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DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE , THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best rernedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation , and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . Extract from "INDIAN ECONOMIST . " " We direct the attention of medical men to a fact obser . ved some years since by ourselves , and corroborated by our subsequent experience , that Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is in many cases of Low Fever immensely superior to Quinine in curative power . We cannot persuade ourselves that the true value of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is yet properly appraised in India . . . . It may be given with absolute safety even to a child three days old . Were medical men but to make a fair and exhaustive trial of it we are persuaded that it would work a revolution in the t reatment of two-thirds of the diseases to which children are subject . Its curative power is simply amazing . " " Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a despatch from her Majesty ' s Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . "—See Lancet , Dec . i . 186 4 . From W . VESALIUS PETTIGREW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S ., England , Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George ' s School of Medicine . " I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-Spasmodic and Sedative . I have tried it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFORO , Passage AVest , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious remed y I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who has suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as opiurn , & c , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From J . E . GOULSTONE , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamshi p Great Eastern . "I can confidently state Chlorodyne is ' an admirable Sedative-and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neural gia , Hysteria , Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a lit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . B . J . BOULTON and Co ., Horncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedaix * e and Ant-Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever organ , and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " J . . BAKER , Esq ., M . D ., Bideford . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne we have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . PAGE WOOD stated that Dr . J . COLLIS BROWN was undoubtedly the Inventor of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the Defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say , had been sworn to . —See " Times , " 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bottles at is . i § d ., 2 s . od ., AS . 6 d ., each . None is genuine without the words " Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER—J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , BLOOMSBURY , LONDON .
Now Ready , No . 8 ( February . ) Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America , 9 s . ( Payable in advance . ) THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Free ?? iaso ? iry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER BEDOLFE , M . D . Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M . Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . BRO . W . BURROUGIIES , A . M ., Calcutta . Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . J OSEPH H . WOODWORTI ' . Bro . [ EMRA HOLMES , 31 ° Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . HUBERT . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . CONTENTS : Monthl y Masonic Summary . Reviews . The Age of Freemasonry and Masonic ITislori- The New Masonic Hall al Philadelphia . ography . On . the Operative ApblicalUm of the JForhing A Masonic Curtain Lecture . Tools of Craft Masonry . Old Warranted Lodges . The Great Celtic Deities still existing in Great A Curious Pamhhlet . Britain . MS . Masonic Constitutions ( or Charge .-: ) No . 5 , Monthl y Odds and Ends . A Point of Masonic History . Poelnj OFFICES : — London , if , *! , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Glasgow , 145 , Argyle- ** trcet ; Printed ami Puhlishcd by Ihe I ' ror . iieli . r , P . ivila .: Oroic ;; : [' ::.. VI . <; , ntln ' s Offices , HI- * , i ' lccl-slrcet , ami 2 , ? , a ml . ( , I inle Jirit .-iin , in ihe fiir o ( L- > n < l < rn , j 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the Oinii ^ y 0 ! Lancaster ; an : l 1 ^ -, Av ^ yic- ^ ln . vt , ' i ';' .:- ^! i \ v . —S AT' -KIM 1- ' , l * j J ; KI \ i . v 21 . | S ; . | .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE , THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best rernedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation , and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . Extract from "INDIAN ECONOMIST . " " We direct the attention of medical men to a fact obser . ved some years since by ourselves , and corroborated by our subsequent experience , that Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is in many cases of Low Fever immensely superior to Quinine in curative power . We cannot persuade ourselves that the true value of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is yet properly appraised in India . . . . It may be given with absolute safety even to a child three days old . Were medical men but to make a fair and exhaustive trial of it we are persuaded that it would work a revolution in the t reatment of two-thirds of the diseases to which children are subject . Its curative power is simply amazing . " " Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a despatch from her Majesty ' s Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . "—See Lancet , Dec . i . 186 4 . From W . VESALIUS PETTIGREW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S ., England , Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George ' s School of Medicine . " I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-Spasmodic and Sedative . I have tried it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFORO , Passage AVest , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious remed y I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who has suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as opiurn , & c , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From J . E . GOULSTONE , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamshi p Great Eastern . "I can confidently state Chlorodyne is ' an admirable Sedative-and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neural gia , Hysteria , Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a lit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . B . J . BOULTON and Co ., Horncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedaix * e and Ant-Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever organ , and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " J . . BAKER , Esq ., M . D ., Bideford . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne we have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . PAGE WOOD stated that Dr . J . COLLIS BROWN was undoubtedly the Inventor of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the Defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say , had been sworn to . —See " Times , " 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bottles at is . i § d ., 2 s . od ., AS . 6 d ., each . None is genuine without the words " Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER—J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , BLOOMSBURY , LONDON .
Now Ready , No . 8 ( February . ) Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America , 9 s . ( Payable in advance . ) THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Free ?? iaso ? iry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER BEDOLFE , M . D . Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M . Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . BRO . W . BURROUGIIES , A . M ., Calcutta . Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . J OSEPH H . WOODWORTI ' . Bro . [ EMRA HOLMES , 31 ° Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . HUBERT . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . CONTENTS : Monthl y Masonic Summary . Reviews . The Age of Freemasonry and Masonic ITislori- The New Masonic Hall al Philadelphia . ography . On . the Operative ApblicalUm of the JForhing A Masonic Curtain Lecture . Tools of Craft Masonry . Old Warranted Lodges . The Great Celtic Deities still existing in Great A Curious Pamhhlet . Britain . MS . Masonic Constitutions ( or Charge .-: ) No . 5 , Monthl y Odds and Ends . A Point of Masonic History . Poelnj OFFICES : — London , if , *! , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Glasgow , 145 , Argyle- ** trcet ; Printed ami Puhlishcd by Ihe I ' ror . iieli . r , P . ivila .: Oroic ;; : [' ::.. VI . <; , ntln ' s Offices , HI- * , i ' lccl-slrcet , ami 2 , ? , a ml . ( , I inle Jirit .-iin , in ihe fiir o ( L- > n < l < rn , j 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the Oinii ^ y 0 ! Lancaster ; an : l 1 ^ -, Av ^ yic- ^ ln . vt , ' i ';' .:- ^! i \ v . —S AT' -KIM 1- ' , l * j J ; KI \ i . v 21 . | S ; . | .