Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CRICKET MATCH. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Tlie Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Thursday evening , the 3 rd inst ., under tlie presidency of Bro . Henry Pearson , W . M . A special interest attached to the proceedimis from the fact that a well-merited recognition was made during the evening of the valuable services
rendered to the lodge by Bro . Joseph Kellett Smith , the immediate P . M ., during his year of office as W . M . Tlie fathering of brethren , amongst -whom was a number of visitors , was large . After the third degree had been given and tlie consideration of several applications for relief , the principal business of the meeting was brought on . The testimonial consisted of an exceedingly handsome black
marble dining-room timepiece , surmounted by a splendidly executed bronze figure of the late Charles Dickens . —Bro . Pearson , in making the presentation , said the duty which devolved upon him was a very , very pleasant one , because in performing it he recognised , in the name of the lodge , the great success and admirable wisdom which had marked Bro . Smith ' s year of office . The lodge , in making that
presentation , had somewhat departed from their usual course of presenting a P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M ., but in doing so , they wished to mark their high estimation of the services which had been rendered by Bro . Smith . Thanks lo his zeal and excellent government , tlie lodge had greatly prospered , and he hoped that he would be loii ' spared to aid them by his presence and counsel . —In
reply , Bro . Smith said it would be idle in him to attempt to convey his feelings in words . He could assure them , however , that he accepted the handsome gift with sincere gratification , and he thanked the brethren from the very bottom of his heart . The hours spent in fulfilling the duties of the chair had been some of the most pleasant in his life , and he would ever remember the Mariners' Lodge
with the greatest warmth . Bro . Smith concluded by assuring the brethren that he would continue to give the lodge liis heartiest support and assistance . —The following inscription is on a silver tablet in front of the clock : "Presented to Brother Joseph Kellett Smith , P . M . and P . Z . of 1094 , by the brethren of the Mariners' Lodge of
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , for his zeal and succ' . ss as Worshipful Master of the above lodge . "—The lodrre afterwards resolved that a picnic should be held in ab'jut a fortnight , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . —Thebrethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening was spent .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen-Burn , on Wednesday evening , the 9 th inst . Present : Bros . Dr . Moore , G . S . B . England , W . M . ; John Hatch , I . P . M . ; John Barrow , as S . W . ; W . Fleming , J W . ; Jas . Hatch , P . M . and Treas . ; E Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; E . Airey , S . D . ; G . Ingall , as ] . D . ; f .
Harrison , I . G . : la ' - Taylor , Organist ; J . Watson and Bceley , Tylers . ; Ch . Hartley , W . M . 1353 ; Bateson , Bell , Bradshaw , Balfour , Bailev , E . Lambert , \ V . Robinson ( P . M . 730 ) 1 J . Conlan , R . Hargcr , itc . The lodge was opened punctually at the time appointed , and the usual business transacted . The lodge then took into consideration the terms upon which the lodge-room should be let to the
Rowley Chapter and the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , the result being that the use of the lodge-room was granted upon such terms as amply indicated the truly fraternal feeling which existed on the part of the Lodge of Foititude towards the other Masonic bodies . Bro . Robert Balfour having given proof of his proficiency as an E . A . P ., was
duly pissed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . John Barrow , the acting S . W . The lecture on the tracing-board of the second degree was then delivered by the W . M . The Treasurer proposed a candidate for initiation , and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
BARNET . —eicacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —The last regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potter's Bar , on Wednesday , 9 th inst . Bro . Chas . Horsley , P . M ., presided as W . M ., and in an able manner raised Bros . Luti and J . Finch ( 1275 ) to the third degree . Bro . Horsley wis unanimously elected Steward for the
forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . E . Sillifant for the Boys ' , and Bro . J . II . Button for the Girls' School . There were also present Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., J . Clemmans , S . D ., J . IT . Tustin , A . Overton , & c . ; visitors , Bros . J . Finch ( 1275 ) , Smith , and Warrington . Refreshment followed labour .
