Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Steward to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , should be he headed by a lodge donation of £ 10 ios , which was seconded by Bro . Thomas , and unanimously carried . The W . M . returned thanks and hoped that that liberal gift would be supplemented by individual subscriptions , as the institution was in urgent need of support . Bro . Poupard , the S . W ., gave notice of motion to increase the joining
fee of the lodge to seven guineas . Two brethren of the Royal Alfred and Star Lodges were then proposed and seconded as joining members . The lodge was closed in ancient form and the brethren adjourned to banquet . In consequence of the lateness of the hour " The Queen and the Craft , " "H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., " "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " and the other formal lodge toasts were
given by the W . M . very briefly , but were received heartily by the assembled brethren , of whom there were nearly sixty . Bro " . Ough replied for "The Grand Officers , " Bro . Rickets for "The Initiates , " Bro . Manders , W . M . 12-ji , for " The Visitors , " and Bro . Poupard , S . W ., for " The Lodge Officers . " The W . M . ' s health was proposed by the Treasurer and I . P . M ., and enthusiastically drank . Bro .
Burrell , in reply , expressed his gratification at the compliment passed him , and hoped that the brethren , at the termination of his year of office , would be satisfied with his efforts to promote the interest of the lodge and the comfort of every member , and , in conclusion , he stated that he was one of the Stewards at the ensuing festival . In the intervals of the toasts Bros . Rickets , Watts , Ross , Walls ,
and Wheeler vocally entertained the brethren . Among the visitors present were Bros . Frampton , P . M . 87 ; King , P . M . 172 ; Scott , P . M . 749 ; Pulsford , P . M . 115 S ; Watts , P . M . and W . S . 1201 ; Swallow , W . M . 382 ; Keay , W . M . 917 ; Manders , W . M . i 2 or ; Pymm , W . M . 127- ;; Wise , S . W . n 8 ; Roe , J . W . 780 ; W ' alls , I . G . ; 141 , 1381 , 1503 . The Tyler , Bro . Fox , gave the concluding toast , and the brethren separated .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT SIGN CHAPTER ( NO . 22 ) . —The regular convocation of this Chapter was held at the Guildhall Tavern , on Monday 8 th inst , at 6 o ' clock . Amongst those present were Comps . II . Muggeridge . Z . * , W . J . Crosfield , H . * , II . Birdseye , J . ; Venn , S . N . ; Spooner , S . E . ; A . Partridge , P . S . ; Ilirsch and Clemmans , A . Sojourners ; R . ll . Towntnd , P . Z . ; J . II . Towncnd , P . Z . ; Wright , P . Z . ; Canham ,
P . Z . ; Stcih , Bassenett , Randall , and others . Bro . J . B . Batten was exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Masonry in the usual magnificent style by Comps . Muggeridge , Z ; Crosfield , II . ; Birdseye , J . ; assisted by the other officers . Afterwards Comp . R . H . Townend presented a testimonial , written on vellum and beautifully framed , to Comp . A . Partridge on behalf of his father , W . H . Partridge ,
P . Z ., expressing the pleasure it gave him in presenting the testimonial , having been associated with him in the Chapter for thirty-five years , during which time he had acted as Treasurer for twenty-four years , and was sorry that in consequence of his late severe illness he had been compelled to resign . Comp . A . Partridge on receiving the testimonial thanked the companions of the
Mount Siou Chapter for their kindness in a few kind and appropriate words on behalf of his father . The chapter was then closed in due form , after which the companions adjourned to a well-served banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , which closed a very pleasant evening . WHITEHAVEN . —THE SUN , SOUAKE AND COMPASSES
CHAPTER ( NO . 119 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday evening , 8 lh inst ., at seven o ' clock , the M . E . Z . Comp . John Barr , was supported by Comp . E . Fearon , 11 . ; Dr . Henry , J . ; W . B . Gibson , P . Z . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., & c . ; E . Tyson , P . S ., and other officers and companions . Bros . Montgomery and J . D . Thompson were exalted by the M . E . Z ., in a manner that
called forth the warmest approbation of all present . At the conclusion of the business , E . Comp . Gibson proposed , E . Comp . Fearon seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That the best thanks of the chapter are due , and hereby accorded to E . Comp . Bowes , for his valuable services as Preceptor . " Com . Bowes after acknowledging the compliment , congratulated the members on the
proficiency of their oflicers , especially the M . E . Z . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment . PANMURE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . —This chapter met at the " Horns , " Kennington , London . Chapter was opened by M . E . Comps . Henry Smith , M . E . Z . ; Charles Hammerton , H . ; W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . and Scribe
E . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z . and Treas . ; and William Worrell , P . Z . There were also present Comps . George Waterall , S . W . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S . ; T . Poore , A . S . ; R . N . Field , A . S . * , B . R . Bryant , Steward ; W . II . Van Baerle , F . W . Levander , A . C . Burrell , Newington Bridges , A . C Bradley , Gilbert , and others . Visitor , Comp . C . Burdett . The principal business before the chapter was
the election of oflicers for the ensuing year ; the result of the ballot being as follows , viz .: Comps . Hammerton , Z . ; Church , H . ; Bridges , J . ; Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ( seventh re-election ); Levander , P . Z ., Treasurer ( sixth reelection ) ; G . Waterall , Scribe N . ( second re-election ); M . S . Larlham , P . S . ( second re-election ); and Gilbert , Janitor . Comps . Poore , F . W . Levander , Burrell , and Bradley were elected on the Audit Committee . A vote of
two guineas in aid of a former member of the chapter was carried . The chapter P . Z . jewel was also voted to M . E ., Comp . Smith , on his retiring from office . A considerable contribution was made by tlie members of the chapter , to provide additions to the excellent furniture . Six propositions for advancement at ensuing meeting were received , and other Masonic business having been despatched , the chapter was closed in due form , and the conni-i nions ad-
Royal Arch.
journed to refreshment . This chapter , always famous for its working and the unanimity of its members , appears likely to have a considerable impetus from ( he influx of numerous brethren of the Mncdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , being held in the same locality , and suiting the convenience of most of its members . We heartily wish the Panmure Chapter the continued success it certainly endeavours to merit .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
OPENING OF THE CORNWALL ROSE CROIX CHAPTER AT TRURO . INSTALLATION OF SIR F . M . WILLIAMS , Hart ., M . P ., AS M . W . S ., cic . The Cornwall Chapter of Rose Croix was formally opened and consecrated on Tuesday , the 2 nd February , 1875 , at the Masonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , by
Major Shadwell IL Clerke , 33 , Grand Secretary General of the Supreme Council for England and Wales , assisted by Lieut .-General H . E . Doherty , C . B ., 33 ° , Deputy Insp .-General for the S . W . District of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of 33 . The Supreme Council Chapter was first opened at 2 p . m ., by the V . I ., Bro . Major Clerke , 3 ^ ° as M . W . S . ; Gen , 0
Doherty , 33 , as High Prelate , and 111 . ; Bro . William James Hughan , 30 ° as Grand Marshal . The following first members of the Cornwall Chapter were present : Sir F . M . Williams , Dart ., M . P ., ? i ° ; W . | . Hughan , 30 ; Rev . George Ross , M . A ., iS "; ' Col . | . W . Peard , 1 S ; F . W . Dabb , " i 8 ° ; John Hocking , jun ., ' 18 ° j John Farran Penrose , 18 ; Edward Dixon Anderton , iS °
Nicholas J . West , 18 ° ; Charles Truscott , jun ., ib "; Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , 18 ; Rev . A . M . Ferris , 18 ; and Charles Trevithick , 18 ° . E . and P . Bros . Thomas Chirgwin , 1 S , and Henry Spry Scvcrton , being unavoidably absent . Visitors : III . Bros . Lieut .-Col . J . Elliott , 31 ° , P . M . W . S ., and Capt . Shanks , M . W . S . of St . Aubyn Chapter , Devonport ; W . B . 1 lambly , M . W . S ., and Col . Fitz-Gerald of
the Huyshe Chapter , Plymouth ; George Brown , 18 , of the Shakespeare Chapter , Warwick , and W . E . Mitchell , 18 ° , of Metropolitan Chapter , London . The following brethren were accepted as candidates for Perfection , and as Members of the New Chapter : Thomas Solomon , P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., ( Truro ); William James Johns , P . M . 131 , P , Prov . G . Reg ., ( Trurol ; Samuel
Harvey , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Purst ., ( Truro ); Rev . Alfred I layman Cunimings , J . W . 131 , Prov . G . Chap ., ( Truro ); William Lake , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Reg ., ( Truro ) ; Richard John , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . D . C , ( Truro ); Samuel Harris , J . D . 3-n , also of No . 131 , ( Truro ) ; William Tregay , P . M . 5 89 , ( Redruth ) ; E . Milford Cock , P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Std ., ( Redruth ); John Thomas , J . W . 589 , ( Redruth ) ; William
Lidgey , Member of Nos . 131 and 5 89 , ( Devoran ); William Rooks , of No . 131 , Prov . G . Purst ., ( Truro ); Bros . Solomon , Cunimings , Lake , Tregay , John , Lidgey , Cock , Thomas , and Rooks , being in attendance , were severally entrusted with the secrets peculiar to the 4 ° to the 14 inclusive in the Grand Lodgeof Perfection ; with the island i 6 ° in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem ; and then created 0
