Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duties , and thereby truthfully sustain the motto of the lodge— " The red dragon leads the van . " In concluding his remarks , | the W . AI . added that although the St . David's Lodge had not done as much for the Masonic Charities as they would like to have done , still they had relieved those nearer home , and trusted in the future to do more for those Institutions than had been done in the past . Bro . Edwin
Williams , P . AL , in proposing "The Health of thc Visiting Brethren , " remarked he had a very pleasing duty toperform , inasmuch that although the brethren of St . David's Lodge were accustomed to see a goodly number of visitors , yet he thought he was safe in saying that on no previous occasion had they been honoured with such a large and distinguished array . They were favoured that evening with
brethren representing most of the important professions connected with the city of Manchester . He saw around him the Church brightly represented , and also the municipalities of both Salford and Manchester , together with brethren who represented the principal commercial interests of that city , so that he considered the St . David ' s Lodge was highly favoured indeed by their presence ; and he offered
them all a hearty welcome . Bro . Williams further remarked that the lodge had been honoured during the last twelve months by one of their esteemed members being elected Provincial Grand Treasurer , and that fact recalled to his recollection the time . when he was visiting a number of lodges , but until then had no idea of the unbounded Alasonic hospitality that existed , and which was tendered to
him on every occasion , and , in return , he offered the visiting brethren similar hospitality ; and concluded by expressing his approval of brethren visiting other lodges , believing that such a practice tended greatly to promote by exchange of sentiments the importance and interests of Masonry . The toast was received and drank with great enthusiasm . Bros , the Rev . Bigoe Bagot and W . Dawson ,
W . M . 1219 , responded to the toast ; the rev . brother in a most brilliant speech , and which was a perfect treat to listen to . The toast of " The Installing Alasters , Bros . T . R . Peel , P . M ., and Ellis Jones , P . AL , P . G . Treas ., " was proposed and responded to . " The Masonic Charities " was given by Bro . the Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , P . P . G . C ., in an able and telling speech , and Bro . J . L . Hine responded
with his accustomed eloquence . During the evening our versatile Bro . J . H . Greenwood contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the brethren by his singing "Knott Mill Fair " and " The Wreck of the Calabar , " both songs being much enjoyed , and gaining for him much applause . After songs were sung by Bros . J . L . Page , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Brandon , P . AL 1219 ; and others , the brethren separated at a somewhat late hour .
WATERLOO . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 13 S 0 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this popular and prosperous suburban lodge ; ( of which Bro . the Earl of Lathom , Dep . G . AI ., R . VV . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , was the first Alaster ) was held at the Queen's Hotel , Waterloo , near Liverpool , on the afternoon of the 7 th inst ., when , considering- the wretched weather , there
was a good representation of the Craft . The business was opened promptl y by Bro . R . H . Exton , the retiring VV . M ., and amongst those present we observed Bros , tlie Rev . T . VV . Richardson , P . AL ; R . VV . Hickson , J . W . ( VV . M . elect ); F . Smitton , Sec ; R . A . Davies , S . D . ; W . Watt , J . D . j G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , M . C . ; VV . H . Ball , Tyler ; H . A . Tobias , P . M . 1502 ; S . Ratcliffe , IL E .
Betts , S . Sinclair , A . V . Williamson , VV . S . Limerick , T . G . Bark , P . AL , and others . The visitors included Bros , the Rev . R . T . Leslie , W . AI . 1713 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , P . M . 7 S 6 ; J . B . MacKenzie , P . M . 1 G 09 ; J . Orr Mamies . 1609 ; . J- P- Bryan , J . W . 1035 ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B , ; W . Williams , 1 G 09 ; R . Hobart , 1505 ; and others . The ceremony of installing Bro . R . VV . Hickson as W . AI .
was admirably carried out by Bro . R . H . Exton , the retiring VV . AL , assisted by Bro . H . A . Tobias , P . AL 1502 , and the ofiicers appointed were Bros . R . H . Exton , I . P . AI . ; F . W . Barnes , S . W . j F . Smitton , J . W . j R . Brown , Treas . ; R . A . Davies , Sec ; VV . Watt , S . D . ; H . E . Betts , J . D . ; A . F . Williamson , l . G . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M ., M . C . ; J . Almond , Org . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler .
1 he balance sheet showed that the lod ge was in a prosperous financial condition , and that during the year a very large per centage ( about one-half ) had been dedicated to charity . The brethren subsequently dined together , and during the evening a very handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel was presented to Bro . R . H . Exton , I . P . AI . The jewel was of the
most recherche description , and of beautiful design . The usual Masonic emblem , "the square , " was ornamented with rubies serving as rivets , and enriched with the passion nower . The turquoise blue ribbon bears the arms of Lord Skelmersdale ( the present Earl of Lathom ) , in iS-carat gold , repousse , with the proper supporters in relief , the
arms themselves being emblazoned in heraldic colours executed in cloisonne enamel . The whole is surmounted with the gold trowel , also enamelled , with tlie name and number of the Skelmersdale Lodge . A choice musical programme was furnished during the . evening by Bros . VV . Williams , Child , Hobart , and others .
