Article MASONIC CONVERSAZIONE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OLD MASONIANS' ANNUAL DINNER. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article CHRISTMAS CARDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHRISTMAS FARE. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Conversazione.
Bro . T . J . Cuthberl , 1615 , and Mrs . Cuthbert ; Bro . W . S . Lee , 19 S 7 , and Mrs . Lee ; M . L . Levey , 2095 , and Mrs . Levey ; Bro . W . G . Oates , 2096 ; Bro . W . E . Greenfield , 34 , and Mrs . Greenfield ; Bro . W . H . M . Smith , 463 ; Bro . A . Wilmot , 1790 , and Mrs . Wilmot ; Bro . B . Shakespeare , 1790 , and Mrs . Shakespeare ; Bro . A . Smith , 53 S ; Bro . W . G . Fenn , 53 S , and Mrs . Fenn ; Bro . H . W . Down , 19 S 2 , and Miss Down ; Bro . J . Bennett , 1415 , and
Mrs . Bennett ; Bro . M . G . Bohren , 1627 , and Mrs . Bohren ; Bros . B . B . Jesse , 1556 ; C Field , Liberty of Havering Lodge ; C . Sarry , 1790 ; H . Massey , 619 and 192 S ; ] . D . Langton , 1 , P . M . 1 G 73 , W . M . 2096 , Secretary , and Miss Wollaston . The hall was elegantly decorated with flowers and shrubs , and every arrangement was made which would conduce to the comfort and pleasure of the party . The programme of the entertainment consisted of vocal and instrumental
music . Besides these items of enjoyment , further performances were given by Bros . Bertram and Odell . All the performances were loudly cheered , and obtained the hearty commendation of the whole company . Bro . Charles Bertram's conjuring was a surprise to every one , and Bro . Odell ' s recitations created immense amusement , more especially , perhaps , his " Dream of the Bilious Beadle , "
an imitation of Eugene Aram ' s Dream . The glees and part-songs went admirably . Miss Clara Wollaston ' s rendering of "On the Banks of Allan Water" and " The Kissing Bridge " formed one of the most enjoyable features of the evening , and won for her applause again and again repeated . Miss Florence Kuster's pianoforte recitals were likewise charming artistical performances ; and Bro . Gustave Kuster established
himself as a great favourite by his violin solos . Miss Madeleine Halford , R . A . M ., and Miss Lizzie MulhoIIand displayed the greatest taste in the songs appearing against their names ; and Bros . Arthur Wilmot , W . S . Hoyte , R . de Lacy , J . B . Shakespeare , C . Beckett , and VV . A . Frost made a vivid impression not only in the solos but in the part songs . The proceedings were not
allowed to Hag from the opening of the entertainment to the close , and a dance , without which no entertainment to ladies is complete , was improvised to put the final touch to the evening's proceedings . The brethren of Surrey are to be congratulated on having achieved such marked success with their first essay in providing an agreeable evening for themselves and the ladies of their families .
Old Masonians' Annual Dinner.
A number of the old boys of our Masonic School at Wood Green dined together at the Holborn Restaurant , on Wednesday , the immediate purpose of the gathering being to present a testimonial to M rs . Lees ( lately Miss Hall ) , who for so many years held the responsible office of Matron to the Institution . The chair was taken by Mr . Charles M .
Uwins , who was supported by Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary to the School , and the Misses Binckes , the guest of the evening , who was accompanied by her husband , Mr . Lees , being in the place of honour , while among " Old Boys " there were Messrs . Hopwood , Price , Williams , Whiteby , Barnard , Roberts , Barrett , Pulman , and Wain . In the course of the evening , Mrs . Lees was presented
with the testimonial , which consisted of an album , a silver tea and coffee service , and an afternoon tea papier mache tray , and which was acknowledged , on behalf of the recipient , by Mr . LEES in a brief but appropriate speech . Both the album and the tray bore inscriptions recording when and by whom the presentation was made . In the course of the evening , Mr . Uwixs , in proposing
the chief toast , threw out a suggestion , which , we are pleased to say , was most cordially received by all present , namely , that a Club should be formed , consisting entirel y of Old Masonians , who would thus have the opportunity of continuing or renewing the friendships of their school days . The suggestion is a most excellent one , and could
not have been made on a more suitable occasion than when a number of Old Boys were gathered together for the special purpose of demonstrating their sense of the very great kindness they had received from the past Matron of the School . We hope the suggestion will attract attention and support from other old Masonians .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA . A Ouarterly Communication of this Grand Lodge was held arFreemasons' Hall , Flinders-street , Adelaide , on the 15 th July last . Bro . the Hon . S . J . Way , Chief Justice , M . W . G . M ., presided , and there were present among others Bros . H . E . Downer , M . P ., D . G . M . ; A . M . Simpson , I . P .. G . S . W . . lohn Ramsay , LP ., G . LW . ; S . Solomon ,
Pres . Board of General Purposes ; T . G . F . Seabrook , M . D ., Past Pres . Board of General Purposes ; W . B . Webb , G . Reg . ; J . H . Cunningham , G . Sec ; J . C . Kaufmann , LL . D ., G . Inspector of Lodges ; Rev . F . S . Poole , M . A ., G . Lecturer ; P . Sansom and F . H . Wigg , G . S . Deacons ; F . Olifentand F . C . Bowen , G . J . Deacons ; L . T . Carter , G . S . of W . ; E . Saint , G . D . C . ; F . W .
