Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Officers of the lodge duly responded to their several healths , and Bro . J . S . Banning to that ofthe visitors . — Bro . Newson Garrett made a touching allusion in the course of the evening to the severe affliction sustained by Bro . Rendle in the loss ofhis son . The harmony of the evening was much enhanced by songs and recitations , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a most pleasant and satisfactory
meeting to a close . ULVERSTON . —Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held 011 the 27 th ult . at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and to instal the W . M .-elect . The lodge was opened in due form by tli ? . W . M ., Bro . Case , supported by his officers .
The minutes of last communication were read and confirmed . Bro . Moore , M . D ., F . L . S ., P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . of Works , having kindly consented to act as Installing Officer , then took the chair , ancl Bro . Case , W . M ., presented Bro . Dodgson , the W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of installation , -which ceremony was performed in Bro . Moore ' s usual eloquent and impressive
style . Bro . Dodgson then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . John Case , I . P . M . ; J . PI . Matthews , S . W . ; Robert James , J . W . ; Henry Crook , Treas . ; W . Harrison , Sec ; T . Roper , P . M ., D . C ; G . Brocklebank , S . D . ; R . Casson , J . D . ; F . J . Black-lock , SS . ; T . Mashiter , J . S . ; Jas . Postlethwaite , I . G . ; J . Robinson , O . G . The offices of Chaplain and Organist were
left open . The lodge was duly closed , and the brethren to the number of fifty , and the following visitors : Bros . J . Daniel Moore , T . Wylie , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Dodd , W . M . 1074 , Prov . G . S . B . C . and W . ; W . James , S . W . 1074 , > ' ° v- G . Steward ; H . Cook , P . M . 1021 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; Geo . Cornfield , P . M . 1225 ; adjourned to thc house of Bro . Smith , Sun Hotel , where a most
sumptuous banquet had beet provided , and to which the brethren did ample justice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , thc proceedings being greatly enlivened by the lady friends of the worthy Past Organist , Bro . Casson . CHESHIRE . —Stamford Lodge , No . 1 045 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Town
Hall , Altrincham , on thc 2 nd inst . 'Ihe lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer by Bro . Capt . Hardy , W . M ., assisted by Bros . James . Sudren , I . P . M . ; James A . Birch , P . M . and P . G . S . D . Cheshire ; Siddeley , as S . W . ; T . II . Kirk , J . W ; R . Hcathcott , P . M ., Treas . ; Richard Newhonse , P . M ., Sec ; John Siddeley , S . D . ; T . Kenyon , J . D . ; Ii . Ferguson , I . G . ; I . Worthington ,
Tyler ; and about 30 other brethren . Visitors : Bros , thc Rev . E . Dakin Garven , W . M . 75 S , P . G . C . Cheshire ; Samuel Lamb , 152 , Manchester ; John Beresford , P . M . 104 , Stockport ; J . Cavanagh and T . Evans , 317 ; J . Sly , 152 ; Wm . Sykes , W . M . 104 ; J . Stcen , 758 ; J . M . Bentley , Wm . Laxton , W . M . 317 . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed , and ballots were
taken for Messrs . J . Woolf , Rev . R . Hodgson , and J . Fcrri , as joining members , which proved unanimous , and Mr . J . Woolf , being in attendance , was regulary initiated by Bro . Jas . Sudren , I . P . M . Thc working tools were given by Br . Kirk , J . W . ; Bro . Kenyon , J . D ., delivered the charge , Bro . Ralph Weston , P . M ., then tookthc chair ,
and raised Bro . T . Kent to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . J . Stcen , 75 S , was proposed as a joining brother . Hearty good wishes were expressed from several visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren partook of a sumptuous supper , provided by Bro . Harvey , Unicorn Hotel , Altrincham .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Hope , No . 206 . —This ancient chapter was held on Thursday , the 12 th instant , at thc Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . Comp . J . Haslcr ,
M . E . Z ., assisted by his officers , opened thc chapter . As all the officers were rc-clccted , they were rc-installcd and re-appointed . The alteration proposed in a by-law was made , and the chapter was clcscil , banquet following . Visitor : Bro . E . Shalless , 73 .