NORWICH . —Walpole Lodge ( No . 1500 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Club , No . 23 , St . Giles-street , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., under the gavel ofthe W . AL . Bro . A . Bullard , assisted I * w on"icers , who were as follows : Bros . D . Alannings , ' P-M ., P . G . S . B . ; John Harper , S . VV . ; Geo . B . Jay , sn ' , $ * J * S . Carman , Treasurer ; Saml . J . Carman , „ x _> Donald G . F . Gaul , actin ? I . D .: Thomas Lord .
; PPT- JV P G * S * of VV ., D . of C ; Geo . Brittain , P . AL , Q "' , * ° - > Organist ; Alansfield , J . ; Bailey , I . G . ; VV . HI H % - C * p ayne , Stewards ; E . Hollidge , Tyler ; Thn . ' 1 1 '" Si Secretary ; F . Alills , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B . ; nos hiey p ; p . o . jj . c . . ] ,- , B . Quinton > VM , M _ . f VV _ . 'GJi' > Thomas Alackley , P . AL , P . P . A . D . C ; Smith r' , *> v . Grand Steward ; J . G . Chalker , G . E . rr .. V '' . ' - Haward . VV . R . Tidman . B . G . Wnodlmuse .
f II r ' J * Campling , E . Ellis , J . Cluirchard , and VV _ i °° P ? * Am ° ng the visitors were Bros . A . IL Santy , Star , ; . r i _ Sl . - „ I 3 ullard *' . - !; VV . VV . Lake , 93 ; Joseph Brown . '&** " P-P . A . D . C , ; T . C R . King 213 ; J . VV . WM . U' ™'""*™ ) and A . Barnes , S 07 ; * R . E . Thorns , . _ - . „ ' . VV . G . Barnard , 043 ; Thos II C , ed"e ? hc ? ntv ; - Mann > P-M-. p -trd . s „ ffoik , % 2 T ' previm . .- eins 01 " -ncd ? l 6 * 3 ° P * - minutes of the in a mn « " fetms ' - eie rcad and confi ™ ed . The W . AI . most impressive manner performed thc ceremony of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
raising Bro . J . G . Chalker and VV . R . Tidnam to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The VV . M . then proceeded to pass Bro . G . E . Smith , after which , the ballot having been in the earlier part of the evening declared in favour of Alessrs . VV . N . Warner , C W . Bacon , and A . N . Mann , the W . AI ., inavery able manner , performed the ceremony of initiating those candidates for Masonry into its light and
beauty . A word might here be said of the working of the esteemed W . AL of this lodge . He was its first initiate , and has regularly worked the several offices up to his present proud position , and no small amount of praise and congratulation should be accorded him for having so successfully and beautifully rendered the ceremonies of the Three Degrees in one night , the more especially so as he
had that day to journey from London in order to be present . Walpole Lodge has reason to be proud of its W . M ., who well deserves the respect in which he is generally held by the Alasons of the province . The business of the lodge being over , it was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to supper , which
had been prepared for them in the banqueting room . The W . AL , owing to a recent family bereavement , was unable to stay , but the chair at the social board was most ably filled by the I . P . M ., Bro . D . Mannings . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly acknowledged , at the conclusion of which the brethren separated in peace and harmony , having enjoyed a most pleasant evening .
BANGOR . —Royal Leek Lodge ( No . 1849 ) . —A meeting of the members of this lodge , convened by Bro . Major Piatt , W . AL , was held on Afonday , the 7 tlT jnst ., to consider the advisability of erecting a building to serve the purpose of a Afasonic Hall , for the use of the two lodges now established in that city . It was stated that an eligible site in High-street , immediately
opposite the premises of Messrs . Nixon and Jarvis , had been secured on a long lease , and that plans of the proposed building had becn prepared by Air . Bell , architect , Manchester , the estimated cost being £ Gooo . About £ 2000 worth of £ 10 shares were taken up in the room , it being decided that the present issue should be confined to
members of the Craft , Bio . VV . Jarvis , P . AL 3 S 4 , St . David ' s , being appointed Honorary Secretary , ft is probable that a portion of the building will be utilised b y the Treasury for the purposes of the county court , the existing premises having been strongly condemnedby the judge and the professional gentlemen who practise in the court .
