Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of the Netherlands , at which the Grand Master , Prince Frederick , presides , has resolved to send an address to the Grand Orient Lodge of England in favour of Transvaal independence .
Bro . Edgar Bowyer , Senior Grand Warden Hertfordshire , entertained at dinner , at his residence , Highbury Grove , on Tuesday last , the R . VV . Bro . J . T . Halsey , Grand Master of Hertfordshire , R . AV . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary , and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire .
TENDERS . —The following tenders have been sent in for the erection of a workhouse in Edmunds-place , E . G ., Bro . George Vickery , architect : —Mr . Greenwood , £ 4743 ; Messrs . Ashby Brothers , £ 4483 ; Mr . Brass , £ . 47 .. ' - Nightingale , £ 447 ° . Mr . E . Conder , £ 43 80 ; Mr . Crabb , £ 4209 ; and Mr . Lawrance , £ 4156 .
Reading at night has been greatly facilitated by a Turinese invention , according to the Parisian , combining light-giving materials with printer's ink . The print becomes so luminous in the dark that it is possible to read during a night journey or in bed without the aid of any artificial light . A new daily paper , in which this new material will be used , will accordingly be brought out at Turin .
Bro . Baron Henry de Worms , M . P ., presided at the monthly meeting of the Anglo-Jewish Association , held on Sunday , at Silver ' s Rooms , Gowei-street , at which those present included the Rev . A . Lowry , Professor Marks , Dr . M . Davis , Mr . E . H . d'Avigdor , Mr . C . Davis ,
Mr . H . G . Lousada , Mr . L . E . Pyke . ' Mr . C . Samuel , Mr . D . F . Schloss , and Mr . I . Seligman . At a recent meeting of the Ex-Sheriff ' s Club , Sir C . Crossley presiding , Bros . Woollotton and Bayley , the late sheriffs , were unanimously elected members of the club .
A handsome mural monument , the work of Bro . Forsyth , has just been placed in the Presbyterian Church , Regent-square , in memory of the late Bro , James Watson , a popular member of the London School Board . It bears the following inscription : "To the memory of James Watson , born 10 th June , 1 S 16 , died ist Sept ., 1 SS 0 . For twenty-one years an elder in this congregation . For fourteen years treasurer of the
Presbyterian Church in England , and for ten years a member of the Scfipol Board for London . This tablet has been erected b y his . brethren in office in this congregation , that within this House of God which he loved , " his valuable services , wise counsel , uniform urbanity , and devotion to his Saviour's cause may be held in lasting remembrance . " During thc absence of the Prince of Wales abroad , the Princess and her daughters will visit the Queen at Windsor . ""*
The Prince and Princess of Wales intend giving a ball at Marlborough House , on Thursday , the 10 th proximo . We learn from Nature that Mr . Alexander Adams , one of the technical officers of the Post Office Telegraph Department , has discovered the existence of electric tides in telegraphic circuits . By careful
observations he has determined distinct variations in the earth currents present on telegraph wires , following the different diurnal positions of the moon with respect to the earth . The death is announced of Mr . E . T . Amhurst , the only brother of Bro . VV . A . Tyssen-Amherst , M . P . Bro . John Stedman , Sec . of the Trinity College Lodge , No . 17 65 , conducted a most successful vocal and
instrumental concert at the Birbeck Institution on Wednesday evening . Bro . John Derb y Allcroft , F . R . A . S ., P . M . 1657 , W'H take the chair at a meeting of the Islington and Highbury branch of the Young Men's Christian Association at the Myddelton Hall , Upper-street , N ., on March ist , at halfpast seven o'clock .
Bro . W . l \ Green , Superintendent of thc N Division of the Metropolitan Police , was , on Thursday evening week , at the Holborn Restaurant , presented with apurse containing a sum of 500 guineas and an address , expressive of the high appreciation of the faithful and impartial manner in which he had discharged his duties as the chief
officer of police in the district for sixteen years . ^ Bros . Henry Irving , Kendal , J . L . Toole , Edward Terry , and Mr . Edwin Booth have promised their services at the morning performance at Drury Lane Theatre , on Monday week , in aid of the Royal General Theatrical Fund .
