Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DORSETSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DORSETSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorsetshire.
Who was the first Freemason , or when the ancient fraternity of Free and Accepted , Masons was established , are questions which we shall not attempt to answer . It is auile clear that somebody , at some time , and somewhere , conceived the idea of a great brotherhood , drew the plan , to shine Masonic in
nd to day the sun never ceases on - stitutions . There have been periods in the history of the Craft when the aims and objects sought to be accomplished bv the members have been misunderstood by the outside Jorld and even at the present time it seems that in Catholic countries the ban is put by the priesthood upon Freemasonry on the plea that it is a secret society . But
, whatever may have been the disadvantages under which the Craft was placed in bygone days in this country , ot even at the present day in some parts of the continent , it is quite certai n that in Great Britain and America , Ancient Freemasonry never occupied a higher or more prominent position than it now docs . Royal patrons , from the days of King Athelstan . who granted a charter to
Freemasonry in 92 O 1 have not been wanting , who were willing to give their support to Masonic institutions , and to cast in their lot with the brotherhood , and at the present time it is no small matter of satisfaction to every member of the great fraternity to be able to point to the fact that His Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , the heir to the throne of this great country , is the Grand Master of the
United Lodges of England and Wales . It is also a matter worthy of note that at no period in the history of the Craft have the various provinces been governed by a hig her class of men—as Prov incial Grand Masters—than at the present time . Gentlemen , moving in the very first ranks of society , and of unimpeachable character , have readily undertaken the duties appertaining to the office ,
and the result has been that many persons who were averse to Masonry have been led to review their fancied objections , and not a few of them have sought admission into Masonic lodges . The Province of Dorset , which consists of thirteen lodges , has been governed from the earliest days of its formation by a succession of Grand Masters , who have sought at all
times the advancement of the Provincial Grand Lodge and also the subordinate lodges in the province . The result lias been that the membership during the last twenty years has greatly increased , and the Province of Dorset , small as it is compared to that of those of the more thickly populated counties in the north of England , has sent up to the Masonic charities in London larger subscription lists
than have many other provinces with double or even treble its membership . The late Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J oseph Gundry , & c , of the Hyde , Bridport , was greatly respected and honoured by ihe brethren , and as a tribute to his gieat worth a deputation attended his funeral from almost , if not every , lodge in the province . The question was then very generally asked by Masons of each other" Who is to be our Provincial Grand Master ? " There were
tt : ose in the province who had gained great credit for being gcod Masons , and who from their social positions were mentioned as probable successors to the office , but generally the name of Bro . Montague Guest came uppermost , and when it was announced that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Grand Master of England , had appointed this gentleman to the high office , every Mason regarded Bro .
Uuest as ' ¦ the right man in the right place . " It is a irite saying , and often used in a meaningless way , when it is said of a person that he is " respected by everybody who knows him , " but to say this of Bro . Montague Guest is only to utter what is true to the very letter . His appointment , therefore , was received with unbounded satisfaction , and we are sure that Masonry in Dorsetshire under his
rule will gain many fresh adherents , whilst the lodges in working will vie with each other in seeking to extend the principles which they are established to propagaie . ' 1 he Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset , which assembled atWimborneon Saturday afternoon last , was probably the largest Masonic gathering which lias ever taken place in the county . Certainly not less than 350 members
assembled at the Corn Exchange , which , we should mention , is the property of the members of Cuthberga Lodge , No . G 22 . The large room was prepared in due form by the Wimborne brethren , who seemed to consider no amount ° f trouble too great to render the meeting a success . No doubt they regarded it a great honour that a member of
their lod ge was to be elevated to so high an office , and that on this account the installation ceremony was to take place in Bro . M . Guest's own lodge . According to announcements the lodge was to be tyled at two o ' clock , but » ns did not take place until after three o'clock . As a matter of course , it took some considerable time to obtain
a correct list of the brethren present , together with their various titles . This was got over more easily than mi ght nave been expected . Bro . R . N . Howard , Provincial Grand ecretary , was quite equal to the occasion , and the names , all present were duly recorded . On the members enter"g the lod ge they arranged themselves under their respective banners , and Bro . William Smith , P . M ., the
L'ab | - ' 9 ranJ l- ' ctor of Ceremonies , was indefatij > awe in his exertions in getting everything in perfect a « previous to the arrival of the Grand Lodge Officers . "out three o ' clock the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Gra H R "' y GrsCn < i Master " England ; Sir A . Woods , and Director of Ceremonies ; G . Kuhe , Grand Org . ; Ur | ° w Holn » esdale , Provincial Grand Master of Kent ;
W w n ' * rovlncial Grand Master of Wiltshire ; shire , each ' - - < Provincial Grand Master of Hampenter ' p /' il , ° thcr distinguished members arrived , and Officer , £ e wilh 1 > a Jt and Present Provincial Grand saluteH ' Thc ¦ De ' ) Uty Grand Master , on entering , was r ° uuV ? rdin S ancient Masonic form . After some >« Business had been gone through , the Right Worthy
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorsetshire.
