Article THE LATE PAPAL RESCRIPT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OTHER ATTACKS ON FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article OTHER ATTACKS ON FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article WEEKLY SUMMARY. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Late Papal Rescript.
masonry , as a system , had anything to do with the serious controversy between the Roman Church and the Prussian Government . Archbishop Manning quotes the Rheinische Hero / d ,
which he says " openly confesses itself to be the organ of the Masonic Lodges , " a fact we venture to doubt , as speaking in terms of approval of the Emperor "William ' s answer to the Pope .
With that controversy we have nothing to do , for that is a question purely Germanic , and for the German people to settle for themselves , but all we contend for to-day , is , that we as
Freemasons , in this country , openly disavow any political or religious discussions . If in Germany , or elsewhere , the Masonic body and the Church of Rome are in collision ,
While we regret the fact , and should gladly hear that foreign Masonry pursued our far wiser course of action in all such matters , we cannot but repeat , that , the Church of Rome , in thus
branding Freemasons as unbelievers , conspirators , and revolutionists , furnishes a handle to those who oppose her , and betrays alike the weakness of her own position , and the injustice of her own anathemas .
Other Attacks On Freemasonry.
It seems that the Rom an Catholic is not the only body of ecclesiastics which thinks it Well to attack Freemasonry . Some years ago , so far back indeed , as the last
rJentury , a Scotch Presbyterian Synod made a wonderful " deliverance " against our Order . However , in that long-headed country , nobody took any notice of it , the matter soon dropped ,
nnd Freemasonry went on its way , none the worse for this " magni Jovis incremerUum . " It still can be perused , though worth very little , even as an historical fact , in those dusty
little volumes which delight the eyes of some Brother Hughan or other Masonic bibliopilist . In England , as a general rule , Freemasons are wisely let alone , but even from time to time ,
mutterings have been heard of doubt or disapproval based on religious grounds , as it has been said , on mostly on no grounds at all . That able and eloquent writer who afterwards was termed " Father
Faber , " alludes to Freemasons ana Freemasonry in a very uncomplimentary way in some otherwise charming tracts of his we have perused , and Bishop Armstrong , a well known African
missionary bishop , thought well to publish a severe condemnation of the principles aud proceedings of Freemasonry .
There is also in America a very large , though in England a very small , supply of anti-Masonic literature , all based on so-called religious objections .
Latterly we saw in a juvenile periodical a controversy as to whether or no our Bro . Lord Eliot hael accepted as a condition of his joining ft well-known ecclesiastical society—the
under-Standing that he should withdraw from an active participation in Freemasonry . That such a state of things should exist in
187 , 3 , we could hardly credit , or that such a condition of intolerance and bigotry could be suggested , much less discussed , we must be permitted to doubt . For in truth such an aspect
Other Attacks On Freemasonry.
of matters would reflect discredit on both parties to the discussion . But , still as there are , it appears , a certain number of people who still object to Freemasonry , let us look at it to-day
from a very simple point of view . We do not say that the objectors are very important , or the objections worth much , but still here they both are continually before us ,
and let us give them an answer once , for all ; We may observe , before we do so , that these childish aspersions on Freemasonry generally come from those who are very imperfectly
acquainted even with their own dogmata , and who understand nothing of the history of the society they so foolishly anathematise . Now Freemasonry is not a religious or a political
society , and in no way interferes with or antagonises any question of church or state . It is a purely philanthrophic order , standing , no doubt , on a very wide basis—the recognition of one
great and holy and eternal Supreme Being , and therefore being built up on so broad a foundation , it certainly disclaims all subjects either of debate or controversy which relate to especial
creeds or form ' of belief , however good or excellent per se . Freemasonry , as a body , is ever willing to associate herself with a religious denomination in seeking to promote works of common piety
and admitted usefulness , but as her banner is an universal banner , whether for good or evil , she goes on her way to-day , unruffled by the breezes of contemporary controversy unaffected
by the religious discussions of mankind . Some persons have objected to such a postion and have asked , and have wished , that Freemasonry should be either more religious
denominationally on the one hand , or take a more distinct view of mere philosophic or humanitarian progress on the other . But Freemasonry has kept , and still keeps , as it
were , the via media between these two extremes , and , without either discussing politics or religion , offers a broad ground of philanthropic sympathy and goodwill for her members to assemble
on and act together . Her maxims arc unchanging , of gentleness , toleration , forbearance , and moderation , and alike in her exoteric
arrangements or in her esoteric teaching , she ever asserts the lessons of pure benevolence , and commends the humble practice of every moral and social virtue .
