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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
•- tv during our hours of labour , and by his geniality digm y charm to our festive board . We grieve that the •. ' to which wc have become accustomed , and to V ° ych we have listened with so much pleasure , will soon r " no longer heard amongst us . Speaking personally , eh was ms kindness of heart , and readiness to oblige , of s I cll have had ample proof , I shall miss him
; , severely . I'l mv judgment , no amount of honour we can confer upon him is beyond his merits , although I am sure he will not esteem the testimonial wc arc about to present to him by its intrinsic value , but by the sentiments of regard of which it is the symbol—Bro . Shackell , such are the feelings with which we one and all regard you , and I am proud to be the medium of expressing them . When
separated from us , by a wide expanse of land and water , I doubt not that your thoughts will often revert to the former companions of your toils , and be assured that your name will ever remain fresh in our memories , accompanied by an ardent wish for your return to the land of your birth . Permit me now , in the name of the Royal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 , of which you were the
founder , as the Consecrating Master , and first occupant of its chair , to present you with this silver salver , as a feeble token of our esteem and gratitude , together with this Past Master ' s jewel , which I have the honour to affix on your breast , and to wish with all our hearts , to you and yours , long life , health , and prosperity . —Bro . Shackell , much affected , in acknowledging the presentation , said he felt
quite incompetent by word to express wh . it he felt for that and the other kind presents he had received from the brethren , and he assured them that although in a few days he should have left this country for India , his thoughts would always be with them , and he trusted from his heart , in after years , to return and present himself at headquarters , and again work on their behalf , but more
vigorously . Again thanking them , and hi ghly eulogising scleral of his oflicers , Bro . Shackell concluded a lengthy reply , which had been marked throughout by an earnestness unmistakable . —The ballot having been taken , resulted in an unanimous approval that Messrs . Heine and Kleimenhagen should become members , and they were accordingly initiated into the mysteries of the
Craft . Bro . llarry Moxon , who represented the lodge at the last festival of the Benevolent Institution , then stated that his appeal to his friends and brethren , on behalf of that excellent charity , had been so cheerfully responded to , that his list of subscribers had reached a very respectable amount , which he had hopes of considerabl y augmenting before the day of finally accounting for his stewardship ,
and he thanked them sincerel y for their generous support . The Tyler and Treasurer having been elected for the ensuing year , and the further business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and the brethren afterwards rc-assembled in the banquet-room and sat down to a sumptuous repast . This over , and the cloth cleared , the W . M . gave " The Queen and Craft , " " H . R . H ,
the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " " The Pic G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , and the other Grand Oflicers , past and present , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Frank Toole . The toasts having been received with usual Royal Standard fire , Bro . Toole responded at great length and in most eloquent terms , and we regret being unable to give his speech in extenso . He said he felt an unspeakable
amount of pleasure at being present , and expressed his great desire to carry out , to the utmost of his power and ability , all the principles which Masonry inculcated . Masonry and Masonic Institutions were progressive and progressing . The principles of Masons were grand , glorious , and true ones , and they ought not to keep them exclusive . He was sincerely thankful to them for the kind manner in which
they had drank the health of the Grand Officers . Bro . Ballantyne , P . M ., then rose and said , as one of their oldest members he had been requested to propose the toast of the evening , "Health , Long Life , Happiness , and Prosperity to their W . M ., Bro . Robert Shackell , " who to their great regret was now about leaving England for India . Perhaps it was to their feelings of social brotherhood that Masonry
owed so much of its success in our midst . It bound men together in one common chain of indissoluble friendship , and it was gratifying to feci that although a link of that chain was now about to be severed , when their brother reached another land—his adopted home—there would be an opportunity of again uniting the links , of which he doubted not due advantage would be taken . The toast
