Article Reports of Masonic Meeting. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meeting. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meeting. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
Reports of Masonic Meeting .
THE . on AFT . PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Lodge , No :. 249 . —The last _ egular . meeting of this ; lodge was held on Thursday evening , June 3 rd , Bro . Geo . De la Perelle , W . M ., in : the > chair .- After the . minutes of the , previous lodge , -and also the lodge of emergency : held May _ ist , , were , duly confirmed , the following persons
were balloted for and declared : duly elected , viz ., Mr .. * Jonathan Sellers and Mr . D . T . McCullough for Initiation , and Bro . Edwd : Denton . for joining Messrs . McCullough and Sellers being in attendance , as-also Mr . William . Cotter , duly elected March 4 th , were then properly prepared , admitted : in due form , and'initiated , into the mysteries and . privileges of
ancient Freemasonry . The vote of the lodge was then : takeu upon a motion of which notice had been given , at the last regular meeting of the lodge . It was formally proposed this evening by . Bro . E . Roberts ,. Secretary , seconded by Bro . Amos Walker , SiD . i ,: and . carried unanimously , to the following effect :
"That a committee be formed with the following object * : —I . To investigate all cases of application for relief , anil ; through the Chairman , or in his absence the Vicc-Cbjairnian , or providing both are absent , by reference tn minutes of said . committee , to recommend to the Geneva ! Lodge Meeting following , such cases , aud to such extent , aa
they . feel ju .-tified by the circumstances which transpire . II ... To make enquiries and ascertain as far as possible if Candidates for Initiation , are fit and proper persons to bo made Masonsjand also , whether Candidates for joining , have left' their previous lodge clear on the books , and with good repute . III . To perform such other duties as the lodge may , by resolution , decide to entrust to the labours of a
committee . "That the committee he elected annually . by ballot , ( in the same manner as those of W . M . and Treasurer , ) and to consist of nine members-., three to form a quorum ; vacancies , as they , arise , to be filled up by ballot in like manner , a notice of election being stated in circular issued for the General Lodge Meeting at which the election will take place .
The committee to elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman . The Secretary of the lodge to be Secretary of tho committee The committee to make its own bye-laws . The . committee to meet on tbe Thursday next preceding each General Lodge Night , to receive particulars of such applications ( except in cases of extreme distress from members of our own lodge ) as may have been sent in ( no
application to be received subsequently for such regular lodge meeting ) , and to reassemble on a subsequent evening , previous to said regular lodge meeting , to communicate to each other the result of their investigations , and to decide upon their recommendation to the brethren in Lodge assembled . The facts ascertained by enquiries , whether in
cases of relief , initiation , or joining , to be used simply in connexion with the same or li' -e cases ; and , if . adverse to thc applicant , under no circumstances to be communicated to the outside world , aud the proceedings of the committee to bo kept secret , so as to prevent ill-feeling arising between members of thc craft . "
The lodge then proceeded , to the election of a W . M for the ensuing year , when , on the votes being taken , they were declared to be almost unanimous in . favour of Bro . Pinnington , S . W ., who was therefore declared duly elected . On the motion of Bro . Healing , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Smith , Bro , Pearson was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Bros ,
Dr . Smith and . lames Taylor were appointed to audit the accounts for the past )* ear , - Bros . Pearson , Treasurer , Goswell , S . D , and l ) r . Smith were appointed , in addition to tlie W . M . and his Wardens , to act as a banquet committee . It was alsp resolved to admit ladies to the forthcoming banquet on the installation day , ou the payment of 6 s . each . It
was resolved to vote a certain sum of money ( in accordance with standing rule ) towards the cost of a Past Muster ' s jewel , about to be presented to Bro . De la Perelle , W . M . In accordance with a request from Bro . Healing , W . M . of the Neptune Lodge , 1-201 , it was resolved to grant the use of the lodgo furniture to that lodge for a time . Bro .
Banning , J . W ., of 343 , wns present , and thanked the brethren for their vote of three guineas towards the Masonic Life Boat Fund . Mr . John Hayes , decorative painter , _ f-l , Athol-street , was proposed for initiation ; and liro . Wm . J . Underwood , ol 1021 , as joining member . . Nothing more appearing for tho goi . d of Masonry , the lodge was closed iu the usual solemn manner .
