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Charitable Administration.
think probable originated—from the number of this lotlge in the register of the United Grand Lodge . On referring to the list of lodges in the Freemasons' Calendar you will observe that this lodge is placed after a lodge which was constituted in 174 * 7 , and before another which was constituted in 1751 . For a long time we were under the impression that the order of the lodges depended on the
order of the dates of their constitution , but it appears to have been taken from the numbers in the registers of the two Grand Lodges atthe time of the Union being tiken alternately from each list . In 1849 a Committee of this lodge was appointed to make arrangements for celebrating its centenary , but the proceedings were subsequently abaneloned on account ol the necessary documentary evidence not
being forthcoming . On June 4 th , 1850 , that Committee reporteel " that the oldest minute book in the possession of the lodge was one commencing September 25 , 1764 , and ending December 27 , 1 : 73 , anel that between the last named period and the end of the year 1799 there were no minutes whatever . " The book here mentioned has since been lost . It does not appear to have been known to Bro .
Hughes when he compiled his abridgment of the minutes in 1852 , and I can only suppose that it had not been returned by one of the P . M . 's who had taken it home for examination in reference to the centenary , or it may have been in one of the boxes which have been lost . In 18 5 6 a Centenary Committee was proposed by myself , seconded by Bro . Davies , and appointed by the lodge . After several
meetings and the adoption of a design for a jewel , we learned that the calendar issued by the Grand Lodge and our table of P . M . ' s were not to be accepted as sufficient evidence of our antiquity . In 1865 , on the motion of Bro . Donkin , it was resolvetl to apply for a dispensation to wear a centenary jewel , but the minutes do not record any further proceedings . . In 1 S 7 6 our present Secretary ,
Bro . Free , was requested to report on the subject of a centenary jewel . With the kind assistance of Bro . Buss , at the Grand Secretary ' s office , we have been able to trace our origin to the date of the original warrant , Feb . 27 , 1760 , as one of the lodges of Ancient Masons under the old Constitutions . A petition to the M . W . G . M . was signed by all the officers antl P . M . ' s and fifty-one
members of the lodge , and forwarded to the Grantl Secretary in 1877 . In due course the warrant I have spoken of was received . The lodge appointetl a Centenary Committee , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . Knott , the P . M ' s , Bros . Dixon , Walters , Sabine , Rose , Ebsworth , Free ( Secretaryl , Grace ( D . C ) , and Wilkins ; Keeble ( J . W . ) , Isaacs ( J . D . ) , antl Stedman . It has fallen to my lot as
the senior P . M ., with the assistance of my colleagues , to examine all avai ' able tlecumcnts , and to endeavour lo condenscthe result of our labours into my present address . Although the old minute book from 1 764 has be * en lost , another of greater interest lias been found , commencing Dec . 30 , 1780 , and ending , Dec . 23 , 1799 . This is the oldest record in our possession , antl foims Ihe first of
seven minute books containing upwards of 2003 pages of manuscript which' contain the history of this lodge to the present time . With the exception of three leaves cut from the minute book in 1789 , and four leaves cut out in 1793-4 , these books appear to contain brief records of all our lodge meetings during the last 97 ycars . All these I have read . They contain an immense number of facts
which arc of no interest to us at the present time , beyond the circumstance of their forming a continuous history . However , a few grains of wheat may be collected from the chaff , which will serve to give us some idea of the method of conducting business in a Masonic lotlge during the thirty ycars which preceded ihe union in 1813 , For the information of our young members , who may not have
enjoyed any opportunities of making themselves acquainted with the history of our institution , and in order to make my subsequent remarks more intelligible , I trust it will not be considered out of place if I occupy your attention for a short time by referring to the history of Freemasonry in this country , more especially of that period which preceded and followed the formation of the two Grantl Lodges
