Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
call upon him to respond to this toast , but would refer to him in another capacity—that of Installing Master . He felt proud that a member of their own lodge should be able to perform tbat interesting ceremony in a correct and impressive manner ; it was many years since they did themselves a similar honour . —Bro . Bowes , P . G . Registrar of Cumberland and Westmorland , said he was proud to be
in a position lo respond for their Prov . Grand Lodge , because amongst its officers were some of his best friends . As for his services that day as Installing Master , h ; had always felt that it was not respectable for a lodge of standing to be obliged to seek aid outside itself for the due performance of its ceremonies , but so far as the Warrington lodges were concerned , that sort of reproach did not
now attach to them . He had done his best , and was amply rewarded if his services had proved acceptable . He would now offer them a toast which he knew would be received will ) the greatest enthusiasm . It was " The health of the W . M ., Bro . William Richardson , " and needed no words of his to commend it , as they had given proof of the esteem in which they held that brother . —
The W . M ., in responding , said his motto was " Deeds , not words , " and therefore they must not expect a speech from him . He was very proud of the position he occupied that night , and could assure them that it would be his constant study , with the help of his officers , to maintain the lodge in its present efficient state . He begged to thank them most heartily for the compliment they had paid him .
He concluded by proposing " The P . M . s and Officers of No . 148 , " coupled with the names of Bro . Robt . Stevenson , P . M ., and Bro . W . Sharp , J . W . —Both brethren suitably responded . —The other toasts were : "The Officers and members of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 , " responded to by Bro . Wm . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; "The Visitors , " who each acknowledged the toast on his
own behalf ; "Masonic Charities , proposed in an exhaustive speech by Bro . William Smith , after which the Tyler proposed his toast and the proceedings terminated . Some capital songs and glees alternated most pleasantly with thc speeches which well received throughout . CHELTENHAM . —lioyal Union Lodge , No . 246 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic
Hall , Cheltenham , on Wednesday , January 4 th , to celebrate the Festival of St John and instal the W . M . for the ensuing year . Between thirty and forty of the brethren were present . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . William Forth , W . M . and W . M .-elect , all of whose officers were present , viz ., Bros . W . R . Porcher , I . P . M . ; Stapley , S . W . ; Robertson , J . W . ; J . Brook-Smith ,
Chap . ; W . L . Bain , Treas . ; William R . Holman , Sec ; E . Alder , S . D . ; T . Furber , J . D . ; R . J . Dixon , I . G . , Ricketts and Humphreys , Stewards ; and Wiggins , Tyler . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The W . M . vacated thc chair , and it was occupied by the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England , who re-inslalled thc W . M . in a
most able ami impressive manner . Thc officers were then invested as follows : Bros . Porcher , I . P . M . ; J . Robertson , S . W . ; William R . Dolman , J . W . ; W . L . Bain , Treas , ; E . Alder , Sec . ; Furber , S . D . ; Dixon , J . D , ; Howard , I . G . ; Alcn , P . M ., D . C . ; Ricketts and Humphreys , P . M . ' s , Stewards ; and Wiggins , Tyler .
Grants were voted to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Cheltenham General Hospital and Dispensary . Theusual proclamations were made , and thc lodge closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquetting-hall , and spent the evening in great harmony , the toasts being proposed and received in a hearly Masonic spirit .
Ll-riCl-rsTiri ; . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —Thc annual festival of this lodge was celebrated at ( lie Freemasons ' llall , Halford-strcel , on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., when there was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . Amongst those present , in addition tothcW . M ., Bro . W . E . S . . Stanley , were Bros . W . Kelly , I . P . M . and R . W . Prov . G . M . ; W . Wearc , P . M . and Treas . : G . F .
