Article India. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. F. W. BRODIE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL PRIORY OF HANTS AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT. Page 1 of 1 Article A NOBLE MASON. Page 1 of 1 Article MESSRS. WELFORD AND SONS (LIMITED). Page 1 of 1 Article MESSRS. WELFORD AND SONS (LIMITED). Page 1 of 1 Article MESSRS. WELFORD AND SONS (LIMITED). Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CONVERSAZIONE. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
India .
BENARES . — Fraternity snd Perseverance Lodge ( No . 1746 , E . C . )—An emergent meeting was held on the 4 th ult . to receive Bro . T . Jones , P . D . D . G . M . Bengal , as representative of the R . W . District Grand Master of Bengal , on an official inspection of the lodge . The P . D . D . G . M . gave the brethren some valuable inforformation as to uniformity of working , and suggested the formation of lodges of instruction on the same lines as
those followed at the Emulation Lodge of London , and adopted at Calcutta with great success . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried for Bro . Jones's kindness in visiting the lodge at considerable personal inconvenience . The W . M ., Bro . J . R . Muirhead , then rose and expressed the great pleasure he experienced in informing Bro . Rev . A . H . Elty , P . D . G . Chap . Bengal and Burmah , Past Master and Chaplain 174 C , and Past Master 12 GS , E . C ., that brethren of the lodge had subscribed / Tio 10 s . to provide a
jewel to he presented to him ( Bro . F . tty ) as a token of their esteem and goodwill towards him on his leaving India . Bro . Etty expressed surprise , and returned his thanks in brief , but earnest , terms . A vote of thanks was then recorded on the minutes for Uro . Ktty's past services to the lodge . Bro . George Kenning , London , has been commissioned to supply the jewel , and there is no doubt but that the article supplied will , as usual , do credit to his reputation , which is universally established in India , as well as other parts of the globe .
Presentation To Bro. F. W. Brodie.
Bro . F . W . Brodie , now of Maidstone ( formerly of Exeter ) , has been presented by Semper Fidelis Lodge , of which he was Secretary , with an address beautifully illuminated . The Master and Past Masters of the lodge have given him a handsome pendant to attach to the gold chain presented him by the Gazette staff . The address is as follows : " Dear Sir and Brother ,
" Semper Fidelis Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons desires to express its great regret at your removal from this city , and the consequent loss of one who by his faithful service and gentleness of manner has much endeared himself to all its members . The lodge feels assured your steps will be guided and directed by the Great Architect of the Universe , and that your high character and professional
ability will secure for you that distinction and confidence from your fellow men to which you are entitled . The officers and members of the lodge will always rejoice in your success , believing you will continue to manliest like zeal for the success of the Order in your new sphere , and by so doing evidence your own steadfastness and do credit to this , your mother lodge . " Signed , on behalf of the lodge , " THOMAS ANDREW , W . M . "
Provincial Priory Of Hants And The Isle Of Wight.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Priory of Hants and the Isle of Wight was held at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at three o ' clock p . m . After the usual business had been transacted the Provincial Prior , W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., appointed and invested the following officers : E . Sir Knights Thomas
Best , Sub-Prior ( re-appointed ); Rev . E . Y . Nepean , Prelate ; J . E . LeFeuvre , Chancellor ; H . Coles ( Mayor of Southampton ) , Constable ; E . E . Street , Marshal ; C W . A . Jellicoe , Treasurer ; R . J . Rastrick , Registrar ; R . L . Loveland , Vice-Chancellor ; R . W . Mitchell , Sub-Marshal ; C Carter , Captain of Guards ; and Briggs , Equerry .
A Noble Mason.
