Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Acting W . M . explained the absence of Bro . Moore , W . M ., whose wife and child were taken from him by the hand of death since the last meeting of the lodge , and a cordial vote of sympathy with him in his sad
bereavement was recorded on the minutes . Bro . Friend then proceeded with the raising of Bro . Owen ( Bro . Barclay ably presiding at the harmonium during the time the lodge was open ) , after which the lodge was closed down , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a very harmonious evening was spent by all .
DURHAM . CONSECRATION OF TUP : FKNWICK LODGE , No . 1389 , SUNDERLAND . A new Lodge of Freemasons was consecrated and opened at the Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , This will increase the number of Craft Lodges * now at work in Sunderland , to five . Of the othei
lodges three have had an existence of upwards of a century , but the fourth is of recent formation . The Phcrnix Lodge , which holds its meetings at the Freemasons' Hall , in Queen-street , was opened in 175 *; , with Bro . John Thornhill as first W . M . It had not at that time any name , being
only known by the number , which was then , 20 7 , and met at an inn in Church-street . After many fluctuations Captain Geo . Thompson became W . Master , and remained in that position for seven years . During his term of office a hall was built , and the Lodge adopted a distinctive name ,
viz ., that of "The King George ' s Lodge . " The hall was dedicated to Masonry on July i 6 th , i 77 S , but only existed a little over five years , having been burnt to the ground on Nov . 19 , 178 , 3 . The foundation stcne of a new hall was laid on the ? th of August following , and the new building
wassolemnly dedicated on the jth of April , 1785 . The name of the lodge was then changed to that of the "Phoenix Lodge , " which it still retains . In 1 757 the Lodge now known as the Palatine Lodge was opened , Bro . W . Scolly being first W . M . Like its predecessor , it had then no
distinctive name , but afterwards it adopted that of "The Sea Captains' Lodge . " After this name had been kept up for a considerable number of years , it was changed to the "Palatine Lodge , " which is still its appellation . The first meetings of the Palatine or Sea Captains' Lodge were held at an
inn in the High-street , known as the "Marquis of Carnarvon ' s Head . " We afterwards find it meeting , between fifty and sixty ) ears ago , at the Queen ' s Head Inn , in Queen-street , and subsequently , until its removal to the new Masonic Hall in Park-terrace , a little over two years ago ,
the meetings were for a long time held at the Bridge Hotel . The St . John ' s Lodge has had an existence of something like a hundred years , having been opened as a military lodge , attached to an Infantry regiment , under a warrant granted by the Duke
of Athole , then ( in 1770 and following years ) Grand Master of one of the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons which exercised jurisdiction in this country during the iSth century , and which were eventually united in 181 , 3 . The warrant was left in this town in the first decade of the
present century , and the lodge continued to meet at different places in the town until it took possession of its present quarters ( the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace ) in 1 S 70 . The Williamson Lodge was opened at the Royal Hotel , Monkwearmouth , in 186 , 3 , with Sir
Hed worth Williamson as its first W . M ., and it still continues to hold its meetings at the same place . Another lodge had at one time flourished at Monkwearmouth , called the St . Paul ' s Lodge , but it ceased to exist some years ago . A hall
was built specially for a lodge room on the Ballast Hills , at Monkwearmouth , nearly opposite the foot of Lambton-street . This was afterwards purchased ( in 1794 ) by a congregation of Independents , who seceded from what was then tailed the Park-lane Chapel , and turned the
building into a chapel , whica was known for many years as "Lodge Chapel . " A large room in Maling ' s-ring , which had been a Masonic lodge room , was also converted into a chapel in 1814 by the Unitarians . The history and transactions of Masonic bodies
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
more than a century ago are very difficult to trace , and other Masonic lodges may have flourished in this town or neighbourhood and traces of them have been lost . We have ourselves seen a certificate , bearing date , Monkwearmouth , 177 6 , issued by the Lodge of Harmony , No . 47 i , but whether this lodge was the same as
the St . Paul's—and its name- was afterwards changed to that of the Apostle—or whether it was a sepaiate lodge that long before the union in 1813 , ceased to exist , we are unable to say . The foundation stones of some of the principal public structures in the town have been laid with full Masonic honours .
