Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE FELIX LODGE No. 1494. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athol ( No . 413 ) held their regular meeting , June 9 th , at 21 . 3 , Buchanan-street . In the absence of the R . W . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . J . Miller , P . M ., who in a very able way raised Bro . J . Liddle to the sublime degree of a Master Mason : he
was ably assisted by Bros . Jas . Leutitt , S . W j Walter Neilson , J . W . ; Wm . Leutitt , Sec . There were several visitors present , amongst whom we observed Bros . Adams , Blockman , Polbie , Elliss , and Muir , as office-bearers in other lodges .
GLASGOW . —The Union Lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday , June 8 th , at St . Mark ' s Hall , when the three degrees were worked by Bro . J . B . MacNair , the R . W . M . GLASGOW . —Mart / hill Lodge ( No . jio ) held their monthly meeting in their own lodge ,
Muirstreet , Maryhill , on Wednesday , June 10 th , Bro . Hugh Niven , R . W . M ., in the chair , assisted by Bros . A . MacKay , Substitute Master j A . Neving , acting S . W . j Neil , Treas ., acting J . W . j J . Jervige , Secretary . A petition was presented from M . Duncan Shaw , and he having been
unanimously elected , Bro . MacKay , at the request of the R . W . M ., initiated him into the Order in a very careful style , but without the aid of the harmonium , as the Organist was absent , the brethren by vocal music doing their best to supply its place . Fifteen handsome suits
of clothing , which had been sent from Bro . George Kenning ' s Glasgow establishment , were exhibited and much admired , the other brethren being determined to be snortly clothed in a like style . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 465 )
held an emergency meeting on Friday , June 12 th , when one gentleman was initiated , and five passed to the second degree , after which Bros . Walter Deed , Wm . Telfer , Jack Duncan , Cameron , aud Jas . Creeling were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The whole
of the ceremonies were admirably wrought by Bro . D . Reid , R . W . M ., who though a young man is a good working Mason , he was ably assisted by Bro . J . MacLeith , D . M . j J . Clark , S . W !; J . Youill , J . W . and the Sec , Bro . Wm . Cambell , who with Bro . Jennason acted as
Deacons . GLASGOW . —St . Mark ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) held their usual meeting in their own hall , on Monday , June 8 th , 1874 , the R . W . M ., Bro . J . F .. Mitchell , presiding , assisted by the whole of the office bearers . The work consisted of
one initiation , arid one passing , after which arrangements-were made for raising a fund for the support of the widow and daughter of the late Janitor , who had held that office many years , and died at the ripe age of 82 . As he was so well known in the province , the R . W . M .
said eacluof the lodges had taken the subject up , and he had no doubt sufficient would be raised to comfortably support the wido \ r for the remainder of her days . GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) . — This lodge met in their new hall , Trongate , on June
8 th , Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., presiding , James Luthie , acting S . W . ; J . Ham , J . W . ; G . Miller . Sec . ¦ ¦¦ There was a large attendance both or members and visitors . Amongst the latter we recognised Bros . Paterson , 27 ; A . Wilson , 27 j Wheeler , 73 j J . McKeckner , S . W . j G . Giles ,
P . M . 103 j J . Bairn , P . M . 803 ; J . Muir , S . W . ; J . Thomas , J . W . 103 j and a deputation from Busby St . John ' s , 458 . There were two brothers passed to the second degree , after which Bro . Bairn , P . M . 103 , by the consent of the lodge Star , raised two brethren for his own lodge . The
deputation from Busby invited the Glasgow brethien to join them in a procession they intended to have on Saturday . Arrangements were also made for the excursion by water on St . John ' s Day , by the united Committee of I 0 3 and 219 , which promises to be a well arranged trip .