The terrible visitation of small-pox that has for nearl y five months been the scourge and terror of the city of Montreal is now gradually lessening in its virulence . At one time more than one-tenth of the population was afflicted , and the death-rate was over 300 a day . VVhen the plague was at its height , a brother who is well known from his
indefatigable exertions on behalf of , and his loyalty to , the District Grand Lodge of Quebec ( E . C ) , Bro . S . J . Thompson , isolated himself from his family and friends , and devoted himself , his time , and money to combat the epidemic , and relieve the distressed and console the
afflicted . Such a noble act of devotion to the call of humanity might well be recorded in letters of gold , and it cleaily shows that the great principles on which our Order is founded must , when acted up to as in Bro . Thompson's case , develope the highest and noblest faculties , and lead men to the practice of universal beneficence and charity .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
The inhabitants of the metropolis are to he congratulated on the milk supply thereto , doubtless brought to this stage of perfection b y the influence and actions of such firms as Welford and Sons ( Limited ); there we find exceptional advantages offered and care taken for the delivery of milk perfectly fresh and pure . Their Home Farms , situated at Willesden , and within the Metropolitan area , enable them
to deliver the produce of the same to their numerous patrons three or four times daily , and to invalids , infants , and persons of delicate digestion , and other cases where the milk is required to be taken quite fresh , it is obvious that a supply delivered directly alter milking , as in this case , is not only unique , but most necessary . Messrs . Welford have taken numerous prizes , cups , and medals , for the quality of their products , and amongst others the Gold Medal of the International Health Exhibition , for the
quality and purity of their farm produce . The Buttermaking , Cream Separating , and manufacture of their Silver Medal Cream Cheese , are carried on daily at their chief office . The whole of the farms , dairies , & c , together with employes and their families , are under the superintendence ol their medical officers , and the sanitary arrangements throughout have been carefully devised and carried out by their sanitary engineer . The herds of goats stationed at the chief office and farms show the care taken to provide the nursery with one of the best articles of diet for infants .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
BRO . D . P . CAMA , P . M ., P . Z . Our readers are aware that Bro . D . P . Cama — an account of whose installation as W . M . of the lodge bearing his name will be found elsewhere—is one of the candidates nominated early during the present month for the Grand Treasurership , and that they may understand more cleaily the nature and extent of his services both to the Craft and the general body of the
community likewise , we take the liberty of laying before our readers the following description , derived from the letter of a correspondent—Bro . F . Ernest Pocock , M . D . —which appeared in the Freemason towards the beginning of November : — Bro . Dorabjee Pestonjee Cama , W . M . designate of the Cama Lodge , No . 2105 , whose connection with Freemasonry dates from the year 1 S 69 , was , in the course of a
voyage round the world , initiated in the Courage with Humanity Lodge , No . 392 , Calcutta . In 1 S 71 he joined the Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge , No . 1159 , of which he is at the present time senior Past Master and subscribing member . In 1 S 74 he joined the Harmony Lodge , No . 255 , Richmond , Surrey , and last year the Sir Francis Burdett Lodge , No . 1503 , Twickenham . He is also an Honorary Member of the Earl of Carnarvan Lodge , No . 1642 ,
and a subscribing member of the Koyal Alfred Lodge , No . 777 , Guildford . In the Royal Arch he is a founder and the senior P . Z . of the Sir Francis Burdett Chapter , No . 1503 , and I . P . Z . of the Iris Chapter , No . 255 . He is also an Hon . Member of the Earl of Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1642 . In the Mark Degree he is W . M . of the Percy Lodge
No . 114 , a member of the Hiram Lodge , No . 13 , and an Hon . Member of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 711 . 1 n addition , he has had conferred upon him provincial honours in all the Three Degrees , being a P . G . Swd . Br . in Middlesex , and P . G . M . O . in Middlesex and Surrey ( Mark ); and is besides a Grand Officer in the Cryptic Degrees of Freemasonry , and in the Grand Lodge of
M . M . M . He and Mrs . Cama are both Patrons of our four noble Charitable Institutions , viz ., the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Mark Benevolent Fund , and they have both of them served the office of Steward at the different Festivals . Outside , as well as inside . Freemasonry , Bro . D . P .
Cama is well to the fore . He is the son of our benevolent Bro . P . H . Cama , of Bombay , and is well-known in London as a life member of several scientific and other societies ; as well as by numerous acts of public and private benevolence . It was a Cama firm who first started in the City as Indian merchants ; and when the original firm was dissolved
in 1 SC 2 , they distributed nearly jfiSiOOO among the Charitable Institutions with which Bro . Cama , senior , was connected in London . The Hospital for Women in Bombay , the foundation-stone of which was laid in 1 SS 3 by H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , two days after his arrival in that country , was also founded by Bro . P . II . Cama , at a cost of nearly £ 20 , 000 .
