Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Masonic Charities . " Bro . Bell , I . P . M . responded , and urged the brethren to subscribe liberally to such institutions , as they were doing immense good . He himself had been made a life governor of the West-Lancashire province during his year of office , by a vote of the members of
the lodge , and further intimated that he would not be satisfied until the W . M . of the lodge should be a life governor of all the charities . ( Applause ) . Several other toasts followed , including " The Host and Hostess , " when " The
Tyler s Toast brought the banquet to an end , every brother appearing delighted . It may be remarked that great praise was given to Bro . Longmire for his catering . The banquet was enlivened during the day with the singing of Bros . Wood , Crane , and Parkinson .
LIVERPOOL . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge . ( No . 13 , 56 ) . —No lodge in the province of West Lancashire has made greater progress in respect to numbers , or more maintained ils influence and position with respect to the quality of its members , than the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ,
No . 1356 ; and , therefore , the proceedings in connection with the annual gathering of its members on Wednesday week , the Sth inst ., were marked by the greatest success and satisfaction . As an introduction to a long day of business and pleasure , the brethren were summoned to meet
m the lodge room , No . 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth-park , at eight o'clock in the morning , when and where the ceremony of installing Bro . Edward O . C . Rothwell , W . M .-elect , was fixed to take place . Even with this early hour for attendance on Masonic duties , there was a very
large and most influential gathering of the brethren , who thereby evinced their great interest in the interesting day ' s proceedings . Bro . Thomas Evans , W . M ., opened the lodge in ample and solemn form , supported by Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . M . ; A .
Winkup , P . M . ; E . O . C . Rothwell , S . W . ; J . Bell , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ; J . Jones , Sec ; T . Home , S . D . ; T . Nickson , J . D . ; C Costigan , S . ; R . Roberts , S . ; and W . G . Veale , Org . ; and a full attendance of members of the lodge . After the minutes of the previous lodge
meeting had been duly read and confirmed , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Evans , proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . Edward O . C Rothwell , as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . The whole of the ceremony was performed by
Bro . Evans in a most masterly and effective manner , thus closing a yeai ' s office in a style which reflected the highest credit upon him as a student of the Order . The W . M . subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Bros . J . Bell , S . W . ; T . Home , J . W . ; J . Ireland ,
Treasurer ( re-elected ); J . Jones , Secretary ( re-appointed ) ; W . G . Veale , Org . ; T . Nickson , S . D . •Williams , J . D . ( by proxy ); C . Costigan , I . G . ; Bros . Roberts and Woolbridge , Stewards ; and Bro . P . M . Larsen , P . M ., 594 , was elected Tyler of the lodge . The business afterwards
comprised the voting of a jewel to Bro Veale for his invaluable services as Organist , to the lodge , and after this had been appropriately acknowledged , the lodge was closed in harmony . Business over , the brethren of the lodge , with the numerous body of visitors , proceeded to the Lime-street station of the London and
North-Western Railway , where they joined a very large and brilliant bevy of ladies . Getting on board a train of special carriages , the jolly party , numbering about 250 persons , started shortly after eleven o ' clock for the lovely and picturesque region of the Overton-hills . The railway
arrangements were of a very satisfactory kind , superintended as they were by Bro . Shaw , and the very large party arrived at Frodsham shortl y after midday . "Tracks" were at once made for the top of the hill , where a very excellent dinner was provided by Mr . Rigby , the dining
arrangements being all the more creditable to the caterer from the fact that only about half the number of those who were actually present was guaranteed . As it was , the arrangements of the long and pleasant summer day ' s out were of
the most satisfactory kind , and every one could not but have been highly delighted with the excursion . There was much jollity over the ascent of the hill , after the party had arrived at the station , and when the summit
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was reached there was a sufficiency of interesting sights to satisfy the most exacting . Ihe views from the tops of the Overton Hills are unequalled in this neighbourhood , and therefore the curious at once rushed to each point of the extensive range to gaze upon a picture of the
most captivating character ; but , in the midst of this sight-seeing , the party did not forget the allimportant dinner , which had been liberally provided by Mr . Rigby . Dinner over , the ladies and brethren were subsequently invited to witness the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro .
T . Evans , I . P . M ., made by the W . M . ( Bro . Rothwell ) , which formed one of the choicest features of an excellent programme , inasmuch as it was made the means of recognising the valuable services rendered by Bro . Evans to the lodge . The "Health of the W . M ., " which
caused the greatest enthusiasm was given by Bro . Evans , I . P . M ., who spoke very highly of the choice made by the brethren , and wished he might have as comfortable , happy , and prosperous a vear of office as he ( Bro . Evans ) had enjoyed . ' Bro . E . O . C . Rothwell , W . M ., in
returning thanks , assured the brethren that he would spare no efforts in his endeavour to fulfil the duties of the chair to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . The W . M . then said he had now the most pleasing duty to perform of proposing the health of , and presenting a
P . M . ' s jewel to , Bro . Thomas Evans , I . P . M . He thought himself right in saying that a more worthy Master he could not m ention , and therefore , he had all the greater pleasure in presenting him with the jewel as a token of the esteem in which he was held by all the brethren .
( Hear , hear ) . He wished Bro . Evans long life to wear it , and trusted it would be looked upon by his children as a token of the high place he held in the affections of the' brethren of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge . Bro . Evans very feelingly acknowledged the presentation , and
hoped he would have some one to whom he could hand down the jewel as the gift of a goodly number of good men . ( Loud cheers ) . "The Press , " given by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Bro . MacKenzie . "The Ladies , " happily proposed by Bro . Ibbs , P . M ., was most felicitously acknowledged by Bro . A . Winkup , F . M .
What with dancing , croquet , roaming through the woods , and other kindred amusements , the afternoon passed most pleasantly ; and , as a very valuble commemoration of the day ' s out , Bro . Burrows , the clever photographer , took a capital group of the general company , which will doubtless be treasured as a memento of the
pleasant day ' s out by those who were photographed . Tea was served during the afternoon , and about nine o ' clock the party made their way to the station at Frodsham , where a special train was provided , and arrived safely in Liverpool at
eleven o ' clock ; very much delighted with their day ' s out at the Overton Hills . Excellent music was provided by a detachment of the band of the 80 th L . R . V . ( Press Guard ) , under the conductorship of Bro . Veale , the band master of the corps .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —St . Mungo Encampment met at St . Mark ' s Hall , on Monday , June 29 th , when a Priory of Knights of Malta was opened , Sir Knig ht Robert Bell , Prior ; G . W . Wheeler , Recorder , acting Prelate ; F . Halliday , Aide de Camp , when the following Knights of
the Temple were elected Knights of Malta , and entrusted with the secrets of this degree , namely , Sir Kni ghts James Loutitt . and Wm . H . Ellis . The meeting was then made special for the consideration of the pecuniary position of the encampment .
GLASGOW . —Caledonian Unity Chapter ( No . 73 ) met at 170 , Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , 29 th June . G . McDonald , Z . ; G . Wheeler , H . ; J . Tweed , J . Visitors J . Duthie , Z . of 67 ; and Comp . Britchan , 33 , from Richmond ,
Virginia , U . S ., who expressed his pleasure at being able to see the working of a Scotch Chap-: ter , though it was only opened in the Mark Degree , as there was an application from the ; lodge for the use of the Hall .
GLASGOW . —Thistle and Rose Lodge ( No . / 3 ) . held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , June , 29 th , in their hall , Buchanan-street . G . Mc Donald , I . P . M ., in the chair , J . Bannerman , S . W . ; Wm . MacGregor , J . W . ; G . Wheeler , Chaplain ; A . McThaie , Sec . ; visitors J . Butchan ,
33 ° , of Virginia , U . S . •J . Duthie , P . M ., 219 ; J . Balfour , P . M ., 332 ; and J . Tweed , No . 9 , Mother Kilwinning . All three degrees were worked , the first by Bro . Balfour , of 332 , the second by Bro . J . Duthie , of 219 , and the third by the acting R . W . M ., all the ceremonies being most efficiently rendered .
GLASGOW . — Lodge Kilwinning ( No . 4 ) held their monthly meeting in their own hall , on Wednesday , July 1 st . The R . W . M ., Bro . Thorborn , was early at his post , but the candidate being unable to attend , the only business done was the raising a relief fund for the assistance
of a worthy distressed brother . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Rail way ( No . 354 ) held their monthly meeting in St . Marks ' Hall , July 1 st . Bro . James Shaw , R . W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . J . Stratford , S . W . ; J . Dolman , acting J . W . ; J . Dunn , Sec ; and
A . A . Smith , P . M . Ihere was one candidate for initiation , and the new R . W . M ., by the careful way in which he performed the ceremony , is evidently determined that the ancient prestige of the lodge shall not suffer at his hands . The brethren were all highly gratified with the working of the Master .