naving been warmly drank , Bro . Shackell , in response said , that when he first received the intimation of his appointment he felt , and had ever since experienced , a growing sense of his responsibilities , and nothing could have tended more to increase that feeling than the expression of goodwill which he had that evening witnessed , and he should wer remember the years he had spent with the brethren
of that lodge as amongst the most pleasant in his experience , and that whatever he mi ght have been able to accomplish was as nothing compared with what he had learnt . He 'rusted they might all be spared to meet again in Old Lngland , but whatever might betide him , his earnest Prayers for their welfare would be ever with him . The ' Health of the Visiting Brethren " was then proposed by
'he W . M ., and responded to by Ero . Poynter , who dwelt WA ° me ** - "» " - ul-on the zeal - "'* attention which the W -M . had shown in the discharge of his duties . Bro . Lattlitt responded to the toast of "The Officers , " Bro . Moxon to that of "The Masonic Charities , " and the T yler ' s toast closed a very interesting meeting . SWANSEA . —TAI . UOT LODGE ( NO . 1323 ) . —The annual ¦ ouiui 01
" - cms lodge was Held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., •it the Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , and was attended by a large number of members and visiting brethren from w and near . In the absence of the Worshipful Master , th \ G' B Brock Prov G S W tiK chair w : ls taken b y the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris , the senior P . M . of •ie lod ge , and among those present at the meeting and at ln e annual banquet afterwards , may be mentioned , Bros .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Rev . Latimer M . Jones , D . P . G . M . Western Division , South Wales ; Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James G . Hall , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Marmadukc Tennant , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . D . Daniel , Prov . J . G . W . ; Geo . Allen , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; T . Bcavan Phillips , Prov . J . G . W . ( Western division ); W . J . Morgan , P . Prov . J . G . W . ( Western division ) ; Rev . A . II . P . Trcwman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ,
( Somerset ); Rev . C . T . Heartlcy , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Jones , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Clement S . B . Gardner , P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; S . B . Power , P . Prov . G . R . ; Lawrence Tulloch , P . Prov . G . R . ; Walter Whittington , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . H . Tucker , Prov . S . G . D . ; Edward Daniel , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; William Williams , P . Prov . G . S . D . ( Monmouth ) ; W . G . Davies , Prov . G . Sup . Works ;
J . Jones Hewson , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; John Rogers , Prov . G . S . B . ; Robert Margrave , P . Prov . GiS . B . ( Western division ) ; Edward Flicker , P . Prov . G . Organist ; W . L . Jackson , Prov . G . Steward ; Evan F . Daniel , P . Prov . G . Steward ; Charles Tavlor , W . M . no ( Merthyr ) ; James Goodall , W . M . 237 ( Swansea ) ; W . Griffith Davies , W . M . 364 ( Neath ); E . Cambridge Phillips , W . M . 651 (
Brecon ) ; John Jones , W . M . 833 ( Abcravon ) ; John C . Morris , W . M . 47 6 ( Carmarthen ); ' ' w . Stamer Thompson , W . M . 671 ( Llanelly ); David Evans , Walter Mills , G . B . Haynes , W . J . Rees , John Lloyd , E . S . Hartland , Thos . Thomas , II . Fry , A . F . Bayntun , R . W . , Beor , Walter Lewis , H . A . Latimer , P . Ambrosoli , C . J . Brock , Jenkyn Jones ( Carmarthen ) , Thomas Ford , James Livingstone , W . Paxton Garrett ,
Robert Maine , Ebenezer Thomas , Rev . J . Spilsbury , W . Thomas , Bowen , and others . The lodge was opened in the first degree , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed and some formal business disposed of , on the completion of which Bros . Lewis , Latimer , Ambrosoli , and Brock were brought up to answer the usual questions and retired . The lodge was opened in the
second degree , and the brethren above-named were readmitted , properly prepared , and duly passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The W . M . elect , Bro . John Jones Jenkins , S . W ., was then presented by Bro . Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , took the customary obligation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and afterwards as a
