Article Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 6 of 6 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
sure he felt at seeing him in the chair , and heartily wished him a successful year of office > for which the number of brethren present was a good omen . The other toasts were "The Installing Master , " "The Past Masters , " "The Visitors , " and " The Officers . " During the evening , a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Marshall in recognition of his Services as Master for the past year . A word of praise should be given Bros . Offord , Dobb , Gough , and Berry , whose musical abilities helped to complete a most enjoyable evening .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Industry Chapter , " No . 48 . The regular meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the ioth inst ., when there was a large gathering of members and visitors . Comp . Robert Stewart , M . E . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . W . J . Jobson , H . ; H . Jackson . J . ; T . R . Jobson , P . Z . ; M . Corbitt , P . Z . ; Wm . Brown , P . Z ., D . C . ; Robt . Whitfield , P . Z . ; Wm . Stafford , S . E . ; W . Holzapfel , S . N . ; A . Simpson , P . S . ; A . Dodds , ist A . S . ; T . A . Moffitt , 2 nd A . S . ; W . E . Peacock , J . Boazman , J . Armstrong , P .
Cash , T . Douglass , and others . Amongst the visitors were Comps . D . Cameron , M . E . Z . 240 ; G . Narland , P . Z . 240 ; Wm . M . Lyon , P . Z . 404 ; C B . Ford , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; J . Usher , P . Z . 481 ; T . R . Short , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; B . Thomas , 240 ; J . McDowell , 240 ; A . M . Clarkson , 240 ; W . Millar , 240 ; F . Coverdale , 240 ; F . G . Isaacson , 431 ; and others . The ballots were respectively taken for two joining companions , also for six
candidates for exaltation , all of whom were elected . Bros . J . T . Pragnell and John Carr being in attendance were each exalted , for the first portion of the ceremony by Comp . T . R . Jobson and thence to the finish by Comp . R . Stewart , M . E . Z . Comp . W . Brown , D . C , delivered the mystic lecture . Eight propositions for exaltation were made , and other business having been transacted , after receiving the "Good wishes" of the visitors , the proceedings closed , and an adjournment took plice to the refreshment room .
Zetland Chapter , No . 236 . This chapter , which was consecrated in June , 1 SS 6 , has had a somewhat chequered career during its short life . It had a promising start but after meeting somewhat irregularly for a couple of years it became dormant and so continued until the present year , when some of the younger members of the lodge to which the chapter was attached interested themselves along with one or more Royal Arch Masons in the town in the resuscitation of the chapter , thoir efforts were crowned with success , for with the willing
assistance of several experienced companions in the district a most successful meeting was held on Wednesday , the iSth ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , Cleckheaton , when Comp . S . H . Stocks , M . E . Z ., had the co-operation of Comps . J oseph Wilson , P . Z . 302 , P . P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; A . Butterworth , J . 302 , as J . ; J . T . Last , 387 , as S . E . ; Wm . Fielding , 44 S , as S . N . ; Richard Hodgson , P . Z . as 448 , as P . S . ; 1 . Niven , S . N . 302 , as ist Asst . Soj . ; S . Law , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Wm . Sharp and J . W . Monckman , P . Z . 600 , P . P . G . P . S ., acted as D . C . ; and H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 44 S ,
P . P . G . P . S . The minutes of the last regular meeting of the chapter held on the 19 th January , iSSS , haying been read and confirmed , Comp . J . T . Last , 3 S 7 , was balloted for and elected as a joining member . Notices of proposition of two candidates for exaltation having been given pursuant to Article 72 of the Royal Arch Regulations , Bros . H . E . Hodgson , 603 , and James Clough , P . M . 603 , were duly elected and , being present , were exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason by Comp . H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 44 S .