On Sept 24 , 179 , 3 , a lodge was opened by Bro . William Henry Lambton , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for the Province , of Durham , and the brethren walked in procession to the river , when the foundation stone of the bridge was laid by Rowland Burdon , Esq ., a P . M . of the Sea
Captains' Lodge , with full masonic ceremony . The bridge was declared open on the 9 th of August , 179 6 , by H . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester , after a very splendid masonic ceremony ( Bro . Burdon acting pro . tern , as Provincial Grand Master ) in
the presence , Garbutt says in his History of Sunderland , of 80 , 000 spectators . The foundation stone of the Exchange was also laid with masonic honours by Sir Henry Vane Tempest , on August 10 , _ 8 i 2 . and on November 12 th , 1839 , tne foundation stone of the Athenasum was laid
masonically by H . K . H . the Duke of Sussex . Returning now to the proceedings of this afternoon when the youngest of the existing masouic lodges was declared duly constituted , the brethren were present in large numbers on the occasion , and the lodge , which is named after
the late Bro . Henry Femvick , Esq . ( M . P . for Sunderland for some years ) , who for a considerable period filled the ' office of D . P . G . M ., of the Province , was consecrated and formally opened by the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master ( John
Fawcett , Esq ., ) assisted by a large gathering of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters , and Past Masters , and the W . M . Designate Bro . W . H . Crookes , P . M . N 0 . 80 , and Prov . G . S . was installed as the first AV . M .
Among those present were Bros . Sir Hedworth Williamson , D . Prov . G . M . ¦ C . Rowlandson , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . —Trotter , P . G . C . ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , P . Prov . G . C . •B . Levy , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; ] . Potts , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; A . Clapham , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( Northumberland ); the AV . Masters of the
Palatine , AVilliamson , Fawcett , Marquis of Granby , uid Earl of Durham Lodges , & . * c ., Jcc . The consecration banquet was he ! d afterwards at the Queen ' s Hotel , the W . M . ( Bro . Crookes ) in the chair , supported by the R . W . P . G . M ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., & c ., & c .
STOCKTON-ON-TEES . —I' / ii / ant / iro /) i / Lodge of Inslruclimi ( Xo . 940 ) . —The annual meeting of the Philanthropy Lodge of Instruction took place on Thursday evening the 10 th inst ., in the Lodge room , at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton . The Lodge having been opened in
due form , Bro . J . H . Jackson officiating as AV . M ., Bro . J . Broome as S . AV ., and Bro . J . Boothroyd as f . W ., and the ordinary business having been disposed of , the Treasurer , Bro . Thos . AValton , submitted his financial statement , which showed there was a small balance in hand . The
Secretary ( Bro . llios . Bradley ) then read the report for the year , which showed that although the total number of members on the roll was rather less than in the preceding year , the average attendance had been greater ; taken altogether the lodge was in a very satisfactory and progressing
condition . Both these reports were received and adopted with marked approval . The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year : — Preceptor , Bro . J . H . Jackson ; Assistant Preceptor , Bro . A . Fowler ; Treasurer , Bro . Thos . AValton ; Committee , Bros . J . H . Jackson , A . Fowler , and
W . J . AVatson ; Secretary , Bro . Thos . Bradley ; Organist , Bro . Thos . Preston . Cordial votes of thanks were passed to all the officers for the very commendable manner in which they had discharged their duties and conducted the business .
At the close of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting-hall , and sat down to supper , the chair being occupied by Bro . J . H . Jackson , and the vice-chair by Bro . J . Broome . At the repast , the company was considerably augmented
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and amongst those present were Bros . J . Trotter , A . Fowler , R . S . Hooper , AV . J . Watson , J . Boothroyd , T . Bradley , T . AValton , J . G . AValton , J . AValton , T . Bowron , — Scarth , J . F . Mann , G . Herbert , AV . Lightfoot , J . Trenholm , AV . J . Usher , S .
Gordon , J . I ' owler , T . Preston , G . Hooper , G . Ellis , & c . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave in succession the toasts of '' The Queen and the Craft , " "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., the Princess of AVales , and rest
of the Royal Famil y ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Marquis of Ripon , and the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England Past and Present . '" The next toast
was given from vice-chair and was . "The Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and P . G . Officers , Past and Present , " to which Bro . J . Trotter , responded , and gave "Success to the Philanthropy Lodge of
Instruction . " coupled with the name of the Secretary . Both these brethren spoke highly of the value of lodges of instruction , and warmly commended this lodge to the suppoit of the brethren . Bro . G . Ellis then proposed the health of the
"Preceptor , Assistant Preceptor , and Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . A . Fowler . Bro . G . Hooper , in giving the toast of "The Lodge of Philanthropy , " expressed a warm appreciation of the fraternal feeling which existed
between the mcmbei _ of that and the Tees Lodge , and hoped there would be even a still more frequent interchange of visits amongst them . Bro . J . F . Mann acknowledged the toast , and was
followed b y Bro . Usher , who gave "The Tees Lodge , " which was suitably responded to . The speeches were agreeably interspersed with vocalism by several of the company , and the evening was spent most enjoyably .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude No . 281 . — The regular meeting of this old established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening last , the 9 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied b y the AV . M ., Bro . AVilliam Hall , who was supported by Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D .