and the circumstance of their union , forming our present United Grand Lodge . This subject may be said to form a part of our own history , as I have ascertained at the British Museum that the articles of union between the two Grand Lodges were signed by two brethren , James Agar and James Perry , who were initiated and served the office of W . M . in this lodge . The early history of Freemasonry
is traditional and fragmentary . The accounts of its origin are various , and inconsistent with each other . St . Alban is said to have formed the first lodge in Britain , A . D . 287 . Prince Edwin , a brother of Athelstan , is said to have held the first Grantl Lodge at Yoik , A . D . 926 . For some centuries after this period Masonic lodges were principally those of operative
Craftsmen , patronised and encouraged by great and noble lovers of art , especially the founders of cathedrals antl colleges , & c . The names of these patrons of the Order have been handed down to us as Grand Masters , but not on much authority . From the time of Inigo Jones ( G . M . 1607 and 1638 ) to that of Sir Christopher Wre n ( G . M . 1685 and 1698 ) , Masonic lodges became
seminaries of instruction in the liberal arts and sciences and many eminent men were accepted as members of the Order . In consequence of the age and infirmities of , Sir Christopher Wren the annual festivals werc neglected and the number of Masons diminished . In Feb ., 1717 , the four lodges then existing in London met at the Apple Tree Tavern , Charles street . Covent Garden , and having voted
the oldest Master Mason then present into the chair , constituted themselves into a Grand Lodjje pro tempore . On June 24 following , a general assembly was held , A . Sayer , Esq ., was elected G . M . ; invested by the oldest M , M . present ; installed by the Master of the oldest lodge ( that of St . Paul , and now the Lodge of Antiquity ) ; and received due homage from the fraternity . The authority of this Grand Lodge of England was not universally re-
Charitable Administration.
cognised .- An ancient lodge at York constituted itself into " Grand Lodge of all England , held at York , " in the year j 72 ** . After a certain time it became inactive , but was revived in 17 ( 11 antl finally collapsed in 1792 . Thc regulations issued by the Grantl Lodge of England were looked upon as innovations by several lodges , who renounced their allegiance , and affiliated
themselves with the Grantl Lodge at York . In 173 8 the seceders were numerous , and being glorious Masons it was impossible to distinguish them . The parting of the Grand Lodge committe-d the error of deviating from the first of the ancient landmarks , the moeles of recognition , in changing thc word of the First Degree , The seceders then assumed the title of " Ancient
Masons , " and called their opponents " Modern Masons . ' In 17 * 53 " The Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons according to the old constitutions" ( saitl to have been granted by Prince Edwin at York , 926 ) was constituted . It was recognised by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland . Some of its Grand Masters were at the same time Grand Masters of Scotland .
GRAND MASTERS OF THE ANCIENT MASONS . 1753 Robert Turner 1 year 1754— 3 Edward Vaughan ... ... ... 2 „ 1756— 9 The Earl of Blessington ... ... 4 „ 17 ( 00— 5 The Earl of Nellie 6 „
17 G 6—70 The Hon . Thos . Matthew 3 „ 1771—4 John , 3 rd Duke of Atboll 4 „ 1775—81 John , 4 th Duke of Alholl 7 „ 1782—90 William , Earl of Antrim ... ... 9 ,, 1791- ^ -1813 , John , 4 th Duke of Atholl ... 23 „ 1813 , ( Nov . and Dec ) , H . R . H . Edward , Duke of Kent .
GRAND MASTERS or SCOTLAND . 17 G 3— 4 Earl of Kellie . 1 773 Johnr ,-ird Duke of Atholl . 1778— 9 John , 4 th Duke of Atholl . UNION or THE GRAND LODGES . Nov . 25 , 1813 Articles of Union signed . Dec . 1 , „ Ratified , confirmed , ar . d sealed by G . L Dec . 27 , „ First United Grand Lodge .
GRAND MASTERS OF THE UNITED IJRAND LODGE . 1813—42 H . R . H . Frederick Augustus , Duke of Sussex .,. ... ... 30 years , 1843—6 9 The . Earl of Zetland 27 „ 1870—73 The Marquis of Ripon ... ... 4 „ 1874 H . R . H . Albert Edwartl Prince of Wales ( whom God Preserve ) .
As the Past Grantl Officers who were not re-appointed were to retain their former rank , this lotlge has had the singular honour of two of its Past Masters sitting at the same time as Past Deputy Grantl Masters in the present Grantl Lodge . Thc Duke of Kenl accepted office with the sole view of co-operating with his illustrious broth .- r in promoting and cfuienling thc so much-desired Union .
