Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
BRO . LORD WOLSELEY has bcen re-elected president of the South ^ London Rifle Club , having held the position for several years past . THE goth anniversary festival of the City of London Trust Society will be celebrated in March next , under the presidency of the Lord Mayor ( Mr . Alderman Faudel Phillips ) . GKOOTE SCHUUR , tie country seat of Bro . Cecil Rhodes , situated about seven miles from Cape Town , was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning . Th ; fire broke out at 3 p . m . and the appliances at hand were not sufficient to extinguish it .
AT CAMBRIDGE , Bro . F . VV . Potts , S . W ., has been elected W . M . of the Three Grand Principles Lodge , No . 441 , and Bro . VV . Sindall , S . W ., has been elected W . M . of the Scientific Lodge , No . SS . Their installation will be on Januiry 4 th and 1 ith respectively . , . T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES . accompaniedby the Princess Victoria and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , returned to Malborough House , on Monday , from visit ' ng the Oueen at Windsor , and attending the memorial service in the Royal Mausoleum , at Frogmore .
A FIRE BROKE OUT in Arundel Castle on Saturday last , owing to soms sparks from the fire in the billiird-room igniting the carpet . It was , however , very soon extinguished without doing av . y great damage . The Duke and a number of guests were in the castle at the time . BRO . W . H . PREECE , C . B ., F . R . S ., delivered a lecture on "Telegraphy Without Wires" at Toynbee Hall , on Saturday evening last , and in the course of his remarks gave a number of highly interesting experiments . Canon Barnett presided on the occasion , and there was a very large attendance .
A NUMBER of ladies and gentlemen , among whom were . Bro . Lord Loch , Admiral Sir A . Hoskins , and Dr . Rutheiford , Head Master of Westminster School , met on Tuesday at the head-quarters of the Royal Geographical Society , for the purpose of celebrating the jubilee of the Hakluyt Society , Sir Clements Markhim , the President of the meeting , delivering an interesting address on Richard Hakluyt .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES left Marlborough House on Tuesday , on a visit to Bro . the Earl of Derby at Knowsley . His Royal Highness was received at Euston Station by Bro . Lord Stalbridge , Chairman of the London and North-Western Railway Company , with whom he had a conversation on the recent differences between the company and its employes , expressing his great satisfaction that the differences had been arranged .
THE DIRECTORS of Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) announce that tli 2 Debenture Stock Transfer Books will be closed from the 15 th to the 31 st inst ., both inclusive , for the purpose of preparing the interest warrants for the half-year ending 31 st December , 1 S 9 G , on the Five per Cent . First Mortgage Debentures , the " A " Mortgage Debenture Stock , the *• B " Mortgage Debenture Stock , and the " C " First Mortgage Debenture Stock of the company .
PRINCESS CHRISTIAN paid a visit to Walworth on Tuesday for the purpose of opening , in a greatly enlarged form , the Richmond-street Mission . Her Royal Highness was received by Lady Jeune , Lady Whittaker Ellis , and others , aguardof honour being formed by the 1 st V . B . Royal West Surrey Regiment under thecommindof Lieut .-Col . J . J . Sexbv . The Princess expressed her good wishes for the success of the undertaking md a vote of thanks was passed to her Royal Highness for her kindness in attending .
THE DUKE AND DUCIIFSS OF V ' arrived at Worksop , on Monday evening , en route lor Welbeck Abbey , and notwithstanding the lateness of the hour , received a hearty welcome fiom the inhabitants . Their Royal Highnrs . es were met by Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Portland , while the house party invited to meet them includes Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire , the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough , the Duchess of Manchester , the Marchioness of Granby , the Earl of Scarborough , Sir Charles Cust , Bro . the Maharajah of Cocch Behar , and others .
OUR ATTENTION has been called to sundry misprints in the names of several of the brethren mentioned in our report last week of the recent installation meeting of the Zetland Lodge , No . 1311 , Leeds . Firstly , it was Bro . I ) .- . Robert Smailes—not Swailes —who was installed W . M ., while among the officers he appointed were Bros . E . L . Frazer—not Frayer—J . W . ; H . M . Forbes—not Fcrber—S . D . ; and F . Long—not Song , though that would have been appropriate enough—Organist . Moreo / er , it was lhe Lion—not the Zion—Lodge , No . 312 , Whitby , from which a deputation of brethren attended .