ALDRRSUOT , —Aldershot Camp Lodge , A o . 1331 . — The regular monthly meeting was held in the Royal Hotel , at 6 p . m ., ou tlie 3 rd inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by lhe W . M ., Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., V . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , who was supported by the following officers : —Bros . J . Fenn , S . W . ; Capt . Richardson , ft , E .. as f . W . ; A . M'Kenzie , as S . D . ; F .
Anderson , as J . D . ; N . Lucas , I . G , ; R . White , Sec ; There was a good muster of the brethren , including several visitors from the Panmure , Southsea , and 12 th Lancers' Lodges . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Sergt . Gourley , 1001 I 1
Regmcnt , was elected as a joining member . Sergts . Bishop ( 7 th Fusiliers ) and Badcock ( orst Regiment ) were then duly initiated into lhe Order by Bro . Osmond , P . M ., and Bros . Smith and Scott were raised by the W . M . to the sublime degree of Master Mason . On the proposition of the W . M ., a si ofj £ i is . was voted to the Masonic Life Boat Fund . The W . M . announced that a Lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of Instruction \ v ° uM be ' ' ' " 2 4 1 ' ' ^ Bro . Willmoth ( 94 th Regiment ) presented four valuable works on Masonry to the lodge , and a cordial vote of thanks was passed by the brethren for such a considerate gift . The W . M . was requested to have the lodge property insured for ^ ioo . Some other business having been transacted , the brethren separated in peace , harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , A o . 720 . —A convocation of this flourishing chapter was held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , and although the summer meeting is usually quite an " off night , " there was on this occasion a good muster both of members and visitors . Comp . Nunn , the M . E . 2 ., was supported by
Comps . Hyde Pullen , as H ., and S . Davison . J . ; and there were also present Comps . James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Rev . W . B . Church , N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; John Read , P . Z . ; W . Worrell , Org . ; H . F . Hodges , J . Nixon , M . Larlham , and others . Visitors Comps . Hyde Pullen , H . E . Frances , S . Rosenthal , F . Binckes , J . H . Chase ( New York ) , John J . Martin ( New
York ) , A . Taylor ( New York ) , S . R . Sircour ( Nova Scotia ) , and others . The chapter having been duly opened and the minutes read , there being 110 business before the meeting , it was called off . The companions then formed a Chapter of Instruction , under the presidency of Comps . Chase and Martin , of New York , and the American method of working the degree was practically explained
by those most excellent and learned companions . Comp . Chase being the Grand Lecturer of the degree in the State of New York , is eminently qualified for the task he undertook , and the gratification and thanks of all present were respectively expressed and recorded . A more interesting evening in Royal Arch Masonry could not
have been spent . On the chapter being resumed , a formal vote of thanks to Comps . Chase and Martin was ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The chapter ivas then closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to banquet , when cordial fraternization ensued , and "our friends from far over the water " were left in no doubt
as to the earnest feelings of regard and esteem entertained for them by their English brethren . We must compliment the Panmure Chapter on having exercised a wise discretion in endeavouring to promote Royal Arch Masonry by bringing about this meeting , which cannot but be productive of good both here and elsewhere .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Macdonald Lodge , No . 104 . — A very interesting meeting of this celebrated lodge was held on Saturday , the 121 I 1 inst ., at lhe lodge-room , Head-quarters First Surrey Ritles , Camberwell , at which were present several eminent American Masons . In the absence of the W . Bro . Dr . Cronin , G . S . D ., who at the last moment was
detained by professional business , the V . W . Bro . James Stevens P . G . O . and I . P . M ., occupied the W . M . ' s chair . and was supported by the V . W . Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . O ., P . M . ; W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , P . G . D . C , S . W . ; W . Bro . Charles Hammerton , Prov , G . Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , J . W . ; Bros . A . Wolton , M . O . ; Berridge , S . O . ; Worrell , J . O . ; White , Reg . of Marks ; Newman , S . D . ; Finney ,
