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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Josep h Smith seconded , the Marquess of Ripon , and the Earl of Carnarvon , as Trustees of the Sustentation Fund . The brethren unanimously elected both these noblemen . Dr . AVharton P . Hood , was elected Honorary
Surgeon to the Institution , in place of Dr . Bridge , deceased . The election of 19 g irls out of a list of 3 1 approved candidates for admission to the School was then proceeded with , and at the declaration of the poll , the following were declared to be successful .
Votes . Duke , Jessie 13 , 51 Oates , Lousia C 1202 Emery , Katharine ll 3 H Hinson , Ethel 1095 Day , Mary Ann 1081
Scurr , Catherine J 945 Jay , Charlotte A 94 , 3 Chapman , Ada G 913 Briggs , Katherine B 8 97 Brindon , Beatrice A 897 Morris , Mary 88 4
Seaton , Ethel I . M 882 AVhite , Charlotte 878 AVheeler , Octavia H 827 Reeds , Lilias E 794 Coleman Charlotte / 80
Nash , Agnes A 757 Taylor , Louisa M 705 Faithfull , Florence C 678 Roberts , Elizabeth 622
R . AVENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary . Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chair man concluded the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The October Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of the . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Monday , the 13 th inst ., in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall . There was a very scanty attendance of brethren .
Bro . H . Browse , V . P ., took the chair , and was supported by Bros . S . Rawson , John Symonds , Thomas AV . AVhite , A . H . Tattershall , Samuel May , H . Massey , J . L . Hi me , S . Rosenthal , H . Muggeridge , and a few other brethren .
Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary , read the various minutes of the committees which had met since last Quarterl y Court , the most important item in which was the rendering vacant by the House Committee of the ollice of Head Master , at Christmas next ,
and the advertising for a successor at a salary of 51 ^ 400 a year , with an unfurnished house free of rates and taxes . Such of the minutes as were put for confirmation were confirmed , and the brethren then proceeded with the election of 16 boys out of an approved list of 49 candidates .
At the declaration of the poll the following were found to be duly elected : — Votes . Sargant , Sidney Herbert 1227 Rowlstone , Albert Edward 1214 Sessions , John Griffiths 1181
Tyler , AVilliam Bott 1141 Barnes , Richard Edward 1091 Pullman , Henry Percy 1071 Moon , James Hardwick I 00 . 5 Dancy , Harry Esmond 1002 Artindale , John Haughton 9 86 Wiseman , James Hyde 976
Cole , AVilliam Elmer 942 livans , AValter Blood O'Brien 937 Wood , Henry AValles 927 Dove , David 912 Saunders , Ernest John 906 Meggison , Thomas Turner S 75 Az otes of thanks to the scrutineers and Chair man concluded the proceedings .
VVniK-Ciuii . Tiii ) Soi . iin HOOTS , which save 50 per cent , in wear , may be had from Burgess , 2 <) A , Oxford-street , \ V ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , l . udgate-hill ; lilunilcll , 66 , l- ' oiestreet , City ; Lewis , 209 , Liverpool-road , N . j and elsewhere . N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can procure soles readyquilted in every size from the Wire Quilling - Company , Limited ; or have his own leather quilted by forwarding same to the Company ' s works , Leicester . —ADVT .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
The annual assembly of the Freemasons of the Province of Staffordshire took place at Stafford on Wednesday . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Grand Jury Room , at the
Shire Hall , about one' o ' clock in the afternoon , by the Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Shrewsbury , in the presence of about 100 brethren from the various lodges in the county .
Amongst the brethren present were the following : —G . S . Tudor , 419 , D . Prov . G . M . ; C . AV . Marsh , 460 , Prov . S . G . AV . ; H . Howells , 347 , Prov . Treas ; AV . Cartwright , 4 60 , Prov . S . Sec . ; F . S . Wright , 546 , Prov . G . J . W . ; Henry Woodhouse , 726 , Prov . G . Supt . of
Works ; Samuel Hill , 54 6 , Prov . G . D . C . ; F . R . Ryles , 98 , Prov . G . P . ; T . Bedsmore , 1039 , P . Prov . G . O . ; Edwin Yates , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Frank James , 539 . P- Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middlesex . ; H . Parker , 451 , P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; C . Matthews , * J 26 , P .
Prov . G . J . AV . ; R . Dain , 9 8 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; J . Dale Hewson , 726 , P . Prov . J . D . ; W . S . Pearson , 4 *; 1 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; W . H . Hales , 418 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . ; F . N . Seyde , 419 , P . Prov . A . D . C . ; T- Baker , 9 66 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Webberley , " 1546 , P . Prov . G . P . ; the Rev . J .