GLASGOW . —Clyde Lodge ( No . 408 ) . —This lodge met on Friday , July 3 , at 170 , Buchananstreet . Bro . D . Downie , R . W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . J . McGinnis , S . W ., and Edward Acking , J . W . The work , which was excellently rendered , consisted of an initiation by the
R . W . M ., and a passing and raising , which ceremonies were performed by R . Mitchell , Depute Master and P . M . of 332 . The lodge subsequently , after considerable discussion , agreed to raise the nnnual subscription ofthe lodge , so as to form a fund to increase that already set apart for benevolence .
GLASGOW . —Glasgow Chapter ( No . jo ) held their monthly meeting at 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday , July 9 th . Comps . John Miller Z . ; T . Brownlie , H . ; Wm . Bell , J . ; James Leutitt , Scribe E . ; J . Duthie , Z . 67 , acting rst S . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , when
one brother was advanced to that degree by the R . W . M . M . A lodge of Excellent Masters , and subsequently , a Royal Arch Chapter , were opened , when Comp . James Crabb , P . Z . of 50 , conferred both those degrees on three of the Mark Masters present , Comp . Duthie acting as P . S .
GLASGOW . —St . Rollo . v Chapter ( No . 144 ) held its monthly meeting on Friday , the 10 th inst . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened with R ' Bell , Z ., as W . M . M ., J . McLeish , S . W ., and TAnnand as J . W . Visitor Bro . Shield , of Boston , U . S . Subsequently the chapter was opened ,
and Comp . Shaw was unanimously elected Scribe E ., in the place of Comp . Reid , who , since he has been called to the chair of St . Andrew , could not find the time to devote to this office . Comp . Shields was then unanimously elected an honorary member of the Chapter , and imparted
considerable instruction to the Comps . by showing them the way a chapter was opened in America . Comp . Wheeler expressed his regret that there had not been a conference called of the English speaking Masons and Royal Arch Comps . so as to assimilate the working , as England , Ireland ,
Scotland , and America each having at present their own peculiarities , and each differing from all the others . Comp . Shield and Comp . Bell , Z ., fully endorsed these views ; Comp . Shield arguing that no one should be allowed to fill the chair , either of a lodge or chapter , till he was conversant
with the different modes of working , as long as they were allowed to exist , so that visitors from a foreign jurisdiction might find no difficulty in gaining admission to any properly constituted body , if he gave the correct replies , according to the ritual he had been made under .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) met m their own hall , 12 , Trongate , on the 6 th instant . Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., in the chair ; J . Duthie , S . W . j J . Horn , JW . The work consisted of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Masonic Charities . " Bro . Bell , I . P . M . responded , and urged the brethren to subscribe liberally to such institutions , as they were doing immense good . He himself had been made a life governor of the West-Lancashire province during his year of office , by a vote of the members of
the lodge , and further intimated that he would not be satisfied until the W . M . of the lodge should be a life governor of all the charities . ( Applause ) . Several other toasts followed , including " The Host and Hostess , " when " The
Tyler s Toast brought the banquet to an end , every brother appearing delighted . It may be remarked that great praise was given to Bro . Longmire for his catering . The banquet was enlivened during the day with the singing of Bros . Wood , Crane , and Parkinson .
LIVERPOOL . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge . ( No . 13 , 56 ) . —No lodge in the province of West Lancashire has made greater progress in respect to numbers , or more maintained ils influence and position with respect to the quality of its members , than the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ,
No . 1356 ; and , therefore , the proceedings in connection with the annual gathering of its members on Wednesday week , the Sth inst ., were marked by the greatest success and satisfaction . As an introduction to a long day of business and pleasure , the brethren were summoned to meet
m the lodge room , No . 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth-park , at eight o'clock in the morning , when and where the ceremony of installing Bro . Edward O . C . Rothwell , W . M .-elect , was fixed to take place . Even with this early hour for attendance on Masonic duties , there was a very
large and most influential gathering of the brethren , who thereby evinced their great interest in the interesting day ' s proceedings . Bro . Thomas Evans , W . M ., opened the lodge in ample and solemn form , supported by Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . M . ; A .