The lecture was given by Comp . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . The chapter not having adopted by-laws it was resolved that the election of Principals and officers take place at the next monthly meeting , and the installation of the Principals and the investiture of officers be proceeded with at the January meeting of the chapter . A proposition of a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting was handed in and notice given of a resolution to be moved at the next meeting for regulating the future meetings of the chapter . After " Hearty good wishes " to the M . E . Z . and congratulations from the visitors
upon such a successful and business-like meeting , the chapter was closed , and the closing address given by Comp . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . After refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were du y honoured 'I The Health of the M . E . Z . " was proposed by Comp . J . W . Monckman , who heartily congratulated the members of the chapter t . pon such a good meeting as they had had at the resuscitation of the chapter after so many years of inactivity . It was a good augury for the future , and with the enthusiasm of some of the members who had
taken the matter up , and the prospect of several candidates who had submitted their names as coming members , he saw the beginning of a prosperous little chapter . It had afforded him , at the invitation of Comp . Last , very much pleasure to have been present on that occasion , and to render his humble services in assisting at the resuscitation of the chapter . Comp . S . H . Stocks , M . E . Z ., in responding , thanked thc companions for the kind manner in which the toast of his health had been received . He was glad to have had the privilege of presiding again in the chapter that some few years ago he took great
interest in establishing . By some means it had for several years ceased to meet and he assured them that at his age and from the state of his health the chapter would certainly have lapsed altogether had it rested with him ; but he was glad that some of those present had interested themselves in re-establishing the chapter . He had been pleased to render what assistance he could in the matter , and he was pleased to think that the chapter had obtained a new lease of lite ; he thanked the visiting companions for their valuable assistance in rendering the ceremonies that evening . He confidently stated that he had
never before witnessed such excellent working and he sincerely hoped they would do the chapter the honour of visiting them again whenever they could conveniently do so . "The Visitors , " was proposed by Comp . Last who in the name of the chapter gave them a very hearty welcome . He said it had fallen to his lot to make the necessary arrangements for resuscitating the chapter and he wis pleased to recognise the readiness with which all the visitors responded to the invitation to attend and assist in the
conduct of the business of the meeting ; its success had been miinly the result of the help the visitors had so very generously afforded . Comps . H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 448 , and J . Wilson , P . Z . 302 , responded for the visitors and expressed the gratification it had afforded them to have been present and to have assisted at the resuscitation of the chapter , which had their best wishes for its future success . Other toasts followed .
Lodges Of Instruction.
Lodges of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . Ameeting was held on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . William Baker , W . M . ; J . G . Robeson , S . W . ; E . Croft-Wise , J . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Smith , P . M ., Asst . Sec ; Saunion , P . M ., S . D . ; E . Collins , J . D . ; Emden , P . M ., l . G . ; Lockett , Fishleigh , Fair , Shipman , King , and Spencer . ...
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes ot the last meeting read and confirmed , after which the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Spencer being the candidate . Bro . Lockett then answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The W . M . opened the lodge in the Second Degree , and Bro . Lockett was passed to the Degree of a F . C . The lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and the W . M . rising the usual number of times and Bro . J . G . Robeson being unanimously elected W . M . for next Wednesday evening , the lodge was closed .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 538 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., when there were present Bros . J . Goldstein , W . M . ; A . Zeppenfeld , S . W . ; I . Butcher , J . W . ; J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; T . W . Smale , Asst . Sec ; G . Hill , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; Webb , l . G . ; S . Cross , and L . Genese .
Lodges Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting ware read an 1 confirmed . The ist and 2 nd Sectionsof the Lecture were worked by the Preceptor . Th ; lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees . The lodge was resumed to trie First Degree , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cro-, s being the candidate . The W . M . rose for the first time , and Bros . Webb and Carnaby were elected members of the lodge . The W . M . rose for the second and third times , and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 15 th instant , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . M . Miroy , W . M . ; VV . Rapley , S . W . ; J . E . Thomas , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . A . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and I . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; R . Eddie , S . D . ; W . F . Roberts . J . D . ,- P . Cload , I . G . j A . Oliver , P . M . ; E . J . Harrison , G . R . Carsberg , C T . Rayner , A . F . Hardyment , C . Smith , C . Nicole , H . R . Bower , G . Yexley , A . E . Armfelt , L . Danielsson , C . Bone , W . J . North , G . Popham , C . Isler , and R . P . Upton , P . M .
