Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 2 $$ Scotland 259 Consecration of a New * Lodge at Chislehurst 257 provincial Grand Lotlge of Lincolnshire 257 Masonic Tidings 259 A Masonic Heresy 260 The Ultramontane Press 200
Masonic Courtesy 261 Xranslantic Law and Justice 261 CoRREsroxDExcE : — Mr . Heckclhorn 262 IJro . C . J . Burgess 2 G 2 Masonic Medals and Tokens , 262 Election of Prov . G . Master 262 An impostor 262
installation Commemorative Jewel 2 fi 2 The Pope and the Freemasons 2 G 3 Freemasonry in Bombay 263 Freemasonry in New Zealand 2 O 3 - ' ITUARY : — Bio . S . P . Brabner 263 Lodge Meetings for next week 264 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
B ^ tet Mnmnxv .
PROVINCIAL . CANTERBURY . —UNITKD INDISTIUOIS Lonor . ( No . 31 ) . —Thc usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on June 3 rd . Present : Bros . . Captain P . H . Knight , VV . AI . ; IL AL Bigglcston , S . W . ; B . Browning , J . W . ; J . E . Wiltshier , S . D . ; J . Plant , J . D . ; W . Tice , Org . ; S . H . Dean , I . G . ; John R . Hall , P . AL , Hon . Sec ; P .
Higham , P . AI . ; C . Holttum , P . AI . ; George Pilchcr , P . AL 972 ; W . J . White , P . AI . 972 ; George Gardiner , Apollo Lodge , Oxford , 357 , and several other brethren . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . The gavel was placed in the hands of Bro . Hall , P . M ., who proceeded to raise Bro . VV . Ii . Longhurst to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . AL then closed down to
the First Degree , and a ballot was taken for thc clec : iOn of VV . AI . for thc ensuing year , when Bro . John Green Hall was declared duly elected by a large majority of voles . Bro . Higham was elected Treasurer ; Bro . Holttum reelected Almoner . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Air . D . T . Smith Yeoman , of Littlcbourne , into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which
thc W . AL declared unanimous . Some other business was transacted , and thc lodge adjourned until Thursday , the 7 th October next , barring emergencies . BURY . — ST . J ' LODGE ( No . 191 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Knowsley Hotel , Haymarketstreet , on the evening of Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., and was very well attended . The lodge room was placed in
mourning , for reasons which appear further on m our report . Among those present were Bros . George A . O'Neil , W . AL ; Samuel Hamer , S . W . ; William Palmer , J . W . ; Tbos . W . Probert , S . D . ; W . E . Thornley , J . D . ; Alfred Hopkinson , I . G . ; Hartley Bates , Tyler ; P . AL Samuel Bailey , Secretary ; P . AI . Antlrew Alilne , Treasurer ; Past Masters , Bro . J . R . Fletcher , Org . ( LP . AL ); Frederick
Anderton , P . Pro . G . S . B ., EX . ; Frank Dawson ; F . Crom *> ton and John Wright ; visitors , Bros . J . B . Jackson , P . AL 1012 , and Arthur Allison , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 90 , London . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , Air . John Strellcy Carslake Yule , AI . R . CS . ( for whom the ballot was unanimous ) , was initiated by the W . AL , the charge being delivered by Bro . Randle Fletcher .
A transition to the Secontl Degree was afterwards effected , when Bro . William Barritt was duly crafted by Bro . Bailey . This having been happily accomplished , the lodge was resumed in thc First Degree , and before finally closing , Bro . l ' red Anderton , P . AI . 42 ( who is also a member of Lodge U ) t ) , rose and said he had a matter to bring before the lodge , which , whilst associated with an
event which caused him great sorrow , would doubtless be a source of consolation to those for whom it was intended . Alany of the brethren present might probably anticipate that to which he was about to refer , namely , the unexpected and melancholy death of their late respected brother , Robt . Wright O'Neil , the D . C . of this lodge and the able W . AI . of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . Bro .
