Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS!—Craft Masonry | ' | Scotland = 73 Knights Templar 573 Red Cross of Constantine 573 The Urban Clnb 57-t Bro . H . Seehohm in Srberra 575 The " Freemason : " a Lecture 575
OBITUARY : — Bro . Thomas Rontledge 575 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls S 7 S Masonic and General Tidings 577 Our Royal Grand Master in India S 7 » The Report ofthe Special Committee of the Boys School 57 s Masonic Calumny 579 Masonic Libraries 579 The Comparative Cost ofthe Girls School 579
The Girls'School 579 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Order ofthe Temple 579 Past Masters 5 « ° The Lodgeof Truth , No . 1458 5 = ° Election of Provincial Grand Master 5 S 0 Lodge of Truth , Bombay 5 »> Roval Masonic Institution for Boys 500
York Masonry 580 Lodge [ ewcls 5 °° Consecration ofthe Leopold Lodge , No . 1171 501 Consecration of a Chapter at Wells 5 S 1 Masonic Orphan School , Dublin 581 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 581 The Red Cross 58 = Masonic Meetings for next week 582 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi . vii . viii .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Utaim DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —This large lodge held one of its most interesting and important meetings oi the year , on the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . We say " interesting and important" as the election night of a lodge is both interesting to the Craft , as the lodge gives to it , for good or ill , another ruler ; and important to thc lodge , as for a year it commits itself to the government of one of
its members , who , too , will represent it on all occasions among the other rulers in Grand Lodge . That the lodgt was fully alive to thc importance of thc occasion was shown by thc very large attendance , nearly 100 members being present and more than two-thirds of the members recorded their votes . Bro . George Everett , thc W . M ., occupied his chair , and commenced his work by going through
thc ceremony of raising 111 a manner worthy of a lodge of this character . A touching event of the evening was that the father performed this ceremony in respect to his own son , Bro . G . L . Everett , to whom was given a privilege which must endear to him the Craft until his latest hour . We should be afraid to say how many brethren had this degree bestowed , but so many as to necessitate the
ceremony being repeated again and again . Everything is done on a big scale in thc Domatic , hence it was necessary to do the same in regard to the ceremony of passing , for no less than nine names were down for this degree . Fortunately for thc lodge there was no initiation , not that no names were on the paper , but the candidates did not show in time , and therefore the lodge proceeded to that work of
the evening which would govern directly thc coming year —thc election of Master . The ballot was taken , and Bro . Treadwell , the Senior Warden , was elected by exactly the same numbers as thc W . M . who then faced him , showing that the members are faithful to the principle of electing a Senior Warden who is considered worthy of the " highest honour the lodge has it in its power to bestow upon any of
its members . " Bro . Willing , thc Junior Warden up to this night , is evidently a great favourite , and his energetic service as acting Secretary , as well as thc instruction he is always able and willing to impart , would bring to the minds of his brethren the idea that there could be 110 mistake , as regards work , in having so well informed a brother at the top of the tree , instead of near the top ; but
the brother did not support these views , for he went to his Secretarial duties , leaving his chair in the hands of an able brother . Bro . Joseph Smith was elected again as Treasurer , and it came out in the course of the speeches that Bro . Smith ( whose ether titles it is unnecessary to give ) had been upwards of 36 years in the lodge , which statement was greeted warmly , and hopes
were expressed—and there is every hope of their fulfilment —that Bro . Treas . Smith would be in the same condition of excellent health when the like period should again have passed . The proposal to present the retiring W . M . with thc P . M . ' s jewel , set before the lodge by Bros . J . Smith and V . Kent , was adopted unanimously , and very many kind things were said of him in regard to the success which had
