Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S SHOW ROOMS AND MANUFACTORY , Little Britain and Aldersgate-st ., will be closed from THURSDAY EVENING , the 24 th inst ., until TUESDAY MORNING , the 29 th inst .
THE CHRISTMAS WEEK . Next week's " Freemason" will be published on Thursday , and will be ready for the Trade on the morning of that day . It will contain the usual Chronology of Events , and a Summary of Masonic Work during the Year 1891 .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LODGESPrince Edwin , No . 121 . ; Benevolence , No . $ } 6 ; Gallery , No . 1928 ; The Abbey ( Westminster ) , No . 2030 ; Old Westminsters' , No . 3233 ; Acacia , No . 2321 ; and Cornish , No . 236 9 . MARKTristram Lodge , No . 34 6 . IN'STRUCTION * —
St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 98 . CRYPTIC MASONRYInvicta Council , No . 14 . CORRESPONDENCEThe Future of Freemasonry ,
Masonic Lecture at Dover . Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire . Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Bro . Terry has lost no time in summoning the Board of Stewards for the approaching Jubilee Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Thefirstmeeting was held on the l ith instant , and there was an extremely good muster . The officers were appointed ,
the fees to be paid were settled , and it was resolved to entrust the carrying out of the arrangements to an Executive Committee composed of 40 London and 40 Provincial brethren , with power to add to their number , Bro . C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., being its Chairman .
It is very gratifying to find that the response to the appeal addressed by Bro . Terry to the lodges and chapters has already proved so successful , and that considerably more than Soo brethren have given in
their names to act on this important occasion . As upwards of two months must elapse before the celebration takes place , there is no doubt this number will be largely increased , and with the promises of support
which Bro . Terry has succeeded in obtaining from the Provincial Grand Lodges there is also the likelihood that the proceeds will be on a scale commensurate with the importance of the Festival .
vt- * JF -jf We would remind our readers who are Governors of the Girls' School that the Special General Court to receive and adopt the laws as revised by the General Committee will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday
next at 12 o ' clock . We apprehend that the work of the Committee will receive the approval of the Court . Many improvements have been made , especially Law 89 , which permits a second child of the same family to
be elected if at least five other children are dependent . On the other hand Law 75 will probably be adversely criticised as tending towards narrowing the area of choice in the election of members of the House , Finance , and Petitions Committees .
It has been determined by our Scottish brethren in India to show their respect for their late Grand Master , Bro . Sir Henry Morland , by raising a special fund of about 10 , 000 rupees , one half of which will be devoted
to assisting in the education of the three children of their deceased chief , while the other half will go towards the formation of a permanent memorial fund , to be known as " The Morland Memorial Fund , " in
connection with the Scottish Masonic Benevolent Association in India . " In order to effect this object , a circular has been addressed to every lodge , chapter , and other Masonic body in India , inviting their cooperation in obtaining the necessary subscriptions .
Masonic Notes.
By command of Sir Knig ht Henry Robertson , Supreme Grand Master of the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada , Sir Knight Daniel Spry , G . Chancellor of the Order , has issued a circular to the E . Commanders
of the various preceptories in the jurisdiction announcing that the Red Cross Degree has been recognised , and must be conferred on candidates before they receive the Templar Degrees , and that the Malta Degree wil ! be included in future in the Canadian Templar system .
Correspondence .
f We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
THE LEICESTER MASONIC LIBRARY . Tothe Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Will you allow me , through the medium of your paper , to thank Bro . G . W . Bain for his kind letter on the subject of our local Masonic Library , which
appeared in your issue of last week . Brethren belonging to Leicester lodges can consult any book in the library upon any lodge night , and some of the books may be taken away upon certain conditions . I quite agree with Bro . Bainjthat scare reference books should not be loaned out on any condition .
Since the publication of the catalogue in October , I have secured an additional 20 volumes by gift or purchase , and I am eagerly looking for more . If any of your numerous readers have duplicates for disposal I shall be glad to negotiate with them for purchase or exchange . —I am , yours fraternally ,
JNO . T . THORP , Hon . Sec . and Chief Librarian . Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , December 12 th .
CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS . To the Editor of the- "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , It is worthy of a passing note that , at the first day ' s work in the Cambridge Examinations for this year , held on Monday last , one of the papers set was
the demonstration of the 47 th proposition of the first book of Euclid . No doubt some of the little Lewises were quite at home with such a subject , but how many of those who wear this emblem on their manly breasts on occasions of installation , or other high functions , could work it out satisfactorily ? No doubt many of our friends who wear the mortar-board as a skull-cap ,
and as the outward and visible emblem of their profession , could revel in such pastimes , but I fear greatly that the rank and file of Craft Masons , who are , for the most part , men engaged in commercial pursuits , would have to scratch the remaining hairs off their head ere they could solve the Pythagorean problem . Don ' t you think so , Mr . Editor ?
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir , I trust you will allow me at this season of the year to appeal , through the columns of your valuable paper , on behalf of the Field Lane Refuges and Ragged Schools .
We are urgently in need of funds to enable us to continue our work amongst the homeless poor of London . At the present time we are maintaining 273 persons daily in our refuges and homes , and , in addition , giving weekly 700 breakfasts to homeless men and women .
By means of the Provident Fund , Band of Hope , Bible schools , technical classes , and religious services upwards of 6000 persons are assisted annually . The Committee are desirous also of providing a dinner on Christmas Day for some 1300 men , women , and children , for which we are urgently in need of funds .
Contributions will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the Treasurer , Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street , E . C ., or by , your obedient servant , PEREGRINE PLATT , Secretary . Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , E . G ., December 14 th .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
9 65 ] — PRICHARD'S MASONRY DISSECTED . I have been fortunate in acquiring the first edition of this work , " Printed by Thomas Nichols , at the Crown , without Temple Ban * . MD . CC . XXX . " It does not contain anv list of lodges , and consists of 24 paees
only . I am very desirous of comparing it vvith the 2 nd and 3 rd editions , also published in 1730 . If any brother can lend me a copy of either it shall be carefully returned in two days . Subsequent editions contain a more lengthy catechism , and it vvill be interesting to discover if possible when the additions commenced to be made . Torquay , December 12 th . JNO . LANE .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft fll ) asonn > . METROPOLITAN MEETINGS .
Moira Lodge ( No . 02 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge vvas held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Friday , the nth inst ., when , in the presence of a numerous company , Bro . J . P . Fearlield , the W . M . elect , was duly installed vvith the customary formalities , the other officers being Bros . G . Greiner , I . P . M . ; M . F . Tvveedie , S . VV . ; E . Greiner , J . W . ; T . L . Wilkinson ,
P . M ., Ireas . ; R . I ' . Gould , P . M ., Sec ; M . A . Tvveedie , S . D . ; J . M . Mitchell , J . D . ; Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Stwd . ; and the Kev . K . I . Woodhouse , Chaplain and I . G . There vvere present also Bros . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., P . M . ; Bertram Noakes , P . M . ; Alexander Mortimore , P . AL ; H . F . Auldjo , P . M . ; Adam Pringle , P . M . ; R . VV . Tvveedie , P . M . ; VV . Bohm , P . M . ; G . C .
Andrew , P . M . ; S . Shorter , P . M . ; J . P . Murrough , and J . Mortimer Davis ; together with the following visitors : Bros . H . D . Sandeman , P . Dist . G . M . Bengal ; Thomas Fenn , Pres . Bd . Gen . Purps . ; Ralph Gooding , P . G . D . ; Edward Cutler , Q . C , G . O . ; G . VV . Speth , Sec . 2076 ; Titus Astle , 2224 ; N . I . Hughes Hallett , W . M . 2224 ; J . Peeke Richards , P . M . 15 S 4 ; VV . H . Rylands , W . M .
2076 , P . G . Stwd . ; W . E . Chapman , W . M . 2190 ; J . A . H . Macaire , 44 ( S . C ); R . H . Brannon , P . M . 394 ; T . VV . C . Jones , 259 ; J . H . Smith , P . M . 279 ; Henry Reid , P . M . 142 ; Andrew Barr , 16 C 9 ; G . Gardner , 2309 ; W . H . Hooker , 1670 ; C . Mussared , VV . M . 226 4 ; Lennox Browne , Vice-President Board of General Purposes ; T . H . Gardiner , 1150 ; VV . Bentham , 50 ( I . C ); J . VV .