The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Isler being the candidate . The questions having been answered , the Iodje was opened in the Second Degree , and ths ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Danielsson being the candidate . Bro . Carsberg gave the lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree , when Bro . Rapley was elected IV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Rose of Lancaster Preceptory . No . 157 . The above preceptory held its regular conclave at the Clifton Arms Hotel , Blackpool , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., when the Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight T norms Forrester , presided . After the ordinary business of the agenda had been gone throu jh , Sir Knight T . Forrester then read a lecture he had prepared on the anuiquity and history of Knight Templars , which was appreciated by the sir knights present , and a vote of thin ' ts wis accorded to the lecturer .
Obituary .
BRO . H . J . TINNEY , P . M . Very deep and sincere is the sympathy with which the news of the sudden death of Bro . H . J . Tinney has been received throughout the Craft . Bro . Tinney , it wil ! be remembered , fell dead while performing his duty as conductor of the band at the Frascati Restaurant on the evening of the Sth instant , and the inquest disclosed that death was due to the bursting of a blood vessel on the brain . Bro .
Tinney , who was only 50 years of age , was a P . M . of the Asaph Lodge , and was very highly respected by its members and his many friends in other lodges as well as the members of the profession of which he had been so bright an ornament for so many years . fcThe ] funeral took place at East Finchley on Mondiy , the 14 th inst ., prominent among the mourners being the three brothers of the deceased , namely , Bros . W . A . and C . E . Tinney , who are both Past Masteis of
the Asaph Lodge , and Bro . S . Tinney , ot the Derby Allcroft Lodge , No . 2168 . There were also present , as representatives of the Asaph Lodge , Bros . S . Johnson , W . M . j C . S . Jekyll , P . M ., Past G . Org . ; G . E . Fairchild , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C . ; and O . Yearsley , as well as Bro . Morrell , the manager of Frascati . The coffin was almost hidden from view by the many beautiful wreaths which had been sent by relatives , friends , and brethren as a mark of respect to our deceased brother .
IT HAS NOW been definitely decidsi to cill Mr . Hjinnes ' s three a : t nu . icil firce " Stolen , " and the same is now being carefully rehearsed at the Avenue Theatre , where it will be produced on or about the 31 st inst ., under the stage direction of Messrs E . J . Lonnen and Fred . VV . Sydney , the principal characters being sustained by Mesdames Alice Lethbridge , Alma Stanley , May Edouin , and Grace Hamond , and Messrs . E . Dagnall , Sydney Howard , C . L . Cherry , Littledale Power , and E . I . Lonnen . The first act takes place in a West-end drawing-room , the second act in the shop of a theatrical costumier , and the third act in a room above the same shop let off for rehearsals .
HOSPITAL SUNDAY FUND .- —The twenty-third annual meeting of subscribers to the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund took place on Monday , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair in the chair . According to the report , the contributions to the fund this yeir were £ 46 , 035 . The council were awaiting a final report from the Committee of Distribution on out-patient departments . The working expenses , including rent of offices at iS , Victoria-street , were £ 1675 . against an average of £ 1585 , during 22 previous years . At the instance of Canon Graham , sconded by Canon Fleming , it was resolved that the 20 th of June shall be the next Hospital Sunday .
AN EXHIBITION OF BRITISH PRODUCE . —At Winchilsea ] House , Long Acre , a very interesting exhibition is now being made of British farmers' produce , by the Association inaugurated by the Earl of Winchilsea , to introduce co-operative methods of collecting and distributing agricultural produce . The great object of the Association is to bring the producer and consumer into immediate contact , and to so specialize British produce that there can be no possibility of foreign being substituted for it . l'he productions of almost every county are represented , and British tare is liberally provided for Christmas .
