Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
runmrs M ASONIC MEETINGS : - PAGE ' craft M * is " > ' ¦ ' . "I ft J ^' n *^ i 74 n ^ g K ^ ka ^' in' ^^' York :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7 *
'" lucstion ami Answer 75 Masonic Notes ami Queries 7 * . Masonic Tidings ' * ¦ i-, ' , •niH ' crcncc between English anil Foreign Masonry 7 ' Oar llm . Lord Liml . ay 7 « St Valentines Day // Kn ' val Masonic Benevolent Institution 77 Th ' c ' l ' nnce Imperial 77 Surrev Masonic Hall 77 installation of the Grand Master 7
CoRRESl'ONnEVCt . — - The Admission of Members / 7 The Status of Rejoining I ' ast Masters 77 Masonic Jurisprudence 7 ° Prize l-. ssay ........ 7 « Tlie Riiiht of \ isitim * Lodges 7 >
The Benevolent Festival ' * Surrey Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) 7 ^ Consecration of the Era Lodge * of Mark Masters 7 ° Masonic Festivities 7 ^ Lodge Meetings for next Week 79 Advertisements i . ii . Hi . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
* * € x \ xtt SflaawrB .
BATII . —ROYAI , CuMiii'ii ' . Asn LODOR ( No . 41 ) . —An emergency meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , 011 Wednesday , February 3 rd , previous to the annual meeting fcr installation of W . M * . on the next day . The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 p . m ., by Major Preston , W . M ., assisted by the following brethren , Cooper , as I . P . M . ; Clark , S . W . ; Brown , | . W . ; Evcrington , Secretary ; Falkner , S . D . ; C .
Wilkinson , J . D . ; Wilton , P . M ., tic , D . C ; Braham , I . G . There were also present Bros . Rubie , P . M . ; and Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W for Warwickshire , and many others . After the lodge had been opened , and the circular of summons read , the last named brother , by permission , addressed the W . M . and the members present , thanking them for many acts of courtesy and kindness during the
few months he had resided in Bath , and specially for his admission as a joining member at the meeting in January , when illness prevented his attendance . He remarked , that during the 28 years of his career in Masonry , whenever he had founded or joined a Lodge or Chapter , or had been appointed to rule over one , in either of the three Provinces to which he had belonged , he had marked the event in
some special , manner , either by an address suitable to the occasion , or by a present to the lodge , or in some other way . Desiring not to make this an exception , he had prepared two large Masonic Charts , which he offered , one for the acceptance of the retiring W . M ., the other as . 1 present to the Royal-Cumberland . Lodge , ami with tit several of his published Masonic and other works , ' namely , " A
Musical Ritual for the Three Craft Degrees . " " Three Original Lectures on Freemasonry , " and " An Account of the opening of the Masonic Temple at Jersey , " with the oration he gave on the occasion . The lodge was opened in the second degree by the W . M ., when , by request , Bro . Dr . Hopkins took the chair , and examined Bros . Robinson Murlis , and Hunt , on their proficiency . This proving
satisfactory , they were entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opcnc .-l in the third degree . On their re-admission , the candidates were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , Bro . Cooper , P . M ., kindly rendering assistance in one portion of the ceremony . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then gave the charge , . -indalsoan interesting lecture on the third degree ,
enforcing the object of it , and enlarging on its traditionary history . On the proposition of the W . M ., a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation , for the assistance and instruction thus rendered by the newly-received member . Apologies for absence were rend from Bros . Mann , P . M . ; and R . Carey , P . M . The lodge was finally closed at . quarter to ten .