Bullock , G . A . D . C ; L . G . Madley , J . P ., G . Swd . B . ; J . Shakespeare , G . Org . ; H . Turner , G . Asst . Sec . ; and others . The report of the Board of General Purposes was of a satisfactory character , and was accepted . Among its notifications was one to the effect that a tablet commemorative of the establishment of the Grand Lodge had been erected in the Masonic Hall .
GRAND DOINGS IN PENNSYLVANIA . There was a splendid gathering of the brethren in Fairmount Park , Philadelphia , on Tuesday , the 10 th ult ., when the cornerstone of the Schiller monument was laid with Masonic ceremonial by the G . M . of Pennsylvania , assisted by the officers of his Grand Lodge . The day was chosen as being the i 2 Gth anniversary of the birth of the great German poet , and as may be well imagined the two
Philadelphia lodges on the roll of Pennsylvania , which are composed of brethren of German nationality , the Hermann Lodge , No . 125 , and the Humboldt Lodge , No . 359 , took a very conspicuous part in the proceedings . The ceremony was conducted in accordance with the timehonoured usages of the Masonic Craft , the central figure being Bro . E . Coppee Mitchell , G . Master of Pennsylvania , his principal coadjutors being Bros . Clifford P . Marcalla , G . S . W ., as Deputy G . Master ; the Hon . J . Simpson , Africa , G . J . W ., as G . S . W . ; Hibbert P . John , as G . J . W .
The Craft Abroad.
Thomas R . Patton , G . Treas . ; Michael Nisbet , G . Sec . ; Rev . John S . J . McConnell , G . Chap . ; George S . Graham , G . S . D . ; John Slinglaff , as G . J . D . ; G . W . Wood , G . Marshal ; Louis M . Charteau , G . Swd . Br . ; Col . Robt . P . Dccherl , G . P . ; Chas . H . Kingston , Asst . G . Sec ; W . [ . Kelly , Asst . G . Marshal ; S . Kingston , McCay , and J . Wesley Supplee , G . Stwds . ; and \ V . A . SinnG . Tle ' r .
, y When the ceremony was concluded , a most eloquent oration was delivered by Bro . the Hon . Richard Vaux , Past G . Master , while Bro . G . G . K ' ellner delivered a similar address , in German . The trowel , which was of massive silver , and most chastely designed and executed , was presented to the Hermann Lodge by Mrs . Herold ,
wife of Bro . Charles P . Herold , the designer and manufacturer , and bears the following inscription : " Presented to the Hermann Lodge , No . 125 , F . and A . M ., Philadelphia , Pa ., by Mrs . Charles P . Herold , on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the monument of her illustrious townsman , Frederick Von Schiller . Fairmount Park , November 10 th , 1 SS 5 . "
CONCORD LODGE , NO . CGG ( b . C ) _ On Monday evening , the 7 th Sept ., the annual installation of officers in the above lodge was performed by Bro . Solomon , P . M ., in the Oddfellows Hall , Aulbury , N . S . W ., in the presence of a large number of the brotherhood and visitors from kindred lodges . The following are those who were installed : Bros . J . T . Thorne , W . M . ; W . S .
Chauncy , l . P . M . ; L . Solomon , Dep . M . ; W . Frew , S . W . ; W . S . Gray , J . W . ; G . E . Mackay , Treas . ; J . B . Hayes , Sec . ; W . N . M . Edmonson , Org . ; G . C . Parker , S . D . ; W . S . Murdoch , J . D . ; F . Shepherd , l . G . ; J . Johnson and W . McCamey , Stwds . ; and j . Hawkirgs , Tyler .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF NORTHERN CHINA . A regular communication of this District Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Tuesday , the 22 nd September last . Bro . J . T . Miller , D . D . G . M ., presided as D . G . M ., and among those present were Bros . Cornelius Thorne , P . D . G . M . ; Thos . W . Kingsmill , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . D . G . M . ; H . Evans , as D . G . S . W . ; E .