INSTRUCTION . PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — This lodge met at Bro . Stephenson's , the Alitford Tavern , close to Hackney Downs Junction , on Monday last , the 14 th inst . Bro . J . Alacgrcgor presided as W . AL ; Bros . AlcDonald , I . P . M . j Robson , S . VV . ; Partridge , J . W . ; Goddard , Loring , Hildreth , Franckel , Seymour-Clarke ,
Sec , and others . After the usual formalities Bro . Seymour-Clarke answered several questions , was entrusted , and afterwards passed to the Degree of F . C . by the W . AL in a very able manner . Iiro . McDonald worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted b y the brethren . Bro . I . Robson , S . W ., was then elected VV . M .
for Alonday next , the 21 st inst ., and wc trust he may have a good attendance , when the Third Degree will be rehearsed . In cordially inviting brethren to this lodge , which by contiguity to Hackney Doiyns Junction offers every facility for attendance from the city , we would remind them that the funds are applied to the purchase of a Life Subscribership , which is balloted for amongst regular attendants .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge of instruction was held on Alonday , the 14 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of brethren . There were present Bros . King , W . AL ; Lawrence , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; C . Taylor , S . D . ; Davis , I . D . ; Danner , I . G .: and others . The
lodge was opened in due form at seven o ' clock p . m ., and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Willis having offered himself as a candidate , was examined , and entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing ably rehearsed by the W . AL Bro . Davis worked the First and Third , and the VV . M . the Second Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 234 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 12 th inst . There were present Bros . H . Lovegrove , P . P . G . S . of Wks . Aliddlesex and Surrey , W . AL ; C . P . McKay , I . P . AL ; T . Poore , P . G . I . G ., P . AL , & c . j U Clark , S . W . ; G . J . Dunkley , J . O . ; H . Baldwin , Prov . G . A . D . C , Sec ; C Axford , I .. AI . ; C Gilham , S . D . ; J . Holliday , J , D . ; A . Daw-Kerrell , I . G . ;
R . Johnston , W . S . ; J . Wyatt , A . W . S . ; R . Potter , T y ler . Bros . D . M . Dewar , G . Asst . Sec , and J . K . Pitt , P . P . G . D . C , honorary members , attended . After the opening of the lodge , the reading and confirmation of minutes , and taking the ballot for candidates , Bros . P . Check , E . Storr , and J . Gibbs were introduced , and duly advanced to the Degree of Mark Alaster , thc ceremony being effectively aided by Bro . Poore as S . D ., and Bro .
Johnston at the harmonium . The lodge was closed in due form , and a lodge of Royal Ark Alariners opened by Bro . Poore , as W . C . N . ; Bro . II . Lovegrove , P . C . N ., as J . ; and Bro . G . Clark , W . C . N ., as S . ; assisted by Bros . Baldwin , Dunkley , and McKay . Bros . Halliday , Cheek , Storr , Wyatt , and Johnston were elevated , the ritual being rendered in an impressive manner . The brethren dined together at the close of the proceedings , under the piesidency of Bro . H . Lovegrove , W . AL
HULL . —Minerva Lodge ( No . 12 ) . —On Monday evening , the 7 th inst ., the annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of Bro . R . Huntley , the W . AL elect , was held at thc Alasonic Hall , Prince-street . The ordinary business of the evening having been transacted , Bro .
Huntley was installed as W . AI . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by Bro . VV . Reynolds , P . AL , P . G . D . C The newly-installed Alaster , upon taking thc chair , invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . C . H . Johnson , I . P . AI . ; T . Sissons , Chap . ; A . W . Ansell , S . W . ; j . j . Field , J . W . ;
Mark Masonry.
George Hardy , P . M ., P . G . S . O ., Treas . ; Walter Reynolds , P . AL , P . G . D . C , Sec ; VV . Holder , AT . O . ; C S . Jacobs , S . O . ; G . E . Selby , J . O . ; A . Johnson , Reg . ; J . H . Walker , S . D . ; G . H . Loveridge , J . D . ; George Nightscales , D . C ; Vessey King , Org . ; J , Y . Torr , Steward ; . W . England , I . G . ; J . Faulkner and D . Swallow , Tylers . A banquet was subsequently held , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge ( No . 60 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , on Friday evening , the nth inst . Although the oldest lodge in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland , having been constituted in 1 S 63 , and practically the mother of the whole of the other halfdozen lodges , for some cause or other , work has been suspended for a long time . At last , however , a few of the
older Past Masters set to work , got a list of candidates for advancement , and a lodge of emergency was summoned , as stated . The following members were present : Bros . G . Hayward , VV . M ., and P . M ., ' P . G . I . G . of England ; G . Potter , P . AL , P . P . G . ALO ., as S . W . ; Rev . W . Cockett , P . M ., P . P . G . Chap . ; J . A . Wheatley , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., as ALO . ; H . Bewes , as S . O . ; VV . Court , P . M ., P . P . G . M . O ., as J . O . ; J . Haswell , J . W ., and Sec , P . P . G . A . D . C
.,-J . C . Mason , P . P . G . I . VV . The W . AI . having for some time past suffered severely from a bronchial affection , he invited Bro . W . F . Lamonby , P . M . 147 , and 229 , P . G . Secretary , to take the chair , whilst Bro . E . Diggle , P . M . 5 6 j Bro . Scarlett , 1 S 9 , P . G . I . G . of England , kindly acted as J . W . j and Bro . E . Crompton , 129 , officiated as I . G . After opening the lodge , the followintr candidates for
advancement were balloted for , and accepted : Bros . W . Blaylock , W . AL Union Lodge , No . 310 , Carlisle ; C . Nanson , R . Atkinson , P . Webster , J . Storey , VV . Afatthews , and J . D . Oliver , all of the Beotive Lodge , No . 1532 , Carlisle ; and H . T . Creed , Hengist Lodge , No . 195 , Bournemouth . All the candidates , with the exception of Bro . Webster , beingj ) ri _ sent , they were admitted , and regularly advanced to the Honourable Degree by the W . M .