The annual meeting of this ancient lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , Feb . 4 U 1 , at four p . m ., when there was a goodly assemblage of the brethren of this and other lodges . The lodge was opened in the first ¦ degree by Bro . Major Preston , W . M ., assisted by his officers , namely , Bros . R . Carey , I . P . M . ; Clarke , S . W . ; Brown , I . W . ; Everimrhani , Sec . ; Ashley , Treas ; Wilton ,
D . C ; Falkner , S . D . ; C . Wilkinoon , J . D . ; Graham , I . G . The circular of summons was read , and also the minutes of the previous regular meeting in January , which were confirmed . On the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Carey , and supported by Bro . Rubie , a committee was appointed . to draw up a letter of condolence to the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and Prov . G . M . of
Somerset , on his bereavement by the death of the countess . The W . M . then drew attention to a presentation which had been made to the lodge on the previous evening by a joining member , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , of a Masonic chart , anil also of several of his Masonic publications . He proposed a vote of thanks for the "ifts , and that the chart be framed , so as to be
hung up in the Masonic Temple , and the resolution having been duly seconded , was passed . The lodge was opened in the second degree by tlie W . M ., who then gave up the chair lo the Installing Master , fjro . Ashley . Bro . Clark was presented to him as W . M . elect , by Bros . Wilton and
Garey , P . M . ' s , and after the usual introductory proceedings , was duly obligated as such . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , all below the rank of P . M . were requested lo retire , anil a Board of Installed Masters was regularly opened , the chairs of S . and J . W . and I . G . being taken respectively b y Past Masters Dr , Hopkins ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wilton and Carey . There was a goodly array of those who had passed the chair , in whose presence Bro . Clark was inducted into the chair of K . S ., after which the board was closed , and the brethren were admitted , who then took part in the customary salutation of proclamations , tic The new W . M . appointed his officers as follows , giving an appropriate address to each on investing him with his
collar and jewel , in regard to the duties desolving upon him : —Bros . Major Preston , I . P . M . ; Brown , S . W . ; Everingham , J . W . ; Ashley , Treas . ; Wilton , D . C ; Falkner , Sec . ; C . Wilkinson , S . D . ; Braham , J . D . ; Denham , I . G . ; Styles , Assistant D . C . ; Gumnicr , Tyler . These necessary arrangements for the conduct of the lodge throughout the next year having been completed , Bro .
Ashley gave the three addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren generally , in a truly impressive manner ; indeed , his management of the installation throughout was so effective as to meet with general approbation , and to elicit a well merited vote of thanks , which , having been duly proposed and seconded , was carried by acclamation . A similar vote was in like manner passed
in favour of Major Preston , for the efficiency with which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge during the past year . The W . M . concluded the proceedings in the temple , by expressing his gratitude for the honour conferred upon him , and his intention to exert himself to the utmost in maintaining the dignity , the efficiency , and the Masonic character of the body over which he has
just been legally constituted the ruler , and finally closed the lodge at-about six p . m . In addition to the distinguished members and officers of the lodge already named , we may mention Past Masters S . Cooper , Capt . R . Peel Floyd , J . B . Moutrie , and J . S . Turner . Among the visitors were Bros . General Doherty , P . M . 53 and W . M . 90 ft ; W . F . Bennett , P . M . <* - ;• , Dr . Tunstall , P . M . *; - ;; W . Smith ,
P . M . f , 3 ; J . L . Whalley , P . M . 48 ; T . S . Keene , P . M . 906 . According to custom , the brethren re-assembled at the Castle I Iotcl to partake of the annual banquet , which was prepared by Bro . Rubie , and served a la Russc in his usual good style . Of course Bro . Clark , W . M ., presided , supported on his left by Bros . Preston , I . P . M . ; J . S . Bartrum , W . M . 379 ; R . Carey , P . M . 41 ; and on his right by Bros .
