Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in due form at 2 . 30 , when the ordinary lodge business having been disposed of , Bro . Frederick Orders , the W . M . for the past year , proceeded with thc installation of Bro . James Horner , P . G . A . D . C , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . These responsible duties were admirably carried out , and thc retiring W . M . received thc congratulations of the brethren present , as
did also the newly installed W . M . on his having been placed in the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . next proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year , the list being composed as follows : Bro . James Horner , W . M . ; F . Orders , I . P . M . ; W . Walkings , Treasurer ; Henry Richards , S . W . ; James Sanders , J . W . ; W . M . Locke , Secretary ; W . H . Wheeler , Assistant-Secretary ; A . Taylor ,
S . D . ; J . E . Thomas , J . D . ; E . Conner , Supt . W . ; E . W . Perrin , Organist ; W . Welsford , I . G . ; J . Jenkins and E . W . Evans , Stewards ; H . Fletcher , Tyler ; W . Hopton , Assistant-Tyler . This concluded the business of the lodge , which was closed in due form , thc brethren adjourning to the " Westgate Hotel , "' where the annual banquet took place . Bro . Hallen laid covers for about fifty brethren ,
and the viands were of thc choicest and most recherche kind . The W . M . proceeded with the toast list , first giving " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by " The M . W . G . M . of England , his Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince ' of Wales , K . G . ; " " The M . W . Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , the R . W . Deputy G . M . the Viscount Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the G . Lodge of England . ''
Bro . Dr . W . Morgan then gave " The R . W . the Prov . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Charles Lyne ; " and in doing so remarked that he had hatl the pleasure of knowing the P . G . M ., and had watched his Masonic career ever since he entered Newport , and it must be very gratifying to him to find himself at the highest point in the province which it was possible to arrive . In the
absence of Bro . Colonel Charles Lyne , P . G . M ., this toast was responded to by Bro . Charles Rowe , P . G . S . " Tht W . the Deputy P . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , and the rest of the Prov . G . L . Officers , " was given by Bro . Richards , the S . W . The toast of the evening was "The W . M . 1429 , Bro . James Horner , P . G . A . D . C ., Mon , " and was proposed in eulogistic terms
by Bro . F . Orders . In the most enthusiastic manner the brethren acknowledged the toast , and the W . M . feelingly responded . The remaining toasts were the " Installing Master" ( Bro . Orders ) , "The Masonic Charities , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The W . M ., Officers , and the Brethren of the Silurian Lodge , " ( to which Bro . Campbell , W . M ., responded ) , "The Isca Lodge , and other Lidges of the
Province , " and "The Officers of the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge . " The Tylers toast brought to a termination a most harmoniously-spent evening . BARNSLEY . —Friendly Lodge ( No . 1513 ) . —The celebration of the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of the Worshipful Master of the above-named lodge was held on Thursday , January 3 rd ,
at the King ' s Head Hotel , when in the presence of a number of the Craft , Bro . W . Winsworth was duly installed as Master . The ceremony was very ably performed by Bro . G . Sykes , P . M . 290 ; supported by Bros . Braithwaite , P . M . 151 . -1 ; Wood , P . M . 290 ; Farrar , P . M . 1592 . Beauland , W . M . 1562 ; Slack , P . M . 919 . The following brethren were appointed antl invested as officers of the
lodge for the ensuing year , viz .: Bro . Gration , I . P . M . j Chambers , S . W . Morris , J . W . ; Watson , Treas . ; Massie , Sec ; Shepherd , S . D . ; Alderson , J . D . ; Nelson , I . G . ; Home and Whiteley , Stewards ; Rogers , Tyler . A banquet in honour of the festival was afterwards held , about forty sitting down , amongst whom were visitors from Lodges , No . 55 , 139 , Sheffield ; 291 , Huddersfield ; 306 ,
Leeds ; 910 , Pontefract ; 1492 , Penistowe . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were propositi and duly responded to ; the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by some capital songs and music given by several of the brethren . LIVERPOOL . —Marlborough Lodge ( No . 1620 ) . —The first installation meeting in connection with