GLASGOW . —St Johns Lodge ( No . 35 ) held an emergency meeting in their own hall , Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , June 9 th , the RfW . M ., Bro . J . Fletcher , in the chair , assisted b y Bros . W . Bell , D . M . ; William McPherson , acting S . W . ; T . Ewan , acting J . W . j J . Dick , *> ';* J . Buchanan , ; Org . Propositions were
read from Messrs . Gilchrist , and Anderson , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were then admitted , and at the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Dick proceeded to initiate them into this , the oldest lodge in the province , in a careful manner , the excellent way in which the
organist performed his portion of the mystic rites , considerably enhanced the efficiency of the ceremony , and now that appropriate music has been published , we feel that no lodge should be without an harmonium , if they wish to give due effect to our varied ceremonies .
GLASGOW . —Clydesdale Lodge ( No . 5 ^ 6 ) . — An emergency meeting of this new lodge was held in the Hall of the Lodge Neptune , on Tuesday , June 2 nd , when the following brethren were present : —Bros . William Phillips , R . W . M . 5 66 j John McNaught , S . M . ;
56 $ ; Dr . T . Russell , D . M . 566 ; T . B . Yuill , Treas . ^ 66 , Henry Jackman , A . 566 ; John Milter , R . W . M . 87 ; William J . E . Dodson , Prov . G . S . 5 66 ; Henry Fuge , 27 ; Charles Groves , 392 ; John H . Rogers , 392 ; Joseph Koddy , Kd 6 j John Park , 275 j H . Sherry , 594 j
W . S . Vallance , 275 ; James Hucheson . 419 . The lodge was , opened in due form , and the S . M . then proceeded to initiate Bro . Peter J . Aitken , in the E . A . degree , in a very clever manner , after which the R . W . M ., Bro . Phillips , proceeded to raise the lodge to the Fellow Craft degree .
Bros . Roddy and Brown , were then passed to the said degree by the R . W . M-, in his usual impressive manner , Bro . William J . E . Dodsou , acting as conductor . The ceremony over , the R . W . M . in a short speech directed the attention of the brethren present , to the centenary of the
Poet , " Tamahill , " which would be celebrated m Paisley , on the morrow , Wednesday , June 3 rd , and deputations from lodges in Glasgow and suburbs , being requested by the Masonic brethren of Paisley , to assist in the celebration thereof , he deemed it but right that though the
new Lodge Clydesdale was but young , that we should go and assist in the demonstration , as many as conveniently could . Bro . J . McNaught then proposed a show of hands from those who were willing to form a deputation from Clydesdale , 556 . On the show of hands , ten of' the
brethren were found willing , viz : —Bros . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . j John McNaught , S . M . ; D . T . Russell , D . M . j Wm . J . E . Dodson , P . G . S . j H . Jackman , A . ; J . Doig , C . j 11 Scott , T . B . Yuill , Treas . j J . Strang , ' Sec . ; D . Campbell . There being no further , business , the R . W . M ,, proceeded to close the lodge , in due
and antient form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . "The Health of the Lastlaid Stone" was then proposed by the R . W . M ., and drank with all the honours . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Visiting Brethren , Sec , had been given , the brethren separated . " Plappy to meet , sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., was in the President ' s chair j ' Bro . ' J . C . Parkinson , G . J . D ., in the Senior Vice-Tresident ' sj and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., in the J unior Vice-President ' s . Grand Secretary attended ;
and Bro . H . G . Buss , G . Treasurer , Middlesex . There were also present the following wearers of the purple : —Bros . Hutton , J . G . D . ; C . C . Dumas , P . Asst . G . D . C . j T . Cubitt , G . P . j W . Ough , P . G . P . j and a large number of brethren
from various lodges j £ 322 in all were granted , including recommendations for two grants of £ 100 each to distressed brethren . The President and Senior Vice-President , were absent through illness .
EniiATA . —In the letter of liro . IColly last week , page 3 S 9 > first column nth line from bottom , for ' - * or " read " so , " last line , for " an'I " read , " Arch , " second , column first line , for " It is " read " Is it / ' line 29 , for " warrants " read ' warrant , " line 37 , for " . their , ! ' . read " , thjs , " line 40 , for " services " read " purposes , " line 50 , for " inimical" read" manual . " Page 3 60 fourth line , for" figures " read " figure , " line 15 from bottom , for " country " read " county . "
Consecration Of The Felix Lodge No. 1494.