Knights of the East and West 17 . After which they were finally exalted to the degree of S . P . Rose Croix ; the whole of the ceremonies being conducted in a most able and impressive manner by Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 , Sec-Gen , of Supreme Council ; General Doherty , * j 3 ° , being the H . P ., and W . J . Hughan , 30 , the G . M . Each candidate was presented with a copy of the
Regulations by Sir F . W . Williams , Bart . The degree could not have been given better under any circumstances , for the faultless style of the acting M . W . S . left nothing to be desired , and the candidates were evidently much pleased and interested throughout . The fittings were good , and having all been made in the town , says . something in favour of local skill and
enterprise . The Cornwall Chapter was subsequently consecrated by Major Clerke , 33 , in which beautiful ceremony he was ably . assisted by Gen . Doherty , C . B ., and the warrant ( dated 24 th Dec , 1874 , and signed by the Earl of Carnarvon , 3- ) ° , S . G . Commander ; Captain N . G . Philips , - * V , L . G . C ; Major-Gen . Clerke , 33 ° , G . T . ; J . M . P . Montagu , 33 ° ; 0
Major S . 11 . Clerke , 33 ; Sir Michael Costa , 33 ° ; and others ) was read by William James Hughan , 30 ° , acting as Sec-Gen . for the occasion . III . Bro . Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 31 , was duly installed and enthroned by the Consecrating Officer , after which the M . W . S . appointed the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : —E . and P . Bros . Rev .
George Ross . ii . P . ; Colonel Peard , 1 st . Gen . ; N . J . West , 2 nd Gen . ; F . W . Dabb , Treasurer ( elected unanimously ) ; E . D . Anderton , G . M . ; J . F . Penrose , R . ; C . Trevithick , C . of G . ; Charles Truscott , jun ., Recorder ; Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , C ; Rev . A . 11 . Ferris , A . ; John Hocking , jun ., Organist ; and W . Rooks , O . G . ; the remaining Officers being left for the next assembly .
Bro . Hughan , 30 , then proposed that the first business of the New Chapter shall be to elect Major S . 11 . Clerke , 33 , Grand Sec-General , and Lieut .-General 11 . E . Doherty , 1 ' . !} ., 33 ° , IX-p . Inspector General , as Honorary Members , and that the best thanks of the Chapter be hereby voted to these distinguished brethren for the honour of their attendance and most valuable services , especially to Major
Clerke for the admirable manner in which he had acted throughout the ceremonies as M . W . S . After the proposition was supported by Sir F . M . Williams , Bart , ( the M . W . S . ) , it was carried by acclamation , and fraternally responded to by the two brethren , whose aid was thus so enthusiastically acknowledged by the members of the New Chapter .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
I he M . W . S . then nominated Bro . i lughan , 30 ; Col . Peard , 1 st Gen . ; West , 2 nd Gen . ; and Truscott , Recorder ; as a Committee to prepare the Byc-l . a \ rs . Colonel Peard , 1 st General , rose and said there was yet another duty to perform , and that was to acknowledge the valuable services of Bro . Hughan , the Founder of the Chapter , who had , at considerable labour , and to the
satisfaction of all the members , superintended the arrangements for the days' proceedings , and in appreciation of such devotion to the Rite , he proposed that Bro . Hughan be elected a Life Member of the Chapter , which , on being seconded by the Recorder , was carried unanimously and most heartily by the brethren . Bro . Hughan thanked the Chapter for the honour thus
conferred upon him , and explained that the starting of the Chapter was owing to their esteemed M . W . S . offering to defray all the expenses at opening , which had been most handsomely done by Sir F . M . Williams , Bart . Bro . Hughan was aware that he was acting contrary to Sir Frederick ' s instructions in mentioning the fact , but he trusted that the announcement would be forgiven by that
worthy brother , when he saw how much his kindness and zeal on behalf of the Ancient and Accepted Rite were appreciated by the members of the Cornwall Chapter , and in fact throughout the Province . The Chapter having been closed—the Ancient and Mystic Rite being first of all observed—the members adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet , served in a most reeherche ' e style by Bro . Bray , Sir
r . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 31 , in the chair , supported by Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Gcn . Doherty , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Col . Elliott , 31 ° ; Captain Shanks , M . W . S . ; and Col . FitzGerald , as visitors , and 22 members . Letters of apology and telegrams were received at the " eleventh hour " from Captain Nathaniel George Philips , 33 ; Lieut . Grand Commander , the Rev . P . IL N ' ewtiliani , 3 2 ° , and other brethren , regretting their absence .