Reverting to thc history of our own lodge , I have to regret that I am unable to give you any account of ils proceedings during the first twenty ycars of its existence . In the latter part of thc year 1780 the lodge met at the house of Bro . Kelly , at the King ' s Head , James ' s-stre t , Covent Garden . The warrant of the lotlge was then in the possession of James Oxburg , as W . M . 5 Anthony Conyers ,
S . W . ; and Edmund Kelly , J . W . Judging from thc names of the initiates and visitors , we may assume that the Irish element largely preponderated . This was a period of considerable activity , 15 members being admitted in 1781 . Lectures were given in the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry , and also in the R . A . and Templar Degrees . The Master was elected for a period of 6 months . The
Wardens were elected by the members of the lodge , and they appear to have been obligated and installed . The obligation of the Wardens probably referred to their holding office until their successors were elected , as I find it stated at a subsequent period , when no election of officers had taken place on account of the absence of members , that the Master and S . W . agreed to hold their positions until
the next day of election " on their oaths of office . " The elections took pi ice in a M . M . Lodge , as in one place I find it stated the F . C . were requested to retire before the election . The Secretary and Treasurer were elected by the lodge . The Master appointed the Senior Deacon , antl the Junior Warden the J . D . The officers werc fined for non-attendance or being late , and also for
non-acceptance of office . From the rules and orders of the Grand Lodge , printed in 1813 , it appears that the fines for refusal to serve in any office—past officers exceptedwere , Master not less than five shillings , Wardens and Secretary two shillings and sixpenc : each ; Deacon one shilling , the Treasurer at the discretion of the majority . Occasionally two degrees were conferred on one night—a
brother being initiated and Crafted , or Crafted and raised . In one instance all the three tlegrees were conferred in one evening ( March , 1797 ) . The Festivals of St . John the Baptist ( June 24 ) , and of St . John the Apostle antl Evangelist ( Dec . 27 ) , were the days of installation . Masonic lodges were formerly tledicatetl to these two saints , they being considered the two grand parallels , which are now
represented 111 our lodges by Moses and King Solomon . It was customary for the lodges to unite with the Grand Lodge to"jcele-brate thc grand Festival on St John Baptist ' s Day . Each lodge contributed half-a-guinea , according to regulation , towards the expenses . The lodges marched in procession , each having its own standard . It sometimes happened that the standard was left behind as security
for the payment of the house bill . Of these festivals I will give an instance from our minutes . "The lodge m : t at 9 o ' clock in the morning , there being 29 members present . They proceeded to thc "Black Prince , " and attended Grand Lodge agreeable to ortlers . Assisted in celebrating the festival . Attended Divine Service at Camberwell Church , where a Masonic sermon was preached by Dr . Colin Milne , the Grand Chaplain . Dined with the general body at the Grove House , where we were visited by
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several distinguished brothers and spent the day in the utmost conviviality and harmony . The Grand Lodge was closed at 9 o ' clock in the evening . " ( June j I , 1788 . ) At this period the Earl of Antrim was our G . M Ten years before this ( April 7 , 1777 ) , the Grand Lodg cof England had determined that ancient Masons were n t to be countenanced or acknowledged by any regular lodgeof Masons
however , they were recognised by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland . On September 9 , 1778 , it vvas reported to our Lodge that "Lord Elcho ., G . M ., of Scotland , having -risked our Grand Master ' s Lodge , had written a letter in which he expressed his complete satisfaction , at the conduct of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , and declared his abhorence of that modern system lately established in
England . " Modern Masons desirous of being admitted as members of our lodge were iniatiated again , but at the reduced fee of one guinea . At this period of the lodge ' s history ( 1786-94 ) I must mention the names of two distinguished brethren , James Perry , editor and proprietor of The Morning Chronicle , and James Agar , barrister at law of the Inner Temple . James Perry was initiated
in this lodge in 1783 ; was W . M . in 1786 ; appointed J . G . W . in 1787 , and was D . G . M . in 1788-90 . James Agar was initiated in this lodge in 1786 , wasW . M . in 1787 ; J . G . W . 1788-9 ; S . G . W . 1790 ; D . G . M . 1791-4 , or later . They filled these offices in Grand Lodge while they were members cf this lodge . Notwithstanding the social position of many of its