O Neil was not only a Alason 111 name , but 111 heart ; and as it had pleased thc Great Alaster of our destinies to remove him hence , might they all venture to believe that " after life's fitful fever he sleeps well . " Such , however , were his sincere hopes , and he doubted not they were the sentiments and feelings of all the brethren present . He liegged to move that a letter of condolence be prepared and
forwarded to late Bro . O'Neil's disconsolate parents , whom lie was sure would feel that while consolation from any quarter was acceptable , it was doubly so coming from th lodge that night . Bro . Andrew Alilne , P . AL , scconde ' - the proposition , and endorsed all that Bro . Anderton hatl so feelingly said . He ( Bro . Alilne ) had known their lamented brother a long time , and particularly since he first saw
the light of Freemasonry , and he had always found him carrying out thc three great fundamental principles of the Craft . Deeply did they regret the sad fate which had befallen him . The motion was carried , and the VV . AI . ( brother to late Bro . O'Neil , who , it will be remembered , was accidentally drowned in Morecambe Bay , along with Hio . 1 { . Battersby , of Bury ) offered a few words in
acknowled gment . Bro . Probert , S . D ., then proposetltli . it a letter l 'f condolence be prepared anil forwarded to thc famil y of late lira . John Smith Rctlfcni , P . M . of Lodge 42 and P . rov . G . P . E . L . ( who died in an awfully sudden manner while returning from Bro . O'Neil ' s funeral on the 26 th u ' t . ) Bro . Redferu had rendered very valuable services t ° the Craft in Bury , and by his death they had sustained
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a grievous loss . For many years he had officiated in an admirable manner as thc Installing Alaster of that lodge . Before most of thc brethren present had partaken of Alasonic mysteries , Bro . Rctlfcni had inductctl W . AI . ' s of Lodge 191 , and they had reason to be profoundly thankful for services he rendered in that high and honourable capacity at a far-gone pcriotl , when it was no easy
matter to find a brother in Bury who was competent to perform the ceremony with thc verve and effect it so richly merited . Bro . Rctlfcni was ever ready to give his rare aid when solicited to bear a part in' Alasonic ceremonial , and in this one respect alone they had much reason to deplore his death . Men like to him coultl ill be spared . The Worshipful Master seconded the motion , which was
carried . Two propositions for initiation were made , and the lodge was afterwards closed down . Out of consideration to the mournful occurences of thc past few weeks , thc after-lodge repast was on this occasion abandoned . LEICESTER . —ST . J ' LODOIC ( NO . 279 ) . —Thc last meeting of thc season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , June 2 nd . There were present :
—Bros . J . W . Smith , W . AL ; A . Palmer , LP . AL ; J . AL ATrAllister . S . W .: G . W . Srnl-h .-im , J . W . ; W . Vonrc , P . M . Treasurer ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Secretary , J . Ewing , 1391 , as J . D . ; J . Orlando Law , I . G . ; Clement Stretton , P . P . G . W . ' ; G . Toller , P . P . G . S . W . ; S . S . Partridge , 279 W . AL , 323 ; F . J . Baines , LP . AL , 523 ; J . T . Thorp , W . AL elect -523 ; the Rev . T . VV . Gordon , 279 ; J . Jessop , 279 ;
J . W . G 1 J- - 011 ; 73 , Limerick ; E . Mason , S . W . 1391 ; S . Knight , 1391 ; F . J . Smith , 523 , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc last lodge read and confirmed . Thc W . AL appointed and invested Bro . thc Rev . T . W . Gordon as Chaplain of the lodge , he then proceeded to initiate two candidates , Air . Crick , and Air . Manton . The W . AL , who is thoroughly
conversant with the established forms and customs of the Order , conducted the ceremonies in a manner impressive to the candidates , antl interesting to an auditory of eminent and experienced Alasons . The charge was very ably delivered by Bro . Partridge , W . AL No . 323 . 'Pile lodge having been . closed in due form , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the loyal and Alasonic toasts
were duly honoured . OXFORD . —APOLLO UNIVERSITY LODOI- , ( NO . 337 ) . — On Tuesday , thc Sth of June , an emergency meeting of the Apollo University Lodge was honoured by the unexpected presence of Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , attended by Bro . Alajor Pickard , V . C , I . G . of the Friends in Council Lodge . The first business was the initiation of Air .