P . Lalcaca , D . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . R . Smith , D . G . Chap . ; W . H . Short , D . G . Treas . ; A . Longsford , D . G . Reg . ; J . M . Cory , D . G . President Board of Purposes ; R . D . Starkey , D . G . Sec . ; L . Moore , as D . G . S . D . ; W . H . Anderson , as D . G . I . G . ; J . Morris , Dist . Grand Supt . of Wks . ; G . R . Wingoose , D . G . Swd . Br . ; A . M . A . Evans and R . A . Gubbay , D . G . Std . Br . ; A . P .
MacGregor , D . G . P . ; J . Jones , D . G . Stwd . ; and C . Merritt , D . G . Tyler ; and several other brethren representatives of the lodges and visitors , amongst the latter being R . W . Bro . C . H . Dallas , D . G . M . of Japan , to whom were accorded the honours proper to his rank . The D . G . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous communication read and confirmed , it was announced that the
scheme for the establishment of a Masonic sbhool had received the assent of the brethren in the district , and a grant of TIs . 100 in aid thereof having been proposed and seconded , was agreed to unanimously . Then followed the principal business of the meeting , which was the presentation by R . W . Bro . C . Thorne , P . D . G . M ., of an address , in the form of a handsome album , in
which the brethren expressed their thanks for the valuable services he had rendered , and the great kindness and courtesy he had shown them during the seven years of his D . G . Mastership . In this address the brethren of the Scotch and American lodges in Shanghai had , at their own special request been permitted to join , and the D . G . Master in the chair having ably fulfilled his duty , and
expressed personall y the pleasure it gave to have been the medium for presenting such a token of the respect in which their late chief was held , and the regret they felt at his resignation . Bro . Thorne rose and returned his thanks for the address , trusting that his successor would receive the same kindness and assistance he himself had experienced . D . G . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF MARYLAND . The fifteenth annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Maryland was held at the Masonic Hall , Baltimore , on the 24 th and 25 th November last . Sir Knight Woodward Abrahams , G . C , presided , and there was a numerous attendance of Grand Officers and Sir Knights . The Grand Commander , in his customary address , congratulated the
Grand Commandery on the uniformity and correctness of the work throughout the jurisdiction , Monumental Commandery , No . 3 , being especially complimented for the manner in which it had carried out the work of the year . The Committees presented their reports , as usual , with the exception of the Committee on Correspondence , which had been delayed through the serious illness of its Chairman ,
Sir Knight W . T . Adreson , P . G . Commander , who , however , though in a very weak state of health , was able to be present at the meeting . The election of Grand Officers resulted as follows : Sir Knights C . C . Isaacs , Grand Commander ; Charles W . Hatton , Dep . G . Commander ; J . A . C Kahler , G . Gen . ; W . F . Cochran , G . Capt . Gen . ; George R . Coffroth , G . Prelate ; Charles McDonald , jun ., G . S . W . ; Henry
O'Ueese , G . J . W . ; Harry A . Barry ( re-electd ) G . Treas . ; and Charles T . Sisco , G . Recorder . The installation of the newly-elected G . Officers took place on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the officiating Sir Knight being Past G . Commander F . J . I . Gorgas , whose manner of carrying out the ceremony was the theme of general admiration . It was resolved on recommending , at the next triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment of the United States , a radical change in the mode of transacting its business .
GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA . The regular quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was held at the Masonic Hall , Philadelphia , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Bro . E . Coppee Mitchell , M . W . G . M . There was a large attendance of Grand Officers and brethren , it being the day appointed by the Constitutions for the election of the Grand
Officers for the year . 1 he following brethren have been re-elected to the principal offices : Bros . E . Coppee Mitchell , G . M . ; Joseph Eichbaum , D . G . M . ; Clifford P . MacCalla , G . S . W . ; the Hon . J . Simpson Africa , G . J . W . ; Thomas R . Patton , Grand Treasurer ; and Michael Nisbet , Grand Secretary . The Trustees of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund are Bros . Jacob Laudenslager , Daniel Brittain , Edward Strickland , Alphonso C . Ireland , and
The Craft Abroad.
Daniel M . Fox ; and of the Girard Bequest , Bros . Samuel C . Perkins , Charles M . Prevost , A . W . Hooper , John L . Thompson , and Alex . H . Morgan . The business appears to have been of a satisfactory character , the reports of the different Committees showing that the Grand Lodge was in a prosperous condition . The
Sinking Fund amounts to 326 , 000 dollars (^ . 65 , 200 ) . A sum of 500 dollars was voted towards the relief of the sufferers by the late terrible conflagration at Galveston , Texas . A portrait of the late Bro . Stephen Girard , which for the first time appeared in its appointed place on the walls of Grand Lodge , was very much admired .
Christmas Cards.