this suburban lodge , after its consecration , was held atthe Derby Hall , Tucbrook , near Liverpool , on Wednesday afternoon , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . W . Woods , W . M ., and amongst those in the lodge room during the afternoon and evening , were Bros . W . Pughe , S . W . j G . Lunt , J . W . ; L . Bagnall , Treasurer ; H . Hindle , Secretary ; C . Tyrer , S . D . ; G . Lunt , 1393 , ( who
kindly undertook to act as Tyler pro tem . ) , J . A . Barrow , J . Asbury , C . J . Carr , R . Brown , W . King , A . F . Ingham , N . J . Pitts , T . Fletcher , jun ., A . H . Carmichael , J . McFall , G . P . Getterton , W . E . G . Tisdale , H . T . Rourke , T , McCracken , W . Bulcock , P . C . Asbury , J . W . Wood , A . Thomas , J . W . Lightbound , W . Thomason , H . J . Blackburn , D . Gaudin , A . Preston , W . Brown , and A . Ashley ,
The visitors were Bros . J . W . Turley , P . P . G . J . D . ; E . Ford , S . W . 1386 ; J . P . Bryan , 1035 ; J . Boyle , 823 ; R- Hargreaves , 1182 ; J . C . Salmon , S 05 ; J . Barlow , 440 ; T . Carr , 1094 ; R . H . Evans , P . M . 292 ; W . C . Erwin , Sec . 1 . 393 i T- Sammons , W . M . 1391 ; VV . J . Lunt , P . M . and Treasurer 823 ; J . Lilly , 1182 ; W . Wilson . P . M . 823 ; W . H . Hignett , 1547 , and others . The minutes of the
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , five brethren were passed to the degree of F . C . by the retiring W . M ., ( Bro . Woods ) , who afterwards installed Bro . Wm . Pughe as his successor in the chair of K . S ., thc presentation for that purpose having been made by Bros . P . M . Evans and P . M . Lunt . The following brethren were subsequently invested officers for the coming year , Bros . W . Woods ,
I . P . M . ; T . Lunt , S . W . ; H . Hindle , J . W . ; Luke Bagnall , Treasurer ; Henry Pitts , Secretary ; C . Tyrer , S . D . ; W . Thomason , J . D . ; T . McCracken , I . G . ; Wm . King , S . S . ; H . Barrow , J . S . ; P . C . Asbery , A . S . Several propositions for initiation and joining having been made , the lodge was duly closed , after the balance sheet had been pissed , the brethren dined in the evening under the presidency of Bro . Pughe , W . M . About sixty brethren
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sat down , the excellent catering of Bro . Vines , P . G . D . C , giving thc usual satisfaction . Several capital glees , songs , & c , were sung in goo 1 style by Bros . Barlow , 440 , ( Canada ); C Waterson . 1035 -, A . C . Forshaw , 1035 ; R . N . Hobart , 1505 , and J . P . Bryan , 1035 , 203 , honorary Organist of the Mirlborough . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
In responding to thc " Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . W . G . Lunt said that although not a Present or Past Provincial Officer , he fully approved of the custom of honouring the Grantl Officers on such occasions , and bore testimony to the urbanity and assiduity of the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale . "The Worshipful Master" was proposed by Bro . W . Woods , I . P . M ., who
expressed his gratifica'ion at thc choice the lodge had made , and said that from his long personal observation he could testify to the careful attention given by Bro . Pughe to his Masonic duties . He was sure that the lodge would prosper under his government , and gave his assurance of hearty co-operation during the coming year . The W . M . in replying , thanked them for the great kindness which
he had experienced from every one in the lodge since his connection with it , and expressed his determination to tlo all in his power to ; keep up the prestige of the lodge . The "Installing Master" was proposed by the W . M ., who spoke to the hard work undergone by Bro . Woods in forming the lodge , and attending to its affairs during his year of office . He had much pleasure in presenting to
him , on behalf ot the brethren , a handsome tea antl coffee service , as a small token of their estee 11 and gratitude . Bro . Wootls replied in suitable terms , and said that he was heartily glad that the efforts of himself and other brethren had been successful in providing a proper house for Masonry in Tuebrook , and expressed his conviction that the Marlborough Lodge would goon and prosper . "The
Visitors " was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Dr . Crawford , 680 , and Bro . R . H . Evans , P . M . 292 , in eloquent terms . " The Officers " followed , and the W . M . congratulated the lodge on possessing such a competent staff for the coming twelve months . Bro . George Lunt , S . W ., and others acknowledged the toast . " The Charities" was responded to by Bro . John Jones , P . M .