This lodge was consecrated at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , Middlesex , on Saturday , the 30 th ult , by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Provincial Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . J .
Hervey , Grand Secretary , as S . W ; H . G . Buss , Provincial Grand Treasurer , as LW .,- Rev . P . M . Holden as Chaplain ; and T . W . White , Past Grand Steward , as D . C . The usual ceremonies incident to the
consecration were duly observed , after which Bro . Little installed Bro . Edward B . Grabham as First Master . The officers were nominated as follows : —Bro . Major George Barlow , S . W . ¦ Felix Sumner Knyvett , J . W . ; Daniel Nicholson ( P . M . 19 ) , Treas . ; Edward S . Norris , Sec . j
F . B . Archer , S . D . j J . W . Sanders , J . D . j R . Berridge , T . G . Among the brethren piesent besides those mentioned were R . W , Brot Colonel Burdett , the Prov . G . M . j J . C . Parkinson , J . G . D ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; R . A . Houstoun , Dep . Prov . G . M .
East Lothian j W . Sir . ithett , G . Steward j Major S . H . Clerke , P . Prov . G . W . Devon ; H . C . Levander , P . Prov . G . D . Wilts j Hyde Pullen ,. P . G . S . B ., P . Dep . Prov .. G . M . Isle of Wig ht ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward ; J . C . Goldsmith , W . M . 19 j E . Hopwood , P . AI . 141 ; H . Phythian ,
W . M . 1293 ; F . Kelly , S . W . 1293 ; D . W . j Pearse , J . W . 1293 j H . Robinson , P . M . 1 S 0 . C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; F . Knyvett , 160 ; E . S ' Home , 227 ; G . P . Gillard , 657 ; and E . J Southwell , 1293 . The musical arrangements were under the
direction of Bro . R . Limpus , Prov . G . O ., assisted by Bros . A . Hubbard , T . B . Evison , and G . Musgrave . ' The rank of honorary member was conferred upon the consecrating officer and several other brethren , and several propositions for initiation .
& c , were announced . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren spent a delightful evening together under the presidency of the W . M ., who elicited the warm congratulations of all present upon his having attained the Master ' s chair .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The death is announced of Bro . Frederick Ledger , for many years proprietor and conductor of the Era newspaper . Bro . Ledger died on Sunday last at his residence at Balham-hill . He was 58 years of aote .
The advice of the late Mr . Thackeray was as much prized by his friends as his literary genius was appreciated by his fellow-countrymen . A young lady of his acquaintance , knowing how wide and deep was his knowledge of worldly matters , one day asked him what would be the
best present to make to her old friend and school-fellow , who was just married , ' and was setting up housekeeping . "My dear , " replied the great novelist , " you may be certain your young married friends are thinking only of the luxurious and the ornamental in their purchases . Now ,
suppose you take the useful and the practical side . My dear , you cannot do better than present your friends with a filter—a Lipscombc ' s filter , mind , ft is the best kind' of- filter I know . " This was some years since , and the merits of Lipscombc ' s filters have become more
and more esteemed as their use has spread . Numbers of valuable lives were saved during the Ashantee war b y means of these filters , sent out by Government from the well-known establishment near Temple Bar , which converted water absolutely poisonous into a pure and wholesome beverage .
HOI . I . OWAV ' OINTMENT AND PI LIS .- —BAD LEGS . — Any unnatural discharge from the skin is at all times disagreeable , but in hot weather it becomes irritatingsometimes offensive . Bad legs , old wounds , scrofula , and scorbutic eruptions arc cooled , soothed , and cured by Holloway ' s Ointment . It at once arrests all diseases of the suiface by purifying and regulating the circulation in
their neighbourhood , by giving energy to the nerves of the affected part , and by expelling all poisonous and noxious rri ' attcrs . It ejects the seeds of all virulent eruptions anil ulcerations , and thus confers no partial or temporary boon , but a complete anil permanent cure . By means of these remedies all sufferers may aim at attaining health , and will invariably succeed . —Aiivr
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athol ( No . 413 ) held their regular meeting , June 9 th , at 21 . 3 , Buchanan-street . In the absence of the R . W . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . J . Miller , P . M ., who in a very able way raised Bro . J . Liddle to the sublime degree of a Master Mason : he
was ably assisted by Bros . Jas . Leutitt , S . W j Walter Neilson , J . W . ; Wm . Leutitt , Sec . There were several visitors present , amongst whom we observed Bros . Adams , Blockman , Polbie , Elliss , and Muir , as office-bearers in other lodges .