Bennett , 172 ; W . Chatterton , 6 9 S ; J . M . Handlow , 1 S 1 ; and A . VV . Orwin , W . M . 1491 . At the banquet vvhich followed the meeting , Bros . H . D . Sandeman and Thomas Fenn responded for "The Grand Officers . " The toast of the evening— "The Memory of Earl Moira , the Patron of the Lodge "—vvas proposed by Bro . T . L .
Wilkinson , P . M . and Treas ., in a strain of eloquence vvhich wholly forbids any feeble attempt at reproduction in these columns . After the applause had subsided , Bro . G . Greiner , I . P . M ., rose and said : One of the most pleasing tasks that an outgoing Master has to perform is that of introducing the new Master to the brethren of the lodge and to the visitors who grace our banquet by their
presence , and of proposing ins health on this auspicious occasion . This duty is a specially pleasing one to me today , because the brother who has just been placed into the chief chair of the Moira Lod ge is in every respec : a Mason and a man who has shown the greatest aptitude and capacity , and who will know how to do his duty to the satisfaction of everyone . I am sure you will not accuse me
of "having drawn the long bow" in what I have just said , when 1 have recited to you all I have been able to learn respecting him , and there are no doubt lots of other creditable things which 1 ought to mention . Taking * his Masonic career lirst , I lind that he was admitted into this his mother lodge in October , 1 SS 6 , and in due course he took his Second and Third Degrees . I may here mention that our VV . lVL
lives near Nottingham , and consequently his regular attendances at our lodge meetings have entailed no inconsiderable expenditure of time and money on his part . He persevered through all the various offices vvith true Masonic zeal up to J . VV . in our lodge , and on Bro . Tvveedie , the S . VV ., expressing a wish to remain in his chair for another year vve have had the privilege of electing Bro . Fearlield to the highest
honour that is in the power of the lod ge to give . Evidentl y Masonry impregnated our worthy brother from the verystart so thoroughly that in the following year he took the bold step of founding a lodge of his own , namely , the Fairfield Lodge , No . 2224 , in his district , and served as W . M . of the same in iSSS . He is further a member of the ancient St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , and this year he
vvas appointed P . A . G . D . C for Derbyshire . Now as to his private career , he received his education at Manchester and belper , and later on we lind him doing good work at the Moravian School in the Neuweid , Germany , where he spent a few years . Originally he was taught the profession of an engineer , but on the death oi his lather he took to his business , and 1 am happy to inform you that our VV . M . has
by his energy managed to so greatly improve that business that he is now the owner of the largest warp crochet lace manufactory in the world . When the County Councils came into existence a few years ago , lie was elected , without a contest , four gentlemen retiring in his favour , and almost immediately alter that body elected him a County Alderman for Nottinghamshire , which proud position he
still holds . This shows the high esteem our brother enjoys in his neighbourhood . But the record of our W . M . does not stop here . Besides being a member of some of the leading clubs in London and other societies , too numerous to mention , he is also captain and in command of the Ilkeston and Long Eaton detachment of the 1 st Volunteer Battalion of the bherwood Foresters Derbyshire Regiment
and , doubtless , if ever this country requires his services in the field— "he vvill be there or thereabouts ! " With all these qualifications and this very satisfactory record , need I say more than congratulate the Moira Lod ge upon having such a Master ? I therefore call upon you to drink " The Health of the Worshipful Master" in bumpers , and be good enough to join me in wishing him the best of health ,
prosperity , and a successful year of oilice in the Moira Lodge . The Worshipful Master having made a suitable response , other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at a late hour , carrying away with them a grateful sense of the hospitality of the Moira Lodge , and a most agreeable recollection of the rich musical treat which had been provided for thein .
Strand Lodge ( No . 198 7 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion Restaurant , Piccadillycircus , on Thursday , the ioth inst ., under the presidency of Bros . H . S . Foster , VV . M ., supported by the following officers : Bros . F . Jackson , S . W . ; C j . Taylor , J . VV . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S SHOW ROOMS AND MANUFACTORY , Little Britain and Aldersgate-st ., will be closed from THURSDAY EVENING , the 24 th inst ., until TUESDAY MORNING , the 29 th inst .