attended his year , and the perfect manner in which he had performed his work . It was then proposed to present the W . M . with a " scroll" on parchment , but the W . M . said he was content with the honour he had already received . It was then proposed by the W . M . elect , seconded by the Senior Deacon , Bro . Palmer , to present the W . M . with the cost of the Installation jewel , and it was put to the lodge
that more respect could be felt for a jewel which was presented than for one which was paid for by the wearer . The sentiment was loudly applauded , but the strange question was raised as to the " legality " of the lodge paying for the jewel , the speaker saying , indeed , that no one elected could be a Steward without paying for the jewel —( when the fact is that the payment for the jewel was not asked for until a month after the installation ) , and thc W . M . raised
a laugh by saying that the brethren seemed desirous to overwhelm him—a fact which was , perhaps , owing to the weather—declining , at the same time to be reimbursed thc cost of representing tlie lodge on the occasion . The lodge being closed , the members adjourned to an excellent banquet , and no fewer than nineteen visitors were present . After the cloths were cleared away the W . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts , and in giving the toast of " Past and Present Grand Officers , " he pointed to the fact that tlic
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Domatic had three P . Grand Officers in the P . M . ranks , and Bro . P . M . Adams responded . Bro . J . Smith , in the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., who was absent from the banquet on account of the illness of a relative , proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " and in doing so said that the brethren would , by toasting Brother Everett , be giving honour where honour was due . If Bro . Everett had
not been of a modest disposition he would have been W . M . years before , but he would not take upon himself the office until he was competent for the duty , and when he was competent and stood forward for the office , the lodge elected him , and the members had had no reason to repent of the choice they had made , for the way in which he had performed these ceremonies
presented a model for any following W . M . to follow . There were following in the steps of Bro . Everett many worthy brethren ; but the lodge would always look back with pleasure on the year of office of the brother who was then retiring . In all the thirty-six years which had passed since he himself had been a member there had only been one member whose Mastership was looked back upon with
regret , and this fact showed that the members exercised the greatest discretion in electing to this post . The toast was drunk with all honours , and Bro . Walls sang an old melody with excellent taste and feeling . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the Treasurer for the kind way in which he had submitted the toast , and the brethren for the manner in which they had received it . He said that when
he undertook the office he had full need of assistance , and this wns cheerfully given to him by the Past Masters and his officers , all of whom he thanked warmly for the help which had enabled him to pass through his year of office with comparative ease . Referring to the kind things said of him in lodge , he said he believed that there had been a general understanding for them to pour down kindness on
him—a kindness which he was sure was sincere . He then proposed the toast of " Thc Past Masters . " Bro . Walford responded . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and said he hoped the nineteen present would accept the cordial welcome of the lodge , but , he said , when a lodge sat down 1 to strong it was impossible to give any special attention to the visitors . He called upon Bro . While , W . M .
of 228 ( representing thc "Freemason" ) to respond , and he , on behalf of the visitors , expressed the perfect satisfaction with which everything , both before and behind the curtain , had given to himself and his 18 visiting brethren . ' The W . M ., in proposing thc toast of " The W . M . Elect , " expressed the satisfaction which the election of Bro . Treadwell in regular order had given to him . Bro .
