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Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . SECOND APPLICATION . ELECTION , OCTOBER , 1871 . THE Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of •WILLIAM RAMSEY PARKER , AGEP 9 YKAKS . His Father , * V . Win RAMSEV PARKER , formerly Wine and Spirit Merchant . Worksop , Notts ., now out of business and in ill-health , was initiated in Peace and Unity Lod-ie , Preston , in tS 6 i , and fn > m that time up to the end of 1 S 6 7 was a member of three odges in Sheffield an . ! Doncaster ( West Yo ks ^ ire ) he was th .: iounder of tne Pclh .-im Lodge , Workso \ and great credit is d : e to him in the way e accomplished it ; ftcrvvarJs W . M . of t c same lo iyc . He wr » - also a member of the Royal Arch Chapter of Paradise , Sheffield ; a Knight Templar ; and a member of the Rose Croix Kncampment , Sheffield . He has a tamily of five children ( eldest a girl under 12 ) and unable to earn a livelihood , or provide any education for the four boys . The case is one deserving tbe sympathy of the Craft , and strongly rec imincnded by the following brethren : — Bro THOS CLOSE , J ., D . P . G . M Notts ., Nottingham . * „ THOS . WEBSTER , P . M . 939 , P P . G I U Notts ., Worksop . „ H . HORXCASTLE , P .. M . 939 , P . P . G Sup . Wks . Notts ., Whitemoor , Ollcrton . * „ CKARI . ES W . Wii-SOK . P . M . 939 . Worksop . ,, EDWARD HAWLEY , Chaplain 939 , Vicirage , Worksop . „ C . KEND LOW , W . M 536 . P . M . 419 , P . P . S . G . D . Staffordshire , * MAJOR WEBSTER , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Sheffi Id . * These brethren will bc glad to receive voting papers .
Z ^ EORGE CARR AND COMPANY , ^" " ^ Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS OF THE TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES Enabling Pefformers to TRANSPOSE music into any key . PIANOFORTF . S with PATENT MOt . INF . UX ACTION and the PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 23 Guineas . PIANOFORTES wmi CARR'S TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , From 45 Guineas . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , from 35 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two rows of Keys and Pedals , to order . Office of the MUSICAL H T A NDARD . Published every Saturd y , PRICE 3 J . All communications t be addressed to 4 ; , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON ST ., LONDON , E . C .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINE WINES AT GROWERS' PRICES . A PURE NIERSTEINER , 21 / -per doz . In original 3-flozen cases . A First-clnss SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duly . KET CASH TRICES . NO CHARGE FOR CASES OR BOTTLES . Cheques ciosscd GLVN , MILLS & Co . SOLK AGENT : Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 6 , Gutter Lano .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD nnd CO . ' S Lonuon Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Ajcnt , ROUT . 11 AKER . Prices a . d full particulars can be obtained at the Stores 277 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Milcs ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp rlsCIGARSofthe very Finest llrands only , and Manufactures Cigars from the Choice t Tobaccos . Whole , file and K « uil .
Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . Per oz . Presentation Jewels , guaranteed ( g-carat Gold ) ... 90 / 0 ( 15-carat Gold ) ... 110 / 0 ,, „ ,, ( iS-cavat Gold ) ... 130 / 0 . Silver ( Hall-marked ) Lodge Jewels ... ... 13 / 6 London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AND 198 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
Photographic Portraits . TWELVE COPIES ' for 2 s . 8 < i ., beautifully printed and mounted on best French Cards . Six Copies ' ... ... ... is . Sd . Carte enlarged to 10 x S ... ... ... 5 s . ,, to Cabinet size ... ... " ... 2 s . "Post-free . Send Carte and Stamps to S . HICKS & CO ., 3 , Queenstreet , Cheapside , London . PHOTOGRAPHIC SCRAPS , 4 s . per dozen .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old Enamelled work repaired ; country orders attended to with dispatch .
"TRUTH MUST PKKVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cntlerv , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Inns Electroplate and Nickcl-Silret Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmongery 42 , BLACKMAN STRUCT , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY coon Articles at fair anil reasonable prices . He does not Keep an " Immense Stock , " hut SUPKKIKNTI . V I . AKGK for any person to select from , lie docs not < ell " cheaper than every other house n the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANV , A 7 'isil will , at all times . As very much tiAft * sctafetf .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACC . DENTS C USE LOS- OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Pass ' ngers Assurance Company . An Annual Payment of JCJ to £ 6 5 / insures . 61 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate o ( £ 6 per wee for injury . . ( Ii "> 0 ' » , < IO < J AVE HEE * PAID AS C IMP NSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CURNIIILL , and 10 , REGENT - STREET , LONDON . 1 WILLI \ M 1 . VIAN . Secretary .
OCKAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AGENCY . KsTAlil . lslliil ) 1852 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Kesidenls tn India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Good ? . Iroiu England lo be sent by this Kxpress , will lind the charges lower than any ulher Agency , and have the option of paying iu Elyland or un arrival at destination . Saute arrangements on goods nnd Parcels to England . Agents at lloml'tty , N . V . Currauee and Co . ' . Cnlciittn , Maimer Lawrie ami Co . ; Madras ( N . ISeach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kurrachee , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . Jas . Down , 97 , I'lindersstrect West ; . Syilney , Messrs . Geydc , McCrca and Co ., Circular ( Juay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co . I . undun Offices . —No . 5 6 , King William-street , E . C ; 4 , Agnrslrcct , Stiand , W . C . ; . 111040 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Liverpool : 8 , Castle-street . Managers . NIXON AND KING .
BRO . ADLAKD'S JEWEL ATTACHER Registered . . Masoni ; Cloilncr , & . C , 22 s , High Holborn , W . C
MUSIO FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by-Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ,, whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Dro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN Ji CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Afottf reae . y . Price Twpcncc , or sent post-fre to any part of Great Britain or li eland on receipt of three Fenny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC POU ! . By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TWKDDELL and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Otiices and Masonic Depot , 87 ,. Liuthorpc-road , . Middlesbrough . London : G ORGE KENNING .
JUST PUBLISHED . PRICE ONE SHILLING . Post Free for Twe vc Stamps . By authority and under the sanction of Tlie P ROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OK D VON and the PROVINCIAL GUANU MASTER OK CORNWALL . The Devon and . Cornwall MASONIC REGISTER FOR 1871 . Illustrated with a Photograph of the Hon . Mrs . ALUWORTU ( the lady Freemason ) , Together with a short Biographical Sketch bjf JiRO . HUGHAN , Prov . Grand Secretary of Cornwall . PLYMOUTH : Printed and published by LEONARD D . WESTCOTT , ( P . M . 70 ) , 11 , Fr . nkiort-strcet .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition . Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . Till S work is a perfect handbook of the principles ol Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , aud will be louiid to be eminently practical and uselul in the vindication aud support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London _ GEOKCK KENNING , > , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . ? . iverpoi ) l : ,, j . Monument place , Edinburgh J MRNZIES , J , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHARLES HKOGKLONC . 26 , Grafton-street . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected wilh Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in ' accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Slant } Sold by Bro . GEO , KENNING , J , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . Ci
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . SECOND APPLICATION . ELECTION , OCTOBER , 1871 . THE Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of •WILLIAM RAMSEY PARKER , AGEP 9 YKAKS . His Father , * V . Win RAMSEV PARKER , formerly Wine and Spirit Merchant . Worksop , Notts ., now out of business and in ill-health , was initiated in Peace and Unity Lod-ie , Preston , in tS 6 i , and fn > m that time up to the end of 1 S 6 7 was a member of three odges in Sheffield an . ! Doncaster ( West Yo ks ^ ire ) he was th .: iounder of tne Pclh .-im Lodge , Workso \ and great credit is d : e to him in the way e accomplished it ; ftcrvvarJs W . M . of t c same lo iyc . He wr » - also a member of the Royal Arch Chapter of Paradise , Sheffield ; a Knight Templar ; and a member of the Rose Croix Kncampment , Sheffield . He has a tamily of five children ( eldest a girl under 12 ) and unable to earn a livelihood , or provide any education for the four boys . The case is one deserving tbe sympathy of the Craft , and strongly rec imincnded by the following brethren : — Bro THOS CLOSE , J ., D . P . G . M Notts ., Nottingham . * „ THOS . WEBSTER , P . M . 939 , P P . G I U Notts ., Worksop . „ H . HORXCASTLE , P .. M . 939 , P . P . G Sup . Wks . Notts ., Whitemoor , Ollcrton . * „ CKARI . ES W . Wii-SOK . P . M . 939 . Worksop . ,, EDWARD HAWLEY , Chaplain 939 , Vicirage , Worksop . „ C . KEND LOW , W . M 536 . P . M . 419 , P . P . S . G . D . Staffordshire , * MAJOR WEBSTER , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Sheffi Id . * These brethren will bc glad to receive voting papers .
Z ^ EORGE CARR AND COMPANY , ^" " ^ Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS OF THE TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES Enabling Pefformers to TRANSPOSE music into any key . PIANOFORTF . S with PATENT MOt . INF . UX ACTION and the PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 23 Guineas . PIANOFORTES wmi CARR'S TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , From 45 Guineas . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , from 35 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two rows of Keys and Pedals , to order . Office of the MUSICAL H T A NDARD . Published every Saturd y , PRICE 3 J . All communications t be addressed to 4 ; , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON ST ., LONDON , E . C .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINE WINES AT GROWERS' PRICES . A PURE NIERSTEINER , 21 / -per doz . In original 3-flozen cases . A First-clnss SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duly . KET CASH TRICES . NO CHARGE FOR CASES OR BOTTLES . Cheques ciosscd GLVN , MILLS & Co . SOLK AGENT : Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 6 , Gutter Lano .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD nnd CO . ' S Lonuon Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Ajcnt , ROUT . 11 AKER . Prices a . d full particulars can be obtained at the Stores 277 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Milcs ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp rlsCIGARSofthe very Finest llrands only , and Manufactures Cigars from the Choice t Tobaccos . Whole , file and K « uil .
Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . Per oz . Presentation Jewels , guaranteed ( g-carat Gold ) ... 90 / 0 ( 15-carat Gold ) ... 110 / 0 ,, „ ,, ( iS-cavat Gold ) ... 130 / 0 . Silver ( Hall-marked ) Lodge Jewels ... ... 13 / 6 London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AND 198 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
Photographic Portraits . TWELVE COPIES ' for 2 s . 8 < i ., beautifully printed and mounted on best French Cards . Six Copies ' ... ... ... is . Sd . Carte enlarged to 10 x S ... ... ... 5 s . ,, to Cabinet size ... ... " ... 2 s . "Post-free . Send Carte and Stamps to S . HICKS & CO ., 3 , Queenstreet , Cheapside , London . PHOTOGRAPHIC SCRAPS , 4 s . per dozen .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old Enamelled work repaired ; country orders attended to with dispatch .
"TRUTH MUST PKKVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cntlerv , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Inns Electroplate and Nickcl-Silret Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmongery 42 , BLACKMAN STRUCT , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY coon Articles at fair anil reasonable prices . He does not Keep an " Immense Stock , " hut SUPKKIKNTI . V I . AKGK for any person to select from , lie docs not < ell " cheaper than every other house n the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANV , A 7 'isil will , at all times . As very much tiAft * sctafetf .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACC . DENTS C USE LOS- OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Pass ' ngers Assurance Company . An Annual Payment of JCJ to £ 6 5 / insures . 61 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate o ( £ 6 per wee for injury . . ( Ii "> 0 ' » , < IO < J AVE HEE * PAID AS C IMP NSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CURNIIILL , and 10 , REGENT - STREET , LONDON . 1 WILLI \ M 1 . VIAN . Secretary .
OCKAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AGENCY . KsTAlil . lslliil ) 1852 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Kesidenls tn India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Good ? . Iroiu England lo be sent by this Kxpress , will lind the charges lower than any ulher Agency , and have the option of paying iu Elyland or un arrival at destination . Saute arrangements on goods nnd Parcels to England . Agents at lloml'tty , N . V . Currauee and Co . ' . Cnlciittn , Maimer Lawrie ami Co . ; Madras ( N . ISeach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kurrachee , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . Jas . Down , 97 , I'lindersstrect West ; . Syilney , Messrs . Geydc , McCrca and Co ., Circular ( Juay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co . I . undun Offices . —No . 5 6 , King William-street , E . C ; 4 , Agnrslrcct , Stiand , W . C . ; . 111040 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Liverpool : 8 , Castle-street . Managers . NIXON AND KING .
BRO . ADLAKD'S JEWEL ATTACHER Registered . . Masoni ; Cloilncr , & . C , 22 s , High Holborn , W . C
MUSIO FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by-Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ,, whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Dro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN Ji CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Afottf reae . y . Price Twpcncc , or sent post-fre to any part of Great Britain or li eland on receipt of three Fenny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC POU ! . By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TWKDDELL and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Otiices and Masonic Depot , 87 ,. Liuthorpc-road , . Middlesbrough . London : G ORGE KENNING .
JUST PUBLISHED . PRICE ONE SHILLING . Post Free for Twe vc Stamps . By authority and under the sanction of Tlie P ROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OK D VON and the PROVINCIAL GUANU MASTER OK CORNWALL . The Devon and . Cornwall MASONIC REGISTER FOR 1871 . Illustrated with a Photograph of the Hon . Mrs . ALUWORTU ( the lady Freemason ) , Together with a short Biographical Sketch bjf JiRO . HUGHAN , Prov . Grand Secretary of Cornwall . PLYMOUTH : Printed and published by LEONARD D . WESTCOTT , ( P . M . 70 ) , 11 , Fr . nkiort-strcet .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition . Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . Till S work is a perfect handbook of the principles ol Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , aud will be louiid to be eminently practical and uselul in the vindication aud support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London _ GEOKCK KENNING , > , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . ? . iverpoi ) l : ,, j . Monument place , Edinburgh J MRNZIES , J , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHARLES HKOGKLONC . 26 , Grafton-street . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected wilh Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in ' accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Slant } Sold by Bro . GEO , KENNING , J , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . Ci