Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . W . ; R . Washington , J . W . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; T . Marsh , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ., P . M ., Sec . ; R . Ye / land , S . D . ; W . Healing , J . G . ; [ . Skeaf . Prov . G . Org ., P . M ., Org . ; A . Jarvis and A . C . Doe , Stewards ,- and P . Ball , Tyler . The members present were : —Bros . T . Williams , T .
Sleator , Prov . G . Sec . of the S . E . division of Ireland ; J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; T . E . Mason , J . C . Parkinson , Dr . A . Bernard , R . Bennett , and H . Jones . The visitors were : — Bros . H . Pearson , P . M . 249 ; Dr . A . Samuels , W . M . 1350 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 724 and 1276 ;
W . Hamilton , J . D . 249 ; H , W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 ; J . Winsor , I . G . 241 ; D . Critchley , 6 , 3 ; J . C . Robinson , 349 ; C . McNab , 1035 ; and J . North , 316 . After the minutes had been read and passed in Masonic form , Mr . Harrison Barclay Jones was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of tlie Fraternity ; and Bro .
Parkinson was passed , according to ancient form , to tlie degree of F . C . The whole of the ceremonial in the two degrees was very effectively performed by Bro . Martin , W . M ., who received valuable and most efficient hel p from his competent officers . After the lodge h ; id been closed the brethren sat down to an excellent repast .
STAR LODGE . — ( No . 1 : 275 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , 5 th ulr ., it being the fifth installation anniversary . Bro . H . Keeble , W . M . opened the lodge and there were present during the afternoon . —Bros . J . R .
Darke , S . W . and W . M . elect ; G . Pymm , P . M ., J . W . ; f . Smith . P . G . P . P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; G . F . Guest , S . D . ; J . Limcbeer , J . D . ; \ V Kipps , I . G . ami Organist ; S , Homewood , W . M . 749 , D . C . ; W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M . ; C .
J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . E . W . Mneknev , W . M . 134 ; and some forty other members . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence were—Bros . F . Frampton , P . M . 87 ; J . T . Johnson , / i ; IT . Voule , P . M . 101 ; A . Thomas , 134 ; V . Turner , W . M . 146 ; G . Jardine , J . W .
140 ; J . Smith . P . M . i 7 ; J . J . Pope , P . M . 389 , 946 ; G . A . Garrett , P . M . 704 ; W . Mule , P . M . 780 ; W . Hilton , J . W . 780 ; II . E . Francis , P . M . 867 ; A . Adams , I . G . 8 , 57 ; E . C . Massey , Sec . 1297 ; G . F . Poupard , ' S . D . 1441 ; and others . The lodge being opened , the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read , received , adopted , and ordered to be placed in the lodge minute book . It showed after every liability had been met that there was a good round sum in the
Treasurer ' s hands . The ballot for Mr . John Ellis , H . M . Civil Service , proved unanimous in favour of his admission . He being in attendance was in an impressive manner initiated into Ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony being considerabl y improved by the admirable manner in which was
added to its charms the splendid music supplied by the Organist , who , in his usual able style , performed on the harmonium . The event of the meeting was the installation of Bro . R . Darke , S . W . and W . M . elect , into tlie Solomonic chair , in ( he hands of veteran Bro . J . Smith ,
P . G . P ., P . M ., Treasurer ( the father of the lodge ) , that all impressive and important ceremony lost none of its lustre , for it was correctl y done . The officers appointed for the ensuing year , were — Bros . G . Pymm , P . M ., S . W . ; G . F . Guest ,. J . D ; J . Smith , P . G . P . P . M ., Treas . ( reinvested fourth
time ) ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., Stc . ( reinvested for fifth time ) ; J . j , Limebeer , j . D . ; S . Homewood , W . M . 749 , I . G . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . T yler , Middlesex , Tyler , ( reinvested for fifth time ) ; A . Stevens , D . C ., was _ appointed Steward for Royal Benevolent
Institution , to represent the lod ge at the forthcoming festival , to be held on Wednesday , January 2 S 1 I 1 , 1874 . As a reward of merit , and for distinguished services rendered to the Lodge , m the course of the evening , the Immediate Past Master , Bro . H . Keeble , had a valuable
Past Masters' Jewel , presented to him ; it had been unanimousl y voted to him from the lodge funds , and bears a suitable-inscription on it . Some important notices of motion were given , one in particular being likely to prove popular , as it is for altering the day of meeting from Friday to Saturday . The usual number of propositions
