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Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
A large number of members of this degree of Freemasonry assembled at the Phccnix Lodge , Hig h-street , Portsmouth , on Friday afternoon , the 3 rd inst ., on which occasion the M . AV . Grand Master of M . M . Masons ( Earl Percy , M . P . ) , was present .
At the commencement of the proceedings the M . W . Past Grand Mark Master , AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., ( the Grand Mark Master of the Province ) presided , being supported by Bro . H . Emanuel , as S . G . AVarden , and S . D . Forbes , as T . G . AVarden , the following being amongst
those present : —Bros , the Rev . G . Portal . M . A ., Past Grand Mark Master , F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , J . R . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , Col . Metham , P . G . AVarden of England ; Captain Tower , P . G . AA ^ arden Devon ; Captain Hooper , P . G . AVarden ; W . Hickman , J . E . Le Feuvre , E .
M . AVells , J . P ., H . Cawte , Hillman , AV . H . Ford , M . E . Frost , AV . M ., Portsmouth Lodge , No . 17 ; C . AVilkins , VV . M ., Phoenix Lodge , No . 2 ; AV . C . Redward , S . S . Pearce , E . Sheppard , H . R . Trigg , Ptnnell , Faulkner , AV . M ., Medina Lodge , No . 240 , Coles , AV . M ., Carnarvon
Lodge No . 62 , Loveland ; PI . G . Guy , A . Cudlipp , H . M . Green , F . Court , E . G . Holbrook , J . Clay , E . Bunting , F . N . Cunninp-bam , A . E . King , Austin , Sec , Sec . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., having tendered his resignation as P . G . Mark Master , Earl Percy ,
who was cordially received on entering the lodge , presided as Grand Master , and expressed his regret and the regret of the Province at losing the services of Bro . Beach , adding thathewas glad to find that he would still render assistance in connection with the general working of the
Degree . Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , than read flip patent of appointment of Bro . the Rev . George Raymond Portal , M . A ., as Grand Mark Master of the Province , and Bro . Portal wasadmittedand installed by Earl Percy .
Bro . AV . Hickman , Mayor of Southampton , who had been recommended as D . Prov . G . Mark Master , was then presented to Earl Percy by Bro . Portal , and having taken the usual obligation , was invested by his lordship , and
addressed by Bro . Portal . On the motion of Bro . M . E . Frost , seconded by Br . H . M . Emanuel , Bro . AV . C . Redward , of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 2 , was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer .
The following were appointed Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and invested by the Prov . Grand Master : — Bro . S . D . Forbes , Prov . G . S . AV .
„ E . Sheppard , Prov . G . J . AV . „ J . N . Hillman , Prov . G . M . O . „ AVilkins Prov . G . S . O .
,, Faulkner , Prov . G . J . O . „ Rev . Scott , ' Prov . G . Chaplain . „ AV . H . Forn , Prov . G . Reg . „ LeFeuvre Prov . G . Sec .
„ S . S . Pearce , Prov . G . S . D . „ H . M . Green , Prov . G . J . D . „ G . Rake Prov . G . LAV .
„ Cawte ., Prov . G . D . C . „ L . Emanuel , Prov . G . A . D . C . „ Austin , Prov . G . S . B . „ E . Good Prov . G . S . B .
„ Bradbear , Prov . G . O . ., M . E . Frost Prov . G . I . G . „ Cooper , Prov . G . Steward . „ . bills , „ ,, „ > , Bath „ „ ,. Bro . Portal , P . G . M . M ., proposed that the
thanks of the P . G . Lodge be respectfully tendered to the M . AV . Grand Master for his kindness in attending that day Bro . Beach , M . P ., in seconding the motion , assured the Grand Master that the would render him every assistance in his power , and he hoped Mark Masonry would soon reach the position it
ought to occupy . The brethren in this Province were , he felt certain , glad to be honoured with the presence of the Grand Master . Earl Percy . G . M ., said it was at all times pleasant to receive a kindly welcome from those over whom he was called upon to preside . He thanked them for their kindness , and for the vote
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
of thanks they had passed . He said he could hardly hope to emulate the conduct of some of the former possessors of the chair , but at the same time he would do his utmost to promote the best interests of the Order generally .
Bro . J . R . Stebbing proposed , and Bro . H . M . Emanuel seconded , that a vote of sympathy with the family of the late Bro . C . E . Deacon ( formerly Town Clerk of Southampton , and Deputy Prov . Grand Master ) , be entered on the minutes . — Carried .
