Article NEW MASONIC HALL IN COLERAINE ← Page 2 of 2 Article LORD CARNARVON AND THE MARK MASONS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC EXHIBITION AT SHANKLIN, ISLE OF WIGHT. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 2 →
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New Masonic Hall In Coleraine
The Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master ; Robert VV . Shackleton , Q . C , Deputy Grand Master ; and VV . J . Crawley , Grand Sword Bearer . After the conclusion of the interesting ceremony a Masonic luncheon was given in the Courthouse in honour of the Grand Master , at which a large number of guests were present . Bro . J . S . Fyvie , W . Al . of Lodge 754 , presided . He was supported by the Grand Master of Ireland ,
Bros . VV . E . Scott , Rev . Canon Babington , VV . Fleming Black , Al'Nie , Shackleton , Crawley , Marcus Gage , Babington , Price , Knox , Fennell , M'CausIand , Anderson , Daniel Taylor , Captain Alassey , Dr . Dane , Dr . Craig , Robert Taylor , M'Loughlin , MacAlurray , Stewart , Lawler , Wilson , Campbell , M'Caw , Gregg , Aloorehead , Gilmour , Glover , W . F . Anderson , S . J . French , M'Henry , and others . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were
proposed by the Chairman and duly honoured . The CHAIRMAN next proposed "The Three Grand Masters . " The toast was drunk with Masonic honours . The GRAND MASTER responded , and proposed "The Health of the Chairman , the VV . M . of 754 , " which was
cordially drunk and responded to . The following toasts were also drunk : " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers from Dublin , " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Masonic Charities , " and "Masonry Round the Globe . "
Lord Carnarvon And The Mark Masons.
On Tuesday , a deputation from the Porchester Lodge of Mark Masons , consisting - of Bro . Stephen Knight , W . M ., and P . M . ' s Bros . John Bance , George M . Knight , and George J . Cosburn waited upon Lord Carnarvon , Past G . AL of the Mark Degree , at Highclere Castle , for the
purpose of consulting his lordship on several matters connected with the arrangements for the annual Grand Lodge for the Province of Berks and Oxon , which is to be held in the Town Hall , Newbury , about the middle of next month . The deputation , who were received in the drawing room by Lord Carnarvon , with his accustomed geniality and courtesy , having been introduced to the noble Earl by Bro .
Cosburn , the VV . AL ( Bro . Stephen Knight ) proceeded to address his lordship , who in reply , expressed the pleasure it had given him to receive the deputation , and stated that he should endeavour to attend either the Prov . Grand Lodge at Newbury , or the cold collation which will , by Lord Carnarvon ' s kindness , be served beneath a marquee to be erected in the park . It is expected there will be a
large attendance of Mark Alasons on the occasion , and arrangements will be made for conveying them to Highclere immediately after the conclusion of the Provincial Grand Lodge business . The interview having closed , the members of the deputation were , on the invitation of Lord Carnarvon , entertained at luncheon .
Masonic Exhibition At Shanklin, Isle Of Wight.
This exhibition will be held on behalf of the Building Fund of Chine Lodge , No . 1 S 84 , which was built and furnished at a cost of £ 1000 . There is remaining on mortfage £ 600 at the present time . The lodge was founded y 12 members ; but now numbers 45 , thc present VV . M .,
Bro . Alfred Greenham , having introduced 10 members since November , most of them personal friends . Although the lodge funds show a small balance at the end of the year , it is found that the interest money on the mortgage is a heavy drain on its resources . The members have hitherto paid nearly all the incidental expenses themselves , knowing the revenues of the lodge were inadequate . The W . AL stated
at his installation—which was the largest similar gathering in the Island , and which was very full y reported in our columns in February—it was his ambition to reduce the debt £ 100 during his year of ofiice , and by this exhibition he hoped to raise a considerable sum . Bro . G . Taylor , P . G . Sec . Worcestershire , has shown himself to be a true Masonic brother , giving to Bro . Greenham , in the most ample and
detailed form , every information connected with the Worcester Exhibition , guiding him by his experience , and personally interesting himself on his behalf . The largest contributors to the Worcester Exhibition have already expressed their willingness to again lend their valuable collections . The VV . M . of the Chine Lodge hopes to hear from all others at the earliest convenient date their intention to do so .