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
for joining and initiates were given to the Secretary . A superior banquet , worthy of tlie reputation of the host , was then served , and gave satisfaction . The regular toasts followed . Bro . E . W . Mackney , gave some of his best songs , which were well received .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( N 0 . 249 ) . — The usual periodical gathering of this chapter was held on Friday , the iath inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool . There was a large and highly influential gathering of companions . The " Mariners " was perhaps the largest chapter in
the province at one time , and although it has been outstripped by one or two younger chapters , it has recently gained numerical and social ground so rapidly , that there is every probability of its again coming to the front . The chapter was opened by Comp . J . F . Jones , M . E . Z ., and
amongst the assembled officers were : —Comps . W . Jones , P . Z . ; W . J . Lunt , P . Z . j J . Hamer , P . Z . ; W . Doyle , H . ; H . Pearson , J . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; j . E . Dixon , S . E . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; and P . Ball , Janitor ; with the following members : —Comps . W . Ellis , T .
Marshall , H . Firth , P . B . Gee , J . K . Smith , P . Z . ; W . Laidlaw , P . Z . ; J . J . Rose , J . Clusnall , W . Roberts , W . Nash , W . Marshall , R . Carter , H . S . Griffiths , J . E . Skillicorn , P . Robbie , A . BucknaN , and W . Shakespeare . The list of visitors comprised , among others , the names of Comps . U . S . Alpass , P . G . S . E . ; A . C . Mott ,
P . P . G . S . N . ; T . H . Jackson , 673 ; T . Jones , 241 ; and others . During the evening Bros . / . Capell , Hall , and Barry were exalted in a striking and effective manner by the ALE . Z ., assisted by the different officers of the chapter . The assembled companions subset ] uently sat down to ; i capital banquet , aud a most pleasant evening was enjoyed .
BOLTOX . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 348 ) . — The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Rising Sun Inn , Churchgate , Bolton , on Tuesday , September 9 th , when there were present : —Comps . James Voting , Z . ; Thomas Wilson , H . ; James Horrocks , J . ; Thomas
Chambers , P . Z ., E . ; Robert Harwood , P . Z ., Prov . G . Standard Bearer , Treas . ; James Newton , P . Z ., Prov . G . Standard Bearer , and several othe rs . The chapter being opened , the ballot was taken for a candidate for exaltation , who was unanimously elected . Pursuant to notice , Comp .
Newton proposed that in consequence of the remov .-iJ of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 348 , from the Three Tims Inn , Moor-lane , Bolton , to the Rising Sun Inn , Churchgate , Bolton , the future meetings of this chapter be also held at the said
Rising Sun Inn . The proposition was thij y seconded and carried unanimously . A candidate was proposed for exaltation in the chapter , and the chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Glasgoic Chapter ( No . 50)—held its monthl y meeting on Thursday , uth inst ., which was well attended . J . Crabb , Z . ; J . Frazer , H . ; G . B . Adams , J . J . Soutall , Scribe , E . Amongst the visitors were : —Comps . Duthie , Z . 67 ; G . Wheeler , H . 75 ; J . Do / man ,
J . 87 ; Wm . Dabbe , P . Z . 119 ; and J . Kelly , 272 , Belfast , ( l . C ) . A Ledge of Mark Masters was opened , Comp . Crabb , Z ., M . M . ; J . Miller , S . W . ; G . W . Wheeler , acting J . W . ; when three candidates were proposed for advancement . Comp . Humphries , Z . 69 , then requested them
to advance a gentleman on behalf of that Chapter , this request having been unanimouslyacceded to , the four brethren were then duly instructed in that degree . A Lodge ol Excellent Masters was then opened , when Comp . Wheeler , as
Master of tho Tabernacle , conducted Bros . Mc Gnslen , Cadwaller , Gladstone , and Cheeseman , through the veils . A Holy Royal Arch Chapter having been opened with J . Crabb , 1 st P . Z . ; T . Humphries , Z . 69 , as li . J . Duthie , Z . 67 ' us ] . ; and G . W . Wheeler , H . 73 , as Principal
Sojourner . The same four gentlemen were exalted into the Royal Arch Degree with all that attention to details that distinguishes Comp . Crabb ' s working . Comp . Kelly as the P . Z . of two Chapters in Belfast , expressed the pleasure he had experienced in seeing such correct and
impressive working ; it had quite exceeded his ideas of Scottish Masonry , and he had no hesitation in saying , that neither in Ireland or in England , had he seen every portion of the ceremony conducted with so much efficiency . The ompanions worked most admirably . Comp .