Rev . Dun , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; Major Bousfield , M . P . for Bath ; Wilton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . M . 41 ; as well as many other distinguished Masons . As on all such occasions , the after-dinner proceedings and speeches referred chiefly to the events of the day , interspersed with music and song . To this , however , there was one exception , whicli deserves mention . Some time ago
an effort was made by the Freemasons of Bath to repair the west front of the Abbey , in harmony with the restoration of other portions . A considerable sum was raised , which was expended , leaving much still to be done . The Rev . Bro . Davcy introduced the subject , and made a powerful appeal to those present , to complete the work , himself offering so guineas as the nucleus of the fund . Bro . Carey ,
who has long shown great interest 111 the matter , spoke lo the same effect , and as the example thus set was followed by many others , who gave . their names' for various sums , there seems good hope of success in the work ; indeed the sums put down in tlie course of the evening amounted to nearly £ 150 . L 01101 : or TIU . VO . . ITV , ( No . 18 *;) . —A very numerous
gathering of brethren assembled at Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday the 15 th inst . The special attraction being a desire to do honour to Bro . John Ross , the W . M . Elect , whose installation was announced to take place that evening . Prior to this event , some amount of usual lodge business had to be disposed of , the most important of which was the conferring of the Master Masons' degree
upon Bro . Barber , and initiating into the ancient mysteries Bro . Geo . Downing . These ceremonies , as well as the rather difficult one of installation , were performed by Bro . John Constable , the acting W . M ., with consummate ability . The several addresses were delivered with rare excellence , and marked feeling , securing the undivided attention of the audience , whose approbation was expressed by vociferous
applause . The ncwly-installcd Master , who seemed perfectly composed , and quite at home in his exalted position , addressing a few appropriate observations to each , invested his officers as follows : Bros . John Constable I . P . M . ; J . D . Burnett , S . W . ; D . Posener , J . W . ; John Pca ' rtree , Treasurer ; Phil Levy , Secretary ; Bilby , Organist * , Geo . Pare , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Croker , I . G ., Vesper , Tyler .
The proceedings now became highly interesting . Bro . Saul Solomon , P . M ., rose and delivered a most excellent address , in whicli he , in aptly chosen sentences , enumerated the high qualities which distinguished the I . P . M ., Bro . Constable , and cited the great advantages the lodge had gained through his instrumentality , not only during his year of office , but ever since he had been connected with it .
It afforded him unalloyed pleasure lo present Bro . Constable with a slight token of the high esteem and affection in which he is held , it consisted of a handsome Past Masters ' s Gold Jewel , an elegant Silver Salver , and a Testimonial on Vellum , in a costly Alh .-1 mbr .-1 Frame . This last Bro . Solomon considered the most important , in as much as it may be handed down from generation to
generation , and upon it his posterity may gaze with pardonable pride , as having been presented to their ancestors in token of the high esteem and love in which he was held by his fellow men with whom he associated . The inscriptions on vellum , and with obvious alteration on the salver , were as follows : Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . " The brethren of this lodge , at a meeting thereof ,
held at the City 1 ' crnnnus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C , on the 18 th day of January , 1875 , resolved unanimously to present this testimonial , with a Jewel and a salver , to Bro . John Constable , in recognition of the many services which he had rendered to the lodge , and of the efficient manner in which the duties of its W . M . hail been performed by him during the then expiring year of his Mastership , and also as a mark of the brethren's admiration of his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
qualities as a man and a Mason . Presented in open lodge on the 15 th of February , 1875 . " Bro . Constable briefly , but feelingly , thanked the brethren for their , what he deemed , exaggerated appreciation of the slight services he had been able to render , and promised that such energies as he possessed , will in future , as they have been in the past , be directed to promote the prosperity of the lodge .
The brethren then adjourned tothebanquetting-hall , where an elegant spread awaited them , provided by Bro . Silver . The newly-installed W . M . presided , who , when the cloth was removed , proceeded to set an excellent example by the concise way in which he disposed of the various toasts . The responses were as brief , even Bro . Fred . . Binckes , Grand Steward , checked his usual flow of eloquence when
called upon to respond for the Grand Officers . This duty , he said , very often fell to his lot , although he was not entitled to it , he certainly was very nearly , yet not exactly , a Grand Officer . However , for want of any one better , he is always pleased to say a few words in praise of the Grand Officers who filled their several positions with honour to themselves and to the great advantage of the Craft . He
could not allow this opportunity to pass without expressing his tribute of admiration of Bro . Constable as a man and a Mason . Whatever he may have done for this lodge , we , who have watched his career from without , could not help admiring his zeal , energy , kindliness , and above all his fervent appreciation of all appertaining to the duties of the Craft . He had been pleased to witness the testimonials
