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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET^CLUB. ( Continental Booking Oflicc Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^•*- Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & C . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jtl . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND Co ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted ou Cloth for thc Pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grttst anb Pjoto-pplHT . tr , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes 7 s . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rcmbrant , Bust 10 s .
MESSRS . WATKINS AND HAIGH , EXECUTE PORTRAITS AS FOLLOWS : MINIATURES , On Ivory or Porcelain . MINIATURES , In Water Colour or Oil . LIFE-SIZE PORTRAITS , In Water Colour or Oil . CARBON ENLARGEMENTS , Which are absolutely permanent . All ) of thc above can be reproduced from an ordinary Carte-de-V . site . The Stxdio especially adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAISON KEN . 21-j , REGENT-STREET , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 c , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open da ' il ' v for Gentlemen . Tenns : from 9 a . m . till fi p . m ., as . 6 d . From 6 p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . ( id . One dozen tickets , Iirst class , £ 1 5 s . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till j p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . ' rni | irielor—Mr . ILSMITIl , From the llausemani , jermyn-street .
DlNNEl'OKD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of 1 I 12 STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and thc best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D J N N li F Oltl * & CO . 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists . RUl-TURF-S—IIY ROYAL 1 . ' ' ITERS l'ATKNT . "WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS ' . Is allowed hy upwards of 500 Medical Men to he the -r / ¦ most effective invention in tlie curative treatment of !' " \ **! HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often huKful - .. i /¦ -,: *¦ in its ellects , is here avoided ; a solt li .-uulage being . ** r ? - ' " , " w ( trnroun ( lthel ) od \ t \ vliiletliere <| uisiteresistingptiwer ; •; }< Z is snplicd hy the I \ U ) C-MA 1 N I'M ) and PATENT £ * A '* , ' /* ' •I . EVER , lilting with so much case aud closeness that *"* " ' ¦ ' . j V 1 it cannot be detected , and may he worn during sleep . / - * \" ' { J A descriptive circular may he had , and the Truss , v ?\ * l which r .-innol fail I" lit , forwarded bv post , on IW r-t \/ f circumference ol tlie body , two inches below the hip ( lii 1 J being sent to the \ J |/ MAMTACTCKEIt , l ^ l ? i (* J Mr l ' lllTl ' : < - * < Picciulillii , London . I " rice ' of . 1 Single Trus ; , ids ., 21 s ., : 0 s . ( id . and 31 s . 0 , 1 . Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . ( id ., . ( 2 s . and s * s . od . Postage tree „ ot Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . ( id . Postage free . Post Ollice Orders lo be made pajahle lo ( mix W ' nnt , Fo .-t Otlice Piccadilly . Nfcw rA'lXXT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The material of which these are made is recommended by the acuity as being peculiarly F . LASTIC and COMIM " . F . SSI ! il . . and the best invention forgiving eilicient ami permanent support in all eases ol WEAKNESS , VARICOSK VKINS , "ic . Price 4 s . od ., Is . Od ., ios ., and ids . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Even-Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN JIJ ll'J'E , Manufacturer , 228 . i'iccudilli / , London .
, jf- ** Tf faM \ ^ f v 'I'llii \ \ --:: 'y i [ - : * "Z ^ hZlZZ- ! : < £ i } 0 ^ y . u AND AT 5 8 , " EDGWARE KOAI ' ,
tt'pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUISThe Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder ofthe four Grand Bodies of Missouri . Thc Freemason contains * . idingsfrom every quarter ofthe world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those inlerested in AIT -. rican alfairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , and lo those who suhscrihe for the London Freemason the price will be Sl . fjo currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London * ' Freemason " 198 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can he supplied by post at r / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
* pHE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal ts to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so aa to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public , Office , 5 Q , Southampton-TOW , Russell-square , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by ¦ p DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , ' Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to thc Trade .