Miller at ] the harmonium , and the choir in singing the . Sanctus , had added much to the impressiveness of the ceremony , rendering it in fact perfect . The M . E . Z . was highly pleased to hear this testimony from so competent a judge as Comp . Kelly , who had written a work on Arch
Masonry ; but for the completness of the ceremony he was beholden to the aid of some companions of other chapters ; the aid of Comp . Wheeler of 73 , had been invaluable , as in consequence of the absence of his own officers this last year , he should have been unable to work
the chapter without his assistance , he therefore proposed that he receive affiliation as an honorary member , and also Comps . Duthie , Z . 67 ; Dolman , J . 87 ; Wm . Dolbie , P . Z . 119 ; and Kelly , P . Z ., of Belfast ; A . A . Smith , T ., having seconded the motion , it was carried by
acclamation , and the five companions were obligated as honorary members . The chapter having been cIosed ,, the companions adjourned for refreshment . After this protracted labour , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair by the Z . In replying to that of the three Grand
Chapters ot England , Ireland , and Scotland , Comp . Sfielly said , that hitherto he had thought that they had the perfection of Royal Arch Masonry in Belfast ; in his opinion it was better worked than in England , but he must say he had never seen it worked so well as he had to-night by
Comps . Crabb and Wheeler , as King and Sojourner . It would give him great pleasure to see all the chapters under the three constitutions , working in the same way . The toast of the " Newly Exalted Companions " was responded to by Comps . Cadwaller and Gladstone ,
who expressed themselves delighted with their reception . Comps . Dolbie and Wheeler replied on behalf of those who had been affiliated . Companion Shelly in highly eulogistic terms gave " Prosperity to Chapter 50 , and her Z . " Comp . Crabb , in reply , said he was
proud ^ to work for No . 50 , but prouder still to to say that when he was deserted by his own officers he had been able to secure co-operation of the best workers in the province . G . W . Wheeler responded to the sentiment of the
Masonic Press , and Comps . Crabb , Duthie , and Dolbie ; as Zs . of their respective chapters , urged all present to support The Freemason and The Masonic Magazine . The Janitor ' s toast concluded this truly social meeting .
GLASGOW . —St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( No . 69 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., Comp ., T . D Humphries , D . P ,. First Principal , in the chair . The principal business was tlie nomination of officers for the ensuing year . The companions
were unanimous in their desire that the Z . should continue to occupy that chair for the ensuing year . E . Comp . D . Campbell , was appointed as H ., and G . Heme , as J . ; the late J ., Comp . W . Thomas , as Treasurer , and D . B . Fleming , is First Sojourner , W . Cruzin , Second S . and W .
Middleship , as Third Sojourner . Amongst the visitors we noticed G . W . Wheeler , H ., and J . Balfour , Scribe E . of 73 ; and J . O . Park , Z . of inj . GLASGOW . —St . Roltox Chapter ( No . 144 ) . — This young chapter met on Friday , the 12 th
inst ., D . Bell , Z ., presiding . A . lodge of Mark Masters was opened , J . McLeish , J ., as S . W . ; G . McCallum , as J . W . ; and G . W . Wheeler , acting as S . D ., or Conductor . Bros . Auld , James McCuIIough , and J . Christy were then advanced
to that degree . It being the first time the Z . had performed the ceremony , all were surprised at the accuracy with which it was done . At the conclusion Bro . McLeish said he had been deputed , by two companions , who were too modest to speak [ themselves , to present two valuable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . W . ; R . Washington , J . W . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; T . Marsh , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ., P . M ., Sec . ; R . Ye / land , S . D . ; W . Healing , J . G . ; [ . Skeaf . Prov . G . Org ., P . M ., Org . ; A . Jarvis and A . C . Doe , Stewards ,- and P . Ball , Tyler . The members present were : —Bros . T . Williams , T .
