Article Foreign and Colonial Agents. Page 1 of 1 Article Answer to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MODERN PHILOSOPHY. Page 1 of 1 Article MODERN PHILOSOPHY. Page 1 of 1 Article MODERN PHILOSOPHY. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
—«¦—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , I 14 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCHER , Little
Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA * . Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON * . Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , La'ant Times .
EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . -WYMAX BROS . Byculla : Bro . G EO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . ICurrachce : Bro . G . C . B RAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB F OSTER . Mhcnv : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : Irsictc KUAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlayclu-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Mafon . WEST INDIES : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth , Jamaica . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Answer To Correspondents.
Answer to Correspondents .
—»—R . A . —If you will send us full particulars , and state references , we will willingly publish your appeal . Are you eligible to apply to the Board of Benevolence ? ENQUIRER . —A P . M ., being eligible , has a right to declare himself a candidate for the chair ; but unless some good reason existed no true Mason would stand in the way of
his junior brothers advancement . We have known cases , however , where the election of a P . M . has resulted in great advantage to the lodge . COMP . J . ARMSTRONG , Annan . —We have found your letter , and shall be glad to receive particulars of the working of the "Royal Caledonian , " No . too , since 1817 . Were the eight Companions you allude to as
being desirous to resuscitate the Chapter , exalted therein since the year above mentioned ? A HEBREW BROTHER . —Maimonides , a Spanish Jew , was one of the most profound metaphysicians the world has ever produced . His most celebrated woiksaretheMishna Torah , the theme of which is theological , and a
philosophical treatise called Dux perplexorum , or the "Doubter ' s Guide . " In the latter work he attempts lo reconcile the apparent contradictions between scientific deductions and the light of revelation . If you are master of the Hebrew tongue , you ought to be no stranger to his writings .
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 19 , 1 S 70 .
Tim FREEMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early grains . The price of THE FREEMASON' is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , i _ s . Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c . to be addressed to thc EDITOR , a , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attcntion . to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Modern Philosophy.
HAVING lately had the pleasure of conferring with a brother who , were we to mention his -name , would be recognised as one of the foremost leaders of modern thought , we arc
induced to place before our readers some of the reflections to which our conversation has given birth . One of the first enquiries to which we may give expression is this :
To what extent is rrccmasonry identified with modern progress , and what influence does it really wield in the development of the true and beautiful in life ?
Our learned brother contends that Free masonry is no longer tlie summitin boiiuintheconsummation of excellence—thc perfec
tion of spirituality and truth . He contends that its inner sanctuaries arc desecrated , and its radiant revelations darkened and
defaced by the touch of ignorant and unclean hands . He avers that intellect is ignored , philosophy forgotten , and science
Modern Philosophy.
voted a dead letter , in our modern assemblies . He holds that rank without learning , wealth without wisdom , geniality without wit , are mighty powers in Freemasonry ,
and that we have consequently ceased to exert any appreciable influence upon the age in which we live or upon mankind in general . The charge is the more serious
because it emanates from one who avows his belief in the good which Freemasonry has hitherto achieved , ancl who further considers it capable of reassuming its place as
the duxpopitli . We instanced to our eminent friend , as proofs of the beneficent works of the Order , thc noble charities to which English Freemasons so liberally contribute ,
but we were met by the reply that the " Licensed Victuallers , " whom no one could accuse of being a scientific body , were equal , if not superior , to the Masonic
Fraternity in the support of their own charitable institutions . We spoke of the fraternal feelings which Freemasonry evokes between man and man ; and , while granting their
importance and utility , our friend replied that in the present era such were merely sentimental ties , and powerless to restrain the evil-disposed from acts of enmity or
malevolence . He further intimated that we had carefully preserved the shell , and forgotten the kernel—wc had unswathed the body of Masonry , and hung up the
graveclothes as mysterious relics—utterly oblivious of the history of thc past , and blind to the possibilities of the future . "What have we lost ? " was our natural ejaculation , and
the reply was significant : " Knowledge and Power ! " nor could wc at that sitting elicit further explanation from our brother ,
although wc confess that we should be glad to have his opinion on the subject for the enlightenment of our readers . As the case stands , let us grope our way to a meaning .