Gresham Lodge , . Vo . 809 . —On Saturday , the 12 th inst ., the members of thu Gresham Lodge met at the Four Swans , Waltham Cross , for the jmrpo . se of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . Muggeridge , P . M ., and Bro . Ethrington was raised by him , iu a most
eloquent and impressive manner ; after which Bro . Lewis , having given jiroofs of his jirolieiency , waa passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Walter E . Gomjiert / , S . W ., and P . G . P . Herts , was then presented by Bro . Rook to the jiresiding W . M ., and , having replied to the usual questions , was duly installed by Bro . Muggeridge in a most solemn and impressive manner ; his addresses being listened to
Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
with marked attention and . evident effect . After the newly-installed Master had been duly greeted , he proceeded to appoint the following Brethren his officers , Bros . Vallintine , P . M ., Treas . ; Swan , P . G . J . D . andP . Mi , Sec . ; Dr . Bruce , S . W . ; Forsyth , J . W . ; J . E . Grocott , S . D . ; Capt . Barnes , J . D . ;
Glover , I . G . ; F . Copestick and W . E . Barnes , jun . Stewards ; J . Copestick ,, O . ; Ed . Farthing , D : C . Several names were then proposed for initiation , and the lodge closed in solemn form , the brethren then adjourned to a most sumptuous and handsomely laid out banquet . ' Amongst the visitors we noticed ,
Bro . Muggerid *_ e , P . M ., & c . ; Dubois , P . M . 142 , and S . D . 1216 : Terry , P . M :, Sims , Martin , Birdseye , P . M ,, Bryant , sen ., Blake , and many brethren . After ample justice had been done to the good things provided and the cloth cleared , the W . M . rose and proposed the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , "
and said that on this occasion as His Royal Highness had signified his intention to join in English Masonry and take his seat in Grand Lodge , he should also include the name of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , " ' which was duly honoured , as also that of the "Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of
England , Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " also " Bro . Wm . Stuart , P . G . Master * , the Deputy G . Master , and the rest of the P . G . Officers . " Bro . J . H . Thompson replied- in a very affective manner for the G . Officers , the W . Bro Mitch , thel . P . M . then proposed the W . Master ' s
health , and said he congratulated him on being so unanimously elected to the chair of the lodge , in which he , like himself , had been initiated , and on the jn-osperous condition of the affairs of the lodge , and he also congratulated the brethren on the appointment they had made ; for from the high
estimation in which he was held in by the brethren , and shared in by those who knew him from without , he had every confidence in saying , that the duties ofthechair would be performed iuamanner that would reflect credit on himself , and pleasure and satisfaction to the lodge . Due honor was paid to this toast , aud
the W . M . thanked the brethren for the kind manner in which it had been received ; he certainly felt proud of the position he occupied , not from any empty vanity , but from the manner in which they had acknowleged his ( ( Torts to make himself master of the very beautiful ceremonies and ritual , which it
would now be his pride and p leasure to render , with all tlie effect that he had received them , for he could say in truth that ever since he first saw the Light he had desired to make himself more and more acquainted with its practical tendencies , and he had
found it to be a real and genuine practice of every generous sentiment and moral and social virtue , and he hoped that while the Great A . O . T . U . preserved to him the possession of health to practice them , to preserve to himself the good opinion of those friends he had found in Masonry .
Sol way Lodge , No . 1220 . —The members of this highly flourishing lodge met on Tuesday , the 8 th iust , at the Albion Hotel , Silloth , to expatiate on the principles of Freemasonry , under the able jiresidency of Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . W . ; supported by Bros . J . Hntton , P . M .
327 , S . W . and Treas . ; A . Routledge , J . W ., P . M . 3-7 , P . P . G . P . ; and assisted by Bros . J . Stubbs , S . D . ; G . Stodart , J . D . ; A Woodhouse , Sec . 310 and 1220 , P . M . 412 ; J . Thorpe , Org . ; J . II . Howes , I . G . ; J . Howe , Tyler ; also jiresent , W . Dickson , R . Lambert , , T . Duff , G . Holmes , D . Furnas , R .