Bro . Sir James M'Garel Hogg , M . P ., and the Hon . Lad y and Miss M'Garel Hogg , were among the guests at Karl Spencer's dinner party on Saturday last . Iiro . \ V . Kuhe ' s eleventh annual musical festival commenced at the Pavilion , Brighton , on Tuesday evening , . wd was continued daily during the week . We retrret to record the death of Bro . Sir
Richard C . Musgrave , M . P . for East Cumberland , P . M . . t . Vj . and Past G . W . Cumberland . In referring to this sad event , Truth says , "Sir Richard Musgrave , who has died so suddenly , was vere popular in the House of Commons oiyinir ( 0 | , j s frank and < renial manners . He went last >> eclnedsay to the Speaker ' s dinner , and on leavingitwent 1 a concert without putting on an overcoat . The evening
, jns w J- -t and cold , and the exposure proved fatal to him . " ' ' fo . Sir Richard Musgrave was the life tenant of " Thc drinking glass of Crystal tall ; . | , . They call it the luck of Edenhall . " '' an ancient goblet that came to the Musgraves many ( - ' - " lines ago , and which , so long as it 'remains unbroken , 'elieved to secure the family good fortune . ' lie inmates of the Paris Jardin des I'lantes
rl ' il VL ' ry ''' ' ^ " recenl : severe weather , being , ' '" '' affected by the thaw . Then most of thc animals art ' , , - varm countries grew very uncomfortable , and though ¦ H'cial heat was provided only the bears were happy . As e animals were temporarily deprived of the gifts of an thaw "" . l-ublic- 'h <* gardens being closed during the , they were supplied with additional rations , andthe vkH y r '" articu | ar benefited by the change , as their ^ ors frequentl y throw them tobacco , which considerably ranges their digestion .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Eleven horses were suffocated in Camdare Colliery , Aberdare , the property of Bro . Sir George Elliot , by a fire that broke out recently at the bottom of the shaft , a depth of ninety-six yards . TELEGRAPHING UNDER DIFFICULTIES . —Railway and telegraphic communication between Aberdeen and Peterhead being stopped bv the storm , a message was sent
from Peterhead by the North Sea Cable to Egersund , where it was translated into Norwegian and sent by Arendal and Christiana to Gothenburg . Here it was retranslated and dispatched to Newcastle , where it was again turned into English , and sent to 'Edinburgh , thence to Aberdeen , its destination , which it reached six hours after leaving Peterhead .
Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Grand Master of Worcestershire , will consecrate the Lechmere Lodge , No . 1 S 74 , at the Masonic HaU , Kidderminster , on Wednesday next , at one o ' clock . Sir Edmund will be assisted by Bros . VV . Masefield , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; the Rev . J . B . Wilson , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; W . Bristow , Prov . Grand Sec , and other officers of the
province . The officers designate are Bros . George Taylor , P . M . 377 , S . VV . 560 , Prov . Junior Grand Warden , W . M . j G . W . Grosvenor , P . M . 377 and 560 , P . P . G . R ., S . W . ; and G . VV . Naylor , P . M . 5 60 , J . W . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at a meeting of the members of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 54 S , to be held on Monday next , the 21 st inst ., at the
lodge house , the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford . The lodge will be opened at seven p . m ., Bro . Martin presiding as VV . M ., assisted by Bro . Milbourne as S . VV . " Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P .. Deputy Grand Mark Master of Sussex , has been appointed Chairman of the Committee of the Grand Masonic Ball , to be held at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the auspices of the Mark
Degree , on Thursday next . Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh will leave London on Thursday evening next for Berlin , to attend the marriage of Prince Frederick William of Prussia and Princess Augusta Victoria of Holstein-Augustenburg ( niece of Prince Christian ) . The Prince of Wales will not be absent longer than a
fortnight . He is expected to stay in Berlin for six days , and will pay a short visit to Paris on his way home . Bro . Joseph Langton , solicitor , P . M . 1673 , of 37 , Queen Victoria-street , has taken his son , Bro . Joseph David Langton , into partnership , and will practise in future under
the style of Langton and Son . Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . G . S ., of Lime-street , has admitted into partership Messrs . VV . and A . G . Hubbuck , but we are informed no alteration will be made in the style of the firm , which will continue to be Thomas Hubbuck and Son .