jun ., J . D . ; Newton , I . G . ; Major rinney , Steward ; and a large number of brethren . There were also present the R . W . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex and Surrey ; the V . W . Bros . Taylor , Chase , and Thompson , of New York ; V . W . Bro . I- ' red . Binckes , G . Sec . ; and others whose names were not in the signature book when we inspected it . The lodge
having been duly opened and previous minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . Clarence Ilarcourt and Herbert Barry as joining members , who were unanimously elected . Ballots being also found clear , lhe following brethren were admitted and advanced to the degree , viz ., Bros . Edwaid Moody , W . M . 1287 ; Henry F . Huntley , W . M . 720 ; Henry F . Hodges , S . W . 720 ;
and W . L . Newton , No . 766 . The ceremony , as is customary in this lodge , was accompanied by musical service , under the direction of Bro . W . Worrell , Org ., and made a great impression both upon the candidates themselves and the distinguished visitors . At the request of the acting W . M ., the R . W . Bro . Captain Chase then exemplified to the brethren in an extremely lucid and
interesting maimer the American system of working the degree , and added greatly to the " Macdonald " store of knowledge connected therewith . At the conclusion of the R . W . Brother ' s address , a hearty vote of thanks to him and to his companions was passed , and the several responses thereto were given and received with much feeling and enthusiasm . Tlie R . W . Bio . Col . Burdett , the
Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex and Surrey , then addressed the lodge , expressing his great pleasure with the manner in which lhe business of the evening had been carried out , and his satistaction at being enabled lo number the " Macdonald" as one of ihe lolges under his Grand Mastership . He sincerely wished it the continued prosperity its members sought to deserve , anil would at all limes be very willing to render it assistance by
attendance on occasions when the s ; ime might be useful . The invitation to the American brethren appeared lo bc a good and beneficial thing , and the result had proved that though we know much , there is yet room for improvement in our mode of working . He had no doubt the " -Macdonald " would , as usual , improve the occasion , and take care that Bro . Chase ' s remarks and information should produce good and choice fruits . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master
Mark Masonry.
concluded an able speech by expressing his intention to enter upon the minutes of the lodge his entire approbation of the evening ' s proceedings . Some formal Masonic business was then transacted , recommendation given to the petition for a new Mark Lodge at Balham , under the presidency of Bro . Stevens , and the lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour , and was served in the large
canteen of the Head-quarters of the First Surreys to the delight of the company , who enjoyed ample space and fresh air on one of the very hottest afternoons it has ever been our lot to attend a Masonic meeting . At the table much further interesting matter relating to both English and American working was spoken of , and the
representatives of both countries vied with each otherto their endeavours to entertain . Need it be said that a most enjoyable evening was spent , and that though the Tyler ' s toast was not deferred beyond the usual hour at which it given in this lodge , it came upon the brethren as a summons to disperse just when they were most indisposed to separate .
Masonic Cricket Match.
A rather novel entertainment among the brethren of the " mystic tie" came off last Saturday , at Pemberton School , Middleton-St .-George , the residence of Bro . Christopher Jackson , W . M . of the Restoration Lodge , Darlington , who kindly invited the members of his lodge to a friendly game of cricket , on the ground belonging to his school .
The day being fine , a large number availed themselves of the afternoon's recreation , the pleasure being greatly enhanced by the music of the Philharmonic Band , under the direction of Bro . James Hoggett , Organist of the lodge . The party left Darlington in two large pleasure vans , and were melon their arrival by Bro . Jackson , W . M ., Bro .
