Article Multum in parbo,or Masonic notes and Queries . ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF MISRAIM. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC ORDER OF MIZRAIM. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo,Or Masonic Notes And Queries .
criticising the honest endeavours of those who do not think as he does , and who are content to contribute their humble share of information without desiring to appear clever at the expense of others . Bro . Buchan has led the discussion of this
theory . I , perhaps , have spoken strongly upon it ; but I am certain that Bro . Buchan will join with me in regretting that any member of the Craft who thinks with either of us should consider it desirable to publish an article intended
to disparage the communications of the other , without contributing a single atom to the cause he affects , but does not serve . This is my final communication as a participant in tbe controversy . LUPUS .
THE ALNWICKE RECORDS AND MASONS' APRONS . I observe that Bro . Hughan , at page 25 , considers the Alnwicke Lodge " an operative one . " However , at present we must thank Bro .
Hughan for supplying the blanks left out by Bro . "E . T . T . " at page 578 . Only in connection with this subject the following extracts may be useful—they are from the " Aberdeen Burgh Records : "—
" 1 st February , 14 S 4 r The first dai of Februar , the yer of God mccclxxxiiij , it is ordainit and decretit be the alderman and counsale , that the talyeours and al utheris craftismen within thc town , sal in tyme to cum , beyr thare takynis of tharc craft apon thare beristis , and thare best aray on
Canddilmes day at the Offerand ; and quha that contervinis , and dois nocht , sal tyne thare fredum for a yer . " " 23 rd January , 1496 : The saide day , it was statat and ordainit be the alderman , bailyeis , and consale , for the honor and defenss of the tone , that
everie craftismen within this burghc sale ger mak arte standavt for thar craft . " In 1554 we find it "decernit" that thc smiths have , as before , the post of honour next the Sacrament , " and thc said wrychtis , masouns , cowperis , and sklaiteris to proccid togidder befoir thanie" in
thc approaching procession upon Corpus Christ ! day . " 22 nd November , 1498 : The said day , Mathow Wricht oblist him be his hand uphaldin to mak gude seruice in thc luge and retenche to the bigin and furnysing of the qucyr , at the command and
sicht ofthe alderman , consal , and thc master ofthe kirkwerk , " & c . " Thc said day , Nichol Masone and Dauid Wricht oblist them be the fathis of thar bodiis , the gret aithc sworne , to rcmanc at Saint Nicholes wcrk , " & c .
In 1530 the haul toun maks oath be thair hand uphaldin in jugment , the haly crocc tuichit cuery man be himself to obseruc ancl keip all and sindric the ponts and artikillcs forsaid , " & c . ; " and hereto bund and oblcist thaimbc the ftithis in tliairbodiis , " & c . ; " to underly thc panes containit in thc said
statut , " & c . "And , attour , thc said toun , cucrilk man be himself , fre and unfrc , lies maid faytht , the gret aith suorne in ingement , neur to rcuclc , " & c . After a burgess or gild-brother in the fifteenth century had taken thc oath , " he ought to kiss the provost and thc brethren , if he be a brother of the gild . "
Then , in a charter of King Robert II ,, A . D . 1373 I we read : "The same Holy Gospels by each of them touched , swore their bodily oath , & c , and each raising his hand alter thc manner of faith-giving , in tokcnoftheunivers . il consent of the whole clergy and people , publicly
expressed and declared their consent and assent . " And , lastly , in this week ' s newspaper I read : — " Cutious Will of an old City Worthy . —On New Year ' s Day a sermon is preached by thc rector of theunitcd parishes of St . Magnus ( London-bridge ) , St . Margaret ( New Fish-street ) , and St . Michael ( Crooked-lane ) , in conformity with thc will of Mr .
Henry Cloker , a late member of the Grocer's Company . The will is dated 1573 , and contains some singular clauses , one of which being thatthe Master , the Wardens , and Court of Assistants of the Cooper's Company shall attend Divine service , and a sermon preached on New Year ' s Day in thc afternoon for evetr . " W . P . BUCHAN .
