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City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street LONDON . " \\ 7 ~ ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur " Dramatic Efitcrtainfnents , Puliiic Meetings , and Arbitrations . - The largc Mall is capable of sealing upwards of TVelvt Hundred people . . ¦ { ] ; . . ' \ SIIVNEY SPENCER , Proprietor .
. The Alexandra Restaurant , ' 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET ., -., Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and ^ Vines ' . . ¦ ' Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HIUREICH , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , G R E S H A M - S T R E E f , E . C . Chop and Steak Room fitted with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sixes suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodgesand Ban () Uets ,, l ' rivatc Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . 32 and 33 , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . , - JOSEPH CORBJN , Manager .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED ¦ ¦ FOR THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . < 5 ' d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , 10 s . 6 d . PER SET - OF 6 CANDLES . Packing Cases is . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S ., Masonic Depots , LONDON : —1 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , 1 Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASG OW : —14 . 5 , ' Argyle-street . I I
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Hro . CHARLES-OOSDEN , late Manager of the l reemasuns' Tavern Company . Every accony nindnlion will be found for Lodges , ' Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , S ; c ., and every anenlmii will be paid lo their comfort and enjoyment ]) y the new Proprietor .
TRAMORE . TRAMORE . TRAMORE ., COUNTY WATKRIORD , IRELAND . ' THE GREAT HOTEL The Great Hotel atTramoreis the only first-class Hotel , on the Southern-Coast . It commands a magnificent view of the bay and surrounding country . Tramore Bay and Strand ( the latter is 4 miles long ) , is said to be the finest in the world . Intending' tourists to Ireland will find Tramore worthy of being known as a watering place . Its advantages are a delightfully mild climate , splendid bathing , yachting , boating , and a modern hotel , conducted on the most approved piinciplcs , and the most moderate of any similar house in the kingdom . ' liro- , James Ilcarnc , lt . Av 6 42 and 196 , Proprietor-
Roslicrville Hotel . ( NEAR GRAVESKND . ) FOR MASONIC BAXUUKTS , SUMMER FESTIVALS ' ^ ¦ DJIJKUNJSRS , FIMI DINNERS , AND WIIITKn . irr TEAS . The Hotel is charmingly situated upon the brinks of the Thames , and the splendid \ iev . of tile rirer it couvvands , with the continually passing shipping , renders it particularly agreeable . The wines have been i . mfnlly selec ted ,. rmd the varied excellence of the vintages will he found amply sullieient lo satisfy evendiversity of l .-iste . Tile Hole ) is about ten miiiuic * ' walk from the Gravesend station . Passengers by watcV land on the pierol the Hotel . linos . II . J . . ixn \ V . J . KoiiERTS , Pronrk-lor * .
QNGAR ~ GKAMMAir SCHOOL , io miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils waiting or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive . careful attention . Twenty afcieS of grou-Iid for football , cricket , Ac . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and of the best . Locality most healthy . IVospcctus should i > e seen for details . Terms very moderate . Principal Dr Clark .
~ . r W ; . T . MACKEY , SHOP FITTER 100 , ST . JOHN'S ROAD , ' , HOXTON . Counliiig-hmnu , Shop , and flurchousi- Fittings at the Imt'csl briers .
S . YARD LEY , ( liSTAUUSIlIil ) 1830 ) SHOP FRONT BUILDEP ., SHOP FITTER , Air Tight Show Case Manufactured 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLERKENWELL . LONDON , E . G . lively description of linings manufactured for Jeweller- ; . Cullers Stationers Ulii . es Drapers , iMu . euins , ijank , / ' Libraries ^ i ,. ' ters , and Hosiers , lane ; ] r . nles , , ' .-e Plans anl i :, la ,,: ltes " p , < n i , ! e , t lor shop fronls and internal ( ittlllKS , 111 I'JWli or ; i , iy partoflhet ' ounln . Outside Lamps ( . fiver plnled ; liui . ' i ; , si ' Ditto , with arms and litmus complete , from facia , from . 12 , . tow : « l | l . tf , ii ,, v . iil , c-. ™ , ill , ! PW | I | . , „( S , Ditto with arms a ,,, ) mu ^ fcomi . k-U ; ho ,,, fV , j , , , „„ , . -
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , iV .,, LITTLE WUTAW , I 108 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES ! j 2 , Monument- ] lac .-, Liverpool . (¦ ' 45 , Argylc-strcct , Glasgow .