Pattmsoii , Capt . W . Broiigh . and visiting Bro . J . Halliday , of 327 Wigton . The lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Bro . W . Brough , a candidate for advancement , was tested as to his jM-ficiency as an IS . A ., and being found worthy , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was ojiened in
the second degree , when Bro . Pattinsou , who claimed the exalted jiosition of the third degree in Masonry , was also tested nnd found to be qualified for his claim ; after being empowered ho retired to be prepared , and was , afterwards admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Business was
then resumed in the second degree , and Bro . Brough was duly advanced to a F . C . The lodge was again lowered to the first degree , when the questions for the second degree were jiassed round for the benefit of the candidates . A gentleman was proposed to bo initiated at the next meeting . The lodge was then duly closed and all parted iu harmony .
SCAiinonouGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . — This lodge met on the 17 th June , in the lodge rooms at the Grand Hotel , Scarborough . The following officers and brethren were jiresent : —Bros . J . O . Surtees , W . M . ; O . B . Brcarey , S . W . ; G . II . Walshaw , J . W . ; . 1 . Donner , Sec . ; J . E . Green , S . D . ; II . W . Garnett , J . D . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., J . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; J . Knight , J . S . Cook , V .
Stewart , A . Fricour , J . I'islier , P . M ., G . iavlor , T . Jarvis , N . II . Deleinare , and J . Mason . Visitors , Bros . W . Reeve ( 237 ) , II . Scott ( 23 G ) , nnd 11 . A . Williamson ( P . M . 200 ) . Tho lodge was opened at 7 ji . ni . The minutes were read and confirmed . Bios . G . Taylor and J . S . Clook jiassed au examination in the first degree and " retired , and were re
Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
admitted and passed to the second degree . The work was performed by the W . M . ' , in his usual very impressive manner . Bros . V . Stewart and J . Mason passed an examination in the second degree and retired , andwere re-admitted and raised to the sublime decree of Master Mason . Bro . H . A .
Williamson , P . M ., Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 , took the greater part of the duties of this degree . He has justly earned for himself a very high reputation in Scarborough , for : his . correct , impressive , and excellent talent in this very sublime degree . The lodges in Scarborough feel justly proud of his high Masouic
worth and talent . Tlie lodge was now worked down to the first degree . An arrangement was made by the .-W-M . for an emergency meeting to settle the Bj-e-laws of the lodge , after which the W . M . announced that he had given his authority to pay
the only bill standing against the lodge ; for , although only a few months old , the lodge was now out of debt , and he hoped out of danger . This announcement was received with general satisfaction by all present . The lodge was closed with solemn prayer at 10 p . m .
Orders Of Chivalry.
, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Provincial Grand Conclave of Lancashire . —The annual meeting of the above Conclave of the Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar was held at Liverpool , on the 10 th inst ., in the beautiful new room , at . the Adelphi Hotel . The Jacques de Molay Encampment was opened in duo form by Sir
Knt . Capt . Thomas Berry , the E . C . The P . G . officers entered iu procession , and the V . E . P . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , having taken his jilaee on the throne , j-iroceeded to the transaction of the business of the province , assisted
by the E . D . P . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Wright and officers . The officers for the ensuing year being invested , and the committee of general purposes appointed , the Knights adjourned to the banquet .
PYTHAGOREAN LODGK o _ LVSTHUCTIOX , NO . 79 . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the above lodge ( held at Bro . C . Wall's , Prince of Orange Tavern , Greenwich-road ) , on Wednesday next , June 23 rd , at half-past seven o ' clock , Bro . J . A . Berger , J . W .
No . 72 , S . W . No . 795 , presiding . This lodge meets every Wednesday throughout the year , the ceremony and sections of the first , second , and third degrees being respectively worked on the first , second , and third Wednesday in the month .