BREAKFAST . — EPPS ' S COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . — The very agreeable character of this preparation has tendered il a general favourite . Thc Civil Service ( in-ette remark--: ~ " B y a thorough knowledge o ( _ thc natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , ancl hy a careful application of thc line properties ofwcllse ' ected cocoa , ' Mr . Kpps ha ; provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Jlavoiired hevcra ^ c which may save us many heavy doctors'bills . " Kacb packet islabelled - J . A . MJ S KITS AND CO ., Homoeopathic Chemist-, , Loudon , Al-.--, maker ., of Epps ' s Cacaoiuc , a very lifjht , thin , evening beverage . —[ Advt . J
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The regular meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday , the 18 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . Clabon , President , in the chair . Bros . J . Nunn , S . V . P ., and James Brett , J . . P ., C . C . Dumas , J . Hervey , Joseph Smith , N . Bradford , T . Coutts , J . Williams , F . Walters , H .
Garrod , J . W . Halsey , C . J . Hogg , R . Wentworth Little , H . G . Buss , W . Mann , S . Rosenthal , S . May , A . Pratt , C . A . Cottebrune , E . Smith , J . Stevens , J . Turner , Hemsworth , ancl several other brethren were also present . The laws of the Benevolent Fund were read , and grants passed at the previous meeting confirmed .
Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., agreeably with noti ce of motion given at last meeting , proposed that a respectful memorial be sent to the M . W . G . M . requesting his sanction to the hour of meeting being changed from seven to six o ' clock p . m ., which being duly seconded was carried nan . con . Fourteen petitions were brought under the
consideration of the meeting , out of which number four were deferred until the next meeting , and ten were relieved , viz ., three ; £ io , five ^ 15 , one , £ 20 , and one £ , subject to some of the larger grants being confirmed at the next meeting . The total amount voted was ^ 165 , a smaller sum than lias been voted for some months past .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
The annual or obli gatory meeting of the Rosicrucians was held at Freemasons' Tavc in , Great Queen-street , on the 12 th inftant . The M . G . Frater Hubbard being unable , through illness , to attend , the M . C . was opened by Frater R . Wentworth Little , S . M ., Past M . G ., assisted by Fratres
J . Brett , D . M . G . ; Dr . Rogers Harrison , Dr . W . 11 . Woodman , J . Hervey , W . Carpenter , J . Weaver . W . F . Hambly , H . C . Levander , the Rev . W . B . ' Church , W . Ferguson , Angelo J . Lewis , George Kenning , W . Bird , J . Coutts , D . R . Still , and M . Edwards .
The minutes having been read and confirmed , the following approved Aspirants were introduced ancl admitted to tlie grade of Zelator : Bros . Major E . Hamilton Finney , E . Hamilton Finney , jun ., Sir Gilbert E . Campbell , Bart ., D . C . M . Gordon , E . H . G . Dalton , T . Burdett Yeoman , lames
Willing , F . H . Gottlieb , f . P ., and G . Chubb . The ceremony was ably worked , with thc usual musical accompaniment by Frater Jas . Weaver . Frater Brett was then installed as M . G ., Dr . Harrison as D . M . G ., the other officers being H . G . Buss , Treas .-Gen . ; Dr . Woodman , Sec-Gen . ;
W . 1 \ N . Quilty , H . C . Levander , W . B . Hambl y , Jas . Weaver , Wm . Carpenter , Rev . AY . B . Church , E . Stanton Jones , Ancients ; A . J . Lewis , Precentor ; W . J . Ferguson , C . of i \ A D . R . Still , T . B . ; T . Cubitt , Org . ; W . Bird , II . ;
Letters of apology for non-attendance from Fratres Hughan , Quilty and several others , including three or four from Aspirants , having been read , thc M . C . was closed , ancl the Fratres then sat down to their annual tYmncr , under the
presidency of R . W . Frater John 1-Iervey , who kindly undertook ihe duties of chairman , in the unavoidable absence of Col Burdett , Hon . V . P , whose health was not sufficientl y restored to allow him to attend .