216 , who stated that at three meetings lately of Masons no less a sum than ^ 20 , 000 had been subscribed by the brethren . Ths " Musical Brethren " was acknowledged by Bro . J . P . Bryan , IO-JS . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No . 1656 ) . —An emergency meeting of this new but most successful provincial lodge was held at the hostelry of Bro .
Andrews , of the White Hart , on Saturday , the 5 th inst ., and which was , for an " off-night , " very fairly attended . Amongst those present were Bros . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Midx ., P . M . 201 , 2326 , 1 5 , W . M . ; B . Sharp , P . M . P . G . S . of Midx . S . W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . of Midx ., J . W . 1381 , and acting J . W . ( Freemason ); the Rev . J . De Crespigny , P . P . G . C . of Midx ., Chaplain , acting I . P . M . ;
T . Ockenden , S . D . 1512 , Secretary ; Forge , acting I . G . ; Marvin , D . C . ; and Scott , W . S . The W . M . had convened the meeting for the purpose of easing his agenda of business at the next regular lodge night , but his good intentions were partly frustrated by the non-attendance of several brethren and gentlemen who were down for raising , passing antl initiation . Thc ballot having been
successfully taken for the latter , the W . M . proceeded to initiate two out of thc five present , namely , Messrs . Humphries , and Bicknell , ( serving brother ) . He then passed Bros . Worthington and Murray , to the degree of M . M ., the whole of the work being most carefully performed . A proposition for initiation having been taken , the lodge , after sitting upwards of three hours , was adjourred until
the first Monday in the ensuing month . The visitors were Bros . Herbert Jones , 1326 , Murphy , and Henry Jones , 1512 . During the evening , thc Secretary read the names of many brethren and others who had forwarded apologies for their non-attendance . There was no banquet , but the brethren partook of a slight refreshment . The only toasts were " The W . M ., " and "The Initiates , " the
rest of the evening being devoted to conviviality . NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —On Tuesday the 1 st inst ., the above pleasant and flourishing little lodge held one of its usual monthly meetings at Bro . West ' s house , the Three Crowns , Bro . W . Steele , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the following officers : Bros . Manning , S . W . ; Turner , J . W . ; Plume ,
S . D . ; Dr . Vance , J . D . ; Lloyd , I . G . ; and Thomas , who officiated for Bro . Steadman , O . G . The Past Masters present were Bros . J . Henderson , who is as well Sec . ; and West , who is P . M . of lodges 1076 , J 327 , 1437 , and P . P . G . S . D . Herts . The business before the lodge consisted of balloting for Mr . J . Geller , but although the result was favourable , unavoidable circu instances kept the
candidate away . Bro . W . Penlney was then raised to the Sublime Degree by the W . M . most impressively , and as usual , the working of the subordinate offices was perfect . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a dinner , served in Bro . West's best style . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in thc usual way among Masons , and the rest of the evening was spent most enjoyably .