The brethren subsequently partook of a recherche banquet , which was provided in capital style by Bro . G . Bond , of the Castle Hotel , Southsea .
Consecration Of A Mark Lodge In The Isle Of Wight.
Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago Freemasonry was known in Cowes to take substantial footing by the formation of a lodge , and during that time the Medina Lodge has continued to work with more or less prosperity . Like all other societies or orders , it has . had its difficulties to contend with , but proud are we to say never a blot against it has been recorded at Grand
Lodge . During the past few years more active steps have beeu taken for the welfare of the Medina Lodge , and exertions have been made to establish a Mark Lodge in connection with it . These exertions have met their reward , and a petition
having been signed , praying the Grand Master to grant a Mark Lodge at Cowes , the petition was favourably received , and on Thursday last Bro . J . Binckes , Grand Secretary of the Mark Grand Lodge , was deputed to attend and
consecrate the lodge . The ceremony commenced at about i p . m ., and certf . inly we have never been more delighted . The oration delivered by Bro . Binckes will have a lasting impression upon the minds of the brethren assembled .
As many as eight candidates were admitted and received the degree of Mark Master . Bro T . AV . Faulkner was then duly installed in the the chair as the AVorshipful Master for the year , and at the conclusion of the ceremony proceeded to invest his officers .
This ^ bemg concluded , and there being no other business to transact , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Fountain Hotel , where Bro . Jones provided a cold collation that for choice viands and excellence of quality we have never seen surpassed in Cowes . About
twenty of the brethren sat down , and a truly enjoyable afternoon was passed . Amongst the company were several brethren who had come from various parts to assist in the ceremonies , and a cordial vote of thanks was given to him , as well as to Bro . Binckes for the
masterly manner in which he discharged the by no means easy duties devolving upon him . At about seven o ' clock the brethren separated , having passed a very happy day Bro . Binckes and others being engaged to attend the meeting of the Phoenix Mark Lodge at Portsmouth in the evening .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar.
AVc wish to draw the attention of our numerous readers to the advertisement of the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket-book for 1874 . Among the many valuable additions made in the issue for the coining year , we may mention that the London meetings of every degree
appear in the memorandum space of each day , the country lodges in towns , alphabetically arranged . The Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , has also beeu added . AVe feel assured that this year ' s issue will prove of far greater value than any of ils predecessor .
SEIUIIEXT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous in its cll ' ects , gives immediate relief , will ' itiut injuring lire lootlr , ami forms a temporary stopping , is . I'd .: post free is . 31 I . ThcCoK . w . uiv Tooyjj J ' ASTE , for cleansing anil improving the teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , anil gives brilliancy to the enamel . Price is . Oil . 'lire ROYAL DEXTOKICE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives the teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a delicioes fragrance to ihe breath , l'vice is . Od . . ' -old hy all chemists and perfumers , and by the proprietors , ME-SIIS . CAIIKIEI ., the old-established llenlisrs , 72 , Ltidgalc-hi'l and sojll . iiley-slivcljl ' aveiidi .-lr-simaie , London .
Annual Festival Of The Ebury Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1348.
The first annual festival of the Ebury Lodge of Instruction , was held on Thursday week , at the Morpeth Arms , P onsonby-street , Millbank , and was attended by above 50 brethren . There was a good Masonic treat in store for them , as Bro . AV . AVatson , P . M ., P . Z . & c . was to rehearse
the ceremony of consecration , and Bro . AV in . Bourne , AV . M . of the parent lodge , was to give the ceremony of installation . Both the brethren rehearsed the ceremonies with the skill of accomplished professors , and obtained great applause , when they had completed them .
Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in No . 2 , 3 , then delivered an " Oration on Masonry , " which was listened to with great attention , and thanks having been voted to him for the address , the lodge
was closed , and the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . Palmer , of the Morpeth Arms , who also acted as Secretary of the dinner committee . Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., P . M ., presided .
After dinner the usual Masonic toasts were
proposed and drunk . Bro . Coutts proposed "The Grand Master , the Past Grand Master , and the Deputy Grand Master , " and passed the customary compliments on their Masonic abilities and worth .