Mr . Fawcctt ' s scheme of saving small sums in stamps continues thoroughly successful . In less than three months 131 , 500 new accounts have been opened at the Post Office Savings * Banks , by this means , 3 , 600 , 000 stamps having been received . The companion schemeof investing small sums in Government Stock b y the same agency is equally flourishing , £ 230 , 087 having been invested between November 22 nd and January 31 st .
A HOT STEW DINNER AT THE EAST-END . — Not a very fashionable locality to find one's self in at midday , or , for that matter , at any hour in the four-and-twenty , but then one does not get an invitation there every day , nor a chance of forming one of a luncheon party about a thousand strong , as we did . This wonderful party was Mr . Austin ' s Irish Stew Dinner Party at the hall of the
Mission in Conder-street , Limehouse , where many hundreds are every week entertained . On Wednesday last there were nearly a thousand fed , and even then many had to be sent away empty . The terrible distress , always excessive at the East-end , has been greatly increased by the late severe weather , and consequently the funds of the Mission have been very heavily taxed . In order that the good
work may not be discontinued , it is hoped that the appeal now made by the London Cottage Mission will not be in vain . All contributions can be sent to Miss F . Napton , Lady Superintendent , 304 , Burdett-road , Limehouse , E ., or Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , E . C , who will gratefully receive and acknowledge them .
The Lord Mayor of Dublin , Bro . George Moyers , LL . D ., was at the last meeting of the Dublin Lodge , No . 25 , held at Freemasons' Hall , Molesworth-street , presented with two handsome claret jugs , a valuable gold bracelet , and an address beautifully illuminated , in recognition of the great interest he had taken in the lodge duringa period of eighteen years .
The Baroness Burdett-Coutts Bartlett , who was to have presided on Wednesday afternoon at the annual meccting of the British Bee Keepers' Society , sent an apology to the Secretary stating that it would be very inconvenient for her just at present to come to town . Mr . Cowell , in hcr absence , took thc chair . Bro . Hy de Clarke on Friday evening , the nth inst ., read a paper on the "Gold Fields of India" at the
Society of Arts , John-street , Adelphi . At the close , a vote of thanks to Bro . Clarke was proposed by the Chairman , Sir VV . Rose Robinson , K . C . S . I ., and unanimously carried . Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave ' s funeral took place at Edenhall , on Thursday . Bro . His Grace the Duke of Marlborough has returned to Thomas ' s Hotel from Canford Manor , Wimborne .
Bro . Wm . Holland took his benefit on Tuesday last , at the Surrey Theatre . There was a morning and evening performance , both being witnessed by a very large audience . Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bait ., as the nearest male relative , and head of the family , gave his cousin , thc Baroness Burdett-Coutts , away at the wedding at Christ Church , Mayfair , on Saturday last . Sir Francis was afterwards present at the installation meeting of the Granite Lodge at Freemasons' llall .
There will he . 1 frie in honour of Prince Leopold , P . G . W ., on Tuesday week at Sandown . H . R . H . Prince Leopold is giving sittings to Mr . Walter Goodman , for his portrait to be shown at the Academy .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Lewis Solomon has been presented with a handsome and massive silver inkstand , by the members of the King's Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 , as a token of regard and esteem for the able manner in which he had carried out the duties of Secretary .
Bro . James Willing , jun ., has , we are pleased to announce , quite recovered from recent serious illness . Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 1732 , & c , was at the Festival of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , held on Monday last , presented with a very handsome goblet and cigar case , suitably inscribed , and elaborately engraved and chased .
The annual ball of the Burdett-Coutts Lodge , No . 127 S , will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Monday next . An account of the proceedings of the Westbourne Lodge ball , which was given on Monday last , will appear in our next , as also will the report of the installation
meeting held on Ihursday last . The New York Nation speaks in very high term of the recent facsimile issued at Leipsic of the Aztec Die tionary of Fray Alonzo de Molina , of which the second edition appeared in 1571 . " From an average calculation , " it adds , we infer that the vocables in Molina ' s Aztec Spanish portion exceeds by far the number of 50 , 000 . "
The next I riennial Choir Festival will be held this year at Worcester , commencing with a special service in the Cathedral on Sunday , September 5 th . The only new work which will be produced will be "The Widow of Nain , " by Mr . A . T . Caldecott , of Worcester . The other performances consist will of Mendelssohn's "Elijah , " Rossini ' s " Stabat Mater , " Beethoven's "Mount of Olives , " and Handel ' s "Jephtha " and "Messiah . "
DOMESTIC SANITATION . —Dr . Richardson ' s course of nine lectures , to be delivered before the Ladies ' Sanitary Association , in the Hall of the Society of Arts , commenced on the 12 th inst ., at 5 . 30 p . m ., and will be continued on successive Saturdays , until April 9 . Tickets admitting to reserved seats , one guinea for the course , or 3 s . 6 d . for each lecture , can be obtained at the office of the Association , 22 , Berners-street , VV ., or at the Society of Arts . Admission to unreserved sittings , is .