INSTRUCTION . THE EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1643 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , 4 th inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notting Hill . There were present Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Crabb , S . W . ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Spiegel , S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; Luhtwitz ,
I . G . ; Smout , jun ., Secretary ; Savage , P . M ., Preceptor ; Murles , P . M . ; Tcttenbrun , Woodmason , Whittaker , Dehane , Gabb , Hatton , and oihers . The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , and Bro . Woodmason being the candidate , thc lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and the Fir-it and Second Sections was then worked by Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Savage , assisted by the brethren . The reply of Bro . Park - house , S . W ., of the mother lotlge , to the letter of sym pathy , send to him from this lodge of instruction , wa s then read , in which hc expresses his grateful thanks to the brethren . A committee was then appointed to arrange
the bye-laws of this lodge , consisting of Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Murlis , P . M . ; Adkins , and Spiegel . The lodge will meet next Friday , at half-past seven , when Bro . Spiegel will occupy the chair , and promises not only to work the Three Degrees , but will also explain the Tracing Boards fin the First and Second Degree .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — -The January meeting of this chapter was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday last , the 16 th inst . The officers and members present were Comps . F . D . R . Copestick , M . E . Z . ; H . Birdseye , H . ; T . C . Chapman , J . ; George Phythian , P . S . ; R . Pawson Hooton , W . E . Newton , Thomas Cohu , Francis Fellows , S . E . ; George
Kenning , Treas . ; George Newman , P . Z . ; James Lorkin , E Benard , W . H . Brand , E . F . Storr , Wilson , Cox , Arkell , Ewins , CCann , Perry , and others . The visitors were Comps W . Birdseye , H . Everett , and Forsyth , P . Z . Victoria Chapter . Thc minutes of the last meeting were reatl and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . William Francis Darnell , of the Lion antl Lamb Lotlge , No . 192 . It
proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly exalted to the degree of Royal Arch . The installation of Princip lis and induction of officers was then proceeded with , underlie able guidance of thc veteran and much esteemed Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., P . Z ., etc ., with the following result : Comps . H . Birdseye , M . E . Z ; T . C . Chapman , H . ; R . P . Hooton , J . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; F . Fellows , S . E . ; G . Phythian ,
S . N . ; E . F . Storr , P . S . ; C . B . Cheese , First A . S . ; J . Lorkin , Second A . S . A P . Z . jewel was voted to Comp . F . D . R . Copestick . A satisfactory audit was declared for the year 1877 . under the able management of the outgoing Z ., Bro . F . D . R . Copestick . A banquet followed , the usual toasts being given and responded to . BATH . —Tynte Chapter ( No . -179 ) . —A regular
meeting was held on Tut-sday , January 15 th , at which there was no other business than the installation of Principals , who hatl previously been nominated . In the absence of the First Principal his chair was taken by Ex . Comp . Becket , P . Z . ; that of H . by Ex . Comp . Watts ; and that of J . by Ex . Comp . Dutton . The chapter was opened by them at 7 . 40 . There were also present Past First
Principals Reeves and Davis , and as visitors Col . Ford , P . Z . 53 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . 328 , 587 , 710 ; Carey , Z . 41 . The minutes of the previous meeting werc read and confirmed . The new officers having been balloted for and unanimously elected , Ex Comp . Dr . Hopkins installed Ex . Comps . Watts , as Z . ; Dutton , as H . ; and Lotler , as J . Comp . Gore was appointed E . ; Reeves , N . and Treas . ; Becket ,
P . Soj . ; and Gazzard , Janitor . A vote of thanks to tbe Installing Principal , for his assistance , was carried by acclamation . A long discussion ensued on matters connected with the chapter , and the proceedings were brought to a close at 9 . 30 . KIRKBY LONSDALE . —Bective Chapter ( No . 1074 ) . —The regular quarterly convocation of this
chapter was held on Friday , the nth inst ., at one o ' clock . In the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Earl Bective , M . P ., Prov . G . Supt ., his chair was occupied by Ex . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . N ., supported by Ex . Comps . W . Dodd , P . Z ., H . ; Rev . Canon Ware as J , ; Comps . Dr . Page , E . ; R . ( . Godfrey , N ., acting P . S . ; W . James , Dr . Waller , No . 2 , S . C , and a goodly number of other companions . Thc chapter was opened by the Principals ,
when the members generally were admitted . Thc minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken lor three candidates , duly proposed , all of whom were unanimously accepted , and Bros . Waring , P . M ., and Anderson being present were duly exalted . The thanks of the lodge having been accorded to the acting M . E . Z ., and there being no further business it was closed with the usual solemnities .
To Correspondents.
" A Sculptor ' s Studio " in our next . H . H . —We omitted the ritual technicalities purposely . We do not profess to publish them . Owing to the pressure upon our columns this week thc following reports stand over : —Lodges 13 , 151 , 209 , 237 , 379 . 4 * 9 . 4 o 9 > 477 . 586 . 597 , 663 , 732 , 1035 , 1044 .
The Christmas double number of the " Masonic Magazine " has reached us , and we notice contains , amid a mass of generally interesting reading , much that is especially attractive to members of the Craft . We have glanced at several of the articles , and note many that
are both curious and pleasant in its well-stocked pages .- — The Southampton Observer . To meet the demand npon our space , an adtlitional 4 pages has been included in this week ' s issueof " The Freemason , " making it a 24-page paper .