the P . ev . L . B . Towne , Chaplain of the lodge and Rector of Middleton-St .-George , who , it will be noticed , made the highest score on his side , Dr . Parsons , & c ., & c . Two captains were elected , who chose their teams from the brethren and some of the senior pupils in the school . Thegame was kept up with much spirit until six o ' clock , when
the party adjourned to Bro . Jackson s residence , and partook of a substantial repast , which was graced by the presence of several ladies . This being concluded , the match was played out , when some indulged in croquet , others went to inspect the new church of St . Laurence close by , while a few rambled by the river side into the
beautiful woods of Dinsdale . The National Anthem by the band was a signal for the time of departure , but not before a determination had been come to to send a challenge to one of the neighbouring lodges for a match to take place two or three weeks hence . The following was the score : —
BRO . JACKSON ' S TEAM . Jackson , b . Marshall ... ... ... 26 Chadwick , ditto ... ... ... 12 Blacklock , b . Robinson ... ... 4 Bowman , st . Pringle ... ... „ . 1 Martin , c . Shepherd ... ... ... o Cowper , b . Robinson ... ... ... 1
Watson , st . Prmgle ... ... ... o Mitford , b . Marshall ... ... ... o Oxendale , ditto ... ... ... o Robson , run out ... ... ... 5 Graham , c . Raine b . Robinson ... ... 10 W . Bailey , not out ... ... ... 1 Dr . Parsons , b . Robinson ... ... 5 Extras ... ... ... 25
Total ... ... 90 BRO . . W . MARSHALL ' S TEAM . Marshal , b . Jackson ... ... .. ' . 3 Towne , run out ... ... ... 13 Morrcll , ditto ... ... ... 4 Lear , b Oxendale ... ... ... 1
Dunn , c . Oxendale b . Jackson ... ... 1 Drydcn , b . Jackson ... ... .,. o Bailey , b . Oxendale ... ... ... 2 Toes , c . Oxendale b . Jackson ... ... o Raine , b . Oxendale ... ... ... 2
Pringle , c . Chadwick b . Jackson ... ... 8 Robinson , b . Jackson ... ... ... 8 Shepherd , ditto ... ... ... O , Hedley , ditto ... ... ... ... 2 Extras ... ... ... 13 Total ... ... 57 —Northern Echo , Aug . 15 .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT . — Determination of blood to the head , flushings , palpitation , and shortness of brealh are cured by these grand regulators of the heart ' s impulse . Under Holloway ' s grand specific , tlie current of blood throughout the body becomes steady , and unchanged by the passing thought , hence the suffusion of the head and cheeks is avoi . ied , and nervous
embarrassment prevented . 1 hey , in like manner , remove excessive sensitiveness , so often lhe opponent to lhe ease and grace inherent in the healthful and strong-nerved frame , and eradicate the doubls of lhe nervous . In intellects declining from intense study , free living , or over-anxiety , no equal remedy is attainable . Without exaggeration , they give muscular energy to the paralvsed and ease to the pained . —[ Advt . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Tlie Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Thursday evening , the 3 rd inst ., under tlie presidency of Bro . Henry Pearson , W . M . A special interest attached to the proceedimis from the fact that a well-merited recognition was made during the evening of the valuable services
rendered to the lodge by Bro . Joseph Kellett Smith , the immediate P . M ., during his year of office as W . M . Tlie fathering of brethren , amongst -whom was a number of visitors , was large . After the third degree had been given and tlie consideration of several applications for relief , the principal business of the meeting was brought on . The testimonial consisted of an exceedingly handsome black
marble dining-room timepiece , surmounted by a splendidly executed bronze figure of the late Charles Dickens . —Bro . Pearson , in making the presentation , said the duty which devolved upon him was a very , very pleasant one , because in performing it he recognised , in the name of the lodge , the great success and admirable wisdom which had marked Bro . Smith ' s year of office . The lodge , in making that
presentation , had somewhat departed from their usual course of presenting a P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M ., but in doing so , they wished to mark their high estimation of the services which had been rendered by Bro . Smith . Thanks lo his zeal and excellent government , tlie lodge had greatly prospered , and he hoped that he would be loii ' spared to aid them by his presence and counsel . —In
reply , Bro . Smith said it would be idle in him to attempt to convey his feelings in words . He could assure them , however , that he accepted the handsome gift with sincere gratification , and he thanked the brethren from the very bottom of his heart . The hours spent in fulfilling the duties of the chair had been some of the most pleasant in his life , and he would ever remember the Mariners' Lodge
with the greatest warmth . Bro . Smith concluded by assuring the brethren that he would continue to give the lodge liis heartiest support and assistance . —The following inscription is on a silver tablet in front of the clock : "Presented to Brother Joseph Kellett Smith , P . M . and P . Z . of 1094 , by the brethren of the Mariners' Lodge of
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , for his zeal and succ' . ss as Worshipful Master of the above lodge . "—The lodrre afterwards resolved that a picnic should be held in ab'jut a fortnight , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . —Thebrethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening was spent .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen-Burn , on Wednesday evening , the 9 th inst . Present : Bros . Dr . Moore , G . S . B . England , W . M . ; John Hatch , I . P . M . ; John Barrow , as S . W . ; W . Fleming , J W . ; Jas . Hatch , P . M . and Treas . ; E Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; E . Airey , S . D . ; G . Ingall , as ] . D . ; f .
