Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS or MASONIC M EETINGS : — CrafrMasonry ° 73 Mark Masonry ° 74 vstival of the Ebury Lodge of Instruction 675 P ovincial Grand Mark Lodge of Hampshire and Isle r . f Wieht 6 ? -i
Consecration of a Mark Lodge in the Isle of Wight 676 C ORRESPONDENCE : — Sp iritualism and Spectral Illusions 076 Masonic Jewels 6 7 6 Masonic Tidings 6 7 6 Obituary ° T 7 Pnetrv ' <
Masonic Literature O ? 8 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls ( Election ) 6 7 8 Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys ( Election ) 679 I provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire 679 Consecration of Two Red Cross Conclaves 6 S 0 lodge Meetings for next week 680 Advertisements 67 ; 672 681 682 683 684 66 5 68 G
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( NO . 192 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the and inst . Bro . Trott , W . M ., occup ied the chair , the other officers present
Craft Hlonvir .
were : —Bros . George Abbolt , S . W . j George Newman , J . AV . ; AV . Goodyer , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., Secretary ; C . Arkell , S . D . ; E . Jones , I . G . j and George Parker , Dir . of Cers . The remaining Past Masters present were : —
Bros . George Mager , J . J . Harris , E . King , E . Roberts , and Geo . Kenning . The lodge was opened in . due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge having being duly opened , the following brethren were
raised to the third degree , Bros . Regan , Fauvet , Graindorge , Perkins , Alflatt , and Hunter . The following were passed to the second degree ; Bros . Geo . Hall , and John G . Dunn . The lodge having been resumed , William T . Rickwood ,
Esq ., ( having been ballotted for at the last meet ing ) was regularly initiated into Freemasonry Bro . Sidney Spencer , ( City Terminus Hotel ) was unanimously elected a joining member The notice of motion by Bro . Alrlatt , S . W .
having been disposed ( viz ., increasing the initiation fee to ten guineas and the joining fee to five guineas , also another motion limiting the number of members , ) the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The whole of the
brethren present appeared in Masonic mourning in accordance with the command of the M . W . the Grand Master . The brethren , numbering about sixty , adjourned to dinner , served in the pillar-room at which the AV . M . presided . After the cloth had been removed , the usual Masonic
toasts weve . given , including the visitors many being present ) , which were most heartily responded to . The meeting having been a comfortable and happy rc-nnion , the Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close . Amongst the members the
following were present—Bros . Av * . Ramsey , G . Taylor , J . G . ChiHingworth , jun ., F . R . Jarvis , F . Fellowes , AV . Figes , AV . AVaring , Jno . H . Fuller , H . Legg , T . Gardner , T . Fisher , S . Edwards , Jno . Curie , 11 . E . Bright , S . Haynes , T . Perrin , John Mayo , C . M . Selby , J . B .
Clements , Chas . Cann , Henry Child , Henry Davis , F . Jackson , R . G . Putnam , J . Cook , and A . G . Marks . Visitors , Geo . Bartholomew , 871 ; H . Bethell , S . AV . 1257 ; W . Jaques , P . M . and Sec . 28 ; B . Hill , 212 ; T . Massa , P . M . 59 ; J . T . Dimsddle , 715 ; Chas . F . Motheram , 901 ; Mark Hornsey , 73 ; and Charles Tighe , P . M . 28 .
OLDHAM . —Friendship Lodge ( No . 277 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , Oct . 1 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham . The oliicers present were Bros . J . Z . Hollingworth , P . M . ; Joseph lirnddock , AV . M . ; T . Midgeley , S . W . ; H .