A more enjoyable evening it has seldom been our good fottune to experience ; the fratres were in excellent spirits , and the chairman acquitted himself to the admiration of all . Fra . Carprrnier made one of his quaint speeches in returning thanks for the Council of Ancients , and
considerable amusement was caused b y the apparition of an approved Aspirant , Bvo . Alfred Smith , somewhat late in the evening , he having been engaged elsewhere . The chairman , however , with great courtesy and good humour not only permitted
Bro . Smith to join the fratres , but afterwards proposed his health in a speech ovcrilowing with wit ancl boii / iomtc , to which compliment Bro . Smith responded in a similarl y happy vein . Altogether , itwa . s a reunion which will long be reinembu ' ed with pleasure .
Ancient And Primitive Rite Of Misraim.
It being in contemplation to form a second sanctuary of the 33 rd degree of this philosophical rite , to be named the " Burdett , " after the highly-respected Regent of the Order , a meeting was held at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand , on the 9 th inst ., for the purpose of enrolling members . S . Bros . R . 0
Wentworth Little , 90 , G . Arch ., and Major E . Hamilton Finney , 90 ° , C . G ., were present , assisted by Bros . J . Brett , J . Boyd , J . L . Thomas , D . C . M . Gordon , 66 ° , Nominate ; D . R . Still , T . Cubitt , J . G . Marsh , E . H . Thiellay , C . Hammerton , C . Parker Ward , M . D ., G . Chubb , E . H . Finney , jun ., T . W . White , and J . Willing , jun ., 33 ° .
The following candidates were received and obligated as Levites of the sanctuary : Bros . Chas . A . Long , Herbert Dicketts , John Kirk , Fred . G . Bailey , Thos . Bull , G . Spencer States , Major Chas . Sendey , Joseph Last , John Batstone , and Geo . Aug . ibbetson .
The sanctuary was then closed , it being understood that a meeting for the election of officers , and further enrolments of brethren , would be shortly convened . As the " Bective " Sanctuary alone already comprises about 100 members , no doubt a third
sanctuary will soon be required , especially as there are hundreds of candidates waiting to take the degree , not only in London , but in various parts of the country . The Conservators-General do not , however , as we are informed , intend to
enrol more than 800 brethren during the present year , and tlie expediency of restricting the Order to a total of 999 has also been discussed , although nothing has as yet been determined upon this point .
Masonic Order Of Mizraim.
Bv MARC BEDARRIUE . INTRODUCTION . Our venerable Order was created by the Almighty in the first ages of the world . In those days our Grand Conservators hardly dared to report the plans and workings of our scientific
institution , or to endow succeeding generations with thc knowledge they acquired ; some because they wanted thc necessary documents and materials , and others because they feared to perjure themselves or tarnish the sublime mysteries which they had witnessed .
They have , however , transmitted , orally and by traditions , written in hieroglyphics , intelli gible only to the initiated , the whole of their knowledge and a complete history of our Order . Thanks , a thouaand thanks , should be rendered to the Eternal who has deigned to
preserve for us this knowledge , from which we have gathered in our long and painful life the materials necessary to complete this work . Sons of P . ancl F . Gad Bedarride descended from the ancient race of the patriarch Beda ,
Grand Master ad vitam of our Order , in the Valley of Ramessis , in the land of Gessen , in Egypt . Elevated in the principles of Mizraim by our dignified and learned father , Grand Master ad vitam .
After having been initiated in our antique ancl sublime Order , I studied for a long time the sacred languages ofthe ancient world , and then travelled with onr victorious armies over the principal part of Egypt and Europe , and afterwards over Great Britain , Palestine , and the
Islands of Greece , countries which were first peopled by the grandchildren of Noah , and afterward by various peoples , his descendants . In these travels I spent twenty-nine years of my life . After having climbed all the rounds which compose the mysterious ladder of our Order
until I arrived at the 90 , or last—after having taken all the Masonic degrees , ar . d made the acquaintance of the most enlightened . Masons of all countries , who inherit tlie great light and profound knowledge of the patriarch .- ; their fathers ; after having excavated in their archives , and after profound meditation , we have com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo,Or Masonic Notes And Queries .