\\ hy such a society j should be objecteel to , or placed under a ban , and subject to an anathema or an interdict , is difficult for us to say , but , as
has been often said , " such is life , " and we can only deal with facts as they are , and as we chance to find them in our hourly existence .
Let us hope , that , gradually such foolish prejudices and idle cavils may all happil y disappear , anel that , Freemasonry may be recognized by many who for some cause , or for no reason , are
still her opponents , as ever a handmaid to reli gion , to order , and to law , the faithful expositrix of her undying principles , " Brotherly Love , Relief , and rruth . "
We would draw the attention of our many readers to the fact that the Cosmopolitan Alasonic Calendar for 1874 , is now ready , price 2 s . od . post free is . 2 d ., and may be hael at Bro . Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , or through any respectable bookseller or newsagent .
Weekly Summary.
Sunday , being the annirersary of the death of the lamented Prince Consort , Her Majesty the Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , Prince and Princess Louise of Hesse , Princess Christian of Schleswig Holstein , Princess Beatrice , the Duke of Edinburgh , Prince Arthur , and Prince Leopold , went
to the Mausoleum this morning at 11 o clock . A special service was performed by the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of Windsor , assisted by the Very Rev . the Dean of Westminster . Sir George Elvey , Mus . D ., aud a portion of the choir of St . George ' s Chapel , were in attendance , and . sang the following hymns and anthem : —
HYMN I . Happy are the faithful dead , In the Lord who sweetly die ; They from all their toils are freed ,
In God s keeping safely he These the Spirit hath declared Blest , unutterably blest ; Jesus is their great reward . Jesus is their endless rest .
Followed by their works they go Where their Head is gone before , Reconciled by grace below ; Grace has opened mercy ' s door ; Fuller joys ordained to know , Waiting for the last Great Day , When the Archangel ' s trump shall blow ,
"Rise to judgment , come away . " Absent from our loving Lord We shall not continue long : Join we then with one accord
In the new , the joyful song ; Blessing , honour , thanks , and praise , Triune God , we pay to Thee , Who In thine abundant grace , Givest us the victory . Amen ,
HYMN II . Wake , awake , for night is flying , The watchmen on the hei ghts are crying , Awake , Jerusalem , at last ! Midnight hears the welcome voices , And at the thrilling cry rejoices ,
Come forth , ye virgins , night is past , The Bridegroom comes , awake ! Your lamps with gladness take . Hallelujah ! And for His marriage feast prepare ,
I'or ye must go to meet Him there . Zion hears the watchmen singing And all her heart Avith joy is springing . She wakes , she rises from her gloom ; For her Lord comes down all-glorious , The strong in grace , in truth victorious . Her star has risen , her Light has come !
Ah come , Thou blessed Lorel , O Jesus , Son of God . Hallelujah ! We follow till the halls we see Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee .
ANTHEM . " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord : Even so , saith the Spirit , for they rest from their labours , and their works do follow them . " —Rev . xiv . 13 . Her Majesty has during the last week held an Investiture of the Order of the Bath , and the Star of India .
Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have been paying a visit to thc Duke of Marlborough , at Blenheim , and on leaving Windsor Castle , will honour Lord and Laely Rendlesham , in Suffolk , by a short stay .
Dr . Lyon l'layfair and the Solicitor-General have been returned for Edinburgh and Oxford respectively unopposed , and Mr . Arthur Mills has been returned for Exeter by a majority of 327 over Sir Edward Watkin .