Winkup , P . M . ; E . O . C . Rothwell , S . W . ; J . Bell , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ; J . Jones , Sec ; T . Home , S . D . ; T . Nickson , J . D . ; C Costigan , S . ; R . Roberts , S . ; and W . G . Veale , Org . ; and a full attendance of members of the lodge . After the minutes of the previous lodge
meeting had been duly read and confirmed , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Evans , proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . Edward O . C Rothwell , as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . The whole of the ceremony was performed by
Bro . Evans in a most masterly and effective manner , thus closing a yeai ' s office in a style which reflected the highest credit upon him as a student of the Order . The W . M . subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Bros . J . Bell , S . W . ; T . Home , J . W . ; J . Ireland ,
Treasurer ( re-elected ); J . Jones , Secretary ( re-appointed ) ; W . G . Veale , Org . ; T . Nickson , S . D . •Williams , J . D . ( by proxy ); C . Costigan , I . G . ; Bros . Roberts and Woolbridge , Stewards ; and Bro . P . M . Larsen , P . M ., 594 , was elected Tyler of the lodge . The business afterwards
comprised the voting of a jewel to Bro Veale for his invaluable services as Organist , to the lodge , and after this had been appropriately acknowledged , the lodge was closed in harmony . Business over , the brethren of the lodge , with the numerous body of visitors , proceeded to the Lime-street station of the London and
North-Western Railway , where they joined a very large and brilliant bevy of ladies . Getting on board a train of special carriages , the jolly party , numbering about 250 persons , started shortly after eleven o ' clock for the lovely and picturesque region of the Overton-hills . The railway
arrangements were of a very satisfactory kind , superintended as they were by Bro . Shaw , and the very large party arrived at Frodsham shortl y after midday . "Tracks" were at once made for the top of the hill , where a very excellent dinner was provided by Mr . Rigby , the dining
arrangements being all the more creditable to the caterer from the fact that only about half the number of those who were actually present was guaranteed . As it was , the arrangements of the long and pleasant summer day ' s out were of
the most satisfactory kind , and every one could not but have been highly delighted with the excursion . There was much jollity over the ascent of the hill , after the party had arrived at the station , and when the summit
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was reached there was a sufficiency of interesting sights to satisfy the most exacting . Ihe views from the tops of the Overton Hills are unequalled in this neighbourhood , and therefore the curious at once rushed to each point of the extensive range to gaze upon a picture of the
most captivating character ; but , in the midst of this sight-seeing , the party did not forget the allimportant dinner , which had been liberally provided by Mr . Rigby . Dinner over , the ladies and brethren were subsequently invited to witness the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro .
T . Evans , I . P . M ., made by the W . M . ( Bro . Rothwell ) , which formed one of the choicest features of an excellent programme , inasmuch as it was made the means of recognising the valuable services rendered by Bro . Evans to the lodge . The "Health of the W . M ., " which
caused the greatest enthusiasm was given by Bro . Evans , I . P . M ., who spoke very highly of the choice made by the brethren , and wished he might have as comfortable , happy , and prosperous a vear of office as he ( Bro . Evans ) had enjoyed . ' Bro . E . O . C . Rothwell , W . M ., in
returning thanks , assured the brethren that he would spare no efforts in his endeavour to fulfil the duties of the chair to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . The W . M . then said he had now the most pleasing duty to perform of proposing the health of , and presenting a
P . M . ' s jewel to , Bro . Thomas Evans , I . P . M . He thought himself right in saying that a more worthy Master he could not m ention , and therefore , he had all the greater pleasure in presenting him with the jewel as a token of the esteem in which he was held by all the brethren .
( Hear , hear ) . He wished Bro . Evans long life to wear it , and trusted it would be looked upon by his children as a token of the high place he held in the affections of the' brethren of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge . Bro . Evans very feelingly acknowledged the presentation , and
hoped he would have some one to whom he could hand down the jewel as the gift of a goodly number of good men . ( Loud cheers ) . "The Press , " given by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Bro . MacKenzie . "The Ladies , " happily proposed by Bro . Ibbs , P . M ., was most felicitously acknowledged by Bro . A . Winkup , F . M .
What with dancing , croquet , roaming through the woods , and other kindred amusements , the afternoon passed most pleasantly ; and , as a very valuble commemoration of the day ' s out , Bro . Burrows , the clever photographer , took a capital group of the general company , which will doubtless be treasured as a memento of the
pleasant day ' s out by those who were photographed . Tea was served during the afternoon , and about nine o ' clock the party made their way to the station at Frodsham , where a special train was provided , and arrived safely in Liverpool at
eleven o ' clock ; very much delighted with their day ' s out at the Overton Hills . Excellent music was provided by a detachment of the band of the 80 th L . R . V . ( Press Guard ) , under the conductorship of Bro . Veale , the band master of the corps .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —St . Mungo Encampment met at St . Mark ' s Hall , on Monday , June 29 th , when a Priory of Knights of Malta was opened , Sir Knig ht Robert Bell , Prior ; G . W . Wheeler , Recorder , acting Prelate ; F . Halliday , Aide de Camp , when the following Knights of
the Temple were elected Knights of Malta , and entrusted with the secrets of this degree , namely , Sir Kni ghts James Loutitt . and Wm . H . Ellis . The meeting was then made special for the consideration of the pecuniary position of the encampment .