PROVINCIAL . MANCHESTER . —A ' ecti / ude Chapter , A o . 581 . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on the 27 th ultimo , at thc Corporation Hotel , Ardwick . The chapter was opened in ancient ancl solemn form by Comps . Thos . Tyers , Z . ; Bridge , II . ; ancl Dob on , P . Z ., acting as J , assisted by Comps . Hardon , E . ; P ilehardN . ; Wayne ,
, P . S ,, after which thc minutes were read and confirmed , when thc ballot was taken for six c mipanions , and eight brethren for exaltation , and declare I unanimous in their favour . The isl Principal then requested that worthy and distinguished Mason , Comp . William Abbey , P . Z . No . 993 , Alexandra Chapter , l . evinshulme , and thc present Z . of the Chapter of Prosperity , No . 290 ,
Iluddcrsfield , to take the chair of Z ., and perform t / ie ceremonies of exalting Bros . J . T . lik ' . urdson ( No . 581 ) , Julius Arensberg ( n 6 j ) , and James Robinson ( 11 O 1 ) , which he did in his usual able and masterly style . A conclave of 3 rd Principals was formed , when Comp . Abbey installed Comp . Pritchard into thc chair of J . in a most impressive manner . Thc conclave was then closed , and after some minor business was transacted , it was
intimated to the companions that a very prosperous year was apparently in store for ( hem , when the chapter was closed in solemn form , and the companions retired to a most recherche banquet provided by Comp . Lee ( although some few of thc companions considered the dishes were even more numerous than necessary ) , and after carefully providing for the inner man , a most pleasant evening was spent . NI . W MAI . TON . — King Edwin Chapter , No . 660 . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall
Royal Arch.
in this town ' , on Monday , the 9 th instant , and was opened by M . E . Comp . J . Staniland , Z . ; Marshall , H . ; and S . Walker , J . ( in thc presence of Comps . Major Smyth , P . Z ., P . G . M . Lincolnshire ; James Frederick Spurr , P . Z . ; and T . W . Woodall , P . Z . 200 , who proceeded to the
installation of the Principals-elect for the ensuing yeari . e ., Comps . Bond , J . ; S . Walker , H . ; and Marshall , Z . Comps . Copperthwaite , Preston , Ward , Rose , Snarry , ancl Wandby were also present at the chapter , which was duly closed at 6 o ' clock , after which the companions dined at the Talbot Hotel .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . St . Marie's Lodge , No . 1 . —This old lodge held a regular meeting al : the Masons' HaU Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , on thc 2 nd inst ., but was not so well attended as usual , owing to thc Siberian severity of the weather . Bro . I- G . Marsh , P . G . L Wks ., the W . M .,
presided , ancl was supported by Bros- Rev . W . B . Church . G . C ., S . W . ; T . Cubitt , J . W . ; H . C . Levander , P . G . D . C , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec ; S . C . Davidson , S . O . ; W . Dodd , J . D . ; T . B . Yeoman , I . G . ; ancl other members . Ballots were taken for several joining members , of whom Bros . J . Boyd and T . J . Barnes were present , after which Bros . W . B . Heath , P . M ., ancl A .