presented in such feeling terms by Bro . Solomon , but , after all that has been said and done , not half the debt of gratitude to which Bro . Constable is entitled , has been liquidated . Bro . Hickman , W . M . 188 , briefly responded for the visitors . For the Past Masters , Bro . Morris Hart was called upon . He said— " The W . M . may probably think I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the honour of being named
the representative of the august body of Past Masters of this lodge , but such is not the case , as I cannot pretend to represent them conscientiously . I certainly have been a Past Master of a Lodge of Tranquillity for fifteen years , but the present lodge seems quite different in all its aspects , mainly through the efforts of the Immediate Past Master . A transformation has been accomplished , so advantageous ,
that the old Past Masters are well pleased to be consigned into deserved obscurity , especially when we see many brethren of ability gradually advancing in the higher offices of the lodge . The testimonials which have been presented gave me profound satisfaction . I congratulate Bro . Constable with all my heart , and in this I am sure I am joined by the Past Masters generally . The present
proud position of the lodge warrants a hopefulness for its future prosperity . Whatever services shall be required the brethren may rest assured will cheerfully be rendered by the Past Masters of the lodge . Prosperity to the benevolent fund produced an eloquent appeal from P . M . Solomon and was liberally responded to by many brethren . Bro . Constable proposed , amidst great cheering , the health of
the Worshipful Master , who , in accordance with his determination to be brief , replied in few but very appropriate terms . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened by the vocal efforts of Bros . Taylor , Baxter , and Barter , under the direction and with the assistance of Bro . Theodore Distin . Bro . Geo . Perrin , who happened to be present as a visitor , kindly volunteered his assistance . His well-known vocal
abilities contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the assembly , who thanked him repeatedly with well-deserved applause . The Past Masters present were Bros . Saul Solomon , Morris Hart , I Iolbrook , I Iarficld , Myer Harris , Bloomfield , N . Moss , E . Gottheil , N . Gluckstein . Among an immense number of | visitors the following were the 111 est noteworthy : — Bros . F . Binckes , P . M ., P . Z ., G .
Steward ; Hickman , W . M . 188 ; Buckland , W . M . 204 5 Greenbaum , W . M . Montifiore ; Dilwood , W . M . 8 ( 10 ; Groombridge , W . M . Marquis of Ixirne ; Dymis , P . M . 4215 Lazarus , P . M . 20 s ;; Wells , P . M . i- * i 4 ; Nash , S . D . 1-147 ; Bardcn , I . G . 1347 ; Carter , P . M . 28 3 ; Taylor , P . G . D ., Wilts , P . M . 580 ; Frankford , 188 ; Higgins , P . M . 421 ; Geo . Perrin , 23 .
LonoK oi- UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 228 ) . —The installation ceremony of this old lodge was held on the 9 th , at the Gate of St . John of Jerusalem , St . John ' s-lane , Clerkenwell , the birthplace of the " Gentleman ' s Magazine , " under Cave , and of " Reports of Parliament , " written by Dr . Johnson . In the hall where Garrick made his essay on histories there had assembled a large company ,
including Bros . J . Parkinson , G . D ., D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and P . M . of Bard of Avon ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Buss , T . P . G . S . of Middlesex ; Headon , W . M . Great City ; Chesterton , L . 72 ; Sowden , P . M . 49 ; Dodson , P . M . 72 ; Gilbert , Radford , 777 ; Captain Styan , Treasurer of the Macdonald Lodge ; Cue , P . M . 179 ; T . Preston , of the Great City Lodge . Bro . Hillhousc was in
the chair , and Bro James Terry presented Bro . While for installation . Bro . While , as Senior Warden , having been unanimously elected to the chair , and the Board of Past Masters having been formed , Bro . While was installed , in a most workmanlike manner , by his immediate predecessor , Bro . Hillhousc , who astonished the old Masons present by his efficient working . After the customary salutations , the
new W . M . appointed as his Officers the following : —Bros . Griggs , S . W . ; James Hill , J . W . ; Winsland , Treasurer ; Crump , Secretary ( for the 2 } rd time ); Snare , S . D . ; Holford , J . D . ; Pearcy , I . G . ; Todd , D . C ; Flaws , A . D . C . ; Patmore , W . S . The ballot was then taken for two gentlemen , who were admitted and initiated according to ancient form . After the usual business , the hall was set out as a
banquetting-room , and the brethren enjoyed an excellent dinner , well served by Bro . Gay , the host . The W . M ., in proposing the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " said that all Englishmen toasted the Queen as their constitutional sovereign , but Masons had other ties of affection , she being , the daughter of a Mason , and the mother of their Grand Master , who was the father of " our kings to be . " The toast having been honoured , the W . M . gave
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
runmrs M ASONIC MEETINGS : - PAGE ' craft M * is " > ' ¦ ' . "I ft J ^' n *^ i 74 n ^ g K ^ ka ^' in' ^^' York :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7 *
'" lucstion ami Answer 75 Masonic Notes ami Queries 7 * . Masonic Tidings ' * ¦ i-, ' , •niH ' crcncc between English anil Foreign Masonry 7 ' Oar llm . Lord Liml . ay 7 « St Valentines Day // Kn ' val Masonic Benevolent Institution 77 Th ' c ' l ' nnce Imperial 77 Surrev Masonic Hall 77 installation of the Grand Master 7
CoRRESl'ONnEVCt . — - The Admission of Members / 7 The Status of Rejoining I ' ast Masters 77 Masonic Jurisprudence 7 ° Prize l-. ssay ........ 7 « Tlie Riiiht of \ isitim * Lodges 7 >
The Benevolent Festival ' * Surrey Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) 7 ^ Consecration of the Era Lodge * of Mark Masters 7 ° Masonic Festivities 7 ^ Lodge Meetings for next Week 79 Advertisements i . ii . Hi . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
* * € x \ xtt SflaawrB .