Harrison , I . G . : la ' - Taylor , Organist ; J . Watson and Bceley , Tylers . ; Ch . Hartley , W . M . 1353 ; Bateson , Bell , Bradshaw , Balfour , Bailev , E . Lambert , \ V . Robinson ( P . M . 730 ) 1 J . Conlan , R . Hargcr , itc . The lodge was opened punctually at the time appointed , and the usual business transacted . The lodge then took into consideration the terms upon which the lodge-room should be let to the
Rowley Chapter and the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , the result being that the use of the lodge-room was granted upon such terms as amply indicated the truly fraternal feeling which existed on the part of the Lodge of Foititude towards the other Masonic bodies . Bro . Robert Balfour having given proof of his proficiency as an E . A . P ., was
duly pissed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . John Barrow , the acting S . W . The lecture on the tracing-board of the second degree was then delivered by the W . M . The Treasurer proposed a candidate for initiation , and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
BARNET . —eicacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —The last regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potter's Bar , on Wednesday , 9 th inst . Bro . Chas . Horsley , P . M ., presided as W . M ., and in an able manner raised Bros . Luti and J . Finch ( 1275 ) to the third degree . Bro . Horsley wis unanimously elected Steward for the
forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . E . Sillifant for the Boys ' , and Bro . J . II . Button for the Girls' School . There were also present Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., J . Clemmans , S . D ., J . IT . Tustin , A . Overton , & c . ; visitors , Bros . J . Finch ( 1275 ) , Smith , and Warrington . Refreshment followed labour .
ALDRRSUOT , —Aldershot Camp Lodge , A o . 1331 . — The regular monthly meeting was held in the Royal Hotel , at 6 p . m ., ou tlie 3 rd inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by lhe W . M ., Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., V . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , who was supported by the following officers : —Bros . J . Fenn , S . W . ; Capt . Richardson , ft , E .. as f . W . ; A . M'Kenzie , as S . D . ; F .
Anderson , as J . D . ; N . Lucas , I . G , ; R . White , Sec ; There was a good muster of the brethren , including several visitors from the Panmure , Southsea , and 12 th Lancers' Lodges . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Sergt . Gourley , 1001 I 1
Regmcnt , was elected as a joining member . Sergts . Bishop ( 7 th Fusiliers ) and Badcock ( orst Regiment ) were then duly initiated into lhe Order by Bro . Osmond , P . M ., and Bros . Smith and Scott were raised by the W . M . to the sublime degree of Master Mason . On the proposition of the W . M ., a si ofj £ i is . was voted to the Masonic Life Boat Fund . The W . M . announced that a Lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of Instruction \ v ° uM be ' ' ' " 2 4 1 ' ' ^ Bro . Willmoth ( 94 th Regiment ) presented four valuable works on Masonry to the lodge , and a cordial vote of thanks was passed by the brethren for such a considerate gift . The W . M . was requested to have the lodge property insured for ^ ioo . Some other business having been transacted , the brethren separated in peace , harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , A o . 720 . —A convocation of this flourishing chapter was held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , and although the summer meeting is usually quite an " off night , " there was on this occasion a good muster both of members and visitors . Comp . Nunn , the M . E . 2 ., was supported by
Comps . Hyde Pullen , as H ., and S . Davison . J . ; and there were also present Comps . James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Rev . W . B . Church , N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; John Read , P . Z . ; W . Worrell , Org . ; H . F . Hodges , J . Nixon , M . Larlham , and others . Visitors Comps . Hyde Pullen , H . E . Frances , S . Rosenthal , F . Binckes , J . H . Chase ( New York ) , John J . Martin ( New
York ) , A . Taylor ( New York ) , S . R . Sircour ( Nova Scotia ) , and others . The chapter having been duly opened and the minutes read , there being 110 business before the meeting , it was called off . The companions then formed a Chapter of Instruction , under the presidency of Comps . Chase and Martin , of New York , and the American method of working the degree was practically explained
