Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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KKi'iiius or MASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry - ¦ - _ " , ' - Reiv . il Arcn Mark Masonry ^ .. JSffiS' ^ Masonic Notes and Queries * f
RnraUliesonicIeinevolent'Ve ^ titution 109 Facial Grand l . ou ^ e . of Dorsetshire J 9 ' . , ' onicnnel G . ineralT . earners ' 99 The Dm " ° < Lord shrcws , n" - > ' 2 C ° The Girls" School Festival 200 £ - Wrense of the Hoys' School 200
Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire 200 A Labour ol Loe e - ¦' Charity Voting - ° ' r nttREM' 0 \ r » E > . e : E : — C 5 R H- ,, rince Leopold 201 Reival Masonic Institution for Girls 201 The Mace Fiend 20 : Freemasonry in Peru 203
A . Ouerv "' Masonic Clubs 203 Palestine Exploration bund 202 The Strugg le in France 202 The Exclusion of the Hebrews 203 nutrict Grainl Lodge of New Zealanel .- 20 5 oJce Meetings for iS ' ext Week v 20 + Adixrrisements 193 , I 9 * , i . 11 . ni . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft fpssmoB * UNITED MARINERS' LODGE ( No . 30 ) . — This lodge held its last regular meeting of the season at the Guildhall Coffee-house on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., when there were present Bros . A . Lefeaux , I . P . M . ( who presided in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thos . Smith , from domestic affliction ) , assisted by Bro . J . Driscoll , P . M ., as S . W , pro . tern ., and Bro . Charles Davey , J . W ., also Bros . Wm ,
Ansell , P . M . ; Joseph Hading , P . M . ; Jesse Turner . P . M . and Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; J . Clark , S . D . ; H . Ceisedge , J . D . ; S . Hoare , D . C . ; A . Couldry , Organist ; | . \ V . Crossley , I . G ., and other brethren and visitors . Th < " lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of tb " . previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and Bro . Marks having proved his efficiency , the lodge was opened
in ancient form in the Second Degree , when Bro . Marks was regularly introduced and passed to the degree of F . C , The lodge was closed in due form in the Second Degree , when Bro . A . Lefeanx , I . P . M ., informed the lodge that a serious domestic affliction had occurred to the esteemed W . M ., which preventeel his attendance . On a motion duly proposed and seconded , it was unanimously resolved ,
"That the lodge having heard with sincere regret the serious domestic affliction which had befallen their highly esteemed and respected Bro . Thomas Smith , W . M ., beg to assure him of their sincere sympathy in the hour eif trial , and trust it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to grant him every support and consolation under the painful circumstances which have atteiuled his
bereavement , and that a copy be forwarded to Bro . Smith . " In order to assist the funds of the Masonic charities , it was resolved that 20 per cent , be deducted from the annual subscriptions for that special purpose . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the W . M . gave the customary loyal and Craft toasts , which were eluly honoured . Bro . Joseph
Driscoll , P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . A . Lefeaux , " who presided in the absence of the W . M ., said : Brethren , the only toast I have the pleasure of proposing is that of our I . P . M ., Bro . A . Lefeaux , who has so ably presided over us this evening . Let us give honour to him to whom honour is due . I , as an old P . M . of this lodge , must say , and those present will agree with me ,
that the manner in which the ceremonies have been performed by him during his year of office , and on the present occasion , reflects great credit . He not only enters into the luties with ability , zeal , and energy , but endeavours to carry that true Masonic spirit away from here into the outside world , hoping he may be spared to be in our midst for many years to come . Bro . Lefeaux , in reply , said : —
Brethrer :, I thank you very much for the very cordial manner in which the last toast has been received and responded to , and can assure you I do not look upon it as an empty compliment coming from the members of this lodge , feeling thut , during my year of office , 1 gained the good wishes and respect of the brethren of our ancient lodge , and it is still more gratifying to find I still retain them . I little
uiought I should have the pleasure of once more occupying my old seat . It is my good fortune , but , unhappily , our respected W . M . ' s misfortune—you all know the reason of bis absence to-night . We can , indeed , brethren , congratulate ourselves upon the prosperity of our old lodge . 1 he 'I reasurcr has a good balance in hand , and we mean [ or him to always have a good balance , in that as well as in