B . Donnithorne were advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The lodge having been closed , thc brethren adjourned to supper , and a very agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present . Samson aud Lion Mark Lodge , A o- 86 , and Dove Ark Mariners' Lodge , No . 4 . —At the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., the Dove Ark Mariners '
Lodge was opened , when five candidates were admitted . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , N ., presided , and the ceremony was worked by Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , assisted by Bro . M . Edwards . The ballot for N . for the ensuing year resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . T . Abrahams , and Bro . A . D . Loewenstark was unanimously elected Treas . The subscription was fixed at 8 shillings a year for the
present , to enable Mark Master Masons to join an Ark Lodge irrespective of banquets , thc sum fixed being to cover the expense of working thc lodge only . Thc other ofiicers present were Bros . J . L . Rosenthal , J . D ., ancl E . Hart , G . O ., Organist . " The Samson ancl Lion Lodge of Mark Masters was held in the same room . Bro . A " . D . Loewenstark , P . G . T . G ., W . M ., opened thc lodge ,
supported by Bros . T . Abrahams , S . W . ; S . Pollit / erJ . W . ; M . A . Loewenstark , P . G . S ., P . M ., Sec ; W . Littaur , M . O . ; J . Rosenthal , S . O . ; J . Emmanuel , S . D . ; R . Boncey , P . M . ; Abberdoeiffer , and others . The minutes of lhc last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The ballots were unanimous in favour of all the candidates , and Bro . J . K . Tippett , S . D . 169 , being in attendance , was , in an
admirable manner , advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason . The beauties of thc ceremonies were enhanced by the musical accompaniments introduced on this occasion by Bro . J . Stevens , G . J . ., assisted by Bro . Hart , Organist . Bro . T . Abrahams was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , Treasurer , and Bro . W . J . Laing was re-elected
Tyler . Bro . T . Abrahams in an able speech proposed , and Bro , Ii . Boncey seconded , and it was carried unanimously , " That three guineas be given from ( he lodge funds towards purchasing a P . M . 's jewel ( thc remainder to be added by private subscriptions ) , and the same to be presented to Bro . A . D . Loewenstark as a slight
recognition ofhis valuable services , rendered lo the lodge during his year of office . " With the usual formal ceremonies the lodge was closed . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday , February 1 st . Visitors : T . Stevens , G . J . O ., W . M . 104 ; F . Walters , P . G . I . G ., P . M . 22 , P . M . 86 , 1 ; M , Edwards , W . M . 11 S ; T . J . II . Wilkins ancl J . Howes , 22 . Refreshment followed labour .
Orders Of Chivalry.
METROPOLITAN . I'lantagenct Conclave , A o . 2 . An assembly of this conclave was held at thc Caledonian Hotel , Adclphi-terracc , Strand , on Monflay , thc 9 th inst . Thc M . P . S ., Sir Kt . D . li . Still , was at his post , supported by Sir Kts . J .
Lewis Thomas , as V . ; G . S . States , S . G . ; 1 . Cubitt , G . H ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , G . A . Rec . ; J . Last , S . B . ; J . Gilbert , S . ; also by Sir Kts . J . Boyd , J . Brett , R . Wentworth Little , G . R ., P . Sov . ; E . H . Thicllav , C . A . Long , C . Hamnicrton , Dr . C . Parker Ward , If . Dicketts , G . Chubb , T . Hull , & c .
The conclave having been duly opened , ballots were taken for a number of candidates , and tlic following being in attendance , were then regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed Knights of the Order : Bros . John Kirk , W . M . 1328 , S . W . 142 ; J . B . itstone , S . W . 1328 , J . W . 142
Major C . Sendcy , J . W . 1328 ; Major L . Hamilton Finney , 255 ; T . VV . White , Sec . 21 ; E . II . Finney , jun ' ., 478 ; D . C . M . Gordon , 255 ; G . A . Ibbetson , 231 ; F . G . Bailey , 231 ; anti J . Willing , jun ., 177 . The election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and resulted as follows : E . Sir Kt . J . L . Thomas , M . P . S . ; Sir Kts . G . S . Stales ,
V . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , . Sentinel . The conclave was then closed , and tlic knights adjourned lo the banqueting-room , under the presidency of Sir Kt . Still , where a lirst-rate banquet was served—thc viands being well cooked and the wines excellent , while tlie attention paid by the able manager , Bro . States , and his staff of assistants , to
Orders Of Chivalry.
the comfort of the brethren was so assiduous and painstaking as to elicit a special toast of warm commendation from thc chair , amid the hearty congratulations of the members present . The success already achieved by the " Caledonian " as a Masonic hostelry is , however , but a herald of the
prosperity which awaits it when the merits of the present management are more widely known and appreciated . After tbe removal of the cloth , the , M . P . S . proposed theusttal loyal and chivalric toasts , andthenintroduced "The healths of the ten Newly-Installed Companions-in-Arms , " alluding in
complimentary terms to the good qualities and Masonic services of the brethren who had joined thc Order that evening . —Sir Kt . Major Finney and other fratres acknowledged the toast , and expressed the great pleasure they had experienced throughout the whole of thc installation ceremony . —Sir Kt . Still
then rose , and said he had a most pleasing task to perform , namely , to preseeit to their esteemed friend , Past Sovereign John Boyd , a jewel of his rank in the Order , as a slight memento of the zeal and ability he had ever shown for the welfare of the Plantagenet Conclave . ( Cheers . ) Sir Kt . Boyd
had never deserted them , even when their fortunes were somewhat at a low ebb . On the contrary , he had put his shoulders to the wheel , brought in his friends , and contributed in a very great measure to the present flourishing position of No . 2 . —The toast was received with hearty fire , and the E . P .