Little , Fellow of Corpus Christi College , after which Bro . Lloyd , of Hertford College , antl Bro . Faber , of New College , were raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason . The ceremonies were admirably performed by thc W . AL , thc Rev . H . Adair Pickard , who was ably supported by his Senior Warden , Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , and by the other officers of the lodge . —F . P . Alorrcll , LP . AL ; Col .
the Hon . Sackville West , acting as J . W . ; C . Spcddmg , S . D . ; R . J . Williamson , acting as J . D . ; J . E . C . Bodley , Secretary ; W . P . Eversley , acting as I . G . ; P . AL W . W . Harrison , Organist ; II . Butler , M . C ; T . IL Janson and Douglas Campbell , Stewards . The Alasonic Ball was held in the Corn Exchange the same evening . Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold being Hon . Secretary . Thc illustrious
visitors and principal ofliccrs of the lodge were received under the Arch of Steel , which was particularly effective . Thc decorations , in thc hands of Bro . Harvey , as representative of Bro . Defries , reflected great credit on his taslc , and the splendid band of the Coldstream Guards , conducted by Bro . F . Godfrey , played with such spirit that it was nearly five o'clock before the company dispersed . The Alusical
Fete next day held in thc gardens of New College , was remarkably well attended , and the request made by the Committee , that all members of the University would wear academical dress , was generally complied with . About 1350 tickets were given up at the gates out of 1 700 issued , and when wc consider the storms that burst over Oxford during thc dull proceedings in thc Divinity School ,
the heavens weeping over the departed glories of the theatre , we may well wonder that so few were absent to whom tickets were sent . Bro . Alonckton , President of the Board of General Purposes , Bro . Morrcll , J . G . D ., and Bro . Piatt , Past G . W ., were among the distinguished company invited to meet Bro . H . R . H . thc Duke of Connaught by thc W . M . and Ofliccrs of the Apollo University Lotlge .
Thc band of the Coldstream Guards antl the members of the Orpheus Glee Union made a glorious afternoon pass away in a most delightful manner , and refreshments were , as usual , liberally supplied . Thus , the Commemoration of 1873 , which at one time was thought likely to prove a very dull affair , will be remembered by the brethren of the Apollo as one of the most enjoyable ever spent in the
University of Oxford . SUTTON . —FI-I-D - KICK LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 452 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was Held under the presidency of the W . AL , Bro . Arthur J . Dickinson , on Tuesday last , at the Station Hotel , Sutton . Thc occasion was the installation of the new W . M ., Bro . Wm . Stanley Maslernian , and a goodly
company of brethren assembled to witness it , among them being the Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , Alajor General Brownrigg , Captain Brownricg , Bro . Charles Horsley , P . G . R ., Aliddlesex , Bra . Blackmail ( No . 9 ) , and II . Massey , P . AL , 619 ( Freemason ) . The members of the lodge who attended were . — Bros . Francis , P * AL ; James Robins , P . AL , Treasurer * , Dr .
Strong ( Croydon ) , P . AL ; Magnus Ohren , Secretary ; Afanning , Charles Ohren , H . Sugg , A . J . Pollard Ovenden , Gray , C . IL Edmands , J . VV . Sugg , and A . T . Jeffrey . Bro . the Rev . D . J . Drakeford was also present , and was elected a joining member . Bro . Francis , P . AL , D . C , performed the ceremony of Installation , and placed Bro . Alaslerman in the chair . Thc Prov . Grand Alaster afterwards complimented Bro . Francis on the way in which he had
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
delivered the ritual , and congratulated the lodge on having such an efficient and expert craftsman among its members . He atldetl that he-had attended very few lodges where the work was so well executed . Thc list of brethren invested by thc W . AL as his officers for the year was as follows : — J . VV . Sugg , S . W . ; George Wright , J . W . ; A . T . Jeffery , S . D . ; Charles H . Edmands , J . D . ; Charles Pawley , I . G . ; E .
