Article BRO. THE REV. JOHN BANNISTER, L.L.D. (T.C.D.) ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROPOSED FINE ART GALLERY IN LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW WORK ON FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article BOOKS RECEIVED. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro. The Rev. John Bannister, L.L.D. (T.C.D.)
Vicarage , and on the funeral cortege leaving about "high noon , " they preceded the corpse , followed by a large number of friends , " rich and poor , " ' who had assembled to pay the last sad office of respect to departed merit . It was in
fact a funeral in which the whole town and neig hbourhood took part , all business being suspended , and the inhabitants generally being solicitous , outwardly , as well as privately , to testify to the general respect and esteem felt by them for their beloved vicar .
On the conclusion of the usual service , which was most impressively rendered , and in which the choir took a prominent part , Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church , P . AI . O 99 , P . Prov . G . Chap ., read one of the Masonic funeral charges in a most solemn manner , and delivered , as it was , over the grave of the departed , could not fail to prove
salutary to the living , and suggestive of tbe noble principles of Freemasonry . The brethren then walked in procession to the lodge , when Bro . William Pascoe , P . M . 1006 , took the chair , and having thanked the members and friends for their attendance , stated he would be pleased to hear any remarks suitable to thn
occasion . Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church then read another " charge , " after which Bro . W . H . Jenkins , P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W . . spoke for a few minutes on the life of the deceased , and how he had been so universally respected and beloved bv
all who knew him . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . P . G . S ., followed b y expressing the heartfelt sympathy of the brethren in Truro , for the great loss the lodge had sustained in the removal of Dr . Bannister from their midst , and staled that he hoped all present
would endeavour to live according to the example which their beloved brother had so uniformly set them , both in and mil of the lodge . Bro . T . Solomon , J . P ., P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., also desired to unite with the brethren from Truro , in sincerely sympathising with the
Members of Tregullow Lodge ; and also with the bereaved widow and family . A general wish was expressed that a sho : t sketch of Dr . Bannister ' s Masonic career should be prepared by Bro . I lu ^ han , and before the brethren separated a vote ( if condolence was passed and lor warded by letter to Airs . Bannister , which , we hear , that lady receivi d with mark ' , d
appreciation . In addition to the foregoing brethren who attended , we no ' . ic . d Bios ! F . W . Dabb , P . M ., ^ 8 9 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . II . A . Wright , * M . A ., P . M . 331 ' , P . Prov . Chap . ; John Hall , P . M . 699 , Prov . G . J . I ) . : Dr . Mugoe , P . M .
699 ; J . Burgess , P . M . tnofj ; E . > , ' . !( hell , junr ., P . M . 1006 : W . Middleton , W . M . 131 , Prov . G . Std . ; S . Serpell , W . M . 331 ; Ri v . W . II . Bloxsome , W . M . 31 S , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . Hoi man , W . AI . 699 ; James Pool , W . M . 410 ;
E . Penman , P . M . 589 , P . Prov . G . D ., and others . Everything was done by 1 he members of the lodge to express their respect and esteem for their late Chaplain , and we never before attended a Alasonic funeral at which so . row was so universally depicted on every face .
LORD DLKIIV . — in April lost , Lord Derby accepted an invitation from Bro . E . Sainniison , Mayor of Liverpool , to dine at the Town Hall . His lordship ' s family were , thrown into mourning on the eve of the banquet , which was , of course , postponed . Thursday , the irtth of October , has ' now been mimed as the day on
which his worship hopes to have the honour of entertaining the noble lord ; and the Mayor has privately intimated that it will g ive him much pleasure to see as many of the gentlemen who had accepted invitations to meet his lordship on the 25 th April last , as can conveniently be present .
The lifeboat contributed to tlie National Lifeboat Institution by the Independent Order of Good Templars , is to be placed at Sunderland . Mr . R . P . J . Simpson , of Livrpool , was the
first who suggested that the Order might present this boat to the Institution , aud the Rev . James Veames , of Kirkstall , wdio was appointed honorary secritary of the lifeboat fund , has been indefatigable in his exertions to promote its success .
Proposed Fine Art Gallery In Liverpool.