The new London School Board has met , and elected Mr . Charles Reed , M . P ., as chairman , and Mr . Currie as vice-chairman . The Chief Justice of the Common Pleas , has
been made one of the Privy Council , and it is said will be raised to the peerage shortly , and both the Attorney and Solicitor-General have received the honour of knighthood . The new Bishop of Ely was consecrated on Sunday , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Late Papal Rescript.
masonry , as a system , had anything to do with the serious controversy between the Roman Church and the Prussian Government . Archbishop Manning quotes the Rheinische Hero / d ,
which he says " openly confesses itself to be the organ of the Masonic Lodges , " a fact we venture to doubt , as speaking in terms of approval of the Emperor "William ' s answer to the Pope .
With that controversy we have nothing to do , for that is a question purely Germanic , and for the German people to settle for themselves , but all we contend for to-day , is , that we as
Freemasons , in this country , openly disavow any political or religious discussions . If in Germany , or elsewhere , the Masonic body and the Church of Rome are in collision ,
While we regret the fact , and should gladly hear that foreign Masonry pursued our far wiser course of action in all such matters , we cannot but repeat , that , the Church of Rome , in thus
branding Freemasons as unbelievers , conspirators , and revolutionists , furnishes a handle to those who oppose her , and betrays alike the weakness of her own position , and the injustice of her own anathemas .
Other Attacks On Freemasonry.
It seems that the Rom an Catholic is not the only body of ecclesiastics which thinks it Well to attack Freemasonry . Some years ago , so far back indeed , as the last
rJentury , a Scotch Presbyterian Synod made a wonderful " deliverance " against our Order . However , in that long-headed country , nobody took any notice of it , the matter soon dropped ,
nnd Freemasonry went on its way , none the worse for this " magni Jovis incremerUum . " It still can be perused , though worth very little , even as an historical fact , in those dusty
little volumes which delight the eyes of some Brother Hughan or other Masonic bibliopilist . In England , as a general rule , Freemasons are wisely let alone , but even from time to time ,
mutterings have been heard of doubt or disapproval based on religious grounds , as it has been said , on mostly on no grounds at all . That able and eloquent writer who afterwards was termed " Father
Faber , " alludes to Freemasons ana Freemasonry in a very uncomplimentary way in some otherwise charming tracts of his we have perused , and Bishop Armstrong , a well known African
missionary bishop , thought well to publish a severe condemnation of the principles aud proceedings of Freemasonry .
There is also in America a very large , though in England a very small , supply of anti-Masonic literature , all based on so-called religious objections .
Latterly we saw in a juvenile periodical a controversy as to whether or no our Bro . Lord Eliot hael accepted as a condition of his joining ft well-known ecclesiastical society—the
under-Standing that he should withdraw from an active participation in Freemasonry . That such a state of things should exist in
187 , 3 , we could hardly credit , or that such a condition of intolerance and bigotry could be suggested , much less discussed , we must be permitted to doubt . For in truth such an aspect
Other Attacks On Freemasonry.
of matters would reflect discredit on both parties to the discussion . But , still as there are , it appears , a certain number of people who still object to Freemasonry , let us look at it to-day
from a very simple point of view . We do not say that the objectors are very important , or the objections worth much , but still here they both are continually before us ,
and let us give them an answer once , for all ; We may observe , before we do so , that these childish aspersions on Freemasonry generally come from those who are very imperfectly
acquainted even with their own dogmata , and who understand nothing of the history of the society they so foolishly anathematise . Now Freemasonry is not a religious or a political
society , and in no way interferes with or antagonises any question of church or state . It is a purely philanthrophic order , standing , no doubt , on a very wide basis—the recognition of one
great and holy and eternal Supreme Being , and therefore being built up on so broad a foundation , it certainly disclaims all subjects either of debate or controversy which relate to especial
creeds or form ' of belief , however good or excellent per se . Freemasonry , as a body , is ever willing to associate herself with a religious denomination in seeking to promote works of common piety
and admitted usefulness , but as her banner is an universal banner , whether for good or evil , she goes on her way to-day , unruffled by the breezes of contemporary controversy unaffected
by the religious discussions of mankind . Some persons have objected to such a postion and have asked , and have wished , that Freemasonry should be either more religious
denominationally on the one hand , or take a more distinct view of mere philosophic or humanitarian progress on the other . But Freemasonry has kept , and still keeps , as it
were , the via media between these two extremes , and , without either discussing politics or religion , offers a broad ground of philanthropic sympathy and goodwill for her members to assemble
on and act together . Her maxims arc unchanging , of gentleness , toleration , forbearance , and moderation , and alike in her exoteric
arrangements or in her esoteric teaching , she ever asserts the lessons of pure benevolence , and commends the humble practice of every moral and social virtue .