members the lodge got into debt . " The R . W . D . G . M ., Bro . Perry , reported that he had paid the debt and costs of an action of law against the lodge , amounting to £ 27 2 s . 6 d . " Members in arrear were warned that they " would be reported to Grand Lodge , and be no longer considered members of this lodge . " In 178 9 Bro . James Gray , of the Grand Master ' s Lodge ( who had joined the year
before ) , became Master , and in the following year was thanked for " the exemplary discipline which he had maintained in thc lodge , and the general attention which he had paid to every part of his duty in office , and through whom the lodge was happily restored to that harmony antl respect which ought ever to reign among Masons . " " The Good Lodge , No . 6 , visited , and received a Masonic
welcome . " This lodge returned the visit in form . The happy state just mentioned was not of long duration , for in 1792 wc find thc D . G . M ., Bro . Agar , P . M . of this lodge , calling thc brethren together "for the purpose of restoring the lodge to its former regularity and splendour . " The lodge removed to a more eligible house , the Sun , in Gate-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fieltls . Four initiates were
appointed to office , and a joining member from No . 2 , Bro . A . Ecle , was chosen Master . The W . M . appears to have been unable to attentl on account of illness . Six months after thc lodge was removed to the Bull , Devonshire-street , Bishopsgate . Old members in arrear were excluded , but the lotlge did not prosper . On Dec . 7 , 1792 , the lodge alloweel the Tvler five shillings to perform the
duties of Secretary , and to pay for an Outer Guard out of that sum . On June 4 th , 1794 , the lodge met at the Angel , City-road . The minutes of this meeting do not contain any name . There appears to have been no Secretary , or a very bad one . At this period we find the lodge received a duplicate warrant , dated Dec . 27 , 1794 , which is our present warrant . The officers named therein are
William Lovell , W . M . ; Stephen Eele , S . W . ; and William Lcsturgem , J . W . ; all of whom were initiated in this lodge in 1792 . The minute book does not give us any information about this warrant . Three leaves are missing just before this date . Bro . W . Lovell appears to have inaugurated a second revival , as fifteen lodge meetings were held in the year 1795 , eight new members were initiated ,
and two brethren joined . Bro . Lovell was a member for several years . The lodge next removed to the Cheshire Cheese , Spitalfields Market . It met there for three years . On Dec . 15 th the lodge proposetl , " to sup on next lodge night with their sisters , after the ins t allation , " and no doubt this proposal was carried out , as the house bill on Jan . 19 th , 179 6 , was £ 10 2 s , 41 ! , being much in excess of the
usual amount . In 1796 , Nathaniel Bradley , a watchmaker in St . Luke ' s , was initiated . He was Master in 1797 , Secretary in 179 8 , and filled that office , with a short period of interruption , for thirty-three ycars , when he was made an honorary member . He diet ! in 1840 , having been a member for forty-four years . It was he who in 1799 first proposed that this lodge
should pay an annual subscription of one guinea to the Boys' School . On January 26 th , 1818 , he proposed the name of " Mount Lebanon Lodge" should be added to the 104 . He is thi connecting link , between the last century and our tlay , for he was the senior member of . he lotlge when Bro . Hughes was initiatetl in 183 . 5 , and Bro . Hughes filled that position when many of our oldest
members were admitted into Masonry in this lodge ( 1855 ) 1800—182 *; . For many years this lodge met in the parish of St . Luke at various places . The number of members at this time was from twenty to thirty . They were principally tradesmen . From the names I imagine that many of them were Italians . I am sorry to say that sev eral of the P . M . ' s werc under the necessity of making
application to the Grand Lotlge Benevolent Fund . At one period ( August 24 th , 1807 ) the lotlge was so poor that " the brethren agreetl to act as Tyler in rotation , until thc lodge was free from debt . " In 1812 they were evidently in a better position , as thc minutes of December 9 th state that they ordered " a goose , two fowls , anil a salted leg of pork . " Poverty did not induce them to
admit unworthy persons . A " Mr . Richard Lawless (!) was rejected as not being a fit person to be made a Free mason . " Let us hope this was not on account of hi name . In 1819 G . W . Turner was Master . He pre sented the lotlge with three small boards of thc Thre Degrees , with several Masonic prints , a new minute book and part of the expense of the P . M . tablet . He visited the lotlge within my recollection . In 1825 Bro . R
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Charitable Administration.