There , lor many years past , have been an institution of the season , and we might also try to imagine a Christmas without the pudding as without the cards . From a simple beginning with the "Compliments of the Season , " or similar device , inscribed on an ordinary kind of card , they have passed into the domain of art , and no amount of
money or trouble is considered to be injudiciously expended in the production of these seasonable reminders of old friendships , family ties , and the like . Among those we have had an opportunity of seeing are a selection of the Christmas Cards published by Mr . Harding , 157 , Piccadilly , including a number of lawn tennis subjects . by Sem , of which it is difficult to suggest whether the conception or
execution will be the more appreciated . It is needless tj say that lawn tennis is being indulged in ( on these cards ) in all imaginable kinds of places , under varying circumstances , and by the strangest people . But excellent taste and great skill in the drawing are the characteristics of each card . Equal merit is displayed by Mr . Alfred Roberson in his hunting , coaching , shooting , and racing
designs . The sets we have seen show this capable artist at his best , the figures in each being admirably drawn , while the horses especially are to the life , and as regards their action , most accurate . The comic hunting incidents by Miss Georgina Bowes are singularly meritorious . The firm of Rimmel , of the Strand , have also brought out their usual Christmas specialties , including cards of every variety , and ranging in price from a remarkably low figure ,
considering the quality , as well as gifts , in which are mostly included sundry of the scents for which they arc so famous . Bro . J . B . Goodinge , of Holborn and the City , has on sale a similarily numerous variety of cards , many of which will attract by their combined simplicity and elegance . Other firms , such as Messrs . Hamilton , Hills , and Co ., have contributed largely and successfully to the demands of the season , and there is no doubt that Christmas , 1 SS 5 , will be as well situated in this respect as preceding seasons .
Visitors to the Royal Aquarium this week will have been perplexed with the number and variety of attractions provided at this favourite resort . But inasmuch as some cynics say the Aquarium is infested with persons intimately acquainted with Bacchus , it may be mentioned that the firm of Messrs . Dows , Clark , and Bray , of 14 , Smart's Buildings , High Holborn , are exhibiting samples of most recherche of non-alcoholic drinks . To enumerate
all of these in their catalogue would be superfious , but having tasted their "orange champagne , " we must pronounce it the most agreeable beverage we have ever tasted for either summer or winter , and ample testimony has been borne to its purity and its immunity from many deleterious influences . When this specialise becomes more generally known wc are assured that it will be a great means of obviating the differences which are frequently
occurring between men who hesitate to enter a public house in which no non-intoxicating liquors are sold . It may be safely said , on the testimony of connoisseurs , that Messrs . Do . vs , Clarke , and Brays' champagne is the most " subtle subterfuge of the age " in the matter of wines . A concert will be given on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Christ Church Board Schools , Cubitt-town , by
the Boys and Girls , and some friends . The prizes for attendance during the quarter , and the special prizes gained during the year , will be distributed by Henry Green , Esq ., M . P ., who will be supported by other managers . Tickets at the doors , or of Bro . S . G . Bonner ( Head Master ) College View , Cubitt-town . The proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of slides for a magic lantern , already pur chased by proceeds of similar concerts last year .
Christmas Fare.
in anticipation of the merry season of Yule-tide , so rapidly approaching , tradesmen of all grades are making their customary displays of " creature comforts , " many of them this year being far superior to any of their predecessors . Poultry and fish , of course , form a most important element in cateiing for Christmas-tide festivities ; and the
thousands of business men who daily traverse Broad-street , entering and returning from the City , will not fail to have noticed the extensive and magnificent display made by Bro . John Gow , near the Liverpool-street Railway Terminus . It is by no means an uncommon sight to witness here a recherche collection of poultry of all kinds , as well as fish , such as can scarcely be rivalled in the market ; but
something more than ordinary is expected during the festive season , and Bro . Gow has not fallen short of the public expectations . There is a profuse exhibition of toothsome turkeys and splendid geese , with every other species of game and poultry in season , the excellence of which is only rivalled by the exceedingly moderate prices quoted . The
same remark applies to the fish and barrelled oysters ; and we cannot recommend our readers to do better , or study their own interest more closely , than to visit any of Bro . Gow ' s establishments , from the headquarters near Broadstreet ( outside the railway station ) to the branches in Honey-lane Market , Cheapside ; 93 , Theobald ' s-road , Holborn ; and 125 , Brompton-road , S . W .
ST . JAMES' RUM . We have before spoken of the great merits of St . James ' Plantation Rum , for which G . W . Christie and Co ., 25 , Milton-street , E . C , are the agents for the United Kingdom , the sole proprietor being M . P . Lambert , St . Pierre , Marlinique . We would remind our readers that this is
fully equal to the best brands which found such favour with past generations , and as it is sold in square bottles , stamped with the words " Rhum des Plantations , " our friends who are partial to this spirit will have only themselves to thank if they neglect the opportunity of laying in a good stock of really prime quality .