Much talk has taken place of late in Liverpool about a fine art gallery , worthy of the town , which is far behind Manchester , Edinburgh , Glasgow , and other places in this respect , and there is now every probability that the scheme will be carried out . This will not be
done by taxing the rate-payers , about which there has been no small outcry , but by the voluntary and noble liberality of several citizens of Liverpool . A few days ago , Mr . Picton , the Chairman of the Art Committee offered , to contribute
,- ; £ iooo towards tbe funds , if other gentlemen could be found to give the same amount , or if the requisite sum was raised by general subscription . It was felt that such a challenge should not be allowed to pass by unaccepted , and that the appeal thus made to the liberality of the merchant princes of Liverpool would receive a
hearty response ; nor has the reply been long delayed . Bro . Andrew George Kurtz , a large manufacturing chemist , residing at Grove House . Wavertrce , has intimated his intention to give .-i ' looo ; and scarcely was this second liberal donation made known , when Bro . Samuelson , the Mavor annonncdl to the Town Council thai
Mr . John Parrington , of the firm of Harding and Parrington , brewers , of St . James ' s-strect—had followed the exampleof Messrs . Picton and Kt . rtz , and promised .-: £ . ' 1000 . To this list of contributions are now added the names of Mr . James G . Houghton , merchant , of Sandheys , Waterloo , and Air . 'i Inmas Harding ( partner with Air .
Parrington ) . Gnat George-square , each of whom gives ehoco , thus swelling the contributions to . vi ' jooo . There is a rumour that several other well known public men are about to contribute with equal liberality , so that in a very short time , it may confidently be affirmed , the necessary amount of ,,- £ ' , 000 will be raised .
Ihe announcement made at the Council meeting on Wednesday week that valuable collection of paintings will be presented to the town immediately a place has been prepared tor their reception , should stimulate the zeal and liberality of those who can afford to help on this work , and
meanwhile contributions of pictures might be made , which could be treasured at the Town Hall till the gallery is completed . The public will no doubt duly appreciate the efforts thus being made to add a fine-art gallery to the other institutions of Liverpool ; and when they are
admitted within its walls , and scan the works of art with which the building will be adorned , their pleasure will be enhanced by the recollection that the institution has been raised without taking one farthing in the shape of increased taxes from the pockets of the ratepayers .
GOOD TI-. MPI . AR DKMONSTR ATIOX . — The quarterly convention of the Good Templar body lor the south-western division of Lancashire was held on Monday , the 8 th inst , at St . Helens . The delegates , nearly 300 iu number , assembled in the Independent Schoolroom , under the
presidency ol Mr . G . Whitehead , D . D . G . W . C . T . Afterwards a grand procession and demonstration of the local lodges was held in honour ol the event . Although the institution has been established in the district only two years , it has 14 6 lodges and about IP . IJOO members , and continues to make considerable progress .
GKXTLKXKSS AND \ IOLKNCI :.- — -the gentle mind is like a smooth stream , which reflects every object in its just proportion and in its fairest colours . The violent spirit , like troubled waters , renders back the images of things distorted and broken , and communicates to them all that disordered motion which arises solely from its own agitation . —Ji / ajr ,
The editor of the " Bauhiitte " has founded at Florence an establishment for the sale of German and English books . We have much pleasure in introdiicintr the same to the notice of our
many readers who may visit the fair city , feeling assured that they will meet with every attention from those in charge . 'I'he address is— . Messrs Flor and Findel , German and foreign booksellers , 24 , Lung Ainu Aniagoli . Florence , Italy .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire , the Right Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . M ., was held at Alirincham on Thursday , the iSth inst ., but in consequence of the late period of the week at which it was held , we are compelled to defer the full report until next week .
We are requested to state , that the late Bro . John Thomas , of Denmark . Street , Camberwell , will be interred this day ( Saturdiy ) , at Norwood Cemetery . Brethren desirous of paying the last sad tribute of respect , are ret ] nested to be there at half past one o ' clock , as the funeral will take place at two . Private carriages to be at 20 , Denmark Street , Camberwell , at 12 noon ,
A meeting of the Alasonic friends and pupils of Bro . John Thomas , will be held at the freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the 27 th inst ., Bro Edward Worthington in the chair , to determine upon some means of perpetuating his memorv .