AU students of the inner life of Humanity —all aspirants after thc Infinite ancl the Eternal—all those whom wc may term priests of Nature and worshippers of thc
true God , feel an ineffable craving for knowledge , light , and perfection . This element , which in some is an invincible instinct , induces the individual man to frame
unattainable ideals—eidolons , so to speak , of the imagination — Olympian glimpses of skies beaming with supernatural glory . It is hard to be obliged to pass from this
clysium of thought into the dark , stern realities of existence ; it is doubly hard to find that the panacea for human ills , which we are anxious to impart , is rejected and
disdained , A Brotherhood of Man—how noble is thc conception , how divine the truth ! but how far from realization let thc records of all time bear witness . We , as
Freemasons , cannot pretend to change the aspect of the world—wc cannot banish grief and pain from the cot or thc palace—we cannot kill thc giants , Want andDisease . who wrestle
for ever with mankind in this " amphitheatre of strife , ever dark with tragedy and woe ; " but we can smooth with thc gentle hand of charity thc pillow of the weary and forlorn : we can point to the
Modern Philosophy.
source of all comfort , and bid the mourners dry their tears at the feet of Him who never turns away from His sad , though erring children . We can raise the figure of Hope ,
like the serpent in the wilderness , and bid them gaze and live ; and we can impress upon all our votaries that such are duties which they are bound to perform , if they
desire to act in conformity with the principles of Freemasonry . We ask our learned friend , and with him all our thoughtful readers , whether it is not better to educate
the heart of man to feel for his fellow-creatures , than to fill his mind with theological subtleties , or metaphysical enigmas . ' We do not undervalue learning , on the contrary
we are anxious that all its professors and exemplars , who are also true and good Masons , should be clothed in purple and fine raiment , as men whom the Craft ought
to honour and respect . But we protest against ideal standards of perfection . Freemasonry is not an organisation to be tampered with by politicians or philosophers .
Let each sphere of action possess its own labourers ; the day has for ever gone by when Freemasonry could presume upon exclusive knowledge . The salons of science are crowded
with capable men who are neither our rivals norourfoes . Modern philosophy , like Prometheus , would fain pluck down fire from heaven , and consume all that has been
revered , or venerated from the days of old . We have no ambition to enter , like an antique gladiator , into so fatal an arena , or to struggle against dogmas the acceptance of which would reduce all our faith in the
Creator and love for his creatures to a chaos of doubt and darkness . If not thc pioneers of thought in this boasted age , let Freemasons be , at least , found amongst thc
supporters of truth , and let our actions evince to the world that wc are something more than a benefit society , or an association of gourmands and winc-bibbcrs .
The precepts we inculcate are indelible virtues ; thc goal for which wc strive is a kingdom imperishable , immortal , eternal ,
the haven of thc just and true , an Elysium which is scarcely dreamed of within the rationalistic circle of modern philosophy .
Obituary .
•» BRO . HUGH KENNEDY , P . M ., No . 107 ,
KING'S LYNN . We regret having to announce thc decease of this estimable Brother ,, who departed this life on the 26 th ult . Bro . Kennedy was an Irish Mason , having been initiated in Lodge 355 , Tamlaght , his Grand Lodge certificate beating date ist February ,
1827 ; but upon obtaining an appointment asbupcrintendant of Police , in Norfolk , he joined the Philanthropic Lodge at Lynn , in December , 1854 , and attained thc . Master ' s chair in 1856 . The celebrated Brother Philip Broadfoot ( the father of the " Stability" working ) , was an active member
of thc Philanthropic Lodge at that time ; and Bro . Kennedy was one of his most zealous supporters , frequently having to travel twenty miles in order to attend the lodge , which was then at a low ebb , although now one of the most prosperous in the provinces . Our lamented Brother was stricken with paralysis about two years since , and expired
as above stated . As a last tribute of respect to his memory as a " good ancl faithful servant , " as a diligent and honourable Craftsman , the brethren of the Philanthropic Lodge assembled at thc cemetery and attended his remains to the last home of all . May others imitate his glorious example , ancl show forth the beauties of the Order .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
—«¦—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , I 14 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCHER , Little
Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA * . Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON * . Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , La'ant Times .
EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . -WYMAX BROS . Byculla : Bro . G EO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . ICurrachce : Bro . G . C . B RAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB F OSTER . Mhcnv : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : Irsictc KUAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlayclu-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Mafon . WEST INDIES : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth , Jamaica . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Answer To Correspondents.
Answer to Correspondents .
—»—R . A . —If you will send us full particulars , and state references , we will willingly publish your appeal . Are you eligible to apply to the Board of Benevolence ? ENQUIRER . —A P . M ., being eligible , has a right to declare himself a candidate for the chair ; but unless some good reason existed no true Mason would stand in the way of
his junior brothers advancement . We have known cases , however , where the election of a P . M . has resulted in great advantage to the lodge . COMP . J . ARMSTRONG , Annan . —We have found your letter , and shall be glad to receive particulars of the working of the "Royal Caledonian , " No . too , since 1817 . Were the eight Companions you allude to as
being desirous to resuscitate the Chapter , exalted therein since the year above mentioned ? A HEBREW BROTHER . —Maimonides , a Spanish Jew , was one of the most profound metaphysicians the world has ever produced . His most celebrated woiksaretheMishna Torah , the theme of which is theological , and a
philosophical treatise called Dux perplexorum , or the "Doubter ' s Guide . " In the latter work he attempts lo reconcile the apparent contradictions between scientific deductions and the light of revelation . If you are master of the Hebrew tongue , you ought to be no stranger to his writings .
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 19 , 1 S 70 .
Tim FREEMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early grains . The price of THE FREEMASON' is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , i _ s . Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c . to be addressed to thc EDITOR , a , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attcntion . to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Modern Philosophy.
HAVING lately had the pleasure of conferring with a brother who , were we to mention his -name , would be recognised as one of the foremost leaders of modern thought , we arc
induced to place before our readers some of the reflections to which our conversation has given birth . One of the first enquiries to which we may give expression is this :
To what extent is rrccmasonry identified with modern progress , and what influence does it really wield in the development of the true and beautiful in life ?
Our learned brother contends that Free masonry is no longer tlie summitin boiiuintheconsummation of excellence—thc perfec
tion of spirituality and truth . He contends that its inner sanctuaries arc desecrated , and its radiant revelations darkened and
defaced by the touch of ignorant and unclean hands . He avers that intellect is ignored , philosophy forgotten , and science
Modern Philosophy.
voted a dead letter , in our modern assemblies . He holds that rank without learning , wealth without wisdom , geniality without wit , are mighty powers in Freemasonry ,
and that we have consequently ceased to exert any appreciable influence upon the age in which we live or upon mankind in general . The charge is the more serious
because it emanates from one who avows his belief in the good which Freemasonry has hitherto achieved , ancl who further considers it capable of reassuming its place as
the duxpopitli . We instanced to our eminent friend , as proofs of the beneficent works of the Order , thc noble charities to which English Freemasons so liberally contribute ,
but we were met by the reply that the " Licensed Victuallers , " whom no one could accuse of being a scientific body , were equal , if not superior , to the Masonic
Fraternity in the support of their own charitable institutions . We spoke of the fraternal feelings which Freemasonry evokes between man and man ; and , while granting their
importance and utility , our friend replied that in the present era such were merely sentimental ties , and powerless to restrain the evil-disposed from acts of enmity or
malevolence . He further intimated that we had carefully preserved the shell , and forgotten the kernel—wc had unswathed the body of Masonry , and hung up the
graveclothes as mysterious relics—utterly oblivious of the history of thc past , and blind to the possibilities of the future . "What have we lost ? " was our natural ejaculation , and
the reply was significant : " Knowledge and Power ! " nor could wc at that sitting elicit further explanation from our brother ,
although wc confess that we should be glad to have his opinion on the subject for the enlightenment of our readers . As the case stands , let us grope our way to a meaning .