Sovereign returned thanks in an able speech , assuring the chevaliers thathe was determined to promote , to the utmost of his power , their happiness and prosperity as a conclave . — " Thc health of the M . P . S . "followed , and was exceedingly wellreceived , and thc name of thc M . P . S .-elect , Sir Kt . Thomas ,
was also greeted with great enthusiasm , and cordially responded to by that worthy fratre . Other toasts succeeded , alternated by songs and speeches , nor were thc claims of charity forgotten , inasmuch as a collection was made for the subscription list of Bro . Sir Kt . Buss , who will represent the Red Cross Order at thc forthcoming festival of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution on thesrd February . Sir Kt . States had quite an ovation on his rising to respond for the toast before-mentioned ; and altogether the entire proceedings were ol the most pleasant , harmonious , and enjoyable character . The enthronement meeting in April is expected to be a still greater success .
PROVINCIAL . LANCASTER . —lied Hose Conclave , No . 12 . —A convocation of this conclave was held on Friday evening , the 13 th January , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . The M . P . S ., Sir Kt . J Daniel Moore , 18 ° , IU . Intcndant-Gcneral for the Division of North Lancashire , presided ,
supported by the E . Sir Kts . T . Mason , V . E . ; Bagnall , S . G . ; Barker , J . G . ; Hall , Prefect ; Dean , Herald ; Taylor , Sentinel ; & c The conclave was opened in due form , the minutes were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . Bros , lohn Dickenson and John
Tilley , ofthe Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , were balloted for and unanimously elected , and being in attendance , were regularly installed and proclaimed as knights of the Order . The historical oration of the Order was delivered by thc M . P . S , and thc conclave closed indue form .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —Thc Enthronement Meeting of this encampment was held on lhc 131 I 1 inst . at Freemasons' Tavern . Sir Knt . F . Binckes , P . E . C ., was in the chair , and ably installed Comps . G . . V . Brown and Capt . J . Bertrand Payne as KK . T ., after which he enthroned Sir Km . W . Stone as E . C . for the ensuing year . Sir Knts . S .
Rosenthal and D . M . Dewar were appointed Captains ; li . W . Stewart , Expert ; W . Paas , P . E . G ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . ICC , Reg . ; W . Roebuck , S . B . ; the other offices being filled by Sir Knts . E . Baxter , F . II . Ebsworth , C . j . Morgan , ancl J . Hervey . The report of the Audit Committee showed that the funds were in a very healthy condition , and there is every probability of . 1 continuance of thc great success which has hitherto
attended the career of this old encampment . After the active labours of thc encampment , the knights adjourned to the banqucting-room , and discussed a dinner which was by no means as good as it ought to have been , considering the liberal price paid by the encampment . Among the knights present , besides those named , were Capt . N , G . Phillips , P . G . C . Suffolk ; J . M . P . Montagu , P . 1 st G . C . ; Major E . II . Finney , j . Stohwasscr , P . E . C . jand R . Wentworth Little .
SCARBOROUGH . —Geoffrey de Bouillon Encampment . — This encampment met on Friday , the 30 th December , in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street . Thc following Sir Knights were present : W . F , Rooke , P . E . C ., as E . C , ; J W . Woodall , P . E . C . ; II . W . Ganictt , 1 st Capt . ; S . II . Arrnitage , 2 nd Capl . ; II . C . Martin , Reg . ; J . A . Chapman , Capt . of Lines ; W . ' 1 ' . Farthing , E C .-elect ; J . F . Spurr , Expert ; and J . Verity , Equerry . The
encampment was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Sir Kt . VV . T . Farthing was installed V .. C . I for vhc ensuing year , after which he appointed Sir Kt . ! Armitage , 1 st Capt . ; Mat-wood , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Reg . ; Spurr , Expert ; Rev . II . Diane . 1 ' relate ; Chapman , Capt . of Lines ; and Verily , Equerry . The encampment was now closed , and the Sir Knights , with a few I friends , partook of one of Sir K . t . Oiv . unp . vu ' s e . ^ e ' ilcnl banquets , aud parted in love and harmony .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Officers of the lodge duly responded to their several healths , and Bro . J . S . Banning to that ofthe visitors . — Bro . Newson Garrett made a touching allusion in the course of the evening to the severe affliction sustained by Bro . Rendle in the loss ofhis son . The harmony of the evening was much enhanced by songs and recitations , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a most pleasant and satisfactory
meeting to a close . ULVERSTON . —Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held 011 the 27 th ult . at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and to instal the W . M .-elect . The lodge was opened in due form by tli ? . W . M ., Bro . Case , supported by his officers .