Deputy Grand Master briefly addressed the lodge , stating the object of the meeting that day . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Shaftesbury on the 14 th September last , were then read . These minutes included a resolution to the R . W . Bro . W . Eliot , Past P . G . M ., congratulating him on having been a subscribing member of the Lodge of All Souls , Nei .
170 , Weymouth , for an uninterrupted period of sixty years , and on his being the oldest member on the provincial roll , and that in rerordiiig this interesting fact on its minutes , this Provincial Grand Lodge would _ bear testimony to the highly raoi ..: and religious character of the R . W . Bro ., who has thus u . iring his long life so well and worthily represented the nue principles and practical
teaching of our Order . The arrival of the Provincial Grand Master designate , Bro . M . Guest , having been announced , and the patent directing his installation duly examined , a deputation of Masters retired with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies to introduce him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . The ceremony of installation , which was of a
very impressive character , then took place , and on the new Provincial Grand Master taking the chair he was duly proclaimed and saluted . We may here mention that all the brethren , with but few exceptions , were attired in evening dress , and as most present wore jewels of various kinds and Masonic clothing , according to their respective offices , the scene at the installation ceremony will not soon be forgotten by those whose good fortune it was to be
present . It is thej . custom among Masons for the Provincial Grand Master to appoint his own officers , and this was done on this occasion by the newly-appointed Provincial Grand M-ster . The appointments were as follows : — T . B . Hanham , P . M . 472 Prov . G . S . W . C . Tucker , P . M . 707 Prov . G . J . W .
Rev . H . Everett , 417 Prov . G . Chap . R . Case ,. Prov . G . Treas . R . Leigh , 1 , 36 7 Prov . G . Reg . R . N . Howard , P . M . 170 Prov . G . Sec . G . AL Evans , P . M . 707 Prov . G . S . D . A . J . Budden , W . M . 622 Prov . G . J . D . R . Eyres , W . M . 1266 Prov . G . S . of Wks
W . Smith , P . M . 170 Prov . G . D . C . G . F . Stokes , W . M . 1168 Prov . G . A . D . C . W . H . Dean , S . W . 417 Prov . G . Swd . Br . S . Champ , 707 Prov . G . Org . J . Fenn , P . M . 1331 and 417 Prov . G . Purst . J . Lovelace , 417 Prov . G . Tyler . Stewards : Bros . T . Wootton , 1367 ; E . Tolman , 1367 ;
J . Lowe , 707 ; J . S . A . Herford , 622 ; W / D . Dugdale , 137 ; J- h \ Shopland , 1266 . We may mention that the above officers , with on .-: exception , ate the same as those appointed at the provincial meeting held at Shaftesbury in September last . The exception is that of Bro . Case , as Treasurer , who has well earned his appointment by the assiduity with which he
has worked in various ways in his own lodge—Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester—and also as a Provincial Giand Lodge officer . The business of the Provincial Giand Lodge was brought to a lose by the passing of votes of thanks 10 the installing officers and to the meml-ers of Cuthberga Lodge for making the necessary arrangements for holding the
meeting that day . Amongst those present were : —Officers of Grand Lodge —Bros . Lorn Skelmersdale , D . G . M . and P . G . M . West Lancashire ; Lord Methuen , P . G . M . Wilis ; Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., P . G M . Kent ; M . J . Guest , P . G . D .. P . G . M . Dor-et designate ; W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; J . Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir A .