x ^ Sl ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , 7 $ f |§ llp ' vn ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . 5 . If Wm ») Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any achnixture . isi .- ifiSSS aiSt TTiis unique pure preparation is pronounced by the Faculty "the most nutritious perfectly dicestiblc heir-.- " ^ Cfe ^ W "Se 'or HREAKFASIV LUNCH EON , or SUPPER , ami inraJiiabte for Inralhls ami Children . ' \&> SSSP ? $ - ' / it is made inslancously with boiling water or milk j being without sugar it suits all palates : ? X 2 £ iX In tin packets at is . Gil ., 3 s ., & c . I 3 y Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) "¦''" ' Registered . . Cocoalinaa la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantaneously . ' ' . -.-v ... SOLE PROPRIETORS : r H .. SCHWEIT ' ZER & Co ., io , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is the best , safest , and cheapest . It restores the former ' colour to grey hair in a few days , is qiiite harmless , and the best hair-dresslnrt that can be used . Large bottles , is . 6 d . each , bold by all Chemists and Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PliPPER , 237 , TOTTIiN . HAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON , whose , name and address are on the label , or it is spurious . Case ' s of " three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on $ 4 stamps .
: - - .. ' . - .: ;¦ .. . HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON ' TONIC . Strengthens Hie nerves , enriches , purities , and greatly improves ( he blood , and vital secretions , gives a good appetite , overcomes indigestion , animates the spirits , counteracts theellectsof weakness ,-and restores perfect robust health . I 3 e sure Pepper's Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , its ingredients being chemically pure . Ilottics , 4 s . 6 d ; next size , t is . ;• stone jars , S 2 s , Order it from any Chemist , or get direct . fromJ . "; PEPPER , 337 , TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt of . stamps or P . O . O .
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . Freemasons'Arms .. 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Kcd Cross of Home and Constantinc Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Square anil Compasses , with Priiiceof Wales ' s Feathers in Centre , ' 12 ft . by 9 ft . City of London Arms 10 ft , by 71 c . Union Jack 10 ft . by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh oft . by 42 ft . Russian yft . b y 4 Aft KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . ' KJS , IT . ELT-STKEET , LONDON .
FUNERALS . BROS . SERVANTE & FERRYMAN , Complete Funeral Furnishers ,, 232 , HIGH IIOLbOIIN , Corner of New Turnstile , leading into Lincoln's-bin-fields . Funerals conducted in the best manner , with choice appointments and great economy . Distance no object . Price book free . Established nearly 150 years-
CAUTION . 3 ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT . ( Established upwards of 35 years . ; Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , l J \^ Fl'K . VIflilXB U . VUERTAKERS A . \ 'U FuxEIUL R V * FKATHE ™™ , . ^ L ^ Sr , City Road , Finslmry'Sijitan :, opposite tlie Finshury . Schools , K . Cainl 2 jf , Suiithgatc- ^ oad , Ucnviiham-roadj near tlie Rosemary Hr . Tiich litUi ^ c , N . ¦ ¦ : ( . \ 'j coMi . ection with any othcrcstahlislimcntoftHe ? amc name . ) Only nt the above adilresse :-. lircry Kuncrai ' at stated charges—See Illustrated I'rutipecttiA .
3 RO . R J . THURSTON , HOPKINS , & Co ~ ( Sin-tcs :. 0 !¦ lo IU 11 . kills : nul Stcpllensl , HII . I . IAKI ) T . \ i : l . | .. . MAXI'I'At TURKKS , 10 , I . Mile Si . Andrew's-. slrcil , l ' u |» i'i SI . M . 'iilin'b-l .-iiic , I ( HU !< JIW . I .. ^ S ^™!!| i |^^ aS ^ i ^^ 5 | S | ij W ^ U § ¦ ilLI . IAKI ) TAIILKS CO . MPLETF . FROM / . < lo ^ Co . 1 . Cxperk-nceil M ™ sent u > till parts lot Kvpairs . f Kstablislieil 10 Years ,
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S I "CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all I other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . ; 'AGUAAMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . " TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S , And see that you have none other than their genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angcl-passagc , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
HYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . fJOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade l > v all Patent Medicine Houscsand Whole ff'j : perfumers . This Cream has the . testimony of EMINENT 1 H YSIC 1 ANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD GftliAM . Sold hv all Chemists and Perfumers ,
1 TRUTH MUST PRSVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro . plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTIPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger . 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He doM not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any , A visit nil ) , at all times , bu very much appreciated .
IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . 1 UseLIERIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as " stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives fine flavour and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried . Cautim . —Genuine only with Baron Licbi g ' s facsimile across label
DOR FISH . ' Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . Try GOW . pOR GAME . Try GOW . poR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . T GOW , J ' 1 , HONEY-LAN 2 . MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
" m LEA & PERRINS'SAUCE . tar THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " (« Sj Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD JPI 1 SA 1 JCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-/^ iffek '' " Unr > valled for piquancy and flavour . § 3 § ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . EaSr *! BaiVABE OS IMITATIONS LtSMsiH ' 0 avoicl whidl SCC tllc "ames , .: vip | J LEA & PERRINS , . ft ^ g Sjott all bottles and labels . fliWIiHi Agents—CHOSSE <& BLACKwEM ., London , and sold ^ jMiliP ^ by all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world .
QLENF 1 ELD STARCH i . s the only kind nsci ! in Her Mnjeeiy ' s I . aunilrv . 'J'hosc Ladies wlio h ; ivc iuit vet used tlic ( iicnlicld Starch , arc cj-pL'ctluIly wilkiki ! (<• yive it n U ' vM , and cavelvilly follow out ; l ) c directions printmltm everv package . It is rather more diJiictilt lo make than older Si arches , hut w hen Ihis is overcome , they « iJI * : iy , like the Oucen ' s Laundress , lliai il is the finest Starch they ^ ever used , "When you ask for the Cjlenlield , sec that you get it ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street LONDON . " \\ 7 ~ ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur " Dramatic Efitcrtainfnents , Puliiic Meetings , and Arbitrations . - The largc Mall is capable of sealing upwards of TVelvt Hundred people . . ¦ { ] ; . . ' \ SIIVNEY SPENCER , Proprietor .
. The Alexandra Restaurant , ' 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET ., -., Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and ^ Vines ' . . ¦ ' Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HIUREICH , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , G R E S H A M - S T R E E f , E . C . Chop and Steak Room fitted with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sixes suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodgesand Ban () Uets ,, l ' rivatc Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . 32 and 33 , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . , - JOSEPH CORBJN , Manager .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED ¦ ¦ FOR THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . < 5 ' d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , 10 s . 6 d . PER SET - OF 6 CANDLES . Packing Cases is . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S ., Masonic Depots , LONDON : —1 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , 1 Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASG OW : —14 . 5 , ' Argyle-street . I I
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Hro . CHARLES-OOSDEN , late Manager of the l reemasuns' Tavern Company . Every accony nindnlion will be found for Lodges , ' Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , S ; c ., and every anenlmii will be paid lo their comfort and enjoyment ]) y the new Proprietor .
TRAMORE . TRAMORE . TRAMORE ., COUNTY WATKRIORD , IRELAND . ' THE GREAT HOTEL The Great Hotel atTramoreis the only first-class Hotel , on the Southern-Coast . It commands a magnificent view of the bay and surrounding country . Tramore Bay and Strand ( the latter is 4 miles long ) , is said to be the finest in the world . Intending' tourists to Ireland will find Tramore worthy of being known as a watering place . Its advantages are a delightfully mild climate , splendid bathing , yachting , boating , and a modern hotel , conducted on the most approved piinciplcs , and the most moderate of any similar house in the kingdom . ' liro- , James Ilcarnc , lt . Av 6 42 and 196 , Proprietor-
Roslicrville Hotel . ( NEAR GRAVESKND . ) FOR MASONIC BAXUUKTS , SUMMER FESTIVALS ' ^ ¦ DJIJKUNJSRS , FIMI DINNERS , AND WIIITKn . irr TEAS . The Hotel is charmingly situated upon the brinks of the Thames , and the splendid \ iev . of tile rirer it couvvands , with the continually passing shipping , renders it particularly agreeable . The wines have been i . mfnlly selec ted ,. rmd the varied excellence of the vintages will he found amply sullieient lo satisfy evendiversity of l .-iste . Tile Hole ) is about ten miiiuic * ' walk from the Gravesend station . Passengers by watcV land on the pierol the Hotel . linos . II . J . . ixn \ V . J . KoiiERTS , Pronrk-lor * .