On Wednesday evening one of the Paragon omnibuses between the City and Brixton turned over on its side , near the clock tower , Newington-butts , through one of the wheels skidding on a tram line . The outside passengers and the driver were thrown on the pavement , but only two were slightly injured , and the inside pas * . ;' sengers were shaken . One side of the omnibus was brokeif in and the windows smashed .
We are asked to state that the installation meeting of the Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , will take place on the gtli of May , when the newly-elected Principals ( will be installed with fully ceremony by Comp . James Stevens , P . Z , of this chapter .
The Prince of Wales dined with Admiral Sir Charles Shadwell and the officers of the Royal Naval College , Greenwich , on Wednesday evening . The Newcastle Gas Company has reduced the price of gas to 2 s . 3 d . per 1000 cubic feet .
Ihe Lodge at Fredncksburg , Virginia , U . S . A ., in whicli Bro . Gen . George Washington was initiated on November 4 th , 1752 , has determined to erect a Washington Memorial Masonic Temple . The proposal has received the approval of the Grand Lodge of Virginia .
Bro . Viscount Ebrington , R . W . Grand Master of Devonshire , and his sister Lady Mary Fortescue , left England on Thursday , in the Warwick Castle mail steamer , for Natal . Comp . Elliott will be installed M . E . Z . of the Smithfield Chapter , No . 1 C 23 , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleetstreet , on Thursday next .
Her Majesty the Queen has telegraphed to General Colley , expressing her admiration of the conduct displayed by all ranks on the occasion of the battle of Ingogo , and her sympathy with the wounded . A SUBJECT FOR THE CURIOUS . —The year 1 SS 0 is a mathematical curiosity . From left to right and from right to left , it reads the same ; 18 divided by 2 gives
9 as a quotient ; Si divided by 9 and 9 is the quotient . If 1 SS 1 is divided by 209 , 9 is the quotient ; if divided by 9 , the quotient contains a 9 ; if multiplied by 9 , the product contains two 9 s . One and 8 are 9 ; Sand 1 are 9 . If the iS be placed under the Si and added , the sum is 90 . If the figures be added thus , 1 , S , S , 1 , it will give iS . Reading from left to right it is iS , and iSis two-ninths of 81 . Bv
adding , dividing , and multiplying nineteen gs are produced , being one 9 for each year required to complete the century . The Athence . um says that no less than four biographies of Mr . Carlyle are in preparation . Mr . Froude will , we believe , bring out very speedily the fragment of autobiography left b y Mr . Carl y le , and will reserve till a future period the publication of his biography of the Sage 1
of Chelsea . 'he Academy says that a series of etchings of Mr . Carlyle has for some time been in process of execution by Mr . Hoiyard Helmick . They are faithful reproductions of authentic and unpublished portraits and sketches in possession of the philosopher ' s family ; and , covering a period of some fifty years , they show him in the more intimate aspects of his home life—at case in his garden and at work in his study .
Ihe offices of the Society of Arts have latel y becn connected with the Telephone Exchange , the head offices of which are situated in Coleman-street , E . C . Any member of the Society , whose place of business is also connected with the Exchange , can thus communicate with the Society . The Society's offices are connected , in the first instance , with the company ' s Exchange in
Chancerylane , and this can be put into communication with any other station from whicb wires radiate to the various places using the Exchange system . Thc offices are also connected by a private wire to the Society ' s printers in Fleet-street , the company ' s telephone being now used instead of the Wheatstone A . II . C . instrument , which had previously been employed on a Post-office wire for the same purpose
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of the Netherlands , at which the Grand Master , Prince Frederick , presides , has resolved to send an address to the Grand Orient Lodge of England in favour of Transvaal independence .