' 1 he directorate of the Alhambra have resolved on introducing their Christmas programme at as early a date as possible , a grand military spectacular ballet by M . Hansen , entitled "Le Bivouac , " with music composed and selected by M . Jacobi , havingbeen arranged for production
on Monday evening next , when the corps de ballet and auxiliaries will number upwards of 200 . The popular ballet of " Nina , " with Mdlle . Palladino and Miss Lillie Lee in the accustomed riles , will also be given , together with a long programme by a very strong array of variety artists .
A FEW WORDS ABOUT MESSRS . G . BOTTERILL AND SONS AND THE 1 SS 5 TOBACCO CROP . A curious circumstance connected with the good crop of Havana cigars since iS 6 g is that every fourth year after that date has been exceptionally good , viz .: 1 S 73 , 1 S 77 , 18 S 1 , and now 1 SS 5 . We consider it partially owing to the cycle of moist seasons , but more particularly to the
exhaustion of the soil , which takes , at least , three years to recover itself after a crop of tobacco . The intermediate crops are fed by the phosphates used , the actual soil not having any virtue in it . We therefore consider from past experience that connoseurs may not expect another good crop until 1 SS 9 . Harranagus are the best fine light cigars this
year . Morales , in line . sizes , are exceptionally good , but of much richer quality . We have had the pleasure of testing several brands of Messrs . Botterill and Sons ' Havana cigars of this year's growth , and can with confidence recommend them to our numerous readers and all lovers of a really grod cigar .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
BRO . J . S . CUMBERLAND , P . M ., P . '/ .. Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND who , on Monday evening , was installed first W . Master of the United Northern Countier . Lodge , No . 212 S , and whose portrait we have much pleasure in presenting to our readers , has for several years past taken a very active part in Masonry in the Province of N . and E . Yorkshire . He is a Past Master of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , York , as well as W . M . of the
New Lodge just consecrated , and a Past P . G . J . W . of N . and E . Yorkshire . He is P . Z . Ehoracum Chapter , P . Prov . G . Std . B ., and Prov . G . J . in R . A . Masonry , and a P . M . York Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) , and a P . P . G . S . W . in the same province in Mark Masonry , besides being Past G . J . O . in the Mark Grand Lodge of England and Wales . He has the further distinction of being a most genial man , and in every way qualified by his tact and kindliness of feeling and manner , combined with a
firmness of character , which all must respect , to conduct the business of a newly-formed lodge . These few particulars will give but a faint idea of the amount of energy which Bro . Cumberland has brought to bear on his labours during a long Masonic career , while we should be doing him a great injustice if we did not mention his important services to our charitable institutions ; the welfare of each of which he has , both as contributor and steward , laid himself out year after year to promote .
Masonic Conversazione.
A most agreeable reception was given on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at Croydon , by the Masons of the Province of Surrey . The entertainment took place in the beautiful new hall attached to the Greyhound Hotel , and was presided over by General J . Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., the Grand Master of the province . A large gathering of ladies and brethren accepted the