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Masonic Conversazione.
Bro . T . J . Cuthberl , 1615 , and Mrs . Cuthbert ; Bro . W . S . Lee , 19 S 7 , and Mrs . Lee ; M . L . Levey , 2095 , and Mrs . Levey ; Bro . W . G . Oates , 2096 ; Bro . W . E . Greenfield , 34 , and Mrs . Greenfield ; Bro . W . H . M . Smith , 463 ; Bro . A . Wilmot , 1790 , and Mrs . Wilmot ; Bro . B . Shakespeare , 1790 , and Mrs . Shakespeare ; Bro . A . Smith , 53 S ; Bro . W . G . Fenn , 53 S , and Mrs . Fenn ; Bro . H . W . Down , 19 S 2 , and Miss Down ; Bro . J . Bennett , 1415 , and
Mrs . Bennett ; Bro . M . G . Bohren , 1627 , and Mrs . Bohren ; Bros . B . B . Jesse , 1556 ; C Field , Liberty of Havering Lodge ; C . Sarry , 1790 ; H . Massey , 619 and 192 S ; ] . D . Langton , 1 , P . M . 1 G 73 , W . M . 2096 , Secretary , and Miss Wollaston . The hall was elegantly decorated with flowers and shrubs , and every arrangement was made which would conduce to the comfort and pleasure of the party . The programme of the entertainment consisted of vocal and instrumental
music . Besides these items of enjoyment , further performances were given by Bros . Bertram and Odell . All the performances were loudly cheered , and obtained the hearty commendation of the whole company . Bro . Charles Bertram's conjuring was a surprise to every one , and Bro . Odell ' s recitations created immense amusement , more especially , perhaps , his " Dream of the Bilious Beadle , "
an imitation of Eugene Aram ' s Dream . The glees and part-songs went admirably . Miss Clara Wollaston ' s rendering of "On the Banks of Allan Water" and " The Kissing Bridge " formed one of the most enjoyable features of the evening , and won for her applause again and again repeated . Miss Florence Kuster's pianoforte recitals were likewise charming artistical performances ; and Bro . Gustave Kuster established
himself as a great favourite by his violin solos . Miss Madeleine Halford , R . A . M ., and Miss Lizzie MulhoIIand displayed the greatest taste in the songs appearing against their names ; and Bros . Arthur Wilmot , W . S . Hoyte , R . de Lacy , J . B . Shakespeare , C . Beckett , and VV . A . Frost made a vivid impression not only in the solos but in the part songs . The proceedings were not
allowed to Hag from the opening of the entertainment to the close , and a dance , without which no entertainment to ladies is complete , was improvised to put the final touch to the evening's proceedings . The brethren of Surrey are to be congratulated on having achieved such marked success with their first essay in providing an agreeable evening for themselves and the ladies of their families .
Old Masonians' Annual Dinner.
A number of the old boys of our Masonic School at Wood Green dined together at the Holborn Restaurant , on Wednesday , the immediate purpose of the gathering being to present a testimonial to M rs . Lees ( lately Miss Hall ) , who for so many years held the responsible office of Matron to the Institution . The chair was taken by Mr . Charles M .
Uwins , who was supported by Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary to the School , and the Misses Binckes , the guest of the evening , who was accompanied by her husband , Mr . Lees , being in the place of honour , while among " Old Boys " there were Messrs . Hopwood , Price , Williams , Whiteby , Barnard , Roberts , Barrett , Pulman , and Wain . In the course of the evening , Mrs . Lees was presented
with the testimonial , which consisted of an album , a silver tea and coffee service , and an afternoon tea papier mache tray , and which was acknowledged , on behalf of the recipient , by Mr . LEES in a brief but appropriate speech . Both the album and the tray bore inscriptions recording when and by whom the presentation was made . In the course of the evening , Mr . Uwixs , in proposing
the chief toast , threw out a suggestion , which , we are pleased to say , was most cordially received by all present , namely , that a Club should be formed , consisting entirel y of Old Masonians , who would thus have the opportunity of continuing or renewing the friendships of their school days . The suggestion is a most excellent one , and could
not have been made on a more suitable occasion than when a number of Old Boys were gathered together for the special purpose of demonstrating their sense of the very great kindness they had received from the past Matron of the School . We hope the suggestion will attract attention and support from other old Masonians .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA . A Ouarterly Communication of this Grand Lodge was held arFreemasons' Hall , Flinders-street , Adelaide , on the 15 th July last . Bro . the Hon . S . J . Way , Chief Justice , M . W . G . M ., presided , and there were present among others Bros . H . E . Downer , M . P ., D . G . M . ; A . M . Simpson , I . P .. G . S . W . . lohn Ramsay , LP ., G . LW . ; S . Solomon ,
Pres . Board of General Purposes ; T . G . F . Seabrook , M . D ., Past Pres . Board of General Purposes ; W . B . Webb , G . Reg . ; J . H . Cunningham , G . Sec ; J . C . Kaufmann , LL . D ., G . Inspector of Lodges ; Rev . F . S . Poole , M . A ., G . Lecturer ; P . Sansom and F . H . Wigg , G . S . Deacons ; F . Olifentand F . C . Bowen , G . J . Deacons ; L . T . Carter , G . S . of W . ; E . Saint , G . D . C . ; F . W .