The Prince and Princess of Wales and their three daughters visited the Royal Agricultural Hall , Islington , for the purpose of witnessing the proceedings at the Grand Military Tournament . Two accidents occurred during their Royal Highnesses' stay , one of the horses
attached to a gun , when going at full speed round the hall , falling with its rider ; but in neither case was the horse or rider hurt , or any damage done to the gun and carriage . The Royal visitors were heartily cheered both on their arrival and departure .
A BEAUTIFUL ART WORK . —Mr . John Bumpus , bookseller to her Majesty , of 350 , Oxford-street , London , is now offering Longfellow ' s " Evangeline , '' beautifully illustrated with 23 fine designs by Frank Dicksee , executed in photogravure—the text is in large type , carefully printed on Whatman's thick hand-made paper—at three guineas
each . Air . Bumpus has now only 100 copies left out of the looo printed . The companion work , " Romeo and Juliet , " illustrated by the same artist , fetches a premium of two guineas . Those of our numerous readers who are in search of a valuable work of artas a present will do well to avail themselves of an early inspection of this rare and beautiful honk .
TENNIS , LAWN , AND GARDEN PARTIES . — - Alessrs . Hailing , Pearce , and Stone , of Waterloo House , are offering a very unique and pretty set of jug and six glasses in basket , in amber glass , in blue glass , also in amber glass with blue handles , most suitable for lawn tennis and garden parties . The jug holds three pints , and the glasses half a pint each . The price , 5 s . yd . the set , delivered free to any railway station in London , makes it one of the cheapest and prettiest presents of the season .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND LODGE OF FLORIDA . Bro . Robert J . Perry , M . W . G . M ., presided at the 57 th annual communication held at Jacksonville on the ioth and 21 st January last , of the G . L of Florida . Sixty-eight lodges were represented , and the Grand Alaster ' s address was in excellent form , his caution against the admission of unworthy persons into the Society being a most proper one . The
Grand Secretary reported sundry losses through a fire that had occurred on the 16 th December last , and , fortunately , the manuscript records , the register , and some of the books were saved . There was an insurance on the property to the extent of 2000 dollars , but the loss exceeded that
sum . There are 2302 members on the roll of this Grand Lodge , and the total fund for the past year reached 3623 dollars , while the disbursements were 3593 dollars . The new Grand Master is Bro . George S . Hallmark , Bro . De Witt C . Dawkins being continued in his ofiice of Grand Secretary .
GRAND LODGE OF MANITOBA . The 1 ith annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba was held at Winnipeg on the ioth and nth February . Bro . C . F . Forest , M . W . G . M ., presided , and 25 lodges were represented . In the course of his address the Grand Master referred to the lamented death in England , on his way home from the Soudan campaign , of
Past Grand Master Lieut .-Col . W . N . Kennedy , and the Board of General Purposes reported that on the news of the sad event being received they had prepared and presented an address of condolence to his widow . The Grand Secretary repotted several valuable additions to the Grand Lodge library , and that a gold jewel , appropriately
inscribed , had been presented to Bro . John H . Bell , M . W . G . M . The statistics show 30 lodges with an aggregate membership of 1350 ; receipts during the year , 1394 dollars ; total fund , 2 S 4 G dollars ; and disbursements , 1 G 76 dollars . Bro . Alfred Pearson was elected M . W . G . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . VV . M . G . Scott , Grand Secretary .