The minutes of last communication were read and confirmed . Bro . Moore , M . D ., F . L . S ., P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . of Works , having kindly consented to act as Installing Officer , then took the chair , ancl Bro . Case , W . M ., presented Bro . Dodgson , the W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of installation , -which ceremony was performed in Bro . Moore ' s usual eloquent and impressive
style . Bro . Dodgson then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . John Case , I . P . M . ; J . PI . Matthews , S . W . ; Robert James , J . W . ; Henry Crook , Treas . ; W . Harrison , Sec ; T . Roper , P . M ., D . C ; G . Brocklebank , S . D . ; R . Casson , J . D . ; F . J . Black-lock , SS . ; T . Mashiter , J . S . ; Jas . Postlethwaite , I . G . ; J . Robinson , O . G . The offices of Chaplain and Organist were
left open . The lodge was duly closed , and the brethren to the number of fifty , and the following visitors : Bros . J . Daniel Moore , T . Wylie , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Dodd , W . M . 1074 , Prov . G . S . B . C . and W . ; W . James , S . W . 1074 , > ' ° v- G . Steward ; H . Cook , P . M . 1021 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; Geo . Cornfield , P . M . 1225 ; adjourned to thc house of Bro . Smith , Sun Hotel , where a most
sumptuous banquet had beet provided , and to which the brethren did ample justice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , thc proceedings being greatly enlivened by the lady friends of the worthy Past Organist , Bro . Casson . CHESHIRE . —Stamford Lodge , No . 1 045 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Town
Hall , Altrincham , on thc 2 nd inst . 'Ihe lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer by Bro . Capt . Hardy , W . M ., assisted by Bros . James . Sudren , I . P . M . ; James A . Birch , P . M . and P . G . S . D . Cheshire ; Siddeley , as S . W . ; T . II . Kirk , J . W ; R . Hcathcott , P . M ., Treas . ; Richard Newhonse , P . M ., Sec ; John Siddeley , S . D . ; T . Kenyon , J . D . ; Ii . Ferguson , I . G . ; I . Worthington ,
Tyler ; and about 30 other brethren . Visitors : Bros , thc Rev . E . Dakin Garven , W . M . 75 S , P . G . C . Cheshire ; Samuel Lamb , 152 , Manchester ; John Beresford , P . M . 104 , Stockport ; J . Cavanagh and T . Evans , 317 ; J . Sly , 152 ; Wm . Sykes , W . M . 104 ; J . Stcen , 758 ; J . M . Bentley , Wm . Laxton , W . M . 317 . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed , and ballots were
taken for Messrs . J . Woolf , Rev . R . Hodgson , and J . Fcrri , as joining members , which proved unanimous , and Mr . J . Woolf , being in attendance , was regulary initiated by Bro . Jas . Sudren , I . P . M . Thc working tools were given by Br . Kirk , J . W . ; Bro . Kenyon , J . D ., delivered the charge , Bro . Ralph Weston , P . M ., then tookthc chair ,
and raised Bro . T . Kent to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . J . Stcen , 75 S , was proposed as a joining brother . Hearty good wishes were expressed from several visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren partook of a sumptuous supper , provided by Bro . Harvey , Unicorn Hotel , Altrincham .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Hope , No . 206 . —This ancient chapter was held on Thursday , the 12 th instant , at thc Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . Comp . J . Haslcr ,
M . E . Z ., assisted by his officers , opened thc chapter . As all the officers were rc-clccted , they were rc-installcd and re-appointed . The alteration proposed in a by-law was made , and the chapter was clcscil , banquet following . Visitor : Bro . E . Shalless , 73 .