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should be in the possession of every brother . It may be obtained for 2 S . at the office of the Freemason , or will be sent post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London . —ADVT ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in due form at 2 . 30 , when the ordinary lodge business having been disposed of , Bro . Frederick Orders , the W . M . for the past year , proceeded with thc installation of Bro . James Horner , P . G . A . D . C , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . These responsible duties were admirably carried out , and thc retiring W . M . received thc congratulations of the brethren present , as
did also the newly installed W . M . on his having been placed in the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . next proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year , the list being composed as follows : Bro . James Horner , W . M . ; F . Orders , I . P . M . ; W . Walkings , Treasurer ; Henry Richards , S . W . ; James Sanders , J . W . ; W . M . Locke , Secretary ; W . H . Wheeler , Assistant-Secretary ; A . Taylor ,
S . D . ; J . E . Thomas , J . D . ; E . Conner , Supt . W . ; E . W . Perrin , Organist ; W . Welsford , I . G . ; J . Jenkins and E . W . Evans , Stewards ; H . Fletcher , Tyler ; W . Hopton , Assistant-Tyler . This concluded the business of the lodge , which was closed in due form , thc brethren adjourning to the " Westgate Hotel , "' where the annual banquet took place . Bro . Hallen laid covers for about fifty brethren ,
and the viands were of thc choicest and most recherche kind . The W . M . proceeded with the toast list , first giving " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by " The M . W . G . M . of England , his Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince ' of Wales , K . G . ; " " The M . W . Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , the R . W . Deputy G . M . the Viscount Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the G . Lodge of England . ''
Bro . Dr . W . Morgan then gave " The R . W . the Prov . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Charles Lyne ; " and in doing so remarked that he had hatl the pleasure of knowing the P . G . M ., and had watched his Masonic career ever since he entered Newport , and it must be very gratifying to him to find himself at the highest point in the province which it was possible to arrive . In the
absence of Bro . Colonel Charles Lyne , P . G . M ., this toast was responded to by Bro . Charles Rowe , P . G . S . " Tht W . the Deputy P . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , and the rest of the Prov . G . L . Officers , " was given by Bro . Richards , the S . W . The toast of the evening was "The W . M . 1429 , Bro . James Horner , P . G . A . D . C ., Mon , " and was proposed in eulogistic terms
by Bro . F . Orders . In the most enthusiastic manner the brethren acknowledged the toast , and the W . M . feelingly responded . The remaining toasts were the " Installing Master" ( Bro . Orders ) , "The Masonic Charities , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The W . M ., Officers , and the Brethren of the Silurian Lodge , " ( to which Bro . Campbell , W . M ., responded ) , "The Isca Lodge , and other Lidges of the
Province , " and "The Officers of the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge . " The Tylers toast brought to a termination a most harmoniously-spent evening . BARNSLEY . —Friendly Lodge ( No . 1513 ) . —The celebration of the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of the Worshipful Master of the above-named lodge was held on Thursday , January 3 rd ,
at the King ' s Head Hotel , when in the presence of a number of the Craft , Bro . W . Winsworth was duly installed as Master . The ceremony was very ably performed by Bro . G . Sykes , P . M . 290 ; supported by Bros . Braithwaite , P . M . 151 . -1 ; Wood , P . M . 290 ; Farrar , P . M . 1592 . Beauland , W . M . 1562 ; Slack , P . M . 919 . The following brethren were appointed antl invested as officers of the
lodge for the ensuing year , viz .: Bro . Gration , I . P . M . j Chambers , S . W . Morris , J . W . ; Watson , Treas . ; Massie , Sec ; Shepherd , S . D . ; Alderson , J . D . ; Nelson , I . G . ; Home and Whiteley , Stewards ; Rogers , Tyler . A banquet in honour of the festival was afterwards held , about forty sitting down , amongst whom were visitors from Lodges , No . 55 , 139 , Sheffield ; 291 , Huddersfield ; 306 ,
Leeds ; 910 , Pontefract ; 1492 , Penistowe . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were propositi and duly responded to ; the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by some capital songs and music given by several of the brethren . LIVERPOOL . —Marlborough Lodge ( No . 1620 ) . —The first installation meeting in connection with