Huimas , J . W . ; C . Schoiiekl , J . D . ; J . C . Lees , ] -G . ; Lees , Org . ; John Wood , Tyler . The lod ge was opened in due form by the AV . M . at 6- 30 . p . m . The minutes of the previous regular meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . llobert Jackson , who had been _ previously ini-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tiated into this lodge , presented himself as a candidate for the degree of M . M ., and being approved of , the ceremony was performed in the most impressive manner by the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Braddock . The lodge was honoured on
this occasion by the presence of several visiting brethren , some of whom had received their degrees on the other side of the Atlantic . To these the right hand of fellowship was most cordially extended , and after the remaining business
had been transacted , the lodge was closed and adjourned till AVednesday , the 29 th of October . The refreshments which followed labour were of the most substantial character , and reflected credit on the manager of the Freemasons' Hall , which
building , we may remark , was erected and opened for Masonic purposes in 1871 , and consists of a spacious lodge room , ante-room , banrjuetting room , billiard and reading rooms , and is altogether a credit to tbe Masonic body of the town .
LYMIXGTON * . —A ew Forest Lodge ( No . 319 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Lymington . The lodge was
opened at 3 . 0 . a . m ., by liro . Doman , P . M . and Treasurer , in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . S . S . Pearse , AV . M ., soon afterwards arrived and took the chair . He was supported by Bros . J Houshome , S . AV . ; Le Roy ,
J . ; AV . C . Austin , acting S . D . ; AVilkins , acting J . D . ; Sims , I . G . ; Bush , P . M . and Sec , and . others . The work performed was conferring the third degree on Bros . J . W . Imber , and D . Duncan , the second degree on Bros . AVestley and Turner , and the initiation of Bros . AVarren Peness , McSpanow , and Hills . The whole of
the ceremonies were carried oitt in a very efficient and able manner by the AV . M .. assisted by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Doman , and called forth marks of congratulation from several of the brethren . An explanation lor the first degree was given by Bro . W . C . Austen , J . D ., in a very
able manner , The AV . M . also reported to the lodge the business of the Charity Council , recently elected under a new scheme adopted in this province , and to which the W . M . was , at a previous meeting of the lodge elected to represent . It was then moved by the AV . M . and
seconded by Bro . Houshome , S . W . ; and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Austen , J . D . . for the efficient manner in which he gave the explanation of the tracing board , much to the gratification of the brethren present , the business of the lodge usually being
so great , that until the present occasion , it has not been given before . A copy of a musical ritual was presented to every brother present by the AV . M . for their serious consideration with a view of its being adopted in this lodge . Several propositions and suggestions were offered , of
minor importance relative to the well being of the lodge , by various brethren . One gentlemen was proposed as a candidate for initiation . The lodge was closed in due form at 6 . 30 . A most siKiiptuoiis banouet was then served in the lodgeroom , under the superintendence of the Stewards .
After the removal of the cloth the usual Masonic toasts were given and drank with cordiality and enthusiasm , although somewhat hurried on account of several of the brethren having to leave by train . A'ALKTTA ( MALTA ) . —Zetland Lodge ( No .
IJI ij ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held on the 29 th September , to present a testimonial to W . Bro . Robert Mowatt , I . P . M . The lodge having been opened , the Worshipful Master presented to him the regalia of a J . D . G . Warden of Malta , with an inscription , as a very small token of the affectionate regard of the lodge , and the
great value attached to his constant zeal during the whole period of his residence , to which the lodge owed much of its prosperity . AV . Bro . Mowatt , having replied in very feeling terms , the proceedings were concluded by the AV . M . wishing him a very warm farewell from his brethren , who deeply regretted his departure from the ik-ld of his well won honours . The
lodge was then closed . Livi-tti'ooL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 673 ) . — On AVednesday evening , the ist inst ., the usual monthly meeting , of this lodge was held at 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , where there was an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
unusually large gathering of the brethren . The VV . M ., Bro . E . Kyle , opened the lodge in due form , supported by Bros . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . , J . Thornton , P . M . ; J . Hocken , P . M . ; H . Nelson , P . M . ; M . Coriess , S . W ; J . K . Digges , J . W . ; R . Pearson , P . M ., Treas . ; S . Johnson .