criticising the honest endeavours of those who do not think as he does , and who are content to contribute their humble share of information without desiring to appear clever at the expense of others . Bro . Buchan has led the discussion of this
theory . I , perhaps , have spoken strongly upon it ; but I am certain that Bro . Buchan will join with me in regretting that any member of the Craft who thinks with either of us should consider it desirable to publish an article intended
to disparage the communications of the other , without contributing a single atom to the cause he affects , but does not serve . This is my final communication as a participant in tbe controversy . LUPUS .
THE ALNWICKE RECORDS AND MASONS' APRONS . I observe that Bro . Hughan , at page 25 , considers the Alnwicke Lodge " an operative one . " However , at present we must thank Bro .
Hughan for supplying the blanks left out by Bro . "E . T . T . " at page 578 . Only in connection with this subject the following extracts may be useful—they are from the " Aberdeen Burgh Records : "—
" 1 st February , 14 S 4 r The first dai of Februar , the yer of God mccclxxxiiij , it is ordainit and decretit be the alderman and counsale , that the talyeours and al utheris craftismen within thc town , sal in tyme to cum , beyr thare takynis of tharc craft apon thare beristis , and thare best aray on
Canddilmes day at the Offerand ; and quha that contervinis , and dois nocht , sal tyne thare fredum for a yer . " " 23 rd January , 1496 : The saide day , it was statat and ordainit be the alderman , bailyeis , and consale , for the honor and defenss of the tone , that
everie craftismen within this burghc sale ger mak arte standavt for thar craft . " In 1554 we find it "decernit" that thc smiths have , as before , the post of honour next the Sacrament , " and thc said wrychtis , masouns , cowperis , and sklaiteris to proccid togidder befoir thanie" in
thc approaching procession upon Corpus Christ ! day . " 22 nd November , 1498 : The said day , Mathow Wricht oblist him be his hand uphaldin to mak gude seruice in thc luge and retenche to the bigin and furnysing of the qucyr , at the command and
sicht ofthe alderman , consal , and thc master ofthe kirkwerk , " & c . " Thc said day , Nichol Masone and Dauid Wricht oblist them be the fathis of thar bodiis , the gret aithc sworne , to rcmanc at Saint Nicholes wcrk , " & c .
In 1530 the haul toun maks oath be thair hand uphaldin in jugment , the haly crocc tuichit cuery man be himself to obseruc ancl keip all and sindric the ponts and artikillcs forsaid , " & c . ; " and hereto bund and oblcist thaimbc the ftithis in tliairbodiis , " & c . ; " to underly thc panes containit in thc said
statut , " & c . "And , attour , thc said toun , cucrilk man be himself , fre and unfrc , lies maid faytht , the gret aith suorne in ingement , neur to rcuclc , " & c . After a burgess or gild-brother in the fifteenth century had taken thc oath , " he ought to kiss the provost and thc brethren , if he be a brother of the gild . "
Then , in a charter of King Robert II ,, A . D . 1373 I we read : "The same Holy Gospels by each of them touched , swore their bodily oath , & c , and each raising his hand alter thc manner of faith-giving , in tokcnoftheunivers . il consent of the whole clergy and people , publicly
expressed and declared their consent and assent . " And , lastly , in this week ' s newspaper I read : — " Cutious Will of an old City Worthy . —On New Year ' s Day a sermon is preached by thc rector of theunitcd parishes of St . Magnus ( London-bridge ) , St . Margaret ( New Fish-street ) , and St . Michael ( Crooked-lane ) , in conformity with thc will of Mr .
Henry Cloker , a late member of the Grocer's Company . The will is dated 1573 , and contains some singular clauses , one of which being thatthe Master , the Wardens , and Court of Assistants of the Cooper's Company shall attend Divine service , and a sermon preached on New Year ' s Day in thc afternoon for evetr . " W . P . BUCHAN .