THE GRAND COMMANDERY OF PENNSYLVANIA . The Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania was held in the city of Scranton on the 25 th and 26 th May . In the forenoon of the opening day the grand parade and review took place , about Soo sir knights being present at the gathering which would no doubt have been more numerous , had the signs of
the weather been less threatening . In theafternoon Grand Commandery was opened in the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of Sir Knight Joseph Alexander , jun ., G . C , who was well supported by his Grand Officers and the representatives of the different subordinate commanderies . The reports of the different Committees , as well as of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder , were of a satisfactory
character , and clearly demonstrated that the position of the Templar Order in this jurisdiction was thoroughly sound , both financially and numerically . One fact is well worth recording . It seems that some few years since , Grand Commandery pledged itself to appropriate 300 dollars yearly , for a term of ten years , towards the establishment of a Masonic Home . But though the earlier appropriations
were paid over , and Coo dollars invested by the Grand Treasurer , the Home as then projected , came to nothing . Now , however , Pennsylvania has its Masonic Home in full working order , and doing good service , and the question was raised by Sir Knight M . R . Aluckle , Grand Treasurer , whether it would not be well to appropriate the 600 dollars towards this Home for Free and Accepted Alasons of
Pennsylvania , and the matter having been referred to the Finance Committee , that body at once reported in favour of the proposition , and it was adopted unanimously . On Wednesday the Grand Officers for the ensuing year were elected and installed , the latter ceremonies being carried out in the presence of a numerous gathering of ladies and other non-Templar spectators . The following
are the principal olficers for the year : Sir Knights George S . Graham , G . C . ; Lee S . Smith , D . G . C . ; William W . Allen , G . Generalissimo ; Torrence C . Hippie , G . Capt . General ; Rev . William H . Piatt , G . Prelate ; John J . Wadsworth , G . SVV . ; Joseph S . Wright , G . J . W . ; AL R . Muckle , G . Treasurer ; and Charles E . Aleyer , G . Recorder . The next Annual Conclave will be held in Philadelphia in May , 1 SS 7 .
VERMONT . VVe have heard with regret of the death , in March last , of Bro . William H . Root , G . Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Vermont . Bro . Root was initiated into Masonry in trie year 1 S 55 , and was appointed Grand Secretary in 1 SS 0 , when the business of the office was in a lamentable state
of confusion , and needed a firm and determined hand to reduce it to order . Bro . Root , however , was quite equal to the emergency , and very soon effected the much needed transformation . He is succeeded in the Grand Secretaryship by Bro . L . M . Reed , Past G . Alaster .
THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSISSIPPI . The 86 th Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge was held in Jackson , on the 10 th and nth February last , 205 lodges being represented , and the course of proceedings of an interesting and harmonious character . We regret to learn that the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary showed no improvement during the year in the
financial position of the Grand Lodge , but various measures were adopted , which seems calculated to have the desired effect of reducing the expenditure within manageable compass . Two new lodges were warranted , and several warrants were restored to revived lodges . The
following are the principal Grand Officers for the current year : Bros . B . T . Kimbrough , G . M . ; Charles T . Chamberlain , D . G . M . ; E . Geo . DeLap , G . S . W . ; M . M , Evans , G . J . W . ; Rev . M . E . Porter , G . Chaplain ; R . B . Banning , G . Lecturer ; A . P . Barry , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Secretary .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF MISSISSIPPI . The 26 th Annual Conclave of this Grand Commandery of Knights Templar was held in the same city on the 13 th of the same month of February . Twelve commanderies were represented , and the following were among those
The Craft Abroad.
elected Grand Officers for the year , namely : Sir Knights B . A . Vaughan , G . Commander ; N . S . Walker , D . G . C ; F . Speed , G . Gen . ; J . J . Hays , G . Capt . Gen . ; Rev . Jos . E . Alartin , G . Prelate ; R . A . Owen , G . S . W . ; B . T . Kimbrough , G . J . W . ; Jas . T . Meade , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Recorder . Arrangements were considered for taking part in the Triennial G . Encampment at St . Louis in the month of September next .
GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI . The following are the principal Grand Officers of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi elected for the current year at the 37 th Annual Convocation , held in Jackson City on the ioth February last , namely : M . E . Comps . Richard P . Bowen , G . H . P . ; Chas . T . Chamberlain , D . G .
H . P . ; A . D . Bailey , G . King ; VV . P . Boulton , G . Scribe ; Rev . VV . E . Porter , G . Chaplain ; W . D . Ferris , G . Lecturer ; A . P . Barry , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Secretary . The next annual meetingof this and the other Grand Bodies of Mississippi will be held in Jackson in February , 1 SS 7 .