Bro . AV . Bourne proposed "The W . M ., Bro . John Coutts , " a worthy and esteemed brother , who had always rendered every assistance that lay in his power to do the lodge good . The toast having baen heartily received , The W . M . returned thanks , and said he thought
he had been awarded more praise than was his due . Still , if he was not altogether worthy of their praise he would endeavour to become so . It was a pleasure to him at all times to be among the brethren of the Ebury Lodge , to promote their welfare , and to impart what
instruction he could . It was a peculiar pleasure to him because he was one of the promoters of the lodge , and it was also a great pride to him to see not only the parent lodge , but the lodge of instruction flourish as they did . His services would always be at their disposal .
Bro . Matthew Cooke , in responding to a toast which was proposed specially for himself and Bro . AVm . VVatson , said it was a pleasant duty to respond for Bro . AVatson , because as an instructor he deserved all the eulogiiims they could bestow on him . Those who were , his pupils knew his
work . In his character of masonic instructor he had passed a quarter of a century of his life , and when any one went back to that time and reflected on what Masonry was at that time and what it was now , a p hilosophic thought suggested itself whether it was now what it should be .
Taking it altogether he supposed it was as good as could be expected . AVorking both for regular lodges and lodges of instruction , Bro . AVatson had taken an immense amount of interest in both , and had coached up a large number of young members to a par with their seniors .
Speaking as a Mason who had seen a great deal of Masonry , he ( Hro . Cooke ) must say that there were more letter perfect Masons in the present day than when he was initiated . In that time a Mason had to find out Masonry as best he could , a bit here and a bit there ; whereas
now hardly a lodge was started without having its own particular lodge of instruction attached to it . Yet he believed that old things were not to be despised , and to walk worthily in the track of old "Masons was a thing in Freemasonry much lo be . desired . The
brethren of the Ebury Lodge had done so . They had trodden in the track of one of the greatest and oldest who yet remained among them , who knew anything of the working that came down from the Lodge of Reconciliation . Bro . AVatson received his knowledge of
Freemasonry from the late Peter Gilks , who was one of the orig inal brethren who were on the Lodge of Reconciliation in 1817 , when the working of the two antagonistic sections became one , and their differences , became merged in one
ritual and into a United Grand Lodge of England . Under these circumstances he did not like to hear all manner of petty things said about how this brother and that brother improved up > n the woiking . He had a hankering perhaps after grey
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
A large number of members of this degree of Freemasonry assembled at the Phccnix Lodge , Hig h-street , Portsmouth , on Friday afternoon , the 3 rd inst ., on which occasion the M . AV . Grand Master of M . M . Masons ( Earl Percy , M . P . ) , was present .
At the commencement of the proceedings the M . W . Past Grand Mark Master , AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., ( the Grand Mark Master of the Province ) presided , being supported by Bro . H . Emanuel , as S . G . AVarden , and S . D . Forbes , as T . G . AVarden , the following being amongst
those present : —Bros , the Rev . G . Portal . M . A ., Past Grand Mark Master , F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , J . R . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , Col . Metham , P . G . AVarden of England ; Captain Tower , P . G . AA ^ arden Devon ; Captain Hooper , P . G . AVarden ; W . Hickman , J . E . Le Feuvre , E .
M . AVells , J . P ., H . Cawte , Hillman , AV . H . Ford , M . E . Frost , AV . M ., Portsmouth Lodge , No . 17 ; C . AVilkins , VV . M ., Phoenix Lodge , No . 2 ; AV . C . Redward , S . S . Pearce , E . Sheppard , H . R . Trigg , Ptnnell , Faulkner , AV . M ., Medina Lodge , No . 240 , Coles , AV . M ., Carnarvon
Lodge No . 62 , Loveland ; PI . G . Guy , A . Cudlipp , H . M . Green , F . Court , E . G . Holbrook , J . Clay , E . Bunting , F . N . Cunninp-bam , A . E . King , Austin , Sec , Sec . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., having tendered his resignation as P . G . Mark Master , Earl Percy ,
who was cordially received on entering the lodge , presided as Grand Master , and expressed his regret and the regret of the Province at losing the services of Bro . Beach , adding thathewas glad to find that he would still render assistance in connection with the general working of the
Degree . Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , than read flip patent of appointment of Bro . the Rev . George Raymond Portal , M . A ., as Grand Mark Master of the Province , and Bro . Portal wasadmittedand installed by Earl Percy .