P . G . S . B . England , I . P . M .: AVilliam Fleming , S . AV . Edward Airey , J . AV . ¦ James Hatch , P . M . and Treasurer ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; John Hatch , P . M . ; James Taylor , Organist ; W . Sey , S . D . ; John Bellas J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G ., and several other brethren .
Ihe ordinary business of the lodge was transacted , and several communications read . Bro . Moore , on behalf of the Moore Mark Lodge , asked for the use of the lodge room on equitable terms , for the purposes of Mark Masonry . The consideration was deferred until the next
meeting of the lodge . The bye laws were read by the Secretary , and after the usual proclamations , the lodge was closed . It was announced that at the next meeting of the lodge Bro . Moore would deliver a short lecture on the Three Grand Principles of our Order . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge No . io *; i . —The
regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen . eum , on Monday , the 7 th inst . There were present the AV . M ., Bro . AVilson Barker ; Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , and I . P . M . ; Bros . AV . J . Sly , S . AV . Edward Airey , J . AV . ; fames Taylor , S . D . ;
J . L . Bradshaw as J . D . ; Richard Taylor , I . G . j John Hatch . P . M ., 281 ; Thomas Jackson , E . A . P . ; and John AVatson , Tyler . After the usual preliminary business had been transacted , and Bro . Jackson had given proof of his proficiency as an E . A . P ., Bro . Dr . Moore took the
chair of the lodge , and in due form passed Bro . Jackson to the degree of F . C ., the working tools being presented b y Bro . John Hatch , P . M . Bro . Moore delivered the lecture on the second tracing-board , and some other instruction having been afforded , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . MARKET HARBORDUGH . —St . Peters Lodge ( No . 13 , 30 ) . —The second annual festival of this young and flourishing lodge , was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday ,, the nth inst ., and was well attended by members and visitors . Of the members the following ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Acting W . M . explained the absence of Bro . Moore , W . M ., whose wife and child were taken from him by the hand of death since the last meeting of the lodge , and a cordial vote of sympathy with him in his sad
bereavement was recorded on the minutes . Bro . Friend then proceeded with the raising of Bro . Owen ( Bro . Barclay ably presiding at the harmonium during the time the lodge was open ) , after which the lodge was closed down , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a very harmonious evening was spent by all .
DURHAM . CONSECRATION OF TUP : FKNWICK LODGE , No . 1389 , SUNDERLAND . A new Lodge of Freemasons was consecrated and opened at the Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , This will increase the number of Craft Lodges * now at work in Sunderland , to five . Of the othei
lodges three have had an existence of upwards of a century , but the fourth is of recent formation . The Phcrnix Lodge , which holds its meetings at the Freemasons' Hall , in Queen-street , was opened in 175 *; , with Bro . John Thornhill as first W . M . It had not at that time any name , being
only known by the number , which was then , 20 7 , and met at an inn in Church-street . After many fluctuations Captain Geo . Thompson became W . Master , and remained in that position for seven years . During his term of office a hall was built , and the Lodge adopted a distinctive name ,
viz ., that of "The King George ' s Lodge . " The hall was dedicated to Masonry on July i 6 th , i 77 S , but only existed a little over five years , having been burnt to the ground on Nov . 19 , 178 , 3 . The foundation stcne of a new hall was laid on the ? th of August following , and the new building
wassolemnly dedicated on the jth of April , 1785 . The name of the lodge was then changed to that of the "Phoenix Lodge , " which it still retains . In 1 757 the Lodge now known as the Palatine Lodge was opened , Bro . W . Scolly being first W . M . Like its predecessor , it had then no
distinctive name , but afterwards it adopted that of "The Sea Captains' Lodge . " After this name had been kept up for a considerable number of years , it was changed to the "Palatine Lodge , " which is still its appellation . The first meetings of the Palatine or Sea Captains' Lodge were held at an
inn in the High-street , known as the "Marquis of Carnarvon ' s Head . " We afterwards find it meeting , between fifty and sixty ) ears ago , at the Queen ' s Head Inn , in Queen-street , and subsequently , until its removal to the new Masonic Hall in Park-terrace , a little over two years ago ,