PROVINCIAL . MANCHESTER . —A ' ecti / ude Chapter , A o . 581 . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on the 27 th ultimo , at thc Corporation Hotel , Ardwick . The chapter was opened in ancient ancl solemn form by Comps . Thos . Tyers , Z . ; Bridge , II . ; ancl Dob on , P . Z ., acting as J , assisted by Comps . Hardon , E . ; P ilehardN . ; Wayne ,
, P . S ,, after which thc minutes were read and confirmed , when thc ballot was taken for six c mipanions , and eight brethren for exaltation , and declare I unanimous in their favour . The isl Principal then requested that worthy and distinguished Mason , Comp . William Abbey , P . Z . No . 993 , Alexandra Chapter , l . evinshulme , and thc present Z . of the Chapter of Prosperity , No . 290 ,
Iluddcrsfield , to take the chair of Z ., and perform t / ie ceremonies of exalting Bros . J . T . lik ' . urdson ( No . 581 ) , Julius Arensberg ( n 6 j ) , and James Robinson ( 11 O 1 ) , which he did in his usual able and masterly style . A conclave of 3 rd Principals was formed , when Comp . Abbey installed Comp . Pritchard into thc chair of J . in a most impressive manner . Thc conclave was then closed , and after some minor business was transacted , it was
intimated to the companions that a very prosperous year was apparently in store for ( hem , when the chapter was closed in solemn form , and the companions retired to a most recherche banquet provided by Comp . Lee ( although some few of thc companions considered the dishes were even more numerous than necessary ) , and after carefully providing for the inner man , a most pleasant evening was spent . NI . W MAI . TON . — King Edwin Chapter , No . 660 . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall
Royal Arch.
in this town ' , on Monday , the 9 th instant , and was opened by M . E . Comp . J . Staniland , Z . ; Marshall , H . ; and S . Walker , J . ( in thc presence of Comps . Major Smyth , P . Z ., P . G . M . Lincolnshire ; James Frederick Spurr , P . Z . ; and T . W . Woodall , P . Z . 200 , who proceeded to the
installation of the Principals-elect for the ensuing yeari . e ., Comps . Bond , J . ; S . Walker , H . ; and Marshall , Z . Comps . Copperthwaite , Preston , Ward , Rose , Snarry , ancl Wandby were also present at the chapter , which was duly closed at 6 o ' clock , after which the companions dined at the Talbot Hotel .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . St . Marie's Lodge , No . 1 . —This old lodge held a regular meeting al : the Masons' HaU Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , on thc 2 nd inst ., but was not so well attended as usual , owing to thc Siberian severity of the weather . Bro . I- G . Marsh , P . G . L Wks ., the W . M .,
presided , ancl was supported by Bros- Rev . W . B . Church . G . C ., S . W . ; T . Cubitt , J . W . ; H . C . Levander , P . G . D . C , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec ; S . C . Davidson , S . O . ; W . Dodd , J . D . ; T . B . Yeoman , I . G . ; ancl other members . Ballots were taken for several joining members , of whom Bros . J . Boyd and T . J . Barnes were present , after which Bros . W . B . Heath , P . M ., ancl A .