Bro . Edgar Bowyer , Senior Grand Warden Hertfordshire , entertained at dinner , at his residence , Highbury Grove , on Tuesday last , the R . VV . Bro . J . T . Halsey , Grand Master of Hertfordshire , R . AV . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary , and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire .
TENDERS . —The following tenders have been sent in for the erection of a workhouse in Edmunds-place , E . G ., Bro . George Vickery , architect : —Mr . Greenwood , £ 4743 ; Messrs . Ashby Brothers , £ 4483 ; Mr . Brass , £ . 47 .. ' - Nightingale , £ 447 ° . Mr . E . Conder , £ 43 80 ; Mr . Crabb , £ 4209 ; and Mr . Lawrance , £ 4156 .
Reading at night has been greatly facilitated by a Turinese invention , according to the Parisian , combining light-giving materials with printer's ink . The print becomes so luminous in the dark that it is possible to read during a night journey or in bed without the aid of any artificial light . A new daily paper , in which this new material will be used , will accordingly be brought out at Turin .
Bro . Baron Henry de Worms , M . P ., presided at the monthly meeting of the Anglo-Jewish Association , held on Sunday , at Silver ' s Rooms , Gowei-street , at which those present included the Rev . A . Lowry , Professor Marks , Dr . M . Davis , Mr . E . H . d'Avigdor , Mr . C . Davis ,
Mr . H . G . Lousada , Mr . L . E . Pyke . ' Mr . C . Samuel , Mr . D . F . Schloss , and Mr . I . Seligman . At a recent meeting of the Ex-Sheriff ' s Club , Sir C . Crossley presiding , Bros . Woollotton and Bayley , the late sheriffs , were unanimously elected members of the club .
A handsome mural monument , the work of Bro . Forsyth , has just been placed in the Presbyterian Church , Regent-square , in memory of the late Bro , James Watson , a popular member of the London School Board . It bears the following inscription : "To the memory of James Watson , born 10 th June , 1 S 16 , died ist Sept ., 1 SS 0 . For twenty-one years an elder in this congregation . For fourteen years treasurer of the
Presbyterian Church in England , and for ten years a member of the Scfipol Board for London . This tablet has been erected b y his . brethren in office in this congregation , that within this House of God which he loved , " his valuable services , wise counsel , uniform urbanity , and devotion to his Saviour's cause may be held in lasting remembrance . " During thc absence of the Prince of Wales abroad , the Princess and her daughters will visit the Queen at Windsor . ""*
The Prince and Princess of Wales intend giving a ball at Marlborough House , on Thursday , the 10 th proximo . We learn from Nature that Mr . Alexander Adams , one of the technical officers of the Post Office Telegraph Department , has discovered the existence of electric tides in telegraphic circuits . By careful
observations he has determined distinct variations in the earth currents present on telegraph wires , following the different diurnal positions of the moon with respect to the earth . The death is announced of Mr . E . T . Amhurst , the only brother of Bro . VV . A . Tyssen-Amherst , M . P . Bro . John Stedman , Sec . of the Trinity College Lodge , No . 17 65 , conducted a most successful vocal and
instrumental concert at the Birbeck Institution on Wednesday evening . Bro . John Derb y Allcroft , F . R . A . S ., P . M . 1657 , W'H take the chair at a meeting of the Islington and Highbury branch of the Young Men's Christian Association at the Myddelton Hall , Upper-street , N ., on March ist , at halfpast seven o'clock .
Bro . W . l \ Green , Superintendent of thc N Division of the Metropolitan Police , was , on Thursday evening week , at the Holborn Restaurant , presented with apurse containing a sum of 500 guineas and an address , expressive of the high appreciation of the faithful and impartial manner in which he had discharged his duties as the chief
officer of police in the district for sixteen years . ^ Bros . Henry Irving , Kendal , J . L . Toole , Edward Terry , and Mr . Edwin Booth have promised their services at the morning performance at Drury Lane Theatre , on Monday week , in aid of the Royal General Theatrical Fund .