QNGAR ~ GKAMMAir SCHOOL , io miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils waiting or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive . careful attention . Twenty afcieS of grou-Iid for football , cricket , Ac . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and of the best . Locality most healthy . IVospcctus should i > e seen for details . Terms very moderate . Principal Dr Clark .
~ . r W ; . T . MACKEY , SHOP FITTER 100 , ST . JOHN'S ROAD , ' , HOXTON . Counliiig-hmnu , Shop , and flurchousi- Fittings at the Imt'csl briers .
S . YARD LEY , ( liSTAUUSIlIil ) 1830 ) SHOP FRONT BUILDEP ., SHOP FITTER , Air Tight Show Case Manufactured 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLERKENWELL . LONDON , E . G . lively description of linings manufactured for Jeweller- ; . Cullers Stationers Ulii . es Drapers , iMu . euins , ijank , / ' Libraries ^ i ,. ' ters , and Hosiers , lane ; ] r . nles , , ' .-e Plans anl i :, la ,,: ltes " p , < n i , ! e , t lor shop fronls and internal ( ittlllKS , 111 I'JWli or ; i , iy partoflhet ' ounln . Outside Lamps ( . fiver plnled ; liui . ' i ; , si ' Ditto , with arms and litmus complete , from facia , from . 12 , . tow : « l | l . tf , ii ,, v . iil , c-. ™ , ill , ! PW | I | . , „( S , Ditto with arms a ,,, ) mu ^ fcomi . k-U ; ho ,,, fV , j , , , „„ , . -
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , iV .,, LITTLE WUTAW , I 108 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES ! j 2 , Monument- ] lac .-, Liverpool . (¦ ' 45 , Argylc-strcct , Glasgow .
x ^ Sl ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , 7 $ f |§ llp ' vn ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . 5 . If Wm ») Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any achnixture . isi .- ifiSSS aiSt TTiis unique pure preparation is pronounced by the Faculty "the most nutritious perfectly dicestiblc heir-.- " ^ Cfe ^ W "Se 'or HREAKFASIV LUNCH EON , or SUPPER , ami inraJiiabte for Inralhls ami Children . ' \&> SSSP ? $ - ' / it is made inslancously with boiling water or milk j being without sugar it suits all palates : ? X 2 £ iX In tin packets at is . Gil ., 3 s ., & c . I 3 y Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) "¦''" ' Registered . . Cocoalinaa la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantaneously . ' ' . -.-v ... SOLE PROPRIETORS : r H .. SCHWEIT ' ZER & Co ., io , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is the best , safest , and cheapest . It restores the former ' colour to grey hair in a few days , is qiiite harmless , and the best hair-dresslnrt that can be used . Large bottles , is . 6 d . each , bold by all Chemists and Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PliPPER , 237 , TOTTIiN . HAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON , whose , name and address are on the label , or it is spurious . Case ' s of " three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on $ 4 stamps .
: - - .. ' . - .: ;¦ .. . HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON ' TONIC . Strengthens Hie nerves , enriches , purities , and greatly improves ( he blood , and vital secretions , gives a good appetite , overcomes indigestion , animates the spirits , counteracts theellectsof weakness ,-and restores perfect robust health . I 3 e sure Pepper's Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , its ingredients being chemically pure . Ilottics , 4 s . 6 d ; next size , t is . ;• stone jars , S 2 s , Order it from any Chemist , or get direct . fromJ . "; PEPPER , 337 , TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt of . stamps or P . O . O .
