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Now Ready , No 4 ( October ) . Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America 9 s . ( Payable in advance . ) THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER BEDOLFE , M . D . Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWF . DDELL . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . J . Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . EMRA . HOLMES , 31 Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Bro . J OSEHI H . WOODWORTH . Bro . HUBERT . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M . CONTENTS . An Account of a Roman Inscription Found at Chichester . Roshjn Chapel . Ancient Masonic Lodges—No . I . Origin of Freemasonry in Nova Scotia . Ad Sorores . A German Masonic Song . Masonic Thoughts . poetry—MS . Masonic Constitutions ( or Charges )—No . II . P ' anita . s Vanitatum . The Right Hand of Fellowship . Time . Illustrations of the History of the Craft . Sympathy . Died at his Post . Advertisements . OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , 26 , Grafton-street j Glasgow , 145 , Argyle-street ; Edinburgh , 67 , Hanover-street .
MASONIC PRESENTATION JEWELS , CUPS AND TROWELS . A Large Stock now on Show at Bro . GEORGE KENNING ' S MANUFACTORY , 1 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C . BRANCHES : 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C ; 2 , Monument-place , ' Liverpool ; 145 , Argyle-street , Glasgow ; 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh .
THE HISTORY FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO TUK PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the hest sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and l'reface written hy Hro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , ios . 6 d . "This volume is the history of Masonry pur excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . " —Manchester Guardian "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "— The Athenaeum . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too highly . " — Puhlic Opinion . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , London . —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , fleet-street-Liverpool : —2 , Monument-place . Glnsgow -. —145 , Argyle-street . Edinburgh : —( , ; , llanover-strcct . Dublin : —20 , Grafton-street .
OLD MASONIC HOOKS FOR SALE . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 179 :, 3 and . i . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account ct its destruction by Christopher Kelly . 1803 Kdition . The Temple , an essay on tli 2 forms of the Ark , lire Tahernnclc , and the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainl y pointed out . l ! y tile Kev . CI . Oliver , D . D . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters lo lire Rh-ht lion , the Karl of Ahuuie , I ' rov . Grand Master for Northampton and 1 luulin ; . ; don . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of lire Ho-i > il .-, lol' Si . | olm of Jerusalem's vols . ) liv Major Whitvvor ' . h 1 'orler , lt . l :. The Achievements of the Knights of Malta 2 vols . Hy A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from the earliest rimes lo thesiei ; e bv Tim ' s , Bv Thomas Lcvvin '•"«) ., cil Trinity (' olie ,: e , 0 . \ fnr . l ' . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Ily \ Yn-. A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free ar . cl Acccplcd Masons , is ^ i anil iStj l . ililions . Collections of Masonic Solids ( 179 . 1 Edition . ) May he had at Hro . George Kenniug's -Masonic Li braij iijS , Meet-street . Masonic Hooks , Uout ; ht , Sold and Exchanged .
In the Press and u-ill l-e pul-lished shortlif . NEW EDITION OF Till ! LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Carefull y Revised and Corrected down to dale of issue . This Edition ( under the . special authority of the Grand Committee ) will have added to the Appendix a List of the Daughter Lodges , with Dates of Chatter , Colour of Clothing , ecc , also the Ancient Charges of the Craft , Service for Funeral Lodge , and various other Formula :, together with a new and copious Index . Copies , pi ice is . Od . each , or is . yd , per post , may be obtained from the GHAND SixuiiTAUY , Freemasons' Hall , 1 ) 8 , George-street , Edinburgh .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photography , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Cralt . l'lain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , , -js . To be had wholesale and ictailof . STEVENS ec RICHARD - SON , Stationers and Steam fiiiiters , 5 , Great clueen-street , Liucoln ' s-iiin-fields .
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Now Ready , No 4 ( October ) . Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America 9 s . ( Payable in advance . ) THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER BEDOLFE , M . D . Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWF . DDELL . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . J . Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . EMRA . HOLMES , 31 Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Bro . J OSEHI H . WOODWORTH . Bro . HUBERT . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M . CONTENTS . An Account of a Roman Inscription Found at Chichester . Roshjn Chapel . Ancient Masonic Lodges—No . I . Origin of Freemasonry in Nova Scotia . Ad Sorores . A German Masonic Song . Masonic Thoughts . poetry—MS . Masonic Constitutions ( or Charges )—No . II . P ' anita . s Vanitatum . The Right Hand of Fellowship . Time . Illustrations of the History of the Craft . Sympathy . Died at his Post . Advertisements . OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , 26 , Grafton-street j Glasgow , 145 , Argyle-street ; Edinburgh , 67 , Hanover-street .
MASONIC PRESENTATION JEWELS , CUPS AND TROWELS . A Large Stock now on Show at Bro . GEORGE KENNING ' S MANUFACTORY , 1 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C . BRANCHES : 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C ; 2 , Monument-place , ' Liverpool ; 145 , Argyle-street , Glasgow ; 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh .
THE HISTORY FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO TUK PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the hest sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and l'reface written hy Hro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , ios . 6 d . "This volume is the history of Masonry pur excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . " —Manchester Guardian "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "— The Athenaeum . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too highly . " — Puhlic Opinion . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , London . —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , fleet-street-Liverpool : —2 , Monument-place . Glnsgow -. —145 , Argyle-street . Edinburgh : —( , ; , llanover-strcct . Dublin : —20 , Grafton-street .
OLD MASONIC HOOKS FOR SALE . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 179 :, 3 and . i . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account ct its destruction by Christopher Kelly . 1803 Kdition . The Temple , an essay on tli 2 forms of the Ark , lire Tahernnclc , and the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainl y pointed out . l ! y tile Kev . CI . Oliver , D . D . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters lo lire Rh-ht lion , the Karl of Ahuuie , I ' rov . Grand Master for Northampton and 1 luulin ; . ; don . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of lire Ho-i > il .-, lol' Si . | olm of Jerusalem's vols . ) liv Major Whitvvor ' . h 1 'orler , lt . l :. The Achievements of the Knights of Malta 2 vols . Hy A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from the earliest rimes lo thesiei ; e bv Tim ' s , Bv Thomas Lcvvin '•"«) ., cil Trinity (' olie ,: e , 0 . \ fnr . l ' . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Ily \ Yn-. A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free ar . cl Acccplcd Masons , is ^ i anil iStj l . ililions . Collections of Masonic Solids ( 179 . 1 Edition . ) May he had at Hro . George Kenniug's -Masonic Li braij iijS , Meet-street . Masonic Hooks , Uout ; ht , Sold and Exchanged .
In the Press and u-ill l-e pul-lished shortlif . NEW EDITION OF Till ! LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Carefull y Revised and Corrected down to dale of issue . This Edition ( under the . special authority of the Grand Committee ) will have added to the Appendix a List of the Daughter Lodges , with Dates of Chatter , Colour of Clothing , ecc , also the Ancient Charges of the Craft , Service for Funeral Lodge , and various other Formula :, together with a new and copious Index . Copies , pi ice is . Od . each , or is . yd , per post , may be obtained from the GHAND SixuiiTAUY , Freemasons' Hall , 1 ) 8 , George-street , Edinburgh .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photography , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Cralt . l'lain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , , -js . To be had wholesale and ictailof . STEVENS ec RICHARD - SON , Stationers and Steam fiiiiters , 5 , Great clueen-street , Liucoln ' s-iiin-fields .