II . Sugg antl F . A . Alanning , Stewards ; Rev . D . J . Drakeford , Chaplain ; E . H . Sugg , Org . ; James Robins , P . AL , Treasurer ; Magnus Ohren , P . AL , Secretary ; and C . T . Speight , Tyler . The Treasurer ' s report was read , and it appeared that the balance in hand was £ 31 8 s . 4 d . On motion by Bro . Francis , D . C , a three guinea P . M . jewel was voted to Bro . Arthur J . Dickinson , the LP . AL , on his
leaving the chair , as a mark of respect from the members of thc lodge , and thc newly-installed W . Al . decorated him with it as soon as voted . The committee's report on the bye-laws of the lotlge was read to thc brethren by Bro . Ohren , who statctl that thc committee had met , and examined and altered the bye-laws . Me then went through them seriatim , after which he was instructed to eel them
printed , approved by thc AI . W . G . AI . and circulated . Several letters and telegrams were received from absent brethren apologising for non-attendance , and a vote of thanks was passed to thc Prov G . AL for honouring thc lodge with his presence ( thc first lime at a private lotlge since his appointment ) . Bro . Frederick Cassell , manufacturer , of Plough Bridge ,
Rotherhithe , was proposed as a joining member by Bro . Dickinson , seconded by Bro . Magnus Ohren ; and , there being no further business before tbe lodge , the W . AL closed down , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was served in Bro . Potter ' s best style . When this was disposed of—and it was heartily enjoyed—thc toasts were proposed in regular order . The W . M . in proposing the toast of
" The Prov . G . AL , ecc , " saitl thc brethren were honoured that evening by the presence of the Grand Alaster of the province in which the Frederick Lodge of Unity was situated . When he ( the W . AL ) told the Prov . G . AL that he took the lotlge by surprise , he hoped he would not understand that his presence among thc brethren was the less gratifying and acceptable ; on the contrary , it was more so .
1 he Prov . G . AL did not send a trumpeter before him , but he took the brethren as they were ; and his thoroughly Alasonic heart woultl be satisfied with what he had seen . The Prov . G . AL had been pleased to say that he was gratified with what he hatl seen in the lodge . Well , they had done their best , and the best coultl tlo no more . He ( the W . AL ) felt it a great honour that on his installation the
Prov . G . AL should visit the lodge , and thc brethren , being equally honoured , would give a hearty response to this toast , wishing the Prov . G . AL continued health and prosperity , and long life to reign over this province . ( Cheers . ) Thc Prov . Grand Alaster , replying , said that of all the kind things the W . AL had saitl that evening there was nothing which attracted him so much as that one phrase
in which he said that he ( thc Prov . G . M . ) had taken the brethren as they were . Now , that was exactly the way he wanted to take the Alasons of his province . He should always be sorry to think that there was any extra expense incurred by any lodge he attended . He wished exactly to take them as they were , because that was the only way he could form a just estimatcand sense of their merits . He hoped
very often—in fact he intended now to ask for the regular meetings of all thc lodges in the province to be sent to him in order that he might , without any invitation , but whenever he had the opportunity , drop in upon the brethren antl literally take them as they were . He thanked them very much for the cordial reception they had given him that evening , though they were only following suit to all
( he sister lodges in the province . No Prov . G . Alaster ever came into a province under better auspices than he had . lie hail at all events the blessing of their very old Past Provineial Grand Alaster ; and if he could but think that , that venerable brother ' s mantle should descend upon him , he shoultl be thoroughly well satisfied . He ( thc Prov . G . AL ) was most happy altogether in his rule over thc lodges of the
province . 1 hey were not numerous ; hut they were quite within thc grasp and management of any one man . They gave him no trouble , on the contrary , whenever lie had asked for assistance from the province he had always received it ; and he would mention as an instance of this , that when lie had on one occasion to try to get thc daughter of an old soldier into
the Girls'School ( a soldier , they knew , belonged to no province ; and Ihis man had been a comrade in the Grenadier Guards with him ; hut , belonging to no province , this soldier could appeal to no province for votes for the child ) the cordial and kind way in which his ( the Prov . G . AI . 's ) appeal to many of thc brethren of the province of Surrey was answered was a thing he should never forget as long
as he lived . He made it a rule whenever the Alasonic charity voting papers were sent to him to go through them , and see whether there was any case in them connected with Surrey ; and when he found one he considered it his ttuty to give his votes in support of the Surrey candidate * , when he saw none , and that 110 lotlge in the province was interested in a case ,
then lie gave the votes ( and he was quite sure the brethren woultl Confide in his judgment ) of the province for which he was indebted to tlie brethren to sonic other deserving object . In this case he did it , and owing to that circumstance and to other private sources he was able to carry tlie case . Again he would thank them for their cordial reception , and he hoped he should often meet the brethren again . lie would s . iy one word
with regard to thc Prov . Grantl Lotlge which woultl be heltl at Guildford on the 13 th of next month . It was an outlying place , ami there was , he understood , very great diflicully indeed in the brethren gelling home that night at a decent hour . I le , therefore , hoped that no brother would slay late simply out of regard for him . They should suit their own convenience , and leave when they liked .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 2 $$ Scotland 259 Consecration of a New * Lodge at Chislehurst 257 provincial Grand Lotlge of Lincolnshire 257 Masonic Tidings 259 A Masonic Heresy 260 The Ultramontane Press 200
Masonic Courtesy 261 Xranslantic Law and Justice 261 CoRREsroxDExcE : — Mr . Heckclhorn 262 IJro . C . J . Burgess 2 G 2 Masonic Medals and Tokens , 262 Election of Prov . G . Master 262 An impostor 262
installation Commemorative Jewel 2 fi 2 The Pope and the Freemasons 2 G 3 Freemasonry in Bombay 263 Freemasonry in New Zealand 2 O 3 - ' ITUARY : — Bio . S . P . Brabner 263 Lodge Meetings for next week 264 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
B ^ tet Mnmnxv .