Brown , P . M . ; Clement Stretton , S . W . and W . M .-elect ; E . J . Crow , J . W . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ,- J . Wright-Smith , J . D . ; R . W . Wuldowson , I . G . ; Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers ; Captain Goodchild , J . Halford , j . M'Allister , Atwood , Barber , Malts , Gosling , Porter , Blankley , Gurden , Kirby , Shuttlewood , Beeton , Pye , and others . Visitors : Bros . W . Worrall , King Solomon's Lodge ,
loronto , Canada ; and T . II . Buzzard ( W . M . ) , VV . Beamont Smith ( P . M . ) , George Toller ( P . M . ) , Rev . Dr . Haycroft ( J . W . ) , E . Mace , S . S . Partridge ( S . D . ) , W . Barfoot , W . S . Bithrey , A . Ross , and J . p . Smith , of the Johnof Gaunt Lodge , & c Thc lodge having been opened , and the election ofthe W . M . duly confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Samuel Cleaver , as a candidate for
initiation , who was duly elected . Bros . Beeton anil Pye were passed as F . L ' . ' s—the ceremony , at the request of the W . M ., being most efficiently performed by thc Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Toller . The W . M . initiated Mr . S . Cleaver . The chair was then taken by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , who proceeded lo instal Bro . Clement Slrctlon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., as VV . M . A vote of t ' lauUs for his attention lo
his duties , and for his efficient services in the chair , was unanimously accorded lo }' , ro . Stanley , the I . P . M ,, and a similar well-deserved compliment was paid to Pro . Wearc , P M , for his valuable services as Treasurer , to which office he was again unanimously elected by ballot . The report on the state of thc Treasurer ' s account was of a highly satisfactory character , showing a balance in favour of the lodge of upwards of £ 100 . The W . M . then
appointed and invested the following brethren as the officers of the lodge for Ihe ensuing year : Uros . W . E . S . Stanley , I . P . M . ; IC . J . Crow , S . W . ; Dr . Pearce ( who was unavoidably absent ) , J . W . ; VV . Wearc , P . M ., Treas , ; R . VV . Wuldowson , ' . Sec . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; J . Wright-Smith , J . D . ; John Halford , I . G . ; and C . Bernbridge and J . Dunn , Tylers . Relief having been voted lo a case of distress , the Prov . G . M . reporied lhat the W . Bro . Hughan , P . G , Sec . Cornwall ( who had evinced
the greatest interest in the case of their local candidate for the Boys' School , Alfred Nutt ) , had kindly placed at his ( the P . G . M . ' s ) disposal a collection of rare and curious Masonic works to be raffled for , the booksto be presented by the winner to the library in the hall , ancl the proceeds , £$ 5 s ., to be placed on Bro . Deane ' s list , as Steward for this province 011 behalf of the Boys' School , for a Life
Subscribership for Bro . Hughan , who would give the vote in favour of Alfred Nutt until elected . The P . G . M . added that the list having been filled up with twenty-one subscribers at 5 s . each , the raffle would take place in the interval preceding the banquet . Accordingly , after the transaction of some business of a private nature , the lodge was closed , and the raffle took place , the winner being
Bro . G . H . Hodges , P . M . 523 ancl P . P . G . S . W . —The P . G . M . then announced that Bro . Hughan had most liberally promised that , on condition of the books being presented to the library , he would supplement it by a further donation to the collection himself . ( Applause ) . — The brethren sat down to a bounteous repast and dessert , to which a plentiful supply of champagne and other wine
was liberally contributed by the W . M ., Bro . Stretton , who , of course , presided , ancl was supported by the P . G . M . and nearly fifty other brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were , in turn , duly honoured , interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Crow , Atwood . Palmer , Bithrey , and others . After a most pleasant and
harmonious celebration of the festival of the patron saint ofthe lodge , the brethren finally separated , previously to which the "Final Toast" ( recently published for him by Bro . George Kenning ) was sung by Bro . Crow , S . W ., and which is doubtless destined to be brought into use at most Masonic gatherings throughout the Craft .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , A ' o . 2 S 1 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster , on Wednesday evening , the 1 ilh inst . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . P . G . S . of W ., & c , who was supported by W . Bro . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; Bro . W . Hall , S . W . ; Bro . W . Fleming , f . W . ; W . Bro . J .
Hatch , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; Bros . E . Airey , S . D . ; W . J . Sly , J . D . ; Harrison , I . G . ; R . Taylor aud Bullfield , Stewards . There were also present : Past Masters Kelland , King , W . Hall , and Whimpray , and about 20 other brethren . The lodge was opened and general business transacted , when the W . M . announced the death of Pasl Master Richard Stanton , and
moved that an expression of regret at his decease should be entered upontheminutcsof Ihe lodge , and an address of condolence forwarded to his widow . This was seconded by Past Master Kelland , and carried unanimously . In accordance with a notice upon the circular calling the meeting , the W . M . moved that , £ 30 should be voted from the lodge funds for a special charitable purpose . The
circumstances requiring this vole were explained and commented on by the Treasurer , Bro . James Hatch , P . M ., Bros . E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; G . Kelland , P . M . ; and Bro . R . Bond , and thc vole was carried unanimously . Bro . Hayes having given proof of his proficiency as a Fellow-Craft Freemason , was in due course raised to the degree of a M . M . by thc W . M . There being no other
business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . BRIGHTON , SUSSEX . —Royal York Lodge , No . 315 . — A meeting of this lodge was held in thc Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , on Tuesday evening , January 3 rd . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . James Curtis . After thc minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , Bro , Thomas Packham was passed to the
second degree , the W . M . performing the ceremony in the most able and satisfactory manner . During the evening the Secretary , Bro . Eberall , read the resignations of three members of the lodge : one on account of increasing infirmities and great age , another on account of thc night of meeting being most inconvenient to him , and the other because he has removed some distance from Brighton .