BATII . —ROYAI , CuMiii'ii ' . Asn LODOR ( No . 41 ) . —An emergency meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , 011 Wednesday , February 3 rd , previous to the annual meeting fcr installation of W . M * . on the next day . The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 p . m ., by Major Preston , W . M ., assisted by the following brethren , Cooper , as I . P . M . ; Clark , S . W . ; Brown , | . W . ; Evcrington , Secretary ; Falkner , S . D . ; C .
Wilkinson , J . D . ; Wilton , P . M ., tic , D . C ; Braham , I . G . There were also present Bros . Rubie , P . M . ; and Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W for Warwickshire , and many others . After the lodge had been opened , and the circular of summons read , the last named brother , by permission , addressed the W . M . and the members present , thanking them for many acts of courtesy and kindness during the
few months he had resided in Bath , and specially for his admission as a joining member at the meeting in January , when illness prevented his attendance . He remarked , that during the 28 years of his career in Masonry , whenever he had founded or joined a Lodge or Chapter , or had been appointed to rule over one , in either of the three Provinces to which he had belonged , he had marked the event in
some special , manner , either by an address suitable to the occasion , or by a present to the lodge , or in some other way . Desiring not to make this an exception , he had prepared two large Masonic Charts , which he offered , one for the acceptance of the retiring W . M ., the other as . 1 present to the Royal-Cumberland . Lodge , ami with tit several of his published Masonic and other works , ' namely , " A
Musical Ritual for the Three Craft Degrees . " " Three Original Lectures on Freemasonry , " and " An Account of the opening of the Masonic Temple at Jersey , " with the oration he gave on the occasion . The lodge was opened in the second degree by the W . M ., when , by request , Bro . Dr . Hopkins took the chair , and examined Bros . Robinson Murlis , and Hunt , on their proficiency . This proving
satisfactory , they were entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opcnc .-l in the third degree . On their re-admission , the candidates were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , Bro . Cooper , P . M ., kindly rendering assistance in one portion of the ceremony . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then gave the charge , . -indalsoan interesting lecture on the third degree ,
enforcing the object of it , and enlarging on its traditionary history . On the proposition of the W . M ., a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation , for the assistance and instruction thus rendered by the newly-received member . Apologies for absence were rend from Bros . Mann , P . M . ; and R . Carey , P . M . The lodge was finally closed at . quarter to ten .