think probable originated—from the number of this lotlge in the register of the United Grand Lodge . On referring to the list of lodges in the Freemasons' Calendar you will observe that this lodge is placed after a lodge which was constituted in 174 * 7 , and before another which was constituted in 1751 . For a long time we were under the impression that the order of the lodges depended on the
order of the dates of their constitution , but it appears to have been taken from the numbers in the registers of the two Grand Lodges atthe time of the Union being tiken alternately from each list . In 1849 a Committee of this lodge was appointed to make arrangements for celebrating its centenary , but the proceedings were subsequently abaneloned on account ol the necessary documentary evidence not
being forthcoming . On June 4 th , 1850 , that Committee reporteel " that the oldest minute book in the possession of the lodge was one commencing September 25 , 1764 , and ending December 27 , 1 : 73 , anel that between the last named period and the end of the year 1799 there were no minutes whatever . " The book here mentioned has since been lost . It does not appear to have been known to Bro .
Hughes when he compiled his abridgment of the minutes in 1852 , and I can only suppose that it had not been returned by one of the P . M . 's who had taken it home for examination in reference to the centenary , or it may have been in one of the boxes which have been lost . In 18 5 6 a Centenary Committee was proposed by myself , seconded by Bro . Davies , and appointed by the lodge . After several
meetings and the adoption of a design for a jewel , we learned that the calendar issued by the Grand Lodge and our table of P . M . ' s were not to be accepted as sufficient evidence of our antiquity . In 1865 , on the motion of Bro . Donkin , it was resolvetl to apply for a dispensation to wear a centenary jewel , but the minutes do not record any further proceedings . . In 1 S 7 6 our present Secretary ,
Bro . Free , was requested to report on the subject of a centenary jewel . With the kind assistance of Bro . Buss , at the Grand Secretary ' s office , we have been able to trace our origin to the date of the original warrant , Feb . 27 , 1760 , as one of the lodges of Ancient Masons under the old Constitutions . A petition to the M . W . G . M . was signed by all the officers antl P . M . ' s and fifty-one
members of the lodge , and forwarded to the Grantl Secretary in 1877 . In due course the warrant I have spoken of was received . The lodge appointetl a Centenary Committee , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . Knott , the P . M ' s , Bros . Dixon , Walters , Sabine , Rose , Ebsworth , Free ( Secretaryl , Grace ( D . C ) , and Wilkins ; Keeble ( J . W . ) , Isaacs ( J . D . ) , antl Stedman . It has fallen to my lot as
the senior P . M ., with the assistance of my colleagues , to examine all avai ' able tlecumcnts , and to endeavour lo condenscthe result of our labours into my present address . Although the old minute book from 1 764 has be * en lost , another of greater interest lias been found , commencing Dec . 30 , 1780 , and ending , Dec . 23 , 1799 . This is the oldest record in our possession , antl foims Ihe first of
seven minute books containing upwards of 2003 pages of manuscript which' contain the history of this lodge to the present time . With the exception of three leaves cut from the minute book in 1789 , and four leaves cut out in 1793-4 , these books appear to contain brief records of all our lodge meetings during the last 97 ycars . All these I have read . They contain an immense number of facts
which arc of no interest to us at the present time , beyond the circumstance of their forming a continuous history . However , a few grains of wheat may be collected from the chaff , which will serve to give us some idea of the method of conducting business in a Masonic lotlge during the thirty ycars which preceded ihe union in 1813 , For the information of our young members , who may not have
enjoyed any opportunities of making themselves acquainted with the history of our institution , and in order to make my subsequent remarks more intelligible , I trust it will not be considered out of place if I occupy your attention for a short time by referring to the history of Freemasonry in this country , more especially of that period which preceded and followed the formation of the two Grantl Lodges