Sleator , Prov . G . Sec . of the S . E . division of Ireland ; J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; T . E . Mason , J . C . Parkinson , Dr . A . Bernard , R . Bennett , and H . Jones . The visitors were : — Bros . H . Pearson , P . M . 249 ; Dr . A . Samuels , W . M . 1350 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 724 and 1276 ;
W . Hamilton , J . D . 249 ; H , W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 ; J . Winsor , I . G . 241 ; D . Critchley , 6 , 3 ; J . C . Robinson , 349 ; C . McNab , 1035 ; and J . North , 316 . After the minutes had been read and passed in Masonic form , Mr . Harrison Barclay Jones was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of tlie Fraternity ; and Bro .
Parkinson was passed , according to ancient form , to tlie degree of F . C . The whole of the ceremonial in the two degrees was very effectively performed by Bro . Martin , W . M ., who received valuable and most efficient hel p from his competent officers . After the lodge h ; id been closed the brethren sat down to an excellent repast .
STAR LODGE . — ( No . 1 : 275 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , 5 th ulr ., it being the fifth installation anniversary . Bro . H . Keeble , W . M . opened the lodge and there were present during the afternoon . —Bros . J . R .
Darke , S . W . and W . M . elect ; G . Pymm , P . M ., J . W . ; f . Smith . P . G . P . P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; G . F . Guest , S . D . ; J . Limcbeer , J . D . ; \ V Kipps , I . G . ami Organist ; S , Homewood , W . M . 749 , D . C . ; W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M . ; C .
J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . E . W . Mneknev , W . M . 134 ; and some forty other members . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence were—Bros . F . Frampton , P . M . 87 ; J . T . Johnson , / i ; IT . Voule , P . M . 101 ; A . Thomas , 134 ; V . Turner , W . M . 146 ; G . Jardine , J . W .
140 ; J . Smith . P . M . i 7 ; J . J . Pope , P . M . 389 , 946 ; G . A . Garrett , P . M . 704 ; W . Mule , P . M . 780 ; W . Hilton , J . W . 780 ; II . E . Francis , P . M . 867 ; A . Adams , I . G . 8 , 57 ; E . C . Massey , Sec . 1297 ; G . F . Poupard , ' S . D . 1441 ; and others . The lodge being opened , the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read , received , adopted , and ordered to be placed in the lodge minute book . It showed after every liability had been met that there was a good round sum in the
Treasurer ' s hands . The ballot for Mr . John Ellis , H . M . Civil Service , proved unanimous in favour of his admission . He being in attendance was in an impressive manner initiated into Ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony being considerabl y improved by the admirable manner in which was
added to its charms the splendid music supplied by the Organist , who , in his usual able style , performed on the harmonium . The event of the meeting was the installation of Bro . R . Darke , S . W . and W . M . elect , into tlie Solomonic chair , in ( he hands of veteran Bro . J . Smith ,
P . G . P ., P . M ., Treasurer ( the father of the lodge ) , that all impressive and important ceremony lost none of its lustre , for it was correctl y done . The officers appointed for the ensuing year , were — Bros . G . Pymm , P . M ., S . W . ; G . F . Guest ,. J . D ; J . Smith , P . G . P . P . M ., Treas . ( reinvested fourth
time ) ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., Stc . ( reinvested for fifth time ) ; J . j , Limebeer , j . D . ; S . Homewood , W . M . 749 , I . G . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . T yler , Middlesex , Tyler , ( reinvested for fifth time ) ; A . Stevens , D . C ., was _ appointed Steward for Royal Benevolent
Institution , to represent the lod ge at the forthcoming festival , to be held on Wednesday , January 2 S 1 I 1 , 1874 . As a reward of merit , and for distinguished services rendered to the Lodge , m the course of the evening , the Immediate Past Master , Bro . H . Keeble , had a valuable
Past Masters' Jewel , presented to him ; it had been unanimousl y voted to him from the lodge funds , and bears a suitable-inscription on it . Some important notices of motion were given , one in particular being likely to prove popular , as it is for altering the day of meeting from Friday to Saturday . The usual number of propositions
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