invitations , among whom were Bro . Henry Baber , 1791 , and Mrs . and Miss H . Baber ; Bro . J . Michel ) , 403 , and Mrs . Michell ; Bro . W . H . Ranson , 1790 , and the Misses Cattersons ; Bro . J . Kelvington , 1790 , and Mrs . and Miss Kelvington ; Bros . F . S . Ridpath , 2096 , 1790 ; C . Beckett , 1319 ; R . R . Weed , 1716 ; W . A . Frost , 2000 ; G . S . Horsnail , 1790 , and Mrs . Horsnail and Mrs . Clarke ; Bro . B . Green , S 7 , and Mrs . Green ; Bros . W . Foulsham , 24 ,
406 , 1790 ; F . Carter , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Carter ; Bro . A . Verdon , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Verdon ; Bro . C . White , 1790 , and Mrs . White ; Bro . T . Griffiths , 4 G 3 , and Miss Nicholls ; Bros . W . H . Gates , 463 ; H . M . Hobbs , 2096 , and Miss Halford , Misses Aston , Misses Heath , and Miss Hobbs ; Bro * . R . De Lacy , 1706 ; J . Edwards , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Edwards ; Bro . J . Waterman , 452 , and Mrs . Carcnace ; Bro . T . Eblcntd , 463 , and Mrs . Eblentd ; Bro . W . G . Batchelor ,
452 , 54 S , and Miss Audley ; Bro . F . Pascall , 720 , 1790 , and Mrs . and Miss Pascall , and Airs . Larry ; Bros . W . R . Griffins , 1790 ; W . C . Plater , 901 , and Mrs . Plater j Bros . J . W . Moorman , 163 S ; W . H . Mason , 19 S 1 ; H . Senery , 1815 , and Mrs . Senery ; Bro . W . Pils , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . and Miss Pils ; Bros . A . A . Barnes , 1351 ; S . Oxenham , 2096 , and Mrs . and Miss Oxenham ; Bro . E . C . Holdsworth , 2 ogG , and Mrs . Holdsworth : Bro . J . S . Eraser ,
2096 , and Mrs . and Miss Hutchbury ; Bro . J . R . Hubbard , 463 , and Mrs . Hubbard ; Bro . W . B . Newby , 4 O 3 , and Mrs . Aubbary ; Bros . E . F . Wood , 1000 ; F . Woosman , 1000 ; H . E . Frances , 452 ; S . P . Cattcrson , 54 S , 19 S 1 ; J . G . Horsey , P . M . 1 S 92 , P . P . G . D . C , and Mrs . Horsey ; Bro . G . Yaxley , 4 G 3 , and Mrs . Yaxley ; Bro . J . W . Baldwin , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . and Miss Baldwin ; Bro . C . H . Woodward , P . P . G . W ., P . P . G . N . Surrey , P . M . and
P . Z . 463 ( Secretary ) , and the Misses Woodward and Mrs . P . Colles , jun . ; Bro . J . H . Owens , 1347 , and Mrs . Owens ; Bro . W . D . Merritt , 1000 , and Mrs . and Miss Merritt and Miss Weffens ; Bro . F . Cambridge , P . P . G . O . Surrey , and Mrs . Cambridge and Miss Cooper ; Bro . H . G . Thompson , 1556 , and Mrs . Thompson ; Bro . j . Hooke , 4 C 3 , and Mrs . and Miss Hooke ; Bro . S . L , Locke , 1347 , and Miss Barnes ; Bro . J . Rhodes , 4 G 3 , and Mrs . Rhodes ;
Bros . H . Steele , 452 ; H . W . Turner , 1347 ; C . Greenwood , P . G . S ., P . G . S . B . England , and Miss Greenwood ; Bro . F . West , P . M . and Treas . 13 S 2 , W . M . 4 , P . Z . 4 63 , 1328 , P . G . Stwd . England , P . P . G . R . and P . G . N . Surrey ( Chairman ) , Miss West , Miss H . M . West , Miss J . West , and Mrs . Ingram Cooke ; Bros . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Grand Reg . ; E . Bowyer , 4 ; H . Saxelby , 463 ; Pi . IL Greenwood , 19 S 2 ; J . Streitor , 4 G 3 , Mrs . and Miss Streitor ;
and Mrs . Huanse ; Bro . G . Price , P . G . S . Surrey , P . M . and P . Z . 4 G 3 , and Airs . Price , Miss Newson , and Miss Rise ; Bro . B . H . Ridge , 4 G 3 , and Miss Holloway ; Bros . J . !¦» Thorns , P . G . W . Middx . ; W . H . Lee ; G . N . Man , Alliance Lodge , and Mrs . Man ; Bros . T . Patterson ; General J . S . Brownrigg , C . B ., Prov . Grand Master for
Surrey , and Mrs . J . S . Brownrigg ; Bro . S . Kuster , Urban Lodge , Miss A . Kuster , Miss F . Kuster , and Miss C . Kuster ; Bro . E . Hobbs , 453 , and Miss Stewart ; Bro . J . S . Curtis , Penge Lodge , and Mrs . Curtis ; Bro . A . J . Norris , Fitzroy Lodge , and Mrs . Norris ; Bros . C . Holden , 209 G ; C , J . L . Gillemand , 463 , Mrs . Gillemand , and Miss Fabian ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
India .
