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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wright , S . D . Mr . George Christie of Perry Hill , Sydenham , was then proposed for initiation , and the brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet . MALDON . —Lodge of St . Peler ( No . 1023 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at
the Masonic Hall , High Street , Maldon , on Thursday afternoon . After the business was completed , an adjournment was made to the Blue Boar Hotel , where an unusually excellent repast awaited them . The tables were tastefully decorated , and the hostess , Mrs . Hickford , well
deserved the exnressions of satisfaction she received . The new W . M ., Bro . W . W . Moffatt , occupied the chair , and there were also present Bros . W . Humphreys , G . P . Jay , T . Aldham , and J . W . Quihampton , P . M . ' s ; the Rev . E . R . Harwood , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; S . Ratclilf , W . F .
Francis , W . C . Bell , W . Wri ght , C . Clarke , F . Freeman , and R . Nig htingale ; A . C . Veley , Thomas Smee , J . Nicholls , and T . Wood , P . M . ' s , and F . Whittnore , 276 ; the Rev . E . H . Crate , W . M . 697 , P . P . G . C . ; Thomas Eustace , P . M .
697 , and John Wrig ht Carr , Provincial Grand Secretary . P . M . 160 , & c , & c . Owing in great measure to the holding of meetings on the previous day at Colchester , Grays , and Rochford . the muster was not large , but a very pleasant
evening was spent . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —An emergency meeting of this prosperous lodge was hi-hl on Thursday , July 2 nd , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Brother W . Hammond , W . M ., presided . The lodge was opened at
half-past three . Messrs . C . Home , J . Worster , ) . Brogden , and C . W . Baker were initiated . Bros . D . D . Weinhausen , 1423 ; M . Underwood , 1423 ; and M . Munday , 142 were passed ; and Bros . H . Faija , 1423 , and T . W . Stone were raised . All the work was performed by
the W . M . in au admirable manner . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . Walters , P . G . Steward ; Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; E . Gilbert , S . D . ; R . W . Williams , Organist ; J . J . Marsh •W .
Y . Laing , P . M . ; H . Jones , and many others . The visitors were Bros . D . 11 . Raw , P . M ., 9 6 9 ; Burhitt , 933 ; W . Lane , S . W ., 28 ; W . Munday , 1423 ; H . Faija , 1413 ; D . D . Weinhausen , 1423 ; M . Underwood , 1423 ; and others . A cold collation followed the work .
Thc usual toasts were given and responded to . ALDERSHOT . — Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 2 nd inst , when the WM ., Bro . McKenzie , with the following officers , and a good attendance of the
brethren , were present , viz : —Bros . Captain Richardson , P . M . and Treasurer ; Smith , S . W . ; Bennett , J . W .,- Li * ca <* , Secretary ; Anderson , S . I ) . ; J . Walton Mayer , J . D . ; Griffiths , I . G . ; Bums , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the
previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . Ballots were taken separately for two brethren as joining members , which were in each case unanimous . Bros . Kitson , Edmonds , and Rowsell , were interrogated to ascertain their proficiency in the fiist degree , which proving
satisfactory , they were each entrusted with a test of merit , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , those brethren were admitted , and duly proposed as F . C . ' s the explanation of the Tracing Board being given by Bro . Captain Richardson . Bros . Knight , and
Hopkins having proved themselves proficient in tlie second degree were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and those brethren raised to the sublime degree ef M . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the W . M . notified that the R . W . P .
Grand Master had intimated his intention of holding the annual meeting of the P . G Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , at Aidershot , on the 24 th inst . After severaljpropositions for candidates for initiation had been made and
seconded , Bro . P . M . Richardson , in appropriate terms , proposed and Bro . Bennett , J . W ., seconded , and the brethren resolved unanimously , that a vote of condolence with the relatives of the late lamented Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , D . G . M . of the Province , ami P . G . D . of England , be
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
recorded in the lodge minutes , and that a copy of the resolution be prepared and forwarded to his next of kin , through the P . G . Secretary . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer about half-past nine o ' clock , and adjourned until the first Thursday evening in August .