Treadwell , in responding , said that he was proud of tlie position to which lie had been elected , and that he should follow in thc steps of those who had gone before him by preferring a step higher each officer in the lodge . Thc Treasurer and Secretary were next toasted , and thc former responded , saying that he could testify to the excellence of the work carried out by Bro . Willing , who got in thc money
in a most successful manner , and it was to be hoped that next year would see Bro . Willing standing before them as W . M . elect . The toast of " The Officers , " given by the W . M ., brought the merits of every brother thus distinguished to the front , and each answered for himself—Bros . Palmer , S . D . ; BuscakJ . D . ; George Clarke , I . G . ; White , Steward ; and Spinks , Assistant Steward . " The Tyler ' s "
toast brought the proceedings to a close at 10 o ' clock , and then those who cared to stay enjoyed themselves with song and recitation , Bros . Walls , Palmer , Jones , W . M ., and other brethren contributing to the harmony . STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , Dec . 3 rd . Present : Bros . J . J . Limebecr , W . M . ; H . J . Green ,
S . W . ; R . W . Williams , J . W . ; Rev . G . R . P . Colles , Chaplain j ] . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas , ; F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Midx ., P . M ., Sec . ; C . W . Williams , S . D . ; W . Kipps . I . G . ; E . W . Chetwynd , D . C . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . T . Midx ., Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Waugh , P . G . P ., ; H . Keeble ,
P . M . Visitors : Bros . Graham , P . M . 700 ; F . B . Williams , 162 ; H . Nell , 1326 ; Raiman , 205 . The minutes of the meeting held in September were read and confirmed . The W . M ., Bro . J . J . Limcbeer , passed Bro . C . Marr to the Second Degree . Some propositions were received for initiations and joinings . The usual banquet followed .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The regular meeting of The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , was held on Saturday , December 1 ith , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , and was very numerously attended by members and visitors . The visitors were Bros . Boyd , P . G . P . ; Little , Secretary of the Girls' School ; G . Simpson , 40 s , Scotch Constitution ; A . Ebbatt ,
4 63 ; It . Allison , 186 ; C . P . McKay , 726 ; W . Marden , 201 ;; P . F . Porsway , 1260 ; Swallow , W . M . 1563 ; E . White , S . W . 1563 ; J . Yolland , 1385 ; W . Morgan , 1385 ; J . R . Pitt , 4 63 ; "Walton , 1445 , The W . M ., ( Bro . J . Hamilton Townend ) , presided ; Seex , S . W . ; Stannay , J . W . ; Moody , Sec . ; Blockie , S . D . ; Catchpule , J . D . ; Hamer , D . C ; Hook , Org .
The lodge was opened at three o ' clock , Bro . Headon , I . P . M ., taking the chair until the arrival of the W . M . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and Bros . Wright , Wynne , Cadiot and Everett were raised to the Sublime Degree . The W . M . then very kindly and courteously resigned the chair
to Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ., who , in an impressive manner , raised his son , Bro . W . G . Thompson ( whom he had initiated and passed ) and Bro . Bertram to thc Degree of M . M ., and gave the concluding portion of the ceremony to the other candidates for thc Sublime Degree . The W . M .
then resumed the chair , and passed Bros . Powell , Keith , Frith , Luggar and Huddtothe Second Degree , and afterwards initiated Messrs . Shore , Julius J . Wyler , Robert Lawson , and John March Cinders into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . On the motion of Bro . Moody , the Secretary , it was agreed that from the 1 st of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
January next thc initiation fee shall be raised to ten guineas . Several propositions for initiation were made , and the lodge was closed after upwards of five hours of continuous working , and the brethren retired to a supper , which was exceedingly well served under the superintendence of Bro . Lord , the manager of the hotel . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the W . M . expressed his intention
to carry out a most laudable principle he has inaugurated in this lodge , and that is the avoidance of long speeches in proposing the usual and formal toasts , and it is to be hoped that so good an example will not only form one of the " distinguishing characteristics " of this lodge , but be imitated by others , so that those who wish it may be enabled to reach their homes in good time , and thus save