every other respect . We arc not united in name only , hut in reality . We have individually and collectively sent a good sum of money to the various charities connected with our Order , and trust ere this year closes we may be enabled to send a still larger amount . I hope we shall ¦ dl meet at our next gathering in October in as good health lf ' rits as on the present occasionBroLefeaux , 11 l / llJVIIV uevVUeeJlUlif 1 Kkll |
w' . . WT »* " - e .,. - "U . . UUA w . M ., P . M ., then proposed " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " *>*¦ , Bros . Jesse Turner , Wm . Ansell , J . Harling , and J . r f ^ ' whieh the wortll y l ' . M . ' s severally responded . * ° The Health" of the Visitors" Bro . Mather , P . M . | 5 and 1471 , responded , expressing his great pleasure at « ie good working of the lodgeand ths truly fraternal
re-, cption that himself and brother visitors had received that ening , and hoped , on a future occasion , to have the 'IV T ? ° payin S a vislt to the United Mariners' Lodge . £ ' yjer ' s toast concluded a veiy happy evening . EARL SPENCER LODGE ( No . , 420 ) .- ^ age met on Tuesday , j : th inst ., at the Swan Tavern ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Battersea . Bro . Gibson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year by Bros . Goutham and Kempster , P . M's ., and the W . M . appointed as his officers Bros . Joseph , S . W . ; Miller , J . W . ; Pilditch , S . D . ; Sinclair , J . D . ; Young , I . G . ; Giles , D . C . ; and Austin , W . S . The following visitors were prcsi'nt t Bros . Thos . Read , 913 ; Geo . Jeffery , P . M . 7 ; H . E . Wallace , S . W . 3 . 3 . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . 1237 ; F . H . Meredith , W . M . ' " 1257 ; C . W . Hudson , T . W . sie ;
W . Grove , I . G . 749 ; L . Coleman , 186 ; Major A . G . J . l"cclyn ; John Osborn , Sec . 1 O 02 ; Chas . F . Poupard , W . M . 1441 ; P . Conke , W . M . 1044 ; John Elliott , W . M . 1 . 34 S ; F . Binckes , G . S . ; Thos . Baxter , 145 ; G . J . Carter , 145 ; and S . A . Ardoti , 145 . After the labours of the evening the brethren and visitors sat down to an excellent repast . Several excellent speeches were made , and many
capital songs sang eluring the evening . METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —An emergency meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , on Thursday , May 3 rd . Bros . 5 Williams , in the chair ; Kingham , S . W . ; Side , J . W ., owing to the absence of Bro , Douglass , through indisposition ; Willing , jun ., P . M . and Treas . ; Stiles , Sec , ; Scales S . D . ; Clarke , J . D . ; H . Stiles , I . G . ;
P . M . Michael ; Bros . Tuck , Solomon , Saintsbury , Hewison , Brooker , Gilbert , Child , Lovcgrove , Rogers . Visitors : Bros . Dyer , P . M . ; Fortescue , Pinhey , Harris , Levy , and many others were present . Bros . Bosshart , Trotman , and Bruton were raised to the Third Degree . Bros . Hatch , Pouchot , Edmonds , and Wiltshire were passed Fellow Crafts , and Messrs . Fortescue , Parfitt , Denham , and
Tombs Raving been balloted for , were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremonies being given in a distinct and emphatic manner . This being the last meeting at the Club , owing to the great increase of members , 2 is . was voted towards the testimonial to Bro . W . Smith , which is being raised by a committee of the lodges and chapters meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , of which committee Bro .
Willing , Treasurer , is chairman . 1 he testimonial is to be presented on Bro . Smith having completed his twentythird year of service . Bro . McEwan was unanimously elected a joining member , and the brethren , nearly sixty in number , sat down to a most excellent banquet , and separated after a very pleasant evening . The next meeting will be the installation of Bro . Kingham , which will take place in October .
NEW GROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —Saturday last was the occasion of the usual quarterly assemblage of the brethren of No . 1559 , but considering the total strength of the members' list , and the fact that the lodge meets but four times in the year , the muster of members upon the present occasion was a wretchedly poor one . The hour for opening lodge was 3 p . m ., and punctuality was observed to a greater degree upon the present occasion than we ever remember to have been the case before .
I he W . M . and Sec . were the first on the scene of action , but the Deacons were close at their heels ; the two initiates however by the respect they showed for time give promise of future excellence in the matter of punctual attendance . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Keeble , P . M ., the following officers occupying their respective posts at one time or other during tlv : afternoon : Bros . Walter B .