LANCASTER . —Duke if Lancaster Lodge ( No . 1353 ) . —The annual festival and installation of this young and flourishing lodge , took place on Wednesday , July 1 st , at tbe Masonic Hall , Lancaster , when there were present—J . Bell , W . M .: W . Heald , S . W . : W . S . Carr , Acting
J . W . ; J . Acton , Hon . Sec . ; J . Ellersbaw , Acting S . D . ; 11 . Wolfenden , J . D . ; R . Parkinson , S . S . ; J . Taylor , Organist ; J . Watson , Tyler , Bros . E . Terry , W . Dixon , T . Longmire , H . Coates , J . Kent , Wm . Harrison , J . Bannister F . G . Dale , D . Pattison , W . Tackson , Visitors ,
J . Hatch , P . M . and Treas . 281 ; E . Simpson , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 281 ; T . Dodgson , P . M . 99 , *; , W . M . 1390 ; J . Case , P . M . 995 ; E . J . W ' ilson , 950 ; J . Losvett , T-S . 281 ; E . Airey , W . M . 281 ; W . Stewartson , S . D . 950 ; H . Eankrozer , P . M . 61 . At two o ' clock the W . M .
opened thc lodge in regular form . The minutes of the preceding meetings were read and confirmed ; the lodge was opened in the second degree , wh = n Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., vacated the chair , which was taken by the Installing Master of the day , Bro . Thomas Dodgson , P . M ., Z .
995 , and W . M . 1390 . Bro . W . Heald , the W . M . Elect , was then presented by Bros . Bell , W . M ., and Barrow , P . M . The usual questions were read and assented to , and the lodge was opened in thc third degree , when the W . M . elect was presented to a Board of Installed
Masters , and was then installed into the chair of K . S ., by thc Installing Master , in his usual able and impressive manner . The New Worshipful Master was saluted in the three degrees by the brethren , who then invested the following brethren as his officers for
the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . Bell , I . P . M . J . Acton , S . W . jW . S . Carr . J . W . ; J . Ellersbaw , Treas . ; J . Conlon , Sec . ; R . Wolfenden , S . D . ; J . Bannister , J . D . ; E . Ferry , I . G . ; J . Taylor , Organist ; R . Parkinson , S . S . ; Longman , J . S . ; and J . Watson , Tyler . A beautiful
P . M . jewel was then presented by the newly installed Master to Bro . J . Bell , the retiring P . M ., by the members of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , as a token of their esteem , July 1 st . 1804 . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Longmire ' s , West
View Hotel , Morecambe , where the banquet was held . The new W . M ., Bro . Heald , presided , supported on his right by Bro . Dodgson , the Installing Master , Lieut . Airey , 24 th L . A . V ., W . M . 281 ; Simpson , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 281 ; B . Hutch , P . M . and Treas . 281 ; while on his
left were B . Bell , I . P . M . •Rev . E . Chadwick , B . Barrow , P . M . ; and others . The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with great applause . P . M . Bell , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Health of the the W . M ., " which was drank with tlie utmost
enthusiasm , demonstrating that Bro . Heald , the W . M ., was held in the hi ghest esteem by every member of the lodge . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for tho very high honour it was their pleasure to bestow upon him so unanimously , and he promised to them that
during his term of office , it would be his bounden duty to have the landmarks of the constitutions most rigidly carried out , for by so doing the lodge he was then Master of would be respected , and he trusted that his officers would render him every assistance in their power , and would feel
grateful for their constant attendance at the lodge meetings , so that the working of Masonry might be carried out in the " Duke" with satisfaction to the brethren . The W . M . then gave " The Health of Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., " who in responding , thanked the brethren for the kind presentation he had received from them that day
( a Past Master ' s jewel ) which it would be the pride of his life to wear on all Masonic occasions , and after his days had closed , would hand it down to his offspring , as a family heirloom . "The Health of the Wardens , " was given by Bro . F . G . Dale , which was drank most enthusiastically , and briefl y responded to bv Bro . Acton , S . W ., and Bro . W . S . Carr , J . W . " Bro . Barrow ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Installing Officer , Bro . S . Dodgson , P . M . and Z . 293 , and W . M . 1390 , and in doing so dwelt largely on Bro . Dodgson ' s very able and impressive ceremony , which was a treat to such ot the brethren
who had listened to it . Bro . Dodgson , in responding , was received with the utmost enthusiasm , over and over again . He said it gave him great pleasure to attend at any time when it lay in his power to do anything * for Masonry , as far as his feeble efforts could advance it . He took