PROVINCIAL . CANTERBURY . —UNITKD INDISTIUOIS Lonor . ( No . 31 ) . —Thc usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on June 3 rd . Present : Bros . . Captain P . H . Knight , VV . AI . ; IL AL Bigglcston , S . W . ; B . Browning , J . W . ; J . E . Wiltshier , S . D . ; J . Plant , J . D . ; W . Tice , Org . ; S . H . Dean , I . G . ; John R . Hall , P . AL , Hon . Sec ; P .
Higham , P . AI . ; C . Holttum , P . AI . ; George Pilchcr , P . AL 972 ; W . J . White , P . AI . 972 ; George Gardiner , Apollo Lodge , Oxford , 357 , and several other brethren . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . The gavel was placed in the hands of Bro . Hall , P . M ., who proceeded to raise Bro . VV . Ii . Longhurst to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . AL then closed down to
the First Degree , and a ballot was taken for thc clec : iOn of VV . AI . for thc ensuing year , when Bro . John Green Hall was declared duly elected by a large majority of voles . Bro . Higham was elected Treasurer ; Bro . Holttum reelected Almoner . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Air . D . T . Smith Yeoman , of Littlcbourne , into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which
thc W . AL declared unanimous . Some other business was transacted , and thc lodge adjourned until Thursday , the 7 th October next , barring emergencies . BURY . — ST . J ' LODGE ( No . 191 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Knowsley Hotel , Haymarketstreet , on the evening of Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., and was very well attended . The lodge room was placed in
mourning , for reasons which appear further on m our report . Among those present were Bros . George A . O'Neil , W . AL ; Samuel Hamer , S . W . ; William Palmer , J . W . ; Tbos . W . Probert , S . D . ; W . E . Thornley , J . D . ; Alfred Hopkinson , I . G . ; Hartley Bates , Tyler ; P . AL Samuel Bailey , Secretary ; P . AI . Antlrew Alilne , Treasurer ; Past Masters , Bro . J . R . Fletcher , Org . ( LP . AL ); Frederick
Anderton , P . Pro . G . S . B ., EX . ; Frank Dawson ; F . Crom *> ton and John Wright ; visitors , Bros . J . B . Jackson , P . AL 1012 , and Arthur Allison , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 90 , London . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , Air . John Strellcy Carslake Yule , AI . R . CS . ( for whom the ballot was unanimous ) , was initiated by the W . AL , the charge being delivered by Bro . Randle Fletcher .
A transition to the Secontl Degree was afterwards effected , when Bro . William Barritt was duly crafted by Bro . Bailey . This having been happily accomplished , the lodge was resumed in thc First Degree , and before finally closing , Bro . l ' red Anderton , P . AI . 42 ( who is also a member of Lodge U ) t ) , rose and said he had a matter to bring before the lodge , which , whilst associated with an
event which caused him great sorrow , would doubtless be a source of consolation to those for whom it was intended . Alany of the brethren present might probably anticipate that to which he was about to refer , namely , the unexpected and melancholy death of their late respected brother , Robt . Wright O'Neil , the D . C . of this lodge and the able W . AI . of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . Bro .