Board of Installed Masters , when Bro . Jones Jenkins was , in conformity with the established rites , duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being conducted throughout by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the year : —Bros . John Jones Hewson , S . W . ; Evan Francis Daniel , J . W . ;
J . D . Davies , Chaplain ; Samuel B . Power , Treasurer ; Thomas Thomas , Secretary ; John Lloyd , S . D . ; E . S . Hartland , J . D . ; W . J . Rees , D . C ; A . F . Bayntun , I . G . ; David Evans , Steward ; Henry Simons , Tyler . On the motion of the W . M ., Bros . Charles Bath and J . G . Hall were unanimously elected as the representative Past Masters to serve on the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee
of General Purposes for the ensuing year . On the motion of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W ., a cordial vote of thanks was awarded to the retiring W . M ., Bro . G . B . Brock , for his able and efficient services during the past year , both speakers referring in terms of the highest eulogium to the
manner in which Bro . Brock had presided over the lodge , and expressing the regret . generally felt at his enforced absence through ill health . On the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the ball-room of the Mackworth Hotel , where , in number about sixty , they sat down to partake of the good things provided for them by Bro . Stone with his usual attention and care . The chair was
filled by the newly-installed W . M ., who was supported by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris ; Bros , the Rev . Latimer Jones , D . P . G . M . of the Western division ; J . B . Phillips , Charles Bath , Rev . A . II . P . Trcwman , Rev . C . T . Heartlcy , and other brethren before-named . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair with much ability and warmly responded to by the
brethren . The health of the Provincial Grand Master was most fraternally drank , great regret being expressed at the unavoidable absence of the R . W . brother in London . The W . M . proposed , in highly complimentary terms , " The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " remarking that it was impossible for the affairs of the province to be more satisfactorily administered than they were under
their present rulers . 1 he Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in responding , spoke at some length , referring to the progress and present position of Freemasonry throughout the province , dwelling most encouragingly upon the improved working together of the various lodges , which he characterized as being such as the brethren might well feel proud of , and in concluding assured them of his continued
interest m and care for the fraternity , with which he had been connected for nearly twenty years . The W . M . proposed the toast of the Provincial Grand Officers , associating with the same the name of the Junior Grand Warden , Bro . T . D . Daniel , who replied in an able address . The D . P . G . M . proposed " The Health of the W . M ., as the eldest son of the Talbot Lodge , " he having been the first
candidate initiated therein , and fairly and honourably worked his way through the various chairs to the highest , which he most worthily occupied . The W . M . replied , thanking the brethren for the distinguished honour they had conferred upon him , and proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " especially naming Bro . the Rev . A . H . P . Trcwman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ( Somerset ) , who responded in felicitous terms for himself and the other guests . The
toast of i he Past Masters of the Lodge , coupled with the name of Bro . Charles Bath , next followed , calling forth an excellent speech from that brother for himself and colleagues . " The Lodges of the Province " elicited return speeches from Bros . James Goodall , W . M . Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea ; Charles Taylor , W . M . Loyal Cambrian Lodge , Merthyr Tydvil ; W . G . Davies , W . M . Cambrian Lodge , Neath ; E . C . Phillips , W . M . Brecknock Lodge ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brecon ; and John Jones , W . M . Alan Lodge , Aberavon ; all breathing sentiments of fraternal good-will and regard . " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , " responded to by the Senior Warden , Bro . Jones Hewson , brought the pleasant proceedings of the evening to a close . Bro . Edward Fricker , P . Prov . G . Organist , presided with his usual skill and good taste at the organ in lodge . Some
excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Jones Hewson , George Allen , W . J . Rees , W . Paxton Garrett , and others , adding considerably to the general enjoyment . A special feature in the arrangements for the evening was the Shaksperian programme , the suitable and most appropriate mottoes placed round the menu , toast , and music , as well as the quotations culled to mark the various