GLASGOW . —The Union Lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday , June 8 th , at St . Mark ' s Hall , when the three degrees were worked by Bro . J . B . MacNair , the R . W . M . GLASGOW . —Mart / hill Lodge ( No . jio ) held their monthly meeting in their own lodge ,
Muirstreet , Maryhill , on Wednesday , June 10 th , Bro . Hugh Niven , R . W . M ., in the chair , assisted by Bros . A . MacKay , Substitute Master j A . Neving , acting S . W . j Neil , Treas ., acting J . W . j J . Jervige , Secretary . A petition was presented from M . Duncan Shaw , and he having been
unanimously elected , Bro . MacKay , at the request of the R . W . M ., initiated him into the Order in a very careful style , but without the aid of the harmonium , as the Organist was absent , the brethren by vocal music doing their best to supply its place . Fifteen handsome suits
of clothing , which had been sent from Bro . George Kenning ' s Glasgow establishment , were exhibited and much admired , the other brethren being determined to be snortly clothed in a like style . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 465 )
held an emergency meeting on Friday , June 12 th , when one gentleman was initiated , and five passed to the second degree , after which Bros . Walter Deed , Wm . Telfer , Jack Duncan , Cameron , aud Jas . Creeling were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The whole
of the ceremonies were admirably wrought by Bro . D . Reid , R . W . M ., who though a young man is a good working Mason , he was ably assisted by Bro . J . MacLeith , D . M . j J . Clark , S . W !; J . Youill , J . W . and the Sec , Bro . Wm . Cambell , who with Bro . Jennason acted as
Deacons . GLASGOW . —St . Mark ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) held their usual meeting in their own hall , on Monday , June 8 th , 1874 , the R . W . M ., Bro . J . F .. Mitchell , presiding , assisted by the whole of the office bearers . The work consisted of
one initiation , arid one passing , after which arrangements-were made for raising a fund for the support of the widow and daughter of the late Janitor , who had held that office many years , and died at the ripe age of 82 . As he was so well known in the province , the R . W . M .
said eacluof the lodges had taken the subject up , and he had no doubt sufficient would be raised to comfortably support the wido \ r for the remainder of her days . GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) . — This lodge met in their new hall , Trongate , on June
8 th , Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., presiding , James Luthie , acting S . W . ; J . Ham , J . W . ; G . Miller . Sec . ¦ ¦¦ There was a large attendance both or members and visitors . Amongst the latter we recognised Bros . Paterson , 27 ; A . Wilson , 27 j Wheeler , 73 j J . McKeckner , S . W . j G . Giles ,
P . M . 103 j J . Bairn , P . M . 803 ; J . Muir , S . W . ; J . Thomas , J . W . 103 j and a deputation from Busby St . John ' s , 458 . There were two brothers passed to the second degree , after which Bro . Bairn , P . M . 103 , by the consent of the lodge Star , raised two brethren for his own lodge . The
deputation from Busby invited the Glasgow brethien to join them in a procession they intended to have on Saturday . Arrangements were also made for the excursion by water on St . John ' s Day , by the united Committee of I 0 3 and 219 , which promises to be a well arranged trip .