O Neil was not only a Alason 111 name , but 111 heart ; and as it had pleased thc Great Alaster of our destinies to remove him hence , might they all venture to believe that " after life's fitful fever he sleeps well . " Such , however , were his sincere hopes , and he doubted not they were the sentiments and feelings of all the brethren present . He liegged to move that a letter of condolence be prepared and
forwarded to late Bro . O'Neil's disconsolate parents , whom lie was sure would feel that while consolation from any quarter was acceptable , it was doubly so coming from th lodge that night . Bro . Andrew Alilne , P . AL , scconde ' - the proposition , and endorsed all that Bro . Anderton hatl so feelingly said . He ( Bro . Alilne ) had known their lamented brother a long time , and particularly since he first saw
the light of Freemasonry , and he had always found him carrying out thc three great fundamental principles of the Craft . Deeply did they regret the sad fate which had befallen him . The motion was carried , and the VV . AI . ( brother to late Bro . O'Neil , who , it will be remembered , was accidentally drowned in Morecambe Bay , along with Hio . 1 { . Battersby , of Bury ) offered a few words in
acknowled gment . Bro . Probert , S . D ., then proposetltli . it a letter l 'f condolence be prepared anil forwarded to thc famil y of late lira . John Smith Rctlfcni , P . M . of Lodge 42 and P . rov . G . P . E . L . ( who died in an awfully sudden manner while returning from Bro . O'Neil ' s funeral on the 26 th u ' t . ) Bro . Redferu had rendered very valuable services t ° the Craft in Bury , and by his death they had sustained
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a grievous loss . For many years he had officiated in an admirable manner as thc Installing Alaster of that lodge . Before most of thc brethren present had partaken of Alasonic mysteries , Bro . Rctlfcni had inductctl W . AI . ' s of Lodge 191 , and they had reason to be profoundly thankful for services he rendered in that high and honourable capacity at a far-gone pcriotl , when it was no easy
matter to find a brother in Bury who was competent to perform the ceremony with thc verve and effect it so richly merited . Bro . Rctlfcni was ever ready to give his rare aid when solicited to bear a part in' Alasonic ceremonial , and in this one respect alone they had much reason to deplore his death . Men like to him coultl ill be spared . The Worshipful Master seconded the motion , which was
carried . Two propositions for initiation were made , and the lodge was afterwards closed down . Out of consideration to the mournful occurences of thc past few weeks , thc after-lodge repast was on this occasion abandoned . LEICESTER . —ST . J ' LODOIC ( NO . 279 ) . —Thc last meeting of thc season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , June 2 nd . There were present :
—Bros . J . W . Smith , W . AL ; A . Palmer , LP . AL ; J . AL ATrAllister . S . W .: G . W . Srnl-h .-im , J . W . ; W . Vonrc , P . M . Treasurer ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Secretary , J . Ewing , 1391 , as J . D . ; J . Orlando Law , I . G . ; Clement Stretton , P . P . G . W . ' ; G . Toller , P . P . G . S . W . ; S . S . Partridge , 279 W . AL , 323 ; F . J . Baines , LP . AL , 523 ; J . T . Thorp , W . AL elect -523 ; the Rev . T . VV . Gordon , 279 ; J . Jessop , 279 ;
J . W . G 1 J- - 011 ; 73 , Limerick ; E . Mason , S . W . 1391 ; S . Knight , 1391 ; F . J . Smith , 523 , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc last lodge read and confirmed . Thc W . AL appointed and invested Bro . thc Rev . T . W . Gordon as Chaplain of the lodge , he then proceeded to initiate two candidates , Air . Crick , and Air . Manton . The W . AL , who is thoroughly
conversant with the established forms and customs of the Order , conducted the ceremonies in a manner impressive to the candidates , antl interesting to an auditory of eminent and experienced Alasons . The charge was very ably delivered by Bro . Partridge , W . AL No . 323 . 'Pile lodge having been . closed in due form , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the loyal and Alasonic toasts
were duly honoured . OXFORD . —APOLLO UNIVERSITY LODOI- , ( NO . 337 ) . — On Tuesday , thc Sth of June , an emergency meeting of the Apollo University Lodge was honoured by the unexpected presence of Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , attended by Bro . Alajor Pickard , V . C , I . G . of the Friends in Council Lodge . The first business was the initiation of Air .