those who desire to do so the appearance of discourtesy in quitting the table before the usual complimentary toasts have been given and responded to . " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " having been duly honoured , Bro . Boyd , P . G . Purst ., responded for " The Grand Officers , " stating how gratified he had been at the working of the lodge ,
and that he had never seen better . He was at the consecration of it , he was glad to see the progress it had made , and he wished it the highest amount of prosperity . Bro . Headon , I . P . M ., in a few well chosen sentences proposed " The Health of thc W . Master , " after which Bro . Hook , the Organist of the lodge , sung with great taste , " The Anchor ' s Weighed . " The W . Master said while it was
his wish to say as little as possible , he was greatly obliged to the brethren for their hearty response to the toast Bro . Headon had proposed . He was also obliged to them for the fraternal feeling which existed in the lodge , and which had always been shown to him since he entered it , and which , he trusted , would never depart from it , and that they would all do their best not only to promote happiness
amongst themselves , bnt amongst those who might come after them . He then gave " Thc Past Masters of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Stevens and Headon very briefly replied . The W . M . next gave " The Visitors , " saying that The Great City Lodge gave them a hearty welcome . Bro . Little , Secretary of the Girls' School , in responding , thanked the brethren for their hospitality and congratulated them on
the success which had attended the lodge in the past two years , for it was now placed on a solid foundation which could never be disturbed , and must be a source of satisfaction to all who would follow in the chair . This was a lodge that any one might feel proud to belong to , and having been present at its consecration , he must offer his congratulations on thc enormous success which had
been achieved in the City of London . Bro . Swallow , W . M . of the City of Westminster Lodge ( recently consecrated ) , returned thanks for the invitation given to the officers of the lodge to visit that one in the City of London , and he was sorry that he could only bring one with him . He took it as a very kind act to give them the invitation , and in return he begged to invite all the officers of Thc
Great City Lodge to visit them on the second Thursday in January , and they would then give them a fraternal welcome . Some other visitors responded . " The Initiates " and other toasts were proposed and responded to , and the proceedings were brought to a close at 11 o ' clock . CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fellowship ( No 276 ) . —Thc installation of Bro . E . Hunt
Carter , the W . M . elect for the Lodge of Good Fellowship , took place on Thursday , the gth inst ., at the Shire Hall , thc magistrates having , as usual , kindly placed the Grand Jury Room at the disposal of the lodge for this annual ceremony . Wc may here , perhaps , correct a statement which appeared a week or two since in a contemporary , in reference to thc November meeting of the above-named
lodge . The nomination of two brethren to fill the chair for the ensuing year was therein detailed , as was also the supposed result of the motion . No " motion " was made , nor could be made , according to the laws of the Craft , and the paragraph in this respect was a mere invention . About 20 of the brethren were eligible for the chair . It was also stated that Bro . J . Burton retired from the office
of Treasurer , which he had held for about 20 years ; this was correct , but nothing was said , in the paragraph referred to , as to a substantial acknowledgment to thc Past Treasurer , which it was unanimously resolved should be awarded him , and a subscription list for which purpose was at once opened and has been heartily responded to , of which more in proper time . With this digression we will now
return to thc installation , and need only mention the name of W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain , as the Installing Master , to let it at once be known that the ceremony was of the most impressive nature , and was acknowledged as such by the assembled brethren in true Masonic manner . The following amongst other brethren were present : —P . M . ' s 1 " . Whitmore , the Rev . F . B .
Shepherd , A . Durrant , T . Since , J . Nicholls , A . C . Veley , A . Goodchild , W . Pullen , E . Robbins , and J . P . Sarel ; Bros . Rev . B . S . Barnes , Chaplain and P . M . ; J . Burton , Treasurer and P . M . ; H . E . Stidolph , S . D . ; A . Ginn , | . D . ; J . W . Hair , Sec . ; D . M . B . Wheeler , I . G . ; F . A . Jones , J . Wright Carr , Prov . Grand Secretary ; R . W . Shelmcrdinc , W . H . L . Pattisson , Dr . Clarke , W . Tippler , Captain