Bro . Sir James M'Garel Hogg , M . P ., and the Hon . Lad y and Miss M'Garel Hogg , were among the guests at Karl Spencer's dinner party on Saturday last . Iiro . \ V . Kuhe ' s eleventh annual musical festival commenced at the Pavilion , Brighton , on Tuesday evening , . wd was continued daily during the week . We retrret to record the death of Bro . Sir
Richard C . Musgrave , M . P . for East Cumberland , P . M . . t . Vj . and Past G . W . Cumberland . In referring to this sad event , Truth says , "Sir Richard Musgrave , who has died so suddenly , was vere popular in the House of Commons oiyinir ( 0 | , j s frank and < renial manners . He went last >> eclnedsay to the Speaker ' s dinner , and on leavingitwent 1 a concert without putting on an overcoat . The evening
, jns w J- -t and cold , and the exposure proved fatal to him . " ' ' fo . Sir Richard Musgrave was the life tenant of " Thc drinking glass of Crystal tall ; . | , . They call it the luck of Edenhall . " '' an ancient goblet that came to the Musgraves many ( - ' - " lines ago , and which , so long as it 'remains unbroken , 'elieved to secure the family good fortune . ' lie inmates of the Paris Jardin des I'lantes
rl ' il VL ' ry ''' ' ^ " recenl : severe weather , being , ' '" '' affected by the thaw . Then most of thc animals art ' , , - varm countries grew very uncomfortable , and though ¦ H'cial heat was provided only the bears were happy . As e animals were temporarily deprived of the gifts of an thaw "" . l-ublic- 'h <* gardens being closed during the , they were supplied with additional rations , andthe vkH y r '" articu | ar benefited by the change , as their ^ ors frequentl y throw them tobacco , which considerably ranges their digestion .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Eleven horses were suffocated in Camdare Colliery , Aberdare , the property of Bro . Sir George Elliot , by a fire that broke out recently at the bottom of the shaft , a depth of ninety-six yards . TELEGRAPHING UNDER DIFFICULTIES . —Railway and telegraphic communication between Aberdeen and Peterhead being stopped bv the storm , a message was sent
from Peterhead by the North Sea Cable to Egersund , where it was translated into Norwegian and sent by Arendal and Christiana to Gothenburg . Here it was retranslated and dispatched to Newcastle , where it was again turned into English , and sent to 'Edinburgh , thence to Aberdeen , its destination , which it reached six hours after leaving Peterhead .
Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Grand Master of Worcestershire , will consecrate the Lechmere Lodge , No . 1 S 74 , at the Masonic HaU , Kidderminster , on Wednesday next , at one o ' clock . Sir Edmund will be assisted by Bros . VV . Masefield , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; the Rev . J . B . Wilson , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; W . Bristow , Prov . Grand Sec , and other officers of the
province . The officers designate are Bros . George Taylor , P . M . 377 , S . VV . 560 , Prov . Junior Grand Warden , W . M . j G . W . Grosvenor , P . M . 377 and 560 , P . P . G . R ., S . W . ; and G . VV . Naylor , P . M . 5 60 , J . W . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at a meeting of the members of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 54 S , to be held on Monday next , the 21 st inst ., at the
lodge house , the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford . The lodge will be opened at seven p . m ., Bro . Martin presiding as VV . M ., assisted by Bro . Milbourne as S . VV . " Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P .. Deputy Grand Mark Master of Sussex , has been appointed Chairman of the Committee of the Grand Masonic Ball , to be held at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the auspices of the Mark
Degree , on Thursday next . Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh will leave London on Thursday evening next for Berlin , to attend the marriage of Prince Frederick William of Prussia and Princess Augusta Victoria of Holstein-Augustenburg ( niece of Prince Christian ) . The Prince of Wales will not be absent longer than a
fortnight . He is expected to stay in Berlin for six days , and will pay a short visit to Paris on his way home . Bro . Joseph Langton , solicitor , P . M . 1673 , of 37 , Queen Victoria-street , has taken his son , Bro . Joseph David Langton , into partnership , and will practise in future under
the style of Langton and Son . Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . G . S ., of Lime-street , has admitted into partership Messrs . VV . and A . G . Hubbuck , but we are informed no alteration will be made in the style of the firm , which will continue to be Thomas Hubbuck and Son .