Srotlanb .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —The fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst . in their hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street . The R . W . M ., Bro . James F . Mitchell , presided , and there were present Bros . D . Watson , S . M . ; Jas . Gladstone , S . D . ; John Smith , Secretary ; A . . C . Paterson , V . S . P . G . L ., acting S . W . ; and , among other visiting brethren , Bros . Geoige McDonald ,
R . W . M . 73 ( 1 histle and Rose ); and Louis Loeskc , 286 , Illinois . The lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , James Thomson was duly initiated into the Order by the R . W . M ., after which the lodge was raised to the F . C . degree , when the same was conferred upon Bro . James Aitken , the Master again officiating . The lodge was thereafter closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODOE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —This lodge met in their hall , No . 12 , Trongate , on Monday , ijth inst ., being their regular meeting . Present : Bros . John Morgan , R . W . M ., presiding ; John Garth , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . There were also present Bros . J . Campbell , R . W . M . Lodge 12 S ; A . Bain , P . M . Lodge 103 ; G . C . J J . McNaught , S . M . Lodge 275 ; W . II . Bickerlon ( I'Vcfiiiusoit ) , and a
large number of members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting , and applications from the following gentlemen for admission into the privileges of Freemasonry read , viz ., Messrs . W . Longhran and Richard Lynch . There being no objection , the candidates received the li . A . degree , Bro . Morgan , R . W . M ., officiating . The following
brethren were then passed to the degree of F . C , viz ., Bros . J . McDougall , A . Dryden , George Knot , Thos . Murphy , J . T . Erving , Bro . Muir , D . M . Lodge 103 , officiating . The lodge was then raised , and Bros . Stewart and Knox , Lodge Star 219 ; and Bros . T . Murphy and J . T . Ewing , Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , received the sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ,
officiating , the ceremony oi the degree being performed in a most impressive maimer by the brethren officiating . Bro . Smith , Lodge Mother Kilwinning , affiliated member of Lodge Star , No . 219 , who had presented to Star lodge , about twelve months ago , a beautiful pair of Ashlars , now presented a pair of ornamental tops for the same , whicli are of beautiful finish and material , and add to the
already many specimens of designs , emblematical of the Order , in the Star Lodge Room . The R . W . M ., Bro . John Morgan , in a neat and appropriate speech , thanked Bro . Smith on behalf of the lodge , anil hoped that he would be long spared to be amongst them . The lodge was then closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —It will be
remembered that the emergency meeting of this lodge , held c . n the 28 th ult ., for the special reception to Bro . Henry M'Donald , second mate of the ship Cospalrick , it was agreed that a letter be sent to the St . Helena brethren , acknowledg ing the great kindness shown by them lo a brother of Lodge Clyde * , and also that the leading officebearers of the St . I lelena lodges should be made honorary
members of No . 408 . Accordingly , at the last regular meeting of the lodge , the Secretary submitted the following which had been drawn up : — " To the R . W . M ., P . M ., S . W ., | . W ., and other office-bearers and members of Lodges St . Helena ( No . 488 ) and Old Rock ( No . 912 ) . —Greeting , all whom it may concern . This is to certify , that at a special meeting convened for the purpose of congratulating our
worthy and esteemed brother , Henry M'Donald , late second officer of the New Zealand emigrant ship Cospatrick , who was rescued from a dreadful death by the Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe , and thrown upon your hospitality by the ship British Scep're , and the kind manner in which you treated him , 1 have to say , in his behalf , will not be forgotten . By the unanimous desire of the office-bearers and members of his mother lodge , Cl y de
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Steward to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , should be he headed by a lodge donation of £ 10 ios , which was seconded by Bro . Thomas , and unanimously carried . The W . M . returned thanks and hoped that that liberal gift would be supplemented by individual subscriptions , as the institution was in urgent need of support . Bro . Poupard , the S . W ., gave notice of motion to increase the joining
fee of the lodge to seven guineas . Two brethren of the Royal Alfred and Star Lodges were then proposed and seconded as joining members . The lodge was closed in ancient form and the brethren adjourned to banquet . In consequence of the lateness of the hour " The Queen and the Craft , " "H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., " "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " and the other formal lodge toasts were
given by the W . M . very briefly , but were received heartily by the assembled brethren , of whom there were nearly sixty . Bro " . Ough replied for "The Grand Officers , " Bro . Rickets for "The Initiates , " Bro . Manders , W . M . 12-ji , for " The Visitors , " and Bro . Poupard , S . W ., for " The Lodge Officers . " The W . M . ' s health was proposed by the Treasurer and I . P . M ., and enthusiastically drank . Bro .