STATE OF MAINE . The various Grand Masonic Bodies of Afaine have recently been in annual session at Portland . Grand Lodge met on Tuesday , May 4 th , one hundred and forty out of the one hundred and eighty-four lodges in the State being represented . Grand Alaster Fessenden I . Day presided , and gave an address of marked ability . He reported the
Craft in Maine to be enjoying a condition of general prosperity . The total membership is now upwards of twenty thousand , a slight increase over last year . The following officers were elected : Bros . Fessenden I . Day , Grand Master ; Frank 1 * . Sleeper , Deputy Grand Master ; Albro E . Chase , G . S . W . ; Benj . Ames , G . J . W . ; Frederic Fox , Grand Treasurer ; and Ira Berry , Grand
Secretary . I'he Grand Chapter convened on the evening of the 4 th ult ., thirty-seven out of forty-seven chapters being represented . The election resulted as follows : Comps . James AI . Nevens , G . H . P . ; Archie L . Talbot , D . G . H . P . ; Geo , W . Goulding , G . K . ; Chas . I . Collamore , G . Scribe ; Rufus H . Hinkley , G . Treas . ; Ira Berry , G . Secretary ;
Josiah H . Drummond , Oliver Gerrish , and Nathan Woodbury , Committee of Finance . The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters assembled on Wednesday afternoon , May 5 th . Charles VV . Haney , of Belfast , was elected G . AL , and Ira Berry , of Portland , Grand Recorder . The Grand Commandery met on the evening of the date last named . Thirteen of the fifteen Commandaries in the
State were represented . Grand Commander John O . Shaw gave an excellent address . Officers were elected as follows : John O . Shaw , Grand Commander ; J . Fred . Leavitt , Dep . Grand Commander ; Benjamin F . Andrews , Grand Generallisimo ; VVm . J . Burnham , Grand Captain General ; E . Howard Vose , Grand Prelate ; Leander W . Fobes , G . S . W . ; Edwin M . Fuller , G . J . W . ; Chas . Fobes , Grand Treas . ; Ira B . erry , Grand Recorder . John W . Ballou , Past Grand Commander , conducted the installing ceremony .
GRAND LODGE OF RHODE ISLAND . The Grand Lodge of Rhode Island held its 93 rd Annual Session at Freemasons' Hall , Providence , on Monday , the 17 th ult . At no previous meeting of like character has the attendance been so large . Bro . Fessenden I . Day , G . M . in Maine , was present ' and received a cordial welcome . Bro . Lyman Klapp , G . M ., guided the business
with his accustomed energy and skill . He gave an able address replete with words of wise admonition and suggestiveness . Retiring b y his own desire , after three years of successful administration , hs vacates the high office of G . AL , having the well-deserved retrards of the entire Craft
of Rhode Island . Bros . Newton D . Arnold was elected G . M . ; George H . Kenyon , G . S . W . ; and Joseph H . Baker , G . J . W . Bro . Rev . W . N . Ackley was appointed Dep . G . M . Bro . Darius B . Davis was chosen Treas ., and Bro . Edwin Baker , Grand Sec . Several important reports were presented .
The Theatres.
Mr . Dixey and his "Adonis" may please thc theatre-going public in America , for it is announced that the burlesque has had there a long run ; but it will not do here . For a variety entertainment it is tolerably fair . But , weak as thepiece is , it has its redeeming features . Amongst these are the marvellously clever mimicry of Bro . Henry Irvine- bv Air . Dixey . He imitates our tragedian ' s voice ,
stride , make-up , and every individuality , and one might almost suppose that the Lyceum stage is brought into the Gaiety Theatre . We have never seen a closer imitiation of any actor anywhere . Air . Dixey sings a good song , "It's English , you know . " A lad y of huge dimensions , who poses as a " simple country maid , " is very good ; but with
these exceptions the whole thing may be dismissed as a bore . Alessrs . Hollingshead and Edwardes , the lessees , gave a supper to some representatives of the Press to meet Mr . Dixey prior to his opening , which we understand was very enjoyable , much more so than the performance on the stage . Great are the laments at the loss of "Little Jack Sheppard , " which was true burlesque . #
* * Bros . VV . Lestocq and Walter Everard—both good Alasons and true—have collaborated a play , which is now in the hands of a distinguished London manager . We hope it may be considered fit to see the light of day . Bro . Lestocq has been fortunate of late with some one act first
pieces played successively at the Globe . At the Board of Benevolence Bro . Lestocq recently , at much inconvenience to himself , as he was then playing at a theatre , p leaded for a petitioner whose case he well knew , and which was received favourably . Our dramatic brother when informed of the grant made a most grateful and tasteful speech of thanks .