WORTH KNOWING . " I ' ve wandered much this weary mortal round , and Sage Experience bids me this declare , " THE BRITISH TOrOItXSLlVX . AN'S THE LIFE OFFICE OF THE PEOPLE . BRITISH WORKMAN'S AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Established in 1866 . CHIKK OFFICKS —Birmingham ; LONDON CITY OFFICES—2 , VVest Street , Finsbury Pavement . District and Branch Offices throughout London and the Provinces . A complete History frfe by post on application . ORDINARY " & INDUSTRIALTASSURANCE . No Irksome Restrictions ; Liberal Terms ; Surrender Values ; Prompt Settlements ; Annual Income , 6438 , 250 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
sure he felt at seeing him in the chair , and heartily wished him a successful year of office > for which the number of brethren present was a good omen . The other toasts were "The Installing Master , " "The Past Masters , " "The Visitors , " and " The Officers . " During the evening , a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Marshall in recognition of his Services as Master for the past year . A word of praise should be given Bros . Offord , Dobb , Gough , and Berry , whose musical abilities helped to complete a most enjoyable evening .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Industry Chapter , " No . 48 . The regular meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the ioth inst ., when there was a large gathering of members and visitors . Comp . Robert Stewart , M . E . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . W . J . Jobson , H . ; H . Jackson . J . ; T . R . Jobson , P . Z . ; M . Corbitt , P . Z . ; Wm . Brown , P . Z ., D . C . ; Robt . Whitfield , P . Z . ; Wm . Stafford , S . E . ; W . Holzapfel , S . N . ; A . Simpson , P . S . ; A . Dodds , ist A . S . ; T . A . Moffitt , 2 nd A . S . ; W . E . Peacock , J . Boazman , J . Armstrong , P .
Cash , T . Douglass , and others . Amongst the visitors were Comps . D . Cameron , M . E . Z . 240 ; G . Narland , P . Z . 240 ; Wm . M . Lyon , P . Z . 404 ; C B . Ford , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; J . Usher , P . Z . 481 ; T . R . Short , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; B . Thomas , 240 ; J . McDowell , 240 ; A . M . Clarkson , 240 ; W . Millar , 240 ; F . Coverdale , 240 ; F . G . Isaacson , 431 ; and others . The ballots were respectively taken for two joining companions , also for six
candidates for exaltation , all of whom were elected . Bros . J . T . Pragnell and John Carr being in attendance were each exalted , for the first portion of the ceremony by Comp . T . R . Jobson and thence to the finish by Comp . R . Stewart , M . E . Z . Comp . W . Brown , D . C , delivered the mystic lecture . Eight propositions for exaltation were made , and other business having been transacted , after receiving the "Good wishes" of the visitors , the proceedings closed , and an adjournment took plice to the refreshment room .
Zetland Chapter , No . 236 . This chapter , which was consecrated in June , 1 SS 6 , has had a somewhat chequered career during its short life . It had a promising start but after meeting somewhat irregularly for a couple of years it became dormant and so continued until the present year , when some of the younger members of the lodge to which the chapter was attached interested themselves along with one or more Royal Arch Masons in the town in the resuscitation of the chapter , thoir efforts were crowned with success , for with the willing
assistance of several experienced companions in the district a most successful meeting was held on Wednesday , the iSth ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , Cleckheaton , when Comp . S . H . Stocks , M . E . Z ., had the co-operation of Comps . J oseph Wilson , P . Z . 302 , P . P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; A . Butterworth , J . 302 , as J . ; J . T . Last , 387 , as S . E . ; Wm . Fielding , 44 S , as S . N . ; Richard Hodgson , P . Z . as 448 , as P . S . ; 1 . Niven , S . N . 302 , as ist Asst . Soj . ; S . Law , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Wm . Sharp and J . W . Monckman , P . Z . 600 , P . P . G . P . S ., acted as D . C . ; and H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 44 S ,
P . P . G . P . S . The minutes of the last regular meeting of the chapter held on the 19 th January , iSSS , haying been read and confirmed , Comp . J . T . Last , 3 S 7 , was balloted for and elected as a joining member . Notices of proposition of two candidates for exaltation having been given pursuant to Article 72 of the Royal Arch Regulations , Bros . H . E . Hodgson , 603 , and James Clough , P . M . 603 , were duly elected and , being present , were exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason by Comp . H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 44 S .