B . Donnithorne were advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The lodge having been closed , thc brethren adjourned to supper , and a very agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present . Samson aud Lion Mark Lodge , A o- 86 , and Dove Ark Mariners' Lodge , No . 4 . —At the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., the Dove Ark Mariners '
Lodge was opened , when five candidates were admitted . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , N ., presided , and the ceremony was worked by Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , assisted by Bro . M . Edwards . The ballot for N . for the ensuing year resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . T . Abrahams , and Bro . A . D . Loewenstark was unanimously elected Treas . The subscription was fixed at 8 shillings a year for the
present , to enable Mark Master Masons to join an Ark Lodge irrespective of banquets , thc sum fixed being to cover the expense of working thc lodge only . Thc other ofiicers present were Bros . J . L . Rosenthal , J . D ., ancl E . Hart , G . O ., Organist . " The Samson ancl Lion Lodge of Mark Masters was held in the same room . Bro . A " . D . Loewenstark , P . G . T . G ., W . M ., opened thc lodge ,
supported by Bros . T . Abrahams , S . W . ; S . Pollit / erJ . W . ; M . A . Loewenstark , P . G . S ., P . M ., Sec ; W . Littaur , M . O . ; J . Rosenthal , S . O . ; J . Emmanuel , S . D . ; R . Boncey , P . M . ; Abberdoeiffer , and others . The minutes of lhc last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The ballots were unanimous in favour of all the candidates , and Bro . J . K . Tippett , S . D . 169 , being in attendance , was , in an
admirable manner , advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason . The beauties of thc ceremonies were enhanced by the musical accompaniments introduced on this occasion by Bro . J . Stevens , G . J . ., assisted by Bro . Hart , Organist . Bro . T . Abrahams was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , Treasurer , and Bro . W . J . Laing was re-elected
Tyler . Bro . T . Abrahams in an able speech proposed , and Bro , Ii . Boncey seconded , and it was carried unanimously , " That three guineas be given from ( he lodge funds towards purchasing a P . M . 's jewel ( thc remainder to be added by private subscriptions ) , and the same to be presented to Bro . A . D . Loewenstark as a slight
recognition ofhis valuable services , rendered lo the lodge during his year of office . " With the usual formal ceremonies the lodge was closed . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday , February 1 st . Visitors : T . Stevens , G . J . O ., W . M . 104 ; F . Walters , P . G . I . G ., P . M . 22 , P . M . 86 , 1 ; M , Edwards , W . M . 11 S ; T . J . II . Wilkins ancl J . Howes , 22 . Refreshment followed labour .
Orders Of Chivalry.
METROPOLITAN . I'lantagenct Conclave , A o . 2 . An assembly of this conclave was held at thc Caledonian Hotel , Adclphi-terracc , Strand , on Monflay , thc 9 th inst . Thc M . P . S ., Sir Kt . D . li . Still , was at his post , supported by Sir Kts . J .
Lewis Thomas , as V . ; G . S . States , S . G . ; 1 . Cubitt , G . H ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , G . A . Rec . ; J . Last , S . B . ; J . Gilbert , S . ; also by Sir Kts . J . Boyd , J . Brett , R . Wentworth Little , G . R ., P . Sov . ; E . H . Thicllav , C . A . Long , C . Hamnicrton , Dr . C . Parker Ward , If . Dicketts , G . Chubb , T . Hull , & c .
The conclave having been duly opened , ballots were taken for a number of candidates , and tlic following being in attendance , were then regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed Knights of the Order : Bros . John Kirk , W . M . 1328 , S . W . 142 ; J . B . itstone , S . W . 1328 , J . W . 142
Major C . Sendcy , J . W . 1328 ; Major L . Hamilton Finney , 255 ; T . VV . White , Sec . 21 ; E . II . Finney , jun ' ., 478 ; D . C . M . Gordon , 255 ; G . A . Ibbetson , 231 ; F . G . Bailey , 231 ; anti J . Willing , jun ., 177 . The election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and resulted as follows : E . Sir Kt . J . L . Thomas , M . P . S . ; Sir Kts . G . S . Stales ,
V . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , . Sentinel . The conclave was then closed , and tlic knights adjourned lo the banqueting-room , under the presidency of Sir Kt . Still , where a lirst-rate banquet was served—thc viands being well cooked and the wines excellent , while tlie attention paid by the able manager , Bro . States , and his staff of assistants , to
Orders Of Chivalry.
the comfort of the brethren was so assiduous and painstaking as to elicit a special toast of warm commendation from thc chair , amid the hearty congratulations of the members present . The success already achieved by the " Caledonian " as a Masonic hostelry is , however , but a herald of the
prosperity which awaits it when the merits of the present management are more widely known and appreciated . After tbe removal of the cloth , the , M . P . S . proposed theusttal loyal and chivalric toasts , andthenintroduced "The healths of the ten Newly-Installed Companions-in-Arms , " alluding in
complimentary terms to the good qualities and Masonic services of the brethren who had joined thc Order that evening . —Sir Kt . Major Finney and other fratres acknowledged the toast , and expressed the great pleasure they had experienced throughout the whole of thc installation ceremony . —Sir Kt . Still
then rose , and said he had a most pleasing task to perform , namely , to preseeit to their esteemed friend , Past Sovereign John Boyd , a jewel of his rank in the Order , as a slight memento of the zeal and ability he had ever shown for the welfare of the Plantagenet Conclave . ( Cheers . ) Sir Kt . Boyd
had never deserted them , even when their fortunes were somewhat at a low ebb . On the contrary , he had put his shoulders to the wheel , brought in his friends , and contributed in a very great measure to the present flourishing position of No . 2 . —The toast was received with hearty fire , and the E . P .