Bro . AV . Hickman , Mayor of Southampton , who had been recommended as D . Prov . G . Mark Master , was then presented to Earl Percy by Bro . Portal , and having taken the usual obligation , was invested by his lordship , and
addressed by Bro . Portal . On the motion of Bro . M . E . Frost , seconded by Br . H . M . Emanuel , Bro . AV . C . Redward , of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 2 , was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer .
The following were appointed Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and invested by the Prov . Grand Master : — Bro . S . D . Forbes , Prov . G . S . AV .
„ E . Sheppard , Prov . G . J . AV . „ J . N . Hillman , Prov . G . M . O . „ AVilkins Prov . G . S . O .
,, Faulkner , Prov . G . J . O . „ Rev . Scott , ' Prov . G . Chaplain . „ AV . H . Forn , Prov . G . Reg . „ LeFeuvre Prov . G . Sec .
„ S . S . Pearce , Prov . G . S . D . „ H . M . Green , Prov . G . J . D . „ G . Rake Prov . G . LAV .
„ Cawte ., Prov . G . D . C . „ L . Emanuel , Prov . G . A . D . C . „ Austin , Prov . G . S . B . „ E . Good Prov . G . S . B .
„ Bradbear , Prov . G . O . ., M . E . Frost Prov . G . I . G . „ Cooper , Prov . G . Steward . „ . bills , „ ,, „ > , Bath „ „ ,. Bro . Portal , P . G . M . M ., proposed that the
thanks of the P . G . Lodge be respectfully tendered to the M . AV . Grand Master for his kindness in attending that day Bro . Beach , M . P ., in seconding the motion , assured the Grand Master that the would render him every assistance in his power , and he hoped Mark Masonry would soon reach the position it
ought to occupy . The brethren in this Province were , he felt certain , glad to be honoured with the presence of the Grand Master . Earl Percy . G . M ., said it was at all times pleasant to receive a kindly welcome from those over whom he was called upon to preside . He thanked them for their kindness , and for the vote
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
of thanks they had passed . He said he could hardly hope to emulate the conduct of some of the former possessors of the chair , but at the same time he would do his utmost to promote the best interests of the Order generally .
Bro . J . R . Stebbing proposed , and Bro . H . M . Emanuel seconded , that a vote of sympathy with the family of the late Bro . C . E . Deacon ( formerly Town Clerk of Southampton , and Deputy Prov . Grand Master ) , be entered on the minutes . — Carried .
The brethren subsequently partook of a recherche banquet , which was provided in capital style by Bro . G . Bond , of the Castle Hotel , Southsea .
Consecration Of A Mark Lodge In The Isle Of Wight.
Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago Freemasonry was known in Cowes to take substantial footing by the formation of a lodge , and during that time the Medina Lodge has continued to work with more or less prosperity . Like all other societies or orders , it has . had its difficulties to contend with , but proud are we to say never a blot against it has been recorded at Grand
Lodge . During the past few years more active steps have beeu taken for the welfare of the Medina Lodge , and exertions have been made to establish a Mark Lodge in connection with it . These exertions have met their reward , and a petition
having been signed , praying the Grand Master to grant a Mark Lodge at Cowes , the petition was favourably received , and on Thursday last Bro . J . Binckes , Grand Secretary of the Mark Grand Lodge , was deputed to attend and
consecrate the lodge . The ceremony commenced at about i p . m ., and certf . inly we have never been more delighted . The oration delivered by Bro . Binckes will have a lasting impression upon the minds of the brethren assembled .
As many as eight candidates were admitted and received the degree of Mark Master . Bro T . AV . Faulkner was then duly installed in the the chair as the AVorshipful Master for the year , and at the conclusion of the ceremony proceeded to invest his officers .
This ^ bemg concluded , and there being no other business to transact , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Fountain Hotel , where Bro . Jones provided a cold collation that for choice viands and excellence of quality we have never seen surpassed in Cowes . About
twenty of the brethren sat down , and a truly enjoyable afternoon was passed . Amongst the company were several brethren who had come from various parts to assist in the ceremonies , and a cordial vote of thanks was given to him , as well as to Bro . Binckes for the
masterly manner in which he discharged the by no means easy duties devolving upon him . At about seven o ' clock the brethren separated , having passed a very happy day Bro . Binckes and others being engaged to attend the meeting of the Phoenix Mark Lodge at Portsmouth in the evening .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar.