BENARES . — Fraternity snd Perseverance Lodge ( No . 1746 , E . C . )—An emergent meeting was held on the 4 th ult . to receive Bro . T . Jones , P . D . D . G . M . Bengal , as representative of the R . W . District Grand Master of Bengal , on an official inspection of the lodge . The P . D . D . G . M . gave the brethren some valuable inforformation as to uniformity of working , and suggested the formation of lodges of instruction on the same lines as
those followed at the Emulation Lodge of London , and adopted at Calcutta with great success . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried for Bro . Jones's kindness in visiting the lodge at considerable personal inconvenience . The W . M ., Bro . J . R . Muirhead , then rose and expressed the great pleasure he experienced in informing Bro . Rev . A . H . Elty , P . D . G . Chap . Bengal and Burmah , Past Master and Chaplain 174 C , and Past Master 12 GS , E . C ., that brethren of the lodge had subscribed / Tio 10 s . to provide a
jewel to he presented to him ( Bro . F . tty ) as a token of their esteem and goodwill towards him on his leaving India . Bro . Etty expressed surprise , and returned his thanks in brief , but earnest , terms . A vote of thanks was then recorded on the minutes for Uro . Ktty's past services to the lodge . Bro . George Kenning , London , has been commissioned to supply the jewel , and there is no doubt but that the article supplied will , as usual , do credit to his reputation , which is universally established in India , as well as other parts of the globe .
Presentation To Bro. F. W. Brodie.
Bro . F . W . Brodie , now of Maidstone ( formerly of Exeter ) , has been presented by Semper Fidelis Lodge , of which he was Secretary , with an address beautifully illuminated . The Master and Past Masters of the lodge have given him a handsome pendant to attach to the gold chain presented him by the Gazette staff . The address is as follows : " Dear Sir and Brother ,
" Semper Fidelis Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons desires to express its great regret at your removal from this city , and the consequent loss of one who by his faithful service and gentleness of manner has much endeared himself to all its members . The lodge feels assured your steps will be guided and directed by the Great Architect of the Universe , and that your high character and professional
ability will secure for you that distinction and confidence from your fellow men to which you are entitled . The officers and members of the lodge will always rejoice in your success , believing you will continue to manliest like zeal for the success of the Order in your new sphere , and by so doing evidence your own steadfastness and do credit to this , your mother lodge . " Signed , on behalf of the lodge , " THOMAS ANDREW , W . M . "
Provincial Priory Of Hants And The Isle Of Wight.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Priory of Hants and the Isle of Wight was held at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at three o ' clock p . m . After the usual business had been transacted the Provincial Prior , W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., appointed and invested the following officers : E . Sir Knights Thomas
Best , Sub-Prior ( re-appointed ); Rev . E . Y . Nepean , Prelate ; J . E . LeFeuvre , Chancellor ; H . Coles ( Mayor of Southampton ) , Constable ; E . E . Street , Marshal ; C W . A . Jellicoe , Treasurer ; R . J . Rastrick , Registrar ; R . L . Loveland , Vice-Chancellor ; R . W . Mitchell , Sub-Marshal ; C Carter , Captain of Guards ; and Briggs , Equerry .
A Noble Mason.