The inauguration and dedication of St . Mark ' s Conclave of the Masonic and Military Order of Kni ghts of Rome and Red Cross of Constantine , ( No . 9 6 ) , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Monmouthshire , on
Alonday , the 22 nd inst ., at 1 . 30 . p . m . precisely . The Illustrious Sir Knt . William Williams , Int . G ., is the AI . P . S . designate . The ceremony will be performed b y Illustrious Sir Knt . R . Wentworth Little , Grand Treasurer , the officer appointed by Earl Bective , Most Illustrious P . G . S .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 , held at Bro . T . Lloyd ' s , the Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , on Friday , the 26 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Crawley , at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Gabb ' s , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Wednesday , the 1 st proximo , commence at eight o ' clock .
Bro . Boord , M . P ., lias acceded to the request of a deputation to preside at the anniversary dinner of the Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society . The Panmure Mark Lodge No . 139 , will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balhau ; , for the installation of the W . AL , on Alonday next , September the 22 nd , at 6 o ' clock .
New Work On Freemasonry.
We understand that the well-known Masonic Historiographer , Bro Hughan , of Truro , is engaged in writing a History of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 1 . 31 , warranted A . D . 1772 , by the " Ancients . " A valuable appendix is to be inserted , containing a list of all the lodges on the roll of
the "Ancients' 'ind "Moderns , immediately before the " Union of 181 , 3 " and the one published immediately after , also a copy of the " Articles of Union . " 'I'he . " Modern" and " Ancient" list of A . D . 1815 , of the United Grand Lodge being the first issued after the Union , is
very scarce indeed , and hence a reprint will prove a great boon for . Masonic students . Bro . Hughan , we hear , is about to write a History of all tlie AIS . Alasonic Constitutions from tbe fourteenth century , in which he will be assisted b y Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., one of the best authorities on the subject
known , and the work is likely to be ready early in the ensuing year . The volume is to be the finest of its kind ever issued , and will contain copies of the Halliwell A 1 SS . with page for page translation , and other old AIS ., some of which have been latel y discovered by our indefatigable brother .
Books Received.
Clan Campbell , House of Argyle . The Secreta Monita of the Jesuits . Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Texas .
HlSTOKll AL NoTI ' . S OX Sc'O'l ' l II LoDOIIS HY D . MURRAY LYON . —The first paper will appear in The Freemason , Sept . 37 th . The first two paneis will be on Glasgow Kilwinning No . ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro. The Rev. John Bannister, L.L.D. (T.C.D.)
Vicarage , and on the funeral cortege leaving about "high noon , " they preceded the corpse , followed by a large number of friends , " rich and poor , " ' who had assembled to pay the last sad office of respect to departed merit . It was in
fact a funeral in which the whole town and neig hbourhood took part , all business being suspended , and the inhabitants generally being solicitous , outwardly , as well as privately , to testify to the general respect and esteem felt by them for their beloved vicar .
On the conclusion of the usual service , which was most impressively rendered , and in which the choir took a prominent part , Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church , P . AI . O 99 , P . Prov . G . Chap ., read one of the Masonic funeral charges in a most solemn manner , and delivered , as it was , over the grave of the departed , could not fail to prove
salutary to the living , and suggestive of tbe noble principles of Freemasonry . The brethren then walked in procession to the lodge , when Bro . William Pascoe , P . M . 1006 , took the chair , and having thanked the members and friends for their attendance , stated he would be pleased to hear any remarks suitable to thn
occasion . Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church then read another " charge , " after which Bro . W . H . Jenkins , P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W . . spoke for a few minutes on the life of the deceased , and how he had been so universally respected and beloved bv
all who knew him . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . P . G . S ., followed b y expressing the heartfelt sympathy of the brethren in Truro , for the great loss the lodge had sustained in the removal of Dr . Bannister from their midst , and staled that he hoped all present
would endeavour to live according to the example which their beloved brother had so uniformly set them , both in and mil of the lodge . Bro . T . Solomon , J . P ., P . M . 331 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., also desired to unite with the brethren from Truro , in sincerely sympathising with the
Members of Tregullow Lodge ; and also with the bereaved widow and family . A general wish was expressed that a sho : t sketch of Dr . Bannister ' s Masonic career should be prepared by Bro . I lu ^ han , and before the brethren separated a vote ( if condolence was passed and lor warded by letter to Airs . Bannister , which , we hear , that lady receivi d with mark ' , d
appreciation . In addition to the foregoing brethren who attended , we no ' . ic . d Bios ! F . W . Dabb , P . M ., ^ 8 9 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . II . A . Wright , * M . A ., P . M . 331 ' , P . Prov . Chap . ; John Hall , P . M . 699 , Prov . G . J . I ) . : Dr . Mugoe , P . M .