NEW LODGE AT EGREMONT , CUMBEULAND . —The lodgo proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried at the last meeting of the Lewis Lodge , No . 872 . held in College-street , Whitehaven , having received the sanction of the R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Kenlis , has been
granted by the M . W . G . Master . The lodge is to be called "the Kenlis" No . 1267 . Bro . O . Morton , P . P . G . S . W ., is to act as W . M . ; Bro . Lawson , S . W . ; Bro . Edward Chapman , J . W . It will be held at the Cat Inn , Egremont , and will shortly be opened by tho R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Kenlis .
AT the ILinover-square Rooms , on Friday evening , the 11 th iust , there was a very large assemblage of the elite of the day , including some of the most celebrated members of the literary profession , to hear Bro . John Crawford Wilson ( who has lately been initiated in the Urban Lodge ) give a series of recitals . Bro . Wilson ' s prolific jien has produced
several well-known farces , poems , & c . The recitals included selections from ' Rory O'More , " " After Flodden , " " Irish Attorney , " & c ., and were beautifully delivered , eliciting great ajijilause . A poem of Bro . Wilson ' s own composition , entitled " Home , " well merited the encomiums -passed upon it by the audience , aud it is to bo hoped that it will bo repcatcd .
Too MANY DF . GKKKS . — " Wo do not set ourselves up as the champion of the ' Rite of Memphis ' and the ' Scottish Rite' or any other ' Rite , ' or side degrees . We honestly believe there are getting to be far too many degrees in this country for any utility , —for the
real good which Masonry is intended to accomplish . The great and important truths , the lessons and glorious precepts taught , almost at the thresholds of our institution , arc often forgotten , in the desire to gain jiossession of the so-called higher degrees . ' — J' . ro . II in . C . Muntien Kentucky .
No encouragement should be given to any person who puts himself forward under colour of any of the ; antiquated cants of fashion , such as jiatriot , liberal , radical , conservative , orangeman , i _ o . On the jilea of some of those titles whole masses of the jieojilu are used as instruments , tuned up to concert
pitch , for iiionomanical deelaimers , jiarty advocates , and discordant orators to play iij > cm . Such title * keep asunder the bonds of friendship which should exist between man and man , in religion , commerce , and conversation , and make a masquerade of human nature . — Ellis .
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Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
Reports of Masonic Meeting .
THE . on AFT . PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Lodge , No :. 249 . —The last _ egular . meeting of this ; lodge was held on Thursday evening , June 3 rd , Bro . Geo . De la Perelle , W . M ., in : the > chair .- After the . minutes of the , previous lodge , -and also the lodge of emergency : held May _ ist , , were , duly confirmed , the following persons
were balloted for and declared : duly elected , viz ., Mr .. * Jonathan Sellers and Mr . D . T . McCullough for Initiation , and Bro . Edwd : Denton . for joining Messrs . McCullough and Sellers being in attendance , as-also Mr . William . Cotter , duly elected March 4 th , were then properly prepared , admitted : in due form , and'initiated , into the mysteries and . privileges of
ancient Freemasonry . The vote of the lodge was then : takeu upon a motion of which notice had been given , at the last regular meeting of the lodge . It was formally proposed this evening by . Bro . E . Roberts ,. Secretary , seconded by Bro . Amos Walker , SiD . i ,: and . carried unanimously , to the following effect :
"That a committee be formed with the following object * : —I . To investigate all cases of application for relief , anil ; through the Chairman , or in his absence the Vicc-Cbjairnian , or providing both are absent , by reference tn minutes of said . committee , to recommend to the Geneva ! Lodge Meeting following , such cases , aud to such extent , aa
they . feel ju .-tified by the circumstances which transpire . II ... To make enquiries and ascertain as far as possible if Candidates for Initiation , are fit and proper persons to bo made Masonsjand also , whether Candidates for joining , have left' their previous lodge clear on the books , and with good repute . III . To perform such other duties as the lodge may , by resolution , decide to entrust to the labours of a
committee . "That the committee he elected annually . by ballot , ( in the same manner as those of W . M . and Treasurer , ) and to consist of nine members-., three to form a quorum ; vacancies , as they , arise , to be filled up by ballot in like manner , a notice of election being stated in circular issued for the General Lodge Meeting at which the election will take place .