The terrible visitation of small-pox that has for nearl y five months been the scourge and terror of the city of Montreal is now gradually lessening in its virulence . At one time more than one-tenth of the population was afflicted , and the death-rate was over 300 a day . VVhen the plague was at its height , a brother who is well known from his
indefatigable exertions on behalf of , and his loyalty to , the District Grand Lodge of Quebec ( E . C ) , Bro . S . J . Thompson , isolated himself from his family and friends , and devoted himself , his time , and money to combat the epidemic , and relieve the distressed and console the
afflicted . Such a noble act of devotion to the call of humanity might well be recorded in letters of gold , and it cleaily shows that the great principles on which our Order is founded must , when acted up to as in Bro . Thompson's case , develope the highest and noblest faculties , and lead men to the practice of universal beneficence and charity .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
The inhabitants of the metropolis are to he congratulated on the milk supply thereto , doubtless brought to this stage of perfection b y the influence and actions of such firms as Welford and Sons ( Limited ); there we find exceptional advantages offered and care taken for the delivery of milk perfectly fresh and pure . Their Home Farms , situated at Willesden , and within the Metropolitan area , enable them
to deliver the produce of the same to their numerous patrons three or four times daily , and to invalids , infants , and persons of delicate digestion , and other cases where the milk is required to be taken quite fresh , it is obvious that a supply delivered directly alter milking , as in this case , is not only unique , but most necessary . Messrs . Welford have taken numerous prizes , cups , and medals , for the quality of their products , and amongst others the Gold Medal of the International Health Exhibition , for the
quality and purity of their farm produce . The Buttermaking , Cream Separating , and manufacture of their Silver Medal Cream Cheese , are carried on daily at their chief office . The whole of the farms , dairies , & c , together with employes and their families , are under the superintendence ol their medical officers , and the sanitary arrangements throughout have been carefully devised and carried out by their sanitary engineer . The herds of goats stationed at the chief office and farms show the care taken to provide the nursery with one of the best articles of diet for infants .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
BRO . D . P . CAMA , P . M ., P . Z . Our readers are aware that Bro . D . P . Cama — an account of whose installation as W . M . of the lodge bearing his name will be found elsewhere—is one of the candidates nominated early during the present month for the Grand Treasurership , and that they may understand more cleaily the nature and extent of his services both to the Craft and the general body of the
community likewise , we take the liberty of laying before our readers the following description , derived from the letter of a correspondent—Bro . F . Ernest Pocock , M . D . —which appeared in the Freemason towards the beginning of November : — Bro . Dorabjee Pestonjee Cama , W . M . designate of the Cama Lodge , No . 2105 , whose connection with Freemasonry dates from the year 1 S 69 , was , in the course of a
voyage round the world , initiated in the Courage with Humanity Lodge , No . 392 , Calcutta . In 1 S 71 he joined the Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge , No . 1159 , of which he is at the present time senior Past Master and subscribing member . In 1 S 74 he joined the Harmony Lodge , No . 255 , Richmond , Surrey , and last year the Sir Francis Burdett Lodge , No . 1503 , Twickenham . He is also an Honorary Member of the Earl of Carnarvan Lodge , No . 1642 ,
and a subscribing member of the Koyal Alfred Lodge , No . 777 , Guildford . In the Royal Arch he is a founder and the senior P . Z . of the Sir Francis Burdett Chapter , No . 1503 , and I . P . Z . of the Iris Chapter , No . 255 . He is also an Hon . Member of the Earl of Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1642 . In the Mark Degree he is W . M . of the Percy Lodge
No . 114 , a member of the Hiram Lodge , No . 13 , and an Hon . Member of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 711 . 1 n addition , he has had conferred upon him provincial honours in all the Three Degrees , being a P . G . Swd . Br . in Middlesex , and P . G . M . O . in Middlesex and Surrey ( Mark ); and is besides a Grand Officer in the Cryptic Degrees of Freemasonry , and in the Grand Lodge of
M . M . M . He and Mrs . Cama are both Patrons of our four noble Charitable Institutions , viz ., the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Mark Benevolent Fund , and they have both of them served the office of Steward at the different Festivals . Outside , as well as inside . Freemasonry , Bro . D . P .
Cama is well to the fore . He is the son of our benevolent Bro . P . H . Cama , of Bombay , and is well-known in London as a life member of several scientific and other societies ; as well as by numerous acts of public and private benevolence . It was a Cama firm who first started in the City as Indian merchants ; and when the original firm was dissolved
in 1 SC 2 , they distributed nearly jfiSiOOO among the Charitable Institutions with which Bro . Cama , senior , was connected in London . The Hospital for Women in Bombay , the foundation-stone of which was laid in 1 SS 3 by H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , two days after his arrival in that country , was also founded by Bro . P . II . Cama , at a cost of nearly £ 20 , 000 .