H . lies , ^ 26 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; AV . Bayliss , 539 P . Prov . G . J . D . ; J . F . AVileman , 556 , P . Prov . T . G . D . ; James Symons , 539 , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . ' Warner , 4 60 , P . Prov . GiP . ; E . Palmer , 546 , P . Prov . A . D . C ; G . H . Hawley , 546 " ^ F . Allen AVilson , 482 , and others .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read by Bro . Cartwright , the Prov . G . Secretary . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . spoke of the Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . Tudor , as one of the best Masons in the province , acknowledged his indebtedness to him , and explained that it had
been decided to appoint Bro . Frank James to be the Provincial Deputy Grand Master . He also expressed his high regard for Bro . Howells , who had for some years held the important position of P . G . Treasurer . He regretted that they were
about to lose the valuable services of Bro . Howells by reason of his removal to a distant part of the country His lordship highly complimented other officers . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed . *—
Frank James , 539 Prov . D . G . M . T . Taylor , 418 ... * . Prov . G . S AV . F . Deny , 4 82 Prov . G . J . AV . Rev . J . H . Hies , 526 Prov . G . Chaplain Rev . Mundy 1060 Prov . G . A . Chap . T . H . Meredith , 624 Prov . G . Treas .
J . Bodenham , 726 Prov . G . Reg . W . Cartwright , 4 60 Prov . G . Sec . H . AVoodhouse , 726 Prov . G . S . D . A . G . Prince , 54 6 Prov . G . J . D . G . Higham , 526 Prov . G . S . of AV . Samuel Hill , ' 546 Prov . G . D . of C . of
Thompson , 4 ^ 1 Prov . G . A . D . C F . Arkinstall , ' 662 Prov . G . S . B . T . S . Bedsmore , 1039 Prov . G . Organist R . Bindley , io 5 o Prov . G . Purst . J . VV . Thomas , 637 Prov . G . St . B . H . Bagguley , 460 Prov . G . Tyler .
Immediately after these appointments were made a procession was marshalled , and the brethren walked to St . Mary ' s Church , where a sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . J . H . lies , from the words " And now abideth faith , hope , and charity , these three ; but
the greatest of these is charity" ( ist Cor . xiii ., ) . In an excellent discourse the preacher spoke of the relig ious character of Freemasonry , and showed how the aim of the Craft was to lead the members on to a knowledge of the unwritten Bible , the Bible of nature—the Bible written in
every man ' s own conscience—without pretending to have power over the heart , but leaving that to God , whose name Freemasons invoked in all their proceedings , and whose words they took as the foundation of all their principles .
On the re-opening of the lodge after service it was stated that the collection in the church amounted to ^' 14 7 s ., which was increased from the funds of the lodge to £ 1 $ 15 s ., and was presented as follows : -- £ 8 8 s . to the North
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
Staffordshire Infirmary ; £$ ^ s . . Peter ' s Collegiate Schools , Wolverhampton ; and £ 2 , 2 s . to St . Mary ' s , Stafford . It was also decided to present £ 26 5 s . out of the lodge funds towards the Masonic School for Girls ( London ) funds . The banquet was served in the Assembly-room ,
on the west side of which the principal chair was placed . The R . W . P G . M ., when seated , had the South Staffordshire brethren on his right and the North Staffordshire brethren on his left , and he was supported by the R . W . P . D . G . M ., Bro . F . James ; the P . Prov . - D . G . M ., Bro . G . S .
Tudor ; the P . G . Ch ., the Rev . J . H . lies ; Bro . H . Meredith , P . G . R . ; Bro . J . Bodenham , P . G . T . ; Bro . AV . Cartwright , P . G . S . ; Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . S ., Midelesex ; Bro . F . Derry , P . J : G . AV . ; Bro . C . Matthews , P . Pro . J . G . W . ; & c . Choice fruits and flowers from the R . W . G . M . ' s
gardens at Ingestre were tastefully arranged on the tables ; a fine collection of plants was arranged on a table in the centre of the room ; the walls of the room were decorated with Masonic emblems and flags ; and a number of ladies so far graced the banquet
with their presence as to occupy the galleries on three sides of the room . The room thus had a very pleasing effect , and Mr . Wood , of the North-Western Hotel , provided a sumptuous repast , which gave general satisfaction . The speeches after dinner were brief , and they were
interspersed with music supplied by Bro . Barlow , P . Prov . G . O ., who was assisted by the Burslem Vocal Union ; and the evening was very pleasantly spent . After the health of her Majesty had been drunk ,
the R . AV . P . G . M . proposed "The M . AV . P . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , and the other members of the Royal Family , " remarking that his Royal Highness had Masonry thoroughly at heart . The toast was cordially honoured .