for joining and initiates were given to the Secretary . A superior banquet , worthy of tlie reputation of the host , was then served , and gave satisfaction . The regular toasts followed . Bro . E . W . Mackney , gave some of his best songs , which were well received .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( N 0 . 249 ) . — The usual periodical gathering of this chapter was held on Friday , the iath inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool . There was a large and highly influential gathering of companions . The " Mariners " was perhaps the largest chapter in
the province at one time , and although it has been outstripped by one or two younger chapters , it has recently gained numerical and social ground so rapidly , that there is every probability of its again coming to the front . The chapter was opened by Comp . J . F . Jones , M . E . Z ., and
amongst the assembled officers were : —Comps . W . Jones , P . Z . ; W . J . Lunt , P . Z . j J . Hamer , P . Z . ; W . Doyle , H . ; H . Pearson , J . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; j . E . Dixon , S . E . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; and P . Ball , Janitor ; with the following members : —Comps . W . Ellis , T .
Marshall , H . Firth , P . B . Gee , J . K . Smith , P . Z . ; W . Laidlaw , P . Z . ; J . J . Rose , J . Clusnall , W . Roberts , W . Nash , W . Marshall , R . Carter , H . S . Griffiths , J . E . Skillicorn , P . Robbie , A . BucknaN , and W . Shakespeare . The list of visitors comprised , among others , the names of Comps . U . S . Alpass , P . G . S . E . ; A . C . Mott ,
P . P . G . S . N . ; T . H . Jackson , 673 ; T . Jones , 241 ; and others . During the evening Bros . / . Capell , Hall , and Barry were exalted in a striking and effective manner by the ALE . Z ., assisted by the different officers of the chapter . The assembled companions subset ] uently sat down to ; i capital banquet , aud a most pleasant evening was enjoyed .
BOLTOX . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 348 ) . — The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Rising Sun Inn , Churchgate , Bolton , on Tuesday , September 9 th , when there were present : —Comps . James Voting , Z . ; Thomas Wilson , H . ; James Horrocks , J . ; Thomas
Chambers , P . Z ., E . ; Robert Harwood , P . Z ., Prov . G . Standard Bearer , Treas . ; James Newton , P . Z ., Prov . G . Standard Bearer , and several othe rs . The chapter being opened , the ballot was taken for a candidate for exaltation , who was unanimously elected . Pursuant to notice , Comp .
Newton proposed that in consequence of the remov .-iJ of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 348 , from the Three Tims Inn , Moor-lane , Bolton , to the Rising Sun Inn , Churchgate , Bolton , the future meetings of this chapter be also held at the said
Rising Sun Inn . The proposition was thij y seconded and carried unanimously . A candidate was proposed for exaltation in the chapter , and the chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Glasgoic Chapter ( No . 50)—held its monthl y meeting on Thursday , uth inst ., which was well attended . J . Crabb , Z . ; J . Frazer , H . ; G . B . Adams , J . J . Soutall , Scribe , E . Amongst the visitors were : —Comps . Duthie , Z . 67 ; G . Wheeler , H . 75 ; J . Do / man ,
J . 87 ; Wm . Dabbe , P . Z . 119 ; and J . Kelly , 272 , Belfast , ( l . C ) . A Ledge of Mark Masters was opened , Comp . Crabb , Z ., M . M . ; J . Miller , S . W . ; G . W . Wheeler , acting J . W . ; when three candidates were proposed for advancement . Comp . Humphries , Z . 69 , then requested them
to advance a gentleman on behalf of that Chapter , this request having been unanimouslyacceded to , the four brethren were then duly instructed in that degree . A Lodge ol Excellent Masters was then opened , when Comp . Wheeler , as
Master of tho Tabernacle , conducted Bros . Mc Gnslen , Cadwaller , Gladstone , and Cheeseman , through the veils . A Holy Royal Arch Chapter having been opened with J . Crabb , 1 st P . Z . ; T . Humphries , Z . 69 , as li . J . Duthie , Z . 67 ' us ] . ; and G . W . Wheeler , H . 73 , as Principal
Sojourner . The same four gentlemen were exalted into the Royal Arch Degree with all that attention to details that distinguishes Comp . Crabb ' s working . Comp . Kelly as the P . Z . of two Chapters in Belfast , expressed the pleasure he had experienced in seeing such correct and
impressive working ; it had quite exceeded his ideas of Scottish Masonry , and he had no hesitation in saying , that neither in Ireland or in England , had he seen every portion of the ceremony conducted with so much efficiency . The ompanions worked most admirably . Comp .