Little , Fellow of Corpus Christi College , after which Bro . Lloyd , of Hertford College , antl Bro . Faber , of New College , were raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason . The ceremonies were admirably performed by thc W . AL , thc Rev . H . Adair Pickard , who was ably supported by his Senior Warden , Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , and by the other officers of the lodge . —F . P . Alorrcll , LP . AL ; Col .
the Hon . Sackville West , acting as J . W . ; C . Spcddmg , S . D . ; R . J . Williamson , acting as J . D . ; J . E . C . Bodley , Secretary ; W . P . Eversley , acting as I . G . ; P . AL W . W . Harrison , Organist ; II . Butler , M . C ; T . IL Janson and Douglas Campbell , Stewards . The Alasonic Ball was held in the Corn Exchange the same evening . Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold being Hon . Secretary . Thc illustrious
visitors and principal ofliccrs of the lodge were received under the Arch of Steel , which was particularly effective . Thc decorations , in thc hands of Bro . Harvey , as representative of Bro . Defries , reflected great credit on his taslc , and the splendid band of the Coldstream Guards , conducted by Bro . F . Godfrey , played with such spirit that it was nearly five o'clock before the company dispersed . The Alusical
Fete next day held in thc gardens of New College , was remarkably well attended , and the request made by the Committee , that all members of the University would wear academical dress , was generally complied with . About 1350 tickets were given up at the gates out of 1 700 issued , and when wc consider the storms that burst over Oxford during thc dull proceedings in thc Divinity School ,
the heavens weeping over the departed glories of the theatre , we may well wonder that so few were absent to whom tickets were sent . Bro . Alonckton , President of the Board of General Purposes , Bro . Morrcll , J . G . D ., and Bro . Piatt , Past G . W ., were among the distinguished company invited to meet Bro . H . R . H . thc Duke of Connaught by thc W . M . and Ofliccrs of the Apollo University Lotlge .
Thc band of the Coldstream Guards antl the members of the Orpheus Glee Union made a glorious afternoon pass away in a most delightful manner , and refreshments were , as usual , liberally supplied . Thus , the Commemoration of 1873 , which at one time was thought likely to prove a very dull affair , will be remembered by the brethren of the Apollo as one of the most enjoyable ever spent in the
University of Oxford . SUTTON . —FI-I-D - KICK LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 452 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was Held under the presidency of the W . AL , Bro . Arthur J . Dickinson , on Tuesday last , at the Station Hotel , Sutton . Thc occasion was the installation of the new W . M ., Bro . Wm . Stanley Maslernian , and a goodly
company of brethren assembled to witness it , among them being the Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , Alajor General Brownrigg , Captain Brownricg , Bro . Charles Horsley , P . G . R ., Aliddlesex , Bra . Blackmail ( No . 9 ) , and II . Massey , P . AL , 619 ( Freemason ) . The members of the lodge who attended were . — Bros . Francis , P * AL ; James Robins , P . AL , Treasurer * , Dr .
Strong ( Croydon ) , P . AL ; Magnus Ohren , Secretary ; Afanning , Charles Ohren , H . Sugg , A . J . Pollard Ovenden , Gray , C . IL Edmands , J . VV . Sugg , and A . T . Jeffrey . Bro . the Rev . D . J . Drakeford was also present , and was elected a joining member . Bro . Francis , P . AL , D . C , performed the ceremony of Installation , and placed Bro . Alaslerman in the chair . Thc Prov . Grand Alaster afterwards complimented Bro . Francis on the way in which he had
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
delivered the ritual , and congratulated the lodge on having such an efficient and expert craftsman among its members . He atldetl that he-had attended very few lodges where the work was so well executed . Thc list of brethren invested by thc W . AL as his officers for the year was as follows : — J . VV . Sugg , S . W . ; George Wright , J . W . ; A . T . Jeffery , S . D . ; Charles H . Edmands , J . D . ; Charles Pawley , I . G . ; E .