Woodman , I . P . M . and W . S . ; E . Thiellay , S . W . ; Walter Simmonds , J . W . ; Louis Beck , S . D . ; H . J . Green , J . D . ; Solomon Jewell , I . G . ; T . Grummant , Sec . ; F . Walters , P . G . J . D . ' Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer . The following brethren w . * r : also in attendance : Bros . H . Henton , Moss , Ernest Smith , Cowley , Metham , Steers , Buck , Macgillivray , Knibhs , Swain , Thornton , Willson , C . J . Hogg ,
P . M ., P . G . S . Visitors : Bros . John Keeble , P . M . ; J . Ives , P . M . ; G . Andrews , P . M . ; Aime' Hugon , 145 ; Kitson , Wellington , Bonner , 1287 , and one or two others who did not sign the book . Lodge having been duly opened , Bros . Swain and Thornton , candidates for passing , were interrogated . The ballot having been favourably taken for Messrs . Stephen Wise and Edmund Fry , they
were admitted and duly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bros . Swain and Thornton were then passed to the degree of a F . C , and subsequently Bros . Knibbs and Willson were similiarly privileged . The W . M . having risen thrice ( two gentlemen for initiation at the next meeting being proposed ) , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal
and Masonic toasts had been given the I . P . M ., Bro . W . Woodman , gave "The Healthjof the W . M . " in his usual happy and facetious manner . The W . M . in replying regretted that sickness at home , as well as his own illhealth , had operated against his working in the manner he should have liked , but he should during his year of office do just as well as he was able to , and more than
this the brethren could not expect . Wc may here put in a word to the effect that Bro . Keeble , although struggling hard against severe indisposition , acquitteel himself in a highly satistactory manner . " The Health of the Initiates " was next proposed and duly honoured . Bro , Fry replied on behalf of himself and fellow initiate . The toast of " The Visitors , " proposed by the W . M ., was responded
to by Bros . Ives , Andrews , and Bonner . To "The Officers " Bro . Jewell replied , and " The Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of Bro . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., evoked from that brother one of his interesting addresses . Some capital harmony was extracted from Bros . P . H . Woodman , Swain , Louis Beck , Bonner , and Steers , while Bro . Hogg delighted his hearers with his clever recital of " The Charge of the Light Brigade . "
RAVENSBOURNE LODGE , ( No . 1601 ) . —The first anniversary and installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , April 27 th , in the Board Room of the Lewisham Board of Works , Catford Bridge . The Rev . W . Taylor Jones , W . M . ; C . W . Thompson , S . W . and
W . M . elect ; W . Bache Roberts , J . W . ; Nelson Reed , S . D . ; Dr . Steele , J . D . ; F . Burdett , I . G . ; and Shaw , Tyler . The members present were Bros . Magnus Ohren , J . Terry , Sec , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; W . J . Tasman , J . Kimpton , A . G . Hennell , C . Couchman , R . Moss , S . Jetrard ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
B . Horton , W . H . Young , L . Sindell , E . Howard , & c , d the following visitors : —E . Rumsey , P . M . 235 ; T . Sewell , P . M . 21 ; Henley , r 8 i ; G . Honey , 1319 ; Laver , P . M . 211 ; C . Thomas , 9 6 9 ; J . Norton , 9 6 9 ; H . Thompson . 1426 , and P . M . 177 and 1158 ; ( Freemason ) , Littcl , P . M . 860 ; Bishop , P . M . 66 ; David James , ( " Our Boys " ) , P . M . 9 69-H . Neville , ( Olympic Theatre ) , W . Smallpeice , P . M . 139 s
C . Steward , 1319 ; Sir John Bennett , No . 1 ; Todd , P . M . 18 3 ; A . Stewart , 96 9 ; R . Smith , 101 ; J . W . Burt , W . M . 18 ; J . West , P . M . . 1548 ; Fletcher , 1050 ; F . Keiley , P . M . 1293 ; and Prov . Grand Treasurer for Middlesex ; Wilcox , 1752 ; Sanders , 905 ; and Harcourt , 1319 ; & c . The lodge having been opened in the First and Second Degrees , Bro . F . E . Wilkinson , P . M ., presented Bro . C . W . Thompson ,
the W . M . elect , to receive at the hands of Bro . the Rev . W . Taylor Jones , the retiring W . M ., the benefit of installation , and it was unanimously admitted that that important rite as well as the concluding addresses , were never delivered in a more correct , able , and impressive manner than was done by the reverend brother on this occasion . The new W . M . having been duly installed into the chair
by a Board of Installed Masters , and the brethren below the chair admitted , he appointed his officers as follows : — Bros . Roberts , S . W . ; Nelson Reed , J . W . ; W . G . Lemon , P . M ., Treasurer ; S . Edwards , Secretary ; the Rev . Taylor Jones , I . P . M ., Chaplain ; Francis Burdett , S . D . ; Magnus Ohren , J . D . ; S . J . Jerrard , I . G . ; Dr . F . E . Wilkinson , P . M ., and Dr . C . Steele , P . M ., Stewards ; H . Shaw , Tyler .