Woods ( Garter ) , P . G . W ., G . D . Ccrs . ; T . Keun , P . G . A . D . Cers . ; C . W . Kuhe , G . Org . ; Lord H . Thymic , Hon . R . Harhord . Officers and members of Prov . Granel Lodge—A . E . Guest , V . F . Benett-Stanford , T . B . Hanham , C . R . Rowe , H . S . Edwards , J . P . F . Gundry , G . R . Crickmay , L . H . Ruegg , Rev . W . M . Heath , P . P . G . S . W . ' s ; J . Jacob , J . Graves , J . S . Webb , G . L . Thome , H . C . Burt ,
P . P . G . J . W . ' s ; Rev . II . Everett , P . G . Chaplain , G . H , Gutch , W . P . Cockeram , F . T . Johns , P . Hooper , H . T , G . T . A . Hanne , J . T . Davies , P . P . G . Keg . ; R . N . Howard , Prov . G . Sec ; R . Case , P . Prov . G . Sec . ; J . New , S . S . Moore , H . Ling , J . Lundie . E . T . Budden , J . Soppitt , P . Prov . G . S . Deacons ; W . Chick , C , F . Ard ' en , W . S . Gillard , T . R . Charles , W . W . Stickland , C . Ycarsley ,
A . J . Budden , P . Prov . G . | . Deacons ; G . | . Gregory , W . J . Fletcher , C . W . Wyndham , E . Edsall , j . W . Luff J . Hudson , R . Eyres , P . Prov . G . Supts . of Works ; W . Smith , P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; G . W . Good , H . W . Abbott , R . C . Gillman , G . F . Stokes , P . P . G . A . Dirs . of Cer . ; R . G . Long , J . T . Green , J . B . Cole , W . A . Dean , P . P .
G . Std . Brs . ; J . Robinson , C Keats , R . Radford , J . T . Hillier . S . Champ , P . P . G . Organists ; T . Radcliffe , W . Osmond , S . S . Hunt , T . Hunter , J . Fenn , P . P . G . Purs . ; E . Tolman , J . Lowe J . S . A . Herford , W . D . Dugdale , j . R . Shopland , P . G . Stewards ; and a numerous attendance of brethren from the lodges in the province and
numerous visitors . [ The proceedings at the banquet will be given next week . ]
A Special Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held at the Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , on the 18 th instant . Bro . E . J . Harts ' s letter on the Grand
Historical Steel Engraving reached the office too late for insertion in this week ' s issue . It shall appear in our next . Bro . George Powell , of the Norwich and London Insurance Office , has been admitted to the livery of the Spectaclernakers' Company .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The annual General Meeting and Election of this Institution takes place on Friday at t jvelve , too late for a report to appear in this issue of the Freemason . A SECOND EDITION will be published on Saturday morning , and will
contain a full report of the proceedings , including a list of the successful and unsuccessful candidates , with the number of votes polled . Subscribers wishing to have a copy of Saturday morning ' s edition sent to them , will please forward 2 ^ d . in stamps to the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , " London .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wi ght , has most kindly consented to preside at the Seventy-ninth Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be held at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , the 27 th proximo . There will be an "Old Wellingtonian " dinner at the Criterion on Tuesday , June 19 th , at half-past seven p . m .
The consecration of the Henry Muggeridge Lodge , No . 1679 , takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , when Bro . H . Muggeridge , late collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , will be installed first W . M . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . It is the intention of the Prince of Wales to inspect H . M . S . Thunderer , at Portsmouth , early next week . The Lords ol the Admiralty will go over the ship with his Royal Highness .
It may interest the Craft to know that the amateur performance , promoted by Mrs . Monckton , resulteil in a net balance of 210 guineas , to be divided between the Girls' and Boys' Schools . The medals awarded to the officers and crews of Her Majesty ' s ships Alert and Discovery , and the Pandora , for services in the Arctic expedition , are in course of distribution .
A NEW LODGE FOR THE PROVINCE OP KENT . —The consecration of the Tonbridge Lodge , No . 16 7 8 , is to take place on Wednesday nest , when Bro . G . Langridge will be installed as W . M ., his Wardens being Bros . Frerik . Spencer and Rev . Jas . Amos , M . A . Bro . John Derby Allcroft presided at the distribution of prizes won by students of the Protestant Educational Institute at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday last .