F . M ., Sec . ; T . Roberts , S . D . ; J . Mealor , J . D . ; T . Garratt , I . G . ; Alvarez , S . ; D . Jackson , S . ; and AV . Crawford , Tyler . Amongst the members present were : —Bros . AV . A . Hamilton , E . C . Cooper , J . Sedtlon , J . Farmer , E . Browne , R . Hulme , AV . Roberts , J . H . Jones , R . Holt , C .
IT . Jones , J . Heggie , J . Buckley , AV . Quayie , G Nixon , W . Brackenbury , C . Haigh , R . Price , A Milledge , H . Burrow , J . Dawson , J . CapelL , J Parry , S . T . Cockerill , J . Smith , AV . AVilliams and others . The visitors present were : —Bros J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; R . Ing , P . M . 594 ; C
Leedham , P . M . 220 ; J . A . Edgington , S . W , 1182 ; J . Williams , J . D . 1112 ; E : C . Jones , 1356 ; T . A . Jackson , 1264 ; AV . F . Dawson , 12 ( 5 4 ; AV . H . Hignett , 1356 ; J . Bathgate , 1182 ; J . D . Sutherland , 220 ; and others . After the lodge had been duly opened , the
minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and one candidate was initiated with the mysteries and privileges of the Order by the AV . M . The after lodge proceedings were of a highly interesting character , inasmuch as occasion was taken to present Bro . J . T . Callow , I . P . M .,
with a very handsome time-piece and vases to match , as tokens of the esteem in which he is held by the members of St . John ' s Lodge . It may be stated that Bro . Callow ' s services as AV . M . were recognised in July last , when he vacated the chair , by the presentation of a
valuable Past Master ' s jewel , and this further testimonial to his many excellent qualities was given because he is about to enter the "United States" of matrimony . The time-piece bore the following inscription , "This time-piece and vases were presented to Bro . James T . Callow ,
I . P . M ., by the brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 , of Free and Accepted Masons , as a token of respect , and in recognition of past services , July 2 , 1873 . " In making the presentation , Bro . Kyle , AV . M ., said the brethren were aware that it was the original intention to present an illuminated address to the I . P . M ., but the
subscription took such a form as to warrant them presenting even something more valuable . As Bro . Callow was about to step out of the bachelor into the married state , a clock was thought a very appropriate gift . He hoped that their I . P . M . would long be spared , and that he would continue to render the same valuable assistance to their Order in the future as he had
done in the past . Bro . Callow , in acknowledging the testimonial , said he not only admired the articles , but especially the spirit in which they had been g iven . Any past services he might have rendered were given with the greatest pleasnie . and he could assure the bretlvenof St .
John ' s Lodge that this presentation , avid the remembrance of their kindness would only lead him to increase his activity and earnestness . During the evening , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to , that of " The Rulers of the Craft , Supreme and
Subordinate , " being acknowledged by Bro . J . Thornton , P . M . Bro . Callow proposed" The Health of the AV . M ., " in eulogistic terms , and in reply Bro . Kyle assured the brethren that he would use lu ' s best endeavours to uphold the dignity of the position in which he had been
placed . The toast of " The Past Masters of the St . John ' s Lodge" was acknowledged by Bro . S . Johnson , P . M ., Sec , in eloquent terms ; "The Visitors , " by Bro . J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; " The Officers , " by Bros . Garratt , Hulme ,
Alvarez , Mealor , Price , Johnson , and Pearson , P . M ., Treas . During the evening a subscription was raised on behalf of the Seamen ' s Orphanage , when a substantial sum was spontaneously raised .