At the conclusion of the investment of the officers a very handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . the Rev . W . Taylor Jones on his retirement from the chair , which he suitably acknowledged . After some other business had been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren , according to previous arrangement , proceeded to the Ship and Turtle ,
in Leadenhall-street , where the installation banquet was to take place . Shortly after seven o ' clock the brethren sat down , the W . M . presiding , and all the officers in their proper places , and one of the most recherche banquets was served up ever seen in Bro . Painter ' s famed hotel , and from its variety , quality , and quantity it really left nothing to be desired . On the withdrawal of the cloth , and grace
said , the W . M . rose and said he hoped that night the brethren would not complain of long speeches , as they all knew what were the Masonic toasts , and they might always be given in a few words . He therefore without further observations asked them to join him in drinking " The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " a toast which was heartily responded to . The
W . Master said : Brethren , the next toast I have to propose is one that 1 know will be received with enthusiasm by every brother , as it is " The Health of our Most Worshipful Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and we must all regret that the state of his health prevented him from being present at the Grand Lodge on Wednesday last . Still we all know the deep interest he takes in all
that appertains to the welfare of the Craft on every occasion , and I am sute that a more hearty and enthusiastic brother could never be at the head of the Order . I therefore give you " The Health of the Prince of Wales . " The toast was enthusiastically received . The W . Master said the next toast was one of the greatest possible interest to Masonry and to the members of the Craft , as it was
" T he Health of the Grand Officers , " and he particularly referred to those two distinguished members the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , and he was sure that all the brethren would feel great interest in drinking that toast . In their own little lodge he was happy to say that they numbered two Grand Officers ; one of them was not able to be present with them though he | took a great
interest in the lodge , and regretted that he was unable to come amongst them that evening , but he had given a very good reason for his absence . Bro . Brackstone Baker , who was an old and most distinguished' Grand Officer , however , was present , and lie would call upon him to respond to the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . D ., said he would endeavour to follow
the example so worthily set by the W . Master as to being brief in their speeches , as the hour was getting late and they would hardly be enabled in time to complete the duties of the evening . The officers of the Grand Lodge , and he was sure every one else , must feel gratified by seeing the two chairs in the Grand Lodge occupied by two of the Royal Princes , which they had not seen since 1812 .
when the Prince of Wales , afterwards Prince Regent , was Grand Master . They would now see two Princes of the Royal blood occupying the two chairs in Grand Lodge , which showed that Freemasonry was in a flourishing condition , notwithstanding all the Papal allocutions and anathemas which had been hurled against it , and , therefore , most gratified must every one be at its extension . At
that time last year the Ravensbourne Lodge was last on the list , but now there were sixty lodges beyond it , and if Freemasonry went on progressing as it had done he did not know where it would end , or where they would find accommodation for all the lodges appointed to meet at Freemasons' Hall , He thanked them for their estimation of the services of the Grand Officers , and said they highly
appreciated their recognition of the duties they had performed . Bro . the Rev . W . T . Jones , I . P . M ., said the toast he bad to propose was one that the brethren would at once understand by seeing the gavel , the emblem of authority , once more in his hands . He cordially welcomed the Worshipful Master into the chair , and he sincerely wished him a good and successful year of office . He congratulated him on the accomplishment of his ardent
desire as the founder of the lodge , for it was from his brain that arose the Ravensbourne Lodge , and most heartily did he rejoice that he now occupied the chair . He trusted that every wish he entertained for its prosperity might be fulfilled , and that he might be blessed with health and success during his year of office . He asked the brethren to join w . i- i Jiiin in drinking . " The Health of their Wotshipful Master , " a request which wat molt