in the chair , the brethren who acted as officers , despite their rustiness , working most correctly and efficiently . Bro . Diggle having delivered the lecture appertaining to the Degree , hearty votes of thanks were accorded to the visiting brethren for their kind assistance . Bro . Lamonby , in response , expressed the pleasure it had afforded him to be present on so interesting an occasion , and he trusted the infusion of new blood would once more place
Cumberland Lodge on the footing it ought to occupy , as being the oldest in the province , whilst the founders of the other lodges hailed from it . He feared the persistency with which he had pushed the matter of revival forward would subject him to the charge of being an irrepressible ; but the proceedings of that evening were a complete justification , and he now hoped everything would go on smoothly and regularly . Bros . Diggle and Crompton replied . " Hearty
good wishes" were tendered from Lodges 56 , 129 , 147 , 189 , and 229 , and the lodge was closed with the customary address from the chairman . Subsequently an hour was spent in conviviality , in the adjoining room , which with the lodge room is part of one of the oldest buildings in the " merrie citie . " The place has quite a historical reputation , from the fact that our eminent brother Sir Walter Scott temporarily resided there , and was married to Miss
Charlotte Carpenter , at the Cathedral opposite ,. in the year 1797 , the year after the Union Lodge , No . 310 , received its charter from the Grand Lodge of England , after some ' years working under the Scotch Constitution—vide Bro . Murray Lyon's " History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chape ")) , " and Bro . Lamonby's " Craft Masonry in Cumberland and Westmorland . " In connection with Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , it is interestine to
know that amongst the newl y advanced members is is Bro . H . | T . Creed , now engaged m restoring the cathedral , who , in response to the toast of his brethren's health , showed that many of the Masons' Marks to be found on continental cathedrals are identical with those at Carlisle . At the suggestion of Bro . Wheatley , a well-known Cumberland antiquarian , Bro . Creed promised to prepare a paper on Alasons' Marks , and read it at the next meeting of the lodee .
Obituary .
BRO . SIR R . C . MUSGRAVE , BART ., M . P . We regret to announce the death of Bro . Sir Richard Courtney Musgrave , Bart ., M . P ., a prominent member of the Craft in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . The deceased was initiated in Lodge of Unanimity , No . 339 , Penrith , October 11 th , 1 S 60 , ami in 1 S 75 was elected to the chair of W . AL , in which capacity he represented his lodge at the installation of H . R . H . the ALVV . Grand
Master in the Albert Hall . He was also a P . P . G . Reg . cl his province , and later P . P . G . S . W . Sir Richard was moreover a member of the Royal Arch Chapter attached to his lodge . As a public man , hc was Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Westmorland , and at last general election was elected M . P . for East Cumberland , being returned , in the Conservative interest , at the head of the poll , after three contests . Like his father—the late Sir George
Musgrave—thc deceased baronet was a liberal supporter of the Charities connected with the town of Penrith , in the vicinity of which was his ancestral mansion of Eden Hall ; and the poor and needy will miss a warm friend through his early death . He was married , and leaves a widow and five young children , the heir to the estates being only seven years old . Sir Richard ATusgrave died at his town house on Sunday morning last , after a short illness , the result of a severe cold .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Dangerous Chest Complaints .- ~ The enumeration of these diseases is scarcely necessary , as , unfortunately , the inhabitants of these islands know thein to their cost . Coughs , colds , influenza , bronchitis , asthma , pleurisy , inllam . Ttion of the lungs , and even consumption in its early stages , are best treated by rubbing Hollowav ' s Ointment upon the chest ami between thc
shoulders . It nentrntes Internally , checks the coU shiverings , relieves the over-gorged lungs , gradually removes the oppression from the chest , ami restores the obstructed respiration , hitherto so fearfully distressing and so highly dangerous . In treating this class of diseases , Holloway ' s Pills should always he taken while using his Ointment ; they purify thc blood , promote perspiration , and allay dangerous irritations . — [ ADVT . ]
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duties , and thereby truthfully sustain the motto of the lodge— " The red dragon leads the van . " In concluding his remarks , | the W . AI . added that although the St . David's Lodge had not done as much for the Masonic Charities as they would like to have done , still they had relieved those nearer home , and trusted in the future to do more for those Institutions than had been done in the past . Bro . Edwin
Williams , P . AL , in proposing "The Health of thc Visiting Brethren , " remarked he had a very pleasing duty toperform , inasmuch that although the brethren of St . David's Lodge were accustomed to see a goodly number of visitors , yet he thought he was safe in saying that on no previous occasion had they been honoured with such a large and distinguished array . They were favoured that evening with