toasts , happily " hit the taste o' the time" and were greatly appreciated by the brethren . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and each and all appeared to regret when the hour for separating arrived . ALDERSHOT . —AI - DEHSIIOT CAMP LODGE ( No . 1331 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young , but prosperous lodge , was held on Thursday , the ; th February ,
at the Assembly Rooms , Bro . White , the Worshipful Master , presided . There were present : Bros . Mackenzie , I . P . M . ; Richardson , P . M . ; Cole , P . M . ; Rose , several visiting brethren , and numerous members . The minutes of the lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three candidates , which , proving unanimous in each case , they were duly initiated into the mysteries of
Freemasonry , each initiate being presented with a copy of the book of constitutions and bye-laws of the lodge , the W . M . explained the tracing board of the first degree . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when an E . A . was passed . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when four Fellow-Craft brethren were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The ceremonies
were performed by the W . M . 111 an admirable manner , the masterly explanation of the tracing board was most cordially greeted . THE GREAT CITV LODGE ( NO . 1426 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , London , on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., when were present , Bros . N . B . Headon , W . M . ; J . 11 . Townend ,
S . W . ; G . Seex , J . W . ; James Stevens , I . P . M . ; Rev , J . R . Simpson , Chaplain ; James Freeman , Treasurer ; R . Stanway , S . D . ; G . Blackie , J . D . ; T . Preston , D . C ; W . H . Hook , Org . ; T . Hamen and C . Taylor , Stewards ; Steedman , Tyler ; also Brcs . J . Beneton , F . W . Potter , C Jenkins , C II . Burrows , J . Bumpus , R . Hooker , W . MacQueen , C Stuart Barker , jun ., T . Browne , E . Cox
Lewis Lewis , J . Thompson , J . J . Moore , W . Baber , T . W . Headon , F . J . Davis , J . Stamp , F . Keeblc , R . Fendick , J . E . Hugo , " W . Middleton , J . Phillips , II . Thompson , Owen Borven , J . L . Dulan , J . R . Hartley , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . W . Beattie , 142 ; G . Yaxley , 4 6 3 ; J . K . Pitt , 4 63 ; W . Morden , ire , ; J . Yaldcn , 181 ; D . Buckwell , 149 ; T . L . Hcllier , 765 * , T . H . Harper ,
1216 ; and IL R . Hallam , 1314 ,. The lodge having been opened and minutes of previous meeting confirmed , was raised to the third degree , and Bros . Potter and Davis were respectively passed to the degree of F . C . The ballot for initiating having been declared unanimous , Messrs . G . J . Wright and J . T . Skinner being in attendance , were severally introduced and initiated . The whole of the
ceremony was performed in the most able and impressive manner , by the W . M ., whose arduous labour was considerably lightened by the perfect attention of his officers , in the important details of the work . Further propositions for initiating at the ensuing meeting were then made , and several apologies for non-attendance , and notably a telegram from Bro . Moody , the Secretary , from Belfast ,
were read , and duly acknowledged . The W . M . briefly referred to his forthcoming Stewardship , as representing the lodge at the ensuing festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , expressing his satisfaction with the support already given , and his anticipation in regard to further additions to his list . Bro . Preston gave notice of his intention to propose at the ensuing meeting , that a
Past Master ' s jewel be presented to the W . M . on the termination of his year ol office , no further business was before the lodge , it was closed in due form . This being an " off night , " a p lain but substantial supper was provided in the PiUar-Room , to which members and visitors at once repaired . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the initiates having been cordially received , Bro ,
Beattie , on behalf of the visitors , expressed their gratification with the entire proceedings of the evening . Those connected with lodge work had greatly added to their appreciation of Masonry , whilst the ample entertainment they had partaken of under the genial influence of the thorough harmony and good fellowship pervading the meeting , assured them that the lodge was animated by
the true principles of the Craft . He wished the lodge every success and prosperity , and could only further desire that his brother visitors , as well as himself , might have many opportunities of witnessing its admirable working and enjoying its cordial hospitality . A most fraternal and enjoyable evening terminated with the Tyler ' s toast , and shortly after the brethren separated .