' 1 he directorate of the Alhambra have resolved on introducing their Christmas programme at as early a date as possible , a grand military spectacular ballet by M . Hansen , entitled "Le Bivouac , " with music composed and selected by M . Jacobi , havingbeen arranged for production
on Monday evening next , when the corps de ballet and auxiliaries will number upwards of 200 . The popular ballet of " Nina , " with Mdlle . Palladino and Miss Lillie Lee in the accustomed riles , will also be given , together with a long programme by a very strong array of variety artists .
A FEW WORDS ABOUT MESSRS . G . BOTTERILL AND SONS AND THE 1 SS 5 TOBACCO CROP . A curious circumstance connected with the good crop of Havana cigars since iS 6 g is that every fourth year after that date has been exceptionally good , viz .: 1 S 73 , 1 S 77 , 18 S 1 , and now 1 SS 5 . We consider it partially owing to the cycle of moist seasons , but more particularly to the
exhaustion of the soil , which takes , at least , three years to recover itself after a crop of tobacco . The intermediate crops are fed by the phosphates used , the actual soil not having any virtue in it . We therefore consider from past experience that connoseurs may not expect another good crop until 1 SS 9 . Harranagus are the best fine light cigars this
year . Morales , in line . sizes , are exceptionally good , but of much richer quality . We have had the pleasure of testing several brands of Messrs . Botterill and Sons ' Havana cigars of this year's growth , and can with confidence recommend them to our numerous readers and all lovers of a really grod cigar .
Messrs. Welford And Sons (Limited).
BRO . J . S . CUMBERLAND , P . M ., P . '/ .. Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND who , on Monday evening , was installed first W . Master of the United Northern Countier . Lodge , No . 212 S , and whose portrait we have much pleasure in presenting to our readers , has for several years past taken a very active part in Masonry in the Province of N . and E . Yorkshire . He is a Past Master of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , York , as well as W . M . of the
New Lodge just consecrated , and a Past P . G . J . W . of N . and E . Yorkshire . He is P . Z . Ehoracum Chapter , P . Prov . G . Std . B ., and Prov . G . J . in R . A . Masonry , and a P . M . York Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) , and a P . P . G . S . W . in the same province in Mark Masonry , besides being Past G . J . O . in the Mark Grand Lodge of England and Wales . He has the further distinction of being a most genial man , and in every way qualified by his tact and kindliness of feeling and manner , combined with a
firmness of character , which all must respect , to conduct the business of a newly-formed lodge . These few particulars will give but a faint idea of the amount of energy which Bro . Cumberland has brought to bear on his labours during a long Masonic career , while we should be doing him a great injustice if we did not mention his important services to our charitable institutions ; the welfare of each of which he has , both as contributor and steward , laid himself out year after year to promote .
Masonic Conversazione.
A most agreeable reception was given on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at Croydon , by the Masons of the Province of Surrey . The entertainment took place in the beautiful new hall attached to the Greyhound Hotel , and was presided over by General J . Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., the Grand Master of the province . A large gathering of ladies and brethren accepted the