SWANSEA : Agent for " The Freemason . " TJ > RO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , OKford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing-, ancl every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , E .-vclopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
Shorth * will be Tublished , THE DAI L Y I N D E PENDENT . " * Olliccs , 1 S 0 ami ISI , Fleet-street , London , U . C ., comer of Ketter-lane . The largest London and Provincial 1 ' ennv Paper in the World . The Daily Independent Will be conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent principles . Kor aU shades and phases of Political and Hel ' iyi'ius opinions . Tho Daily Independent . Special and novel arrangement of columns . Instant reference to News and Advertisements of a particular City , Town , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . Hest medium for Advertisements . Supplements , being irregularly supplied and often mislaid , will NOT be issued by Daily Independent , except for News of extraordinary impoit , while aU Advertisements will be always in body ol" paper . The Daily Independent . One Penny . For all the world , and every class . Olliccs , 1 So ami iSi , Fleet-street , Londor , K . C , corner <) f Fetter-tone .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID I-ATKACT OK UI : D J AMAICA SARSAPAKILLA , prescribed by the Fa-ulty for TcuiKViNn JMI : lli . oon , DKUII . IIV , LIVKK (" oMi'i . AiM > , and tieeiin ; the system fiom ellects of Mercury . lix * c I naively IIHII in India aud the Colonics as a prevention to Tropical ( llMM * ,: . ¦ "Superior prepaiatioik-. that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \ Ve are in every respect sati .-licd with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Onarter , Half , and Tint Lotties . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered to the public . See lhat Uot tie and Label have the name and Address , " T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 K . ee ; eiU-strccl , London . "
WHITiMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER vv I'll . I . S . Nol'i'l ' - " ¦ * - ¦ efficacious in pninmtimjdi ^ cstionjStrenglhcnin ^ thc Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arisiiu ; ironi a Costive I labit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . ' 1 hey reipiire no change of diet , and those of the mo-it delicate con > tit * ulioij enn lake tbem with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sa * -saparilla with tbe ereate-sl succe .-s .
QUJNTESCENCE OE JAMAICA GINGER Vr * and CAMO . MILI * : . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Cinder and Camomile has Inn « been deservedly known ; is ;¦ . ¦ ! excellent domestic medicine , ll is a most eilicient Stomachic Tonic , and the lie * - ! remedy for Flatulency aud disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is not nlYcctal hy climate . No European in India nr tropical climates should hi wit ' i-r . it In one-eighth , trailer , and half-pint bottles .
/ 0 ** S ^ fe \ "Y - ;' r : ' / . i ' . NICATED & _ XC" 5 \ ) c ° : i -N * - ' '' - '' * '''*"• VJJfEg 2- ~ - ^ y PLAISTKIi . S an ; tho h . v t over inventiMl lor givin :: im ! i :, ? : liu ' o Paso , and removing t , hoj ; o pain ' ul o . vciesiv'iie \ s . Price IW . and ]» . per box . Any Chemist , nut having them In stock can procui-n I horn . Obsovvo tho Trade llm-k—1 I . Y—witlmui , which none aro genuine . Uc sure aud ask for YOUNG ' S . IJv Letter Post , 12 stamps . London : MANX , " <' , Cornhill , E . C , A MEDICAL ESSAY on thc lNl / IKMiTlES . •i VOI'TIl . iiid MA'IL'RITY ; with Observations on tlicir f- ' unctioual Debilities and Derangements , nnd tlie treatment and cure ul Meivfiii : * F , > : hauMi-jn , eiihcr hcivdiii'iT , ( tr roultin ^ from ; i jiienulurelv debilitated cunslilutinti . My J . L . CURTIS , MA ) ., M . U . C' . S . K ! , IS , Albeim-ivlc-stieet , \\\ , Lnndnr * .
riEORGE REES KJX MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . riEORGE REES ' V - GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . QEORGE REES ' 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot .
Q . EORGE REES ' " First - class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . QEORGE REES " CHROMOS , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-IANE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatre
§i^i^^^m*° CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGHELIXIR Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relic Coughs , Colds . and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallaci ** remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense ofenfccV thc digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility whitf . ii ? s at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as thc true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborouy . h , auihor ofthe " Anti-Lancet , " says t" I have repeatedly observe ) how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and initation of the chest in cases of Pulmonaiy Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommcnd ' it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment fci this disease . *" This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens thc constitution . Hence it is used with thc most signal snecess in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza * Nigh Sweats of Consumption , Ouinsey , and all affections ofthe throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and ns . each , bv all respectable Chemists , and wholesale hy Jas . M . Crosbyt Chemist Scarborough . * * * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Pri / . c Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a coyy of which can be had Gratis of all Chemists .
"FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE . " WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK , — "BLOOD MIXTURE . " TIIK GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORED , I ' or tleansing and clearing thc blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . . I'or Scrofiiln , Scurvy , Skin niscn---. es , and Sores of all kinds , it is a nevuv-l ' atlint * and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore I . ei ; s . Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face . Cures Scurvy Sores . Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases . Cures Gl . 'inilular Swelling- * . Clears the Blond from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sutlerers to give it a trial to lest its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles 2 s . 3 d . each , and in Cases , containing six times the ( jii-antitv , 1 is . —suliicienl lo ellect a permanent cure in the great majoiitv of lonu' -standing cases , —BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the woild , or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps bv F . J . Cl . AKKH , Cbcmi- * t Ili-h-strect , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLES seicntilically adapted to remedy impaired vision by Mr . ACKLAND , Surgeon / daily , al Home and Thornthwaite ' s , Opticians to the Oueen , 3 , Holborn Viaduct , London , E . C . Send six stamps for " Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which coiHains valuable .-suggestions lo sutlerers from imperfect sight .
QOMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony Scard's new material ! Peculiarly Prepared Porpoise " Skin . Sufi as silk , shines like patent , never cracks , be comes softer and liner in wear , a perfect durable luxury an superlative specialte . X , Bow Lane , Cbeapside , E . C . I-adies order skilfully executed . One trial insures satisfaction .
OUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND V-T INSTKUCTIONS for TIIK CURIi of NERVOUS , MI"NTA ' ., ami I'llYSICAI . Dl- 'ISIU'J'V , In . lif-eMimi , ,-ind all <) israscs of llic Nervous Sislcin , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve "t ' ow' -r . llv UK . Ill-NRVSMITH , ' GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for ilie Development and Strengthening the Unman Uoilv , how to Acquire Health ancl Strength . Secure Long l . il ' e , anil Avoid tlie Inlirniilies of Old Age . Illustrated with Testimonials , wilh means of Cure used in each case . The i , am ] , hlet will be sent free hy post to any address on receipt oi two penny i-amps . Address . Dr . II . SMITH , 8 , liuiton-crescent , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET^CLUB. ( Continental Booking Oflicc Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^•*- Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & C . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jtl . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND Co ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted ou Cloth for thc Pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grttst anb Pjoto-pplHT . tr , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes 7 s . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rcmbrant , Bust 10 s .
MESSRS . WATKINS AND HAIGH , EXECUTE PORTRAITS AS FOLLOWS : MINIATURES , On Ivory or Porcelain . MINIATURES , In Water Colour or Oil . LIFE-SIZE PORTRAITS , In Water Colour or Oil . CARBON ENLARGEMENTS , Which are absolutely permanent . All ) of thc above can be reproduced from an ordinary Carte-de-V . site . The Stxdio especially adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAISON KEN . 21-j , REGENT-STREET , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 c , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open da ' il ' v for Gentlemen . Tenns : from 9 a . m . till fi p . m ., as . 6 d . From 6 p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . ( id . One dozen tickets , Iirst class , £ 1 5 s . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till j p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . ' rni | irielor—Mr . ILSMITIl , From the llausemani , jermyn-street .
DlNNEl'OKD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of 1 I 12 STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and thc best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D J N N li F Oltl * & CO . 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists . RUl-TURF-S—IIY ROYAL 1 . ' ' ITERS l'ATKNT . "WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS ' . Is allowed hy upwards of 500 Medical Men to he the -r / ¦ most effective invention in tlie curative treatment of !' " \ **! HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often huKful - .. i /¦ -,: *¦ in its ellects , is here avoided ; a solt li .-uulage being . ** r ? - ' " , " w ( trnroun ( lthel ) od \ t \ vliiletliere <| uisiteresistingptiwer ; •; }< Z is snplicd hy the I \ U ) C-MA 1 N I'M ) and PATENT £ * A '* , ' /* ' •I . EVER , lilting with so much case aud closeness that *"* " ' ¦ ' . j V 1 it cannot be detected , and may he worn during sleep . / - * \" ' { J A descriptive circular may he had , and the Truss , v ?\ * l which r .-innol fail I" lit , forwarded bv post , on IW r-t \/ f circumference ol tlie body , two inches below the hip ( lii 1 J being sent to the \ J |/ MAMTACTCKEIt , l ^ l ? i (* J Mr l ' lllTl ' : < - * < Picciulillii , London . I " rice ' of . 1 Single Trus ; , ids ., 21 s ., : 0 s . ( id . and 31 s . 0 , 1 . Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . ( id ., . ( 2 s . and s * s . od . Postage tree „ ot Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . ( id . Postage free . Post Ollice Orders lo be made pajahle lo ( mix W ' nnt , Fo .-t Otlice Piccadilly . Nfcw rA'lXXT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The material of which these are made is recommended by the acuity as being peculiarly F . LASTIC and COMIM " . F . SSI ! il . . and the best invention forgiving eilicient ami permanent support in all eases ol WEAKNESS , VARICOSK VKINS , "ic . Price 4 s . od ., Is . Od ., ios ., and ids . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Even-Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN JIJ ll'J'E , Manufacturer , 228 . i'iccudilli / , London .