GLASGOW . —Caledonian Unity Chapter ( No . 73 ) met at 170 , Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , 29 th June . G . McDonald , Z . ; G . Wheeler , H . ; J . Tweed , J . Visitors J . Duthie , Z . of 67 ; and Comp . Britchan , 33 , from Richmond ,
Virginia , U . S ., who expressed his pleasure at being able to see the working of a Scotch Chap-: ter , though it was only opened in the Mark Degree , as there was an application from the ; lodge for the use of the Hall .
GLASGOW . —Thistle and Rose Lodge ( No . / 3 ) . held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , June , 29 th , in their hall , Buchanan-street . G . Mc Donald , I . P . M ., in the chair , J . Bannerman , S . W . ; Wm . MacGregor , J . W . ; G . Wheeler , Chaplain ; A . McThaie , Sec . ; visitors J . Butchan ,
33 ° , of Virginia , U . S . •J . Duthie , P . M ., 219 ; J . Balfour , P . M ., 332 ; and J . Tweed , No . 9 , Mother Kilwinning . All three degrees were worked , the first by Bro . Balfour , of 332 , the second by Bro . J . Duthie , of 219 , and the third by the acting R . W . M ., all the ceremonies being most efficiently rendered .
GLASGOW . — Lodge Kilwinning ( No . 4 ) held their monthly meeting in their own hall , on Wednesday , July 1 st . The R . W . M ., Bro . Thorborn , was early at his post , but the candidate being unable to attend , the only business done was the raising a relief fund for the assistance
of a worthy distressed brother . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Rail way ( No . 354 ) held their monthly meeting in St . Marks ' Hall , July 1 st . Bro . James Shaw , R . W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . J . Stratford , S . W . ; J . Dolman , acting J . W . ; J . Dunn , Sec ; and
A . A . Smith , P . M . Ihere was one candidate for initiation , and the new R . W . M ., by the careful way in which he performed the ceremony , is evidently determined that the ancient prestige of the lodge shall not suffer at his hands . The brethren were all highly gratified with the working of the Master .
GLASGOW . —Clyde Lodge ( No . 408 ) . —This lodge met on Friday , July 3 , at 170 , Buchananstreet . Bro . D . Downie , R . W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . J . McGinnis , S . W ., and Edward Acking , J . W . The work , which was excellently rendered , consisted of an initiation by the
R . W . M ., and a passing and raising , which ceremonies were performed by R . Mitchell , Depute Master and P . M . of 332 . The lodge subsequently , after considerable discussion , agreed to raise the nnnual subscription ofthe lodge , so as to form a fund to increase that already set apart for benevolence .
GLASGOW . —Glasgow Chapter ( No . jo ) held their monthly meeting at 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday , July 9 th . Comps . John Miller Z . ; T . Brownlie , H . ; Wm . Bell , J . ; James Leutitt , Scribe E . ; J . Duthie , Z . 67 , acting rst S . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , when
one brother was advanced to that degree by the R . W . M . M . A lodge of Excellent Masters , and subsequently , a Royal Arch Chapter , were opened , when Comp . James Crabb , P . Z . of 50 , conferred both those degrees on three of the Mark Masters present , Comp . Duthie acting as P . S .
GLASGOW . —St . Rollo . v Chapter ( No . 144 ) held its monthly meeting on Friday , the 10 th inst . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened with R ' Bell , Z ., as W . M . M ., J . McLeish , S . W ., and TAnnand as J . W . Visitor Bro . Shield , of Boston , U . S . Subsequently the chapter was opened ,
and Comp . Shaw was unanimously elected Scribe E ., in the place of Comp . Reid , who , since he has been called to the chair of St . Andrew , could not find the time to devote to this office . Comp . Shields was then unanimously elected an honorary member of the Chapter , and imparted
considerable instruction to the Comps . by showing them the way a chapter was opened in America . Comp . Wheeler expressed his regret that there had not been a conference called of the English speaking Masons and Royal Arch Comps . so as to assimilate the working , as England , Ireland ,
Scotland , and America each having at present their own peculiarities , and each differing from all the others . Comp . Shield and Comp . Bell , Z ., fully endorsed these views ; Comp . Shield arguing that no one should be allowed to fill the chair , either of a lodge or chapter , till he was conversant
with the different modes of working , as long as they were allowed to exist , so that visitors from a foreign jurisdiction might find no difficulty in gaining admission to any properly constituted body , if he gave the correct replies , according to the ritual he had been made under .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) met m their own hall , 12 , Trongate , on the 6 th instant . Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., in the chair ; J . Duthie , S . W . j J . Horn , JW . The work consisted of