THE ROYAL AQUARIUM . —Amongst many other attractions on the Christmas programme , Professor Finney has undertaken to dive , enveloped in flames , from underneath the Aquarium Dome into a shallow tank of water below the level of the floor . It has been proved that the flames , although fed by the rapidity of his ( Finney ) passing through the air from so immense a height , will be at once extinguished by th ; water without injury to the diver or possibility of accident or danger to visitors . The attempi will be
made at 10 p . m , on Monday next , at the close of the first day ' s ladies' second Great International five days' C > cle race . The Christmas performinces at the Royal Aquarium will be on an unusually liberal scale , commencing punctuilly at 10 a . m . daily . The entertainment will run continuously until 11 . 40 p . m . All the Boxing Day attractions , including the Ladies ' Cycle Race and the entire holidiy program-ne , will commence at 10 a . m . on Monday , the 21 st inst ., and be so continued all the week , Christmis Diy only excepted .
THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMI'ANY announce that on Thursday night , the 24 th inst . ( for 4 5 , 8 , and 10 days ) , and Thursday night , the 31 st inst . ( for 4 , 5 , and 10 days ) , cheap excursions will leave London ( Woolwich , Arsenal , and Dockyard ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Moorgate , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Finsbury Park , & c , for Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh / Glasgow , Helensburgh , Dumbarton , Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Dalmally , Oban , Fort William , Montrose , Aberdeen , Inverness , and other stations in Scotland . Passemrers bv the
excursion on 24 th return on Sunday , 27 th , Monday , 28 th , Thursday , 31 st inst ., or Saturday , 2 nd prox ., and those by the excursion on 31 st inst . return on Sunday , 3 rd , Monday , 4 th , or Saturday , r , th prox ., according to period of ticket taken . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issurd by above excursions to places named , available for icluin by one fixed train on any day within iC days including days of issue and return . A special express conveying parcels only will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 10 . 15 p . m . on the ig'h , 21 st , 22 nd , and 23 rd inst . for Lvnn , Norwich . Yarmouth .
Nottingham , Melton Mowbiay , Leicester , Derby , Burton , Lincoln , Sheffield , Mmche .-ter , Liverpool , Wakefield , Leeds , Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , York , Hull , Newcastle , and all places in the North of England and Scotland . To prevent inconvenience from crowding at the Company ' s principal terminal station , King ' s Cross , tickets , dated in advance , will be issued at King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , Holloway , and Finsbury Park stations , and at their ticket offices . For further particulars see advertisement .
"I DREAMT THAT I DWELT i . -j MARIILE HALLS " will be the pleasing fancy to every one who fust crosses the threshold of the gorgeous Trocadero Restaurant , which now holds such a proud and enviable position in the " New London " starting into life round and about Piccadilly Circus . But instead of the " vassals and serfs " of the old song we shall lind a warm and hospitable welcome from the courteous and spirited proprietors , Messrs . J . Lyons and Co ., Limited , and the proverbial attention and personal comfort ever extended to the public by these well-known caterers and
restaurateurs , lhe basement lloor is devoted to the grill room , with the buffet , smoking , reading , and billiard rooms . 'Ihe entrance lloor is occupied by the grand restaurant , with its golden minstrel and great gallery in the style of Louis Quatorze , and attached to the gold hall and gallery is a splendid adjacent saloon in the ~ style of Louis Quinze . Small but deliciously cosy dining rooms surround these splendid public rooms . The first lloor of the new Trocadero is another welcome surorise . consisting as it does of a
ball room , a banqueting hall in the Empire period—a most admirable reproduction—and an ante-room in ihe style of Louis Treize . On the gallery level , at the top of the grand staircase , will be found a reception room , again in the style of Louis Treize ; a magnificent Masonic lodge in the period of Francois Premier , with , of course , the necessary ante-rooms for the comfort and convenience of the brethren of the Craft . Full particulars can be had on application at the Trocadero , Piccadilly Circus .
Masonic And General Tidings.