BREAKFAST . — EPPS ' S COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . — The very agreeable character of this preparation has tendered il a general favourite . Thc Civil Service ( in-ette remark--: ~ " B y a thorough knowledge o ( _ thc natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , ancl hy a careful application of thc line properties ofwcllse ' ected cocoa , ' Mr . Kpps ha ; provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Jlavoiired hevcra ^ c which may save us many heavy doctors'bills . " Kacb packet islabelled - J . A . MJ S KITS AND CO ., Homoeopathic Chemist-, , Loudon , Al-.--, maker ., of Epps ' s Cacaoiuc , a very lifjht , thin , evening beverage . —[ Advt . J
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The regular meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday , the 18 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . Clabon , President , in the chair . Bros . J . Nunn , S . V . P ., and James Brett , J . . P ., C . C . Dumas , J . Hervey , Joseph Smith , N . Bradford , T . Coutts , J . Williams , F . Walters , H .
Garrod , J . W . Halsey , C . J . Hogg , R . Wentworth Little , H . G . Buss , W . Mann , S . Rosenthal , S . May , A . Pratt , C . A . Cottebrune , E . Smith , J . Stevens , J . Turner , Hemsworth , ancl several other brethren were also present . The laws of the Benevolent Fund were read , and grants passed at the previous meeting confirmed .
Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., agreeably with noti ce of motion given at last meeting , proposed that a respectful memorial be sent to the M . W . G . M . requesting his sanction to the hour of meeting being changed from seven to six o ' clock p . m ., which being duly seconded was carried nan . con . Fourteen petitions were brought under the
consideration of the meeting , out of which number four were deferred until the next meeting , and ten were relieved , viz ., three ; £ io , five ^ 15 , one , £ 20 , and one £ , subject to some of the larger grants being confirmed at the next meeting . The total amount voted was ^ 165 , a smaller sum than lias been voted for some months past .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
The annual or obli gatory meeting of the Rosicrucians was held at Freemasons' Tavc in , Great Queen-street , on the 12 th inftant . The M . G . Frater Hubbard being unable , through illness , to attend , the M . C . was opened by Frater R . Wentworth Little , S . M ., Past M . G ., assisted by Fratres
J . Brett , D . M . G . ; Dr . Rogers Harrison , Dr . W . 11 . Woodman , J . Hervey , W . Carpenter , J . Weaver . W . F . Hambly , H . C . Levander , the Rev . W . B . ' Church , W . Ferguson , Angelo J . Lewis , George Kenning , W . Bird , J . Coutts , D . R . Still , and M . Edwards .
The minutes having been read and confirmed , the following approved Aspirants were introduced ancl admitted to tlie grade of Zelator : Bros . Major E . Hamilton Finney , E . Hamilton Finney , jun ., Sir Gilbert E . Campbell , Bart ., D . C . M . Gordon , E . H . G . Dalton , T . Burdett Yeoman , lames
Willing , F . H . Gottlieb , f . P ., and G . Chubb . The ceremony was ably worked , with thc usual musical accompaniment by Frater Jas . Weaver . Frater Brett was then installed as M . G ., Dr . Harrison as D . M . G ., the other officers being H . G . Buss , Treas .-Gen . ; Dr . Woodman , Sec-Gen . ;
W . 1 \ N . Quilty , H . C . Levander , W . B . Hambl y , Jas . Weaver , Wm . Carpenter , Rev . AY . B . Church , E . Stanton Jones , Ancients ; A . J . Lewis , Precentor ; W . J . Ferguson , C . of i \ A D . R . Still , T . B . ; T . Cubitt , Org . ; W . Bird , II . ;
Letters of apology for non-attendance from Fratres Hughan , Quilty and several others , including three or four from Aspirants , having been read , thc M . C . was closed , ancl the Fratres then sat down to their annual tYmncr , under the
presidency of R . W . Frater John 1-Iervey , who kindly undertook ihe duties of chairman , in the unavoidable absence of Col Burdett , Hon . V . P , whose health was not sufficientl y restored to allow him to attend .