MOUNT EDGCUMIIE LODGE ( No . 1446 ) . —A meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Swan Hotel , Battcrsea-Old-Bridge , on the 13 th inst . The lodge was opened at three p . m . by Bros . Burrell , W . M . ; Poupard , S . W . ; Thomas , Acting J . W . ; Schiemann , Acting S . D . ; Watson , Acting J . D . ; Thomas , jun ., I . G . ; Ough , P . M ., I . P . M ., and Treasurer ; Limebecr , Secretary . The minutes
of the previous lodge meeting having been read , were confirmed , and the W . M . raised Bros . Wevell , Gibson , Bceur , and Tily to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bros . Langdale , Pratt , Wood , Cain , and Bailey were then passed to the second degree , and Mr . Rickets initiated . The three ceremonies were well carried out by the W . M ., who had the assis'tance of an excellent staff of officers . Bro . Ough , the Treasurer , proposed that the W . M . 's list , as
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
•- tv during our hours of labour , and by his geniality digm y charm to our festive board . We grieve that the •. ' to which wc have become accustomed , and to V ° ych we have listened with so much pleasure , will soon r " no longer heard amongst us . Speaking personally , eh was ms kindness of heart , and readiness to oblige , of s I cll have had ample proof , I shall miss him
; , severely . I'l mv judgment , no amount of honour we can confer upon him is beyond his merits , although I am sure he will not esteem the testimonial wc arc about to present to him by its intrinsic value , but by the sentiments of regard of which it is the symbol—Bro . Shackell , such are the feelings with which we one and all regard you , and I am proud to be the medium of expressing them . When
separated from us , by a wide expanse of land and water , I doubt not that your thoughts will often revert to the former companions of your toils , and be assured that your name will ever remain fresh in our memories , accompanied by an ardent wish for your return to the land of your birth . Permit me now , in the name of the Royal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 , of which you were the
founder , as the Consecrating Master , and first occupant of its chair , to present you with this silver salver , as a feeble token of our esteem and gratitude , together with this Past Master ' s jewel , which I have the honour to affix on your breast , and to wish with all our hearts , to you and yours , long life , health , and prosperity . —Bro . Shackell , much affected , in acknowledging the presentation , said he felt
quite incompetent by word to express wh . it he felt for that and the other kind presents he had received from the brethren , and he assured them that although in a few days he should have left this country for India , his thoughts would always be with them , and he trusted from his heart , in after years , to return and present himself at headquarters , and again work on their behalf , but more
vigorously . Again thanking them , and hi ghly eulogising scleral of his oflicers , Bro . Shackell concluded a lengthy reply , which had been marked throughout by an earnestness unmistakable . —The ballot having been taken , resulted in an unanimous approval that Messrs . Heine and Kleimenhagen should become members , and they were accordingly initiated into the mysteries of the
Craft . Bro . llarry Moxon , who represented the lodge at the last festival of the Benevolent Institution , then stated that his appeal to his friends and brethren , on behalf of that excellent charity , had been so cheerfully responded to , that his list of subscribers had reached a very respectable amount , which he had hopes of considerabl y augmenting before the day of finally accounting for his stewardship ,
and he thanked them sincerel y for their generous support . The Tyler and Treasurer having been elected for the ensuing year , and the further business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and the brethren afterwards rc-assembled in the banquet-room and sat down to a sumptuous repast . This over , and the cloth cleared , the W . M . gave " The Queen and Craft , " " H . R . H ,
the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " " The Pic G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , and the other Grand Oflicers , past and present , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Frank Toole . The toasts having been received with usual Royal Standard fire , Bro . Toole responded at great length and in most eloquent terms , and we regret being unable to give his speech in extenso . He said he felt an unspeakable
amount of pleasure at being present , and expressed his great desire to carry out , to the utmost of his power and ability , all the principles which Masonry inculcated . Masonry and Masonic Institutions were progressive and progressing . The principles of Masons were grand , glorious , and true ones , and they ought not to keep them exclusive . He was sincerely thankful to them for the kind manner in which
they had drank the health of the Grand Officers . Bro . Ballantyne , P . M ., then rose and said , as one of their oldest members he had been requested to propose the toast of the evening , "Health , Long Life , Happiness , and Prosperity to their W . M ., Bro . Robert Shackell , " who to their great regret was now about leaving England for India . Perhaps it was to their feelings of social brotherhood that Masonry