the meetings were for a long time held at the Bridge Hotel . The St . John ' s Lodge has had an existence of something like a hundred years , having been opened as a military lodge , attached to an Infantry regiment , under a warrant granted by the Duke
of Athole , then ( in 1770 and following years ) Grand Master of one of the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons which exercised jurisdiction in this country during the iSth century , and which were eventually united in 181 , 3 . The warrant was left in this town in the first decade of the
present century , and the lodge continued to meet at different places in the town until it took possession of its present quarters ( the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace ) in 1 S 70 . The Williamson Lodge was opened at the Royal Hotel , Monkwearmouth , in 186 , 3 , with Sir
Hed worth Williamson as its first W . M ., and it still continues to hold its meetings at the same place . Another lodge had at one time flourished at Monkwearmouth , called the St . Paul ' s Lodge , but it ceased to exist some years ago . A hall
was built specially for a lodge room on the Ballast Hills , at Monkwearmouth , nearly opposite the foot of Lambton-street . This was afterwards purchased ( in 1794 ) by a congregation of Independents , who seceded from what was then tailed the Park-lane Chapel , and turned the
building into a chapel , whica was known for many years as "Lodge Chapel . " A large room in Maling ' s-ring , which had been a Masonic lodge room , was also converted into a chapel in 1814 by the Unitarians . The history and transactions of Masonic bodies
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
more than a century ago are very difficult to trace , and other Masonic lodges may have flourished in this town or neighbourhood and traces of them have been lost . We have ourselves seen a certificate , bearing date , Monkwearmouth , 177 6 , issued by the Lodge of Harmony , No . 47 i , but whether this lodge was the same as
the St . Paul's—and its name- was afterwards changed to that of the Apostle—or whether it was a sepaiate lodge that long before the union in 1813 , ceased to exist , we are unable to say . The foundation stones of some of the principal public structures in the town have been laid with full Masonic honours .
On Sept 24 , 179 , 3 , a lodge was opened by Bro . William Henry Lambton , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for the Province , of Durham , and the brethren walked in procession to the river , when the foundation stone of the bridge was laid by Rowland Burdon , Esq ., a P . M . of the Sea
Captains' Lodge , with full masonic ceremony . The bridge was declared open on the 9 th of August , 179 6 , by H . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester , after a very splendid masonic ceremony ( Bro . Burdon acting pro . tern , as Provincial Grand Master ) in
the presence , Garbutt says in his History of Sunderland , of 80 , 000 spectators . The foundation stone of the Exchange was also laid with masonic honours by Sir Henry Vane Tempest , on August 10 , _ 8 i 2 . and on November 12 th , 1839 , tne foundation stone of the Athenasum was laid
masonically by H . K . H . the Duke of Sussex . Returning now to the proceedings of this afternoon when the youngest of the existing masouic lodges was declared duly constituted , the brethren were present in large numbers on the occasion , and the lodge , which is named after
the late Bro . Henry Femvick , Esq . ( M . P . for Sunderland for some years ) , who for a considerable period filled the ' office of D . P . G . M ., of the Province , was consecrated and formally opened by the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master ( John
Fawcett , Esq ., ) assisted by a large gathering of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters , and Past Masters , and the W . M . Designate Bro . W . H . Crookes , P . M . N 0 . 80 , and Prov . G . S . was installed as the first AV . M .
Among those present were Bros . Sir Hedworth Williamson , D . Prov . G . M . ¦ C . Rowlandson , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . —Trotter , P . G . C . ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , P . Prov . G . C . •B . Levy , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; ] . Potts , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; A . Clapham , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( Northumberland ); the AV . Masters of the
Palatine , AVilliamson , Fawcett , Marquis of Granby , uid Earl of Durham Lodges , & . * c ., Jcc . The consecration banquet was he ! d afterwards at the Queen ' s Hotel , the W . M . ( Bro . Crookes ) in the chair , supported by the R . W . P . G . M ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., & c ., & c .