Comp . George Newman will be installed M . E . Z . of the William Preston Chapter , No . 776 , at the next convocation , which will be held on Thursday next , at ihe Cannon-street Hotel , at half-past 4 . The dedication and consecration of the Newton Lodge , No . 1661 , will take place on Thursday next , the 24 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Ncwark-upon-Tient .
Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Kent , has selected Erith to hold the next meeting in , of the annual Provincial Grand Lodge . A preparatory meeting will lie held at Ramsgatc . THE TESTIMONIAL TO BRO . TWEDDELL . — The Newcastle Daily ChronicU thus notices the testimonial now being got up to our well known brother : — " A
testimonlal is being got up to be presented in the agreeable shape of a purse ol gold to Mr . George Markham Tweddell , the well known Cleveland poet , essayist , and lecturer . The appeal is a touching and affecting one . The testimonial is intended to help Mr . Tweddtll through heavy losses and family affliction , over which he had no control . The Cleveland district has always been rich in men abundant in literary ability . Before iron was discovered and
Midellesborough was made , Cleveland , like the Tyne , had a reputation for literary culture and scientiric reseaich , It is quite a mistake to treat Cleveland as a modern place . It has a character of its own . Cleveland has an old life , as marked as that of Newcastle , and its literary reputation is greatly due to such men as Mr . Tweddell . " We have already alluded to it favourably and warmly in our columns . Bro . George Kenning is the London Treasurer to the fund .
We heartily congratulate Bro . Robert Wentworth Little on his recent appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , in the room of Bro . Sir George Eliot . Our worthy brother ' s labour for this distinguished province has entitled him to this honour , and we sincerely wish him an early restoration to better health
to enable him to enjoy his new office . —The Masonic Record of Western India . The installation meeting of the Sir Hugh Myddleton Lodge , No . 1602 , will take place at the Agricultural Hall , on Friday next , at four o ' clock . The installation of Bro . Edward G . Sim as W . M . will be performed by Bro . E . Somers , I . P . M .
The Queen has expressed her desire that some adequate provision should be made for the Misses DeFoe , the lineal descendants of the author of " Robinson Crusoe , " and Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to direc that a pension of £ 75 per annum should be granted to each of these three ladies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorsetshire.
Who was the first Freemason , or when the ancient fraternity of Free and Accepted , Masons was established , are questions which we shall not attempt to answer . It is auile clear that somebody , at some time , and somewhere , conceived the idea of a great brotherhood , drew the plan , to shine Masonic in
nd to day the sun never ceases on - stitutions . There have been periods in the history of the Craft when the aims and objects sought to be accomplished bv the members have been misunderstood by the outside Jorld and even at the present time it seems that in Catholic countries the ban is put by the priesthood upon Freemasonry on the plea that it is a secret society . But
, whatever may have been the disadvantages under which the Craft was placed in bygone days in this country , ot even at the present day in some parts of the continent , it is quite certai n that in Great Britain and America , Ancient Freemasonry never occupied a higher or more prominent position than it now docs . Royal patrons , from the days of King Athelstan . who granted a charter to
Freemasonry in 92 O 1 have not been wanting , who were willing to give their support to Masonic institutions , and to cast in their lot with the brotherhood , and at the present time it is no small matter of satisfaction to every member of the great fraternity to be able to point to the fact that His Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , the heir to the throne of this great country , is the Grand Master of the
United Lodges of England and Wales . It is also a matter worthy of note that at no period in the history of the Craft have the various provinces been governed by a hig her class of men—as Prov incial Grand Masters—than at the present time . Gentlemen , moving in the very first ranks of society , and of unimpeachable character , have readily undertaken the duties appertaining to the office ,
and the result has been that many persons who were averse to Masonry have been led to review their fancied objections , and not a few of them have sought admission into Masonic lodges . The Province of Dorset , which consists of thirteen lodges , has been governed from the earliest days of its formation by a succession of Grand Masters , who have sought at all
times the advancement of the Provincial Grand Lodge and also the subordinate lodges in the province . The result lias been that the membership during the last twenty years has greatly increased , and the Province of Dorset , small as it is compared to that of those of the more thickly populated counties in the north of England , has sent up to the Masonic charities in London larger subscription lists
than have many other provinces with double or even treble its membership . The late Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J oseph Gundry , & c , of the Hyde , Bridport , was greatly respected and honoured by ihe brethren , and as a tribute to his gieat worth a deputation attended his funeral from almost , if not every , lodge in the province . The question was then very generally asked by Masons of each other" Who is to be our Provincial Grand Master ? " There were
tt : ose in the province who had gained great credit for being gcod Masons , and who from their social positions were mentioned as probable successors to the office , but generally the name of Bro . Montague Guest came uppermost , and when it was announced that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Grand Master of England , had appointed this gentleman to the high office , every Mason regarded Bro .