brethren representing most of the important professions connected with the city of Manchester . He saw around him the Church brightly represented , and also the municipalities of both Salford and Manchester , together with brethren who represented the principal commercial interests of that city , so that he considered the St . David ' s Lodge was highly favoured indeed by their presence ; and he offered
them all a hearty welcome . Bro . Williams further remarked that the lodge had been honoured during the last twelve months by one of their esteemed members being elected Provincial Grand Treasurer , and that fact recalled to his recollection the time . when he was visiting a number of lodges , but until then had no idea of the unbounded Alasonic hospitality that existed , and which was tendered to
him on every occasion , and , in return , he offered the visiting brethren similar hospitality ; and concluded by expressing his approval of brethren visiting other lodges , believing that such a practice tended greatly to promote by exchange of sentiments the importance and interests of Masonry . The toast was received and drank with great enthusiasm . Bros , the Rev . Bigoe Bagot and W . Dawson ,
W . M . 1219 , responded to the toast ; the rev . brother in a most brilliant speech , and which was a perfect treat to listen to . The toast of " The Installing Alasters , Bros . T . R . Peel , P . M ., and Ellis Jones , P . AL , P . G . Treas ., " was proposed and responded to . " The Masonic Charities " was given by Bro . the Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , P . P . G . C ., in an able and telling speech , and Bro . J . L . Hine responded
with his accustomed eloquence . During the evening our versatile Bro . J . H . Greenwood contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the brethren by his singing "Knott Mill Fair " and " The Wreck of the Calabar , " both songs being much enjoyed , and gaining for him much applause . After songs were sung by Bros . J . L . Page , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Brandon , P . AL 1219 ; and others , the brethren separated at a somewhat late hour .
WATERLOO . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 13 S 0 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this popular and prosperous suburban lodge ; ( of which Bro . the Earl of Lathom , Dep . G . AI ., R . VV . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , was the first Alaster ) was held at the Queen's Hotel , Waterloo , near Liverpool , on the afternoon of the 7 th inst ., when , considering- the wretched weather , there
was a good representation of the Craft . The business was opened promptl y by Bro . R . H . Exton , the retiring VV . M ., and amongst those present we observed Bros , tlie Rev . T . VV . Richardson , P . AL ; R . VV . Hickson , J . W . ( VV . M . elect ); F . Smitton , Sec ; R . A . Davies , S . D . ; W . Watt , J . D . j G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , M . C . ; VV . H . Ball , Tyler ; H . A . Tobias , P . M . 1502 ; S . Ratcliffe , IL E .
Betts , S . Sinclair , A . V . Williamson , VV . S . Limerick , T . G . Bark , P . AL , and others . The visitors included Bros , the Rev . R . T . Leslie , W . AI . 1713 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , P . M . 7 S 6 ; J . B . MacKenzie , P . M . 1 G 09 ; J . Orr Mamies . 1609 ; . J- P- Bryan , J . W . 1035 ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B , ; W . Williams , 1 G 09 ; R . Hobart , 1505 ; and others . The ceremony of installing Bro . R . VV . Hickson as W . AI .
was admirably carried out by Bro . R . H . Exton , the retiring VV . AL , assisted by Bro . H . A . Tobias , P . AL 1502 , and the ofiicers appointed were Bros . R . H . Exton , I . P . AI . ; F . W . Barnes , S . W . j F . Smitton , J . W . j R . Brown , Treas . ; R . A . Davies , Sec ; VV . Watt , S . D . ; H . E . Betts , J . D . ; A . F . Williamson , l . G . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M ., M . C . ; J . Almond , Org . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler .
1 he balance sheet showed that the lod ge was in a prosperous financial condition , and that during the year a very large per centage ( about one-half ) had been dedicated to charity . The brethren subsequently dined together , and during the evening a very handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel was presented to Bro . R . H . Exton , I . P . AI . The jewel was of the
most recherche description , and of beautiful design . The usual Masonic emblem , "the square , " was ornamented with rubies serving as rivets , and enriched with the passion nower . The turquoise blue ribbon bears the arms of Lord Skelmersdale ( the present Earl of Lathom ) , in iS-carat gold , repousse , with the proper supporters in relief , the
arms themselves being emblazoned in heraldic colours executed in cloisonne enamel . The whole is surmounted with the gold trowel , also enamelled , with tlie name and number of the Skelmersdale Lodge . A choice musical programme was furnished during the . evening by Bros . VV . Williams , Child , Hobart , and others .