THE ESSEN AGRICULTURAL SHOW in 1 S 97 will be held at Chelmsford under the presidency of Bro . the Earl of Warwick . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , President of the Church Lads' Brigade , has forwarded a donation of £ 20 to the headquarters of the Institution . THE QUEEN and her Court will spend Christmas , as usual , at Osborne , and will return to Windsor Castle some weeks previous to her leaving England for her customary spring excursion .
BRO . G . SHAW-LEFEVRE has purchased Abbotsworth House , near Winchester . It is a picturesque building in the Elizabethan style , and has extensive fishing rights in the river Itchen , on which it stands . THE DUKE OF RUTLAND , who was a member of each of the six Conservative administrations held between 1 S 52 and 1 S 92 , completed his 78 th year on Sunday last , having been born on the 13 th December , 1 S 1 S .
H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES , with the Princess Victoria , Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck visited the St . James ' s Theatre on Thursday evening and witnessed a performance of " As You Like It . " OUR ATTENTION has been called to an error in our report of the proceedings in Grand Lodge on the 2 nd inst . It was not Bro . Akers-Douglas , M . P ., P . G . W ., but Bro . Lord Bolton , P . G . W ., D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire , who occupied the cnair of Senior G . Warden .
THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF GERMANY gave a large musical party at the new palace at Potsdam on Saturday last . Nearly the whole of the Diplomatic Corps were present , with Lady and Miss Lascelles , but the British Ambassador was prevented attending , having some time previously arranged to present his letters of credit on that day to the Regent of Brunswick .
IT HAS BEEN arranged that the Collegiate Church of St . Saviour , Southwark , shall be opened as the Cathedral Church of South London on the 16 th February next . The chapter will include the Bishop of Rochester as Dean and the Bishop of Southwark as Sub-Dean . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales laid the memorial stone of the rebuilt nave on the 94 th J uly , 1890 , and his Royal Highness is desirous of being present at the approaching opening .
THE DUCHESS OF TECK opened a bazaar in aid of the Church Institute at the Public Hall , Croydon , on Saturday last . Her Royal Highness was received by the Right Hon . C . T . Ritchie , M . P ., President of the Board of Trade , the Mayor , and members of the Committee , at the George-street entrance , where a detachment of the ist V . B . Queen ' s Royal West Surrey Regiment was posted as a guard of honour . The Vicar of Croydon read an address setting forth the objects of the bazaar , which the Duchess afterwards declared open and wished it success .
THE 142 HOURS CYCLE RACE in Madison-square Gardens was brought to a conclusion at 10 p . m . on Saturday , the winner being Edwird Hale , an Irishman , the 100 mile champion of Great Britain , who covered 1910 miles S laps , Joseph Rice , a Russian Pole , being second with iS 32 miles , Ned Reading , an American soldier , of Omiha , third with 1 S 53 miles , and Fred Forster , a German , fourth with 1 S 20 miles . The winner received 1300 dollars , Rice , 800 dollirs , Reading , 500 dollars , aid Forster - "to dillars , eight other prizes being awarded ranging from 300 to 75 dollars .
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Metropolitan Hospital Sundiy Fur- ' wis held in the Guildhall on Monday , and , in the unavoidable absence of the Lore . _ lyor , who was detained on Corporation business , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair was . nvited to preside , among those present being Bro . Alderman Treloar , the Bishop of Stepney , the Chief Rabbi , Lord Frederick Fitzroy , an 1 others . The report of the Council showed that the amount raised was £ 4 6 , 035 , being the lirgest ever obtained except in iSg > . The report was adopted , and the other business having been transicted , the proceedings terminate ! with the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman .
" FREEMASONRY IN 1 S 96 , " is the title of the principal article contributed to the Christmas number of the Freemason , but it is only one of many features which will be read with interest by all who belong to the Craft . Admirable , in fact , is the comprehensive issue which has just been published , accompanying which is a supplementary page , on which figure portraits of the Provincial Grand Masters under the Grand Lodge of England . The chief Masonic occurrences of the fast-dying year have been compiled in diary form , and the number boasts further an entertaining story of Old Paris , by T . C . Walls , entitled " The Vision of Evil . " —Daily Telegraph .