and the circumstance of their union , forming our present United Grand Lodge . This subject may be said to form a part of our own history , as I have ascertained at the British Museum that the articles of union between the two Grand Lodges were signed by two brethren , James Agar and James Perry , who were initiated and served the office of W . M . in this lodge . The early history of Freemasonry
is traditional and fragmentary . The accounts of its origin are various , and inconsistent with each other . St . Alban is said to have formed the first lodge in Britain , A . D . 287 . Prince Edwin , a brother of Athelstan , is said to have held the first Grantl Lodge at Yoik , A . D . 926 . For some centuries after this period Masonic lodges were principally those of operative
Craftsmen , patronised and encouraged by great and noble lovers of art , especially the founders of cathedrals antl colleges , & c . The names of these patrons of the Order have been handed down to us as Grand Masters , but not on much authority . From the time of Inigo Jones ( G . M . 1607 and 1638 ) to that of Sir Christopher Wre n ( G . M . 1685 and 1698 ) , Masonic lodges became
seminaries of instruction in the liberal arts and sciences and many eminent men were accepted as members of the Order . In consequence of the age and infirmities of , Sir Christopher Wren the annual festivals werc neglected and the number of Masons diminished . In Feb ., 1717 , the four lodges then existing in London met at the Apple Tree Tavern , Charles street . Covent Garden , and having voted
the oldest Master Mason then present into the chair , constituted themselves into a Grand Lodjje pro tempore . On June 24 following , a general assembly was held , A . Sayer , Esq ., was elected G . M . ; invested by the oldest M , M . present ; installed by the Master of the oldest lodge ( that of St . Paul , and now the Lodge of Antiquity ) ; and received due homage from the fraternity . The authority of this Grand Lodge of England was not universally re-
Charitable Administration.
cognised .- An ancient lodge at York constituted itself into " Grand Lodge of all England , held at York , " in the year j 72 ** . After a certain time it became inactive , but was revived in 17 ( 11 antl finally collapsed in 1792 . Thc regulations issued by the Grantl Lodge of England were looked upon as innovations by several lodges , who renounced their allegiance , and affiliated
themselves with the Grantl Lodge at York . In 173 8 the seceders were numerous , and being glorious Masons it was impossible to distinguish them . The parting of the Grand Lodge committe-d the error of deviating from the first of the ancient landmarks , the moeles of recognition , in changing thc word of the First Degree , The seceders then assumed the title of " Ancient
Masons , " and called their opponents " Modern Masons . ' In 17 * 53 " The Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons according to the old constitutions" ( saitl to have been granted by Prince Edwin at York , 926 ) was constituted . It was recognised by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland . Some of its Grand Masters were at the same time Grand Masters of Scotland .
GRAND MASTERS OF THE ANCIENT MASONS . 1753 Robert Turner 1 year 1754— 3 Edward Vaughan ... ... ... 2 „ 1756— 9 The Earl of Blessington ... ... 4 „ 17 ( 00— 5 The Earl of Nellie 6 „
17 G 6—70 The Hon . Thos . Matthew 3 „ 1771—4 John , 3 rd Duke of Atboll 4 „ 1775—81 John , 4 th Duke of Alholl 7 „ 1782—90 William , Earl of Antrim ... ... 9 ,, 1791- ^ -1813 , John , 4 th Duke of Atholl ... 23 „ 1813 , ( Nov . and Dec ) , H . R . H . Edward , Duke of Kent .
GRAND MASTERS or SCOTLAND . 17 G 3— 4 Earl of Kellie . 1 773 Johnr ,-ird Duke of Atholl . 1778— 9 John , 4 th Duke of Atholl . UNION or THE GRAND LODGES . Nov . 25 , 1813 Articles of Union signed . Dec . 1 , „ Ratified , confirmed , ar . d sealed by G . L Dec . 27 , „ First United Grand Lodge .
GRAND MASTERS OF THE UNITED IJRAND LODGE . 1813—42 H . R . H . Frederick Augustus , Duke of Sussex .,. ... ... 30 years , 1843—6 9 The . Earl of Zetland 27 „ 1870—73 The Marquis of Ripon ... ... 4 „ 1874 H . R . H . Albert Edwartl Prince of Wales ( whom God Preserve ) .
As the Past Grantl Officers who were not re-appointed were to retain their former rank , this lotlge has had the singular honour of two of its Past Masters sitting at the same time as Past Deputy Grantl Masters in the present Grantl Lodge . Thc Duke of Kenl accepted office with the sole view of co-operating with his illustrious broth .- r in promoting and cfuienling thc so much-desired Union .