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KKi'iiius or MASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry - ¦ - _ " , ' - Reiv . il Arcn Mark Masonry ^ .. JSffiS' ^ Masonic Notes and Queries * f
RnraUliesonicIeinevolent'Ve ^ titution 109 Facial Grand l . ou ^ e . of Dorsetshire J 9 ' . , ' onicnnel G . ineralT . earners ' 99 The Dm " ° < Lord shrcws , n" - > ' 2 C ° The Girls" School Festival 200 £ - Wrense of the Hoys' School 200
Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire 200 A Labour ol Loe e - ¦' Charity Voting - ° ' r nttREM' 0 \ r » E > . e : E : — C 5 R H- ,, rince Leopold 201 Reival Masonic Institution for Girls 201 The Mace Fiend 20 : Freemasonry in Peru 203
A . Ouerv "' Masonic Clubs 203 Palestine Exploration bund 202 The Strugg le in France 202 The Exclusion of the Hebrews 203 nutrict Grainl Lodge of New Zealanel .- 20 5 oJce Meetings for iS ' ext Week v 20 + Adixrrisements 193 , I 9 * , i . 11 . ni . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft fpssmoB * UNITED MARINERS' LODGE ( No . 30 ) . — This lodge held its last regular meeting of the season at the Guildhall Coffee-house on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., when there were present Bros . A . Lefeaux , I . P . M . ( who presided in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thos . Smith , from domestic affliction ) , assisted by Bro . J . Driscoll , P . M ., as S . W , pro . tern ., and Bro . Charles Davey , J . W ., also Bros . Wm ,
Ansell , P . M . ; Joseph Hading , P . M . ; Jesse Turner . P . M . and Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; J . Clark , S . D . ; H . Ceisedge , J . D . ; S . Hoare , D . C . ; A . Couldry , Organist ; | . \ V . Crossley , I . G ., and other brethren and visitors . Th < " lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of tb " . previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and Bro . Marks having proved his efficiency , the lodge was opened
in ancient form in the Second Degree , when Bro . Marks was regularly introduced and passed to the degree of F . C , The lodge was closed in due form in the Second Degree , when Bro . A . Lefeanx , I . P . M ., informed the lodge that a serious domestic affliction had occurred to the esteemed W . M ., which preventeel his attendance . On a motion duly proposed and seconded , it was unanimously resolved ,
"That the lodge having heard with sincere regret the serious domestic affliction which had befallen their highly esteemed and respected Bro . Thomas Smith , W . M ., beg to assure him of their sincere sympathy in the hour eif trial , and trust it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to grant him every support and consolation under the painful circumstances which have atteiuled his
bereavement , and that a copy be forwarded to Bro . Smith . " In order to assist the funds of the Masonic charities , it was resolved that 20 per cent , be deducted from the annual subscriptions for that special purpose . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the W . M . gave the customary loyal and Craft toasts , which were eluly honoured . Bro . Joseph
Driscoll , P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . A . Lefeaux , " who presided in the absence of the W . M ., said : Brethren , the only toast I have the pleasure of proposing is that of our I . P . M ., Bro . A . Lefeaux , who has so ably presided over us this evening . Let us give honour to him to whom honour is due . I , as an old P . M . of this lodge , must say , and those present will agree with me ,
that the manner in which the ceremonies have been performed by him during his year of office , and on the present occasion , reflects great credit . He not only enters into the luties with ability , zeal , and energy , but endeavours to carry that true Masonic spirit away from here into the outside world , hoping he may be spared to be in our midst for many years to come . Bro . Lefeaux , in reply , said : —
Brethrer :, I thank you very much for the very cordial manner in which the last toast has been received and responded to , and can assure you I do not look upon it as an empty compliment coming from the members of this lodge , feeling thut , during my year of office , 1 gained the good wishes and respect of the brethren of our ancient lodge , and it is still more gratifying to find I still retain them . I little
uiought I should have the pleasure of once more occupying my old seat . It is my good fortune , but , unhappily , our respected W . M . ' s misfortune—you all know the reason of bis absence to-night . We can , indeed , brethren , congratulate ourselves upon the prosperity of our old lodge . 1 he 'I reasurcr has a good balance in hand , and we mean [ or him to always have a good balance , in that as well as in