The lecture was given by Comp . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . The chapter not having adopted by-laws it was resolved that the election of Principals and officers take place at the next monthly meeting , and the installation of the Principals and the investiture of officers be proceeded with at the January meeting of the chapter . A proposition of a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting was handed in and notice given of a resolution to be moved at the next meeting for regulating the future meetings of the chapter . After " Hearty good wishes " to the M . E . Z . and congratulations from the visitors
upon such a successful and business-like meeting , the chapter was closed , and the closing address given by Comp . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . After refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were du y honoured 'I The Health of the M . E . Z . " was proposed by Comp . J . W . Monckman , who heartily congratulated the members of the chapter t . pon such a good meeting as they had had at the resuscitation of the chapter after so many years of inactivity . It was a good augury for the future , and with the enthusiasm of some of the members who had
taken the matter up , and the prospect of several candidates who had submitted their names as coming members , he saw the beginning of a prosperous little chapter . It had afforded him , at the invitation of Comp . Last , very much pleasure to have been present on that occasion , and to render his humble services in assisting at the resuscitation of the chapter . Comp . S . H . Stocks , M . E . Z ., in responding , thanked thc companions for the kind manner in which the toast of his health had been received . He was glad to have had the privilege of presiding again in the chapter that some few years ago he took great
interest in establishing . By some means it had for several years ceased to meet and he assured them that at his age and from the state of his health the chapter would certainly have lapsed altogether had it rested with him ; but he was glad that some of those present had interested themselves in re-establishing the chapter . He had been pleased to render what assistance he could in the matter , and he was pleased to think that the chapter had obtained a new lease of lite ; he thanked the visiting companions for their valuable assistance in rendering the ceremonies that evening . He confidently stated that he had
never before witnessed such excellent working and he sincerely hoped they would do the chapter the honour of visiting them again whenever they could conveniently do so . "The Visitors , " was proposed by Comp . Last who in the name of the chapter gave them a very hearty welcome . He said it had fallen to his lot to make the necessary arrangements for resuscitating the chapter and he wis pleased to recognise the readiness with which all the visitors responded to the invitation to attend and assist in the
conduct of the business of the meeting ; its success had been miinly the result of the help the visitors had so very generously afforded . Comps . H . S . Holdsworth , P . Z . 448 , and J . Wilson , P . Z . 302 , responded for the visitors and expressed the gratification it had afforded them to have been present and to have assisted at the resuscitation of the chapter , which had their best wishes for its future success . Other toasts followed .
Lodges Of Instruction.
Lodges of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . Ameeting was held on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . William Baker , W . M . ; J . G . Robeson , S . W . ; E . Croft-Wise , J . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Smith , P . M ., Asst . Sec ; Saunion , P . M ., S . D . ; E . Collins , J . D . ; Emden , P . M ., l . G . ; Lockett , Fishleigh , Fair , Shipman , King , and Spencer . ...
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes ot the last meeting read and confirmed , after which the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Spencer being the candidate . Bro . Lockett then answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The W . M . opened the lodge in the Second Degree , and Bro . Lockett was passed to the Degree of a F . C . The lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and the W . M . rising the usual number of times and Bro . J . G . Robeson being unanimously elected W . M . for next Wednesday evening , the lodge was closed .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 538 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., when there were present Bros . J . Goldstein , W . M . ; A . Zeppenfeld , S . W . ; I . Butcher , J . W . ; J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; T . W . Smale , Asst . Sec ; G . Hill , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; Webb , l . G . ; S . Cross , and L . Genese .
Lodges Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting ware read an 1 confirmed . The ist and 2 nd Sectionsof the Lecture were worked by the Preceptor . Th ; lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees . The lodge was resumed to trie First Degree , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cro-, s being the candidate . The W . M . rose for the first time , and Bros . Webb and Carnaby were elected members of the lodge . The W . M . rose for the second and third times , and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 15 th instant , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . M . Miroy , W . M . ; VV . Rapley , S . W . ; J . E . Thomas , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . A . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and I . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; R . Eddie , S . D . ; W . F . Roberts . J . D . ,- P . Cload , I . G . j A . Oliver , P . M . ; E . J . Harrison , G . R . Carsberg , C T . Rayner , A . F . Hardyment , C . Smith , C . Nicole , H . R . Bower , G . Yexley , A . E . Armfelt , L . Danielsson , C . Bone , W . J . North , G . Popham , C . Isler , and R . P . Upton , P . M .