Uuest as ' ¦ the right man in the right place . " It is a irite saying , and often used in a meaningless way , when it is said of a person that he is " respected by everybody who knows him , " but to say this of Bro . Montague Guest is only to utter what is true to the very letter . His appointment , therefore , was received with unbounded satisfaction , and we are sure that Masonry in Dorsetshire under his
rule will gain many fresh adherents , whilst the lodges in working will vie with each other in seeking to extend the principles which they are established to propagaie . ' 1 he Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset , which assembled atWimborneon Saturday afternoon last , was probably the largest Masonic gathering which lias ever taken place in the county . Certainly not less than 350 members
assembled at the Corn Exchange , which , we should mention , is the property of the members of Cuthberga Lodge , No . G 22 . The large room was prepared in due form by the Wimborne brethren , who seemed to consider no amount ° f trouble too great to render the meeting a success . No doubt they regarded it a great honour that a member of
their lod ge was to be elevated to so high an office , and that on this account the installation ceremony was to take place in Bro . M . Guest's own lodge . According to announcements the lodge was to be tyled at two o ' clock , but » ns did not take place until after three o'clock . As a matter of course , it took some considerable time to obtain
a correct list of the brethren present , together with their various titles . This was got over more easily than mi ght nave been expected . Bro . R . N . Howard , Provincial Grand ecretary , was quite equal to the occasion , and the names , all present were duly recorded . On the members enter"g the lod ge they arranged themselves under their respective banners , and Bro . William Smith , P . M ., the
L'ab | - ' 9 ranJ l- ' ctor of Ceremonies , was indefatij > awe in his exertions in getting everything in perfect a « previous to the arrival of the Grand Lodge Officers . "out three o ' clock the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Gra H R "' y GrsCn < i Master " England ; Sir A . Woods , and Director of Ceremonies ; G . Kuhe , Grand Org . ; Ur | ° w Holn » esdale , Provincial Grand Master of Kent ;
W w n ' * rovlncial Grand Master of Wiltshire ; shire , each ' - - < Provincial Grand Master of Hampenter ' p /' il , ° thcr distinguished members arrived , and Officer , £ e wilh 1 > a Jt and Present Provincial Grand saluteH ' Thc ¦ De ' ) Uty Grand Master , on entering , was r ° uuV ? rdin S ancient Masonic form . After some >« Business had been gone through , the Right Worthy
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorsetshire.
Deputy Grand Master briefly addressed the lodge , stating the object of the meeting that day . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Shaftesbury on the 14 th September last , were then read . These minutes included a resolution to the R . W . Bro . W . Eliot , Past P . G . M ., congratulating him on having been a subscribing member of the Lodge of All Souls , Nei .
170 , Weymouth , for an uninterrupted period of sixty years , and on his being the oldest member on the provincial roll , and that in rerordiiig this interesting fact on its minutes , this Provincial Grand Lodge would _ bear testimony to the highly raoi ..: and religious character of the R . W . Bro ., who has thus u . iring his long life so well and worthily represented the nue principles and practical
teaching of our Order . The arrival of the Provincial Grand Master designate , Bro . M . Guest , having been announced , and the patent directing his installation duly examined , a deputation of Masters retired with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies to introduce him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . The ceremony of installation , which was of a
very impressive character , then took place , and on the new Provincial Grand Master taking the chair he was duly proclaimed and saluted . We may here mention that all the brethren , with but few exceptions , were attired in evening dress , and as most present wore jewels of various kinds and Masonic clothing , according to their respective offices , the scene at the installation ceremony will not soon be forgotten by those whose good fortune it was to be
present . It is thej . custom among Masons for the Provincial Grand Master to appoint his own officers , and this was done on this occasion by the newly-appointed Provincial Grand M-ster . The appointments were as follows : — T . B . Hanham , P . M . 472 Prov . G . S . W . C . Tucker , P . M . 707 Prov . G . J . W .