Bullock , G . A . D . C ; L . G . Madley , J . P ., G . Swd . B . ; J . Shakespeare , G . Org . ; H . Turner , G . Asst . Sec . ; and others . The report of the Board of General Purposes was of a satisfactory character , and was accepted . Among its notifications was one to the effect that a tablet commemorative of the establishment of the Grand Lodge had been erected in the Masonic Hall .
GRAND DOINGS IN PENNSYLVANIA . There was a splendid gathering of the brethren in Fairmount Park , Philadelphia , on Tuesday , the 10 th ult ., when the cornerstone of the Schiller monument was laid with Masonic ceremonial by the G . M . of Pennsylvania , assisted by the officers of his Grand Lodge . The day was chosen as being the i 2 Gth anniversary of the birth of the great German poet , and as may be well imagined the two
Philadelphia lodges on the roll of Pennsylvania , which are composed of brethren of German nationality , the Hermann Lodge , No . 125 , and the Humboldt Lodge , No . 359 , took a very conspicuous part in the proceedings . The ceremony was conducted in accordance with the timehonoured usages of the Masonic Craft , the central figure being Bro . E . Coppee Mitchell , G . Master of Pennsylvania , his principal coadjutors being Bros . Clifford P . Marcalla , G . S . W ., as Deputy G . Master ; the Hon . J . Simpson , Africa , G . J . W ., as G . S . W . ; Hibbert P . John , as G . J . W .
The Craft Abroad.
Thomas R . Patton , G . Treas . ; Michael Nisbet , G . Sec . ; Rev . John S . J . McConnell , G . Chap . ; George S . Graham , G . S . D . ; John Slinglaff , as G . J . D . ; G . W . Wood , G . Marshal ; Louis M . Charteau , G . Swd . Br . ; Col . Robt . P . Dccherl , G . P . ; Chas . H . Kingston , Asst . G . Sec ; W . [ . Kelly , Asst . G . Marshal ; S . Kingston , McCay , and J . Wesley Supplee , G . Stwds . ; and \ V . A . SinnG . Tle ' r .
, y When the ceremony was concluded , a most eloquent oration was delivered by Bro . the Hon . Richard Vaux , Past G . Master , while Bro . G . G . K ' ellner delivered a similar address , in German . The trowel , which was of massive silver , and most chastely designed and executed , was presented to the Hermann Lodge by Mrs . Herold ,
wife of Bro . Charles P . Herold , the designer and manufacturer , and bears the following inscription : " Presented to the Hermann Lodge , No . 125 , F . and A . M ., Philadelphia , Pa ., by Mrs . Charles P . Herold , on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the monument of her illustrious townsman , Frederick Von Schiller . Fairmount Park , November 10 th , 1 SS 5 . "
CONCORD LODGE , NO . CGG ( b . C ) _ On Monday evening , the 7 th Sept ., the annual installation of officers in the above lodge was performed by Bro . Solomon , P . M ., in the Oddfellows Hall , Aulbury , N . S . W ., in the presence of a large number of the brotherhood and visitors from kindred lodges . The following are those who were installed : Bros . J . T . Thorne , W . M . ; W . S .
Chauncy , l . P . M . ; L . Solomon , Dep . M . ; W . Frew , S . W . ; W . S . Gray , J . W . ; G . E . Mackay , Treas . ; J . B . Hayes , Sec . ; W . N . M . Edmonson , Org . ; G . C . Parker , S . D . ; W . S . Murdoch , J . D . ; F . Shepherd , l . G . ; J . Johnson and W . McCamey , Stwds . ; and j . Hawkirgs , Tyler .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF NORTHERN CHINA . A regular communication of this District Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Tuesday , the 22 nd September last . Bro . J . T . Miller , D . D . G . M ., presided as D . G . M ., and among those present were Bros . Cornelius Thorne , P . D . G . M . ; Thos . W . Kingsmill , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . D . G . M . ; H . Evans , as D . G . S . W . ; E .