NORWICH . —Walpole Lodge ( No . 1500 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Club , No . 23 , St . Giles-street , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., under the gavel ofthe W . AL . Bro . A . Bullard , assisted I * w on"icers , who were as follows : Bros . D . Alannings , ' P-M ., P . G . S . B . ; John Harper , S . VV . ; Geo . B . Jay , sn ' , $ * J * S . Carman , Treasurer ; Saml . J . Carman , „ x _> Donald G . F . Gaul , actin ? I . D .: Thomas Lord .
; PPT- JV P G * S * of VV ., D . of C ; Geo . Brittain , P . AL , Q "' , * ° - > Organist ; Alansfield , J . ; Bailey , I . G . ; VV . HI H % - C * p ayne , Stewards ; E . Hollidge , Tyler ; Thn . ' 1 1 '" Si Secretary ; F . Alills , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B . ; nos hiey p ; p . o . jj . c . . ] ,- , B . Quinton > VM , M _ . f VV _ . 'GJi' > Thomas Alackley , P . AL , P . P . A . D . C ; Smith r' , *> v . Grand Steward ; J . G . Chalker , G . E . rr .. V '' . ' - Haward . VV . R . Tidman . B . G . Wnodlmuse .
f II r ' J * Campling , E . Ellis , J . Cluirchard , and VV _ i °° P ? * Am ° ng the visitors were Bros . A . IL Santy , Star , ; . r i _ Sl . - „ I 3 ullard *' . - !; VV . VV . Lake , 93 ; Joseph Brown . '&** " P-P . A . D . C , ; T . C R . King 213 ; J . VV . WM . U' ™'""*™ ) and A . Barnes , S 07 ; * R . E . Thorns , . _ - . „ ' . VV . G . Barnard , 043 ; Thos II C , ed"e ? hc ? ntv ; - Mann > P-M-. p -trd . s „ ffoik , % 2 T ' previm . .- eins 01 " -ncd ? l 6 * 3 ° P * - minutes of the in a mn « " fetms ' - eie rcad and confi ™ ed . The W . AI . most impressive manner performed thc ceremony of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
raising Bro . J . G . Chalker and VV . R . Tidnam to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The VV . M . then proceeded to pass Bro . G . E . Smith , after which , the ballot having been in the earlier part of the evening declared in favour of Alessrs . VV . N . Warner , C W . Bacon , and A . N . Mann , the W . AI ., inavery able manner , performed the ceremony of initiating those candidates for Masonry into its light and
beauty . A word might here be said of the working of the esteemed W . AL of this lodge . He was its first initiate , and has regularly worked the several offices up to his present proud position , and no small amount of praise and congratulation should be accorded him for having so successfully and beautifully rendered the ceremonies of the Three Degrees in one night , the more especially so as he
had that day to journey from London in order to be present . Walpole Lodge has reason to be proud of its W . M ., who well deserves the respect in which he is generally held by the Alasons of the province . The business of the lodge being over , it was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to supper , which
had been prepared for them in the banqueting room . The W . AL , owing to a recent family bereavement , was unable to stay , but the chair at the social board was most ably filled by the I . P . M ., Bro . D . Mannings . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly acknowledged , at the conclusion of which the brethren separated in peace and harmony , having enjoyed a most pleasant evening .
BANGOR . —Royal Leek Lodge ( No . 1849 ) . —A meeting of the members of this lodge , convened by Bro . Major Piatt , W . AL , was held on Afonday , the 7 tlT jnst ., to consider the advisability of erecting a building to serve the purpose of a Afasonic Hall , for the use of the two lodges now established in that city . It was stated that an eligible site in High-street , immediately
opposite the premises of Messrs . Nixon and Jarvis , had been secured on a long lease , and that plans of the proposed building had becn prepared by Air . Bell , architect , Manchester , the estimated cost being £ Gooo . About £ 2000 worth of £ 10 shares were taken up in the room , it being decided that the present issue should be confined to
members of the Craft , Bio . VV . Jarvis , P . AL 3 S 4 , St . David ' s , being appointed Honorary Secretary , ft is probable that a portion of the building will be utilised b y the Treasury for the purposes of the county court , the existing premises having been strongly condemnedby the judge and the professional gentlemen who practise in the court .