every other respect . We arc not united in name only , hut in reality . We have individually and collectively sent a good sum of money to the various charities connected with our Order , and trust ere this year closes we may be enabled to send a still larger amount . I hope we shall ¦ dl meet at our next gathering in October in as good health lf ' rits as on the present occasionBroLefeaux , 11 l / llJVIIV uevVUeeJlUlif 1 Kkll |
w' . . WT »* " - e .,. - "U . . UUA w . M ., P . M ., then proposed " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " *>*¦ , Bros . Jesse Turner , Wm . Ansell , J . Harling , and J . r f ^ ' whieh the wortll y l ' . M . ' s severally responded . * ° The Health" of the Visitors" Bro . Mather , P . M . | 5 and 1471 , responded , expressing his great pleasure at « ie good working of the lodgeand ths truly fraternal
re-, cption that himself and brother visitors had received that ening , and hoped , on a future occasion , to have the 'IV T ? ° payin S a vislt to the United Mariners' Lodge . £ ' yjer ' s toast concluded a veiy happy evening . EARL SPENCER LODGE ( No . , 420 ) .- ^ age met on Tuesday , j : th inst ., at the Swan Tavern ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Battersea . Bro . Gibson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year by Bros . Goutham and Kempster , P . M's ., and the W . M . appointed as his officers Bros . Joseph , S . W . ; Miller , J . W . ; Pilditch , S . D . ; Sinclair , J . D . ; Young , I . G . ; Giles , D . C . ; and Austin , W . S . The following visitors were prcsi'nt t Bros . Thos . Read , 913 ; Geo . Jeffery , P . M . 7 ; H . E . Wallace , S . W . 3 . 3 . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . 1237 ; F . H . Meredith , W . M . ' " 1257 ; C . W . Hudson , T . W . sie ;
W . Grove , I . G . 749 ; L . Coleman , 186 ; Major A . G . J . l"cclyn ; John Osborn , Sec . 1 O 02 ; Chas . F . Poupard , W . M . 1441 ; P . Conke , W . M . 1044 ; John Elliott , W . M . 1 . 34 S ; F . Binckes , G . S . ; Thos . Baxter , 145 ; G . J . Carter , 145 ; and S . A . Ardoti , 145 . After the labours of the evening the brethren and visitors sat down to an excellent repast . Several excellent speeches were made , and many
capital songs sang eluring the evening . METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —An emergency meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , on Thursday , May 3 rd . Bros . 5 Williams , in the chair ; Kingham , S . W . ; Side , J . W ., owing to the absence of Bro , Douglass , through indisposition ; Willing , jun ., P . M . and Treas . ; Stiles , Sec , ; Scales S . D . ; Clarke , J . D . ; H . Stiles , I . G . ;
P . M . Michael ; Bros . Tuck , Solomon , Saintsbury , Hewison , Brooker , Gilbert , Child , Lovcgrove , Rogers . Visitors : Bros . Dyer , P . M . ; Fortescue , Pinhey , Harris , Levy , and many others were present . Bros . Bosshart , Trotman , and Bruton were raised to the Third Degree . Bros . Hatch , Pouchot , Edmonds , and Wiltshire were passed Fellow Crafts , and Messrs . Fortescue , Parfitt , Denham , and
Tombs Raving been balloted for , were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremonies being given in a distinct and emphatic manner . This being the last meeting at the Club , owing to the great increase of members , 2 is . was voted towards the testimonial to Bro . W . Smith , which is being raised by a committee of the lodges and chapters meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , of which committee Bro .
Willing , Treasurer , is chairman . 1 he testimonial is to be presented on Bro . Smith having completed his twentythird year of service . Bro . McEwan was unanimously elected a joining member , and the brethren , nearly sixty in number , sat down to a most excellent banquet , and separated after a very pleasant evening . The next meeting will be the installation of Bro . Kingham , which will take place in October .
NEW GROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —Saturday last was the occasion of the usual quarterly assemblage of the brethren of No . 1559 , but considering the total strength of the members' list , and the fact that the lodge meets but four times in the year , the muster of members upon the present occasion was a wretchedly poor one . The hour for opening lodge was 3 p . m ., and punctuality was observed to a greater degree upon the present occasion than we ever remember to have been the case before .
I he W . M . and Sec . were the first on the scene of action , but the Deacons were close at their heels ; the two initiates however by the respect they showed for time give promise of future excellence in the matter of punctual attendance . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Keeble , P . M ., the following officers occupying their respective posts at one time or other during tlv : afternoon : Bros . Walter B .