•« Mr . li . W . Godwin , who has for so long stagemanaged plays for amateurs and charities , has taken a theatre for himself , and on July 3 rd will probably open that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Masonic Hall In Coleraine
The Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master ; Robert VV . Shackleton , Q . C , Deputy Grand Master ; and VV . J . Crawley , Grand Sword Bearer . After the conclusion of the interesting ceremony a Masonic luncheon was given in the Courthouse in honour of the Grand Master , at which a large number of guests were present . Bro . J . S . Fyvie , W . Al . of Lodge 754 , presided . He was supported by the Grand Master of Ireland ,
Bros . VV . E . Scott , Rev . Canon Babington , VV . Fleming Black , Al'Nie , Shackleton , Crawley , Marcus Gage , Babington , Price , Knox , Fennell , M'CausIand , Anderson , Daniel Taylor , Captain Alassey , Dr . Dane , Dr . Craig , Robert Taylor , M'Loughlin , MacAlurray , Stewart , Lawler , Wilson , Campbell , M'Caw , Gregg , Aloorehead , Gilmour , Glover , W . F . Anderson , S . J . French , M'Henry , and others . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were
proposed by the Chairman and duly honoured . The CHAIRMAN next proposed "The Three Grand Masters . " The toast was drunk with Masonic honours . The GRAND MASTER responded , and proposed "The Health of the Chairman , the VV . M . of 754 , " which was
cordially drunk and responded to . The following toasts were also drunk : " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers from Dublin , " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Masonic Charities , " and "Masonry Round the Globe . "
Lord Carnarvon And The Mark Masons.
On Tuesday , a deputation from the Porchester Lodge of Mark Masons , consisting - of Bro . Stephen Knight , W . M ., and P . M . ' s Bros . John Bance , George M . Knight , and George J . Cosburn waited upon Lord Carnarvon , Past G . AL of the Mark Degree , at Highclere Castle , for the
purpose of consulting his lordship on several matters connected with the arrangements for the annual Grand Lodge for the Province of Berks and Oxon , which is to be held in the Town Hall , Newbury , about the middle of next month . The deputation , who were received in the drawing room by Lord Carnarvon , with his accustomed geniality and courtesy , having been introduced to the noble Earl by Bro .
Cosburn , the VV . AL ( Bro . Stephen Knight ) proceeded to address his lordship , who in reply , expressed the pleasure it had given him to receive the deputation , and stated that he should endeavour to attend either the Prov . Grand Lodge at Newbury , or the cold collation which will , by Lord Carnarvon ' s kindness , be served beneath a marquee to be erected in the park . It is expected there will be a
large attendance of Mark Alasons on the occasion , and arrangements will be made for conveying them to Highclere immediately after the conclusion of the Provincial Grand Lodge business . The interview having closed , the members of the deputation were , on the invitation of Lord Carnarvon , entertained at luncheon .
Masonic Exhibition At Shanklin, Isle Of Wight.
This exhibition will be held on behalf of the Building Fund of Chine Lodge , No . 1 S 84 , which was built and furnished at a cost of £ 1000 . There is remaining on mortfage £ 600 at the present time . The lodge was founded y 12 members ; but now numbers 45 , thc present VV . M .,
Bro . Alfred Greenham , having introduced 10 members since November , most of them personal friends . Although the lodge funds show a small balance at the end of the year , it is found that the interest money on the mortgage is a heavy drain on its resources . The members have hitherto paid nearly all the incidental expenses themselves , knowing the revenues of the lodge were inadequate . The W . AL stated
at his installation—which was the largest similar gathering in the Island , and which was very full y reported in our columns in February—it was his ambition to reduce the debt £ 100 during his year of ofiice , and by this exhibition he hoped to raise a considerable sum . Bro . G . Taylor , P . G . Sec . Worcestershire , has shown himself to be a true Masonic brother , giving to Bro . Greenham , in the most ample and
detailed form , every information connected with the Worcester Exhibition , guiding him by his experience , and personally interesting himself on his behalf . The largest contributors to the Worcester Exhibition have already expressed their willingness to again lend their valuable collections . The VV . M . of the Chine Lodge hopes to hear from all others at the earliest convenient date their intention to do so .