Bannister , E . Shedd , G . W . Pascal , J . P . Lewin , J . H . Peacock , & c , & c . The following visitors also honoured the lodge with their presence : —A . R . Clench ( Colchester ) , J . B . Spence ( Dorking ) , H . J . Moxon ( London ) , A . Clapham ( Dunmow ) , J . T . Weldou ( Felstcd ) , and F . Binckes ( Secretary of thc Boys' School ) , & c . In the course of the evening Bro . H . E . Stidolph tendered his
resignation as S . D . and Organist . Tlie new W . M ., Bro , E . Hunt Carter , having been duly installed , proceeded to the appointment of his officers for the year as follows : — E . Robbins , S . W . ; D . M . B . Wheeler , J . W . ; A . Ginn , S . W . ; —Borrodale , J . D . ; F . Whitmore , Treasurer ; J . Nicholls , Sec . ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , Chap . ; A . Durrant , D . C . ; G . S . Toler , I . G . ; T . S . Sard , O . G . ; G . W . Pascall and R . W . Shelmcrdinc , Stewards . A vote of thanks was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS!—Craft Masonry | ' | Scotland = 73 Knights Templar 573 Red Cross of Constantine 573 The Urban Clnb 57-t Bro . H . Seehohm in Srberra 575 The " Freemason : " a Lecture 575
OBITUARY : — Bro . Thomas Rontledge 575 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls S 7 S Masonic and General Tidings 577 Our Royal Grand Master in India S 7 » The Report ofthe Special Committee of the Boys School 57 s Masonic Calumny 579 Masonic Libraries 579 The Comparative Cost ofthe Girls School 579
The Girls'School 579 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Order ofthe Temple 579 Past Masters 5 « ° The Lodgeof Truth , No . 1458 5 = ° Election of Provincial Grand Master 5 S 0 Lodge of Truth , Bombay 5 »> Roval Masonic Institution for Boys 500
York Masonry 580 Lodge [ ewcls 5 °° Consecration ofthe Leopold Lodge , No . 1171 501 Consecration of a Chapter at Wells 5 S 1 Masonic Orphan School , Dublin 581 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 581 The Red Cross 58 = Masonic Meetings for next week 582 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi . vii . viii .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Utaim DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —This large lodge held one of its most interesting and important meetings oi the year , on the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . We say " interesting and important" as the election night of a lodge is both interesting to the Craft , as the lodge gives to it , for good or ill , another ruler ; and important to thc lodge , as for a year it commits itself to the government of one of
its members , who , too , will represent it on all occasions among the other rulers in Grand Lodge . That the lodgt was fully alive to thc importance of thc occasion was shown by thc very large attendance , nearly 100 members being present and more than two-thirds of the members recorded their votes . Bro . George Everett , thc W . M ., occupied his chair , and commenced his work by going through
thc ceremony of raising 111 a manner worthy of a lodge of this character . A touching event of the evening was that the father performed this ceremony in respect to his own son , Bro . G . L . Everett , to whom was given a privilege which must endear to him the Craft until his latest hour . We should be afraid to say how many brethren had this degree bestowed , but so many as to necessitate the
ceremony being repeated again and again . Everything is done on a big scale in thc Domatic , hence it was necessary to do the same in regard to the ceremony of passing , for no less than nine names were down for this degree . Fortunately for thc lodge there was no initiation , not that no names were on the paper , but the candidates did not show in time , and therefore the lodge proceeded to that work of
the evening which would govern directly thc coming year —thc election of Master . The ballot was taken , and Bro . Treadwell , the Senior Warden , was elected by exactly the same numbers as thc W . M . who then faced him , showing that the members are faithful to the principle of electing a Senior Warden who is considered worthy of the " highest honour the lodge has it in its power to bestow upon any of
its members . " Bro . Willing , thc Junior Warden up to this night , is evidently a great favourite , and his energetic service as acting Secretary , as well as thc instruction he is always able and willing to impart , would bring to the minds of his brethren the idea that there could be 110 mistake , as regards work , in having so well informed a brother at the top of the tree , instead of near the top ; but
the brother did not support these views , for he went to his Secretarial duties , leaving his chair in the hands of an able brother . Bro . Joseph Smith was elected again as Treasurer , and it came out in the course of the speeches that Bro . Smith ( whose ether titles it is unnecessary to give ) had been upwards of 36 years in the lodge , which statement was greeted warmly , and hopes