P . Lalcaca , D . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . R . Smith , D . G . Chap . ; W . H . Short , D . G . Treas . ; A . Longsford , D . G . Reg . ; J . M . Cory , D . G . President Board of Purposes ; R . D . Starkey , D . G . Sec . ; L . Moore , as D . G . S . D . ; W . H . Anderson , as D . G . I . G . ; J . Morris , Dist . Grand Supt . of Wks . ; G . R . Wingoose , D . G . Swd . Br . ; A . M . A . Evans and R . A . Gubbay , D . G . Std . Br . ; A . P .
MacGregor , D . G . P . ; J . Jones , D . G . Stwd . ; and C . Merritt , D . G . Tyler ; and several other brethren representatives of the lodges and visitors , amongst the latter being R . W . Bro . C . H . Dallas , D . G . M . of Japan , to whom were accorded the honours proper to his rank . The D . G . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous communication read and confirmed , it was announced that the
scheme for the establishment of a Masonic sbhool had received the assent of the brethren in the district , and a grant of TIs . 100 in aid thereof having been proposed and seconded , was agreed to unanimously . Then followed the principal business of the meeting , which was the presentation by R . W . Bro . C . Thorne , P . D . G . M ., of an address , in the form of a handsome album , in
which the brethren expressed their thanks for the valuable services he had rendered , and the great kindness and courtesy he had shown them during the seven years of his D . G . Mastership . In this address the brethren of the Scotch and American lodges in Shanghai had , at their own special request been permitted to join , and the D . G . Master in the chair having ably fulfilled his duty , and
expressed personall y the pleasure it gave to have been the medium for presenting such a token of the respect in which their late chief was held , and the regret they felt at his resignation . Bro . Thorne rose and returned his thanks for the address , trusting that his successor would receive the same kindness and assistance he himself had experienced . D . G . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF MARYLAND . The fifteenth annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Maryland was held at the Masonic Hall , Baltimore , on the 24 th and 25 th November last . Sir Knight Woodward Abrahams , G . C , presided , and there was a numerous attendance of Grand Officers and Sir Knights . The Grand Commander , in his customary address , congratulated the
Grand Commandery on the uniformity and correctness of the work throughout the jurisdiction , Monumental Commandery , No . 3 , being especially complimented for the manner in which it had carried out the work of the year . The Committees presented their reports , as usual , with the exception of the Committee on Correspondence , which had been delayed through the serious illness of its Chairman ,
Sir Knight W . T . Adreson , P . G . Commander , who , however , though in a very weak state of health , was able to be present at the meeting . The election of Grand Officers resulted as follows : Sir Knights C . C . Isaacs , Grand Commander ; Charles W . Hatton , Dep . G . Commander ; J . A . C Kahler , G . Gen . ; W . F . Cochran , G . Capt . Gen . ; George R . Coffroth , G . Prelate ; Charles McDonald , jun ., G . S . W . ; Henry
O'Ueese , G . J . W . ; Harry A . Barry ( re-electd ) G . Treas . ; and Charles T . Sisco , G . Recorder . The installation of the newly-elected G . Officers took place on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the officiating Sir Knight being Past G . Commander F . J . I . Gorgas , whose manner of carrying out the ceremony was the theme of general admiration . It was resolved on recommending , at the next triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment of the United States , a radical change in the mode of transacting its business .
GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA . The regular quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was held at the Masonic Hall , Philadelphia , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Bro . E . Coppee Mitchell , M . W . G . M . There was a large attendance of Grand Officers and brethren , it being the day appointed by the Constitutions for the election of the Grand
Officers for the year . 1 he following brethren have been re-elected to the principal offices : Bros . E . Coppee Mitchell , G . M . ; Joseph Eichbaum , D . G . M . ; Clifford P . MacCalla , G . S . W . ; the Hon . J . Simpson Africa , G . J . W . ; Thomas R . Patton , Grand Treasurer ; and Michael Nisbet , Grand Secretary . The Trustees of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund are Bros . Jacob Laudenslager , Daniel Brittain , Edward Strickland , Alphonso C . Ireland , and
The Craft Abroad.
Daniel M . Fox ; and of the Girard Bequest , Bros . Samuel C . Perkins , Charles M . Prevost , A . W . Hooper , John L . Thompson , and Alex . H . Morgan . The business appears to have been of a satisfactory character , the reports of the different Committees showing that the Grand Lodge was in a prosperous condition . The
Sinking Fund amounts to 326 , 000 dollars (^ . 65 , 200 ) . A sum of 500 dollars was voted towards the relief of the sufferers by the late terrible conflagration at Galveston , Texas . A portrait of the late Bro . Stephen Girard , which for the first time appeared in its appointed place on the walls of Grand Lodge , was very much admired .
Christmas Cards.
