning "* J \ l , iM > .. ic Depots , 175 , Aldersgate-strcet , and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Britain , E . C .
BOYS' CLOTHING . ] 7 MOSES and SON beg to call attention ' to their vast Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING , which embraces all the Newest Styles and Materials , and will be found to maintain their reputation for excellence and cheapness . __ Addresses below .
'pHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHINGEnglish Clothing is justly regarded as tl . e best in the world , and E . MOSES and SON'S as the best in England . All thc Newest Styles and Patterns for Summer . Sea-side and Travelling Suits in great variety . Charges based on the Ready-Money system . Every article marked in plain figures . Lists of Prices , Rules for Self-Measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet gratis and post free . "J 7 MOSES and SON'S Establishments are " dosed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o'clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham-Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
jyjr O U R N I N G . E . MOSES aud SON have always on hand a large Stock of Mourning Attire for Adults and Juveniles . An Assortment to select from will be sent at any time on receipt of a letter or telegram , or the articles required can be made to measure at a very short notice . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes , LONDON . Minorics and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
GRATEFU L—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us man } heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopten by Messrs . James Epps ana Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCEOl'ATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly , Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London , Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London .
ARMS , CRESTS AND MOTTOES FOUND , ^ r Sketched in Pen and Ink 4 / 6 ^ * - ^* " ^^ Cj * Or in Heraldic Colours 7 / 0 ^ ^^ ZQ ^ Z ^ * Engraved on Copper 21 / ~*^<* < ^^\^ - ^' ^ Crests on Rings 7 / 0 ea . ^ ^ S ^ S * ^ ^^ _ ....-„ on Spoons ^ ^^ gX \ _*>* - — biiALt ., 5 / o perdoz ^ ^ " - * - * r { v ^* . DIES & PRESSES ^ ^ ^ Z z ^^^ ^^^ OTM TAPER STAMPING ' ^ $ &> ^ ^ Bro _ j AMEs B . SLY , - ^" ^ 9 , RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON , W .
vy * ANTED , Hands for the Gold and Silver * * Embroidery . First class , 20 s . ; second class , r ^ s . ; third class , ios . per week . Hours , 8 . 30 a-m . to fj .-jo p . m . Apprentices taken , term three years . Appl y Geo » Kenning , 1 , 2 , & 3 , Little Britain .