I'hc business ofthe evening having been disposed of , and no fresh propositions made , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . There were present : Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; J . W . Stride , S . W . ; John Robinson , P . M ., as I . W . ; Pearson , S . U . ; Slater , as J . D . ; Eberall , Sec . ; VV . Marchant , P . M ., Prov . O . A . D . of C . Sussex ; VV . Challcn , P . M . 315 and 1141 , P . Z . 732 , P . Prov . G . S . B .
Sussex ; George Emerv , Thomas Packham , C . Wren , I . P . M . ; Nell , I . G . ; Sabine , P . M . 73 , & c . ; and'J . M . Cunningham , P . M . 811 , P . Prov . G . S . W . Sussex . The J . W . and Bro . C . Sandeman , the J . D ., were unavoidably prevented from attending . Thc next meeting , for the election of the W . AI ., will be held at thc same place on Tuesday , thc 7 th proximo .
Yliovn .. —Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 329 . —On Wednesday , January 41 I 1 , the members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , and performed the ceremony of installing the W . M .-elect for the ensuing year , for this purpose they assembled at their lodge-room , Three Choughs Hotel , at onep . m . The V . W . D . P . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . Captain Bridges , according to ancient
form , duly nisiallel into ihe chair Bro . [ . Howe Farley , S . W . 329 and P . P . A . G . P . The W . M . appointed his officers for the ensiling year as follows : Bros . John Chaffin , S . VV . ; W . B . \\[ ilborne , J . W . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , P . M . and P . G . C . of England , Chap . ; G . K . Forster , Treas , -, II . Raymond , P . M . and P . P . J . G . D ., Sec . ; W . J . Nosworthy , S . D . : J . Millborne , J . D . ; W .
S . Gillard , W . M . liOSand P . P . f . G . D . of Dorset , DC ; J . Whitby , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Org . ; J . Palmer , I . G . ; K . H .-llinr and R . S . Chant , Stewards ; and J . Harvey , Tyler . After the ceremonies the brethren partook of a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . T . Sharland .
Amongst those pret-cnt , besides the officers above-named , were the I . P . M ., Bro . G . G . Style , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Bros , k . C . Else ( Bridgwater ) , P . S . G . VV . Somerset ; F . Cox , P . P . G . S . of Wks . ; J . II . Rvall , P . P . J . G . D . ; S . Cross , P . P . G . S . of Wks . ; Dr . Garland , P . P . G . D . C . ; Rev . R , Tii-jnipvjn , P . P . G . Chap . Dorset ; John Murlis , P . P . G . S ,
of Wks . ; J . Budge ( Crewkerne ) , P . P . J . G . D . ; Strawson , W . M . 814 ( Crewkerne ) , and many other distinguished brethren . BERWICK-ON-TWEED . — Lodge St . Davil , No . 393 . — The brethren of this lodge met , on the evening of Tuesday , 27 th December , being the annual festival _ of St . John the Evangelist , for the purpose of installing the
W . M . for the year 1871 , and for the appointment of office-bearers . Bro . George Moor , having been unanimously elected W . M . for the year 1871 , was installed in the chair in an imposing and impressive manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J . S . M'Gregor . The following officers were then appointed by the W . M ., and had the insignia of office conferred on them , viz ., Bros . C . I . Paton ,
S . W . ; C . Hopper , J . W . ; R . Ferguson , Treas . ; W . Scott , Sec . ; R . Anderson , S . D . ; A . Marshall , J . D . ; J . Richardson , S . S . ; D . Paterson , J . S . ; W . Graham I . G . ; and A . F . Turnbull , Tyler . A banquet was afterwards held in the lodge-room in celebration of St , John ' s festival , at which thirty-eight ofthe brethren were present . The W . M . occupied the chair , the Wardens' chairs being
filled by Bros . C . I . Paton and C . Hopper . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in Masonic fashion . After proposing "The health of the Retiring Master , Bro . J . S . M'Gregor , " the W . M . presented him , in the name of thelodge , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his
services while occupying the chair . Bro . J . S . M'Gregor feelingly expressed his gratitude for so unexpected a gift , and his interest in the cause of Freemasonry . The proceedings ofthe evening were enlivened with song and sentiment , ancl after spending an agreeable evening in the greatest harmony the brethren separated . SPILSHY . —Shakespeare Lodge , No . 426 . —The annual
installation meeting of this lodge was held in the lodgeroom , Town Hall , Spilsby , on Thursday , the fth inst . The ceremony of installing Bro . P . Newbould , S . W . and W . M .-elect , was most impressively performed by Bro . E . Rainey , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; after which the newly installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers , as follows : — Bros . C . Starmer , I . P . M . ; Ii . Mackinder , S . W . ; Ed .