great interest in the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , and was proud to see it advancing ia the manner it was doing , and was glad to know that the working was done with so much perfection , he exhorted every brother to use his utmost vigilance on behalf of Masonry , and it
ought to be the aim of every brother to endeavour to attain to that high position , they had the pleasure that day of placing their W . M . in . He sincerely thanked them for their kind invitation that day , and hoped that the G . A . O . T . U . might spare him for many years to come to see
num--Befs of W . M . ' s installed into the chair of K . S . in the Duke of Lancaster Lodge . The health of Bro . J . Case , P . M . 99 J , was then given and received most enthusiastically by the brethren . He thanked them for this kind expression , and was very happy at all times to do
his best to advance the cause of Masonry . P . M . Hartly , in rising to propose the next toast , said be felt great pleasure in doing so , as no doubt when they heard what it was it would be received with the utmost enthusiasm ; it was " Prosperity to Thc Lancaster Lodges—the
Fortitude , the Rowley , and the Duke of Lancaster . " It gave him great satisfaction to be called on to give the toast—he was able to name his Mother Lodge ( The Fortitude ) first . He coupled with the toast , Lieut . Airey , W . M . 2 S 1 ; P . M . and Hon . Sec . Simpson , 281 ; and
P . M . and Treas . Hatch , 281 . W . M . Airey in responding , stated that it gave him great pleasure to be amongst the brethren of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge that day , and hoped that unanimity might long prevail among the brethren forming the Lancaster lodges , and
that nothing but a kindred spirit of rivalry should exist to stimulate them in their march in Masonry , and invited the brethren of the Duke to the meetings of the other two lodges , so that a spirit of emulation might exist in their working , for there was always something to be learned .
He thanked them most smcerl y for the very kind and enthusiastic manner they had received the toast . P . M . Simpson in responding , said after the able remarks of W . M . Airey there was nothing for him to add , but he mi ght say he attended the meetings of the Duke , and was proud
to sec the lodge so prosperous , and he hoped that nothing but amity and good feeling should always exist among Masons , no matter which lodge they belonged to . P . M . Hatch in responding was received with great enthusiasm . He knew very well they would require something
from him , and stated this was not the first time he was received at their hospitable board , for he was present at the consecration and first installation of the lodge . He then went on giving good practical advice to the brethren , and stated that that day would be a red-letter day in his life ,
for he never witnessed an installation where the ceremony was delivered with so much perfection , and he was sorry that Bro . Dodgson had left before he had the opportunity and satisfaction of personally thanking him for his abilities . Considering the number of installations he had
witnessed , never 111 his life did he listen to such a beautiful ceremony before . The Treas . and Sec . were toasted and were briefly responded to by Treas . Ellersbaw and Sec . Conlon . The junior officers were then given . Bro . Wolfenden , S . D ., responded on their behalf . " The Visiting
Brethren" were given . Bro . Stcwardson , S . D . 950 , responded , and thanked the W . M . for his kind invitation , and stated the happy incidents of that day would be Jong imprinted on his memory . Bro . Eanknozer , P . M . 61 , also
responded , and said it gave him great pleasure to be among them that day , as he was hi ghly delighted , and would write to his lod ge and inform his brethren in Yorkshire with what open friendship he was received by his Lancashire brethren . The W . M . next gave " The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wright , S . D . Mr . George Christie of Perry Hill , Sydenham , was then proposed for initiation , and the brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet . MALDON . —Lodge of St . Peler ( No . 1023 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at
the Masonic Hall , High Street , Maldon , on Thursday afternoon . After the business was completed , an adjournment was made to the Blue Boar Hotel , where an unusually excellent repast awaited them . The tables were tastefully decorated , and the hostess , Mrs . Hickford , well
deserved the exnressions of satisfaction she received . The new W . M ., Bro . W . W . Moffatt , occupied the chair , and there were also present Bros . W . Humphreys , G . P . Jay , T . Aldham , and J . W . Quihampton , P . M . ' s ; the Rev . E . R . Harwood , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; S . Ratclilf , W . F .