II . Sugg antl F . A . Alanning , Stewards ; Rev . D . J . Drakeford , Chaplain ; E . H . Sugg , Org . ; James Robins , P . AL , Treasurer ; Magnus Ohren , P . AL , Secretary ; and C . T . Speight , Tyler . The Treasurer ' s report was read , and it appeared that the balance in hand was £ 31 8 s . 4 d . On motion by Bro . Francis , D . C , a three guinea P . M . jewel was voted to Bro . Arthur J . Dickinson , the LP . AL , on his
leaving the chair , as a mark of respect from the members of thc lodge , and thc newly-installed W . Al . decorated him with it as soon as voted . The committee's report on the bye-laws of the lotlge was read to thc brethren by Bro . Ohren , who statctl that thc committee had met , and examined and altered the bye-laws . Me then went through them seriatim , after which he was instructed to eel them
printed , approved by thc AI . W . G . AI . and circulated . Several letters and telegrams were received from absent brethren apologising for non-attendance , and a vote of thanks was passed to thc Prov G . AL for honouring thc lodge with his presence ( thc first lime at a private lotlge since his appointment ) . Bro . Frederick Cassell , manufacturer , of Plough Bridge ,
Rotherhithe , was proposed as a joining member by Bro . Dickinson , seconded by Bro . Magnus Ohren ; and , there being no further business before tbe lodge , the W . AL closed down , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was served in Bro . Potter ' s best style . When this was disposed of—and it was heartily enjoyed—thc toasts were proposed in regular order . The W . M . in proposing the toast of
" The Prov . G . AL , ecc , " saitl thc brethren were honoured that evening by the presence of the Grand Alaster of the province in which the Frederick Lodge of Unity was situated . When he ( the W . AL ) told the Prov . G . AL that he took the lotlge by surprise , he hoped he would not understand that his presence among thc brethren was the less gratifying and acceptable ; on the contrary , it was more so .
1 he Prov . G . AL did not send a trumpeter before him , but he took the brethren as they were ; and his thoroughly Alasonic heart woultl be satisfied with what he had seen . The Prov . G . AL had been pleased to say that he was gratified with what he hatl seen in the lodge . Well , they had done their best , and the best coultl tlo no more . He ( the W . AL ) felt it a great honour that on his installation the
Prov . G . AL should visit the lodge , and thc brethren , being equally honoured , would give a hearty response to this toast , wishing the Prov . G . AL continued health and prosperity , and long life to reign over this province . ( Cheers . ) Thc Prov . Grand Alaster , replying , said that of all the kind things the W . AL had saitl that evening there was nothing which attracted him so much as that one phrase
in which he said that he ( thc Prov . G . M . ) had taken the brethren as they were . Now , that was exactly the way he wanted to take the Alasons of his province . He should always be sorry to think that there was any extra expense incurred by any lodge he attended . He wished exactly to take them as they were , because that was the only way he could form a just estimatcand sense of their merits . He hoped
very often—in fact he intended now to ask for the regular meetings of all thc lodges in the province to be sent to him in order that he might , without any invitation , but whenever he had the opportunity , drop in upon the brethren antl literally take them as they were . He thanked them very much for the cordial reception they had given him that evening , though they were only following suit to all
( he sister lodges in the province . No Prov . G . Alaster ever came into a province under better auspices than he had . lie hail at all events the blessing of their very old Past Provineial Grand Alaster ; and if he could but think that , that venerable brother ' s mantle should descend upon him , he shoultl be thoroughly well satisfied . He ( thc Prov . G . AL ) was most happy altogether in his rule over thc lodges of the
province . 1 hey were not numerous ; hut they were quite within thc grasp and management of any one man . They gave him no trouble , on the contrary , whenever lie had asked for assistance from the province he had always received it ; and he would mention as an instance of this , that when lie had on one occasion to try to get thc daughter of an old soldier into
the Girls'School ( a soldier , they knew , belonged to no province ; and Ihis man had been a comrade in the Grenadier Guards with him ; hut , belonging to no province , this soldier could appeal to no province for votes for the child ) the cordial and kind way in which his ( the Prov . G . AI . 's ) appeal to many of thc brethren of the province of Surrey was answered was a thing he should never forget as long
as he lived . He made it a rule whenever the Alasonic charity voting papers were sent to him to go through them , and see whether there was any case in them connected with Surrey ; and when he found one he considered it his ttuty to give his votes in support of the Surrey candidate * , when he saw none , and that 110 lotlge in the province was interested in a case ,
then lie gave the votes ( and he was quite sure the brethren woultl Confide in his judgment ) of the province for which he was indebted to tlie brethren to sonic other deserving object . In this case he did it , and owing to that circumstance and to other private sources he was able to carry tlie case . Again he would thank them for their cordial reception , and he hoped he should often meet the brethren again . lie would s . iy one word
with regard to thc Prov . Grantl Lotlge which woultl be heltl at Guildford on the 13 th of next month . It was an outlying place , ami there was , he understood , very great diflicully indeed in the brethren gelling home that night at a decent hour . I le , therefore , hoped that no brother would slay late simply out of regard for him . They should suit their own convenience , and leave when they liked .