In proposing the next toast , " The M . W . G . M ., the Marquess of Ripon , and the M . W . D . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , " the R . AV . Prov . G . M . mentioned that those exalted brethren had agreed that the P . G . Lodge of Staffordshire was worthy of a visit , and the Prince of Wales had promised to pay the lodge a visit—an announcement which was received with manifestations of
satisfaction . The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . James , proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Grand Master , observing that he had had many years' experience of the working of Freemasonry in that hall , and he must say the zeal and interest of the noble
lord by his side in the cause of Freemasonry was as great as any of his predecessors in the office he held as ruler of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The quarterly meetings inaugurated by the noble lord during the past year were calculated to promote the interests of the Masonic
institutions of the province . His lordship was a jovial and heartily good mason ; he possessed the true attributes of an Englishman , and he was sure they wished the noble lord would remain , at the head of the lodge for many years . The toast was drunk with much heartiness .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . acknowledged the toast , and said that during the past year he had been suffering very much from ill-heath , which had prevented him attending to his masonic duties as he had desired to attend to them , if he should have known more of the various lodges in
the country . He had remained in the county longer than he should have done in order to attend that day ' s gathering ; the proceedings of the day had given him satisfaction ; and he was sure that it needed only due attention on the officers to ensure the Province of Staffordshire
being equal to any in the country . He hoped the appointments of officers that day had been satisfactory . They had been made with great care and consideration , but if any improvement could be made next year he should be happy to make it .
Bro . Marsh , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., who officiated in tiie absence Bro . Taylor , the newly-appointed P . S . W ., proposal "The Health of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Frank James , " who had been a
Mason 2 *; years , who had held a very distinguished position in the province , and who was eminently qualified to assist the Right Worshipful Grand Master of * the Province . They might be sure that the interests of Freemasonry would
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Josep h Smith seconded , the Marquess of Ripon , and the Earl of Carnarvon , as Trustees of the Sustentation Fund . The brethren unanimously elected both these noblemen . Dr . AVharton P . Hood , was elected Honorary
Surgeon to the Institution , in place of Dr . Bridge , deceased . The election of 19 g irls out of a list of 3 1 approved candidates for admission to the School was then proceeded with , and at the declaration of the poll , the following were declared to be successful .
Votes . Duke , Jessie 13 , 51 Oates , Lousia C 1202 Emery , Katharine ll 3 H Hinson , Ethel 1095 Day , Mary Ann 1081
Scurr , Catherine J 945 Jay , Charlotte A 94 , 3 Chapman , Ada G 913 Briggs , Katherine B 8 97 Brindon , Beatrice A 897 Morris , Mary 88 4
Seaton , Ethel I . M 882 AVhite , Charlotte 878 AVheeler , Octavia H 827 Reeds , Lilias E 794 Coleman Charlotte / 80
Nash , Agnes A 757 Taylor , Louisa M 705 Faithfull , Florence C 678 Roberts , Elizabeth 622
R . AVENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary . Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chair man concluded the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The October Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of the . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Monday , the 13 th inst ., in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall . There was a very scanty attendance of brethren .
Bro . H . Browse , V . P ., took the chair , and was supported by Bros . S . Rawson , John Symonds , Thomas AV . AVhite , A . H . Tattershall , Samuel May , H . Massey , J . L . Hi me , S . Rosenthal , H . Muggeridge , and a few other brethren .
Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary , read the various minutes of the committees which had met since last Quarterl y Court , the most important item in which was the rendering vacant by the House Committee of the ollice of Head Master , at Christmas next ,
and the advertising for a successor at a salary of 51 ^ 400 a year , with an unfurnished house free of rates and taxes . Such of the minutes as were put for confirmation were confirmed , and the brethren then proceeded with the election of 16 boys out of an approved list of 49 candidates .