Woodman , I . P . M . and W . S . ; E . Thiellay , S . W . ; Walter Simmonds , J . W . ; Louis Beck , S . D . ; H . J . Green , J . D . ; Solomon Jewell , I . G . ; T . Grummant , Sec . ; F . Walters , P . G . J . D . ' Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer . The following brethren w . * r : also in attendance : Bros . H . Henton , Moss , Ernest Smith , Cowley , Metham , Steers , Buck , Macgillivray , Knibhs , Swain , Thornton , Willson , C . J . Hogg ,
P . M ., P . G . S . Visitors : Bros . John Keeble , P . M . ; J . Ives , P . M . ; G . Andrews , P . M . ; Aime' Hugon , 145 ; Kitson , Wellington , Bonner , 1287 , and one or two others who did not sign the book . Lodge having been duly opened , Bros . Swain and Thornton , candidates for passing , were interrogated . The ballot having been favourably taken for Messrs . Stephen Wise and Edmund Fry , they
were admitted and duly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bros . Swain and Thornton were then passed to the degree of a F . C , and subsequently Bros . Knibbs and Willson were similiarly privileged . The W . M . having risen thrice ( two gentlemen for initiation at the next meeting being proposed ) , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal
and Masonic toasts had been given the I . P . M ., Bro . W . Woodman , gave "The Healthjof the W . M . " in his usual happy and facetious manner . The W . M . in replying regretted that sickness at home , as well as his own illhealth , had operated against his working in the manner he should have liked , but he should during his year of office do just as well as he was able to , and more than
this the brethren could not expect . Wc may here put in a word to the effect that Bro . Keeble , although struggling hard against severe indisposition , acquitteel himself in a highly satistactory manner . " The Health of the Initiates " was next proposed and duly honoured . Bro , Fry replied on behalf of himself and fellow initiate . The toast of " The Visitors , " proposed by the W . M ., was responded
to by Bros . Ives , Andrews , and Bonner . To "The Officers " Bro . Jewell replied , and " The Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of Bro . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., evoked from that brother one of his interesting addresses . Some capital harmony was extracted from Bros . P . H . Woodman , Swain , Louis Beck , Bonner , and Steers , while Bro . Hogg delighted his hearers with his clever recital of " The Charge of the Light Brigade . "
RAVENSBOURNE LODGE , ( No . 1601 ) . —The first anniversary and installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , April 27 th , in the Board Room of the Lewisham Board of Works , Catford Bridge . The Rev . W . Taylor Jones , W . M . ; C . W . Thompson , S . W . and
W . M . elect ; W . Bache Roberts , J . W . ; Nelson Reed , S . D . ; Dr . Steele , J . D . ; F . Burdett , I . G . ; and Shaw , Tyler . The members present were Bros . Magnus Ohren , J . Terry , Sec , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; W . J . Tasman , J . Kimpton , A . G . Hennell , C . Couchman , R . Moss , S . Jetrard ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
B . Horton , W . H . Young , L . Sindell , E . Howard , & c , d the following visitors : —E . Rumsey , P . M . 235 ; T . Sewell , P . M . 21 ; Henley , r 8 i ; G . Honey , 1319 ; Laver , P . M . 211 ; C . Thomas , 9 6 9 ; J . Norton , 9 6 9 ; H . Thompson . 1426 , and P . M . 177 and 1158 ; ( Freemason ) , Littcl , P . M . 860 ; Bishop , P . M . 66 ; David James , ( " Our Boys " ) , P . M . 9 69-H . Neville , ( Olympic Theatre ) , W . Smallpeice , P . M . 139 s
C . Steward , 1319 ; Sir John Bennett , No . 1 ; Todd , P . M . 18 3 ; A . Stewart , 96 9 ; R . Smith , 101 ; J . W . Burt , W . M . 18 ; J . West , P . M . . 1548 ; Fletcher , 1050 ; F . Keiley , P . M . 1293 ; and Prov . Grand Treasurer for Middlesex ; Wilcox , 1752 ; Sanders , 905 ; and Harcourt , 1319 ; & c . The lodge having been opened in the First and Second Degrees , Bro . F . E . Wilkinson , P . M ., presented Bro . C . W . Thompson ,
the W . M . elect , to receive at the hands of Bro . the Rev . W . Taylor Jones , the retiring W . M ., the benefit of installation , and it was unanimously admitted that that important rite as well as the concluding addresses , were never delivered in a more correct , able , and impressive manner than was done by the reverend brother on this occasion . The new W . M . having been duly installed into the chair
by a Board of Installed Masters , and the brethren below the chair admitted , he appointed his officers as follows : — Bros . Roberts , S . W . ; Nelson Reed , J . W . ; W . G . Lemon , P . M ., Treasurer ; S . Edwards , Secretary ; the Rev . Taylor Jones , I . P . M ., Chaplain ; Francis Burdett , S . D . ; Magnus Ohren , J . D . ; S . J . Jerrard , I . G . ; Dr . F . E . Wilkinson , P . M ., and Dr . C . Steele , P . M ., Stewards ; H . Shaw , Tyler .