TOTXES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . , 10 ) . — Thursday , the 2 nd of October , being the day for installing the AV . M . Elect into the chair , a large number of the members of this lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , at 1 p . m . The lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous lodge read and cornfirmed . The Installing Master , Bro . Dr . Henry
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS or MASONIC M EETINGS : — CrafrMasonry ° 73 Mark Masonry ° 74 vstival of the Ebury Lodge of Instruction 675 P ovincial Grand Mark Lodge of Hampshire and Isle r . f Wieht 6 ? -i
Consecration of a Mark Lodge in the Isle of Wight 676 C ORRESPONDENCE : — Sp iritualism and Spectral Illusions 076 Masonic Jewels 6 7 6 Masonic Tidings 6 7 6 Obituary ° T 7 Pnetrv ' <
Masonic Literature O ? 8 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls ( Election ) 6 7 8 Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys ( Election ) 679 I provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire 679 Consecration of Two Red Cross Conclaves 6 S 0 lodge Meetings for next week 680 Advertisements 67 ; 672 681 682 683 684 66 5 68 G
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( NO . 192 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the and inst . Bro . Trott , W . M ., occup ied the chair , the other officers present
Craft Hlonvir .
were : —Bros . George Abbolt , S . W . j George Newman , J . AV . ; AV . Goodyer , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., Secretary ; C . Arkell , S . D . ; E . Jones , I . G . j and George Parker , Dir . of Cers . The remaining Past Masters present were : —
Bros . George Mager , J . J . Harris , E . King , E . Roberts , and Geo . Kenning . The lodge was opened in . due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge having being duly opened , the following brethren were
raised to the third degree , Bros . Regan , Fauvet , Graindorge , Perkins , Alflatt , and Hunter . The following were passed to the second degree ; Bros . Geo . Hall , and John G . Dunn . The lodge having been resumed , William T . Rickwood ,
Esq ., ( having been ballotted for at the last meet ing ) was regularly initiated into Freemasonry Bro . Sidney Spencer , ( City Terminus Hotel ) was unanimously elected a joining member The notice of motion by Bro . Alrlatt , S . W .
having been disposed ( viz ., increasing the initiation fee to ten guineas and the joining fee to five guineas , also another motion limiting the number of members , ) the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The whole of the
brethren present appeared in Masonic mourning in accordance with the command of the M . W . the Grand Master . The brethren , numbering about sixty , adjourned to dinner , served in the pillar-room at which the AV . M . presided . After the cloth had been removed , the usual Masonic
toasts weve . given , including the visitors many being present ) , which were most heartily responded to . The meeting having been a comfortable and happy rc-nnion , the Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close . Amongst the members the
following were present—Bros . Av * . Ramsey , G . Taylor , J . G . ChiHingworth , jun ., F . R . Jarvis , F . Fellowes , AV . Figes , AV . AVaring , Jno . H . Fuller , H . Legg , T . Gardner , T . Fisher , S . Edwards , Jno . Curie , 11 . E . Bright , S . Haynes , T . Perrin , John Mayo , C . M . Selby , J . B .
Clements , Chas . Cann , Henry Child , Henry Davis , F . Jackson , R . G . Putnam , J . Cook , and A . G . Marks . Visitors , Geo . Bartholomew , 871 ; H . Bethell , S . AV . 1257 ; W . Jaques , P . M . and Sec . 28 ; B . Hill , 212 ; T . Massa , P . M . 59 ; J . T . Dimsddle , 715 ; Chas . F . Motheram , 901 ; Mark Hornsey , 73 ; and Charles Tighe , P . M . 28 .
OLDHAM . —Friendship Lodge ( No . 277 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , Oct . 1 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham . The oliicers present were Bros . J . Z . Hollingworth , P . M . ; Joseph lirnddock , AV . M . ; T . Midgeley , S . W . ; H .