Francis , W . C . Bell , W . Wri ght , C . Clarke , F . Freeman , and R . Nig htingale ; A . C . Veley , Thomas Smee , J . Nicholls , and T . Wood , P . M . ' s , and F . Whittnore , 276 ; the Rev . E . H . Crate , W . M . 697 , P . P . G . C . ; Thomas Eustace , P . M .
697 , and John Wrig ht Carr , Provincial Grand Secretary . P . M . 160 , & c , & c . Owing in great measure to the holding of meetings on the previous day at Colchester , Grays , and Rochford . the muster was not large , but a very pleasant
evening was spent . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —An emergency meeting of this prosperous lodge was hi-hl on Thursday , July 2 nd , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Brother W . Hammond , W . M ., presided . The lodge was opened at
half-past three . Messrs . C . Home , J . Worster , ) . Brogden , and C . W . Baker were initiated . Bros . D . D . Weinhausen , 1423 ; M . Underwood , 1423 ; and M . Munday , 142 were passed ; and Bros . H . Faija , 1423 , and T . W . Stone were raised . All the work was performed by
the W . M . in au admirable manner . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . Walters , P . G . Steward ; Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; E . Gilbert , S . D . ; R . W . Williams , Organist ; J . J . Marsh •W .
Y . Laing , P . M . ; H . Jones , and many others . The visitors were Bros . D . 11 . Raw , P . M ., 9 6 9 ; Burhitt , 933 ; W . Lane , S . W ., 28 ; W . Munday , 1423 ; H . Faija , 1413 ; D . D . Weinhausen , 1423 ; M . Underwood , 1423 ; and others . A cold collation followed the work .
Thc usual toasts were given and responded to . ALDERSHOT . — Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 2 nd inst , when the WM ., Bro . McKenzie , with the following officers , and a good attendance of the
brethren , were present , viz : —Bros . Captain Richardson , P . M . and Treasurer ; Smith , S . W . ; Bennett , J . W .,- Li * ca <* , Secretary ; Anderson , S . I ) . ; J . Walton Mayer , J . D . ; Griffiths , I . G . ; Bums , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the
previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . Ballots were taken separately for two brethren as joining members , which were in each case unanimous . Bros . Kitson , Edmonds , and Rowsell , were interrogated to ascertain their proficiency in the fiist degree , which proving
satisfactory , they were each entrusted with a test of merit , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , those brethren were admitted , and duly proposed as F . C . ' s the explanation of the Tracing Board being given by Bro . Captain Richardson . Bros . Knight , and
Hopkins having proved themselves proficient in tlie second degree were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and those brethren raised to the sublime degree ef M . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the W . M . notified that the R . W . P .
Grand Master had intimated his intention of holding the annual meeting of the P . G Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , at Aidershot , on the 24 th inst . After severaljpropositions for candidates for initiation had been made and
seconded , Bro . P . M . Richardson , in appropriate terms , proposed and Bro . Bennett , J . W ., seconded , and the brethren resolved unanimously , that a vote of condolence with the relatives of the late lamented Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , D . G . M . of the Province , ami P . G . D . of England , be
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
recorded in the lodge minutes , and that a copy of the resolution be prepared and forwarded to his next of kin , through the P . G . Secretary . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer about half-past nine o ' clock , and adjourned until the first Thursday evening in August .