AVc wish to draw the attention of our numerous readers to the advertisement of the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket-book for 1874 . Among the many valuable additions made in the issue for the coining year , we may mention that the London meetings of every degree
appear in the memorandum space of each day , the country lodges in towns , alphabetically arranged . The Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , has also beeu added . AVe feel assured that this year ' s issue will prove of far greater value than any of ils predecessor .
SEIUIIEXT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous in its cll ' ects , gives immediate relief , will ' itiut injuring lire lootlr , ami forms a temporary stopping , is . I'd .: post free is . 31 I . ThcCoK . w . uiv Tooyjj J ' ASTE , for cleansing anil improving the teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , anil gives brilliancy to the enamel . Price is . Oil . 'lire ROYAL DEXTOKICE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives the teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a delicioes fragrance to ihe breath , l'vice is . Od . . ' -old hy all chemists and perfumers , and by the proprietors , ME-SIIS . CAIIKIEI ., the old-established llenlisrs , 72 , Ltidgalc-hi'l and sojll . iiley-slivcljl ' aveiidi .-lr-simaie , London .
Annual Festival Of The Ebury Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1348.
The first annual festival of the Ebury Lodge of Instruction , was held on Thursday week , at the Morpeth Arms , P onsonby-street , Millbank , and was attended by above 50 brethren . There was a good Masonic treat in store for them , as Bro . AV . AVatson , P . M ., P . Z . & c . was to rehearse
the ceremony of consecration , and Bro . AV in . Bourne , AV . M . of the parent lodge , was to give the ceremony of installation . Both the brethren rehearsed the ceremonies with the skill of accomplished professors , and obtained great applause , when they had completed them .
Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in No . 2 , 3 , then delivered an " Oration on Masonry , " which was listened to with great attention , and thanks having been voted to him for the address , the lodge
was closed , and the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . Palmer , of the Morpeth Arms , who also acted as Secretary of the dinner committee . Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., P . M ., presided .
After dinner the usual Masonic toasts were
proposed and drunk . Bro . Coutts proposed "The Grand Master , the Past Grand Master , and the Deputy Grand Master , " and passed the customary compliments on their Masonic abilities and worth .
Bro . AV . Bourne proposed "The W . M ., Bro . John Coutts , " a worthy and esteemed brother , who had always rendered every assistance that lay in his power to do the lodge good . The toast having baen heartily received , The W . M . returned thanks , and said he thought
he had been awarded more praise than was his due . Still , if he was not altogether worthy of their praise he would endeavour to become so . It was a pleasure to him at all times to be among the brethren of the Ebury Lodge , to promote their welfare , and to impart what
instruction he could . It was a peculiar pleasure to him because he was one of the promoters of the lodge , and it was also a great pride to him to see not only the parent lodge , but the lodge of instruction flourish as they did . His services would always be at their disposal .
Bro . Matthew Cooke , in responding to a toast which was proposed specially for himself and Bro . AVm . VVatson , said it was a pleasant duty to respond for Bro . AVatson , because as an instructor he deserved all the eulogiiims they could bestow on him . Those who were , his pupils knew his
work . In his character of masonic instructor he had passed a quarter of a century of his life , and when any one went back to that time and reflected on what Masonry was at that time and what it was now , a p hilosophic thought suggested itself whether it was now what it should be .
Taking it altogether he supposed it was as good as could be expected . AVorking both for regular lodges and lodges of instruction , Bro . AVatson had taken an immense amount of interest in both , and had coached up a large number of young members to a par with their seniors .
Speaking as a Mason who had seen a great deal of Masonry , he ( Hro . Cooke ) must say that there were more letter perfect Masons in the present day than when he was initiated . In that time a Mason had to find out Masonry as best he could , a bit here and a bit there ; whereas
now hardly a lodge was started without having its own particular lodge of instruction attached to it . Yet he believed that old things were not to be despised , and to walk worthily in the track of old "Masons was a thing in Freemasonry much lo be . desired . The
brethren of the Ebury Lodge had done so . They had trodden in the track of one of the greatest and oldest who yet remained among them , who knew anything of the working that came down from the Lodge of Reconciliation . Bro . AVatson received his knowledge of
Freemasonry from the late Peter Gilks , who was one of the orig inal brethren who were on the Lodge of Reconciliation in 1817 , when the working of the two antagonistic sections became one , and their differences , became merged in one
ritual and into a United Grand Lodge of England . Under these circumstances he did not like to hear all manner of petty things said about how this brother and that brother improved up > n the woiking . He had a hankering perhaps after grey