Huimas , J . W . ; C . Schoiiekl , J . D . ; J . C . Lees , ] -G . ; Lees , Org . ; John Wood , Tyler . The lod ge was opened in due form by the AV . M . at 6- 30 . p . m . The minutes of the previous regular meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . llobert Jackson , who had been _ previously ini-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tiated into this lodge , presented himself as a candidate for the degree of M . M ., and being approved of , the ceremony was performed in the most impressive manner by the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Braddock . The lodge was honoured on
this occasion by the presence of several visiting brethren , some of whom had received their degrees on the other side of the Atlantic . To these the right hand of fellowship was most cordially extended , and after the remaining business
had been transacted , the lodge was closed and adjourned till AVednesday , the 29 th of October . The refreshments which followed labour were of the most substantial character , and reflected credit on the manager of the Freemasons' Hall , which
building , we may remark , was erected and opened for Masonic purposes in 1871 , and consists of a spacious lodge room , ante-room , banrjuetting room , billiard and reading rooms , and is altogether a credit to tbe Masonic body of the town .
LYMIXGTON * . —A ew Forest Lodge ( No . 319 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Lymington . The lodge was
opened at 3 . 0 . a . m ., by liro . Doman , P . M . and Treasurer , in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . S . S . Pearse , AV . M ., soon afterwards arrived and took the chair . He was supported by Bros . J Houshome , S . AV . ; Le Roy ,
J . ; AV . C . Austin , acting S . D . ; AVilkins , acting J . D . ; Sims , I . G . ; Bush , P . M . and Sec , and . others . The work performed was conferring the third degree on Bros . J . W . Imber , and D . Duncan , the second degree on Bros . AVestley and Turner , and the initiation of Bros . AVarren Peness , McSpanow , and Hills . The whole of
the ceremonies were carried oitt in a very efficient and able manner by the AV . M .. assisted by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Doman , and called forth marks of congratulation from several of the brethren . An explanation lor the first degree was given by Bro . W . C . Austen , J . D ., in a very
able manner , The AV . M . also reported to the lodge the business of the Charity Council , recently elected under a new scheme adopted in this province , and to which the W . M . was , at a previous meeting of the lodge elected to represent . It was then moved by the AV . M . and
seconded by Bro . Houshome , S . W . ; and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Austen , J . D . . for the efficient manner in which he gave the explanation of the tracing board , much to the gratification of the brethren present , the business of the lodge usually being
so great , that until the present occasion , it has not been given before . A copy of a musical ritual was presented to every brother present by the AV . M . for their serious consideration with a view of its being adopted in this lodge . Several propositions and suggestions were offered , of
minor importance relative to the well being of the lodge , by various brethren . One gentlemen was proposed as a candidate for initiation . The lodge was closed in due form at 6 . 30 . A most siKiiptuoiis banouet was then served in the lodgeroom , under the superintendence of the Stewards .
After the removal of the cloth the usual Masonic toasts were given and drank with cordiality and enthusiasm , although somewhat hurried on account of several of the brethren having to leave by train . A'ALKTTA ( MALTA ) . —Zetland Lodge ( No .
IJI ij ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held on the 29 th September , to present a testimonial to W . Bro . Robert Mowatt , I . P . M . The lodge having been opened , the Worshipful Master presented to him the regalia of a J . D . G . Warden of Malta , with an inscription , as a very small token of the affectionate regard of the lodge , and the
great value attached to his constant zeal during the whole period of his residence , to which the lodge owed much of its prosperity . AV . Bro . Mowatt , having replied in very feeling terms , the proceedings were concluded by the AV . M . wishing him a very warm farewell from his brethren , who deeply regretted his departure from the ik-ld of his well won honours . The
lodge was then closed . Livi-tti'ooL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 673 ) . — On AVednesday evening , the ist inst ., the usual monthly meeting , of this lodge was held at 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , where there was an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
unusually large gathering of the brethren . The VV . M ., Bro . E . Kyle , opened the lodge in due form , supported by Bros . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . , J . Thornton , P . M . ; J . Hocken , P . M . ; H . Nelson , P . M . ; M . Coriess , S . W ; J . K . Digges , J . W . ; R . Pearson , P . M ., Treas . ; S . Johnson .