by those most excellent and learned companions . Comp . Chase being the Grand Lecturer of the degree in the State of New York , is eminently qualified for the task he undertook , and the gratification and thanks of all present were respectively expressed and recorded . A more interesting evening in Royal Arch Masonry could not
have been spent . On the chapter being resumed , a formal vote of thanks to Comps . Chase and Martin was ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The chapter ivas then closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to banquet , when cordial fraternization ensued , and "our friends from far over the water " were left in no doubt
as to the earnest feelings of regard and esteem entertained for them by their English brethren . We must compliment the Panmure Chapter on having exercised a wise discretion in endeavouring to promote Royal Arch Masonry by bringing about this meeting , which cannot but be productive of good both here and elsewhere .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Macdonald Lodge , No . 104 . — A very interesting meeting of this celebrated lodge was held on Saturday , the 121 I 1 inst ., at lhe lodge-room , Head-quarters First Surrey Ritles , Camberwell , at which were present several eminent American Masons . In the absence of the W . Bro . Dr . Cronin , G . S . D ., who at the last moment was
detained by professional business , the V . W . Bro . James Stevens P . G . O . and I . P . M ., occupied the W . M . ' s chair . and was supported by the V . W . Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . O ., P . M . ; W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , P . G . D . C , S . W . ; W . Bro . Charles Hammerton , Prov , G . Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , J . W . ; Bros . A . Wolton , M . O . ; Berridge , S . O . ; Worrell , J . O . ; White , Reg . of Marks ; Newman , S . D . ; Finney ,
jun ., J . D . ; Newton , I . G . ; Major rinney , Steward ; and a large number of brethren . There were also present the R . W . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex and Surrey ; the V . W . Bros . Taylor , Chase , and Thompson , of New York ; V . W . Bro . I- ' red . Binckes , G . Sec . ; and others whose names were not in the signature book when we inspected it . The lodge
having been duly opened and previous minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . Clarence Ilarcourt and Herbert Barry as joining members , who were unanimously elected . Ballots being also found clear , lhe following brethren were admitted and advanced to the degree , viz ., Bros . Edwaid Moody , W . M . 1287 ; Henry F . Huntley , W . M . 720 ; Henry F . Hodges , S . W . 720 ;
and W . L . Newton , No . 766 . The ceremony , as is customary in this lodge , was accompanied by musical service , under the direction of Bro . W . Worrell , Org ., and made a great impression both upon the candidates themselves and the distinguished visitors . At the request of the acting W . M ., the R . W . Bro . Captain Chase then exemplified to the brethren in an extremely lucid and
interesting maimer the American system of working the degree , and added greatly to the " Macdonald " store of knowledge connected therewith . At the conclusion of the R . W . Brother ' s address , a hearty vote of thanks to him and to his companions was passed , and the several responses thereto were given and received with much feeling and enthusiasm . Tlie R . W . Bio . Col . Burdett , the
Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex and Surrey , then addressed the lodge , expressing his great pleasure with the manner in which lhe business of the evening had been carried out , and his satistaction at being enabled lo number the " Macdonald" as one of ihe lolges under his Grand Mastership . He sincerely wished it the continued prosperity its members sought to deserve , anil would at all limes be very willing to render it assistance by
attendance on occasions when the s ; ime might be useful . The invitation to the American brethren appeared lo bc a good and beneficial thing , and the result had proved that though we know much , there is yet room for improvement in our mode of working . He had no doubt the " -Macdonald " would , as usual , improve the occasion , and take care that Bro . Chase ' s remarks and information should produce good and choice fruits . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master
Mark Masonry.