GLASGOW . —St Johns Lodge ( No . 35 ) held an emergency meeting in their own hall , Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , June 9 th , the RfW . M ., Bro . J . Fletcher , in the chair , assisted b y Bros . W . Bell , D . M . ; William McPherson , acting S . W . ; T . Ewan , acting J . W . j J . Dick , *> ';* J . Buchanan , ; Org . Propositions were
read from Messrs . Gilchrist , and Anderson , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were then admitted , and at the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Dick proceeded to initiate them into this , the oldest lodge in the province , in a careful manner , the excellent way in which the
organist performed his portion of the mystic rites , considerably enhanced the efficiency of the ceremony , and now that appropriate music has been published , we feel that no lodge should be without an harmonium , if they wish to give due effect to our varied ceremonies .
GLASGOW . —Clydesdale Lodge ( No . 5 ^ 6 ) . — An emergency meeting of this new lodge was held in the Hall of the Lodge Neptune , on Tuesday , June 2 nd , when the following brethren were present : —Bros . William Phillips , R . W . M . 5 66 j John McNaught , S . M . ;
56 $ ; Dr . T . Russell , D . M . 566 ; T . B . Yuill , Treas . ^ 66 , Henry Jackman , A . 566 ; John Milter , R . W . M . 87 ; William J . E . Dodson , Prov . G . S . 5 66 ; Henry Fuge , 27 ; Charles Groves , 392 ; John H . Rogers , 392 ; Joseph Koddy , Kd 6 j John Park , 275 j H . Sherry , 594 j
W . S . Vallance , 275 ; James Hucheson . 419 . The lodge was , opened in due form , and the S . M . then proceeded to initiate Bro . Peter J . Aitken , in the E . A . degree , in a very clever manner , after which the R . W . M ., Bro . Phillips , proceeded to raise the lodge to the Fellow Craft degree .
Bros . Roddy and Brown , were then passed to the said degree by the R . W . M-, in his usual impressive manner , Bro . William J . E . Dodsou , acting as conductor . The ceremony over , the R . W . M . in a short speech directed the attention of the brethren present , to the centenary of the
Poet , " Tamahill , " which would be celebrated m Paisley , on the morrow , Wednesday , June 3 rd , and deputations from lodges in Glasgow and suburbs , being requested by the Masonic brethren of Paisley , to assist in the celebration thereof , he deemed it but right that though the
new Lodge Clydesdale was but young , that we should go and assist in the demonstration , as many as conveniently could . Bro . J . McNaught then proposed a show of hands from those who were willing to form a deputation from Clydesdale , 556 . On the show of hands , ten of' the
brethren were found willing , viz : —Bros . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . j John McNaught , S . M . ; D . T . Russell , D . M . j Wm . J . E . Dodson , P . G . S . j H . Jackman , A . ; J . Doig , C . j 11 Scott , T . B . Yuill , Treas . j J . Strang , ' Sec . ; D . Campbell . There being no further , business , the R . W . M ,, proceeded to close the lodge , in due
and antient form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . "The Health of the Lastlaid Stone" was then proposed by the R . W . M ., and drank with all the honours . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Visiting Brethren , Sec , had been given , the brethren separated . " Plappy to meet , sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., was in the President ' s chair j ' Bro . ' J . C . Parkinson , G . J . D ., in the Senior Vice-Tresident ' sj and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., in the J unior Vice-President ' s . Grand Secretary attended ;
and Bro . H . G . Buss , G . Treasurer , Middlesex . There were also present the following wearers of the purple : —Bros . Hutton , J . G . D . ; C . C . Dumas , P . Asst . G . D . C . j T . Cubitt , G . P . j W . Ough , P . G . P . j and a large number of brethren
from various lodges j £ 322 in all were granted , including recommendations for two grants of £ 100 each to distressed brethren . The President and Senior Vice-President , were absent through illness .
EniiATA . —In the letter of liro . IColly last week , page 3 S 9 > first column nth line from bottom , for ' - * or " read " so , " last line , for " an'I " read , " Arch , " second , column first line , for " It is " read " Is it / ' line 29 , for " warrants " read ' warrant , " line 37 , for " . their , ! ' . read " , thjs , " line 40 , for " services " read " purposes , " line 50 , for " inimical" read" manual . " Page 3 60 fourth line , for" figures " read " figure , " line 15 from bottom , for " country " read " county . "
Consecration Of The Felix Lodge No. 1494.