STOCKTON-ON-TEES . —I' / ii / ant / iro /) i / Lodge of Inslruclimi ( Xo . 940 ) . —The annual meeting of the Philanthropy Lodge of Instruction took place on Thursday evening the 10 th inst ., in the Lodge room , at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton . The Lodge having been opened in
due form , Bro . J . H . Jackson officiating as AV . M ., Bro . J . Broome as S . AV ., and Bro . J . Boothroyd as f . W ., and the ordinary business having been disposed of , the Treasurer , Bro . Thos . AValton , submitted his financial statement , which showed there was a small balance in hand . The
Secretary ( Bro . llios . Bradley ) then read the report for the year , which showed that although the total number of members on the roll was rather less than in the preceding year , the average attendance had been greater ; taken altogether the lodge was in a very satisfactory and progressing
condition . Both these reports were received and adopted with marked approval . The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year : — Preceptor , Bro . J . H . Jackson ; Assistant Preceptor , Bro . A . Fowler ; Treasurer , Bro . Thos . AValton ; Committee , Bros . J . H . Jackson , A . Fowler , and
W . J . AVatson ; Secretary , Bro . Thos . Bradley ; Organist , Bro . Thos . Preston . Cordial votes of thanks were passed to all the officers for the very commendable manner in which they had discharged their duties and conducted the business .
At the close of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting-hall , and sat down to supper , the chair being occupied by Bro . J . H . Jackson , and the vice-chair by Bro . J . Broome . At the repast , the company was considerably augmented
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and amongst those present were Bros . J . Trotter , A . Fowler , R . S . Hooper , AV . J . Watson , J . Boothroyd , T . Bradley , T . AValton , J . G . AValton , J . AValton , T . Bowron , — Scarth , J . F . Mann , G . Herbert , AV . Lightfoot , J . Trenholm , AV . J . Usher , S .
Gordon , J . I ' owler , T . Preston , G . Hooper , G . Ellis , & c . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave in succession the toasts of '' The Queen and the Craft , " "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., the Princess of AVales , and rest
of the Royal Famil y ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Marquis of Ripon , and the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England Past and Present . '" The next toast
was given from vice-chair and was . "The Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and P . G . Officers , Past and Present , " to which Bro . J . Trotter , responded , and gave "Success to the Philanthropy Lodge of
Instruction . " coupled with the name of the Secretary . Both these brethren spoke highly of the value of lodges of instruction , and warmly commended this lodge to the suppoit of the brethren . Bro . G . Ellis then proposed the health of the
"Preceptor , Assistant Preceptor , and Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . A . Fowler . Bro . G . Hooper , in giving the toast of "The Lodge of Philanthropy , " expressed a warm appreciation of the fraternal feeling which existed
between the mcmbei _ of that and the Tees Lodge , and hoped there would be even a still more frequent interchange of visits amongst them . Bro . J . F . Mann acknowledged the toast , and was
followed b y Bro . Usher , who gave "The Tees Lodge , " which was suitably responded to . The speeches were agreeably interspersed with vocalism by several of the company , and the evening was spent most enjoyably .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude No . 281 . — The regular meeting of this old established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening last , the 9 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied b y the AV . M ., Bro . AVilliam Hall , who was supported by Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D .
P . G . S . B . England , I . P . M .: AVilliam Fleming , S . AV . Edward Airey , J . AV . ¦ James Hatch , P . M . and Treasurer ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; John Hatch , P . M . ; James Taylor , Organist ; W . Sey , S . D . ; John Bellas J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G ., and several other brethren .
Ihe ordinary business of the lodge was transacted , and several communications read . Bro . Moore , on behalf of the Moore Mark Lodge , asked for the use of the lodge room on equitable terms , for the purposes of Mark Masonry . The consideration was deferred until the next
meeting of the lodge . The bye laws were read by the Secretary , and after the usual proclamations , the lodge was closed . It was announced that at the next meeting of the lodge Bro . Moore would deliver a short lecture on the Three Grand Principles of our Order . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge No . io *; i . —The
regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen . eum , on Monday , the 7 th inst . There were present the AV . M ., Bro . AVilson Barker ; Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , and I . P . M . ; Bros . AV . J . Sly , S . AV . Edward Airey , J . AV . ; fames Taylor , S . D . ;
J . L . Bradshaw as J . D . ; Richard Taylor , I . G . j John Hatch . P . M ., 281 ; Thomas Jackson , E . A . P . ; and John AVatson , Tyler . After the usual preliminary business had been transacted , and Bro . Jackson had given proof of his proficiency as an E . A . P ., Bro . Dr . Moore took the
chair of the lodge , and in due form passed Bro . Jackson to the degree of F . C ., the working tools being presented b y Bro . John Hatch , P . M . Bro . Moore delivered the lecture on the second tracing-board , and some other instruction having been afforded , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . MARKET HARBORDUGH . —St . Peters Lodge ( No . 13 , 30 ) . —The second annual festival of this young and flourishing lodge , was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday ,, the nth inst ., and was well attended by members and visitors . Of the members the following ,