INSTRUCTION . PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — This lodge met at Bro . Stephenson's , the Alitford Tavern , close to Hackney Downs Junction , on Monday last , the 14 th inst . Bro . J . Alacgrcgor presided as W . AL ; Bros . AlcDonald , I . P . M . j Robson , S . VV . ; Partridge , J . W . ; Goddard , Loring , Hildreth , Franckel , Seymour-Clarke ,
Sec , and others . After the usual formalities Bro . Seymour-Clarke answered several questions , was entrusted , and afterwards passed to the Degree of F . C . by the W . AL in a very able manner . Iiro . McDonald worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted b y the brethren . Bro . I . Robson , S . W ., was then elected VV . M .
for Alonday next , the 21 st inst ., and wc trust he may have a good attendance , when the Third Degree will be rehearsed . In cordially inviting brethren to this lodge , which by contiguity to Hackney Doiyns Junction offers every facility for attendance from the city , we would remind them that the funds are applied to the purchase of a Life Subscribership , which is balloted for amongst regular attendants .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge of instruction was held on Alonday , the 14 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of brethren . There were present Bros . King , W . AL ; Lawrence , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; C . Taylor , S . D . ; Davis , I . D . ; Danner , I . G .: and others . The
lodge was opened in due form at seven o ' clock p . m ., and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Willis having offered himself as a candidate , was examined , and entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing ably rehearsed by the W . AL Bro . Davis worked the First and Third , and the VV . M . the Second Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 234 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 12 th inst . There were present Bros . H . Lovegrove , P . P . G . S . of Wks . Aliddlesex and Surrey , W . AL ; C . P . McKay , I . P . AL ; T . Poore , P . G . I . G ., P . AL , & c . j U Clark , S . W . ; G . J . Dunkley , J . O . ; H . Baldwin , Prov . G . A . D . C , Sec ; C Axford , I .. AI . ; C Gilham , S . D . ; J . Holliday , J , D . ; A . Daw-Kerrell , I . G . ;
R . Johnston , W . S . ; J . Wyatt , A . W . S . ; R . Potter , T y ler . Bros . D . M . Dewar , G . Asst . Sec , and J . K . Pitt , P . P . G . D . C , honorary members , attended . After the opening of the lodge , the reading and confirmation of minutes , and taking the ballot for candidates , Bros . P . Check , E . Storr , and J . Gibbs were introduced , and duly advanced to the Degree of Mark Alaster , thc ceremony being effectively aided by Bro . Poore as S . D ., and Bro .
Johnston at the harmonium . The lodge was closed in due form , and a lodge of Royal Ark Alariners opened by Bro . Poore , as W . C . N . ; Bro . II . Lovegrove , P . C . N ., as J . ; and Bro . G . Clark , W . C . N ., as S . ; assisted by Bros . Baldwin , Dunkley , and McKay . Bros . Halliday , Cheek , Storr , Wyatt , and Johnston were elevated , the ritual being rendered in an impressive manner . The brethren dined together at the close of the proceedings , under the piesidency of Bro . H . Lovegrove , W . AL
HULL . —Minerva Lodge ( No . 12 ) . —On Monday evening , the 7 th inst ., the annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of Bro . R . Huntley , the W . AL elect , was held at thc Alasonic Hall , Prince-street . The ordinary business of the evening having been transacted , Bro .
Huntley was installed as W . AI . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by Bro . VV . Reynolds , P . AL , P . G . D . C The newly-installed Alaster , upon taking thc chair , invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . C . H . Johnson , I . P . AI . ; T . Sissons , Chap . ; A . W . Ansell , S . W . ; j . j . Field , J . W . ;
Mark Masonry.
George Hardy , P . M ., P . G . S . O ., Treas . ; Walter Reynolds , P . AL , P . G . D . C , Sec ; VV . Holder , AT . O . ; C S . Jacobs , S . O . ; G . E . Selby , J . O . ; A . Johnson , Reg . ; J . H . Walker , S . D . ; G . H . Loveridge , J . D . ; George Nightscales , D . C ; Vessey King , Org . ; J , Y . Torr , Steward ; . W . England , I . G . ; J . Faulkner and D . Swallow , Tylers . A banquet was subsequently held , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge ( No . 60 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , on Friday evening , the nth inst . Although the oldest lodge in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland , having been constituted in 1 S 63 , and practically the mother of the whole of the other halfdozen lodges , for some cause or other , work has been suspended for a long time . At last , however , a few of the
older Past Masters set to work , got a list of candidates for advancement , and a lodge of emergency was summoned , as stated . The following members were present : Bros . G . Hayward , VV . M ., and P . M ., ' P . G . I . G . of England ; G . Potter , P . AL , P . P . G . ALO ., as S . W . ; Rev . W . Cockett , P . M ., P . P . G . Chap . ; J . A . Wheatley , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., as ALO . ; H . Bewes , as S . O . ; VV . Court , P . M ., P . P . G . M . O ., as J . O . ; J . Haswell , J . W ., and Sec , P . P . G . A . D . C
.,-J . C . Mason , P . P . G . I . VV . The W . AI . having for some time past suffered severely from a bronchial affection , he invited Bro . W . F . Lamonby , P . M . 147 , and 229 , P . G . Secretary , to take the chair , whilst Bro . E . Diggle , P . M . 5 6 j Bro . Scarlett , 1 S 9 , P . G . I . G . of England , kindly acted as J . W . j and Bro . E . Crompton , 129 , officiated as I . G . After opening the lodge , the followintr candidates for
advancement were balloted for , and accepted : Bros . W . Blaylock , W . AL Union Lodge , No . 310 , Carlisle ; C . Nanson , R . Atkinson , P . Webster , J . Storey , VV . Afatthews , and J . D . Oliver , all of the Beotive Lodge , No . 1532 , Carlisle ; and H . T . Creed , Hengist Lodge , No . 195 , Bournemouth . All the candidates , with the exception of Bro . Webster , beingj ) ri _ sent , they were admitted , and regularly advanced to the Honourable Degree by the W . M .