this suburban lodge , after its consecration , was held atthe Derby Hall , Tucbrook , near Liverpool , on Wednesday afternoon , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . W . Woods , W . M ., and amongst those in the lodge room during the afternoon and evening , were Bros . W . Pughe , S . W . j G . Lunt , J . W . ; L . Bagnall , Treasurer ; H . Hindle , Secretary ; C . Tyrer , S . D . ; G . Lunt , 1393 , ( who
kindly undertook to act as Tyler pro tem . ) , J . A . Barrow , J . Asbury , C . J . Carr , R . Brown , W . King , A . F . Ingham , N . J . Pitts , T . Fletcher , jun ., A . H . Carmichael , J . McFall , G . P . Getterton , W . E . G . Tisdale , H . T . Rourke , T , McCracken , W . Bulcock , P . C . Asbury , J . W . Wood , A . Thomas , J . W . Lightbound , W . Thomason , H . J . Blackburn , D . Gaudin , A . Preston , W . Brown , and A . Ashley ,
The visitors were Bros . J . W . Turley , P . P . G . J . D . ; E . Ford , S . W . 1386 ; J . P . Bryan , 1035 ; J . Boyle , 823 ; R- Hargreaves , 1182 ; J . C . Salmon , S 05 ; J . Barlow , 440 ; T . Carr , 1094 ; R . H . Evans , P . M . 292 ; W . C . Erwin , Sec . 1 . 393 i T- Sammons , W . M . 1391 ; VV . J . Lunt , P . M . and Treasurer 823 ; J . Lilly , 1182 ; W . Wilson . P . M . 823 ; W . H . Hignett , 1547 , and others . The minutes of the
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , five brethren were passed to the degree of F . C . by the retiring W . M ., ( Bro . Woods ) , who afterwards installed Bro . Wm . Pughe as his successor in the chair of K . S ., thc presentation for that purpose having been made by Bros . P . M . Evans and P . M . Lunt . The following brethren were subsequently invested officers for the coming year , Bros . W . Woods ,
I . P . M . ; T . Lunt , S . W . ; H . Hindle , J . W . ; Luke Bagnall , Treasurer ; Henry Pitts , Secretary ; C . Tyrer , S . D . ; W . Thomason , J . D . ; T . McCracken , I . G . ; Wm . King , S . S . ; H . Barrow , J . S . ; P . C . Asbery , A . S . Several propositions for initiation and joining having been made , the lodge was duly closed , after the balance sheet had been pissed , the brethren dined in the evening under the presidency of Bro . Pughe , W . M . About sixty brethren
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sat down , the excellent catering of Bro . Vines , P . G . D . C , giving thc usual satisfaction . Several capital glees , songs , & c , were sung in goo 1 style by Bros . Barlow , 440 , ( Canada ); C Waterson . 1035 -, A . C . Forshaw , 1035 ; R . N . Hobart , 1505 , and J . P . Bryan , 1035 , 203 , honorary Organist of the Mirlborough . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
In responding to thc " Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . W . G . Lunt said that although not a Present or Past Provincial Officer , he fully approved of the custom of honouring the Grantl Officers on such occasions , and bore testimony to the urbanity and assiduity of the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale . "The Worshipful Master" was proposed by Bro . W . Woods , I . P . M ., who
expressed his gratifica'ion at thc choice the lodge had made , and said that from his long personal observation he could testify to the careful attention given by Bro . Pughe to his Masonic duties . He was sure that the lodge would prosper under his government , and gave his assurance of hearty co-operation during the coming year . The W . M . in replying , thanked them for the great kindness which
he had experienced from every one in the lodge since his connection with it , and expressed his determination to tlo all in his power to ; keep up the prestige of the lodge . The "Installing Master" was proposed by the W . M ., who spoke to the hard work undergone by Bro . Woods in forming the lodge , and attending to its affairs during his year of office . He had much pleasure in presenting to
him , on behalf ot the brethren , a handsome tea antl coffee service , as a small token of their estee 11 and gratitude . Bro . Wootls replied in suitable terms , and said that he was heartily glad that the efforts of himself and other brethren had been successful in providing a proper house for Masonry in Tuebrook , and expressed his conviction that the Marlborough Lodge would goon and prosper . "The
Visitors " was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Dr . Crawford , 680 , and Bro . R . H . Evans , P . M . 292 , in eloquent terms . " The Officers " followed , and the W . M . congratulated the lodge on possessing such a competent staff for the coming twelve months . Bro . George Lunt , S . W ., and others acknowledged the toast . " The Charities" was responded to by Bro . John Jones , P . M .