699 ; J . Burgess , P . M . tnofj ; E . > , ' . !( hell , junr ., P . M . 1006 : W . Middleton , W . M . 131 , Prov . G . Std . ; S . Serpell , W . M . 331 ; Ri v . W . II . Bloxsome , W . M . 31 S , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . Hoi man , W . AI . 699 ; James Pool , W . M . 410 ;
E . Penman , P . M . 589 , P . Prov . G . D ., and others . Everything was done by 1 he members of the lodge to express their respect and esteem for their late Chaplain , and we never before attended a Alasonic funeral at which so . row was so universally depicted on every face .
LORD DLKIIV . — in April lost , Lord Derby accepted an invitation from Bro . E . Sainniison , Mayor of Liverpool , to dine at the Town Hall . His lordship ' s family were , thrown into mourning on the eve of the banquet , which was , of course , postponed . Thursday , the irtth of October , has ' now been mimed as the day on
which his worship hopes to have the honour of entertaining the noble lord ; and the Mayor has privately intimated that it will g ive him much pleasure to see as many of the gentlemen who had accepted invitations to meet his lordship on the 25 th April last , as can conveniently be present .
The lifeboat contributed to tlie National Lifeboat Institution by the Independent Order of Good Templars , is to be placed at Sunderland . Mr . R . P . J . Simpson , of Livrpool , was the
first who suggested that the Order might present this boat to the Institution , aud the Rev . James Veames , of Kirkstall , wdio was appointed honorary secritary of the lifeboat fund , has been indefatigable in his exertions to promote its success .
Proposed Fine Art Gallery In Liverpool.
Much talk has taken place of late in Liverpool about a fine art gallery , worthy of the town , which is far behind Manchester , Edinburgh , Glasgow , and other places in this respect , and there is now every probability that the scheme will be carried out . This will not be
done by taxing the rate-payers , about which there has been no small outcry , but by the voluntary and noble liberality of several citizens of Liverpool . A few days ago , Mr . Picton , the Chairman of the Art Committee offered , to contribute
,- ; £ iooo towards tbe funds , if other gentlemen could be found to give the same amount , or if the requisite sum was raised by general subscription . It was felt that such a challenge should not be allowed to pass by unaccepted , and that the appeal thus made to the liberality of the merchant princes of Liverpool would receive a
hearty response ; nor has the reply been long delayed . Bro . Andrew George Kurtz , a large manufacturing chemist , residing at Grove House . Wavertrce , has intimated his intention to give .-i ' looo ; and scarcely was this second liberal donation made known , when Bro . Samuelson , the Mavor annonncdl to the Town Council thai
Mr . John Parrington , of the firm of Harding and Parrington , brewers , of St . James ' s-strect—had followed the exampleof Messrs . Picton and Kt . rtz , and promised .-: £ . ' 1000 . To this list of contributions are now added the names of Mr . James G . Houghton , merchant , of Sandheys , Waterloo , and Air . 'i Inmas Harding ( partner with Air .
Parrington ) . Gnat George-square , each of whom gives ehoco , thus swelling the contributions to . vi ' jooo . There is a rumour that several other well known public men are about to contribute with equal liberality , so that in a very short time , it may confidently be affirmed , the necessary amount of ,,- £ ' , 000 will be raised .
Ihe announcement made at the Council meeting on Wednesday week that valuable collection of paintings will be presented to the town immediately a place has been prepared tor their reception , should stimulate the zeal and liberality of those who can afford to help on this work , and
meanwhile contributions of pictures might be made , which could be treasured at the Town Hall till the gallery is completed . The public will no doubt duly appreciate the efforts thus being made to add a fine-art gallery to the other institutions of Liverpool ; and when they are
admitted within its walls , and scan the works of art with which the building will be adorned , their pleasure will be enhanced by the recollection that the institution has been raised without taking one farthing in the shape of increased taxes from the pockets of the ratepayers .