, jf- ** Tf faM \ ^ f v 'I'llii \ \ --:: 'y i [ - : * "Z ^ hZlZZ- ! : < £ i } 0 ^ y . u AND AT 5 8 , " EDGWARE KOAI ' ,
tt'pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUISThe Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder ofthe four Grand Bodies of Missouri . Thc Freemason contains * . idingsfrom every quarter ofthe world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those inlerested in AIT -. rican alfairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , and lo those who suhscrihe for the London Freemason the price will be Sl . fjo currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London * ' Freemason " 198 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can he supplied by post at r / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
* pHE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal ts to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so aa to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public , Office , 5 Q , Southampton-TOW , Russell-square , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by ¦ p DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , ' Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to thc Trade .
SWANSEA : Agent for " The Freemason . " TJ > RO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , OKford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing-, ancl every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , E .-vclopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
Shorth * will be Tublished , THE DAI L Y I N D E PENDENT . " * Olliccs , 1 S 0 ami ISI , Fleet-street , London , U . C ., comer of Ketter-lane . The largest London and Provincial 1 ' ennv Paper in the World . The Daily Independent Will be conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent principles . Kor aU shades and phases of Political and Hel ' iyi'ius opinions . Tho Daily Independent . Special and novel arrangement of columns . Instant reference to News and Advertisements of a particular City , Town , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . Hest medium for Advertisements . Supplements , being irregularly supplied and often mislaid , will NOT be issued by Daily Independent , except for News of extraordinary impoit , while aU Advertisements will be always in body ol" paper . The Daily Independent . One Penny . For all the world , and every class . Olliccs , 1 So ami iSi , Fleet-street , Londor , K . C , corner <) f Fetter-tone .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID I-ATKACT OK UI : D J AMAICA SARSAPAKILLA , prescribed by the Fa-ulty for TcuiKViNn JMI : lli . oon , DKUII . IIV , LIVKK (" oMi'i . AiM > , and tieeiin ; the system fiom ellects of Mercury . lix * c I naively IIHII in India aud the Colonics as a prevention to Tropical ( llMM * ,: . ¦ "Superior prepaiatioik-. that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \ Ve are in every respect sati .-licd with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Onarter , Half , and Tint Lotties . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered to the public . See lhat Uot tie and Label have the name and Address , " T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 K . ee ; eiU-strccl , London . "
WHITiMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER vv I'll . I . S . Nol'i'l ' - " ¦ * - ¦ efficacious in pninmtimjdi ^ cstionjStrenglhcnin ^ thc Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arisiiu ; ironi a Costive I labit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . ' 1 hey reipiire no change of diet , and those of the mo-it delicate con > tit * ulioij enn lake tbem with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sa * -saparilla with tbe ereate-sl succe .-s .
QUJNTESCENCE OE JAMAICA GINGER Vr * and CAMO . MILI * : . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Cinder and Camomile has Inn « been deservedly known ; is ;¦ . ¦ ! excellent domestic medicine , ll is a most eilicient Stomachic Tonic , and the lie * - ! remedy for Flatulency aud disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is not nlYcctal hy climate . No European in India nr tropical climates should hi wit ' i-r . it In one-eighth , trailer , and half-pint bottles .
/ 0 ** S ^ fe \ "Y - ;' r : ' / . i ' . NICATED & _ XC" 5 \ ) c ° : i -N * - ' '' - '' * '''*"• VJJfEg 2- ~ - ^ y PLAISTKIi . S an ; tho h . v t over inventiMl lor givin :: im ! i :, ? : liu ' o Paso , and removing t , hoj ; o pain ' ul o . vciesiv'iie \ s . Price IW . and ]» . per box . Any Chemist , nut having them In stock can procui-n I horn . Obsovvo tho Trade llm-k—1 I . Y—witlmui , which none aro genuine . Uc sure aud ask for YOUNG ' S . IJv Letter Post , 12 stamps . London : MANX , " <' , Cornhill , E . C , A MEDICAL ESSAY on thc lNl / IKMiTlES . •i VOI'TIl . iiid MA'IL'RITY ; with Observations on tlicir f- ' unctioual Debilities and Derangements , nnd tlie treatment and cure ul Meivfiii : * F , > : hauMi-jn , eiihcr hcivdiii'iT , ( tr roultin ^ from ; i jiienulurelv debilitated cunslilutinti . My J . L . CURTIS , MA ) ., M . U . C' . S . K ! , IS , Albeim-ivlc-stieet , \\\ , Lnndnr * .
riEORGE REES KJX MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . riEORGE REES ' V - GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . QEORGE REES ' 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot .
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