This lodge was consecrated at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , Middlesex , on Saturday , the 30 th ult , by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Provincial Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . J .
Hervey , Grand Secretary , as S . W ; H . G . Buss , Provincial Grand Treasurer , as LW .,- Rev . P . M . Holden as Chaplain ; and T . W . White , Past Grand Steward , as D . C . The usual ceremonies incident to the
consecration were duly observed , after which Bro . Little installed Bro . Edward B . Grabham as First Master . The officers were nominated as follows : —Bro . Major George Barlow , S . W . ¦ Felix Sumner Knyvett , J . W . ; Daniel Nicholson ( P . M . 19 ) , Treas . ; Edward S . Norris , Sec . j
F . B . Archer , S . D . j J . W . Sanders , J . D . j R . Berridge , T . G . Among the brethren piesent besides those mentioned were R . W , Brot Colonel Burdett , the Prov . G . M . j J . C . Parkinson , J . G . D ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; R . A . Houstoun , Dep . Prov . G . M .
East Lothian j W . Sir . ithett , G . Steward j Major S . H . Clerke , P . Prov . G . W . Devon ; H . C . Levander , P . Prov . G . D . Wilts j Hyde Pullen ,. P . G . S . B ., P . Dep . Prov .. G . M . Isle of Wig ht ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward ; J . C . Goldsmith , W . M . 19 j E . Hopwood , P . AI . 141 ; H . Phythian ,
W . M . 1293 ; F . Kelly , S . W . 1293 ; D . W . j Pearse , J . W . 1293 j H . Robinson , P . M . 1 S 0 . C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; F . Knyvett , 160 ; E . S ' Home , 227 ; G . P . Gillard , 657 ; and E . J Southwell , 1293 . The musical arrangements were under the
direction of Bro . R . Limpus , Prov . G . O ., assisted by Bros . A . Hubbard , T . B . Evison , and G . Musgrave . ' The rank of honorary member was conferred upon the consecrating officer and several other brethren , and several propositions for initiation .
& c , were announced . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren spent a delightful evening together under the presidency of the W . M ., who elicited the warm congratulations of all present upon his having attained the Master ' s chair .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The death is announced of Bro . Frederick Ledger , for many years proprietor and conductor of the Era newspaper . Bro . Ledger died on Sunday last at his residence at Balham-hill . He was 58 years of aote .
The advice of the late Mr . Thackeray was as much prized by his friends as his literary genius was appreciated by his fellow-countrymen . A young lady of his acquaintance , knowing how wide and deep was his knowledge of worldly matters , one day asked him what would be the
best present to make to her old friend and school-fellow , who was just married , ' and was setting up housekeeping . "My dear , " replied the great novelist , " you may be certain your young married friends are thinking only of the luxurious and the ornamental in their purchases . Now ,
suppose you take the useful and the practical side . My dear , you cannot do better than present your friends with a filter—a Lipscombc ' s filter , mind , ft is the best kind' of- filter I know . " This was some years since , and the merits of Lipscombc ' s filters have become more
and more esteemed as their use has spread . Numbers of valuable lives were saved during the Ashantee war b y means of these filters , sent out by Government from the well-known establishment near Temple Bar , which converted water absolutely poisonous into a pure and wholesome beverage .
HOI . I . OWAV ' OINTMENT AND PI LIS .- —BAD LEGS . — Any unnatural discharge from the skin is at all times disagreeable , but in hot weather it becomes irritatingsometimes offensive . Bad legs , old wounds , scrofula , and scorbutic eruptions arc cooled , soothed , and cured by Holloway ' s Ointment . It at once arrests all diseases of the suiface by purifying and regulating the circulation in
their neighbourhood , by giving energy to the nerves of the affected part , and by expelling all poisonous and noxious rri ' attcrs . It ejects the seeds of all virulent eruptions anil ulcerations , and thus confers no partial or temporary boon , but a complete anil permanent cure . By means of these remedies all sufferers may aim at attaining health , and will invariably succeed . —Aiivr