The annual meeting of this ancient lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , Feb . 4 U 1 , at four p . m ., when there was a goodly assemblage of the brethren of this and other lodges . The lodge was opened in the first ¦ degree by Bro . Major Preston , W . M ., assisted by his officers , namely , Bros . R . Carey , I . P . M . ; Clarke , S . W . ; Brown , I . W . ; Everimrhani , Sec . ; Ashley , Treas ; Wilton ,
D . C ; Falkner , S . D . ; C . Wilkinoon , J . D . ; Graham , I . G . The circular of summons was read , and also the minutes of the previous regular meeting in January , which were confirmed . On the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Carey , and supported by Bro . Rubie , a committee was appointed . to draw up a letter of condolence to the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and Prov . G . M . of
Somerset , on his bereavement by the death of the countess . The W . M . then drew attention to a presentation which had been made to the lodge on the previous evening by a joining member , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , of a Masonic chart , anil also of several of his Masonic publications . He proposed a vote of thanks for the "ifts , and that the chart be framed , so as to be
hung up in the Masonic Temple , and the resolution having been duly seconded , was passed . The lodge was opened in the second degree by tlie W . M ., who then gave up the chair lo the Installing Master , fjro . Ashley . Bro . Clark was presented to him as W . M . elect , by Bros . Wilton and
Garey , P . M . ' s , and after the usual introductory proceedings , was duly obligated as such . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , all below the rank of P . M . were requested lo retire , anil a Board of Installed Masters was regularly opened , the chairs of S . and J . W . and I . G . being taken respectively b y Past Masters Dr , Hopkins ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wilton and Carey . There was a goodly array of those who had passed the chair , in whose presence Bro . Clark was inducted into the chair of K . S ., after which the board was closed , and the brethren were admitted , who then took part in the customary salutation of proclamations , tic The new W . M . appointed his officers as follows , giving an appropriate address to each on investing him with his
collar and jewel , in regard to the duties desolving upon him : —Bros . Major Preston , I . P . M . ; Brown , S . W . ; Everingham , J . W . ; Ashley , Treas . ; Wilton , D . C ; Falkner , Sec . ; C . Wilkinson , S . D . ; Braham , J . D . ; Denham , I . G . ; Styles , Assistant D . C . ; Gumnicr , Tyler . These necessary arrangements for the conduct of the lodge throughout the next year having been completed , Bro .
Ashley gave the three addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren generally , in a truly impressive manner ; indeed , his management of the installation throughout was so effective as to meet with general approbation , and to elicit a well merited vote of thanks , which , having been duly proposed and seconded , was carried by acclamation . A similar vote was in like manner passed
in favour of Major Preston , for the efficiency with which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge during the past year . The W . M . concluded the proceedings in the temple , by expressing his gratitude for the honour conferred upon him , and his intention to exert himself to the utmost in maintaining the dignity , the efficiency , and the Masonic character of the body over which he has
just been legally constituted the ruler , and finally closed the lodge at-about six p . m . In addition to the distinguished members and officers of the lodge already named , we may mention Past Masters S . Cooper , Capt . R . Peel Floyd , J . B . Moutrie , and J . S . Turner . Among the visitors were Bros . General Doherty , P . M . 53 and W . M . 90 ft ; W . F . Bennett , P . M . <* - ;• , Dr . Tunstall , P . M . *; - ;; W . Smith ,
P . M . f , 3 ; J . L . Whalley , P . M . 48 ; T . S . Keene , P . M . 906 . According to custom , the brethren re-assembled at the Castle I Iotcl to partake of the annual banquet , which was prepared by Bro . Rubie , and served a la Russc in his usual good style . Of course Bro . Clark , W . M ., presided , supported on his left by Bros . Preston , I . P . M . ; J . S . Bartrum , W . M . 379 ; R . Carey , P . M . 41 ; and on his right by Bros .