The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Isler being the candidate . The questions having been answered , the Iodje was opened in the Second Degree , and ths ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Danielsson being the candidate . Bro . Carsberg gave the lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree , when Bro . Rapley was elected IV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Rose of Lancaster Preceptory . No . 157 . The above preceptory held its regular conclave at the Clifton Arms Hotel , Blackpool , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., when the Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight T norms Forrester , presided . After the ordinary business of the agenda had been gone throu jh , Sir Knight T . Forrester then read a lecture he had prepared on the anuiquity and history of Knight Templars , which was appreciated by the sir knights present , and a vote of thin ' ts wis accorded to the lecturer .
Obituary .
BRO . H . J . TINNEY , P . M . Very deep and sincere is the sympathy with which the news of the sudden death of Bro . H . J . Tinney has been received throughout the Craft . Bro . Tinney , it wil ! be remembered , fell dead while performing his duty as conductor of the band at the Frascati Restaurant on the evening of the Sth instant , and the inquest disclosed that death was due to the bursting of a blood vessel on the brain . Bro .
Tinney , who was only 50 years of age , was a P . M . of the Asaph Lodge , and was very highly respected by its members and his many friends in other lodges as well as the members of the profession of which he had been so bright an ornament for so many years . fcThe ] funeral took place at East Finchley on Mondiy , the 14 th inst ., prominent among the mourners being the three brothers of the deceased , namely , Bros . W . A . and C . E . Tinney , who are both Past Masteis of
the Asaph Lodge , and Bro . S . Tinney , ot the Derby Allcroft Lodge , No . 2168 . There were also present , as representatives of the Asaph Lodge , Bros . S . Johnson , W . M . j C . S . Jekyll , P . M ., Past G . Org . ; G . E . Fairchild , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C . ; and O . Yearsley , as well as Bro . Morrell , the manager of Frascati . The coffin was almost hidden from view by the many beautiful wreaths which had been sent by relatives , friends , and brethren as a mark of respect to our deceased brother .
IT HAS NOW been definitely decidsi to cill Mr . Hjinnes ' s three a : t nu . icil firce " Stolen , " and the same is now being carefully rehearsed at the Avenue Theatre , where it will be produced on or about the 31 st inst ., under the stage direction of Messrs E . J . Lonnen and Fred . VV . Sydney , the principal characters being sustained by Mesdames Alice Lethbridge , Alma Stanley , May Edouin , and Grace Hamond , and Messrs . E . Dagnall , Sydney Howard , C . L . Cherry , Littledale Power , and E . I . Lonnen . The first act takes place in a West-end drawing-room , the second act in the shop of a theatrical costumier , and the third act in a room above the same shop let off for rehearsals .
HOSPITAL SUNDAY FUND .- —The twenty-third annual meeting of subscribers to the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund took place on Monday , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair in the chair . According to the report , the contributions to the fund this yeir were £ 46 , 035 . The council were awaiting a final report from the Committee of Distribution on out-patient departments . The working expenses , including rent of offices at iS , Victoria-street , were £ 1675 . against an average of £ 1585 , during 22 previous years . At the instance of Canon Graham , sconded by Canon Fleming , it was resolved that the 20 th of June shall be the next Hospital Sunday .
AN EXHIBITION OF BRITISH PRODUCE . —At Winchilsea ] House , Long Acre , a very interesting exhibition is now being made of British farmers' produce , by the Association inaugurated by the Earl of Winchilsea , to introduce co-operative methods of collecting and distributing agricultural produce . The great object of the Association is to bring the producer and consumer into immediate contact , and to so specialize British produce that there can be no possibility of foreign being substituted for it . l'he productions of almost every county are represented , and British tare is liberally provided for Christmas .
WORTH KNOWING . " I ' ve wandered much this weary mortal round , and Sage Experience bids me this declare , " THE BRITISH TOrOItXSLlVX . AN'S THE LIFE OFFICE OF THE PEOPLE . BRITISH WORKMAN'S AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Established in 1866 . CHIKK OFFICKS —Birmingham ; LONDON CITY OFFICES—2 , VVest Street , Finsbury Pavement . District and Branch Offices throughout London and the Provinces . A complete History frfe by post on application . ORDINARY " & INDUSTRIALTASSURANCE . No Irksome Restrictions ; Liberal Terms ; Surrender Values ; Prompt Settlements ; Annual Income , 6438 , 250 .