THE CHRISTMAS WEEK . Next week's " Freemason" will be published on Thursday , and will be ready for the Trade on the morning of that day . It will contain the usual Chronology of Events , and a Summary of Masonic Work during the Year 1891 .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LODGESPrince Edwin , No . 121 . ; Benevolence , No . $ } 6 ; Gallery , No . 1928 ; The Abbey ( Westminster ) , No . 2030 ; Old Westminsters' , No . 3233 ; Acacia , No . 2321 ; and Cornish , No . 236 9 . MARKTristram Lodge , No . 34 6 . IN'STRUCTION * —
St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 98 . CRYPTIC MASONRYInvicta Council , No . 14 . CORRESPONDENCEThe Future of Freemasonry ,
Masonic Lecture at Dover . Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire . Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Bro . Terry has lost no time in summoning the Board of Stewards for the approaching Jubilee Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Thefirstmeeting was held on the l ith instant , and there was an extremely good muster . The officers were appointed ,
the fees to be paid were settled , and it was resolved to entrust the carrying out of the arrangements to an Executive Committee composed of 40 London and 40 Provincial brethren , with power to add to their number , Bro . C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., being its Chairman .
It is very gratifying to find that the response to the appeal addressed by Bro . Terry to the lodges and chapters has already proved so successful , and that considerably more than Soo brethren have given in
their names to act on this important occasion . As upwards of two months must elapse before the celebration takes place , there is no doubt this number will be largely increased , and with the promises of support
which Bro . Terry has succeeded in obtaining from the Provincial Grand Lodges there is also the likelihood that the proceeds will be on a scale commensurate with the importance of the Festival .
vt- * JF -jf We would remind our readers who are Governors of the Girls' School that the Special General Court to receive and adopt the laws as revised by the General Committee will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday
next at 12 o ' clock . We apprehend that the work of the Committee will receive the approval of the Court . Many improvements have been made , especially Law 89 , which permits a second child of the same family to
be elected if at least five other children are dependent . On the other hand Law 75 will probably be adversely criticised as tending towards narrowing the area of choice in the election of members of the House , Finance , and Petitions Committees .
It has been determined by our Scottish brethren in India to show their respect for their late Grand Master , Bro . Sir Henry Morland , by raising a special fund of about 10 , 000 rupees , one half of which will be devoted
to assisting in the education of the three children of their deceased chief , while the other half will go towards the formation of a permanent memorial fund , to be known as " The Morland Memorial Fund , " in
connection with the Scottish Masonic Benevolent Association in India . " In order to effect this object , a circular has been addressed to every lodge , chapter , and other Masonic body in India , inviting their cooperation in obtaining the necessary subscriptions .
Masonic Notes.
By command of Sir Knig ht Henry Robertson , Supreme Grand Master of the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada , Sir Knight Daniel Spry , G . Chancellor of the Order , has issued a circular to the E . Commanders
of the various preceptories in the jurisdiction announcing that the Red Cross Degree has been recognised , and must be conferred on candidates before they receive the Templar Degrees , and that the Malta Degree wil ! be included in future in the Canadian Templar system .
Correspondence .
f We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
THE LEICESTER MASONIC LIBRARY . Tothe Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Will you allow me , through the medium of your paper , to thank Bro . G . W . Bain for his kind letter on the subject of our local Masonic Library , which
appeared in your issue of last week . Brethren belonging to Leicester lodges can consult any book in the library upon any lodge night , and some of the books may be taken away upon certain conditions . I quite agree with Bro . Bainjthat scare reference books should not be loaned out on any condition .
Since the publication of the catalogue in October , I have secured an additional 20 volumes by gift or purchase , and I am eagerly looking for more . If any of your numerous readers have duplicates for disposal I shall be glad to negotiate with them for purchase or exchange . —I am , yours fraternally ,
JNO . T . THORP , Hon . Sec . and Chief Librarian . Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , December 12 th .
CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS . To the Editor of the- "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , It is worthy of a passing note that , at the first day ' s work in the Cambridge Examinations for this year , held on Monday last , one of the papers set was
the demonstration of the 47 th proposition of the first book of Euclid . No doubt some of the little Lewises were quite at home with such a subject , but how many of those who wear this emblem on their manly breasts on occasions of installation , or other high functions , could work it out satisfactorily ? No doubt many of our friends who wear the mortar-board as a skull-cap ,
and as the outward and visible emblem of their profession , could revel in such pastimes , but I fear greatly that the rank and file of Craft Masons , who are , for the most part , men engaged in commercial pursuits , would have to scratch the remaining hairs off their head ere they could solve the Pythagorean problem . Don ' t you think so , Mr . Editor ?
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir , I trust you will allow me at this season of the year to appeal , through the columns of your valuable paper , on behalf of the Field Lane Refuges and Ragged Schools .
We are urgently in need of funds to enable us to continue our work amongst the homeless poor of London . At the present time we are maintaining 273 persons daily in our refuges and homes , and , in addition , giving weekly 700 breakfasts to homeless men and women .
By means of the Provident Fund , Band of Hope , Bible schools , technical classes , and religious services upwards of 6000 persons are assisted annually . The Committee are desirous also of providing a dinner on Christmas Day for some 1300 men , women , and children , for which we are urgently in need of funds .
Contributions will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the Treasurer , Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street , E . C ., or by , your obedient servant , PEREGRINE PLATT , Secretary . Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , E . G ., December 14 th .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
9 65 ] — PRICHARD'S MASONRY DISSECTED . I have been fortunate in acquiring the first edition of this work , " Printed by Thomas Nichols , at the Crown , without Temple Ban * . MD . CC . XXX . " It does not contain anv list of lodges , and consists of 24 paees
only . I am very desirous of comparing it vvith the 2 nd and 3 rd editions , also published in 1730 . If any brother can lend me a copy of either it shall be carefully returned in two days . Subsequent editions contain a more lengthy catechism , and it vvill be interesting to discover if possible when the additions commenced to be made . Torquay , December 12 th . JNO . LANE .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft fll ) asonn > . METROPOLITAN MEETINGS .
Moira Lodge ( No . 02 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge vvas held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Friday , the nth inst ., when , in the presence of a numerous company , Bro . J . P . Fearlield , the W . M . elect , was duly installed vvith the customary formalities , the other officers being Bros . G . Greiner , I . P . M . ; M . F . Tvveedie , S . VV . ; E . Greiner , J . W . ; T . L . Wilkinson ,
P . M ., Ireas . ; R . I ' . Gould , P . M ., Sec ; M . A . Tvveedie , S . D . ; J . M . Mitchell , J . D . ; Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Stwd . ; and the Kev . K . I . Woodhouse , Chaplain and I . G . There vvere present also Bros . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., P . M . ; Bertram Noakes , P . M . ; Alexander Mortimore , P . AL ; H . F . Auldjo , P . M . ; Adam Pringle , P . M . ; R . VV . Tvveedie , P . M . ; VV . Bohm , P . M . ; G . C .
Andrew , P . M . ; S . Shorter , P . M . ; J . P . Murrough , and J . Mortimer Davis ; together with the following visitors : Bros . H . D . Sandeman , P . Dist . G . M . Bengal ; Thomas Fenn , Pres . Bd . Gen . Purps . ; Ralph Gooding , P . G . D . ; Edward Cutler , Q . C , G . O . ; G . VV . Speth , Sec . 2076 ; Titus Astle , 2224 ; N . I . Hughes Hallett , W . M . 2224 ; J . Peeke Richards , P . M . 15 S 4 ; VV . H . Rylands , W . M .
2076 , P . G . Stwd . ; W . E . Chapman , W . M . 2190 ; J . A . H . Macaire , 44 ( S . C ); R . H . Brannon , P . M . 394 ; T . VV . C . Jones , 259 ; J . H . Smith , P . M . 279 ; Henry Reid , P . M . 142 ; Andrew Barr , 16 C 9 ; G . Gardner , 2309 ; W . H . Hooker , 1670 ; C . Mussared , VV . M . 226 4 ; Lennox Browne , Vice-President Board of General Purposes ; T . H . Gardiner , 1150 ; VV . Bentham , 50 ( I . C ); J . VV .