Burrell , in reply , expressed his gratification at the compliment passed him , and hoped that the brethren , at the termination of his year of office , would be satisfied with his efforts to promote the interest of the lodge and the comfort of every member , and , in conclusion , he stated that he was one of the Stewards at the ensuing festival . In the intervals of the toasts Bros . Rickets , Watts , Ross , Walls ,
and Wheeler vocally entertained the brethren . Among the visitors present were Bros . Frampton , P . M . 87 ; King , P . M . 172 ; Scott , P . M . 749 ; Pulsford , P . M . 115 S ; Watts , P . M . and W . S . 1201 ; Swallow , W . M . 382 ; Keay , W . M . 917 ; Manders , W . M . i 2 or ; Pymm , W . M . 127- ;; Wise , S . W . n 8 ; Roe , J . W . 780 ; W ' alls , I . G . ; 141 , 1381 , 1503 . The Tyler , Bro . Fox , gave the concluding toast , and the brethren separated .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT SIGN CHAPTER ( NO . 22 ) . —The regular convocation of this Chapter was held at the Guildhall Tavern , on Monday 8 th inst , at 6 o ' clock . Amongst those present were Comps . II . Muggeridge . Z . * , W . J . Crosfield , H . * , II . Birdseye , J . ; Venn , S . N . ; Spooner , S . E . ; A . Partridge , P . S . ; Ilirsch and Clemmans , A . Sojourners ; R . ll . Towntnd , P . Z . ; J . II . Towncnd , P . Z . ; Wright , P . Z . ; Canham ,
P . Z . ; Stcih , Bassenett , Randall , and others . Bro . J . B . Batten was exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Masonry in the usual magnificent style by Comps . Muggeridge , Z ; Crosfield , II . ; Birdseye , J . ; assisted by the other officers . Afterwards Comp . R . H . Townend presented a testimonial , written on vellum and beautifully framed , to Comp . A . Partridge on behalf of his father , W . H . Partridge ,
P . Z ., expressing the pleasure it gave him in presenting the testimonial , having been associated with him in the Chapter for thirty-five years , during which time he had acted as Treasurer for twenty-four years , and was sorry that in consequence of his late severe illness he had been compelled to resign . Comp . A . Partridge on receiving the testimonial thanked the companions of the
Mount Siou Chapter for their kindness in a few kind and appropriate words on behalf of his father . The chapter was then closed in due form , after which the companions adjourned to a well-served banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , which closed a very pleasant evening . WHITEHAVEN . —THE SUN , SOUAKE AND COMPASSES
CHAPTER ( NO . 119 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday evening , 8 lh inst ., at seven o ' clock , the M . E . Z . Comp . John Barr , was supported by Comp . E . Fearon , 11 . ; Dr . Henry , J . ; W . B . Gibson , P . Z . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., & c . ; E . Tyson , P . S ., and other officers and companions . Bros . Montgomery and J . D . Thompson were exalted by the M . E . Z ., in a manner that
called forth the warmest approbation of all present . At the conclusion of the business , E . Comp . Gibson proposed , E . Comp . Fearon seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That the best thanks of the chapter are due , and hereby accorded to E . Comp . Bowes , for his valuable services as Preceptor . " Com . Bowes after acknowledging the compliment , congratulated the members on the
proficiency of their oflicers , especially the M . E . Z . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment . PANMURE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . —This chapter met at the " Horns , " Kennington , London . Chapter was opened by M . E . Comps . Henry Smith , M . E . Z . ; Charles Hammerton , H . ; W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . and Scribe
E . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z . and Treas . ; and William Worrell , P . Z . There were also present Comps . George Waterall , S . W . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S . ; T . Poore , A . S . ; R . N . Field , A . S . * , B . R . Bryant , Steward ; W . II . Van Baerle , F . W . Levander , A . C . Burrell , Newington Bridges , A . C Bradley , Gilbert , and others . Visitor , Comp . C . Burdett . The principal business before the chapter was
the election of oflicers for the ensuing year ; the result of the ballot being as follows , viz .: Comps . Hammerton , Z . ; Church , H . ; Bridges , J . ; Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ( seventh re-election ); Levander , P . Z ., Treasurer ( sixth reelection ) ; G . Waterall , Scribe N . ( second re-election ); M . S . Larlham , P . S . ( second re-election ); and Gilbert , Janitor . Comps . Poore , F . W . Levander , Burrell , and Bradley were elected on the Audit Committee . A vote of