THE Q UEEN , accompanied by T . R . H . Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke and Duchess of York , Princess Victoria of Wales , Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and Prince Christian Victor , the Princess Louise Marchioness of Lome and the Marquis of Lome , Princess Henry of Battenberg , and the Duchess of Albany , attended the service held in the Royal Miusoleum , at Frogmore , on Monday morning , in memory of H . R . H . the Prince Conso t and the Princess Alice , Grand Duchess of Hesse , who died , the former on the 14 th December , 1 S 61 , and the latter on the 14 th December , 1 S 7 S . In the afternoon the M msoleun wis opened by Her Majesty ' s commands for the servants and their families to visit .
MIDLAND RAILWAY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS . —The Midland Railway Company , to prevent inconvenience and crowding , have arranged for the booking offices at St . Pancras and Moorgate Street stations to bs opjn for the issue of tickets all day on Tursday , Wednesday , and Thursday , the 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th , inst ., and tickets to all principal stations on the Midland Railway can be obtained beforehand at the Midland Company ' s City and Surburban Offices . On Christmas
Eve the pressure of the traffic will be relieved by the running of duplicate trains from St . Pancras as circumstances may require . On Christmas Day the trains will run as appointed for Sundays , except the newspaper express , leaving London ( St . Pancras ) at 5 . 15 a . m ., which will run to Bedford , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Sheffield , and Manchester , as on ordinary weekdays . On Saturday , the 26 th inst ., and on New Year ' s Day , certain booked trains will be discontinued , of which due notice will be given by Special Bills at the Stations . See advertisement .
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . —Speaking at the banquet in connection with the installation of Bro . C . F . Baker , W . M . elect of the Menturia Lodge , No . 418 , at Hanley , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., Bro . E . V . Greatbach , P . P . S . G . W . Staffordshire , in responding to the toast of " The Masonic Charities , '' strongly condemned the proposed removal of the Boys' School from its present site , where , he contended , the children were as healthy as they would be anywhere else , and which had cost a large sum of money , probably not less than £ 100 , 000 . In the past he had fought as strongly
as any man could do against the prevailing order of things in the management of the School , and had been the means of bringing about a considerable improvement , but matters were almost as bad as ever they were . The fact that Lord Dartmouth had in a short space of time raised £ 700 in that province to endow a cot at the Wolverhampton Orphanage , and the realisation of a thousand guineas by the festival at Trentham a
few months ago , showed that the Freemasons of Staffordshire were not behind the brethren of any other province , and he had no hesitation in saying that they could raise £ 1000 for several years if it was required . He urged that the London Institutions should be left severely alone , and that the Provinces of Staffordshire , Cheshire , and Warwickshire should combine to form their own Charitable Institution on lines similar to the Provinces of East and West Lancashire .
THE BARNATO SOCIAL AND SPORTING CLUB . —The Barnato Social and Sporting Club held their first smoking concert at Masons' Hill , E . G ., on Tuesdiy list , when amongst those present were Bro . I . B . Joel , P . M . 2265 , in the chair , ani the other members of the Barnato Lodge present included Bros . T . Honey , P . M . ; C . F . Hogird , P . G . Std . Br . ; H . Barnato , Leo Harwood , G . Harwood , J . Jackson , Tom Smith , and P . Fulcke-Rantzen ; besides j Bros . Max Mendelssohn , P . M . 212 j Ridout , P . M . 12 S 7 ; and H . Hall , 2551 . A very enjoyable evening was spent , miny of the gentlemen who gave
their services showing real talent , but we think the honours of the evening fell to Mr . Guy ( late Royal Italian Opera ) , rwho gave a rendering of "The lost chord" on the cornet in a most perfect manner ; Bro . Harry Hill for his comic songs ; and Mr . H . J . Hughes , who sang one of Hayden Coffin ' s songs from " The Giisha Girl , " and hid to repeat the last verse . I n the course of the evening a cordi il vote of thanks wis accorded
to Mr . Brown for the manner in which he had organised the concert and mirshillei his forces , and Bro . I . B . Joel was thanked for his able conduct in the chiir , and his h ; alth , as well as Bro . Harry Barnato ' s , was drank with enthusiasm . There is no doubt that these social gatherings do much to cement a good feeling between employer and emploje , and we trust the experiment , having proved such a success , will be repeated hortly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
BRO . LORD WOLSELEY has bcen re-elected president of the South ^ London Rifle Club , having held the position for several years past . THE goth anniversary festival of the City of London Trust Society will be celebrated in March next , under the presidency of the Lord Mayor ( Mr . Alderman Faudel Phillips ) . GKOOTE SCHUUR , tie country seat of Bro . Cecil Rhodes , situated about seven miles from Cape Town , was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning . Th ; fire broke out at 3 p . m . and the appliances at hand were not sufficient to extinguish it .