Walker , J . W . ; T . Thimbleby , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Rainey , P . M ., Sec . ; Gay , S . D . ; T . W . Thimbleby , J . D . ; Ed . Cash , I . G . ; G . Smith , P . M ., Steward ; C . Starmer , O . ; li . Wright , P . M ., Almoner ; and G . Badley , Tyler . An excellent banquet followed , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to ; the Tyler ' s toast , at an early hour , concluding a very enjoyable evening .
HOLYHEAD . —Hibcrnia Lodge , No . 597 . —The anniversary and installation meeting of this flourishing and rapidly-increasing lodge was held on Monday , 2 nd inst ., when the following brethren were present : —J . Peters , W . M . ; E . P . Mellor , I . P . M . ; W . Riva , S . W . ; J . Ll . Griffith , J . W . ; S . S . Wilkes , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chaplain ; Wm . Lewis , S . D . ; John Ellis , J . D . ;
O . R . Ellis , Organist ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; Evan Evens , Robert Evens , H . W . Glasier , E . J . Cann , Dr . Owen Williams , Joseph Jones , J . Lloyd , Capt George Lewis , Samuel Clark , John Devonald , W . H . Smith , Rd . Williams , George Gould , Dr . J . Roberts ; visitors , Bros . the Rev . R . H . Williams ( 1113 ) and Wm . Owen ( 126 4 ) . The lodge was opened in due form , previous minutes were
read and confirmed , and Bro . the Rev . R . H . Williams , P . M . 1113 , was unanimously elected a joining member . The brother chosen to fill the office of W . M . for the ensuing year was J . Peters , who has during the past year presided over this lodge in a most able , worthy , and successful manner . It was consequently the prevailing wish of thc brethren ( as shown by thc result of a ballot
at the previous meeting ) that he should be re-installed . Bro . Mellor , I . P . M ., was called to thc chair as Installing Master , the necessary formalities were proceeded with , and the installation was completed according to ancient usage . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . J . Ll . Griffith , S . W . ; W . Lewis , J . W . ; J . Ellis , S . D . ; Dr . O . Williams , J . D . ; J . Lloyd ,
I . G . ; S . Hughes , Tyler ; S . S . Wilkes , Sec . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chaplain ; and O . R . Ellis , Organist . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a capital banquet , prepared by Bro . W . II . Smith , of the Marine Hotel , where the lodge is held . After the table was cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank
with enthusiasm ; a few of the brethren responded , their speeches being eminently and truly Masonic j and several soul-inspiring songs were sung . Altogether , thc whole affair proved quite a success , and the brethren after having thoroughly enjoyed themselves parted in perfect peace and harmony .