216 , who stated that at three meetings lately of Masons no less a sum than ^ 20 , 000 had been subscribed by the brethren . Ths " Musical Brethren " was acknowledged by Bro . J . P . Bryan , IO-JS . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No . 1656 ) . —An emergency meeting of this new but most successful provincial lodge was held at the hostelry of Bro .
Andrews , of the White Hart , on Saturday , the 5 th inst ., and which was , for an " off-night , " very fairly attended . Amongst those present were Bros . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Midx ., P . M . 201 , 2326 , 1 5 , W . M . ; B . Sharp , P . M . P . G . S . of Midx . S . W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . of Midx ., J . W . 1381 , and acting J . W . ( Freemason ); the Rev . J . De Crespigny , P . P . G . C . of Midx ., Chaplain , acting I . P . M . ;
T . Ockenden , S . D . 1512 , Secretary ; Forge , acting I . G . ; Marvin , D . C . ; and Scott , W . S . The W . M . had convened the meeting for the purpose of easing his agenda of business at the next regular lodge night , but his good intentions were partly frustrated by the non-attendance of several brethren and gentlemen who were down for raising , passing antl initiation . Thc ballot having been
successfully taken for the latter , the W . M . proceeded to initiate two out of thc five present , namely , Messrs . Humphries , and Bicknell , ( serving brother ) . He then passed Bros . Worthington and Murray , to the degree of M . M ., the whole of the work being most carefully performed . A proposition for initiation having been taken , the lodge , after sitting upwards of three hours , was adjourred until
the first Monday in the ensuing month . The visitors were Bros . Herbert Jones , 1326 , Murphy , and Henry Jones , 1512 . During the evening , thc Secretary read the names of many brethren and others who had forwarded apologies for their non-attendance . There was no banquet , but the brethren partook of a slight refreshment . The only toasts were " The W . M ., " and "The Initiates , " the
rest of the evening being devoted to conviviality . NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —On Tuesday the 1 st inst ., the above pleasant and flourishing little lodge held one of its usual monthly meetings at Bro . West ' s house , the Three Crowns , Bro . W . Steele , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the following officers : Bros . Manning , S . W . ; Turner , J . W . ; Plume ,
S . D . ; Dr . Vance , J . D . ; Lloyd , I . G . ; and Thomas , who officiated for Bro . Steadman , O . G . The Past Masters present were Bros . J . Henderson , who is as well Sec . ; and West , who is P . M . of lodges 1076 , J 327 , 1437 , and P . P . G . S . D . Herts . The business before the lodge consisted of balloting for Mr . J . Geller , but although the result was favourable , unavoidable circu instances kept the
candidate away . Bro . W . Penlney was then raised to the Sublime Degree by the W . M . most impressively , and as usual , the working of the subordinate offices was perfect . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a dinner , served in Bro . West's best style . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in thc usual way among Masons , and the rest of the evening was spent most enjoyably .