The Prince and Princess of Wales and their three daughters visited the Royal Agricultural Hall , Islington , for the purpose of witnessing the proceedings at the Grand Military Tournament . Two accidents occurred during their Royal Highnesses' stay , one of the horses
attached to a gun , when going at full speed round the hall , falling with its rider ; but in neither case was the horse or rider hurt , or any damage done to the gun and carriage . The Royal visitors were heartily cheered both on their arrival and departure .
A BEAUTIFUL ART WORK . —Mr . John Bumpus , bookseller to her Majesty , of 350 , Oxford-street , London , is now offering Longfellow ' s " Evangeline , '' beautifully illustrated with 23 fine designs by Frank Dicksee , executed in photogravure—the text is in large type , carefully printed on Whatman's thick hand-made paper—at three guineas
each . Air . Bumpus has now only 100 copies left out of the looo printed . The companion work , " Romeo and Juliet , " illustrated by the same artist , fetches a premium of two guineas . Those of our numerous readers who are in search of a valuable work of artas a present will do well to avail themselves of an early inspection of this rare and beautiful honk .
TENNIS , LAWN , AND GARDEN PARTIES . — - Alessrs . Hailing , Pearce , and Stone , of Waterloo House , are offering a very unique and pretty set of jug and six glasses in basket , in amber glass , in blue glass , also in amber glass with blue handles , most suitable for lawn tennis and garden parties . The jug holds three pints , and the glasses half a pint each . The price , 5 s . yd . the set , delivered free to any railway station in London , makes it one of the cheapest and prettiest presents of the season .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND LODGE OF FLORIDA . Bro . Robert J . Perry , M . W . G . M ., presided at the 57 th annual communication held at Jacksonville on the ioth and 21 st January last , of the G . L of Florida . Sixty-eight lodges were represented , and the Grand Alaster ' s address was in excellent form , his caution against the admission of unworthy persons into the Society being a most proper one . The
Grand Secretary reported sundry losses through a fire that had occurred on the 16 th December last , and , fortunately , the manuscript records , the register , and some of the books were saved . There was an insurance on the property to the extent of 2000 dollars , but the loss exceeded that
sum . There are 2302 members on the roll of this Grand Lodge , and the total fund for the past year reached 3623 dollars , while the disbursements were 3593 dollars . The new Grand Master is Bro . George S . Hallmark , Bro . De Witt C . Dawkins being continued in his ofiice of Grand Secretary .
GRAND LODGE OF MANITOBA . The 1 ith annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba was held at Winnipeg on the ioth and nth February . Bro . C . F . Forest , M . W . G . M ., presided , and 25 lodges were represented . In the course of his address the Grand Master referred to the lamented death in England , on his way home from the Soudan campaign , of
Past Grand Master Lieut .-Col . W . N . Kennedy , and the Board of General Purposes reported that on the news of the sad event being received they had prepared and presented an address of condolence to his widow . The Grand Secretary repotted several valuable additions to the Grand Lodge library , and that a gold jewel , appropriately
inscribed , had been presented to Bro . John H . Bell , M . W . G . M . The statistics show 30 lodges with an aggregate membership of 1350 ; receipts during the year , 1394 dollars ; total fund , 2 S 4 G dollars ; and disbursements , 1 G 76 dollars . Bro . Alfred Pearson was elected M . W . G . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . VV . M . G . Scott , Grand Secretary .
THE GRAND COMMANDERY OF PENNSYLVANIA . The Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania was held in the city of Scranton on the 25 th and 26 th May . In the forenoon of the opening day the grand parade and review took place , about Soo sir knights being present at the gathering which would no doubt have been more numerous , had the signs of
the weather been less threatening . In theafternoon Grand Commandery was opened in the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of Sir Knight Joseph Alexander , jun ., G . C , who was well supported by his Grand Officers and the representatives of the different subordinate commanderies . The reports of the different Committees , as well as of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder , were of a satisfactory
character , and clearly demonstrated that the position of the Templar Order in this jurisdiction was thoroughly sound , both financially and numerically . One fact is well worth recording . It seems that some few years since , Grand Commandery pledged itself to appropriate 300 dollars yearly , for a term of ten years , towards the establishment of a Masonic Home . But though the earlier appropriations
were paid over , and Coo dollars invested by the Grand Treasurer , the Home as then projected , came to nothing . Now , however , Pennsylvania has its Masonic Home in full working order , and doing good service , and the question was raised by Sir Knight M . R . Aluckle , Grand Treasurer , whether it would not be well to appropriate the 600 dollars towards this Home for Free and Accepted Alasons of
Pennsylvania , and the matter having been referred to the Finance Committee , that body at once reported in favour of the proposition , and it was adopted unanimously . On Wednesday the Grand Officers for the ensuing year were elected and installed , the latter ceremonies being carried out in the presence of a numerous gathering of ladies and other non-Templar spectators . The following
are the principal olficers for the year : Sir Knights George S . Graham , G . C . ; Lee S . Smith , D . G . C . ; William W . Allen , G . Generalissimo ; Torrence C . Hippie , G . Capt . General ; Rev . William H . Piatt , G . Prelate ; John J . Wadsworth , G . SVV . ; Joseph S . Wright , G . J . W . ; AL R . Muckle , G . Treasurer ; and Charles E . Aleyer , G . Recorder . The next Annual Conclave will be held in Philadelphia in May , 1 SS 7 .