LANCASTER . —Duke if Lancaster Lodge ( No . 1353 ) . —The annual festival and installation of this young and flourishing lodge , took place on Wednesday , July 1 st , at tbe Masonic Hall , Lancaster , when there were present—J . Bell , W . M .: W . Heald , S . W . : W . S . Carr , Acting
J . W . ; J . Acton , Hon . Sec . ; J . Ellersbaw , Acting S . D . ; 11 . Wolfenden , J . D . ; R . Parkinson , S . S . ; J . Taylor , Organist ; J . Watson , Tyler , Bros . E . Terry , W . Dixon , T . Longmire , H . Coates , J . Kent , Wm . Harrison , J . Bannister F . G . Dale , D . Pattison , W . Tackson , Visitors ,
J . Hatch , P . M . and Treas . 281 ; E . Simpson , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 281 ; T . Dodgson , P . M . 99 , *; , W . M . 1390 ; J . Case , P . M . 995 ; E . J . W ' ilson , 950 ; J . Losvett , T-S . 281 ; E . Airey , W . M . 281 ; W . Stewartson , S . D . 950 ; H . Eankrozer , P . M . 61 . At two o ' clock the W . M .
opened thc lodge in regular form . The minutes of the preceding meetings were read and confirmed ; the lodge was opened in the second degree , wh = n Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., vacated the chair , which was taken by the Installing Master of the day , Bro . Thomas Dodgson , P . M ., Z .
995 , and W . M . 1390 . Bro . W . Heald , the W . M . Elect , was then presented by Bros . Bell , W . M ., and Barrow , P . M . The usual questions were read and assented to , and the lodge was opened in thc third degree , when the W . M . elect was presented to a Board of Installed
Masters , and was then installed into the chair of K . S ., by thc Installing Master , in his usual able and impressive manner . The New Worshipful Master was saluted in the three degrees by the brethren , who then invested the following brethren as his officers for
the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . Bell , I . P . M . J . Acton , S . W . jW . S . Carr . J . W . ; J . Ellersbaw , Treas . ; J . Conlon , Sec . ; R . Wolfenden , S . D . ; J . Bannister , J . D . ; E . Ferry , I . G . ; J . Taylor , Organist ; R . Parkinson , S . S . ; Longman , J . S . ; and J . Watson , Tyler . A beautiful
P . M . jewel was then presented by the newly installed Master to Bro . J . Bell , the retiring P . M ., by the members of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , as a token of their esteem , July 1 st . 1804 . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Longmire ' s , West
View Hotel , Morecambe , where the banquet was held . The new W . M ., Bro . Heald , presided , supported on his right by Bro . Dodgson , the Installing Master , Lieut . Airey , 24 th L . A . V ., W . M . 281 ; Simpson , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 281 ; B . Hutch , P . M . and Treas . 281 ; while on his
left were B . Bell , I . P . M . •Rev . E . Chadwick , B . Barrow , P . M . ; and others . The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with great applause . P . M . Bell , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Health of the the W . M ., " which was drank with tlie utmost
enthusiasm , demonstrating that Bro . Heald , the W . M ., was held in the hi ghest esteem by every member of the lodge . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for tho very high honour it was their pleasure to bestow upon him so unanimously , and he promised to them that
during his term of office , it would be his bounden duty to have the landmarks of the constitutions most rigidly carried out , for by so doing the lodge he was then Master of would be respected , and he trusted that his officers would render him every assistance in their power , and would feel
grateful for their constant attendance at the lodge meetings , so that the working of Masonry might be carried out in the " Duke" with satisfaction to the brethren . The W . M . then gave " The Health of Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., " who in responding , thanked the brethren for the kind presentation he had received from them that day
( a Past Master ' s jewel ) which it would be the pride of his life to wear on all Masonic occasions , and after his days had closed , would hand it down to his offspring , as a family heirloom . "The Health of the Wardens , " was given by Bro . F . G . Dale , which was drank most enthusiastically , and briefl y responded to bv Bro . Acton , S . W ., and Bro . W . S . Carr , J . W . " Bro . Barrow ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Installing Officer , Bro . S . Dodgson , P . M . and Z . 293 , and W . M . 1390 , and in doing so dwelt largely on Bro . Dodgson ' s very able and impressive ceremony , which was a treat to such ot the brethren