A more enjoyable evening it has seldom been our good fottune to experience ; the fratres were in excellent spirits , and the chairman acquitted himself to the admiration of all . Fra . Carprrnier made one of his quaint speeches in returning thanks for the Council of Ancients , and
considerable amusement was caused b y the apparition of an approved Aspirant , Bvo . Alfred Smith , somewhat late in the evening , he having been engaged elsewhere . The chairman , however , with great courtesy and good humour not only permitted
Bro . Smith to join the fratres , but afterwards proposed his health in a speech ovcrilowing with wit ancl boii / iomtc , to which compliment Bro . Smith responded in a similarl y happy vein . Altogether , itwa . s a reunion which will long be reinembu ' ed with pleasure .
Ancient And Primitive Rite Of Misraim.
It being in contemplation to form a second sanctuary of the 33 rd degree of this philosophical rite , to be named the " Burdett , " after the highly-respected Regent of the Order , a meeting was held at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand , on the 9 th inst ., for the purpose of enrolling members . S . Bros . R . 0
Wentworth Little , 90 , G . Arch ., and Major E . Hamilton Finney , 90 ° , C . G ., were present , assisted by Bros . J . Brett , J . Boyd , J . L . Thomas , D . C . M . Gordon , 66 ° , Nominate ; D . R . Still , T . Cubitt , J . G . Marsh , E . H . Thiellay , C . Hammerton , C . Parker Ward , M . D ., G . Chubb , E . H . Finney , jun ., T . W . White , and J . Willing , jun ., 33 ° .
The following candidates were received and obligated as Levites of the sanctuary : Bros . Chas . A . Long , Herbert Dicketts , John Kirk , Fred . G . Bailey , Thos . Bull , G . Spencer States , Major Chas . Sendey , Joseph Last , John Batstone , and Geo . Aug . ibbetson .
The sanctuary was then closed , it being understood that a meeting for the election of officers , and further enrolments of brethren , would be shortly convened . As the " Bective " Sanctuary alone already comprises about 100 members , no doubt a third
sanctuary will soon be required , especially as there are hundreds of candidates waiting to take the degree , not only in London , but in various parts of the country . The Conservators-General do not , however , as we are informed , intend to
enrol more than 800 brethren during the present year , and tlie expediency of restricting the Order to a total of 999 has also been discussed , although nothing has as yet been determined upon this point .
Masonic Order Of Mizraim.
Bv MARC BEDARRIUE . INTRODUCTION . Our venerable Order was created by the Almighty in the first ages of the world . In those days our Grand Conservators hardly dared to report the plans and workings of our scientific
institution , or to endow succeeding generations with thc knowledge they acquired ; some because they wanted thc necessary documents and materials , and others because they feared to perjure themselves or tarnish the sublime mysteries which they had witnessed .
They have , however , transmitted , orally and by traditions , written in hieroglyphics , intelli gible only to the initiated , the whole of their knowledge and a complete history of our Order . Thanks , a thouaand thanks , should be rendered to the Eternal who has deigned to
preserve for us this knowledge , from which we have gathered in our long and painful life the materials necessary to complete this work . Sons of P . ancl F . Gad Bedarride descended from the ancient race of the patriarch Beda ,
Grand Master ad vitam of our Order , in the Valley of Ramessis , in the land of Gessen , in Egypt . Elevated in the principles of Mizraim by our dignified and learned father , Grand Master ad vitam .
After having been initiated in our antique ancl sublime Order , I studied for a long time the sacred languages ofthe ancient world , and then travelled with onr victorious armies over the principal part of Egypt and Europe , and afterwards over Great Britain , Palestine , and the
Islands of Greece , countries which were first peopled by the grandchildren of Noah , and afterward by various peoples , his descendants . In these travels I spent twenty-nine years of my life . After having climbed all the rounds which compose the mysterious ladder of our Order
until I arrived at the 90 , or last—after having taken all the Masonic degrees , ar . d made the acquaintance of the most enlightened . Masons of all countries , who inherit tlie great light and profound knowledge of the patriarch .- ; their fathers ; after having excavated in their archives , and after profound meditation , we have com-