ALDEDUROII . — A / air Lodge , N . 936 . —The usual monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 61 I 1 inst . The lodge was opened in due form , anil the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . G . Harper , Fairfield House , Saxmundham , who had been duly reelected to the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , was proclaimed and saluted in due and ancient form . The
W . M . then appointed and invested as his officers : Bros . James , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Hayward , Sec ; Carr , S . D . ; Moore , J . D . ; Newman , I . G . ; Roper , Tyler . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Banning , Fletcher , Baker ( 525 ) , and a goodly muster of the brethren of the lodge . The banquet was served by Bro . Moore , who had spared no elforts to ensure the
comforts of the brethren . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Newson Garrett , P . M ., proposed " The Health ofthe W . M ., " and the W . M , in reply , expressed thc great pleasure it gave him to see that his efforts to promote the interests of the Craft in general , and of this lodge in particular , were so duly appreciated by the brethren , lie earnestly advocated that all who accepted office should , as far as they were able , make themselves perfect in the duties . —Tho
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
call upon him to respond to this toast , but would refer to him in another capacity—that of Installing Master . He felt proud that a member of their own lodge should be able to perform tbat interesting ceremony in a correct and impressive manner ; it was many years since they did themselves a similar honour . —Bro . Bowes , P . G . Registrar of Cumberland and Westmorland , said he was proud to be
in a position lo respond for their Prov . Grand Lodge , because amongst its officers were some of his best friends . As for his services that day as Installing Master , h ; had always felt that it was not respectable for a lodge of standing to be obliged to seek aid outside itself for the due performance of its ceremonies , but so far as the Warrington lodges were concerned , that sort of reproach did not
now attach to them . He had done his best , and was amply rewarded if his services had proved acceptable . He would now offer them a toast which he knew would be received will ) the greatest enthusiasm . It was " The health of the W . M ., Bro . William Richardson , " and needed no words of his to commend it , as they had given proof of the esteem in which they held that brother . —
The W . M ., in responding , said his motto was " Deeds , not words , " and therefore they must not expect a speech from him . He was very proud of the position he occupied that night , and could assure them that it would be his constant study , with the help of his officers , to maintain the lodge in its present efficient state . He begged to thank them most heartily for the compliment they had paid him .
He concluded by proposing " The P . M . s and Officers of No . 148 , " coupled with the names of Bro . Robt . Stevenson , P . M ., and Bro . W . Sharp , J . W . —Both brethren suitably responded . —The other toasts were : "The Officers and members of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 , " responded to by Bro . Wm . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; "The Visitors , " who each acknowledged the toast on his
own behalf ; "Masonic Charities , proposed in an exhaustive speech by Bro . William Smith , after which the Tyler proposed his toast and the proceedings terminated . Some capital songs and glees alternated most pleasantly with thc speeches which well received throughout . CHELTENHAM . —lioyal Union Lodge , No . 246 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic
Hall , Cheltenham , on Wednesday , January 4 th , to celebrate the Festival of St John and instal the W . M . for the ensuing year . Between thirty and forty of the brethren were present . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . William Forth , W . M . and W . M .-elect , all of whose officers were present , viz ., Bros . W . R . Porcher , I . P . M . ; Stapley , S . W . ; Robertson , J . W . ; J . Brook-Smith ,
Chap . ; W . L . Bain , Treas . ; William R . Holman , Sec ; E . Alder , S . D . ; T . Furber , J . D . ; R . J . Dixon , I . G . , Ricketts and Humphreys , Stewards ; and Wiggins , Tyler . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The W . M . vacated thc chair , and it was occupied by the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England , who re-inslalled thc W . M . in a
most able ami impressive manner . Thc officers were then invested as follows : Bros . Porcher , I . P . M . ; J . Robertson , S . W . ; William R . Dolman , J . W . ; W . L . Bain , Treas , ; E . Alder , Sec . ; Furber , S . D . ; Dixon , J . D , ; Howard , I . G . ; Alcn , P . M ., D . C . ; Ricketts and Humphreys , P . M . ' s , Stewards ; and Wiggins , Tyler .
Grants were voted to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Cheltenham General Hospital and Dispensary . Theusual proclamations were made , and thc lodge closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquetting-hall , and spent the evening in great harmony , the toasts being proposed and received in a hearly Masonic spirit .
Ll-riCl-rsTiri ; . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —Thc annual festival of this lodge was celebrated at ( lie Freemasons ' llall , Halford-strcel , on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., when there was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . Amongst those present , in addition tothcW . M ., Bro . W . E . S . . Stanley , were Bros . W . Kelly , I . P . M . and R . W . Prov . G . M . ; W . Wearc , P . M . and Treas . : G . F .