INSTRUCTION . THE EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1643 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , 4 th inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notting Hill . There were present Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Crabb , S . W . ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Spiegel , S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; Luhtwitz ,
I . G . ; Smout , jun ., Secretary ; Savage , P . M ., Preceptor ; Murles , P . M . ; Tcttenbrun , Woodmason , Whittaker , Dehane , Gabb , Hatton , and oihers . The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , and Bro . Woodmason being the candidate , thc lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and the Fir-it and Second Sections was then worked by Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Savage , assisted by the brethren . The reply of Bro . Park - house , S . W ., of the mother lotlge , to the letter of sym pathy , send to him from this lodge of instruction , wa s then read , in which hc expresses his grateful thanks to the brethren . A committee was then appointed to arrange
the bye-laws of this lodge , consisting of Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Murlis , P . M . ; Adkins , and Spiegel . The lodge will meet next Friday , at half-past seven , when Bro . Spiegel will occupy the chair , and promises not only to work the Three Degrees , but will also explain the Tracing Boards fin the First and Second Degree .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — -The January meeting of this chapter was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday last , the 16 th inst . The officers and members present were Comps . F . D . R . Copestick , M . E . Z . ; H . Birdseye , H . ; T . C . Chapman , J . ; George Phythian , P . S . ; R . Pawson Hooton , W . E . Newton , Thomas Cohu , Francis Fellows , S . E . ; George
Kenning , Treas . ; George Newman , P . Z . ; James Lorkin , E Benard , W . H . Brand , E . F . Storr , Wilson , Cox , Arkell , Ewins , CCann , Perry , and others . The visitors were Comps W . Birdseye , H . Everett , and Forsyth , P . Z . Victoria Chapter . Thc minutes of the last meeting were reatl and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . William Francis Darnell , of the Lion antl Lamb Lotlge , No . 192 . It
proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly exalted to the degree of Royal Arch . The installation of Princip lis and induction of officers was then proceeded with , underlie able guidance of thc veteran and much esteemed Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., P . Z ., etc ., with the following result : Comps . H . Birdseye , M . E . Z ; T . C . Chapman , H . ; R . P . Hooton , J . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; F . Fellows , S . E . ; G . Phythian ,
S . N . ; E . F . Storr , P . S . ; C . B . Cheese , First A . S . ; J . Lorkin , Second A . S . A P . Z . jewel was voted to Comp . F . D . R . Copestick . A satisfactory audit was declared for the year 1877 . under the able management of the outgoing Z ., Bro . F . D . R . Copestick . A banquet followed , the usual toasts being given and responded to . BATH . —Tynte Chapter ( No . -179 ) . —A regular
meeting was held on Tut-sday , January 15 th , at which there was no other business than the installation of Principals , who hatl previously been nominated . In the absence of the First Principal his chair was taken by Ex . Comp . Becket , P . Z . ; that of H . by Ex . Comp . Watts ; and that of J . by Ex . Comp . Dutton . The chapter was opened by them at 7 . 40 . There were also present Past First
Principals Reeves and Davis , and as visitors Col . Ford , P . Z . 53 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . 328 , 587 , 710 ; Carey , Z . 41 . The minutes of the previous meeting werc read and confirmed . The new officers having been balloted for and unanimously elected , Ex Comp . Dr . Hopkins installed Ex . Comps . Watts , as Z . ; Dutton , as H . ; and Lotler , as J . Comp . Gore was appointed E . ; Reeves , N . and Treas . ; Becket ,
P . Soj . ; and Gazzard , Janitor . A vote of thanks to tbe Installing Principal , for his assistance , was carried by acclamation . A long discussion ensued on matters connected with the chapter , and the proceedings were brought to a close at 9 . 30 . KIRKBY LONSDALE . —Bective Chapter ( No . 1074 ) . —The regular quarterly convocation of this
chapter was held on Friday , the nth inst ., at one o ' clock . In the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Earl Bective , M . P ., Prov . G . Supt ., his chair was occupied by Ex . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . N ., supported by Ex . Comps . W . Dodd , P . Z ., H . ; Rev . Canon Ware as J , ; Comps . Dr . Page , E . ; R . ( . Godfrey , N ., acting P . S . ; W . James , Dr . Waller , No . 2 , S . C , and a goodly number of other companions . Thc chapter was opened by the Principals ,
when the members generally were admitted . Thc minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken lor three candidates , duly proposed , all of whom were unanimously accepted , and Bros . Waring , P . M ., and Anderson being present were duly exalted . The thanks of the lodge having been accorded to the acting M . E . Z ., and there being no further business it was closed with the usual solemnities .
To Correspondents.
" A Sculptor ' s Studio " in our next . H . H . —We omitted the ritual technicalities purposely . We do not profess to publish them . Owing to the pressure upon our columns this week thc following reports stand over : —Lodges 13 , 151 , 209 , 237 , 379 . 4 * 9 . 4 o 9 > 477 . 586 . 597 , 663 , 732 , 1035 , 1044 .
The Christmas double number of the " Masonic Magazine " has reached us , and we notice contains , amid a mass of generally interesting reading , much that is especially attractive to members of the Craft . We have glanced at several of the articles , and note many that
are both curious and pleasant in its well-stocked pages .- — The Southampton Observer . To meet the demand npon our space , an adtlitional 4 pages has been included in this week ' s issueof " The Freemason , " making it a 24-page paper .
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should be in the possession of every brother . It may be obtained for 2 S . at the office of the Freemason , or will be sent post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London . —ADVT ,