two guineas in aid of a former member of the chapter was carried . The chapter P . Z . jewel was also voted to M . E ., Comp . Smith , on his retiring from office . A considerable contribution was made by tlie members of the chapter , to provide additions to the excellent furniture . Six propositions for advancement at ensuing meeting were received , and other Masonic business having been despatched , the chapter was closed in due form , and the conni-i nions ad-
Royal Arch.
journed to refreshment . This chapter , always famous for its working and the unanimity of its members , appears likely to have a considerable impetus from ( he influx of numerous brethren of the Mncdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , being held in the same locality , and suiting the convenience of most of its members . We heartily wish the Panmure Chapter the continued success it certainly endeavours to merit .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
OPENING OF THE CORNWALL ROSE CROIX CHAPTER AT TRURO . INSTALLATION OF SIR F . M . WILLIAMS , Hart ., M . P ., AS M . W . S ., cic . The Cornwall Chapter of Rose Croix was formally opened and consecrated on Tuesday , the 2 nd February , 1875 , at the Masonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , by
Major Shadwell IL Clerke , 33 , Grand Secretary General of the Supreme Council for England and Wales , assisted by Lieut .-General H . E . Doherty , C . B ., 33 ° , Deputy Insp .-General for the S . W . District of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of 33 . The Supreme Council Chapter was first opened at 2 p . m ., by the V . I ., Bro . Major Clerke , 3 ^ ° as M . W . S . ; Gen , 0
Doherty , 33 , as High Prelate , and 111 . ; Bro . William James Hughan , 30 ° as Grand Marshal . The following first members of the Cornwall Chapter were present : Sir F . M . Williams , Dart ., M . P ., ? i ° ; W . | . Hughan , 30 ; Rev . George Ross , M . A ., iS "; ' Col . | . W . Peard , 1 S ; F . W . Dabb , " i 8 ° ; John Hocking , jun ., ' 18 ° j John Farran Penrose , 18 ; Edward Dixon Anderton , iS °
Nicholas J . West , 18 ° ; Charles Truscott , jun ., ib "; Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , 18 ; Rev . A . M . Ferris , 18 ; and Charles Trevithick , 18 ° . E . and P . Bros . Thomas Chirgwin , 1 S , and Henry Spry Scvcrton , being unavoidably absent . Visitors : III . Bros . Lieut .-Col . J . Elliott , 31 ° , P . M . W . S ., and Capt . Shanks , M . W . S . of St . Aubyn Chapter , Devonport ; W . B . 1 lambly , M . W . S ., and Col . Fitz-Gerald of
the Huyshe Chapter , Plymouth ; George Brown , 18 , of the Shakespeare Chapter , Warwick , and W . E . Mitchell , 18 ° , of Metropolitan Chapter , London . The following brethren were accepted as candidates for Perfection , and as Members of the New Chapter : Thomas Solomon , P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., ( Truro ); William James Johns , P . M . 131 , P , Prov . G . Reg ., ( Trurol ; Samuel
Harvey , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Purst ., ( Truro ); Rev . Alfred I layman Cunimings , J . W . 131 , Prov . G . Chap ., ( Truro ); William Lake , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Reg ., ( Truro ) ; Richard John , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . D . C , ( Truro ); Samuel Harris , J . D . 3-n , also of No . 131 , ( Truro ) ; William Tregay , P . M . 5 89 , ( Redruth ) ; E . Milford Cock , P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Std ., ( Redruth ); John Thomas , J . W . 589 , ( Redruth ) ; William
Lidgey , Member of Nos . 131 and 5 89 , ( Devoran ); William Rooks , of No . 131 , Prov . G . Purst ., ( Truro ); Bros . Solomon , Cunimings , Lake , Tregay , John , Lidgey , Cock , Thomas , and Rooks , being in attendance , were severally entrusted with the secrets peculiar to the 4 ° to the 14 inclusive in the Grand Lodgeof Perfection ; with the island i 6 ° in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem ; and then created 0
Knights of the East and West 17 . After which they were finally exalted to the degree of S . P . Rose Croix ; the whole of the ceremonies being conducted in a most able and impressive manner by Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 , Sec-Gen , of Supreme Council ; General Doherty , * j 3 ° , being the H . P ., and W . J . Hughan , 30 , the G . M . Each candidate was presented with a copy of the