concluded an able speech by expressing his intention to enter upon the minutes of the lodge his entire approbation of the evening ' s proceedings . Some formal Masonic business was then transacted , recommendation given to the petition for a new Mark Lodge at Balham , under the presidency of Bro . Stevens , and the lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour , and was served in the large
canteen of the Head-quarters of the First Surreys to the delight of the company , who enjoyed ample space and fresh air on one of the very hottest afternoons it has ever been our lot to attend a Masonic meeting . At the table much further interesting matter relating to both English and American working was spoken of , and the
representatives of both countries vied with each otherto their endeavours to entertain . Need it be said that a most enjoyable evening was spent , and that though the Tyler ' s toast was not deferred beyond the usual hour at which it given in this lodge , it came upon the brethren as a summons to disperse just when they were most indisposed to separate .
Masonic Cricket Match.
A rather novel entertainment among the brethren of the " mystic tie" came off last Saturday , at Pemberton School , Middleton-St .-George , the residence of Bro . Christopher Jackson , W . M . of the Restoration Lodge , Darlington , who kindly invited the members of his lodge to a friendly game of cricket , on the ground belonging to his school .
The day being fine , a large number availed themselves of the afternoon's recreation , the pleasure being greatly enhanced by the music of the Philharmonic Band , under the direction of Bro . James Hoggett , Organist of the lodge . The party left Darlington in two large pleasure vans , and were melon their arrival by Bro . Jackson , W . M ., Bro .
the P . ev . L . B . Towne , Chaplain of the lodge and Rector of Middleton-St .-George , who , it will be noticed , made the highest score on his side , Dr . Parsons , & c ., & c . Two captains were elected , who chose their teams from the brethren and some of the senior pupils in the school . Thegame was kept up with much spirit until six o ' clock , when
the party adjourned to Bro . Jackson s residence , and partook of a substantial repast , which was graced by the presence of several ladies . This being concluded , the match was played out , when some indulged in croquet , others went to inspect the new church of St . Laurence close by , while a few rambled by the river side into the
beautiful woods of Dinsdale . The National Anthem by the band was a signal for the time of departure , but not before a determination had been come to to send a challenge to one of the neighbouring lodges for a match to take place two or three weeks hence . The following was the score : —
BRO . JACKSON ' S TEAM . Jackson , b . Marshall ... ... ... 26 Chadwick , ditto ... ... ... 12 Blacklock , b . Robinson ... ... 4 Bowman , st . Pringle ... ... „ . 1 Martin , c . Shepherd ... ... ... o Cowper , b . Robinson ... ... ... 1
Watson , st . Prmgle ... ... ... o Mitford , b . Marshall ... ... ... o Oxendale , ditto ... ... ... o Robson , run out ... ... ... 5 Graham , c . Raine b . Robinson ... ... 10 W . Bailey , not out ... ... ... 1 Dr . Parsons , b . Robinson ... ... 5 Extras ... ... ... 25
Total ... ... 90 BRO . . W . MARSHALL ' S TEAM . Marshal , b . Jackson ... ... .. ' . 3 Towne , run out ... ... ... 13 Morrcll , ditto ... ... ... 4 Lear , b Oxendale ... ... ... 1
Dunn , c . Oxendale b . Jackson ... ... 1 Drydcn , b . Jackson ... ... .,. o Bailey , b . Oxendale ... ... ... 2 Toes , c . Oxendale b . Jackson ... ... o Raine , b . Oxendale ... ... ... 2
Pringle , c . Chadwick b . Jackson ... ... 8 Robinson , b . Jackson ... ... ... 8 Shepherd , ditto ... ... ... O , Hedley , ditto ... ... ... ... 2 Extras ... ... ... 13 Total ... ... 57 —Northern Echo , Aug . 15 .
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