Bennett , 172 ; W . Chatterton , 6 9 S ; J . M . Handlow , 1 S 1 ; and A . VV . Orwin , W . M . 1491 . At the banquet vvhich followed the meeting , Bros . H . D . Sandeman and Thomas Fenn responded for "The Grand Officers . " The toast of the evening— "The Memory of Earl Moira , the Patron of the Lodge "—vvas proposed by Bro . T . L .
Wilkinson , P . M . and Treas ., in a strain of eloquence vvhich wholly forbids any feeble attempt at reproduction in these columns . After the applause had subsided , Bro . G . Greiner , I . P . M ., rose and said : One of the most pleasing tasks that an outgoing Master has to perform is that of introducing the new Master to the brethren of the lodge and to the visitors who grace our banquet by their
presence , and of proposing ins health on this auspicious occasion . This duty is a specially pleasing one to me today , because the brother who has just been placed into the chief chair of the Moira Lod ge is in every respec : a Mason and a man who has shown the greatest aptitude and capacity , and who will know how to do his duty to the satisfaction of everyone . I am sure you will not accuse me
of "having drawn the long bow" in what I have just said , when 1 have recited to you all I have been able to learn respecting him , and there are no doubt lots of other creditable things which 1 ought to mention . Taking * his Masonic career lirst , I lind that he was admitted into this his mother lodge in October , 1 SS 6 , and in due course he took his Second and Third Degrees . I may here mention that our VV . lVL
lives near Nottingham , and consequently his regular attendances at our lodge meetings have entailed no inconsiderable expenditure of time and money on his part . He persevered through all the various offices vvith true Masonic zeal up to J . VV . in our lodge , and on Bro . Tvveedie , the S . VV ., expressing a wish to remain in his chair for another year vve have had the privilege of electing Bro . Fearlield to the highest
honour that is in the power of the lod ge to give . Evidentl y Masonry impregnated our worthy brother from the verystart so thoroughly that in the following year he took the bold step of founding a lodge of his own , namely , the Fairfield Lodge , No . 2224 , in his district , and served as W . M . of the same in iSSS . He is further a member of the ancient St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , and this year he
vvas appointed P . A . G . D . C for Derbyshire . Now as to his private career , he received his education at Manchester and belper , and later on we lind him doing good work at the Moravian School in the Neuweid , Germany , where he spent a few years . Originally he was taught the profession of an engineer , but on the death oi his lather he took to his business , and 1 am happy to inform you that our VV . M . has
by his energy managed to so greatly improve that business that he is now the owner of the largest warp crochet lace manufactory in the world . When the County Councils came into existence a few years ago , lie was elected , without a contest , four gentlemen retiring in his favour , and almost immediately alter that body elected him a County Alderman for Nottinghamshire , which proud position he
still holds . This shows the high esteem our brother enjoys in his neighbourhood . But the record of our W . M . does not stop here . Besides being a member of some of the leading clubs in London and other societies , too numerous to mention , he is also captain and in command of the Ilkeston and Long Eaton detachment of the 1 st Volunteer Battalion of the bherwood Foresters Derbyshire Regiment
and , doubtless , if ever this country requires his services in the field— "he vvill be there or thereabouts ! " With all these qualifications and this very satisfactory record , need I say more than congratulate the Moira Lod ge upon having such a Master ? I therefore call upon you to drink " The Health of the Worshipful Master" in bumpers , and be good enough to join me in wishing him the best of health ,
prosperity , and a successful year of oilice in the Moira Lodge . The Worshipful Master having made a suitable response , other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at a late hour , carrying away with them a grateful sense of the hospitality of the Moira Lodge , and a most agreeable recollection of the rich musical treat which had been provided for thein .
Strand Lodge ( No . 198 7 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion Restaurant , Piccadillycircus , on Thursday , the ioth inst ., under the presidency of Bros . H . S . Foster , VV . M ., supported by the following officers : Bros . F . Jackson , S . W . ; C j . Taylor , J . VV . ;