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City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VXTELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable o £ seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPENCER , Proprietor
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HILFREICH , Proprietor .
. Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND ( ZJ-ENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lind every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from 35 . ; Breakfasts from ss . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for thc Craft , Arch and High Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria T . mbanliment . BRO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR | io » i \ l ivclj < £ ( japtcvs , MANUFMCTURBL - , IN THREE QUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Stjurue and Compasses Veil Svonl Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Manners with Poles Tliree Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Oliicers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten ,, Jewels Three Small ditto . Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Hallot Box Crowbar H'l'le l'ickaxc ' ushion for ditto Shovel Scripture IC \ tr ; n-ts i ' archment Pcroll Set ol Five Hooks Set of Life Lines £ 5 ° , £ lo ° > £ 5 ° - Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornament * , & c . ( if iv , | uired on the most moderate tenris , acconlin ; : In materia ) , style , & c . For Pergonal Insignia , see Lists of Cloiliingand Jewels .
ROBERT S . MENDliY , ( LATK WITH PATESHALL AMI CO . ) Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , 106 , FENCHURCH-STREET , K . C . Special Candles—Masonic , Church and Perfumed—in pure Wax , Spermacetii , and Stearine , Dips and Moulds of rolined and hardened Tallow . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Discount for cash . Own carts deliver free in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
T 7 OR FISH . *** Try GOW POR . POULTRY . - * - Try GOW POR GAME . ¦ * - Try GOW . UOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . X Try GOW . T GOW . J * i , HONEY-LANK MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
. .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated in little work
upon a , which may be obtained ( for three stamps ) from J . L . PULVER MACHEK , 194 , Regent-street , W ., London , Entitled MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE ¦ LVi and A 11 USE , MOW to CURE RIIKUMATIC N'liRVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . by Sl'Ll ' -APPLlCATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . T-TOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Mus-XX ciil . ir . and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . liv SFXI ' -APl'l . lCATION . Read "MEDICAL KLF . CTR 1 C 1 TY ; ITS USE AND AI 1 USE , " three stamps . —| . L . l'ULVERMACHER 194 , Regent Street , London , W .
n -PHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four ' Grand Doilies of Missouri . Tlie Freemason contains tidings from every quarter ofthe world and will be founJ of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested tn An .-vkanaiVairs . Terms § 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ i . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscni'liovss received at the Office of the London" Freemason *' IQ 8 . Fleet-street .
I CITY . { DOTTLE & SON , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange j City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND "Tho Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , x * Farrmgdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chathara and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to tlie Trade .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . BRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every reejuisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , Szc . Advertisements received for "The Jreemason . "
Jnst published , Free Edition , flUIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND * - * INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN . TAL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of tlie Nervous System , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Tower , llv DR . HENRY SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthen , iiijj thc Human Body , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Long Life , and Avoid thc Iiihrmitics of Old Age . Illus . trated with Testimonials , with means of Cure used in each case Tlie pamphlet will lie sent free by post to anv address on receipt o . two penny stamps . Address , Dr . 11 . SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C .
'pHE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . Thc object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Kilucational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions o ( the United Kingdom , and w ^ k by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public , Ollice , £ o , Southampton-row , Rnssell-stjuare , London , VV . C . 1
NOWREADY. Price2s.PostFree2s.2d. THE''cosfiopoOTAir MASONICCALENDAR, DIARY,ANDPOCKETBOOK,FOR1874. CONTAINING Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils , and K . T . Preceptories , with the Names of Officers , in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey , New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Quebec , Canada , America , & c . Thc LONDON MEETINGS OF EVERY DEGREE arc g iven in the Memorandum space of each day . Thc COUNTRY LODGES appear in Towns , al p habeticall y arranged . It also contains thc CHARGE and ENTERED APPRENTICE ' S SONG . May be had at Bro . George Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , and through any Bookseller or Newsagent . _PUBLISHINGOFFICE,198,FLEETST.,E.C "Vinted anel PuUiilicd by the rroprictor , Drolhcr Giione ; i ! KEXNINC ; , at his Offices , 19 S , l'leet-street , and 1 , 3 , and 4 , Utile Britain , in tlie City of London , ; 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in thc County of Lancaster ; and 145 , Art ) lc-strect , Glasgow , —SATURDAY , DECVDEK ; O , 1873 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VXTELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable o £ seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPENCER , Proprietor
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HILFREICH , Proprietor .
. Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND ( ZJ-ENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lind every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from 35 . ; Breakfasts from ss . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for thc Craft , Arch and High Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria T . mbanliment . BRO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR | io » i \ l ivclj < £ ( japtcvs , MANUFMCTURBL - , IN THREE QUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Stjurue and Compasses Veil Svonl Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Manners with Poles Tliree Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Oliicers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten ,, Jewels Three Small ditto . Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Hallot Box Crowbar H'l'le l'ickaxc ' ushion for ditto Shovel Scripture IC \ tr ; n-ts i ' archment Pcroll Set ol Five Hooks Set of Life Lines £ 5 ° , £ lo ° > £ 5 ° - Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornament * , & c . ( if iv , | uired on the most moderate tenris , acconlin ; : In materia ) , style , & c . For Pergonal Insignia , see Lists of Cloiliingand Jewels .
ROBERT S . MENDliY , ( LATK WITH PATESHALL AMI CO . ) Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , 106 , FENCHURCH-STREET , K . C . Special Candles—Masonic , Church and Perfumed—in pure Wax , Spermacetii , and Stearine , Dips and Moulds of rolined and hardened Tallow . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Discount for cash . Own carts deliver free in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
T 7 OR FISH . *** Try GOW POR . POULTRY . - * - Try GOW POR GAME . ¦ * - Try GOW . UOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . X Try GOW . T GOW . J * i , HONEY-LANK MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
. .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated in little work
upon a , which may be obtained ( for three stamps ) from J . L . PULVER MACHEK , 194 , Regent-street , W ., London , Entitled MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE ¦ LVi and A 11 USE , MOW to CURE RIIKUMATIC N'liRVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . by Sl'Ll ' -APPLlCATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . T-TOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Mus-XX ciil . ir . and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . liv SFXI ' -APl'l . lCATION . Read "MEDICAL KLF . CTR 1 C 1 TY ; ITS USE AND AI 1 USE , " three stamps . —| . L . l'ULVERMACHER 194 , Regent Street , London , W .
n -PHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four ' Grand Doilies of Missouri . Tlie Freemason contains tidings from every quarter ofthe world and will be founJ of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested tn An .-vkanaiVairs . Terms § 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ i . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscni'liovss received at the Office of the London" Freemason *' IQ 8 . Fleet-street .
I CITY . { DOTTLE & SON , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange j City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND "Tho Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , x * Farrmgdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chathara and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to tlie Trade .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . BRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every reejuisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , Szc . Advertisements received for "The Jreemason . "
Jnst published , Free Edition , flUIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND * - * INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN . TAL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of tlie Nervous System , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Tower , llv DR . HENRY SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthen , iiijj thc Human Body , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Long Life , and Avoid thc Iiihrmitics of Old Age . Illus . trated with Testimonials , with means of Cure used in each case Tlie pamphlet will lie sent free by post to anv address on receipt o . two penny stamps . Address , Dr . 11 . SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C .
'pHE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . Thc object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Kilucational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions o ( the United Kingdom , and w ^ k by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public , Ollice , £ o , Southampton-row , Rnssell-stjuare , London , VV . C . 1
NOWREADY. Price2s.PostFree2s.2d. THE''cosfiopoOTAir MASONICCALENDAR, DIARY,ANDPOCKETBOOK,FOR1874. CONTAINING Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils , and K . T . Preceptories , with the Names of Officers , in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey , New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Quebec , Canada , America , & c . Thc LONDON MEETINGS OF EVERY DEGREE arc g iven in the Memorandum space of each day . Thc COUNTRY LODGES appear in Towns , al p habeticall y arranged . It also contains thc CHARGE and ENTERED APPRENTICE ' S SONG . May be had at Bro . George Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , and through any Bookseller or Newsagent . _PUBLISHINGOFFICE,198,FLEETST.,E.C "Vinted anel PuUiilicd by the rroprictor , Drolhcr Giione ; i ! KEXNINC ; , at his Offices , 19 S , l'leet-street , and 1 , 3 , and 4 , Utile Britain , in tlie City of London , ; 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in thc County of Lancaster ; and 145 , Art ) lc-strect , Glasgow , —SATURDAY , DECVDEK ; O , 1873 ,