owed so much of its success in our midst . It bound men together in one common chain of indissoluble friendship , and it was gratifying to feci that although a link of that chain was now about to be severed , when their brother reached another land—his adopted home—there would be an opportunity of again uniting the links , of which he doubted not due advantage would be taken . The toast
naving been warmly drank , Bro . Shackell , in response said , that when he first received the intimation of his appointment he felt , and had ever since experienced , a growing sense of his responsibilities , and nothing could have tended more to increase that feeling than the expression of goodwill which he had that evening witnessed , and he should wer remember the years he had spent with the brethren
of that lodge as amongst the most pleasant in his experience , and that whatever he mi ght have been able to accomplish was as nothing compared with what he had learnt . He 'rusted they might all be spared to meet again in Old Lngland , but whatever might betide him , his earnest Prayers for their welfare would be ever with him . The ' Health of the Visiting Brethren " was then proposed by
'he W . M ., and responded to by Ero . Poynter , who dwelt WA ° me ** - "» " - ul-on the zeal - "'* attention which the W -M . had shown in the discharge of his duties . Bro . Lattlitt responded to the toast of "The Officers , " Bro . Moxon to that of "The Masonic Charities , " and the T yler ' s toast closed a very interesting meeting . SWANSEA . —TAI . UOT LODGE ( NO . 1323 ) . —The annual ¦ ouiui 01
" - cms lodge was Held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., •it the Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , and was attended by a large number of members and visiting brethren from w and near . In the absence of the Worshipful Master , th \ G' B Brock Prov G S W tiK chair w : ls taken b y the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris , the senior P . M . of •ie lod ge , and among those present at the meeting and at ln e annual banquet afterwards , may be mentioned , Bros .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Rev . Latimer M . Jones , D . P . G . M . Western Division , South Wales ; Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James G . Hall , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Marmadukc Tennant , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . D . Daniel , Prov . J . G . W . ; Geo . Allen , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; T . Bcavan Phillips , Prov . J . G . W . ( Western division ); W . J . Morgan , P . Prov . J . G . W . ( Western division ) ; Rev . A . II . P . Trcwman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ,
( Somerset ); Rev . C . T . Heartlcy , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Jones , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Clement S . B . Gardner , P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; S . B . Power , P . Prov . G . R . ; Lawrence Tulloch , P . Prov . G . R . ; Walter Whittington , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . H . Tucker , Prov . S . G . D . ; Edward Daniel , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; William Williams , P . Prov . G . S . D . ( Monmouth ) ; W . G . Davies , Prov . G . Sup . Works ;
J . Jones Hewson , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; John Rogers , Prov . G . S . B . ; Robert Margrave , P . Prov . GiS . B . ( Western division ) ; Edward Flicker , P . Prov . G . Organist ; W . L . Jackson , Prov . G . Steward ; Evan F . Daniel , P . Prov . G . Steward ; Charles Tavlor , W . M . no ( Merthyr ) ; James Goodall , W . M . 237 ( Swansea ) ; W . Griffith Davies , W . M . 364 ( Neath ); E . Cambridge Phillips , W . M . 651 (
Brecon ) ; John Jones , W . M . 833 ( Abcravon ) ; John C . Morris , W . M . 47 6 ( Carmarthen ); ' ' w . Stamer Thompson , W . M . 671 ( Llanelly ); David Evans , Walter Mills , G . B . Haynes , W . J . Rees , John Lloyd , E . S . Hartland , Thos . Thomas , II . Fry , A . F . Bayntun , R . W . , Beor , Walter Lewis , H . A . Latimer , P . Ambrosoli , C . J . Brock , Jenkyn Jones ( Carmarthen ) , Thomas Ford , James Livingstone , W . Paxton Garrett ,
Robert Maine , Ebenezer Thomas , Rev . J . Spilsbury , W . Thomas , Bowen , and others . The lodge was opened in the first degree , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed and some formal business disposed of , on the completion of which Bros . Lewis , Latimer , Ambrosoli , and Brock were brought up to answer the usual questions and retired . The lodge was opened in the
second degree , and the brethren above-named were readmitted , properly prepared , and duly passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The W . M . elect , Bro . John Jones Jenkins , S . W ., was then presented by Bro . Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , took the customary obligation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and afterwards as a