were expressed—and there is every hope of their fulfilment —that Bro . Treas . Smith would be in the same condition of excellent health when the like period should again have passed . The proposal to present the retiring W . M . with thc P . M . ' s jewel , set before the lodge by Bros . J . Smith and V . Kent , was adopted unanimously , and very many kind things were said of him in regard to the success which had
attended his year , and the perfect manner in which he had performed his work . It was then proposed to present the W . M . with a " scroll" on parchment , but the W . M . said he was content with the honour he had already received . It was then proposed by the W . M . elect , seconded by the Senior Deacon , Bro . Palmer , to present the W . M . with the cost of the Installation jewel , and it was put to the lodge
that more respect could be felt for a jewel which was presented than for one which was paid for by the wearer . The sentiment was loudly applauded , but the strange question was raised as to the " legality " of the lodge paying for the jewel , the speaker saying , indeed , that no one elected could be a Steward without paying for the jewel —( when the fact is that the payment for the jewel was not asked for until a month after the installation ) , and thc W . M . raised
a laugh by saying that the brethren seemed desirous to overwhelm him—a fact which was , perhaps , owing to the weather—declining , at the same time to be reimbursed thc cost of representing tlie lodge on the occasion . The lodge being closed , the members adjourned to an excellent banquet , and no fewer than nineteen visitors were present . After the cloths were cleared away the W . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts , and in giving the toast of " Past and Present Grand Officers , " he pointed to the fact that tlic
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Domatic had three P . Grand Officers in the P . M . ranks , and Bro . P . M . Adams responded . Bro . J . Smith , in the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., who was absent from the banquet on account of the illness of a relative , proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " and in doing so said that the brethren would , by toasting Brother Everett , be giving honour where honour was due . If Bro . Everett had
not been of a modest disposition he would have been W . M . years before , but he would not take upon himself the office until he was competent for the duty , and when he was competent and stood forward for the office , the lodge elected him , and the members had had no reason to repent of the choice they had made , for the way in which he had performed these ceremonies
presented a model for any following W . M . to follow . There were following in the steps of Bro . Everett many worthy brethren ; but the lodge would always look back with pleasure on the year of office of the brother who was then retiring . In all the thirty-six years which had passed since he himself had been a member there had only been one member whose Mastership was looked back upon with
regret , and this fact showed that the members exercised the greatest discretion in electing to this post . The toast was drunk with all honours , and Bro . Walls sang an old melody with excellent taste and feeling . The W . M ., in responding , thanked the Treasurer for the kind way in which he had submitted the toast , and the brethren for the manner in which they had received it . He said that when
he undertook the office he had full need of assistance , and this wns cheerfully given to him by the Past Masters and his officers , all of whom he thanked warmly for the help which had enabled him to pass through his year of office with comparative ease . Referring to the kind things said of him in lodge , he said he believed that there had been a general understanding for them to pour down kindness on
him—a kindness which he was sure was sincere . He then proposed the toast of " Thc Past Masters . " Bro . Walford responded . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and said he hoped the nineteen present would accept the cordial welcome of the lodge , but , he said , when a lodge sat down 1 to strong it was impossible to give any special attention to the visitors . He called upon Bro . While , W . M .
of 228 ( representing thc "Freemason" ) to respond , and he , on behalf of the visitors , expressed the perfect satisfaction with which everything , both before and behind the curtain , had given to himself and his 18 visiting brethren . ' The W . M ., in proposing thc toast of " The W . M . Elect , " expressed the satisfaction which the election of Bro . Treadwell in regular order had given to him . Bro .