AT CAMBRIDGE , Bro . F . VV . Potts , S . W ., has been elected W . M . of the Three Grand Principles Lodge , No . 441 , and Bro . VV . Sindall , S . W ., has been elected W . M . of the Scientific Lodge , No . SS . Their installation will be on Januiry 4 th and 1 ith respectively . , . T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES . accompaniedby the Princess Victoria and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , returned to Malborough House , on Monday , from visit ' ng the Oueen at Windsor , and attending the memorial service in the Royal Mausoleum , at Frogmore .
A FIRE BROKE OUT in Arundel Castle on Saturday last , owing to soms sparks from the fire in the billiird-room igniting the carpet . It was , however , very soon extinguished without doing av . y great damage . The Duke and a number of guests were in the castle at the time . BRO . W . H . PREECE , C . B ., F . R . S ., delivered a lecture on "Telegraphy Without Wires" at Toynbee Hall , on Saturday evening last , and in the course of his remarks gave a number of highly interesting experiments . Canon Barnett presided on the occasion , and there was a very large attendance .
A NUMBER of ladies and gentlemen , among whom were . Bro . Lord Loch , Admiral Sir A . Hoskins , and Dr . Rutheiford , Head Master of Westminster School , met on Tuesday at the head-quarters of the Royal Geographical Society , for the purpose of celebrating the jubilee of the Hakluyt Society , Sir Clements Markhim , the President of the meeting , delivering an interesting address on Richard Hakluyt .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES left Marlborough House on Tuesday , on a visit to Bro . the Earl of Derby at Knowsley . His Royal Highness was received at Euston Station by Bro . Lord Stalbridge , Chairman of the London and North-Western Railway Company , with whom he had a conversation on the recent differences between the company and its employes , expressing his great satisfaction that the differences had been arranged .
THE DIRECTORS of Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) announce that tli 2 Debenture Stock Transfer Books will be closed from the 15 th to the 31 st inst ., both inclusive , for the purpose of preparing the interest warrants for the half-year ending 31 st December , 1 S 9 G , on the Five per Cent . First Mortgage Debentures , the " A " Mortgage Debenture Stock , the *• B " Mortgage Debenture Stock , and the " C " First Mortgage Debenture Stock of the company .
PRINCESS CHRISTIAN paid a visit to Walworth on Tuesday for the purpose of opening , in a greatly enlarged form , the Richmond-street Mission . Her Royal Highness was received by Lady Jeune , Lady Whittaker Ellis , and others , aguardof honour being formed by the 1 st V . B . Royal West Surrey Regiment under thecommindof Lieut .-Col . J . J . Sexbv . The Princess expressed her good wishes for the success of the undertaking md a vote of thanks was passed to her Royal Highness for her kindness in attending .
THE DUKE AND DUCIIFSS OF V ' arrived at Worksop , on Monday evening , en route lor Welbeck Abbey , and notwithstanding the lateness of the hour , received a hearty welcome fiom the inhabitants . Their Royal Highnrs . es were met by Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Portland , while the house party invited to meet them includes Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire , the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough , the Duchess of Manchester , the Marchioness of Granby , the Earl of Scarborough , Sir Charles Cust , Bro . the Maharajah of Cocch Behar , and others .
OUR ATTENTION has been called to sundry misprints in the names of several of the brethren mentioned in our report last week of the recent installation meeting of the Zetland Lodge , No . 1311 , Leeds . Firstly , it was Bro . I ) .- . Robert Smailes—not Swailes —who was installed W . M ., while among the officers he appointed were Bros . E . L . Frazer—not Frayer—J . W . ; H . M . Forbes—not Fcrber—S . D . ; and F . Long—not Song , though that would have been appropriate enough—Organist . Moreo / er , it was lhe Lion—not the Zion—Lodge , No . 312 , Whitby , from which a deputation of brethren attended .