Reverting to thc history of our own lodge , I have to regret that I am unable to give you any account of ils proceedings during the first twenty ycars of its existence . In the latter part of thc year 1780 the lodge met at the house of Bro . Kelly , at the King ' s Head , James ' s-stre t , Covent Garden . The warrant of the lotlge was then in the possession of James Oxburg , as W . M . 5 Anthony Conyers ,
S . W . ; and Edmund Kelly , J . W . Judging from thc names of the initiates and visitors , we may assume that the Irish element largely preponderated . This was a period of considerable activity , 15 members being admitted in 1781 . Lectures were given in the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry , and also in the R . A . and Templar Degrees . The Master was elected for a period of 6 months . The
Wardens were elected by the members of the lodge , and they appear to have been obligated and installed . The obligation of the Wardens probably referred to their holding office until their successors were elected , as I find it stated at a subsequent period , when no election of officers had taken place on account of the absence of members , that the Master and S . W . agreed to hold their positions until
the next day of election " on their oaths of office . " The elections took pi ice in a M . M . Lodge , as in one place I find it stated the F . C . were requested to retire before the election . The Secretary and Treasurer were elected by the lodge . The Master appointed the Senior Deacon , antl the Junior Warden the J . D . The officers werc fined for non-attendance or being late , and also for
non-acceptance of office . From the rules and orders of the Grand Lodge , printed in 1813 , it appears that the fines for refusal to serve in any office—past officers exceptedwere , Master not less than five shillings , Wardens and Secretary two shillings and sixpenc : each ; Deacon one shilling , the Treasurer at the discretion of the majority . Occasionally two degrees were conferred on one night—a
brother being initiated and Crafted , or Crafted and raised . In one instance all the three tlegrees were conferred in one evening ( March , 1797 ) . The Festivals of St . John the Baptist ( June 24 ) , and of St . John the Apostle antl Evangelist ( Dec . 27 ) , were the days of installation . Masonic lodges were formerly tledicatetl to these two saints , they being considered the two grand parallels , which are now
represented 111 our lodges by Moses and King Solomon . It was customary for the lodges to unite with the Grand Lodge to"jcele-brate thc grand Festival on St John Baptist ' s Day . Each lodge contributed half-a-guinea , according to regulation , towards the expenses . The lodges marched in procession , each having its own standard . It sometimes happened that the standard was left behind as security
for the payment of the house bill . Of these festivals I will give an instance from our minutes . "The lodge m : t at 9 o ' clock in the morning , there being 29 members present . They proceeded to thc "Black Prince , " and attended Grand Lodge agreeable to ortlers . Assisted in celebrating the festival . Attended Divine Service at Camberwell Church , where a Masonic sermon was preached by Dr . Colin Milne , the Grand Chaplain . Dined with the general body at the Grove House , where we were visited by
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several distinguished brothers and spent the day in the utmost conviviality and harmony . The Grand Lodge was closed at 9 o ' clock in the evening . " ( June j I , 1788 . ) At this period the Earl of Antrim was our G . M Ten years before this ( April 7 , 1777 ) , the Grand Lodg cof England had determined that ancient Masons were n t to be countenanced or acknowledged by any regular lodgeof Masons
however , they were recognised by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland . On September 9 , 1778 , it vvas reported to our Lodge that "Lord Elcho ., G . M ., of Scotland , having -risked our Grand Master ' s Lodge , had written a letter in which he expressed his complete satisfaction , at the conduct of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , and declared his abhorence of that modern system lately established in
England . " Modern Masons desirous of being admitted as members of our lodge were iniatiated again , but at the reduced fee of one guinea . At this period of the lodge ' s history ( 1786-94 ) I must mention the names of two distinguished brethren , James Perry , editor and proprietor of The Morning Chronicle , and James Agar , barrister at law of the Inner Temple . James Perry was initiated
in this lodge in 1783 ; was W . M . in 1786 ; appointed J . G . W . in 1787 , and was D . G . M . in 1788-90 . James Agar was initiated in this lodge in 1786 , wasW . M . in 1787 ; J . G . W . 1788-9 ; S . G . W . 1790 ; D . G . M . 1791-4 , or later . They filled these offices in Grand Lodge while they were members cf this lodge . Notwithstanding the social position of many of its