Treadwell , in responding , said that he was proud of tlie position to which lie had been elected , and that he should follow in thc steps of those who had gone before him by preferring a step higher each officer in the lodge . Thc Treasurer and Secretary were next toasted , and thc former responded , saying that he could testify to the excellence of the work carried out by Bro . Willing , who got in thc money
in a most successful manner , and it was to be hoped that next year would see Bro . Willing standing before them as W . M . elect . The toast of " The Officers , " given by the W . M ., brought the merits of every brother thus distinguished to the front , and each answered for himself—Bros . Palmer , S . D . ; BuscakJ . D . ; George Clarke , I . G . ; White , Steward ; and Spinks , Assistant Steward . " The Tyler ' s "
toast brought the proceedings to a close at 10 o ' clock , and then those who cared to stay enjoyed themselves with song and recitation , Bros . Walls , Palmer , Jones , W . M ., and other brethren contributing to the harmony . STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , Dec . 3 rd . Present : Bros . J . J . Limebecr , W . M . ; H . J . Green ,
S . W . ; R . W . Williams , J . W . ; Rev . G . R . P . Colles , Chaplain j ] . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas , ; F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Midx ., P . M ., Sec . ; C . W . Williams , S . D . ; W . Kipps . I . G . ; E . W . Chetwynd , D . C . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . T . Midx ., Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Waugh , P . G . P ., ; H . Keeble ,
P . M . Visitors : Bros . Graham , P . M . 700 ; F . B . Williams , 162 ; H . Nell , 1326 ; Raiman , 205 . The minutes of the meeting held in September were read and confirmed . The W . M ., Bro . J . J . Limcbeer , passed Bro . C . Marr to the Second Degree . Some propositions were received for initiations and joinings . The usual banquet followed .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The regular meeting of The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , was held on Saturday , December 1 ith , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , and was very numerously attended by members and visitors . The visitors were Bros . Boyd , P . G . P . ; Little , Secretary of the Girls' School ; G . Simpson , 40 s , Scotch Constitution ; A . Ebbatt ,
4 63 ; It . Allison , 186 ; C . P . McKay , 726 ; W . Marden , 201 ;; P . F . Porsway , 1260 ; Swallow , W . M . 1563 ; E . White , S . W . 1563 ; J . Yolland , 1385 ; W . Morgan , 1385 ; J . R . Pitt , 4 63 ; "Walton , 1445 , The W . M ., ( Bro . J . Hamilton Townend ) , presided ; Seex , S . W . ; Stannay , J . W . ; Moody , Sec . ; Blockie , S . D . ; Catchpule , J . D . ; Hamer , D . C ; Hook , Org .
The lodge was opened at three o ' clock , Bro . Headon , I . P . M ., taking the chair until the arrival of the W . M . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and Bros . Wright , Wynne , Cadiot and Everett were raised to the Sublime Degree . The W . M . then very kindly and courteously resigned the chair
to Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ., who , in an impressive manner , raised his son , Bro . W . G . Thompson ( whom he had initiated and passed ) and Bro . Bertram to thc Degree of M . M ., and gave the concluding portion of the ceremony to the other candidates for thc Sublime Degree . The W . M .
then resumed the chair , and passed Bros . Powell , Keith , Frith , Luggar and Huddtothe Second Degree , and afterwards initiated Messrs . Shore , Julius J . Wyler , Robert Lawson , and John March Cinders into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . On the motion of Bro . Moody , the Secretary , it was agreed that from the 1 st of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
January next thc initiation fee shall be raised to ten guineas . Several propositions for initiation were made , and the lodge was closed after upwards of five hours of continuous working , and the brethren retired to a supper , which was exceedingly well served under the superintendence of Bro . Lord , the manager of the hotel . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the W . M . expressed his intention
to carry out a most laudable principle he has inaugurated in this lodge , and that is the avoidance of long speeches in proposing the usual and formal toasts , and it is to be hoped that so good an example will not only form one of the " distinguishing characteristics " of this lodge , but be imitated by others , so that those who wish it may be enabled to reach their homes in good time , and thus save
those who desire to do so the appearance of discourtesy in quitting the table before the usual complimentary toasts have been given and responded to . " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " having been duly honoured , Bro . Boyd , P . G . Purst ., responded for " The Grand Officers , " stating how gratified he had been at the working of the lodge ,
and that he had never seen better . He was at the consecration of it , he was glad to see the progress it had made , and he wished it the highest amount of prosperity . Bro . Headon , I . P . M ., in a few well chosen sentences proposed " The Health of thc W . Master , " after which Bro . Hook , the Organist of the lodge , sung with great taste , " The Anchor ' s Weighed . " The W . Master said while it was