AU students of the inner life of Humanity —all aspirants after thc Infinite ancl the Eternal—all those whom wc may term priests of Nature and worshippers of thc
true God , feel an ineffable craving for knowledge , light , and perfection . This element , which in some is an invincible instinct , induces the individual man to frame
unattainable ideals—eidolons , so to speak , of the imagination — Olympian glimpses of skies beaming with supernatural glory . It is hard to be obliged to pass from this
clysium of thought into the dark , stern realities of existence ; it is doubly hard to find that the panacea for human ills , which we are anxious to impart , is rejected and
disdained , A Brotherhood of Man—how noble is thc conception , how divine the truth ! but how far from realization let thc records of all time bear witness . We , as
Freemasons , cannot pretend to change the aspect of the world—wc cannot banish grief and pain from the cot or thc palace—we cannot kill thc giants , Want andDisease . who wrestle
for ever with mankind in this " amphitheatre of strife , ever dark with tragedy and woe ; " but we can smooth with thc gentle hand of charity thc pillow of the weary and forlorn : we can point to the
Modern Philosophy.
source of all comfort , and bid the mourners dry their tears at the feet of Him who never turns away from His sad , though erring children . We can raise the figure of Hope ,
like the serpent in the wilderness , and bid them gaze and live ; and we can impress upon all our votaries that such are duties which they are bound to perform , if they
desire to act in conformity with the principles of Freemasonry . We ask our learned friend , and with him all our thoughtful readers , whether it is not better to educate
the heart of man to feel for his fellow-creatures , than to fill his mind with theological subtleties , or metaphysical enigmas . ' We do not undervalue learning , on the contrary
we are anxious that all its professors and exemplars , who are also true and good Masons , should be clothed in purple and fine raiment , as men whom the Craft ought
to honour and respect . But we protest against ideal standards of perfection . Freemasonry is not an organisation to be tampered with by politicians or philosophers .
Let each sphere of action possess its own labourers ; the day has for ever gone by when Freemasonry could presume upon exclusive knowledge . The salons of science are crowded
with capable men who are neither our rivals norourfoes . Modern philosophy , like Prometheus , would fain pluck down fire from heaven , and consume all that has been
revered , or venerated from the days of old . We have no ambition to enter , like an antique gladiator , into so fatal an arena , or to struggle against dogmas the acceptance of which would reduce all our faith in the
Creator and love for his creatures to a chaos of doubt and darkness . If not thc pioneers of thought in this boasted age , let Freemasons be , at least , found amongst thc
supporters of truth , and let our actions evince to the world that wc are something more than a benefit society , or an association of gourmands and winc-bibbcrs .
The precepts we inculcate are indelible virtues ; thc goal for which wc strive is a kingdom imperishable , immortal , eternal ,
the haven of thc just and true , an Elysium which is scarcely dreamed of within the rationalistic circle of modern philosophy .
Obituary .
•» BRO . HUGH KENNEDY , P . M ., No . 107 ,
KING'S LYNN . We regret having to announce thc decease of this estimable Brother ,, who departed this life on the 26 th ult . Bro . Kennedy was an Irish Mason , having been initiated in Lodge 355 , Tamlaght , his Grand Lodge certificate beating date ist February ,
1827 ; but upon obtaining an appointment asbupcrintendant of Police , in Norfolk , he joined the Philanthropic Lodge at Lynn , in December , 1854 , and attained thc . Master ' s chair in 1856 . The celebrated Brother Philip Broadfoot ( the father of the " Stability" working ) , was an active member
of thc Philanthropic Lodge at that time ; and Bro . Kennedy was one of his most zealous supporters , frequently having to travel twenty miles in order to attend the lodge , which was then at a low ebb , although now one of the most prosperous in the provinces . Our lamented Brother was stricken with paralysis about two years since , and expired
as above stated . As a last tribute of respect to his memory as a " good ancl faithful servant , " as a diligent and honourable Craftsman , the brethren of the Philanthropic Lodge assembled at thc cemetery and attended his remains to the last home of all . May others imitate his glorious example , ancl show forth the beauties of the Order .