The committee to elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman . The Secretary of the lodge to be Secretary of tho committee The committee to make its own bye-laws . The . committee to meet on tbe Thursday next preceding each General Lodge Night , to receive particulars of such applications ( except in cases of extreme distress from members of our own lodge ) as may have been sent in ( no
application to be received subsequently for such regular lodge meeting ) , and to reassemble on a subsequent evening , previous to said regular lodge meeting , to communicate to each other the result of their investigations , and to decide upon their recommendation to the brethren in Lodge assembled . The facts ascertained by enquiries , whether in
cases of relief , initiation , or joining , to be used simply in connexion with the same or li' -e cases ; and , if . adverse to thc applicant , under no circumstances to be communicated to the outside world , aud the proceedings of the committee to bo kept secret , so as to prevent ill-feeling arising between members of thc craft . "
The lodge then proceeded , to the election of a W . M for the ensuing year , when , on the votes being taken , they were declared to be almost unanimous in . favour of Bro . Pinnington , S . W ., who was therefore declared duly elected . On the motion of Bro . Healing , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Smith , Bro , Pearson was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Bros ,
Dr . Smith and . lames Taylor were appointed to audit the accounts for the past )* ear , - Bros . Pearson , Treasurer , Goswell , S . D , and l ) r . Smith were appointed , in addition to tlie W . M . and his Wardens , to act as a banquet committee . It was alsp resolved to admit ladies to the forthcoming banquet on the installation day , ou the payment of 6 s . each . It
was resolved to vote a certain sum of money ( in accordance with standing rule ) towards the cost of a Past Muster ' s jewel , about to be presented to Bro . De la Perelle , W . M . In accordance with a request from Bro . Healing , W . M . of the Neptune Lodge , 1-201 , it was resolved to grant the use of the lodgo furniture to that lodge for a time . Bro .
Banning , J . W ., of 343 , wns present , and thanked the brethren for their vote of three guineas towards the Masonic Life Boat Fund . Mr . John Hayes , decorative painter , _ f-l , Athol-street , was proposed for initiation ; and liro . Wm . J . Underwood , ol 1021 , as joining member . . Nothing more appearing for tho goi . d of Masonry , the lodge was closed iu the usual solemn manner .
Gresham Lodge , . Vo . 809 . —On Saturday , the 12 th inst ., the members of thu Gresham Lodge met at the Four Swans , Waltham Cross , for the jmrpo . se of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . Muggeridge , P . M ., and Bro . Ethrington was raised by him , iu a most
eloquent and impressive manner ; after which Bro . Lewis , having given jiroofs of his jirolieiency , waa passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Walter E . Gomjiert / , S . W ., and P . G . P . Herts , was then presented by Bro . Rook to the jiresiding W . M ., and , having replied to the usual questions , was duly installed by Bro . Muggeridge in a most solemn and impressive manner ; his addresses being listened to
Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
with marked attention and . evident effect . After the newly-installed Master had been duly greeted , he proceeded to appoint the following Brethren his officers , Bros . Vallintine , P . M ., Treas . ; Swan , P . G . J . D . andP . Mi , Sec . ; Dr . Bruce , S . W . ; Forsyth , J . W . ; J . E . Grocott , S . D . ; Capt . Barnes , J . D . ;
Glover , I . G . ; F . Copestick and W . E . Barnes , jun . Stewards ; J . Copestick ,, O . ; Ed . Farthing , D : C . Several names were then proposed for initiation , and the lodge closed in solemn form , the brethren then adjourned to a most sumptuous and handsomely laid out banquet . ' Amongst the visitors we noticed ,
Bro . Muggerid *_ e , P . M ., & c . ; Dubois , P . M . 142 , and S . D . 1216 : Terry , P . M :, Sims , Martin , Birdseye , P . M ,, Bryant , sen ., Blake , and many brethren . After ample justice had been done to the good things provided and the cloth cleared , the W . M . rose and proposed the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , "
and said that on this occasion as His Royal Highness had signified his intention to join in English Masonry and take his seat in Grand Lodge , he should also include the name of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , " ' which was duly honoured , as also that of the "Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of
England , Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " also " Bro . Wm . Stuart , P . G . Master * , the Deputy G . Master , and the rest of the P . G . Officers . " Bro . J . H . Thompson replied- in a very affective manner for the G . Officers , the W . Bro Mitch , thel . P . M . then proposed the W . Master ' s
health , and said he congratulated him on being so unanimously elected to the chair of the lodge , in which he , like himself , had been initiated , and on the jn-osperous condition of the affairs of the lodge , and he also congratulated the brethren on the appointment they had made ; for from the high
estimation in which he was held in by the brethren , and shared in by those who knew him from without , he had every confidence in saying , that the duties ofthechair would be performed iuamanner that would reflect credit on himself , and pleasure and satisfaction to the lodge . Due honor was paid to this toast , aud
the W . M . thanked the brethren for the kind manner in which it had been received ; he certainly felt proud of the position he occupied , not from any empty vanity , but from the manner in which they had acknowleged his ( ( Torts to make himself master of the very beautiful ceremonies and ritual , which it
would now be his pride and p leasure to render , with all tlie effect that he had received them , for he could say in truth that ever since he first saw the Light he had desired to make himself more and more acquainted with its practical tendencies , and he had
found it to be a real and genuine practice of every generous sentiment and moral and social virtue , and he hoped that while the Great A . O . T . U . preserved to him the possession of health to practice them , to preserve to himself the good opinion of those friends he had found in Masonry .
Sol way Lodge , No . 1220 . —The members of this highly flourishing lodge met on Tuesday , the 8 th iust , at the Albion Hotel , Silloth , to expatiate on the principles of Freemasonry , under the able jiresidency of Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . W . ; supported by Bros . J . Hntton , P . M .
327 , S . W . and Treas . ; A . Routledge , J . W ., P . M . 3-7 , P . P . G . P . ; and assisted by Bros . J . Stubbs , S . D . ; G . Stodart , J . D . ; A Woodhouse , Sec . 310 and 1220 , P . M . 412 ; J . Thorpe , Org . ; J . II . Howes , I . G . ; J . Howe , Tyler ; also jiresent , W . Dickson , R . Lambert , , T . Duff , G . Holmes , D . Furnas , R .
Pattmsoii , Capt . W . Broiigh . and visiting Bro . J . Halliday , of 327 Wigton . The lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Bro . W . Brough , a candidate for advancement , was tested as to his jM-ficiency as an IS . A ., and being found worthy , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was ojiened in
the second degree , when Bro . Pattinsou , who claimed the exalted jiosition of the third degree in Masonry , was also tested nnd found to be qualified for his claim ; after being empowered ho retired to be prepared , and was , afterwards admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Business was
then resumed in the second degree , and Bro . Brough was duly advanced to a F . C . The lodge was again lowered to the first degree , when the questions for the second degree were jiassed round for the benefit of the candidates . A gentleman was proposed to bo initiated at the next meeting . The lodge was then duly closed and all parted iu harmony .
SCAiinonouGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . — This lodge met on the 17 th June , in the lodge rooms at the Grand Hotel , Scarborough . The following officers and brethren were jiresent : —Bros . J . O . Surtees , W . M . ; O . B . Brcarey , S . W . ; G . II . Walshaw , J . W . ; . 1 . Donner , Sec . ; J . E . Green , S . D . ; II . W . Garnett , J . D . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., J . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; J . Knight , J . S . Cook , V .
Stewart , A . Fricour , J . I'islier , P . M ., G . iavlor , T . Jarvis , N . II . Deleinare , and J . Mason . Visitors , Bros . W . Reeve ( 237 ) , II . Scott ( 23 G ) , nnd 11 . A . Williamson ( P . M . 200 ) . Tho lodge was opened at 7 ji . ni . The minutes were read and confirmed . Bios . G . Taylor and J . S . Clook jiassed au examination in the first degree and " retired , and were re
Reports Of Masonic Meeting.
admitted and passed to the second degree . The work was performed by the W . M . ' , in his usual very impressive manner . Bros . V . Stewart and J . Mason passed an examination in the second degree and retired , andwere re-admitted and raised to the sublime decree of Master Mason . Bro . H . A .