VERMONT . VVe have heard with regret of the death , in March last , of Bro . William H . Root , G . Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Vermont . Bro . Root was initiated into Masonry in trie year 1 S 55 , and was appointed Grand Secretary in 1 SS 0 , when the business of the office was in a lamentable state
of confusion , and needed a firm and determined hand to reduce it to order . Bro . Root , however , was quite equal to the emergency , and very soon effected the much needed transformation . He is succeeded in the Grand Secretaryship by Bro . L . M . Reed , Past G . Alaster .
THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSISSIPPI . The 86 th Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge was held in Jackson , on the 10 th and nth February last , 205 lodges being represented , and the course of proceedings of an interesting and harmonious character . We regret to learn that the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary showed no improvement during the year in the
financial position of the Grand Lodge , but various measures were adopted , which seems calculated to have the desired effect of reducing the expenditure within manageable compass . Two new lodges were warranted , and several warrants were restored to revived lodges . The
following are the principal Grand Officers for the current year : Bros . B . T . Kimbrough , G . M . ; Charles T . Chamberlain , D . G . M . ; E . Geo . DeLap , G . S . W . ; M . M , Evans , G . J . W . ; Rev . M . E . Porter , G . Chaplain ; R . B . Banning , G . Lecturer ; A . P . Barry , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Secretary .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF MISSISSIPPI . The 26 th Annual Conclave of this Grand Commandery of Knights Templar was held in the same city on the 13 th of the same month of February . Twelve commanderies were represented , and the following were among those
The Craft Abroad.
elected Grand Officers for the year , namely : Sir Knights B . A . Vaughan , G . Commander ; N . S . Walker , D . G . C ; F . Speed , G . Gen . ; J . J . Hays , G . Capt . Gen . ; Rev . Jos . E . Alartin , G . Prelate ; R . A . Owen , G . S . W . ; B . T . Kimbrough , G . J . W . ; Jas . T . Meade , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Recorder . Arrangements were considered for taking part in the Triennial G . Encampment at St . Louis in the month of September next .
GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI . The following are the principal Grand Officers of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi elected for the current year at the 37 th Annual Convocation , held in Jackson City on the ioth February last , namely : M . E . Comps . Richard P . Bowen , G . H . P . ; Chas . T . Chamberlain , D . G .
H . P . ; A . D . Bailey , G . King ; VV . P . Boulton , G . Scribe ; Rev . VV . E . Porter , G . Chaplain ; W . D . Ferris , G . Lecturer ; A . P . Barry , G . Treasurer ; and J . L . Power , G . Secretary . The next annual meetingof this and the other Grand Bodies of Mississippi will be held in Jackson in February , 1 SS 7 .