Regulations by Sir F . W . Williams , Bart . The degree could not have been given better under any circumstances , for the faultless style of the acting M . W . S . left nothing to be desired , and the candidates were evidently much pleased and interested throughout . The fittings were good , and having all been made in the town , says . something in favour of local skill and
enterprise . The Cornwall Chapter was subsequently consecrated by Major Clerke , 33 , in which beautiful ceremony he was ably . assisted by Gen . Doherty , C . B ., and the warrant ( dated 24 th Dec , 1874 , and signed by the Earl of Carnarvon , 3- ) ° , S . G . Commander ; Captain N . G . Philips , - * V , L . G . C ; Major-Gen . Clerke , 33 ° , G . T . ; J . M . P . Montagu , 33 ° ; 0
Major S . 11 . Clerke , 33 ; Sir Michael Costa , 33 ° ; and others ) was read by William James Hughan , 30 ° , acting as Sec-Gen . for the occasion . III . Bro . Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 31 , was duly installed and enthroned by the Consecrating Officer , after which the M . W . S . appointed the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : —E . and P . Bros . Rev .
George Ross . ii . P . ; Colonel Peard , 1 st . Gen . ; N . J . West , 2 nd Gen . ; F . W . Dabb , Treasurer ( elected unanimously ) ; E . D . Anderton , G . M . ; J . F . Penrose , R . ; C . Trevithick , C . of G . ; Charles Truscott , jun ., Recorder ; Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , C ; Rev . A . 11 . Ferris , A . ; John Hocking , jun ., Organist ; and W . Rooks , O . G . ; the remaining Officers being left for the next assembly .
Bro . Hughan , 30 , then proposed that the first business of the New Chapter shall be to elect Major S . 11 . Clerke , 33 , Grand Sec-General , and Lieut .-General 11 . E . Doherty , 1 ' . !} ., 33 ° , IX-p . Inspector General , as Honorary Members , and that the best thanks of the Chapter be hereby voted to these distinguished brethren for the honour of their attendance and most valuable services , especially to Major
Clerke for the admirable manner in which he had acted throughout the ceremonies as M . W . S . After the proposition was supported by Sir F . M . Williams , Bart , ( the M . W . S . ) , it was carried by acclamation , and fraternally responded to by the two brethren , whose aid was thus so enthusiastically acknowledged by the members of the New Chapter .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
I he M . W . S . then nominated Bro . i lughan , 30 ; Col . Peard , 1 st Gen . ; West , 2 nd Gen . ; and Truscott , Recorder ; as a Committee to prepare the Byc-l . a \ rs . Colonel Peard , 1 st General , rose and said there was yet another duty to perform , and that was to acknowledge the valuable services of Bro . Hughan , the Founder of the Chapter , who had , at considerable labour , and to the
satisfaction of all the members , superintended the arrangements for the days' proceedings , and in appreciation of such devotion to the Rite , he proposed that Bro . Hughan be elected a Life Member of the Chapter , which , on being seconded by the Recorder , was carried unanimously and most heartily by the brethren . Bro . Hughan thanked the Chapter for the honour thus
conferred upon him , and explained that the starting of the Chapter was owing to their esteemed M . W . S . offering to defray all the expenses at opening , which had been most handsomely done by Sir F . M . Williams , Bart . Bro . Hughan was aware that he was acting contrary to Sir Frederick ' s instructions in mentioning the fact , but he trusted that the announcement would be forgiven by that
worthy brother , when he saw how much his kindness and zeal on behalf of the Ancient and Accepted Rite were appreciated by the members of the Cornwall Chapter , and in fact throughout the Province . The Chapter having been closed—the Ancient and Mystic Rite being first of all observed—the members adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet , served in a most reeherche ' e style by Bro . Bray , Sir
r . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 31 , in the chair , supported by Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Gcn . Doherty , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Col . Elliott , 31 ° ; Captain Shanks , M . W . S . ; and Col . FitzGerald , as visitors , and 22 members . Letters of apology and telegrams were received at the " eleventh hour " from Captain Nathaniel George Philips , 33 ; Lieut . Grand Commander , the Rev . P . IL N ' ewtiliani , 3 2 ° , and other brethren , regretting their absence .