Williamson , P . M ., Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 , took the greater part of the duties of this degree . He has justly earned for himself a very high reputation in Scarborough , for : his . correct , impressive , and excellent talent in this very sublime degree . The lodges in Scarborough feel justly proud of his high Masouic
worth and talent . Tlie lodge was now worked down to the first degree . An arrangement was made by the .-W-M . for an emergency meeting to settle the Bj-e-laws of the lodge , after which the W . M . announced that he had given his authority to pay
the only bill standing against the lodge ; for , although only a few months old , the lodge was now out of debt , and he hoped out of danger . This announcement was received with general satisfaction by all present . The lodge was closed with solemn prayer at 10 p . m .
Orders Of Chivalry.
, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Provincial Grand Conclave of Lancashire . —The annual meeting of the above Conclave of the Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar was held at Liverpool , on the 10 th inst ., in the beautiful new room , at . the Adelphi Hotel . The Jacques de Molay Encampment was opened in duo form by Sir
Knt . Capt . Thomas Berry , the E . C . The P . G . officers entered iu procession , and the V . E . P . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , having taken his jilaee on the throne , j-iroceeded to the transaction of the business of the province , assisted
by the E . D . P . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Wright and officers . The officers for the ensuing year being invested , and the committee of general purposes appointed , the Knights adjourned to the banquet .
PYTHAGOREAN LODGK o _ LVSTHUCTIOX , NO . 79 . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the above lodge ( held at Bro . C . Wall's , Prince of Orange Tavern , Greenwich-road ) , on Wednesday next , June 23 rd , at half-past seven o ' clock , Bro . J . A . Berger , J . W .
No . 72 , S . W . No . 795 , presiding . This lodge meets every Wednesday throughout the year , the ceremony and sections of the first , second , and third degrees being respectively worked on the first , second , and third Wednesday in the month .
NEW LODGE AT EGREMONT , CUMBEULAND . —The lodgo proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried at the last meeting of the Lewis Lodge , No . 872 . held in College-street , Whitehaven , having received the sanction of the R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Kenlis , has been
granted by the M . W . G . Master . The lodge is to be called "the Kenlis" No . 1267 . Bro . O . Morton , P . P . G . S . W ., is to act as W . M . ; Bro . Lawson , S . W . ; Bro . Edward Chapman , J . W . It will be held at the Cat Inn , Egremont , and will shortly be opened by tho R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Kenlis .
AT the ILinover-square Rooms , on Friday evening , the 11 th iust , there was a very large assemblage of the elite of the day , including some of the most celebrated members of the literary profession , to hear Bro . John Crawford Wilson ( who has lately been initiated in the Urban Lodge ) give a series of recitals . Bro . Wilson ' s prolific jien has produced
several well-known farces , poems , & c . The recitals included selections from ' Rory O'More , " " After Flodden , " " Irish Attorney , " & c ., and were beautifully delivered , eliciting great ajijilause . A poem of Bro . Wilson ' s own composition , entitled " Home , " well merited the encomiums -passed upon it by the audience , aud it is to bo hoped that it will bo repcatcd .
Too MANY DF . GKKKS . — " Wo do not set ourselves up as the champion of the ' Rite of Memphis ' and the ' Scottish Rite' or any other ' Rite , ' or side degrees . We honestly believe there are getting to be far too many degrees in this country for any utility , —for the
real good which Masonry is intended to accomplish . The great and important truths , the lessons and glorious precepts taught , almost at the thresholds of our institution , arc often forgotten , in the desire to gain jiossession of the so-called higher degrees . ' — J' . ro . II in . C . Muntien Kentucky .
No encouragement should be given to any person who puts himself forward under colour of any of the ; antiquated cants of fashion , such as jiatriot , liberal , radical , conservative , orangeman , i _ o . On the jilea of some of those titles whole masses of the jieojilu are used as instruments , tuned up to concert
pitch , for iiionomanical deelaimers , jiarty advocates , and discordant orators to play iij > cm . Such title * keep asunder the bonds of friendship which should exist between man and man , in religion , commerce , and conversation , and make a masquerade of human nature . — Ellis .