invitations , among whom were Bro . Henry Baber , 1791 , and Mrs . and Miss H . Baber ; Bro . J . Michel ) , 403 , and Mrs . Michell ; Bro . W . H . Ranson , 1790 , and the Misses Cattersons ; Bro . J . Kelvington , 1790 , and Mrs . and Miss Kelvington ; Bros . F . S . Ridpath , 2096 , 1790 ; C . Beckett , 1319 ; R . R . Weed , 1716 ; W . A . Frost , 2000 ; G . S . Horsnail , 1790 , and Mrs . Horsnail and Mrs . Clarke ; Bro . B . Green , S 7 , and Mrs . Green ; Bros . W . Foulsham , 24 ,
406 , 1790 ; F . Carter , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Carter ; Bro . A . Verdon , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Verdon ; Bro . C . White , 1790 , and Mrs . White ; Bro . T . Griffiths , 4 G 3 , and Miss Nicholls ; Bros . W . H . Gates , 463 ; H . M . Hobbs , 2096 , and Miss Halford , Misses Aston , Misses Heath , and Miss Hobbs ; Bro * . R . De Lacy , 1706 ; J . Edwards , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . Edwards ; Bro . J . Waterman , 452 , and Mrs . Carcnace ; Bro . T . Eblcntd , 463 , and Mrs . Eblentd ; Bro . W . G . Batchelor ,
452 , 54 S , and Miss Audley ; Bro . F . Pascall , 720 , 1790 , and Mrs . and Miss Pascall , and Airs . Larry ; Bros . W . R . Griffins , 1790 ; W . C . Plater , 901 , and Mrs . Plater j Bros . J . W . Moorman , 163 S ; W . H . Mason , 19 S 1 ; H . Senery , 1815 , and Mrs . Senery ; Bro . W . Pils , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . and Miss Pils ; Bros . A . A . Barnes , 1351 ; S . Oxenham , 2096 , and Mrs . and Miss Oxenham ; Bro . E . C . Holdsworth , 2 ogG , and Mrs . Holdsworth : Bro . J . S . Eraser ,
2096 , and Mrs . and Miss Hutchbury ; Bro . J . R . Hubbard , 463 , and Mrs . Hubbard ; Bro . W . B . Newby , 4 O 3 , and Mrs . Aubbary ; Bros . E . F . Wood , 1000 ; F . Woosman , 1000 ; H . E . Frances , 452 ; S . P . Cattcrson , 54 S , 19 S 1 ; J . G . Horsey , P . M . 1 S 92 , P . P . G . D . C , and Mrs . Horsey ; Bro . G . Yaxley , 4 G 3 , and Mrs . Yaxley ; Bro . J . W . Baldwin , 1 S 92 , and Mrs . and Miss Baldwin ; Bro . C . H . Woodward , P . P . G . W ., P . P . G . N . Surrey , P . M . and
P . Z . 463 ( Secretary ) , and the Misses Woodward and Mrs . P . Colles , jun . ; Bro . J . H . Owens , 1347 , and Mrs . Owens ; Bro . W . D . Merritt , 1000 , and Mrs . and Miss Merritt and Miss Weffens ; Bro . F . Cambridge , P . P . G . O . Surrey , and Mrs . Cambridge and Miss Cooper ; Bro . H . G . Thompson , 1556 , and Mrs . Thompson ; Bro . j . Hooke , 4 C 3 , and Mrs . and Miss Hooke ; Bro . S . L , Locke , 1347 , and Miss Barnes ; Bro . J . Rhodes , 4 G 3 , and Mrs . Rhodes ;
Bros . H . Steele , 452 ; H . W . Turner , 1347 ; C . Greenwood , P . G . S ., P . G . S . B . England , and Miss Greenwood ; Bro . F . West , P . M . and Treas . 13 S 2 , W . M . 4 , P . Z . 4 63 , 1328 , P . G . Stwd . England , P . P . G . R . and P . G . N . Surrey ( Chairman ) , Miss West , Miss H . M . West , Miss J . West , and Mrs . Ingram Cooke ; Bros . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Grand Reg . ; E . Bowyer , 4 ; H . Saxelby , 463 ; Pi . IL Greenwood , 19 S 2 ; J . Streitor , 4 G 3 , Mrs . and Miss Streitor ;
and Mrs . Huanse ; Bro . G . Price , P . G . S . Surrey , P . M . and P . Z . 4 G 3 , and Airs . Price , Miss Newson , and Miss Rise ; Bro . B . H . Ridge , 4 G 3 , and Miss Holloway ; Bros . J . !¦» Thorns , P . G . W . Middx . ; W . H . Lee ; G . N . Man , Alliance Lodge , and Mrs . Man ; Bros . T . Patterson ; General J . S . Brownrigg , C . B ., Prov . Grand Master for
Surrey , and Mrs . J . S . Brownrigg ; Bro . S . Kuster , Urban Lodge , Miss A . Kuster , Miss F . Kuster , and Miss C . Kuster ; Bro . E . Hobbs , 453 , and Miss Stewart ; Bro . J . S . Curtis , Penge Lodge , and Mrs . Curtis ; Bro . A . J . Norris , Fitzroy Lodge , and Mrs . Norris ; Bros . C . Holden , 209 G ; C , J . L . Gillemand , 463 , Mrs . Gillemand , and Miss Fabian ;