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . Freemasons'Arms .. 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Kcd Cross of Home and Constantinc Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Square anil Compasses , with Priiiceof Wales ' s Feathers in Centre , ' 12 ft . by 9 ft . City of London Arms 10 ft , by 71 c . Union Jack 10 ft . by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh oft . by 42 ft . Russian yft . b y 4 Aft KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . ' KJS , IT . ELT-STKEET , LONDON .
FUNERALS . BROS . SERVANTE & FERRYMAN , Complete Funeral Furnishers ,, 232 , HIGH IIOLbOIIN , Corner of New Turnstile , leading into Lincoln's-bin-fields . Funerals conducted in the best manner , with choice appointments and great economy . Distance no object . Price book free . Established nearly 150 years-
CAUTION . 3 ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT . ( Established upwards of 35 years . ; Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , l J \^ Fl'K . VIflilXB U . VUERTAKERS A . \ 'U FuxEIUL R V * FKATHE ™™ , . ^ L ^ Sr , City Road , Finslmry'Sijitan :, opposite tlie Finshury . Schools , K . Cainl 2 jf , Suiithgatc- ^ oad , Ucnviiham-roadj near tlie Rosemary Hr . Tiich litUi ^ c , N . ¦ ¦ : ( . \ 'j coMi . ection with any othcrcstahlislimcntoftHe ? amc name . ) Only nt the above adilresse :-. lircry Kuncrai ' at stated charges—See Illustrated I'rutipecttiA .
3 RO . R J . THURSTON , HOPKINS , & Co ~ ( Sin-tcs :. 0 !¦ lo IU 11 . kills : nul Stcpllensl , HII . I . IAKI ) T . \ i : l . | .. . MAXI'I'At TURKKS , 10 , I . Mile Si . Andrew's-. slrcil , l ' u |» i'i SI . M . 'iilin'b-l .-iiic , I ( HU !< JIW . I .. ^ S ^™!!| i |^^ aS ^ i ^^ 5 | S | ij W ^ U § ¦ ilLI . IAKI ) TAIILKS CO . MPLETF . FROM / . < lo ^ Co . 1 . Cxperk-nceil M ™ sent u > till parts lot Kvpairs . f Kstablislieil 10 Years ,
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S I "CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all I other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . ; 'AGUAAMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . " TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S , And see that you have none other than their genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angcl-passagc , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
HYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . fJOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade l > v all Patent Medicine Houscsand Whole ff'j : perfumers . This Cream has the . testimony of EMINENT 1 H YSIC 1 ANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD GftliAM . Sold hv all Chemists and Perfumers ,
1 TRUTH MUST PRSVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro . plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTIPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger . 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He doM not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any , A visit nil ) , at all times , bu very much appreciated .
IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . 1 UseLIERIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as " stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives fine flavour and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried . Cautim . —Genuine only with Baron Licbi g ' s facsimile across label
DOR FISH . ' Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . Try GOW . pOR GAME . Try GOW . poR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . T GOW , J ' 1 , HONEY-LAN 2 . MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
" m LEA & PERRINS'SAUCE . tar THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " (« Sj Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD JPI 1 SA 1 JCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-/^ iffek '' " Unr > valled for piquancy and flavour . § 3 § ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . EaSr *! BaiVABE OS IMITATIONS LtSMsiH ' 0 avoicl whidl SCC tllc "ames , .: vip | J LEA & PERRINS , . ft ^ g Sjott all bottles and labels . fliWIiHi Agents—CHOSSE <& BLACKwEM ., London , and sold ^ jMiliP ^ by all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world .
QLENF 1 ELD STARCH i . s the only kind nsci ! in Her Mnjeeiy ' s I . aunilrv . 'J'hosc Ladies wlio h ; ivc iuit vet used tlic ( iicnlicld Starch , arc cj-pL'ctluIly wilkiki ! (<• yive it n U ' vM , and cavelvilly follow out ; l ) c directions printmltm everv package . It is rather more diJiictilt lo make than older Si arches , hut w hen Ihis is overcome , they « iJI * : iy , like the Oucen ' s Laundress , lliai il is the finest Starch they ^ ever used , "When you ask for the Cjlenlield , sec that you get it ,