STATE OF MAINE . The various Grand Masonic Bodies of Afaine have recently been in annual session at Portland . Grand Lodge met on Tuesday , May 4 th , one hundred and forty out of the one hundred and eighty-four lodges in the State being represented . Grand Alaster Fessenden I . Day presided , and gave an address of marked ability . He reported the
Craft in Maine to be enjoying a condition of general prosperity . The total membership is now upwards of twenty thousand , a slight increase over last year . The following officers were elected : Bros . Fessenden I . Day , Grand Master ; Frank 1 * . Sleeper , Deputy Grand Master ; Albro E . Chase , G . S . W . ; Benj . Ames , G . J . W . ; Frederic Fox , Grand Treasurer ; and Ira Berry , Grand
Secretary . I'he Grand Chapter convened on the evening of the 4 th ult ., thirty-seven out of forty-seven chapters being represented . The election resulted as follows : Comps . James AI . Nevens , G . H . P . ; Archie L . Talbot , D . G . H . P . ; Geo , W . Goulding , G . K . ; Chas . I . Collamore , G . Scribe ; Rufus H . Hinkley , G . Treas . ; Ira Berry , G . Secretary ;
Josiah H . Drummond , Oliver Gerrish , and Nathan Woodbury , Committee of Finance . The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters assembled on Wednesday afternoon , May 5 th . Charles VV . Haney , of Belfast , was elected G . AL , and Ira Berry , of Portland , Grand Recorder . The Grand Commandery met on the evening of the date last named . Thirteen of the fifteen Commandaries in the
State were represented . Grand Commander John O . Shaw gave an excellent address . Officers were elected as follows : John O . Shaw , Grand Commander ; J . Fred . Leavitt , Dep . Grand Commander ; Benjamin F . Andrews , Grand Generallisimo ; VVm . J . Burnham , Grand Captain General ; E . Howard Vose , Grand Prelate ; Leander W . Fobes , G . S . W . ; Edwin M . Fuller , G . J . W . ; Chas . Fobes , Grand Treas . ; Ira B . erry , Grand Recorder . John W . Ballou , Past Grand Commander , conducted the installing ceremony .
GRAND LODGE OF RHODE ISLAND . The Grand Lodge of Rhode Island held its 93 rd Annual Session at Freemasons' Hall , Providence , on Monday , the 17 th ult . At no previous meeting of like character has the attendance been so large . Bro . Fessenden I . Day , G . M . in Maine , was present ' and received a cordial welcome . Bro . Lyman Klapp , G . M ., guided the business
with his accustomed energy and skill . He gave an able address replete with words of wise admonition and suggestiveness . Retiring b y his own desire , after three years of successful administration , hs vacates the high office of G . AL , having the well-deserved retrards of the entire Craft
of Rhode Island . Bros . Newton D . Arnold was elected G . M . ; George H . Kenyon , G . S . W . ; and Joseph H . Baker , G . J . W . Bro . Rev . W . N . Ackley was appointed Dep . G . M . Bro . Darius B . Davis was chosen Treas ., and Bro . Edwin Baker , Grand Sec . Several important reports were presented .
The Theatres.
Mr . Dixey and his "Adonis" may please thc theatre-going public in America , for it is announced that the burlesque has had there a long run ; but it will not do here . For a variety entertainment it is tolerably fair . But , weak as thepiece is , it has its redeeming features . Amongst these are the marvellously clever mimicry of Bro . Henry Irvine- bv Air . Dixey . He imitates our tragedian ' s voice ,
stride , make-up , and every individuality , and one might almost suppose that the Lyceum stage is brought into the Gaiety Theatre . We have never seen a closer imitiation of any actor anywhere . Air . Dixey sings a good song , "It's English , you know . " A lad y of huge dimensions , who poses as a " simple country maid , " is very good ; but with
these exceptions the whole thing may be dismissed as a bore . Alessrs . Hollingshead and Edwardes , the lessees , gave a supper to some representatives of the Press to meet Mr . Dixey prior to his opening , which we understand was very enjoyable , much more so than the performance on the stage . Great are the laments at the loss of "Little Jack Sheppard , " which was true burlesque . #
* * Bros . VV . Lestocq and Walter Everard—both good Alasons and true—have collaborated a play , which is now in the hands of a distinguished London manager . We hope it may be considered fit to see the light of day . Bro . Lestocq has been fortunate of late with some one act first
pieces played successively at the Globe . At the Board of Benevolence Bro . Lestocq recently , at much inconvenience to himself , as he was then playing at a theatre , p leaded for a petitioner whose case he well knew , and which was received favourably . Our dramatic brother when informed of the grant made a most grateful and tasteful speech of thanks .
•« Mr . li . W . Godwin , who has for so long stagemanaged plays for amateurs and charities , has taken a theatre for himself , and on July 3 rd will probably open that