\\ hy such a society j should be objecteel to , or placed under a ban , and subject to an anathema or an interdict , is difficult for us to say , but , as
has been often said , " such is life , " and we can only deal with facts as they are , and as we chance to find them in our hourly existence .
Let us hope , that , gradually such foolish prejudices and idle cavils may all happil y disappear , anel that , Freemasonry may be recognized by many who for some cause , or for no reason , are
still her opponents , as ever a handmaid to reli gion , to order , and to law , the faithful expositrix of her undying principles , " Brotherly Love , Relief , and rruth . "
We would draw the attention of our many readers to the fact that the Cosmopolitan Alasonic Calendar for 1874 , is now ready , price 2 s . od . post free is . 2 d ., and may be hael at Bro . Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , or through any respectable bookseller or newsagent .
Weekly Summary.
Sunday , being the annirersary of the death of the lamented Prince Consort , Her Majesty the Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , Prince and Princess Louise of Hesse , Princess Christian of Schleswig Holstein , Princess Beatrice , the Duke of Edinburgh , Prince Arthur , and Prince Leopold , went
to the Mausoleum this morning at 11 o clock . A special service was performed by the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of Windsor , assisted by the Very Rev . the Dean of Westminster . Sir George Elvey , Mus . D ., aud a portion of the choir of St . George ' s Chapel , were in attendance , and . sang the following hymns and anthem : —
HYMN I . Happy are the faithful dead , In the Lord who sweetly die ; They from all their toils are freed ,
In God s keeping safely he These the Spirit hath declared Blest , unutterably blest ; Jesus is their great reward . Jesus is their endless rest .
Followed by their works they go Where their Head is gone before , Reconciled by grace below ; Grace has opened mercy ' s door ; Fuller joys ordained to know , Waiting for the last Great Day , When the Archangel ' s trump shall blow ,
"Rise to judgment , come away . " Absent from our loving Lord We shall not continue long : Join we then with one accord
In the new , the joyful song ; Blessing , honour , thanks , and praise , Triune God , we pay to Thee , Who In thine abundant grace , Givest us the victory . Amen ,
HYMN II . Wake , awake , for night is flying , The watchmen on the hei ghts are crying , Awake , Jerusalem , at last ! Midnight hears the welcome voices , And at the thrilling cry rejoices ,
Come forth , ye virgins , night is past , The Bridegroom comes , awake ! Your lamps with gladness take . Hallelujah ! And for His marriage feast prepare ,
I'or ye must go to meet Him there . Zion hears the watchmen singing And all her heart Avith joy is springing . She wakes , she rises from her gloom ; For her Lord comes down all-glorious , The strong in grace , in truth victorious . Her star has risen , her Light has come !
Ah come , Thou blessed Lorel , O Jesus , Son of God . Hallelujah ! We follow till the halls we see Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee .
ANTHEM . " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord : Even so , saith the Spirit , for they rest from their labours , and their works do follow them . " —Rev . xiv . 13 . Her Majesty has during the last week held an Investiture of the Order of the Bath , and the Star of India .
Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have been paying a visit to thc Duke of Marlborough , at Blenheim , and on leaving Windsor Castle , will honour Lord and Laely Rendlesham , in Suffolk , by a short stay .
Dr . Lyon l'layfair and the Solicitor-General have been returned for Edinburgh and Oxford respectively unopposed , and Mr . Arthur Mills has been returned for Exeter by a majority of 327 over Sir Edward Watkin .
The new London School Board has met , and elected Mr . Charles Reed , M . P ., as chairman , and Mr . Currie as vice-chairman . The Chief Justice of the Common Pleas , has
been made one of the Privy Council , and it is said will be raised to the peerage shortly , and both the Attorney and Solicitor-General have received the honour of knighthood . The new Bishop of Ely was consecrated on Sunday , at