Mr . Fawcctt ' s scheme of saving small sums in stamps continues thoroughly successful . In less than three months 131 , 500 new accounts have been opened at the Post Office Savings * Banks , by this means , 3 , 600 , 000 stamps having been received . The companion schemeof investing small sums in Government Stock b y the same agency is equally flourishing , £ 230 , 087 having been invested between November 22 nd and January 31 st .
A HOT STEW DINNER AT THE EAST-END . — Not a very fashionable locality to find one's self in at midday , or , for that matter , at any hour in the four-and-twenty , but then one does not get an invitation there every day , nor a chance of forming one of a luncheon party about a thousand strong , as we did . This wonderful party was Mr . Austin ' s Irish Stew Dinner Party at the hall of the
Mission in Conder-street , Limehouse , where many hundreds are every week entertained . On Wednesday last there were nearly a thousand fed , and even then many had to be sent away empty . The terrible distress , always excessive at the East-end , has been greatly increased by the late severe weather , and consequently the funds of the Mission have been very heavily taxed . In order that the good
work may not be discontinued , it is hoped that the appeal now made by the London Cottage Mission will not be in vain . All contributions can be sent to Miss F . Napton , Lady Superintendent , 304 , Burdett-road , Limehouse , E ., or Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , E . C , who will gratefully receive and acknowledge them .
The Lord Mayor of Dublin , Bro . George Moyers , LL . D ., was at the last meeting of the Dublin Lodge , No . 25 , held at Freemasons' Hall , Molesworth-street , presented with two handsome claret jugs , a valuable gold bracelet , and an address beautifully illuminated , in recognition of the great interest he had taken in the lodge duringa period of eighteen years .
The Baroness Burdett-Coutts Bartlett , who was to have presided on Wednesday afternoon at the annual meccting of the British Bee Keepers' Society , sent an apology to the Secretary stating that it would be very inconvenient for her just at present to come to town . Mr . Cowell , in hcr absence , took thc chair . Bro . Hy de Clarke on Friday evening , the nth inst ., read a paper on the "Gold Fields of India" at the
Society of Arts , John-street , Adelphi . At the close , a vote of thanks to Bro . Clarke was proposed by the Chairman , Sir VV . Rose Robinson , K . C . S . I ., and unanimously carried . Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave ' s funeral took place at Edenhall , on Thursday . Bro . His Grace the Duke of Marlborough has returned to Thomas ' s Hotel from Canford Manor , Wimborne .
Bro . Wm . Holland took his benefit on Tuesday last , at the Surrey Theatre . There was a morning and evening performance , both being witnessed by a very large audience . Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bait ., as the nearest male relative , and head of the family , gave his cousin , thc Baroness Burdett-Coutts , away at the wedding at Christ Church , Mayfair , on Saturday last . Sir Francis was afterwards present at the installation meeting of the Granite Lodge at Freemasons' llall .
There will he . 1 frie in honour of Prince Leopold , P . G . W ., on Tuesday week at Sandown . H . R . H . Prince Leopold is giving sittings to Mr . Walter Goodman , for his portrait to be shown at the Academy .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Lewis Solomon has been presented with a handsome and massive silver inkstand , by the members of the King's Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 , as a token of regard and esteem for the able manner in which he had carried out the duties of Secretary .
Bro . James Willing , jun ., has , we are pleased to announce , quite recovered from recent serious illness . Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 1732 , & c , was at the Festival of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , held on Monday last , presented with a very handsome goblet and cigar case , suitably inscribed , and elaborately engraved and chased .
The annual ball of the Burdett-Coutts Lodge , No . 127 S , will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Monday next . An account of the proceedings of the Westbourne Lodge ball , which was given on Monday last , will appear in our next , as also will the report of the installation
meeting held on Ihursday last . The New York Nation speaks in very high term of the recent facsimile issued at Leipsic of the Aztec Die tionary of Fray Alonzo de Molina , of which the second edition appeared in 1571 . " From an average calculation , " it adds , we infer that the vocables in Molina ' s Aztec Spanish portion exceeds by far the number of 50 , 000 . "
The next I riennial Choir Festival will be held this year at Worcester , commencing with a special service in the Cathedral on Sunday , September 5 th . The only new work which will be produced will be "The Widow of Nain , " by Mr . A . T . Caldecott , of Worcester . The other performances consist will of Mendelssohn's "Elijah , " Rossini ' s " Stabat Mater , " Beethoven's "Mount of Olives , " and Handel ' s "Jephtha " and "Messiah . "
DOMESTIC SANITATION . —Dr . Richardson ' s course of nine lectures , to be delivered before the Ladies ' Sanitary Association , in the Hall of the Society of Arts , commenced on the 12 th inst ., at 5 . 30 p . m ., and will be continued on successive Saturdays , until April 9 . Tickets admitting to reserved seats , one guinea for the course , or 3 s . 6 d . for each lecture , can be obtained at the office of the Association , 22 , Berners-street , VV ., or at the Society of Arts . Admission to unreserved sittings , is .