Board of Installed Masters , when Bro . Jones Jenkins was , in conformity with the established rites , duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being conducted throughout by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the year : —Bros . John Jones Hewson , S . W . ; Evan Francis Daniel , J . W . ;
J . D . Davies , Chaplain ; Samuel B . Power , Treasurer ; Thomas Thomas , Secretary ; John Lloyd , S . D . ; E . S . Hartland , J . D . ; W . J . Rees , D . C ; A . F . Bayntun , I . G . ; David Evans , Steward ; Henry Simons , Tyler . On the motion of the W . M ., Bros . Charles Bath and J . G . Hall were unanimously elected as the representative Past Masters to serve on the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee
of General Purposes for the ensuing year . On the motion of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W ., a cordial vote of thanks was awarded to the retiring W . M ., Bro . G . B . Brock , for his able and efficient services during the past year , both speakers referring in terms of the highest eulogium to the
manner in which Bro . Brock had presided over the lodge , and expressing the regret . generally felt at his enforced absence through ill health . On the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the ball-room of the Mackworth Hotel , where , in number about sixty , they sat down to partake of the good things provided for them by Bro . Stone with his usual attention and care . The chair was
filled by the newly-installed W . M ., who was supported by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris ; Bros , the Rev . Latimer Jones , D . P . G . M . of the Western division ; J . B . Phillips , Charles Bath , Rev . A . II . P . Trcwman , Rev . C . T . Heartlcy , and other brethren before-named . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair with much ability and warmly responded to by the
brethren . The health of the Provincial Grand Master was most fraternally drank , great regret being expressed at the unavoidable absence of the R . W . brother in London . The W . M . proposed , in highly complimentary terms , " The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " remarking that it was impossible for the affairs of the province to be more satisfactorily administered than they were under
their present rulers . 1 he Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in responding , spoke at some length , referring to the progress and present position of Freemasonry throughout the province , dwelling most encouragingly upon the improved working together of the various lodges , which he characterized as being such as the brethren might well feel proud of , and in concluding assured them of his continued
interest m and care for the fraternity , with which he had been connected for nearly twenty years . The W . M . proposed the toast of the Provincial Grand Officers , associating with the same the name of the Junior Grand Warden , Bro . T . D . Daniel , who replied in an able address . The D . P . G . M . proposed " The Health of the W . M ., as the eldest son of the Talbot Lodge , " he having been the first
candidate initiated therein , and fairly and honourably worked his way through the various chairs to the highest , which he most worthily occupied . The W . M . replied , thanking the brethren for the distinguished honour they had conferred upon him , and proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " especially naming Bro . the Rev . A . H . P . Trcwman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ( Somerset ) , who responded in felicitous terms for himself and the other guests . The
toast of i he Past Masters of the Lodge , coupled with the name of Bro . Charles Bath , next followed , calling forth an excellent speech from that brother for himself and colleagues . " The Lodges of the Province " elicited return speeches from Bros . James Goodall , W . M . Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea ; Charles Taylor , W . M . Loyal Cambrian Lodge , Merthyr Tydvil ; W . G . Davies , W . M . Cambrian Lodge , Neath ; E . C . Phillips , W . M . Brecknock Lodge ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brecon ; and John Jones , W . M . Alan Lodge , Aberavon ; all breathing sentiments of fraternal good-will and regard . " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , " responded to by the Senior Warden , Bro . Jones Hewson , brought the pleasant proceedings of the evening to a close . Bro . Edward Fricker , P . Prov . G . Organist , presided with his usual skill and good taste at the organ in lodge . Some
excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Jones Hewson , George Allen , W . J . Rees , W . Paxton Garrett , and others , adding considerably to the general enjoyment . A special feature in the arrangements for the evening was the Shaksperian programme , the suitable and most appropriate mottoes placed round the menu , toast , and music , as well as the quotations culled to mark the various
toasts , happily " hit the taste o' the time" and were greatly appreciated by the brethren . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and each and all appeared to regret when the hour for separating arrived . ALDERSHOT . —AI - DEHSIIOT CAMP LODGE ( No . 1331 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young , but prosperous lodge , was held on Thursday , the ; th February ,