his wish to say as little as possible , he was greatly obliged to the brethren for their hearty response to the toast Bro . Headon had proposed . He was also obliged to them for the fraternal feeling which existed in the lodge , and which had always been shown to him since he entered it , and which , he trusted , would never depart from it , and that they would all do their best not only to promote happiness
amongst themselves , bnt amongst those who might come after them . He then gave " Thc Past Masters of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Stevens and Headon very briefly replied . The W . M . next gave " The Visitors , " saying that The Great City Lodge gave them a hearty welcome . Bro . Little , Secretary of the Girls' School , in responding , thanked the brethren for their hospitality and congratulated them on
the success which had attended the lodge in the past two years , for it was now placed on a solid foundation which could never be disturbed , and must be a source of satisfaction to all who would follow in the chair . This was a lodge that any one might feel proud to belong to , and having been present at its consecration , he must offer his congratulations on thc enormous success which had
been achieved in the City of London . Bro . Swallow , W . M . of the City of Westminster Lodge ( recently consecrated ) , returned thanks for the invitation given to the officers of the lodge to visit that one in the City of London , and he was sorry that he could only bring one with him . He took it as a very kind act to give them the invitation , and in return he begged to invite all the officers of Thc
Great City Lodge to visit them on the second Thursday in January , and they would then give them a fraternal welcome . Some other visitors responded . " The Initiates " and other toasts were proposed and responded to , and the proceedings were brought to a close at 11 o ' clock . CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fellowship ( No 276 ) . —Thc installation of Bro . E . Hunt
Carter , the W . M . elect for the Lodge of Good Fellowship , took place on Thursday , the gth inst ., at the Shire Hall , thc magistrates having , as usual , kindly placed the Grand Jury Room at the disposal of the lodge for this annual ceremony . Wc may here , perhaps , correct a statement which appeared a week or two since in a contemporary , in reference to thc November meeting of the above-named
lodge . The nomination of two brethren to fill the chair for the ensuing year was therein detailed , as was also the supposed result of the motion . No " motion " was made , nor could be made , according to the laws of the Craft , and the paragraph in this respect was a mere invention . About 20 of the brethren were eligible for the chair . It was also stated that Bro . J . Burton retired from the office
of Treasurer , which he had held for about 20 years ; this was correct , but nothing was said , in the paragraph referred to , as to a substantial acknowledgment to thc Past Treasurer , which it was unanimously resolved should be awarded him , and a subscription list for which purpose was at once opened and has been heartily responded to , of which more in proper time . With this digression we will now
return to thc installation , and need only mention the name of W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain , as the Installing Master , to let it at once be known that the ceremony was of the most impressive nature , and was acknowledged as such by the assembled brethren in true Masonic manner . The following amongst other brethren were present : —P . M . ' s 1 " . Whitmore , the Rev . F . B .
Shepherd , A . Durrant , T . Since , J . Nicholls , A . C . Veley , A . Goodchild , W . Pullen , E . Robbins , and J . P . Sarel ; Bros . Rev . B . S . Barnes , Chaplain and P . M . ; J . Burton , Treasurer and P . M . ; H . E . Stidolph , S . D . ; A . Ginn , | . D . ; J . W . Hair , Sec . ; D . M . B . Wheeler , I . G . ; F . A . Jones , J . Wright Carr , Prov . Grand Secretary ; R . W . Shelmcrdinc , W . H . L . Pattisson , Dr . Clarke , W . Tippler , Captain
Bannister , E . Shedd , G . W . Pascal , J . P . Lewin , J . H . Peacock , & c , & c . The following visitors also honoured the lodge with their presence : —A . R . Clench ( Colchester ) , J . B . Spence ( Dorking ) , H . J . Moxon ( London ) , A . Clapham ( Dunmow ) , J . T . Weldou ( Felstcd ) , and F . Binckes ( Secretary of thc Boys' School ) , & c . In the course of the evening Bro . H . E . Stidolph tendered his
resignation as S . D . and Organist . Tlie new W . M ., Bro , E . Hunt Carter , having been duly installed , proceeded to the appointment of his officers for the year as follows : — E . Robbins , S . W . ; D . M . B . Wheeler , J . W . ; A . Ginn , S . W . ; —Borrodale , J . D . ; F . Whitmore , Treasurer ; J . Nicholls , Sec . ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , Chap . ; A . Durrant , D . C . ; G . S . Toler , I . G . ; T . S . Sard , O . G . ; G . W . Pascall and R . W . Shelmcrdinc , Stewards . A vote of thanks was