At the declaration of the poll the following were found to be duly elected : — Votes . Sargant , Sidney Herbert 1227 Rowlstone , Albert Edward 1214 Sessions , John Griffiths 1181
Tyler , AVilliam Bott 1141 Barnes , Richard Edward 1091 Pullman , Henry Percy 1071 Moon , James Hardwick I 00 . 5 Dancy , Harry Esmond 1002 Artindale , John Haughton 9 86 Wiseman , James Hyde 976
Cole , AVilliam Elmer 942 livans , AValter Blood O'Brien 937 Wood , Henry AValles 927 Dove , David 912 Saunders , Ernest John 906 Meggison , Thomas Turner S 75 Az otes of thanks to the scrutineers and Chair man concluded the proceedings .
VVniK-Ciuii . Tiii ) Soi . iin HOOTS , which save 50 per cent , in wear , may be had from Burgess , 2 <) A , Oxford-street , \ V ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , l . udgate-hill ; lilunilcll , 66 , l- ' oiestreet , City ; Lewis , 209 , Liverpool-road , N . j and elsewhere . N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can procure soles readyquilted in every size from the Wire Quilling - Company , Limited ; or have his own leather quilted by forwarding same to the Company ' s works , Leicester . —ADVT .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
The annual assembly of the Freemasons of the Province of Staffordshire took place at Stafford on Wednesday . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Grand Jury Room , at the
Shire Hall , about one' o ' clock in the afternoon , by the Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Shrewsbury , in the presence of about 100 brethren from the various lodges in the county .
Amongst the brethren present were the following : —G . S . Tudor , 419 , D . Prov . G . M . ; C . AV . Marsh , 460 , Prov . S . G . AV . ; H . Howells , 347 , Prov . Treas ; AV . Cartwright , 4 60 , Prov . S . Sec . ; F . S . Wright , 546 , Prov . G . J . W . ; Henry Woodhouse , 726 , Prov . G . Supt . of
Works ; Samuel Hill , 54 6 , Prov . G . D . C . ; F . R . Ryles , 98 , Prov . G . P . ; T . Bedsmore , 1039 , P . Prov . G . O . ; Edwin Yates , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Frank James , 539 . P- Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middlesex . ; H . Parker , 451 , P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; C . Matthews , * J 26 , P .
Prov . G . J . AV . ; R . Dain , 9 8 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; J . Dale Hewson , 726 , P . Prov . J . D . ; W . S . Pearson , 4 *; 1 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; W . H . Hales , 418 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . ; F . N . Seyde , 419 , P . Prov . A . D . C . ; T- Baker , 9 66 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Webberley , " 1546 , P . Prov . G . P . ; the Rev . J .
H . lies , ^ 26 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; AV . Bayliss , 539 P . Prov . G . J . D . ; J . F . AVileman , 556 , P . Prov . T . G . D . ; James Symons , 539 , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . ' Warner , 4 60 , P . Prov . GiP . ; E . Palmer , 546 , P . Prov . A . D . C ; G . H . Hawley , 546 " ^ F . Allen AVilson , 482 , and others .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read by Bro . Cartwright , the Prov . G . Secretary . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . spoke of the Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . Tudor , as one of the best Masons in the province , acknowledged his indebtedness to him , and explained that it had
been decided to appoint Bro . Frank James to be the Provincial Deputy Grand Master . He also expressed his high regard for Bro . Howells , who had for some years held the important position of P . G . Treasurer . He regretted that they were
about to lose the valuable services of Bro . Howells by reason of his removal to a distant part of the country His lordship highly complimented other officers . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed . *—
Frank James , 539 Prov . D . G . M . T . Taylor , 418 ... * . Prov . G . S AV . F . Deny , 4 82 Prov . G . J . AV . Rev . J . H . Hies , 526 Prov . G . Chaplain Rev . Mundy 1060 Prov . G . A . Chap . T . H . Meredith , 624 Prov . G . Treas .
J . Bodenham , 726 Prov . G . Reg . W . Cartwright , 4 60 Prov . G . Sec . H . AVoodhouse , 726 Prov . G . S . D . A . G . Prince , 54 6 Prov . G . J . D . G . Higham , 526 Prov . G . S . of AV . Samuel Hill , ' 546 Prov . G . D . of C . of
Thompson , 4 ^ 1 Prov . G . A . D . C F . Arkinstall , ' 662 Prov . G . S . B . T . S . Bedsmore , 1039 Prov . G . Organist R . Bindley , io 5 o Prov . G . Purst . J . VV . Thomas , 637 Prov . G . St . B . H . Bagguley , 460 Prov . G . Tyler .