F . M ., Sec . ; T . Roberts , S . D . ; J . Mealor , J . D . ; T . Garratt , I . G . ; Alvarez , S . ; D . Jackson , S . ; and AV . Crawford , Tyler . Amongst the members present were : —Bros . AV . A . Hamilton , E . C . Cooper , J . Sedtlon , J . Farmer , E . Browne , R . Hulme , AV . Roberts , J . H . Jones , R . Holt , C .
IT . Jones , J . Heggie , J . Buckley , AV . Quayie , G Nixon , W . Brackenbury , C . Haigh , R . Price , A Milledge , H . Burrow , J . Dawson , J . CapelL , J Parry , S . T . Cockerill , J . Smith , AV . AVilliams and others . The visitors present were : —Bros J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; R . Ing , P . M . 594 ; C
Leedham , P . M . 220 ; J . A . Edgington , S . W , 1182 ; J . Williams , J . D . 1112 ; E : C . Jones , 1356 ; T . A . Jackson , 1264 ; AV . F . Dawson , 12 ( 5 4 ; AV . H . Hignett , 1356 ; J . Bathgate , 1182 ; J . D . Sutherland , 220 ; and others . After the lodge had been duly opened , the
minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and one candidate was initiated with the mysteries and privileges of the Order by the AV . M . The after lodge proceedings were of a highly interesting character , inasmuch as occasion was taken to present Bro . J . T . Callow , I . P . M .,
with a very handsome time-piece and vases to match , as tokens of the esteem in which he is held by the members of St . John ' s Lodge . It may be stated that Bro . Callow ' s services as AV . M . were recognised in July last , when he vacated the chair , by the presentation of a
valuable Past Master ' s jewel , and this further testimonial to his many excellent qualities was given because he is about to enter the "United States" of matrimony . The time-piece bore the following inscription , "This time-piece and vases were presented to Bro . James T . Callow ,
I . P . M ., by the brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 , of Free and Accepted Masons , as a token of respect , and in recognition of past services , July 2 , 1873 . " In making the presentation , Bro . Kyle , AV . M ., said the brethren were aware that it was the original intention to present an illuminated address to the I . P . M ., but the
subscription took such a form as to warrant them presenting even something more valuable . As Bro . Callow was about to step out of the bachelor into the married state , a clock was thought a very appropriate gift . He hoped that their I . P . M . would long be spared , and that he would continue to render the same valuable assistance to their Order in the future as he had
done in the past . Bro . Callow , in acknowledging the testimonial , said he not only admired the articles , but especially the spirit in which they had been g iven . Any past services he might have rendered were given with the greatest pleasnie . and he could assure the bretlvenof St .
John ' s Lodge that this presentation , avid the remembrance of their kindness would only lead him to increase his activity and earnestness . During the evening , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to , that of " The Rulers of the Craft , Supreme and
Subordinate , " being acknowledged by Bro . J . Thornton , P . M . Bro . Callow proposed" The Health of the AV . M ., " in eulogistic terms , and in reply Bro . Kyle assured the brethren that he would use lu ' s best endeavours to uphold the dignity of the position in which he had been
placed . The toast of " The Past Masters of the St . John ' s Lodge" was acknowledged by Bro . S . Johnson , P . M ., Sec , in eloquent terms ; "The Visitors , " by Bro . J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; " The Officers , " by Bros . Garratt , Hulme ,
Alvarez , Mealor , Price , Johnson , and Pearson , P . M ., Treas . During the evening a subscription was raised on behalf of the Seamen ' s Orphanage , when a substantial sum was spontaneously raised .
TOTXES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . , 10 ) . — Thursday , the 2 nd of October , being the day for installing the AV . M . Elect into the chair , a large number of the members of this lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , at 1 p . m . The lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous lodge read and cornfirmed . The Installing Master , Bro . Dr . Henry