members the lodge got into debt . " The R . W . D . G . M ., Bro . Perry , reported that he had paid the debt and costs of an action of law against the lodge , amounting to £ 27 2 s . 6 d . " Members in arrear were warned that they " would be reported to Grand Lodge , and be no longer considered members of this lodge . " In 178 9 Bro . James Gray , of the Grand Master ' s Lodge ( who had joined the year
before ) , became Master , and in the following year was thanked for " the exemplary discipline which he had maintained in thc lodge , and the general attention which he had paid to every part of his duty in office , and through whom the lodge was happily restored to that harmony antl respect which ought ever to reign among Masons . " " The Good Lodge , No . 6 , visited , and received a Masonic
welcome . " This lodge returned the visit in form . The happy state just mentioned was not of long duration , for in 1792 wc find thc D . G . M ., Bro . Agar , P . M . of this lodge , calling thc brethren together "for the purpose of restoring the lodge to its former regularity and splendour . " The lodge removed to a more eligible house , the Sun , in Gate-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fieltls . Four initiates were
appointed to office , and a joining member from No . 2 , Bro . A . Ecle , was chosen Master . The W . M . appears to have been unable to attentl on account of illness . Six months after thc lodge was removed to the Bull , Devonshire-street , Bishopsgate . Old members in arrear were excluded , but the lotlge did not prosper . On Dec . 7 , 1792 , the lodge alloweel the Tvler five shillings to perform the
duties of Secretary , and to pay for an Outer Guard out of that sum . On June 4 th , 1794 , the lodge met at the Angel , City-road . The minutes of this meeting do not contain any name . There appears to have been no Secretary , or a very bad one . At this period we find the lodge received a duplicate warrant , dated Dec . 27 , 1794 , which is our present warrant . The officers named therein are
William Lovell , W . M . ; Stephen Eele , S . W . ; and William Lcsturgem , J . W . ; all of whom were initiated in this lodge in 1792 . The minute book does not give us any information about this warrant . Three leaves are missing just before this date . Bro . W . Lovell appears to have inaugurated a second revival , as fifteen lodge meetings were held in the year 1795 , eight new members were initiated ,
and two brethren joined . Bro . Lovell was a member for several years . The lodge next removed to the Cheshire Cheese , Spitalfields Market . It met there for three years . On Dec . 15 th the lodge proposetl , " to sup on next lodge night with their sisters , after the ins t allation , " and no doubt this proposal was carried out , as the house bill on Jan . 19 th , 179 6 , was £ 10 2 s , 41 ! , being much in excess of the
usual amount . In 1796 , Nathaniel Bradley , a watchmaker in St . Luke ' s , was initiated . He was Master in 1797 , Secretary in 179 8 , and filled that office , with a short period of interruption , for thirty-three ycars , when he was made an honorary member . He diet ! in 1840 , having been a member for forty-four years . It was he who in 1799 first proposed that this lodge
should pay an annual subscription of one guinea to the Boys' School . On January 26 th , 1818 , he proposed the name of " Mount Lebanon Lodge" should be added to the 104 . He is thi connecting link , between the last century and our tlay , for he was the senior member of . he lotlge when Bro . Hughes was initiatetl in 183 . 5 , and Bro . Hughes filled that position when many of our oldest
members were admitted into Masonry in this lodge ( 1855 ) 1800—182 *; . For many years this lodge met in the parish of St . Luke at various places . The number of members at this time was from twenty to thirty . They were principally tradesmen . From the names I imagine that many of them were Italians . I am sorry to say that sev eral of the P . M . ' s werc under the necessity of making
application to the Grand Lotlge Benevolent Fund . At one period ( August 24 th , 1807 ) the lotlge was so poor that " the brethren agreetl to act as Tyler in rotation , until thc lodge was free from debt . " In 1812 they were evidently in a better position , as thc minutes of December 9 th state that they ordered " a goose , two fowls , anil a salted leg of pork . " Poverty did not induce them to
admit unworthy persons . A " Mr . Richard Lawless (!) was rejected as not being a fit person to be made a Free mason . " Let us hope this was not on account of hi name . In 1819 G . W . Turner was Master . He pre sented the lotlge with three small boards of thc Thre Degrees , with several Masonic prints , a new minute book and part of the expense of the P . M . tablet . He visited the lotlge within my recollection . In 1825 Bro . R