GOOD TI-. MPI . AR DKMONSTR ATIOX . — The quarterly convention of the Good Templar body lor the south-western division of Lancashire was held on Monday , the 8 th inst , at St . Helens . The delegates , nearly 300 iu number , assembled in the Independent Schoolroom , under the
presidency ol Mr . G . Whitehead , D . D . G . W . C . T . Afterwards a grand procession and demonstration of the local lodges was held in honour ol the event . Although the institution has been established in the district only two years , it has 14 6 lodges and about IP . IJOO members , and continues to make considerable progress .
GKXTLKXKSS AND \ IOLKNCI :.- — -the gentle mind is like a smooth stream , which reflects every object in its just proportion and in its fairest colours . The violent spirit , like troubled waters , renders back the images of things distorted and broken , and communicates to them all that disordered motion which arises solely from its own agitation . —Ji / ajr ,
The editor of the " Bauhiitte " has founded at Florence an establishment for the sale of German and English books . We have much pleasure in introdiicintr the same to the notice of our
many readers who may visit the fair city , feeling assured that they will meet with every attention from those in charge . 'I'he address is— . Messrs Flor and Findel , German and foreign booksellers , 24 , Lung Ainu Aniagoli . Florence , Italy .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire , the Right Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . M ., was held at Alirincham on Thursday , the iSth inst ., but in consequence of the late period of the week at which it was held , we are compelled to defer the full report until next week .
We are requested to state , that the late Bro . John Thomas , of Denmark . Street , Camberwell , will be interred this day ( Saturdiy ) , at Norwood Cemetery . Brethren desirous of paying the last sad tribute of respect , are ret ] nested to be there at half past one o ' clock , as the funeral will take place at two . Private carriages to be at 20 , Denmark Street , Camberwell , at 12 noon ,
A meeting of the Alasonic friends and pupils of Bro . John Thomas , will be held at the freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the 27 th inst ., Bro Edward Worthington in the chair , to determine upon some means of perpetuating his memorv .
The inauguration and dedication of St . Mark ' s Conclave of the Masonic and Military Order of Kni ghts of Rome and Red Cross of Constantine , ( No . 9 6 ) , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Monmouthshire , on
Alonday , the 22 nd inst ., at 1 . 30 . p . m . precisely . The Illustrious Sir Knt . William Williams , Int . G ., is the AI . P . S . designate . The ceremony will be performed b y Illustrious Sir Knt . R . Wentworth Little , Grand Treasurer , the officer appointed by Earl Bective , Most Illustrious P . G . S .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 , held at Bro . T . Lloyd ' s , the Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , on Friday , the 26 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Crawley , at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Gabb ' s , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Wednesday , the 1 st proximo , commence at eight o ' clock .
Bro . Boord , M . P ., lias acceded to the request of a deputation to preside at the anniversary dinner of the Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society . The Panmure Mark Lodge No . 139 , will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balhau ; , for the installation of the W . AL , on Alonday next , September the 22 nd , at 6 o ' clock .
New Work On Freemasonry.
We understand that the well-known Masonic Historiographer , Bro Hughan , of Truro , is engaged in writing a History of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 1 . 31 , warranted A . D . 1772 , by the " Ancients . " A valuable appendix is to be inserted , containing a list of all the lodges on the roll of
the "Ancients' 'ind "Moderns , immediately before the " Union of 181 , 3 " and the one published immediately after , also a copy of the " Articles of Union . " 'I'he . " Modern" and " Ancient" list of A . D . 1815 , of the United Grand Lodge being the first issued after the Union , is
very scarce indeed , and hence a reprint will prove a great boon for . Masonic students . Bro . Hughan , we hear , is about to write a History of all tlie AIS . Alasonic Constitutions from tbe fourteenth century , in which he will be assisted b y Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., one of the best authorities on the subject
known , and the work is likely to be ready early in the ensuing year . The volume is to be the finest of its kind ever issued , and will contain copies of the Halliwell A 1 SS . with page for page translation , and other old AIS ., some of which have been latel y discovered by our indefatigable brother .
Books Received.
Clan Campbell , House of Argyle . The Secreta Monita of the Jesuits . Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Texas .
HlSTOKll AL NoTI ' . S OX Sc'O'l ' l II LoDOIIS HY D . MURRAY LYON . —The first paper will appear in The Freemason , Sept . 37 th . The first two paneis will be on Glasgow Kilwinning No . ^