Rev . H . Everett , 417 Prov . G . Chap . R . Case ,. Prov . G . Treas . R . Leigh , 1 , 36 7 Prov . G . Reg . R . N . Howard , P . M . 170 Prov . G . Sec . G . AL Evans , P . M . 707 Prov . G . S . D . A . J . Budden , W . M . 622 Prov . G . J . D . R . Eyres , W . M . 1266 Prov . G . S . of Wks
W . Smith , P . M . 170 Prov . G . D . C . G . F . Stokes , W . M . 1168 Prov . G . A . D . C . W . H . Dean , S . W . 417 Prov . G . Swd . Br . S . Champ , 707 Prov . G . Org . J . Fenn , P . M . 1331 and 417 Prov . G . Purst . J . Lovelace , 417 Prov . G . Tyler . Stewards : Bros . T . Wootton , 1367 ; E . Tolman , 1367 ;
J . Lowe , 707 ; J . S . A . Herford , 622 ; W / D . Dugdale , 137 ; J- h \ Shopland , 1266 . We may mention that the above officers , with on .-: exception , ate the same as those appointed at the provincial meeting held at Shaftesbury in September last . The exception is that of Bro . Case , as Treasurer , who has well earned his appointment by the assiduity with which he
has worked in various ways in his own lodge—Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester—and also as a Provincial Giand Lodge officer . The business of the Provincial Giand Lodge was brought to a lose by the passing of votes of thanks 10 the installing officers and to the meml-ers of Cuthberga Lodge for making the necessary arrangements for holding the
meeting that day . Amongst those present were : —Officers of Grand Lodge —Bros . Lorn Skelmersdale , D . G . M . and P . G . M . West Lancashire ; Lord Methuen , P . G . M . Wilis ; Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., P . G M . Kent ; M . J . Guest , P . G . D .. P . G . M . Dor-et designate ; W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; J . Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir A .
Woods ( Garter ) , P . G . W ., G . D . Ccrs . ; T . Keun , P . G . A . D . Cers . ; C . W . Kuhe , G . Org . ; Lord H . Thymic , Hon . R . Harhord . Officers and members of Prov . Granel Lodge—A . E . Guest , V . F . Benett-Stanford , T . B . Hanham , C . R . Rowe , H . S . Edwards , J . P . F . Gundry , G . R . Crickmay , L . H . Ruegg , Rev . W . M . Heath , P . P . G . S . W . ' s ; J . Jacob , J . Graves , J . S . Webb , G . L . Thome , H . C . Burt ,
P . P . G . J . W . ' s ; Rev . II . Everett , P . G . Chaplain , G . H , Gutch , W . P . Cockeram , F . T . Johns , P . Hooper , H . T , G . T . A . Hanne , J . T . Davies , P . P . G . Keg . ; R . N . Howard , Prov . G . Sec ; R . Case , P . Prov . G . Sec . ; J . New , S . S . Moore , H . Ling , J . Lundie . E . T . Budden , J . Soppitt , P . Prov . G . S . Deacons ; W . Chick , C , F . Ard ' en , W . S . Gillard , T . R . Charles , W . W . Stickland , C . Ycarsley ,
A . J . Budden , P . Prov . G . | . Deacons ; G . | . Gregory , W . J . Fletcher , C . W . Wyndham , E . Edsall , j . W . Luff J . Hudson , R . Eyres , P . Prov . G . Supts . of Works ; W . Smith , P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; G . W . Good , H . W . Abbott , R . C . Gillman , G . F . Stokes , P . P . G . A . Dirs . of Cer . ; R . G . Long , J . T . Green , J . B . Cole , W . A . Dean , P . P .