Miller at ] the harmonium , and the choir in singing the . Sanctus , had added much to the impressiveness of the ceremony , rendering it in fact perfect . The M . E . Z . was highly pleased to hear this testimony from so competent a judge as Comp . Kelly , who had written a work on Arch
Masonry ; but for the completness of the ceremony he was beholden to the aid of some companions of other chapters ; the aid of Comp . Wheeler of 73 , had been invaluable , as in consequence of the absence of his own officers this last year , he should have been unable to work
the chapter without his assistance , he therefore proposed that he receive affiliation as an honorary member , and also Comps . Duthie , Z . 67 ; Dolman , J . 87 ; Wm . Dolbie , P . Z . 119 ; and Kelly , P . Z ., of Belfast ; A . A . Smith , T ., having seconded the motion , it was carried by
acclamation , and the five companions were obligated as honorary members . The chapter having been cIosed ,, the companions adjourned for refreshment . After this protracted labour , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair by the Z . In replying to that of the three Grand
Chapters ot England , Ireland , and Scotland , Comp . Sfielly said , that hitherto he had thought that they had the perfection of Royal Arch Masonry in Belfast ; in his opinion it was better worked than in England , but he must say he had never seen it worked so well as he had to-night by
Comps . Crabb and Wheeler , as King and Sojourner . It would give him great pleasure to see all the chapters under the three constitutions , working in the same way . The toast of the " Newly Exalted Companions " was responded to by Comps . Cadwaller and Gladstone ,
who expressed themselves delighted with their reception . Comps . Dolbie and Wheeler replied on behalf of those who had been affiliated . Companion Shelly in highly eulogistic terms gave " Prosperity to Chapter 50 , and her Z . " Comp . Crabb , in reply , said he was
proud ^ to work for No . 50 , but prouder still to to say that when he was deserted by his own officers he had been able to secure co-operation of the best workers in the province . G . W . Wheeler responded to the sentiment of the
Masonic Press , and Comps . Crabb , Duthie , and Dolbie ; as Zs . of their respective chapters , urged all present to support The Freemason and The Masonic Magazine . The Janitor ' s toast concluded this truly social meeting .
GLASGOW . —St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( No . 69 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., Comp ., T . D Humphries , D . P ,. First Principal , in the chair . The principal business was tlie nomination of officers for the ensuing year . The companions
were unanimous in their desire that the Z . should continue to occupy that chair for the ensuing year . E . Comp . D . Campbell , was appointed as H ., and G . Heme , as J . ; the late J ., Comp . W . Thomas , as Treasurer , and D . B . Fleming , is First Sojourner , W . Cruzin , Second S . and W .
Middleship , as Third Sojourner . Amongst the visitors we noticed G . W . Wheeler , H ., and J . Balfour , Scribe E . of 73 ; and J . O . Park , Z . of inj . GLASGOW . —St . Roltox Chapter ( No . 144 ) . — This young chapter met on Friday , the 12 th
inst ., D . Bell , Z ., presiding . A . lodge of Mark Masters was opened , J . McLeish , J ., as S . W . ; G . McCallum , as J . W . ; and G . W . Wheeler , acting as S . D ., or Conductor . Bros . Auld , James McCuIIough , and J . Christy were then advanced
to that degree . It being the first time the Z . had performed the ceremony , all were surprised at the accuracy with which it was done . At the conclusion Bro . McLeish said he had been deputed , by two companions , who were too modest to speak [ themselves , to present two valuable