Rev . Dun , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; Major Bousfield , M . P . for Bath ; Wilton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . M . 41 ; as well as many other distinguished Masons . As on all such occasions , the after-dinner proceedings and speeches referred chiefly to the events of the day , interspersed with music and song . To this , however , there was one exception , whicli deserves mention . Some time ago
an effort was made by the Freemasons of Bath to repair the west front of the Abbey , in harmony with the restoration of other portions . A considerable sum was raised , which was expended , leaving much still to be done . The Rev . Bro . Davcy introduced the subject , and made a powerful appeal to those present , to complete the work , himself offering so guineas as the nucleus of the fund . Bro . Carey ,
who has long shown great interest 111 the matter , spoke lo the same effect , and as the example thus set was followed by many others , who gave . their names' for various sums , there seems good hope of success in the work ; indeed the sums put down in tlie course of the evening amounted to nearly £ 150 . L 01101 : or TIU . VO . . ITV , ( No . 18 *;) . —A very numerous
gathering of brethren assembled at Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday the 15 th inst . The special attraction being a desire to do honour to Bro . John Ross , the W . M . Elect , whose installation was announced to take place that evening . Prior to this event , some amount of usual lodge business had to be disposed of , the most important of which was the conferring of the Master Masons' degree
upon Bro . Barber , and initiating into the ancient mysteries Bro . Geo . Downing . These ceremonies , as well as the rather difficult one of installation , were performed by Bro . John Constable , the acting W . M ., with consummate ability . The several addresses were delivered with rare excellence , and marked feeling , securing the undivided attention of the audience , whose approbation was expressed by vociferous
applause . The ncwly-installcd Master , who seemed perfectly composed , and quite at home in his exalted position , addressing a few appropriate observations to each , invested his officers as follows : Bros . John Constable I . P . M . ; J . D . Burnett , S . W . ; D . Posener , J . W . ; John Pca ' rtree , Treasurer ; Phil Levy , Secretary ; Bilby , Organist * , Geo . Pare , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Croker , I . G ., Vesper , Tyler .
The proceedings now became highly interesting . Bro . Saul Solomon , P . M ., rose and delivered a most excellent address , in whicli he , in aptly chosen sentences , enumerated the high qualities which distinguished the I . P . M ., Bro . Constable , and cited the great advantages the lodge had gained through his instrumentality , not only during his year of office , but ever since he had been connected with it .
It afforded him unalloyed pleasure lo present Bro . Constable with a slight token of the high esteem and affection in which he is held , it consisted of a handsome Past Masters ' s Gold Jewel , an elegant Silver Salver , and a Testimonial on Vellum , in a costly Alh .-1 mbr .-1 Frame . This last Bro . Solomon considered the most important , in as much as it may be handed down from generation to
generation , and upon it his posterity may gaze with pardonable pride , as having been presented to their ancestors in token of the high esteem and love in which he was held by his fellow men with whom he associated . The inscriptions on vellum , and with obvious alteration on the salver , were as follows : Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . " The brethren of this lodge , at a meeting thereof ,
held at the City 1 ' crnnnus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C , on the 18 th day of January , 1875 , resolved unanimously to present this testimonial , with a Jewel and a salver , to Bro . John Constable , in recognition of the many services which he had rendered to the lodge , and of the efficient manner in which the duties of its W . M . hail been performed by him during the then expiring year of his Mastership , and also as a mark of the brethren's admiration of his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
qualities as a man and a Mason . Presented in open lodge on the 15 th of February , 1875 . " Bro . Constable briefly , but feelingly , thanked the brethren for their , what he deemed , exaggerated appreciation of the slight services he had been able to render , and promised that such energies as he possessed , will in future , as they have been in the past , be directed to promote the prosperity of the lodge .
The brethren then adjourned tothebanquetting-hall , where an elegant spread awaited them , provided by Bro . Silver . The newly-installed W . M . presided , who , when the cloth was removed , proceeded to set an excellent example by the concise way in which he disposed of the various toasts . The responses were as brief , even Bro . Fred . . Binckes , Grand Steward , checked his usual flow of eloquence when
called upon to respond for the Grand Officers . This duty , he said , very often fell to his lot , although he was not entitled to it , he certainly was very nearly , yet not exactly , a Grand Officer . However , for want of any one better , he is always pleased to say a few words in praise of the Grand Officers who filled their several positions with honour to themselves and to the great advantage of the Craft . He