THE ROYAL AQUARIUM . —Amongst many other attractions on the Christmas programme , Professor Finney has undertaken to dive , enveloped in flames , from underneath the Aquarium Dome into a shallow tank of water below the level of the floor . It has been proved that the flames , although fed by the rapidity of his ( Finney ) passing through the air from so immense a height , will be at once extinguished by th ; water without injury to the diver or possibility of accident or danger to visitors . The attempi will be
made at 10 p . m , on Monday next , at the close of the first day ' s ladies' second Great International five days' C > cle race . The Christmas performinces at the Royal Aquarium will be on an unusually liberal scale , commencing punctuilly at 10 a . m . daily . The entertainment will run continuously until 11 . 40 p . m . All the Boxing Day attractions , including the Ladies ' Cycle Race and the entire holidiy program-ne , will commence at 10 a . m . on Monday , the 21 st inst ., and be so continued all the week , Christmis Diy only excepted .
THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMI'ANY announce that on Thursday night , the 24 th inst . ( for 4 5 , 8 , and 10 days ) , and Thursday night , the 31 st inst . ( for 4 , 5 , and 10 days ) , cheap excursions will leave London ( Woolwich , Arsenal , and Dockyard ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Moorgate , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Finsbury Park , & c , for Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh / Glasgow , Helensburgh , Dumbarton , Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Dalmally , Oban , Fort William , Montrose , Aberdeen , Inverness , and other stations in Scotland . Passemrers bv the
excursion on 24 th return on Sunday , 27 th , Monday , 28 th , Thursday , 31 st inst ., or Saturday , 2 nd prox ., and those by the excursion on 31 st inst . return on Sunday , 3 rd , Monday , 4 th , or Saturday , r , th prox ., according to period of ticket taken . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issurd by above excursions to places named , available for icluin by one fixed train on any day within iC days including days of issue and return . A special express conveying parcels only will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 10 . 15 p . m . on the ig'h , 21 st , 22 nd , and 23 rd inst . for Lvnn , Norwich . Yarmouth .
Nottingham , Melton Mowbiay , Leicester , Derby , Burton , Lincoln , Sheffield , Mmche .-ter , Liverpool , Wakefield , Leeds , Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , York , Hull , Newcastle , and all places in the North of England and Scotland . To prevent inconvenience from crowding at the Company ' s principal terminal station , King ' s Cross , tickets , dated in advance , will be issued at King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , Holloway , and Finsbury Park stations , and at their ticket offices . For further particulars see advertisement .
"I DREAMT THAT I DWELT i . -j MARIILE HALLS " will be the pleasing fancy to every one who fust crosses the threshold of the gorgeous Trocadero Restaurant , which now holds such a proud and enviable position in the " New London " starting into life round and about Piccadilly Circus . But instead of the " vassals and serfs " of the old song we shall lind a warm and hospitable welcome from the courteous and spirited proprietors , Messrs . J . Lyons and Co ., Limited , and the proverbial attention and personal comfort ever extended to the public by these well-known caterers and
restaurateurs , lhe basement lloor is devoted to the grill room , with the buffet , smoking , reading , and billiard rooms . 'Ihe entrance lloor is occupied by the grand restaurant , with its golden minstrel and great gallery in the style of Louis Quatorze , and attached to the gold hall and gallery is a splendid adjacent saloon in the ~ style of Louis Quinze . Small but deliciously cosy dining rooms surround these splendid public rooms . The first lloor of the new Trocadero is another welcome surorise . consisting as it does of a
ball room , a banqueting hall in the Empire period—a most admirable reproduction—and an ante-room in ihe style of Louis Treize . On the gallery level , at the top of the grand staircase , will be found a reception room , again in the style of Louis Treize ; a magnificent Masonic lodge in the period of Francois Premier , with , of course , the necessary ante-rooms for the comfort and convenience of the brethren of the Craft . Full particulars can be had on application at the Trocadero , Piccadilly Circus .
Masonic And General Tidings.