On Wednesday evening one of the Paragon omnibuses between the City and Brixton turned over on its side , near the clock tower , Newington-butts , through one of the wheels skidding on a tram line . The outside passengers and the driver were thrown on the pavement , but only two were slightly injured , and the inside pas * . ;' sengers were shaken . One side of the omnibus was brokeif in and the windows smashed .
We are asked to state that the installation meeting of the Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , will take place on the gtli of May , when the newly-elected Principals ( will be installed with fully ceremony by Comp . James Stevens , P . Z , of this chapter .
The Prince of Wales dined with Admiral Sir Charles Shadwell and the officers of the Royal Naval College , Greenwich , on Wednesday evening . The Newcastle Gas Company has reduced the price of gas to 2 s . 3 d . per 1000 cubic feet .
Ihe Lodge at Fredncksburg , Virginia , U . S . A ., in whicli Bro . Gen . George Washington was initiated on November 4 th , 1752 , has determined to erect a Washington Memorial Masonic Temple . The proposal has received the approval of the Grand Lodge of Virginia .
Bro . Viscount Ebrington , R . W . Grand Master of Devonshire , and his sister Lady Mary Fortescue , left England on Thursday , in the Warwick Castle mail steamer , for Natal . Comp . Elliott will be installed M . E . Z . of the Smithfield Chapter , No . 1 C 23 , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleetstreet , on Thursday next .
Her Majesty the Queen has telegraphed to General Colley , expressing her admiration of the conduct displayed by all ranks on the occasion of the battle of Ingogo , and her sympathy with the wounded . A SUBJECT FOR THE CURIOUS . —The year 1 SS 0 is a mathematical curiosity . From left to right and from right to left , it reads the same ; 18 divided by 2 gives
9 as a quotient ; Si divided by 9 and 9 is the quotient . If 1 SS 1 is divided by 209 , 9 is the quotient ; if divided by 9 , the quotient contains a 9 ; if multiplied by 9 , the product contains two 9 s . One and 8 are 9 ; Sand 1 are 9 . If the iS be placed under the Si and added , the sum is 90 . If the figures be added thus , 1 , S , S , 1 , it will give iS . Reading from left to right it is iS , and iSis two-ninths of 81 . Bv
adding , dividing , and multiplying nineteen gs are produced , being one 9 for each year required to complete the century . The Athence . um says that no less than four biographies of Mr . Carlyle are in preparation . Mr . Froude will , we believe , bring out very speedily the fragment of autobiography left b y Mr . Carl y le , and will reserve till a future period the publication of his biography of the Sage 1
of Chelsea . 'he Academy says that a series of etchings of Mr . Carlyle has for some time been in process of execution by Mr . Hoiyard Helmick . They are faithful reproductions of authentic and unpublished portraits and sketches in possession of the philosopher ' s family ; and , covering a period of some fifty years , they show him in the more intimate aspects of his home life—at case in his garden and at work in his study .
Ihe offices of the Society of Arts have latel y becn connected with the Telephone Exchange , the head offices of which are situated in Coleman-street , E . C . Any member of the Society , whose place of business is also connected with the Exchange , can thus communicate with the Society . The Society's offices are connected , in the first instance , with the company ' s Exchange in
Chancerylane , and this can be put into communication with any other station from whicb wires radiate to the various places using the Exchange system . Thc offices are also connected by a private wire to the Society ' s printers in Fleet-street , the company ' s telephone being now used instead of the Wheatstone A . II . C . instrument , which had previously been employed on a Post-office wire for the same purpose