There , lor many years past , have been an institution of the season , and we might also try to imagine a Christmas without the pudding as without the cards . From a simple beginning with the "Compliments of the Season , " or similar device , inscribed on an ordinary kind of card , they have passed into the domain of art , and no amount of
money or trouble is considered to be injudiciously expended in the production of these seasonable reminders of old friendships , family ties , and the like . Among those we have had an opportunity of seeing are a selection of the Christmas Cards published by Mr . Harding , 157 , Piccadilly , including a number of lawn tennis subjects . by Sem , of which it is difficult to suggest whether the conception or
execution will be the more appreciated . It is needless tj say that lawn tennis is being indulged in ( on these cards ) in all imaginable kinds of places , under varying circumstances , and by the strangest people . But excellent taste and great skill in the drawing are the characteristics of each card . Equal merit is displayed by Mr . Alfred Roberson in his hunting , coaching , shooting , and racing
designs . The sets we have seen show this capable artist at his best , the figures in each being admirably drawn , while the horses especially are to the life , and as regards their action , most accurate . The comic hunting incidents by Miss Georgina Bowes are singularly meritorious . The firm of Rimmel , of the Strand , have also brought out their usual Christmas specialties , including cards of every variety , and ranging in price from a remarkably low figure ,
considering the quality , as well as gifts , in which are mostly included sundry of the scents for which they arc so famous . Bro . J . B . Goodinge , of Holborn and the City , has on sale a similarily numerous variety of cards , many of which will attract by their combined simplicity and elegance . Other firms , such as Messrs . Hamilton , Hills , and Co ., have contributed largely and successfully to the demands of the season , and there is no doubt that Christmas , 1 SS 5 , will be as well situated in this respect as preceding seasons .
Visitors to the Royal Aquarium this week will have been perplexed with the number and variety of attractions provided at this favourite resort . But inasmuch as some cynics say the Aquarium is infested with persons intimately acquainted with Bacchus , it may be mentioned that the firm of Messrs . Dows , Clark , and Bray , of 14 , Smart's Buildings , High Holborn , are exhibiting samples of most recherche of non-alcoholic drinks . To enumerate
all of these in their catalogue would be superfious , but having tasted their "orange champagne , " we must pronounce it the most agreeable beverage we have ever tasted for either summer or winter , and ample testimony has been borne to its purity and its immunity from many deleterious influences . When this specialise becomes more generally known wc are assured that it will be a great means of obviating the differences which are frequently
occurring between men who hesitate to enter a public house in which no non-intoxicating liquors are sold . It may be safely said , on the testimony of connoisseurs , that Messrs . Do . vs , Clarke , and Brays' champagne is the most " subtle subterfuge of the age " in the matter of wines . A concert will be given on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Christ Church Board Schools , Cubitt-town , by
the Boys and Girls , and some friends . The prizes for attendance during the quarter , and the special prizes gained during the year , will be distributed by Henry Green , Esq ., M . P ., who will be supported by other managers . Tickets at the doors , or of Bro . S . G . Bonner ( Head Master ) College View , Cubitt-town . The proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of slides for a magic lantern , already pur chased by proceeds of similar concerts last year .
Christmas Fare.
in anticipation of the merry season of Yule-tide , so rapidly approaching , tradesmen of all grades are making their customary displays of " creature comforts , " many of them this year being far superior to any of their predecessors . Poultry and fish , of course , form a most important element in cateiing for Christmas-tide festivities ; and the
thousands of business men who daily traverse Broad-street , entering and returning from the City , will not fail to have noticed the extensive and magnificent display made by Bro . John Gow , near the Liverpool-street Railway Terminus . It is by no means an uncommon sight to witness here a recherche collection of poultry of all kinds , as well as fish , such as can scarcely be rivalled in the market ; but
something more than ordinary is expected during the festive season , and Bro . Gow has not fallen short of the public expectations . There is a profuse exhibition of toothsome turkeys and splendid geese , with every other species of game and poultry in season , the excellence of which is only rivalled by the exceedingly moderate prices quoted . The
same remark applies to the fish and barrelled oysters ; and we cannot recommend our readers to do better , or study their own interest more closely , than to visit any of Bro . Gow ' s establishments , from the headquarters near Broadstreet ( outside the railway station ) to the branches in Honey-lane Market , Cheapside ; 93 , Theobald ' s-road , Holborn ; and 125 , Brompton-road , S . W .
ST . JAMES' RUM . We have before spoken of the great merits of St . James ' Plantation Rum , for which G . W . Christie and Co ., 25 , Milton-street , E . C , are the agents for the United Kingdom , the sole proprietor being M . P . Lambert , St . Pierre , Marlinique . We would remind our readers that this is
fully equal to the best brands which found such favour with past generations , and as it is sold in square bottles , stamped with the words " Rhum des Plantations , " our friends who are partial to this spirit will have only themselves to thank if they neglect the opportunity of laying in a good stock of really prime quality .