THE ESSEN AGRICULTURAL SHOW in 1 S 97 will be held at Chelmsford under the presidency of Bro . the Earl of Warwick . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , President of the Church Lads' Brigade , has forwarded a donation of £ 20 to the headquarters of the Institution . THE QUEEN and her Court will spend Christmas , as usual , at Osborne , and will return to Windsor Castle some weeks previous to her leaving England for her customary spring excursion .
BRO . G . SHAW-LEFEVRE has purchased Abbotsworth House , near Winchester . It is a picturesque building in the Elizabethan style , and has extensive fishing rights in the river Itchen , on which it stands . THE DUKE OF RUTLAND , who was a member of each of the six Conservative administrations held between 1 S 52 and 1 S 92 , completed his 78 th year on Sunday last , having been born on the 13 th December , 1 S 1 S .
H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES , with the Princess Victoria , Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck visited the St . James ' s Theatre on Thursday evening and witnessed a performance of " As You Like It . " OUR ATTENTION has been called to an error in our report of the proceedings in Grand Lodge on the 2 nd inst . It was not Bro . Akers-Douglas , M . P ., P . G . W ., but Bro . Lord Bolton , P . G . W ., D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire , who occupied the cnair of Senior G . Warden .
THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF GERMANY gave a large musical party at the new palace at Potsdam on Saturday last . Nearly the whole of the Diplomatic Corps were present , with Lady and Miss Lascelles , but the British Ambassador was prevented attending , having some time previously arranged to present his letters of credit on that day to the Regent of Brunswick .
IT HAS BEEN arranged that the Collegiate Church of St . Saviour , Southwark , shall be opened as the Cathedral Church of South London on the 16 th February next . The chapter will include the Bishop of Rochester as Dean and the Bishop of Southwark as Sub-Dean . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales laid the memorial stone of the rebuilt nave on the 94 th J uly , 1890 , and his Royal Highness is desirous of being present at the approaching opening .
THE DUCHESS OF TECK opened a bazaar in aid of the Church Institute at the Public Hall , Croydon , on Saturday last . Her Royal Highness was received by the Right Hon . C . T . Ritchie , M . P ., President of the Board of Trade , the Mayor , and members of the Committee , at the George-street entrance , where a detachment of the ist V . B . Queen ' s Royal West Surrey Regiment was posted as a guard of honour . The Vicar of Croydon read an address setting forth the objects of the bazaar , which the Duchess afterwards declared open and wished it success .
THE 142 HOURS CYCLE RACE in Madison-square Gardens was brought to a conclusion at 10 p . m . on Saturday , the winner being Edwird Hale , an Irishman , the 100 mile champion of Great Britain , who covered 1910 miles S laps , Joseph Rice , a Russian Pole , being second with iS 32 miles , Ned Reading , an American soldier , of Omiha , third with 1 S 53 miles , and Fred Forster , a German , fourth with 1 S 20 miles . The winner received 1300 dollars , Rice , 800 dollirs , Reading , 500 dollars , aid Forster - "to dillars , eight other prizes being awarded ranging from 300 to 75 dollars .
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Metropolitan Hospital Sundiy Fur- ' wis held in the Guildhall on Monday , and , in the unavoidable absence of the Lore . _ lyor , who was detained on Corporation business , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair was . nvited to preside , among those present being Bro . Alderman Treloar , the Bishop of Stepney , the Chief Rabbi , Lord Frederick Fitzroy , an 1 others . The report of the Council showed that the amount raised was £ 4 6 , 035 , being the lirgest ever obtained except in iSg > . The report was adopted , and the other business having been transicted , the proceedings terminate ! with the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman .
" FREEMASONRY IN 1 S 96 , " is the title of the principal article contributed to the Christmas number of the Freemason , but it is only one of many features which will be read with interest by all who belong to the Craft . Admirable , in fact , is the comprehensive issue which has just been published , accompanying which is a supplementary page , on which figure portraits of the Provincial Grand Masters under the Grand Lodge of England . The chief Masonic occurrences of the fast-dying year have been compiled in diary form , and the number boasts further an entertaining story of Old Paris , by T . C . Walls , entitled " The Vision of Evil . " —Daily Telegraph .