At the conclusion of the investment of the officers a very handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . the Rev . W . Taylor Jones on his retirement from the chair , which he suitably acknowledged . After some other business had been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren , according to previous arrangement , proceeded to the Ship and Turtle ,
in Leadenhall-street , where the installation banquet was to take place . Shortly after seven o ' clock the brethren sat down , the W . M . presiding , and all the officers in their proper places , and one of the most recherche banquets was served up ever seen in Bro . Painter ' s famed hotel , and from its variety , quality , and quantity it really left nothing to be desired . On the withdrawal of the cloth , and grace
said , the W . M . rose and said he hoped that night the brethren would not complain of long speeches , as they all knew what were the Masonic toasts , and they might always be given in a few words . He therefore without further observations asked them to join him in drinking " The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " a toast which was heartily responded to . The
W . Master said : Brethren , the next toast I have to propose is one that 1 know will be received with enthusiasm by every brother , as it is " The Health of our Most Worshipful Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and we must all regret that the state of his health prevented him from being present at the Grand Lodge on Wednesday last . Still we all know the deep interest he takes in all
that appertains to the welfare of the Craft on every occasion , and I am sute that a more hearty and enthusiastic brother could never be at the head of the Order . I therefore give you " The Health of the Prince of Wales . " The toast was enthusiastically received . The W . Master said the next toast was one of the greatest possible interest to Masonry and to the members of the Craft , as it was
" T he Health of the Grand Officers , " and he particularly referred to those two distinguished members the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , and he was sure that all the brethren would feel great interest in drinking that toast . In their own little lodge he was happy to say that they numbered two Grand Officers ; one of them was not able to be present with them though he | took a great
interest in the lodge , and regretted that he was unable to come amongst them that evening , but he had given a very good reason for his absence . Bro . Brackstone Baker , who was an old and most distinguished' Grand Officer , however , was present , and lie would call upon him to respond to the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . D ., said he would endeavour to follow
the example so worthily set by the W . Master as to being brief in their speeches , as the hour was getting late and they would hardly be enabled in time to complete the duties of the evening . The officers of the Grand Lodge , and he was sure every one else , must feel gratified by seeing the two chairs in the Grand Lodge occupied by two of the Royal Princes , which they had not seen since 1812 .
when the Prince of Wales , afterwards Prince Regent , was Grand Master . They would now see two Princes of the Royal blood occupying the two chairs in Grand Lodge , which showed that Freemasonry was in a flourishing condition , notwithstanding all the Papal allocutions and anathemas which had been hurled against it , and , therefore , most gratified must every one be at its extension . At
that time last year the Ravensbourne Lodge was last on the list , but now there were sixty lodges beyond it , and if Freemasonry went on progressing as it had done he did not know where it would end , or where they would find accommodation for all the lodges appointed to meet at Freemasons' Hall , He thanked them for their estimation of the services of the Grand Officers , and said they highly
appreciated their recognition of the duties they had performed . Bro . the Rev . W . T . Jones , I . P . M ., said the toast he bad to propose was one that the brethren would at once understand by seeing the gavel , the emblem of authority , once more in his hands . He cordially welcomed the Worshipful Master into the chair , and he sincerely wished him a good and successful year of office . He congratulated him on the accomplishment of his ardent
desire as the founder of the lodge , for it was from his brain that arose the Ravensbourne Lodge , and most heartily did he rejoice that he now occupied the chair . He trusted that every wish he entertained for its prosperity might be fulfilled , and that he might be blessed with health and success during his year of office . He asked the brethren to join w . i- i Jiiin in drinking . " The Health of their Wotshipful Master , " a request which wat molt