Immediately after these appointments were made a procession was marshalled , and the brethren walked to St . Mary ' s Church , where a sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . J . H . lies , from the words " And now abideth faith , hope , and charity , these three ; but
the greatest of these is charity" ( ist Cor . xiii ., ) . In an excellent discourse the preacher spoke of the relig ious character of Freemasonry , and showed how the aim of the Craft was to lead the members on to a knowledge of the unwritten Bible , the Bible of nature—the Bible written in
every man ' s own conscience—without pretending to have power over the heart , but leaving that to God , whose name Freemasons invoked in all their proceedings , and whose words they took as the foundation of all their principles .
On the re-opening of the lodge after service it was stated that the collection in the church amounted to ^' 14 7 s ., which was increased from the funds of the lodge to £ 1 $ 15 s ., and was presented as follows : -- £ 8 8 s . to the North
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
Staffordshire Infirmary ; £$ ^ s . . Peter ' s Collegiate Schools , Wolverhampton ; and £ 2 , 2 s . to St . Mary ' s , Stafford . It was also decided to present £ 26 5 s . out of the lodge funds towards the Masonic School for Girls ( London ) funds . The banquet was served in the Assembly-room ,
on the west side of which the principal chair was placed . The R . W . P G . M ., when seated , had the South Staffordshire brethren on his right and the North Staffordshire brethren on his left , and he was supported by the R . W . P . D . G . M ., Bro . F . James ; the P . Prov . - D . G . M ., Bro . G . S .
Tudor ; the P . G . Ch ., the Rev . J . H . lies ; Bro . H . Meredith , P . G . R . ; Bro . J . Bodenham , P . G . T . ; Bro . AV . Cartwright , P . G . S . ; Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . S ., Midelesex ; Bro . F . Derry , P . J : G . AV . ; Bro . C . Matthews , P . Pro . J . G . W . ; & c . Choice fruits and flowers from the R . W . G . M . ' s
gardens at Ingestre were tastefully arranged on the tables ; a fine collection of plants was arranged on a table in the centre of the room ; the walls of the room were decorated with Masonic emblems and flags ; and a number of ladies so far graced the banquet
with their presence as to occupy the galleries on three sides of the room . The room thus had a very pleasing effect , and Mr . Wood , of the North-Western Hotel , provided a sumptuous repast , which gave general satisfaction . The speeches after dinner were brief , and they were
interspersed with music supplied by Bro . Barlow , P . Prov . G . O ., who was assisted by the Burslem Vocal Union ; and the evening was very pleasantly spent . After the health of her Majesty had been drunk ,
the R . AV . P . G . M . proposed "The M . AV . P . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , and the other members of the Royal Family , " remarking that his Royal Highness had Masonry thoroughly at heart . The toast was cordially honoured .
In proposing the next toast , " The M . W . G . M ., the Marquess of Ripon , and the M . W . D . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , " the R . AV . Prov . G . M . mentioned that those exalted brethren had agreed that the P . G . Lodge of Staffordshire was worthy of a visit , and the Prince of Wales had promised to pay the lodge a visit—an announcement which was received with manifestations of
satisfaction . The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . James , proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Grand Master , observing that he had had many years' experience of the working of Freemasonry in that hall , and he must say the zeal and interest of the noble
lord by his side in the cause of Freemasonry was as great as any of his predecessors in the office he held as ruler of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The quarterly meetings inaugurated by the noble lord during the past year were calculated to promote the interests of the Masonic
institutions of the province . His lordship was a jovial and heartily good mason ; he possessed the true attributes of an Englishman , and he was sure they wished the noble lord would remain , at the head of the lodge for many years . The toast was drunk with much heartiness .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . acknowledged the toast , and said that during the past year he had been suffering very much from ill-heath , which had prevented him attending to his masonic duties as he had desired to attend to them , if he should have known more of the various lodges in
the country . He had remained in the county longer than he should have done in order to attend that day ' s gathering ; the proceedings of the day had given him satisfaction ; and he was sure that it needed only due attention on the officers to ensure the Province of Staffordshire
being equal to any in the country . He hoped the appointments of officers that day had been satisfactory . They had been made with great care and consideration , but if any improvement could be made next year he should be happy to make it .
Bro . Marsh , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., who officiated in tiie absence Bro . Taylor , the newly-appointed P . S . W ., proposal "The Health of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Frank James , " who had been a
Mason 2 *; years , who had held a very distinguished position in the province , and who was eminently qualified to assist the Right Worshipful Grand Master of * the Province . They might be sure that the interests of Freemasonry would