Srotlanb .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —The fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst . in their hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street . The R . W . M ., Bro . James F . Mitchell , presided , and there were present Bros . D . Watson , S . M . ; Jas . Gladstone , S . D . ; John Smith , Secretary ; A . . C . Paterson , V . S . P . G . L ., acting S . W . ; and , among other visiting brethren , Bros . Geoige McDonald ,
R . W . M . 73 ( 1 histle and Rose ); and Louis Loeskc , 286 , Illinois . The lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , James Thomson was duly initiated into the Order by the R . W . M ., after which the lodge was raised to the F . C . degree , when the same was conferred upon Bro . James Aitken , the Master again officiating . The lodge was thereafter closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODOE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —This lodge met in their hall , No . 12 , Trongate , on Monday , ijth inst ., being their regular meeting . Present : Bros . John Morgan , R . W . M ., presiding ; John Garth , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . There were also present Bros . J . Campbell , R . W . M . Lodge 12 S ; A . Bain , P . M . Lodge 103 ; G . C . J J . McNaught , S . M . Lodge 275 ; W . II . Bickerlon ( I'Vcfiiiusoit ) , and a
large number of members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting , and applications from the following gentlemen for admission into the privileges of Freemasonry read , viz ., Messrs . W . Longhran and Richard Lynch . There being no objection , the candidates received the li . A . degree , Bro . Morgan , R . W . M ., officiating . The following
brethren were then passed to the degree of F . C , viz ., Bros . J . McDougall , A . Dryden , George Knot , Thos . Murphy , J . T . Erving , Bro . Muir , D . M . Lodge 103 , officiating . The lodge was then raised , and Bros . Stewart and Knox , Lodge Star 219 ; and Bros . T . Murphy and J . T . Ewing , Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , received the sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ,
officiating , the ceremony oi the degree being performed in a most impressive maimer by the brethren officiating . Bro . Smith , Lodge Mother Kilwinning , affiliated member of Lodge Star , No . 219 , who had presented to Star lodge , about twelve months ago , a beautiful pair of Ashlars , now presented a pair of ornamental tops for the same , whicli are of beautiful finish and material , and add to the
already many specimens of designs , emblematical of the Order , in the Star Lodge Room . The R . W . M ., Bro . John Morgan , in a neat and appropriate speech , thanked Bro . Smith on behalf of the lodge , anil hoped that he would be long spared to be amongst them . The lodge was then closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —It will be
remembered that the emergency meeting of this lodge , held c . n the 28 th ult ., for the special reception to Bro . Henry M'Donald , second mate of the ship Cospalrick , it was agreed that a letter be sent to the St . Helena brethren , acknowledg ing the great kindness shown by them lo a brother of Lodge Clyde * , and also that the leading officebearers of the St . I lelena lodges should be made honorary
members of No . 408 . Accordingly , at the last regular meeting of the lodge , the Secretary submitted the following which had been drawn up : — " To the R . W . M ., P . M ., S . W ., | . W ., and other office-bearers and members of Lodges St . Helena ( No . 488 ) and Old Rock ( No . 912 ) . —Greeting , all whom it may concern . This is to certify , that at a special meeting convened for the purpose of congratulating our
worthy and esteemed brother , Henry M'Donald , late second officer of the New Zealand emigrant ship Cospatrick , who was rescued from a dreadful death by the Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe , and thrown upon your hospitality by the ship British Scep're , and the kind manner in which you treated him , 1 have to say , in his behalf , will not be forgotten . By the unanimous desire of the office-bearers and members of his mother lodge , Cl y de