in the chair , the brethren who acted as officers , despite their rustiness , working most correctly and efficiently . Bro . Diggle having delivered the lecture appertaining to the Degree , hearty votes of thanks were accorded to the visiting brethren for their kind assistance . Bro . Lamonby , in response , expressed the pleasure it had afforded him to be present on so interesting an occasion , and he trusted the infusion of new blood would once more place
Cumberland Lodge on the footing it ought to occupy , as being the oldest in the province , whilst the founders of the other lodges hailed from it . He feared the persistency with which he had pushed the matter of revival forward would subject him to the charge of being an irrepressible ; but the proceedings of that evening were a complete justification , and he now hoped everything would go on smoothly and regularly . Bros . Diggle and Crompton replied . " Hearty
good wishes" were tendered from Lodges 56 , 129 , 147 , 189 , and 229 , and the lodge was closed with the customary address from the chairman . Subsequently an hour was spent in conviviality , in the adjoining room , which with the lodge room is part of one of the oldest buildings in the " merrie citie . " The place has quite a historical reputation , from the fact that our eminent brother Sir Walter Scott temporarily resided there , and was married to Miss
Charlotte Carpenter , at the Cathedral opposite ,. in the year 1797 , the year after the Union Lodge , No . 310 , received its charter from the Grand Lodge of England , after some ' years working under the Scotch Constitution—vide Bro . Murray Lyon's " History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chape ")) , " and Bro . Lamonby's " Craft Masonry in Cumberland and Westmorland . " In connection with Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , it is interestine to
know that amongst the newl y advanced members is is Bro . H . | T . Creed , now engaged m restoring the cathedral , who , in response to the toast of his brethren's health , showed that many of the Masons' Marks to be found on continental cathedrals are identical with those at Carlisle . At the suggestion of Bro . Wheatley , a well-known Cumberland antiquarian , Bro . Creed promised to prepare a paper on Alasons' Marks , and read it at the next meeting of the lodee .
Obituary .
BRO . SIR R . C . MUSGRAVE , BART ., M . P . We regret to announce the death of Bro . Sir Richard Courtney Musgrave , Bart ., M . P ., a prominent member of the Craft in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . The deceased was initiated in Lodge of Unanimity , No . 339 , Penrith , October 11 th , 1 S 60 , ami in 1 S 75 was elected to the chair of W . AL , in which capacity he represented his lodge at the installation of H . R . H . the ALVV . Grand
Master in the Albert Hall . He was also a P . P . G . Reg . cl his province , and later P . P . G . S . W . Sir Richard was moreover a member of the Royal Arch Chapter attached to his lodge . As a public man , hc was Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Westmorland , and at last general election was elected M . P . for East Cumberland , being returned , in the Conservative interest , at the head of the poll , after three contests . Like his father—the late Sir George
Musgrave—thc deceased baronet was a liberal supporter of the Charities connected with the town of Penrith , in the vicinity of which was his ancestral mansion of Eden Hall ; and the poor and needy will miss a warm friend through his early death . He was married , and leaves a widow and five young children , the heir to the estates being only seven years old . Sir Richard ATusgrave died at his town house on Sunday morning last , after a short illness , the result of a severe cold .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Dangerous Chest Complaints .- ~ The enumeration of these diseases is scarcely necessary , as , unfortunately , the inhabitants of these islands know thein to their cost . Coughs , colds , influenza , bronchitis , asthma , pleurisy , inllam . Ttion of the lungs , and even consumption in its early stages , are best treated by rubbing Hollowav ' s Ointment upon the chest ami between thc
shoulders . It nentrntes Internally , checks the coU shiverings , relieves the over-gorged lungs , gradually removes the oppression from the chest , ami restores the obstructed respiration , hitherto so fearfully distressing and so highly dangerous . In treating this class of diseases , Holloway ' s Pills should always he taken while using his Ointment ; they purify thc blood , promote perspiration , and allay dangerous irritations . — [ ADVT . ]