Sovereign returned thanks in an able speech , assuring the chevaliers thathe was determined to promote , to the utmost of his power , their happiness and prosperity as a conclave . — " Thc health of the M . P . S . "followed , and was exceedingly wellreceived , and thc name of thc M . P . S .-elect , Sir Kt . Thomas ,
was also greeted with great enthusiasm , and cordially responded to by that worthy fratre . Other toasts succeeded , alternated by songs and speeches , nor were thc claims of charity forgotten , inasmuch as a collection was made for the subscription list of Bro . Sir Kt . Buss , who will represent the Red Cross Order at thc forthcoming festival of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution on thesrd February . Sir Kt . States had quite an ovation on his rising to respond for the toast before-mentioned ; and altogether the entire proceedings were ol the most pleasant , harmonious , and enjoyable character . The enthronement meeting in April is expected to be a still greater success .
PROVINCIAL . LANCASTER . —lied Hose Conclave , No . 12 . —A convocation of this conclave was held on Friday evening , the 13 th January , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . The M . P . S ., Sir Kt . J Daniel Moore , 18 ° , IU . Intcndant-Gcneral for the Division of North Lancashire , presided ,
supported by the E . Sir Kts . T . Mason , V . E . ; Bagnall , S . G . ; Barker , J . G . ; Hall , Prefect ; Dean , Herald ; Taylor , Sentinel ; & c The conclave was opened in due form , the minutes were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . Bros , lohn Dickenson and John
Tilley , ofthe Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , were balloted for and unanimously elected , and being in attendance , were regularly installed and proclaimed as knights of the Order . The historical oration of the Order was delivered by thc M . P . S , and thc conclave closed indue form .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —Thc Enthronement Meeting of this encampment was held on lhc 131 I 1 inst . at Freemasons' Tavern . Sir Knt . F . Binckes , P . E . C ., was in the chair , and ably installed Comps . G . . V . Brown and Capt . J . Bertrand Payne as KK . T ., after which he enthroned Sir Km . W . Stone as E . C . for the ensuing year . Sir Knts . S .
Rosenthal and D . M . Dewar were appointed Captains ; li . W . Stewart , Expert ; W . Paas , P . E . G ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . ICC , Reg . ; W . Roebuck , S . B . ; the other offices being filled by Sir Knts . E . Baxter , F . II . Ebsworth , C . j . Morgan , ancl J . Hervey . The report of the Audit Committee showed that the funds were in a very healthy condition , and there is every probability of . 1 continuance of thc great success which has hitherto
attended the career of this old encampment . After the active labours of thc encampment , the knights adjourned to the banqucting-room , and discussed a dinner which was by no means as good as it ought to have been , considering the liberal price paid by the encampment . Among the knights present , besides those named , were Capt . N , G . Phillips , P . G . C . Suffolk ; J . M . P . Montagu , P . 1 st G . C . ; Major E . II . Finney , j . Stohwasscr , P . E . C . jand R . Wentworth Little .
SCARBOROUGH . —Geoffrey de Bouillon Encampment . — This encampment met on Friday , the 30 th December , in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street . Thc following Sir Knights were present : W . F , Rooke , P . E . C ., as E . C , ; J W . Woodall , P . E . C . ; II . W . Ganictt , 1 st Capt . ; S . II . Arrnitage , 2 nd Capl . ; II . C . Martin , Reg . ; J . A . Chapman , Capt . of Lines ; W . ' 1 ' . Farthing , E C .-elect ; J . F . Spurr , Expert ; and J . Verity , Equerry . The
encampment was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Sir Kt . VV . T . Farthing was installed V .. C . I for vhc ensuing year , after which he appointed Sir Kt . ! Armitage , 1 st Capt . ; Mat-wood , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Reg . ; Spurr , Expert ; Rev . II . Diane . 1 ' relate ; Chapman , Capt . of Lines ; and Verily , Equerry . The encampment was now closed , and the Sir Knights , with a few I friends , partook of one of Sir K . t . Oiv . unp . vu ' s e . ^ e ' ilcnl banquets , aud parted in love and harmony .