Brown , P . M . ; Clement Stretton , S . W . and W . M .-elect ; E . J . Crow , J . W . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ,- J . Wright-Smith , J . D . ; R . W . Wuldowson , I . G . ; Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers ; Captain Goodchild , J . Halford , j . M'Allister , Atwood , Barber , Malts , Gosling , Porter , Blankley , Gurden , Kirby , Shuttlewood , Beeton , Pye , and others . Visitors : Bros . W . Worrall , King Solomon's Lodge ,
loronto , Canada ; and T . II . Buzzard ( W . M . ) , VV . Beamont Smith ( P . M . ) , George Toller ( P . M . ) , Rev . Dr . Haycroft ( J . W . ) , E . Mace , S . S . Partridge ( S . D . ) , W . Barfoot , W . S . Bithrey , A . Ross , and J . p . Smith , of the Johnof Gaunt Lodge , & c Thc lodge having been opened , and the election ofthe W . M . duly confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Samuel Cleaver , as a candidate for
initiation , who was duly elected . Bros . Beeton anil Pye were passed as F . L ' . ' s—the ceremony , at the request of the W . M ., being most efficiently performed by thc Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Toller . The W . M . initiated Mr . S . Cleaver . The chair was then taken by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , who proceeded lo instal Bro . Clement Slrctlon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., as VV . M . A vote of t ' lauUs for his attention lo
his duties , and for his efficient services in the chair , was unanimously accorded lo }' , ro . Stanley , the I . P . M ,, and a similar well-deserved compliment was paid to Pro . Wearc , P M , for his valuable services as Treasurer , to which office he was again unanimously elected by ballot . The report on the state of thc Treasurer ' s account was of a highly satisfactory character , showing a balance in favour of the lodge of upwards of £ 100 . The W . M . then
appointed and invested the following brethren as the officers of the lodge for Ihe ensuing year : Uros . W . E . S . Stanley , I . P . M . ; IC . J . Crow , S . W . ; Dr . Pearce ( who was unavoidably absent ) , J . W . ; VV . Wearc , P . M ., Treas , ; R . VV . Wuldowson , ' . Sec . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; J . Wright-Smith , J . D . ; John Halford , I . G . ; and C . Bernbridge and J . Dunn , Tylers . Relief having been voted lo a case of distress , the Prov . G . M . reporied lhat the W . Bro . Hughan , P . G , Sec . Cornwall ( who had evinced
the greatest interest in the case of their local candidate for the Boys' School , Alfred Nutt ) , had kindly placed at his ( the P . G . M . ' s ) disposal a collection of rare and curious Masonic works to be raffled for , the booksto be presented by the winner to the library in the hall , ancl the proceeds , £$ 5 s ., to be placed on Bro . Deane ' s list , as Steward for this province 011 behalf of the Boys' School , for a Life
Subscribership for Bro . Hughan , who would give the vote in favour of Alfred Nutt until elected . The P . G . M . added that the list having been filled up with twenty-one subscribers at 5 s . each , the raffle would take place in the interval preceding the banquet . Accordingly , after the transaction of some business of a private nature , the lodge was closed , and the raffle took place , the winner being
Bro . G . H . Hodges , P . M . 523 ancl P . P . G . S . W . —The P . G . M . then announced that Bro . Hughan had most liberally promised that , on condition of the books being presented to the library , he would supplement it by a further donation to the collection himself . ( Applause ) . — The brethren sat down to a bounteous repast and dessert , to which a plentiful supply of champagne and other wine
was liberally contributed by the W . M ., Bro . Stretton , who , of course , presided , ancl was supported by the P . G . M . and nearly fifty other brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were , in turn , duly honoured , interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Crow , Atwood . Palmer , Bithrey , and others . After a most pleasant and
harmonious celebration of the festival of the patron saint ofthe lodge , the brethren finally separated , previously to which the "Final Toast" ( recently published for him by Bro . George Kenning ) was sung by Bro . Crow , S . W ., and which is doubtless destined to be brought into use at most Masonic gatherings throughout the Craft .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , A ' o . 2 S 1 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster , on Wednesday evening , the 1 ilh inst . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . P . G . S . of W ., & c , who was supported by W . Bro . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; Bro . W . Hall , S . W . ; Bro . W . Fleming , f . W . ; W . Bro . J .
Hatch , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; Bros . E . Airey , S . D . ; W . J . Sly , J . D . ; Harrison , I . G . ; R . Taylor aud Bullfield , Stewards . There were also present : Past Masters Kelland , King , W . Hall , and Whimpray , and about 20 other brethren . The lodge was opened and general business transacted , when the W . M . announced the death of Pasl Master Richard Stanton , and
moved that an expression of regret at his decease should be entered upontheminutcsof Ihe lodge , and an address of condolence forwarded to his widow . This was seconded by Past Master Kelland , and carried unanimously . In accordance with a notice upon the circular calling the meeting , the W . M . moved that , £ 30 should be voted from the lodge funds for a special charitable purpose . The
circumstances requiring this vole were explained and commented on by the Treasurer , Bro . James Hatch , P . M ., Bros . E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; G . Kelland , P . M . ; and Bro . R . Bond , and thc vole was carried unanimously . Bro . Hayes having given proof of his proficiency as a Fellow-Craft Freemason , was in due course raised to the degree of a M . M . by thc W . M . There being no other
business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . BRIGHTON , SUSSEX . —Royal York Lodge , No . 315 . — A meeting of this lodge was held in thc Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , on Tuesday evening , January 3 rd . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . James Curtis . After thc minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , Bro , Thomas Packham was passed to the
second degree , the W . M . performing the ceremony in the most able and satisfactory manner . During the evening the Secretary , Bro . Eberall , read the resignations of three members of the lodge : one on account of increasing infirmities and great age , another on account of thc night of meeting being most inconvenient to him , and the other because he has removed some distance from Brighton .