who had listened to it . Bro . Dodgson , in responding , was received with the utmost enthusiasm , over and over again . He said it gave him great pleasure to attend at any time when it lay in his power to do anything * for Masonry , as far as his feeble efforts could advance it . He took
great interest in the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , and was proud to see it advancing ia the manner it was doing , and was glad to know that the working was done with so much perfection , he exhorted every brother to use his utmost vigilance on behalf of Masonry , and it
ought to be the aim of every brother to endeavour to attain to that high position , they had the pleasure that day of placing their W . M . in . He sincerely thanked them for their kind invitation that day , and hoped that the G . A . O . T . U . might spare him for many years to come to see
num--Befs of W . M . ' s installed into the chair of K . S . in the Duke of Lancaster Lodge . The health of Bro . J . Case , P . M . 99 J , was then given and received most enthusiastically by the brethren . He thanked them for this kind expression , and was very happy at all times to do
his best to advance the cause of Masonry . P . M . Hartly , in rising to propose the next toast , said be felt great pleasure in doing so , as no doubt when they heard what it was it would be received with the utmost enthusiasm ; it was " Prosperity to Thc Lancaster Lodges—the
Fortitude , the Rowley , and the Duke of Lancaster . " It gave him great satisfaction to be called on to give the toast—he was able to name his Mother Lodge ( The Fortitude ) first . He coupled with the toast , Lieut . Airey , W . M . 2 S 1 ; P . M . and Hon . Sec . Simpson , 281 ; and
P . M . and Treas . Hatch , 281 . W . M . Airey in responding , stated that it gave him great pleasure to be amongst the brethren of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge that day , and hoped that unanimity might long prevail among the brethren forming the Lancaster lodges , and
that nothing but a kindred spirit of rivalry should exist to stimulate them in their march in Masonry , and invited the brethren of the Duke to the meetings of the other two lodges , so that a spirit of emulation might exist in their working , for there was always something to be learned .
He thanked them most smcerl y for the very kind and enthusiastic manner they had received the toast . P . M . Simpson in responding , said after the able remarks of W . M . Airey there was nothing for him to add , but he mi ght say he attended the meetings of the Duke , and was proud
to sec the lodge so prosperous , and he hoped that nothing but amity and good feeling should always exist among Masons , no matter which lodge they belonged to . P . M . Hatch in responding was received with great enthusiasm . He knew very well they would require something
from him , and stated this was not the first time he was received at their hospitable board , for he was present at the consecration and first installation of the lodge . He then went on giving good practical advice to the brethren , and stated that that day would be a red-letter day in his life ,
for he never witnessed an installation where the ceremony was delivered with so much perfection , and he was sorry that Bro . Dodgson had left before he had the opportunity and satisfaction of personally thanking him for his abilities . Considering the number of installations he had
witnessed , never 111 his life did he listen to such a beautiful ceremony before . The Treas . and Sec . were toasted and were briefly responded to by Treas . Ellersbaw and Sec . Conlon . The junior officers were then given . Bro . Wolfenden , S . D ., responded on their behalf . " The Visiting
Brethren" were given . Bro . Stcwardson , S . D . 950 , responded , and thanked the W . M . for his kind invitation , and stated the happy incidents of that day would be Jong imprinted on his memory . Bro . Eanknozer , P . M . 61 , also
responded , and said it gave him great pleasure to be among them that day , as he was hi ghly delighted , and would write to his lod ge and inform his brethren in Yorkshire with what open friendship he was received by his Lancashire brethren . The W . M . next gave " The