could not allow this opportunity to pass without expressing his tribute of admiration of Bro . Constable as a man and a Mason . Whatever he may have done for this lodge , we , who have watched his career from without , could not help admiring his zeal , energy , kindliness , and above all his fervent appreciation of all appertaining to the duties of the Craft . He had been pleased to witness the testimonials
presented in such feeling terms by Bro . Solomon , but , after all that has been said and done , not half the debt of gratitude to which Bro . Constable is entitled , has been liquidated . Bro . Hickman , W . M . 188 , briefly responded for the visitors . For the Past Masters , Bro . Morris Hart was called upon . He said— " The W . M . may probably think I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the honour of being named
the representative of the august body of Past Masters of this lodge , but such is not the case , as I cannot pretend to represent them conscientiously . I certainly have been a Past Master of a Lodge of Tranquillity for fifteen years , but the present lodge seems quite different in all its aspects , mainly through the efforts of the Immediate Past Master . A transformation has been accomplished , so advantageous ,
that the old Past Masters are well pleased to be consigned into deserved obscurity , especially when we see many brethren of ability gradually advancing in the higher offices of the lodge . The testimonials which have been presented gave me profound satisfaction . I congratulate Bro . Constable with all my heart , and in this I am sure I am joined by the Past Masters generally . The present
proud position of the lodge warrants a hopefulness for its future prosperity . Whatever services shall be required the brethren may rest assured will cheerfully be rendered by the Past Masters of the lodge . Prosperity to the benevolent fund produced an eloquent appeal from P . M . Solomon and was liberally responded to by many brethren . Bro . Constable proposed , amidst great cheering , the health of
the Worshipful Master , who , in accordance with his determination to be brief , replied in few but very appropriate terms . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened by the vocal efforts of Bros . Taylor , Baxter , and Barter , under the direction and with the assistance of Bro . Theodore Distin . Bro . Geo . Perrin , who happened to be present as a visitor , kindly volunteered his assistance . His well-known vocal
abilities contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the assembly , who thanked him repeatedly with well-deserved applause . The Past Masters present were Bros . Saul Solomon , Morris Hart , I Iolbrook , I Iarficld , Myer Harris , Bloomfield , N . Moss , E . Gottheil , N . Gluckstein . Among an immense number of | visitors the following were the 111 est noteworthy : — Bros . F . Binckes , P . M ., P . Z ., G .
Steward ; Hickman , W . M . 188 ; Buckland , W . M . 204 5 Greenbaum , W . M . Montifiore ; Dilwood , W . M . 8 ( 10 ; Groombridge , W . M . Marquis of Ixirne ; Dymis , P . M . 4215 Lazarus , P . M . 20 s ;; Wells , P . M . i- * i 4 ; Nash , S . D . 1-147 ; Bardcn , I . G . 1347 ; Carter , P . M . 28 3 ; Taylor , P . G . D ., Wilts , P . M . 580 ; Frankford , 188 ; Higgins , P . M . 421 ; Geo . Perrin , 23 .
LonoK oi- UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 228 ) . —The installation ceremony of this old lodge was held on the 9 th , at the Gate of St . John of Jerusalem , St . John ' s-lane , Clerkenwell , the birthplace of the " Gentleman ' s Magazine , " under Cave , and of " Reports of Parliament , " written by Dr . Johnson . In the hall where Garrick made his essay on histories there had assembled a large company ,
including Bros . J . Parkinson , G . D ., D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and P . M . of Bard of Avon ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Buss , T . P . G . S . of Middlesex ; Headon , W . M . Great City ; Chesterton , L . 72 ; Sowden , P . M . 49 ; Dodson , P . M . 72 ; Gilbert , Radford , 777 ; Captain Styan , Treasurer of the Macdonald Lodge ; Cue , P . M . 179 ; T . Preston , of the Great City Lodge . Bro . Hillhousc was in
the chair , and Bro James Terry presented Bro . While for installation . Bro . While , as Senior Warden , having been unanimously elected to the chair , and the Board of Past Masters having been formed , Bro . While was installed , in a most workmanlike manner , by his immediate predecessor , Bro . Hillhousc , who astonished the old Masons present by his efficient working . After the customary salutations , the
new W . M . appointed as his Officers the following : —Bros . Griggs , S . W . ; James Hill , J . W . ; Winsland , Treasurer ; Crump , Secretary ( for the 2 } rd time ); Snare , S . D . ; Holford , J . D . ; Pearcy , I . G . ; Todd , D . C ; Flaws , A . D . C . ; Patmore , W . S . The ballot was then taken for two gentlemen , who were admitted and initiated according to ancient form . After the usual business , the hall was set out as a
banquetting-room , and the brethren enjoyed an excellent dinner , well served by Bro . Gay , the host . The W . M ., in proposing the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " said that all Englishmen toasted the Queen as their constitutional sovereign , but Masons had other ties of affection , she being , the daughter of a Mason , and the mother of their Grand Master , who was the father of " our kings to be . " The toast having been honoured , the W . M . gave