I'hc business ofthe evening having been disposed of , and no fresh propositions made , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . There were present : Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; J . W . Stride , S . W . ; John Robinson , P . M ., as I . W . ; Pearson , S . U . ; Slater , as J . D . ; Eberall , Sec . ; VV . Marchant , P . M ., Prov . O . A . D . of C . Sussex ; VV . Challcn , P . M . 315 and 1141 , P . Z . 732 , P . Prov . G . S . B .
Sussex ; George Emerv , Thomas Packham , C . Wren , I . P . M . ; Nell , I . G . ; Sabine , P . M . 73 , & c . ; and'J . M . Cunningham , P . M . 811 , P . Prov . G . S . W . Sussex . The J . W . and Bro . C . Sandeman , the J . D ., were unavoidably prevented from attending . Thc next meeting , for the election of the W . AI ., will be held at thc same place on Tuesday , thc 7 th proximo .
Yliovn .. —Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 329 . —On Wednesday , January 41 I 1 , the members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , and performed the ceremony of installing the W . M .-elect for the ensuing year , for this purpose they assembled at their lodge-room , Three Choughs Hotel , at onep . m . The V . W . D . P . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . Captain Bridges , according to ancient
form , duly nisiallel into ihe chair Bro . [ . Howe Farley , S . W . 329 and P . P . A . G . P . The W . M . appointed his officers for the ensiling year as follows : Bros . John Chaffin , S . VV . ; W . B . \\[ ilborne , J . W . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , P . M . and P . G . C . of England , Chap . ; G . K . Forster , Treas , -, II . Raymond , P . M . and P . P . J . G . D ., Sec . ; W . J . Nosworthy , S . D . : J . Millborne , J . D . ; W .
S . Gillard , W . M . liOSand P . P . f . G . D . of Dorset , DC ; J . Whitby , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Org . ; J . Palmer , I . G . ; K . H .-llinr and R . S . Chant , Stewards ; and J . Harvey , Tyler . After the ceremonies the brethren partook of a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . T . Sharland .
Amongst those pret-cnt , besides the officers above-named , were the I . P . M ., Bro . G . G . Style , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Bros , k . C . Else ( Bridgwater ) , P . S . G . VV . Somerset ; F . Cox , P . P . G . S . of Wks . ; J . II . Rvall , P . P . J . G . D . ; S . Cross , P . P . G . S . of Wks . ; Dr . Garland , P . P . G . D . C . ; Rev . R , Tii-jnipvjn , P . P . G . Chap . Dorset ; John Murlis , P . P . G . S ,
of Wks . ; J . Budge ( Crewkerne ) , P . P . J . G . D . ; Strawson , W . M . 814 ( Crewkerne ) , and many other distinguished brethren . BERWICK-ON-TWEED . — Lodge St . Davil , No . 393 . — The brethren of this lodge met , on the evening of Tuesday , 27 th December , being the annual festival _ of St . John the Evangelist , for the purpose of installing the
W . M . for the year 1871 , and for the appointment of office-bearers . Bro . George Moor , having been unanimously elected W . M . for the year 1871 , was installed in the chair in an imposing and impressive manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J . S . M'Gregor . The following officers were then appointed by the W . M ., and had the insignia of office conferred on them , viz ., Bros . C . I . Paton ,
S . W . ; C . Hopper , J . W . ; R . Ferguson , Treas . ; W . Scott , Sec . ; R . Anderson , S . D . ; A . Marshall , J . D . ; J . Richardson , S . S . ; D . Paterson , J . S . ; W . Graham I . G . ; and A . F . Turnbull , Tyler . A banquet was afterwards held in the lodge-room in celebration of St , John ' s festival , at which thirty-eight ofthe brethren were present . The W . M . occupied the chair , the Wardens' chairs being
filled by Bros . C . I . Paton and C . Hopper . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in Masonic fashion . After proposing "The health of the Retiring Master , Bro . J . S . M'Gregor , " the W . M . presented him , in the name of thelodge , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his
services while occupying the chair . Bro . J . S . M'Gregor feelingly expressed his gratitude for so unexpected a gift , and his interest in the cause of Freemasonry . The proceedings ofthe evening were enlivened with song and sentiment , ancl after spending an agreeable evening in the greatest harmony the brethren separated . SPILSHY . —Shakespeare Lodge , No . 426 . —The annual
installation meeting of this lodge was held in the lodgeroom , Town Hall , Spilsby , on Thursday , the fth inst . The ceremony of installing Bro . P . Newbould , S . W . and W . M .-elect , was most impressively performed by Bro . E . Rainey , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; after which the newly installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers , as follows : — Bros . C . Starmer , I . P . M . ; Ii . Mackinder , S . W . ; Ed .