G . Std . Brs . ; J . Robinson , C Keats , R . Radford , J . T . Hillier . S . Champ , P . P . G . Organists ; T . Radcliffe , W . Osmond , S . S . Hunt , T . Hunter , J . Fenn , P . P . G . Purs . ; E . Tolman , J . Lowe J . S . A . Herford , W . D . Dugdale , j . R . Shopland , P . G . Stewards ; and a numerous attendance of brethren from the lodges in the province and
numerous visitors . [ The proceedings at the banquet will be given next week . ]
A Special Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held at the Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , on the 18 th instant . Bro . E . J . Harts ' s letter on the Grand
Historical Steel Engraving reached the office too late for insertion in this week ' s issue . It shall appear in our next . Bro . George Powell , of the Norwich and London Insurance Office , has been admitted to the livery of the Spectaclernakers' Company .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The annual General Meeting and Election of this Institution takes place on Friday at t jvelve , too late for a report to appear in this issue of the Freemason . A SECOND EDITION will be published on Saturday morning , and will
contain a full report of the proceedings , including a list of the successful and unsuccessful candidates , with the number of votes polled . Subscribers wishing to have a copy of Saturday morning ' s edition sent to them , will please forward 2 ^ d . in stamps to the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , " London .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wi ght , has most kindly consented to preside at the Seventy-ninth Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be held at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , the 27 th proximo . There will be an "Old Wellingtonian " dinner at the Criterion on Tuesday , June 19 th , at half-past seven p . m .
The consecration of the Henry Muggeridge Lodge , No . 1679 , takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , when Bro . H . Muggeridge , late collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , will be installed first W . M . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . It is the intention of the Prince of Wales to inspect H . M . S . Thunderer , at Portsmouth , early next week . The Lords ol the Admiralty will go over the ship with his Royal Highness .
It may interest the Craft to know that the amateur performance , promoted by Mrs . Monckton , resulteil in a net balance of 210 guineas , to be divided between the Girls' and Boys' Schools . The medals awarded to the officers and crews of Her Majesty ' s ships Alert and Discovery , and the Pandora , for services in the Arctic expedition , are in course of distribution .
A NEW LODGE FOR THE PROVINCE OP KENT . —The consecration of the Tonbridge Lodge , No . 16 7 8 , is to take place on Wednesday nest , when Bro . G . Langridge will be installed as W . M ., his Wardens being Bros . Frerik . Spencer and Rev . Jas . Amos , M . A . Bro . John Derby Allcroft presided at the distribution of prizes won by students of the Protestant Educational Institute at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday last .
Comp . George Newman will be installed M . E . Z . of the William Preston Chapter , No . 776 , at the next convocation , which will be held on Thursday next , at ihe Cannon-street Hotel , at half-past 4 . The dedication and consecration of the Newton Lodge , No . 1661 , will take place on Thursday next , the 24 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Ncwark-upon-Tient .
Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Kent , has selected Erith to hold the next meeting in , of the annual Provincial Grand Lodge . A preparatory meeting will lie held at Ramsgatc . THE TESTIMONIAL TO BRO . TWEDDELL . — The Newcastle Daily ChronicU thus notices the testimonial now being got up to our well known brother : — " A
testimonlal is being got up to be presented in the agreeable shape of a purse ol gold to Mr . George Markham Tweddell , the well known Cleveland poet , essayist , and lecturer . The appeal is a touching and affecting one . The testimonial is intended to help Mr . Tweddtll through heavy losses and family affliction , over which he had no control . The Cleveland district has always been rich in men abundant in literary ability . Before iron was discovered and
Midellesborough was made , Cleveland , like the Tyne , had a reputation for literary culture and scientiric reseaich , It is quite a mistake to treat Cleveland as a modern place . It has a character of its own . Cleveland has an old life , as marked as that of Newcastle , and its literary reputation is greatly due to such men as Mr . Tweddell . " We have already alluded to it favourably and warmly in our columns . Bro . George Kenning is the London Treasurer to the fund .
We heartily congratulate Bro . Robert Wentworth Little on his recent appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , in the room of Bro . Sir George Eliot . Our worthy brother ' s labour for this distinguished province has entitled him to this honour , and we sincerely wish him an early restoration to better health
to enable him to enjoy his new office . —The Masonic Record of Western India . The installation meeting of the Sir Hugh Myddleton Lodge , No . 1602 , will take place at the Agricultural Hall , on Friday next , at four o ' clock . The installation of Bro . Edward G . Sim as W . M . will be performed by Bro . E . Somers , I . P . M .
The Queen has expressed her desire that some adequate provision should be made for the Misses DeFoe , the lineal descendants of the author of " Robinson Crusoe , " and Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to direc that a pension of £ 75 per annum should be granted to each of these three ladies .