THE Q UEEN , accompanied by T . R . H . Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke and Duchess of York , Princess Victoria of Wales , Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark , Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and Prince Christian Victor , the Princess Louise Marchioness of Lome and the Marquis of Lome , Princess Henry of Battenberg , and the Duchess of Albany , attended the service held in the Royal Miusoleum , at Frogmore , on Monday morning , in memory of H . R . H . the Prince Conso t and the Princess Alice , Grand Duchess of Hesse , who died , the former on the 14 th December , 1 S 61 , and the latter on the 14 th December , 1 S 7 S . In the afternoon the M msoleun wis opened by Her Majesty ' s commands for the servants and their families to visit .
MIDLAND RAILWAY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS . —The Midland Railway Company , to prevent inconvenience and crowding , have arranged for the booking offices at St . Pancras and Moorgate Street stations to bs opjn for the issue of tickets all day on Tursday , Wednesday , and Thursday , the 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th , inst ., and tickets to all principal stations on the Midland Railway can be obtained beforehand at the Midland Company ' s City and Surburban Offices . On Christmas
Eve the pressure of the traffic will be relieved by the running of duplicate trains from St . Pancras as circumstances may require . On Christmas Day the trains will run as appointed for Sundays , except the newspaper express , leaving London ( St . Pancras ) at 5 . 15 a . m ., which will run to Bedford , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Sheffield , and Manchester , as on ordinary weekdays . On Saturday , the 26 th inst ., and on New Year ' s Day , certain booked trains will be discontinued , of which due notice will be given by Special Bills at the Stations . See advertisement .
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . —Speaking at the banquet in connection with the installation of Bro . C . F . Baker , W . M . elect of the Menturia Lodge , No . 418 , at Hanley , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., Bro . E . V . Greatbach , P . P . S . G . W . Staffordshire , in responding to the toast of " The Masonic Charities , '' strongly condemned the proposed removal of the Boys' School from its present site , where , he contended , the children were as healthy as they would be anywhere else , and which had cost a large sum of money , probably not less than £ 100 , 000 . In the past he had fought as strongly
as any man could do against the prevailing order of things in the management of the School , and had been the means of bringing about a considerable improvement , but matters were almost as bad as ever they were . The fact that Lord Dartmouth had in a short space of time raised £ 700 in that province to endow a cot at the Wolverhampton Orphanage , and the realisation of a thousand guineas by the festival at Trentham a
few months ago , showed that the Freemasons of Staffordshire were not behind the brethren of any other province , and he had no hesitation in saying that they could raise £ 1000 for several years if it was required . He urged that the London Institutions should be left severely alone , and that the Provinces of Staffordshire , Cheshire , and Warwickshire should combine to form their own Charitable Institution on lines similar to the Provinces of East and West Lancashire .
THE BARNATO SOCIAL AND SPORTING CLUB . —The Barnato Social and Sporting Club held their first smoking concert at Masons' Hill , E . G ., on Tuesdiy list , when amongst those present were Bro . I . B . Joel , P . M . 2265 , in the chair , ani the other members of the Barnato Lodge present included Bros . T . Honey , P . M . ; C . F . Hogird , P . G . Std . Br . ; H . Barnato , Leo Harwood , G . Harwood , J . Jackson , Tom Smith , and P . Fulcke-Rantzen ; besides j Bros . Max Mendelssohn , P . M . 212 j Ridout , P . M . 12 S 7 ; and H . Hall , 2551 . A very enjoyable evening was spent , miny of the gentlemen who gave
their services showing real talent , but we think the honours of the evening fell to Mr . Guy ( late Royal Italian Opera ) , rwho gave a rendering of "The lost chord" on the cornet in a most perfect manner ; Bro . Harry Hill for his comic songs ; and Mr . H . J . Hughes , who sang one of Hayden Coffin ' s songs from " The Giisha Girl , " and hid to repeat the last verse . I n the course of the evening a cordi il vote of thanks wis accorded
to Mr . Brown for the manner in which he had organised the concert and mirshillei his forces , and Bro . I . B . Joel was thanked for his able conduct in the chiir , and his h ; alth , as well as Bro . Harry Barnato ' s , was drank with enthusiasm . There is no doubt that these social gatherings do much to cement a good feeling between employer and emploje , and we trust the experiment , having proved such a success , will be repeated hortly