Walker , J . W . ; T . Thimbleby , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Rainey , P . M ., Sec . ; Gay , S . D . ; T . W . Thimbleby , J . D . ; Ed . Cash , I . G . ; G . Smith , P . M ., Steward ; C . Starmer , O . ; li . Wright , P . M ., Almoner ; and G . Badley , Tyler . An excellent banquet followed , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to ; the Tyler ' s toast , at an early hour , concluding a very enjoyable evening .
HOLYHEAD . —Hibcrnia Lodge , No . 597 . —The anniversary and installation meeting of this flourishing and rapidly-increasing lodge was held on Monday , 2 nd inst ., when the following brethren were present : —J . Peters , W . M . ; E . P . Mellor , I . P . M . ; W . Riva , S . W . ; J . Ll . Griffith , J . W . ; S . S . Wilkes , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chaplain ; Wm . Lewis , S . D . ; John Ellis , J . D . ;
O . R . Ellis , Organist ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; Evan Evens , Robert Evens , H . W . Glasier , E . J . Cann , Dr . Owen Williams , Joseph Jones , J . Lloyd , Capt George Lewis , Samuel Clark , John Devonald , W . H . Smith , Rd . Williams , George Gould , Dr . J . Roberts ; visitors , Bros . the Rev . R . H . Williams ( 1113 ) and Wm . Owen ( 126 4 ) . The lodge was opened in due form , previous minutes were
read and confirmed , and Bro . the Rev . R . H . Williams , P . M . 1113 , was unanimously elected a joining member . The brother chosen to fill the office of W . M . for the ensuing year was J . Peters , who has during the past year presided over this lodge in a most able , worthy , and successful manner . It was consequently the prevailing wish of thc brethren ( as shown by thc result of a ballot
at the previous meeting ) that he should be re-installed . Bro . Mellor , I . P . M ., was called to thc chair as Installing Master , the necessary formalities were proceeded with , and the installation was completed according to ancient usage . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . J . Ll . Griffith , S . W . ; W . Lewis , J . W . ; J . Ellis , S . D . ; Dr . O . Williams , J . D . ; J . Lloyd ,
I . G . ; S . Hughes , Tyler ; S . S . Wilkes , Sec . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chaplain ; and O . R . Ellis , Organist . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a capital banquet , prepared by Bro . W . II . Smith , of the Marine Hotel , where the lodge is held . After the table was cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank
with enthusiasm ; a few of the brethren responded , their speeches being eminently and truly Masonic j and several soul-inspiring songs were sung . Altogether , thc whole affair proved quite a success , and the brethren after having thoroughly enjoyed themselves parted in perfect peace and harmony .
ALDEDUROII . — A / air Lodge , N . 936 . —The usual monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 61 I 1 inst . The lodge was opened in due form , anil the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . G . Harper , Fairfield House , Saxmundham , who had been duly reelected to the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , was proclaimed and saluted in due and ancient form . The
W . M . then appointed and invested as his officers : Bros . James , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Hayward , Sec ; Carr , S . D . ; Moore , J . D . ; Newman , I . G . ; Roper , Tyler . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Banning , Fletcher , Baker ( 525 ) , and a goodly muster of the brethren of the lodge . The banquet was served by Bro . Moore , who had spared no elforts to ensure the
comforts of the brethren . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Newson Garrett , P . M ., proposed " The Health ofthe W . M ., " and the W . M , in reply , expressed thc great pleasure it gave him to see that his efforts to promote the interests of the Craft in general , and of this lodge in particular , were so duly appreciated by the brethren , lie earnestly advocated that all who accepted office should , as far as they were able , make themselves perfect in the duties . —Tho