at the Assembly Rooms , Bro . White , the Worshipful Master , presided . There were present : Bros . Mackenzie , I . P . M . ; Richardson , P . M . ; Cole , P . M . ; Rose , several visiting brethren , and numerous members . The minutes of the lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three candidates , which , proving unanimous in each case , they were duly initiated into the mysteries of
Freemasonry , each initiate being presented with a copy of the book of constitutions and bye-laws of the lodge , the W . M . explained the tracing board of the first degree . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when an E . A . was passed . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when four Fellow-Craft brethren were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The ceremonies
were performed by the W . M . 111 an admirable manner , the masterly explanation of the tracing board was most cordially greeted . THE GREAT CITV LODGE ( NO . 1426 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , London , on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., when were present , Bros . N . B . Headon , W . M . ; J . 11 . Townend ,
S . W . ; G . Seex , J . W . ; James Stevens , I . P . M . ; Rev , J . R . Simpson , Chaplain ; James Freeman , Treasurer ; R . Stanway , S . D . ; G . Blackie , J . D . ; T . Preston , D . C ; W . H . Hook , Org . ; T . Hamen and C . Taylor , Stewards ; Steedman , Tyler ; also Brcs . J . Beneton , F . W . Potter , C Jenkins , C II . Burrows , J . Bumpus , R . Hooker , W . MacQueen , C Stuart Barker , jun ., T . Browne , E . Cox
Lewis Lewis , J . Thompson , J . J . Moore , W . Baber , T . W . Headon , F . J . Davis , J . Stamp , F . Keeblc , R . Fendick , J . E . Hugo , " W . Middleton , J . Phillips , II . Thompson , Owen Borven , J . L . Dulan , J . R . Hartley , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . W . Beattie , 142 ; G . Yaxley , 4 6 3 ; J . K . Pitt , 4 63 ; W . Morden , ire , ; J . Yaldcn , 181 ; D . Buckwell , 149 ; T . L . Hcllier , 765 * , T . H . Harper ,
1216 ; and IL R . Hallam , 1314 ,. The lodge having been opened and minutes of previous meeting confirmed , was raised to the third degree , and Bros . Potter and Davis were respectively passed to the degree of F . C . The ballot for initiating having been declared unanimous , Messrs . G . J . Wright and J . T . Skinner being in attendance , were severally introduced and initiated . The whole of the
ceremony was performed in the most able and impressive manner , by the W . M ., whose arduous labour was considerably lightened by the perfect attention of his officers , in the important details of the work . Further propositions for initiating at the ensuing meeting were then made , and several apologies for non-attendance , and notably a telegram from Bro . Moody , the Secretary , from Belfast ,
were read , and duly acknowledged . The W . M . briefly referred to his forthcoming Stewardship , as representing the lodge at the ensuing festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , expressing his satisfaction with the support already given , and his anticipation in regard to further additions to his list . Bro . Preston gave notice of his intention to propose at the ensuing meeting , that a
Past Master ' s jewel be presented to the W . M . on the termination of his year ol office , no further business was before the lodge , it was closed in due form . This being an " off night , " a p lain but substantial supper was provided in the PiUar-Room , to which members and visitors at once repaired . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the initiates having been cordially received , Bro ,
Beattie , on behalf of the visitors , expressed their gratification with the entire proceedings of the evening . Those connected with lodge work had greatly added to their appreciation of Masonry , whilst the ample entertainment they had partaken of under the genial influence of the thorough harmony and good fellowship pervading the meeting , assured them that the lodge was animated by
the true principles of the Craft . He wished the lodge every success and prosperity , and could only further desire that his brother visitors , as well as himself , might have many opportunities of witnessing its admirable working and enjoying its cordial hospitality . A most fraternal and enjoyable evening terminated with the Tyler ' s toast , and shortly after the brethren separated .
MOUNT EDGCUMIIE LODGE ( No . 1446 ) . —A meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Swan Hotel , Battcrsea-Old-Bridge , on the 13 th inst . The lodge was opened at three p . m . by Bros . Burrell , W . M . ; Poupard , S . W . ; Thomas , Acting J . W . ; Schiemann , Acting S . D . ; Watson , Acting J . D . ; Thomas , jun ., I . G . ; Ough , P . M ., I . P . M ., and Treasurer ; Limebecr , Secretary . The minutes
of the previous lodge meeting having been read , were confirmed , and the W . M . raised Bros . Wevell , Gibson , Bceur , and Tily to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bros . Langdale , Pratt , Wood , Cain , and Bailey were then passed to the second degree , and Mr . Rickets initiated . The three ceremonies were well carried out by the W . M ., who had the assis'tance of an excellent staff of officers . Bro . Ough , the Treasurer , proposed that the W . M . 's list , as